By *enusInFurs OP Couple
over a year ago
Essex/Suffolk border |
The instructions were clear.
They couldn’t be clearer!
Be shaved.
Our room was booked and Venus was to be there for 4. I had given her a parcel to be opened on arrival and I was going to get there for 6.
In the parcel I had packed some Chanel no.5 bath gel, perfume, black lingerie, blindfold and a separate parcel, gift wrapped and a label reading ‘with love, trust me xx’. Oh yes, and a note reminding her to be ready for 6. Sharp.
I arrived to find Venus smelling devine, and sitting on the bed in lingerie and jewellery. ‘Come here you gorgeous woman, but you need to dress as we need to eat’. I couldn’t help kissing her and we ended up on the bed with my tongue exploring her body, through her lingerie, not disturbing it, using my touch and the lace detail to gently stimulate her clit and nipples. This gentle touch was enough. She had clearly enjoyed her bath as I’d hoped. She was sensitive to every movement. She came noisily and to my ears, I was in heaven already.
‘Come on, dress and food’.
Venus threw on a dress and we went down to eat. She was still in the dark as to the plan but I made sure she ate light, a heavy meal would spoil her appetite but a bottle of Pinot between us certainly wouldn’t.
As we headed back up to our room, she threw me against the wall of the lift and begged coquettishly what I was planning. ‘A special treat, just trust me!’
We have met many men and couples recently but few passed the ‘interview’ or what we usually call the social. Few men realise that this is where the decisions are really made. We both had to be comfortable with who sat in front of us and the lack of effort was quite shocking. It made the decent guys stand out more though so we had found some decent people but so often failed to synchronise diaries.
What Venus didn’t know was that I’d been doing my own searching and knowing what she liked and what I needed I’d managed to find Mark. We had met for a drink and though a bit older than either of us, being a pilot he was smart, polite and very confident. Essential to sate anything Venus needed!
So here we were, meeting Mark after he returned from a long haul flight, before he returned to his home. He’d even recommended the hotel close to the airport.
‘Right missy, let’s get you out of these wet clothes’ as I pulled her dress up and threw it on the floor of our room. ‘You look fabulous but one thing is missing. Do you want to put the blindfold on before you open your last present or after?’
‘Errrrrr after’ I shook my head with expectant eyes..... ‘please’. ‘Good girl, ok, here you are’. She sat in her underwear and unwrapped her present. A long pink rope fell out onto her bare legs. ‘ I just hope it’s long enough, now blindfold on please, I want you ready’
‘Ready for what?’ .............. ‘please furs’....... again I shook my head and pulled her blindfold down. ‘Now I’m going to tie you down, you need to trust me as I’m going to get another bottle from the bar. I may take a while to get served so I want your tiny mind to imagine what I could do with you when I get back. You brought your toys I trust’. All the while I was threading the rope under the bed and gently placed the two hoops around each wrist, leaving her on her back with arms outstretched on the bed. She was exposed and looked fantastic, vainly wriggling to protect her modesty.
‘You look fabulous Venus, when I get back I’m going to devour you. I’m going to make you cum and make sure your smile lights up the hotel. Now think about the things we’ve done..... and want to do...... and trust me’. I kissed her lips and left her tied to the bed.
I rushed downstairs as I was 5 minutes late for Mark and I’d heard my phone ping earlier. He wasn’t hard to spot in the bar, in his uniform looking great. We sat and had a quick chat, I reiterated our ground rules but he was decent and it was obvious he got it. He loved that she was tied and waiting, not knowing.... I showed him a picture and told him to come up and make Venus wriggle.
I opened the door to our room and calling in to Venus let her know it was me. ‘Hows that tiny mind of yours? Where are you up to in your imagination?’ ‘You’re about to fuck me you dirty fucker’ she growls desperately. ‘Now now, please mind you language in front of Mark, he’s come a long way to see you. How does she look Mark?’ Venus’ face looked shocked and the roped went taught briefly but I ran my hand up her leg and breathed ‘trust me....’ to relax her. ‘She looks fantastic Furs, I look forward to helping you with her this evening. I’m going to hang my jacket up, I need to keep it smart for afterwards, when I’ll have to fly’. We caught each other’s eye, not knowing what Venus would make of this cheeky exchange, I guessed he’d said similar before. Cheeky sod.
We both undressed and we continued to chat about how fantastic Venus looked, our hands gently touching her skin, not sexually, just brushed and kissing and ever so gentle squeezes. Venus was trying to engage me and Mark in conversation but I kept shhhhhhh-ing her talking. ‘Let us drink you in V, then let us drink from you.
