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Website developments (long)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Anna was a friend of my wife's who needed help sorting out her website. I agreed to meet her to discuss exactly what she needed one Tuesday night. We'd met a couple of times before at different events with different friends & she seemed to me to be a bit of a handful when she'd had a drink. No wonder people said she had trouble keeping a boyfriend for long I thought. Too highly strung.

She opened the door & I was greeted by her looking very different to how I'd seen her previously. Her long blonde hair hanging down naturally, wearing not a lot of makeup but looked

very pretty all the same.

She was dressed in what I could only describe as a bit of a dressy outfit for somebody expecting to meet a website developer - a husband of a friend no less but I dismissed it as one of those things.

A black satin blouse, red satin miniskirt & as far as I could tell, sheer glossy tights or stockings & heels. It all seemed a bit much for slouching around at home in at first glance.

We had a coffee & everything she wanted for her website seemed pretty straightforward - all she really needed was to add descriptions of the products she was selling so search engines could find them. She asked if we could start on the hosiery section. Fine by me I said & off I went typing descriptions for the various categories & she proofread them as I went.

"Wow", she said. "Where on Earth did you learn so much about stockings & tights? I would never have expected a bloke to know so much about them! Like where you've talked about different deniers & how they feel. How would you know?".

"Living with a woman for so long you pick things up I suppose", I said. She seemed satisfied with that answer.

Over the course of the next hour or so we covered shoes & underwear.. and something new to me - pasties & other nipple decorations. A lot of her customers were dancers in clubs & these are apparently some of the tools of their trade. Who'd have thought that those things women can stick on their nipples are called pasties eh!

The next section we dealt with was the bondage gear. Throwing myself into the task I again demonstrated more knowledge than the average person & it was a dead giveaway.

She came straight out with the question. "Have you ever tied anybody up?"

"What, like for kinky stuff?", I asked.. "Er.. maybe.. once or twice. Or more. Why do you ask?"

"It's just... ", she started.. "when I first started this online shop I thought it'd be a good idea to at least try the stuff I'm selling & I found out I quite like a lot of it. A LOT. But I've never been able to trust anyone enough so did it on my own".

"Go on"..

"Did anyone ever tell you about the time I broke my nose? I told everybody a gust of wind blew my bin lid into my face when I was putting some rubbish out, but it was really something else that happened."

"Oh? I remember that & wondering if it was for real."

"Yeah, when I started trying some of the gear I got kind of into it all. I got myself stuck & in my panic to get free I fell & planted my face first on the kitchen floor. Broke my nose"

"Shit. That must've hurt." I said.

"It did! But I managed to get free & get myself to hospital"

"Jesus. You were lucky. I bet you learned to be careful after that!"

"Definitely, but it's taken the edge off & I don't feel safe taking it as far as I want it to go anymore. Would ... you try it with me?"

I paused. I didn't know what to say. Here was a stunningly attractive younger woman asking me to help get her kinks.

"Can't you meet someone online?" I asked.

"I've tried, believe me I have. But it seems it's either people who want to go too far too fast & don't listen to what I want, or they're just dreaming & never follow through with anything. I know we don't really know each other very well but nobody I know has ever said anything bad about you".

"And have you considered what my wife might have to say about this little arrangement?".

"Erm. This is embarrassing. I've already asked her & she said ask him yourself".


"Sorry. She's told me all about how you used to tie her up & how she lost interest in it all. I think she actually wanted it to go further but.."

"Hold on just a minute! You're telling me that my wife stopped our kinky fun because she wanted to go further? I was holding back cos I didn't want to freak her out! For fuck's sakes Anna this is big news. And just a bit.. weird, you know. I thought our sex life was pretty much over. Making a deal with Sarah to get permission for me to come & play with you? This is mad!"

Silence descended on the room as I contemplated phoning my wife. No, I thought it best to follow up that particular thread when I got home.

"Okay", I finally said. "Assuming everyone is alright with this, how far can you see yourself wanting to go? I mean have you thought about limits, things you definitely wouldn't want to happen?"

"Actually I have. Basically, nothing that leaves lasting marks & no unprotected penetration" she answered.

I looked at her for a moment as we sat together, her thick long false eyelashes giving away her slight nervousness at telling me all these revelations. Her absolutely gorgeous legs, wrapped in sheer black nylon & crossed, one foot playfully dangling a shoe. I imagined her sitting there on the same couch with her hands tightly tied behind her back, rope wrapping her legs above the knee & just above her ankles, and wearing a shiny red ballgag. My cock stirred & I almost had to cross my own legs to hide it.

