By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
A bit of a long chapter!
If i'm being too descriptive please let me know, constructive critisicm welcome!
After a little while of sitting contemplating what could happen tonight I heard the key in the door, as soon as I heard it the realisation of what was happening came rushing to me and I started to doubt it all, the few seconds it took for them to enter the room seemed like minutes and I doubted every choice I'd made. Did i really want this? Did Brian want this? Would he feel different afterwards? would I?
I'd only had sex with one other man (boy, we were both 18) before Brian so I was new to the games before hand, the flirting, the anticipation, the first touch. Would I recognise the signs and now what to do.
All of those doubts disappeared when Brian walked into the lounge, a big smile on his face when he said, with a wink, "I've brought Jon home for a nightcap darling, hope you don't mind" He looked so calm and in control and that set me at ease...and then Jon entered behind him. 6' tall, a golfers body, strong looking arms, which I adored in Brian in our younger day but not overly built, a mop of hair but well kept and smooth facial features, not the alpha type but with confidence he gave me a big smile, introduced himself and apologised for gate crashing. I told him he was more than welcome and I wasn't doing anything to disturb, I'd just been reading and watching TV. We both knew that was a lie but it added to the moment.
He removed his shoes and I told him to take a seat on the sofa and I'd get us all a drink. I went to the kitchen and took out 2 bottles of lager and my wine, I had a feeling I might need the whole bottle! Brian followed me in and asked me "what do you think, handsome lad isn't he?" He was and he seemed very nice, an air of mature beyond his years. Brian told me I was right, he was no 20 something lad culture guy, all the members (mostly the ladies) really liked him and he was very popular around the club. I asked Brian if he was sure about this and told him the doubts he felt and Brian assured me that he was 100% OK and actually a little excited for me himself but just to see what happens, if it doesn't feel right then it wont happen, or maybe it will but it doesn't have to be tonight. Just go with the flow.
I grabbed our drinks and Brian grabbed the bowls of crisps and nuts and we made our way back into the lounge where Jon was sat on the sofa with a nervous look in his eyes but I caught him eyeing my open gown!
We sat, me on the sofa with Jon and Brian in his usual spot on the recliner. I handed Jon his bottle and on taking it his fingers brushed mine and I felt a rush I hadn't in some years and I'm certain I blushed! We chatted for a while, the boys about football, golf, the club. Jon and I chatted about his job and family, he told me about being single for some time after he found out his previous girlfriend was carrying on behind his back with a work colleague. He'd moved out and got an apartment on his own and was quite enjoying the single life. We all chatted like old friends, no awkward silences or nerves at all. Jon excused himself and asked if he could use the toilet, I pointed him towards the downstairs loo off the kitchen.
Brian asked my thoughts on how it was going, i said it seemed great and comfortable but was he interested? Brian said "are you mad, everytime you look away he's looking at what's happening under that robe!" I hadn't noticed but I did pull it back a touch to make his glances a little easier and more eye catching. Brian chuckled and called me a tease, "you're going to have that poor lad squirming". I heard the toilet flush and the tap run ( good sign!) and Brian lept into action, he came over to me and gave me a kiss (and snuck a little squeeze of my boob) and went into the kitchen to get another bottle for them both. Jon entered the room first holding the drinks and sat back down next to me. "Brian's just gone to the toilet" he said. We chatted a little more as Jon nervously played with his shirt, he didn't seem as comfortable when we were alone. I gave him a playful slap on the wrist and a motherly telling off for messing with his clothes, "you'll ruin that nice shirt twisting it like that!" Just to initiate some contact and lighten the mood. He smiled anf laughed a little and thanked me for having him over, complimented me on the house and said it was nice to have some company after being out and not going back to his empty flat. "The night is young" i told him with a playful smile, he went a bit flush, i think the reality hit him at that point as it had to me earlier on!
Brian entered again and sat down, picked up his bottle and took a drink and thumbed through a magazine casually as Jon and I chatted about his flat and other minor issues for about 10 minutes.
Brian let out a yawn and declared that he was going to get a slice of toast and call it a night as he had an early start tomorrow for brunch with his sister who lived 20 miles away or so. Jon picked up his drink as if to finish it and leave with Brian's not so subtle hint and Brian picked up on this quickly, "do you want another drink Jon? No need to rush off, stay for another and keep Sue company for a while, she loves to play host don't you darling?" Jon looked happy with this and accepted. I stood up to get it and put in Brian's toast. Brian came in after me and said that he thought we'd both be more comfortable if it was just the two of us, i said he was probably right and gave him kiss and thanked him. Brian grabbed his toast and went back into the lounge.
Brian announced he was taking his toast up to bed, said his farewells to Jon, gave me a kiss and said "Don't keep this young lad up all night darling!" And then to Jon "Jon, if she chews your ear off and it gets too late you're welcome to stay over mate" and with that he was gone.
Now it was just Jon and I alone. My stomach again churned with nervous anticipation but I felt another twitch between my legs and my nipples harden, was this actually going to happen?