Venus was relaxed by our touches. She trusted me and our constant contact was turning her on and reassuring her nerves so she started to sigh and moan, quietly but perceptively.
‘Oh dear Venus, I’ve not thought this through have I! You’re still clothed and we are naked! Oh well, nothing for it I guess!’ I got some scissors from my bag and cut her bra and knickers off her body, with exaggerated loud snips. She knew what I was doing as I loudly told Mark to please remove her damaged underwear. ‘There Venus, that’s better. We are all naked now, your ropes comfortable on your wrists? Remember, if you want us to stop just say, you know what to say’ as I bit gently on her nipple and gestured to Mark to enjoy her body. She squirmed as we both more overtly explored her. Mark was the perfect gentleman, not grabbing at Venus, but exploring and touching. Rubbing and tracing her curves.
I moved up to kiss her and distract her face, kissing deeply and holding her tight. Mark moved between her legs and moved his fingers closer to her pussy and more forcefully with each pass. I could feel and hear her moans and looked up to see her squirming and reaching up with her pussy. Mark stopped and watched as she searched for his touch with her hips. She managed to plead ‘touch me’ before I kissed her hard to silence her. She almost yelped into my mouth as his fingers found her calves, running up each leg swirling into her inner thighs pausing at her pussy lips. Mark used his hands to part her legs and lowered his tongue to her exposed and opened pussy. He touched her as I lowered to her exposed neck, biting and nibbling on her, holding her face away down to the bed. I whispered to her to relax and enjoy. All I got back was ‘mmmmmmmmm’.
I was able to watch as he tickled her pussy lips with his tongue tip. Then swapping to a broad tongue running up from her arsehole to her clit. She jumped at this change and he held her arse tighter to pull her into his mouth. He filled her open pussy with his lips and tongue, aggressively tongue fucking her and causing her to wriggle and push herself into him. She was gasping and started to swear which is always a good sign. He was varying his speed and technique which allowed her to relax before started hard again, continually changing her reactions.
I gestured for us to swap so he kissed his way up her body as I laid between her legs, finding her pussy so wet and sensitive. I could see him enjoying her tits as I worked on making her cum with my tongue. Mark had done a great job and she almost immediately let out a loud moan and clasped her thighs round my ears. As Mark started to kiss her lips I moved up her body and slid my cock into her gaping pussy. Mark knew he was to wear a condom but had asked to enjoy her pussy after I’d cum. He’d even used the word enjoy rather than fuck. He was a real gentleman which made the whole thing so much more relaxed.
I ground myself into Venus and grasped an arse cheek to pull her onto me. Mark continued to kiss her and I watched them explore each other’s mouths. Venus had stopped pulling against the ropes, accepting her situation and was going with it. As I fucked her, Mark knelt to feed her mouth with his cock. I watched at close quarters as his shaved balls hit her cheek and she took his whole length. She had angled her throat and occasionally gagged, which Mark was controlling with his hand pulling up on her head, gripping her hair into a tight ponytail. He was in charge of her mouth and throat but he was considering her comfort, as i’d described what she liked.
I called to her that I was cumming and filled her pussy with a few thrusts. I was quick to pull out and Mark was already rolling on his condom as we swapped. I fed her my wet cock which she greedily lapped at as he slid himself into her cum filled pussy. He groaned and his face was a picture. She lapped at me as I made her clean me up, forcing her mouth open onto me. I watched Mark fuck her hard. He was using my cum to full effect and was going for it. I had only started to kiss her cummy mouth as I heard him call out that he was cumming. He ground into her and she loudly moaned and came just after. He’d continued to fuck after cumming and made sure she was satisfied.
I continued to feel and touch her sensitive body as she squirmed and moaned on the comedown which follows great orgasms. I kept her body and mind busy with my fingers and mouth as I watched Mark clean himself up and start to get dressed.
Venus and I whispered to each other to reconnect as she calmed and pushed herself into my arms. I slowly released her tethered wrists, kissing her hands and pulling her into my arms, still blindfolded.
Mark was ready and stood at the bottom on the bed. Pristine in his uniform, with his hat on to complete the look. I slowly removed the blindfold and let Venus blink herselfback to normal, readjusting her eyes to the bright light. I knew she could see when she gasped at who was standing there. Mark’s cue to walk round to kiss her goodbye and leave. I shook his hand and said I’d be in touch. Venus just stared and kept looking back to me with a grin. The door shut behind him and left us both naked sat in each other’s arms. Kissing and smiling at each other. |