"Penetration. Like toying & fucking? I don't know. What do you think *I* might get out of this?", I said.

"I just thought.. you know.. you might like to .. "

"What, to tie, tease & ultimately *fuck* you? And Sarah would be alright with this would she?"

"Maybe", she answered.

"For me it's about a bit more than that. I've never admitted it but I was always looking for a favour in return"

"What kind of favour?", she asked.

"That they agree to do the same back", I said.

"What - you're into being tied up too?"

I laughed. "Duh! Yes. And a bit more besides".

"Tell me!", she said excitedly

"Well. I've been into bondage stuff since my teens & like you I got into it by trying it on myself. I had some near misses along the way as well but it all got so samey & it just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Then Sarah came into my life & it turned out she was the one who wanted to be tied - which was great but I wasn't getting what I wanted too. Since Sarah stopped wanting to play I've made do with watching videos. All a bit sad really. So tell me. Is there anything else you think I should know about?"

"I've got a thing about tights", she said.

"What do you mean, a 'thing'?", I asked.

"A fetish. I get turned on by seeing them on people, by feeling them & by wearing them", she told me.

"A woman with a fetish for tights? I mean I've heard of such a thing but never dreamed I'd ever meet one."

"Yes well. I wear tights whenever I can. Always sheers, doesn't matter what colour. With nothing on underneath", she said

"So how come I've never noticed you wearing them when you're out on the town?".

"It's just not the done thing. You're expected to go bare legged all the time, or wear black leggings or jeans. My girlfriends would tear me to bits if I wore hose on a night out! That & all the blokes I meet say they're turned off by them. I can't seem to catch a break". Well that explained the boyfriend situation.

"Here we are, barely knowing each other & it turns out we've got so much in common. AND you've technically got my Sarah's blessing? You just couldn't make this up!"

"Eh?", she said. "What do you mean so much in common? Have you got a tights fetish as well?".

"You could say that", I replied. "Except it goes a bit further. I don't just like looking at them either."

"Meaning?", she asked.

"Going out wearing them. Not under anything. On show"

"What, like JUST tights? You'll get arrested." she said.

I laughed. "No. Properly. I'm a transvestite" I admitted.

"Really. What size shoe are you?" she asked.

"6 or 7, depending" I told her.

"Fuck off! Really? That's the same as me! And Sarah come to think .. ". She continued.. ' PLEASE let me give you a makeover. Pretty please. Then maybe you could tie me up - and maybe I could...".

Anna explained that she used to be a dancer in a strip club & she had an impressive shoe collection and a variety of different wigs & outfits.

"Seriously? I dunno. Not tonight though. I've not shaved my legs or anything for ages. Plus I need to think about all this & discuss it all with Sarah. And there's that bombshell you just dropped."

"Fine. In a few days then maybe?".

I said I'd give it some thought & that I had to discuss what I'd been told - and all of this - with Sarah. Ha! A gorgeous younger woman with an extensive collection of shoes & sexy gear offers to give me a makeover and all kinds of kinky who knows what - with my wife's blessing and I have to think about it? Am I mad?!

Part 2.

Back home the elephant in the room was Anna's revelation that my wife had lost interest in sex & kink because it didn't go far enough - when I'd actually been holding back. Communication, they always say, is key to everything working well. They're not fucking kidding.

I finally managed to bring up Anna's conversation the next day. Sarah was light on details about the kind of thing she'd wanted to do except that it was more involved & that she'd been scared of it running away with itself & taking over our sex life. This was why we'd previously had boundaries about my transvestism - we'd had sex before when I was all dressed up & it was absolutely mind-blowing - but she didn't want it to become necessary so banned it in the bedroom. I could understand that. Sometimes you don't want to have to wait for somebody to get ready - just come on & fuck me now kinda thing, am I right?

I even broached the subject of my bondage need too, which I was relieved to discover she was interested in hearing about. Fuck, why didn't I open up sooner?

On the subject of Anna, I said I was still thinking about it & that I wasn't sure it'd be right to go ahead even if Sarah gave us her blessing.

"Actually", my wife said, "there's something else"

Oh here we go..

"Last time I went out with the girls I ended up staying at Anna's Do you remember me saying? She'd run out of money & was in a right state so I paid for a taxi & looked after her"

"Yeah. You went out for a night & didn't come back til 7 the next night. Thanks for that. What happened?"

"Well. We sort of slept together"

Sort of slept together. One of the most annoying euphemisms I've ever heard. On the face of it, it's innocent. You slept next to somebody. But that's never what somebody means when they tell you.

"We'd both had a lot to drink", she said, almost as if that made it inevitable, "and one thing led to another. Before we knew it we were both lying on her couch snogging then we went upstairs. But here's the thing. Anna put tights on *before* getting into bed. With no knickers on. She asked me to try doing the same & I liked how it felt. A lot actually".

"Really? Did you.. fuck?", I demanded

"Not as such, but we did fool around, with our legs wrapped around each other's & snog a lot. We pulled the waistbands over our tits & fondled each other's boobs as well. And played with each other's clits through the nylon". My cock immediately woke up at the thought of this heavenly vision.

So we have Anna, who has a thing for tights but who conforms to the bare-legged norm of her peers for fear of being judged by other women... and then we have my wife, who wears tights for a night out to try to stave off the cold of a Whitley Bay evening, not giving a fuck what the 'it girls' think. One with a fetish, the other without - until now? both together in the same bed, entwined & enjoying each other's feminine sex. Now there's a dichotomy if ever there was one.

I took deep breaths, my head rested on the palm of my hand, not looking at my wife. Hell. All this, and I had no idea. I wanted to be furious at the deception but bearing in mind the thought of it all actually made me really horny.. how could I be mad?

"So?", she asked. "Are you pissed off at me?"

"I'm pretty gutted about everything actually. You wanted things to go further but I was holding back, then finding this out from ANNA - who it turns out you've had a lesbian tryst with behind my back. And you were both wearing tights, which it turns out Anna has a thing about, the same as m.. ". I stopped myself mid sentence.

"The same as you?", she said.. "My turn to say why didn't you tell me?"

"I assumed you knew. You know, how all my tranny outfits are based around showing a lot of leg. I don't own a single pair of opaques, leggings or girly jeans. Was that not a clue?", I asked.

"Now you say that.. yeah it all fits"

"How long have we been married? These things have been staring us in the face. If only they'd been in the open. If we'd talked about things more..."

"True. It's not too late though", said Sarah

"Maybe. It's a lot to take in", I said.

"Well, how about you go & see Anna. I want you both to send me pictures. I'm not asking by the way. If you want to stay with me, show me your commitment to making me happy. Go & see her."

"Wait. WHAT?!"

"You heard what I said. Go see her, explore things that you didn't dare to with me. Or you can move out at the end of the month".

"Look, I thought it was all a bit weird how Anna asked , then said she'd asked YOU for your blessing to ask me - now this? This is all seriously fucked up. But at the same time I'll admit it's pushing all my buttons."

"I know", she said. "Call her. I'm going in the bath. Let me know what you arrange"

I've never really been one for drinking at home but I needed a good 3 shots of Jack Daniels. I sat at our kitchen table, my head reeling from everything. I got my phone out of my back pocket & put it on the table next to my half full glass of JD. I unlocked the screen, scrolled to Anna in my phonebook & stared at it. Was Sarah's ultimatum real? Was any of this real?. I gulped down another mouthfull of JD & pressed the call button.

"Hi Anna. How's things - not got into any scrapes since we last spoke? Yes I'm fine. Well sort of. Look I've thought about what we talked about & I'd like to come & see you."

"Oh that's brilliant!, said Anna, immediately perking up. "Do me a favour though & make sure you're smooth all over when you get here. Is tomorrow morning any good?"

"Yeah. About 10 in the morning ok? Great. See you then.". She hung up.

"Good boy", my wife said. Shit - I thought she said she was going in the bath.. "and well done for taking some positive action for a change. I was just fucking with you about chucking you out but I think it really had you going didn't it?"

"You wicked little... I fucking love you, you know, you dirty fucking bitch", I said as I stood up & embraced her. We kissed & she let the open dressing gown slide from her shoulders.

"I know. I'm awful", she said.. "but isn't this all just a massive turnon?". I was rock hard & so were her nipples. I slid my hand down to her cunt as we stood snogging in the kitchen. She was absolutely soaking wet. I slid a finger inside her & she grabbed my cock & started wanking me. We moved into the lounge snogging as we went, she still gripping my cock & I still had a finger inside her. She lay on the couch. I slid another finger inside her & started rubbing her clit with my thumb. She bit my lip gently & I slowed down. We stared into one another's eyes & saw such lust we'd not seen since our first year together. Back then we used to send each other letters filled with sexual fantasies. Fantasies which I was sometimes sad never quite saw the light of day. Nothing like we were talking about embarking on now though.

"She's ready for you now", Sarah said.

By the wetness on my hand I already knew 'she' - her cunt - was ready for me. I pressed her legs further apart & got between them then guided my cock to her & pushed. I glided inside & she gasped. My cock pulsed harder. I hadn't been this hard for ages & it hurt a little. I hadn't been inside her for ages either & I'd almost forgotten how it felt when she was this wet & I touched her inside as far as I could possibly go. I held there for a moment & pulled back. I thrust forward again & hit the spot again. Sarah groaned.

I put my hands against hers, we intertwined our fingers & I gently began to speed up my thrusting. Her cunt got even wetter & I got harder still. My cock felt like it was going to burst. God, I'd missed this. I felt the head of my cock hitting her g spot time & again. I pushed harder & Sarah groaned louder. I remembered something she liked & I moved one of her hands so I could hold both with one hand & put my other hand across her mouth to muffle her moaning. Her breathing intensified, her cunt widened & she was even more lubricated than before. I sped up & pushed as hard as I could until finally I came inside her. She shuddered & screamed as I felt her clench & spasm around my cock. I twitched & felt like I came again. Fucking hell, you sexy bitch! I've missed this SO much. I moved my hands & she sighed. I was still hard so I started to fuck her again. Her body convulsed & she clenched her cunt around my cock again. She lay quivering & gasping. I pulled out of her & lay down beside her.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted this to happen again" she said.

I agreed.

"Anyway. I thought you were going in the bath", I said.

"I still am. I definitely need to now with all your cum sliding out of me", said Sarah. "How about you join me & I help get you all smooth for tomorrow".

"Fuck yeah!".

I felt almost dizzy. Going from almost no married sex life to an intense livingroom fuck in broad daylight - with the curtains open I might add - and arranging to have kinked times with somebody my wife had once had a lesbian experience with recently - with her blessing.. was - actually beyond all of my fantasies combined.

The bath was ready for us. Sarah got in first while I started removing the longer hairs on my body with a battery powered hair trimmer. I fitted a fresh blade to my razor & got in the bath with my newly rediscovered lover. We kissed & caressed our soapy bodies in the hot water. She spread shaving gel on each leg in turn & shaved them. Then under my arms, then my chest. She got me to stand then smoothed gel around my balls, worked it into a foam & carefully shaved my cock until it was completely smooth. The foam tingled slightly, but not unpleasantly. "Turn around", she said then shaved my bum & crack. The tingling there was more intense but again not unpleasant at all.

I sat down in the water again & she said.. "actually, we should take a shower now I think". Definitely a good idea.

In the hot shower we got each other all soapy again. We embraced & I felt her tits squeezed against my chest, slipping around with all the foamy suds & hot water. We kissed slowly & deeply then once again she was wet & I was rock hard. We fucked again, standing in the shower together like a couple on our first holiday.

We emerged from the shower & dried ourselves off. I lay on the bed & she put on her silky bathrobe again, leaving a view of her breasts whose beauty I'd frankly forgotten. No longer as perky as when we'd first met but beautiful all the same. She reached into one of her bedside drawers & brought out a set of toe separators & a bottle of nail varnish. "Are you going to do your nails now?" I asked. "No, I'm going to do yours" she said.

"Oh if you must!", I said sarcastically. The dark red varnish felt cold on my toenails. She painted the last one & told me to lie still for a few minutes til they dried. Then she pushed my legs apart, brushed her wet hair over behind her shoulders & lay between my legs, She guided herself to my now totally smooth cock & started licking it. It felt heavenly & her tongue touching my skin there made me painfully hard again. She held the shaft with one hand and ran her tongue back & forth across the head. I tensed & curled my toes. When I opened my eyes I saw my newly painted nails. They looked very feminine, and expertly painted. Looking down I saw my smooth cock properly for the first time & noticed how much bigger it looked than before. This could be a regular thing, this shaving lark I thought. I stopped sarah from going down on me.. I felt utterly spent already & her mouth around my cock felt too intense for me to bear. "Thanks but I can't handle any more just yet".

Sarah lay down beside me & we talked about how I discovered my tights fetish. I told her how a friend of my sister had stayed over one night in my room when I was away on a college trip - and unbeknown to her (as far as I know) had left a pair of tights behind, which I found under my pillow. Intrigued, I turned my bedside lamp on & examined them. Shocking pink (cerise actually, this being the 1980s), sheer, very silky to the touch... and very slightly perfume scented. I held them up to my face & inhaled, examining the scent of different parts. So the legs smelled slightly of white musk, but.... dare I sniff the part close to... there? I dared. Oh. My God it was intoxicating. I tried to imagine what she would've looked like wearing such a bold colour, and wondered what she'd worn them with. She was very pretty & I'd even had my first wet dreams about her. I was a horny 16 year old who'd never even so much as kissed a girl back then. I wonder.. I began to put them on, trying not to damage them. I stood on my bed & straightened out the tights, making them cover me more evenly. They were quite shiny & very silky to my touch. And they moved with my legs but not all as one.

They seemed to caress my skin at the same time. This was all very new to me & very exciting. Shit.. I'd better make sure nobody can just walk in here.. so I moved my desk chair in front of the bedroom door to delay any unexpected visitor. I passed the full length mirror on my wardrobe & caught myself standing there, absolutely naked save the sheer, glossy pink nylon covering my lower half. I was hard & couldn't help but notice my cock, stretching the tights at the front. I lay on my bed, face down on the satiny duvet, legs apart, thrusting against the smooth fabric, sliding sensually as I dry fucked the bed. I came in a shuddering climax, soaking the tights in cum which collected on the outside. I hastily took them off, stuffed them under my bed inside a box & went to sleep. That pair of tights saw me through many late night wanks but eventually got laddered & too ragged to be worn anymore, so one day got sneaked into a bin never to be seen again. How I eventually regretted that move. I needed more tights but didn't have the nerve to buy them from any shop. It'd be ages before I found my next pair..

Back to our bedroom - we decided to order a takeaway, have a bottle of wine & watch a film together downstairs. Lying on the same couch exactly like we hadn't done for years. We fell asleep there, woke & went to bed together before falling asleep again in each others arms.

I woke first & I had the most incredible morning wood. I started kissing Sarah's tits & gently sucking her nipples, then giving them a little nibble. Hmmmmm she groaned. She woke & I tried getting more frisky but she told me to save myself for Anna & the pictures she wanted to see. She'd had all she needed for a while already last night.

Part 3

I arrived at Anna's front door bang on time. She answered the door, wearing a very elegant but tiny dress and that lovely sheer, slightly shiny black nylon again.

We had a quick cuppa & a natter then she said "Get yourself upstairs to the spare room. I've set some stuff out on the bed for you to put on while I get ready".

I could barely believe what I was doing when I got there. I looked on the bed & saw a little black dress, black longish wig with red highlights and 2 pairs of sheer black glossy tights, still in an unopened packet.

I put my bag on the floor, got out my breast forms & bra. Wait a minute I've forgotten my knickers... bugger.

I called out .. "Anna!"..

"Everything ok in there?" she asked.

"Oh nevermind". I guessed I was just going to have to go knicker-less. I put on my black bra & put the breast forms inside it. Then I tried the dress on. It was very short, but it fitted well otherwise.

The door opened. "Oh, you're not ready yet? Ah. Let me help you get those tights on", Anna said

"Hey I'm quite alright putting them on myse.. Oh", I said. This had been her idea all along.

Anna told me to sit on the edge of the bed & opened the packet. She carefully removed the inner bag, opened it & gently pulled out a pair of silky black sheer shiny tights. She gathered one leg up onto her hand then kneeled in front of me.

"lift your left foot", she told me. Then she started pulling the hose onto my foot, then my leg up to my knee, smoothing it as she went. I was already very aroused & hoped she wouldn't notice. She didn't react but I saw that she'd looked at my engorged cock.

One leg in up to my left knee, she gathered up the other leg of the tights in her hands & started sliding it onto my other leg.

"stand up", she said. I stood, as far away from her as I could so wouldn't feel my hardon. She closed the gap quite deliberately so she would feel it. Steady there mate.. steady.

She pulled & stretched the tights up over the rest of my legs towards my waist. She lifted the hem of the dress I was wearing & pulled the waistband into place.

"There. Does that feel nice?" she asked as she cupped my bum in her hands & rubbed my nylon covered buttocks gently.

I could've exploded there & then. Nice? Nice doesn't even begin to cut it. She put a hand up the front of my dress & gently patted my cock & stroked it.

She stood up again & said "Let's get you some shoes then. Something nice & slutty looking to go with that outfit I think. Bring the wig".

She opened the walk-in wardrobe in her bedroom revealing her collection of footwear. It ranged from heels to boots both short & long in different colours & styles. Some looked impossibly high or just impractical. My gaze fixed on a pair of shiny red shoes with heels so extreme it looked like you'd have to stand on your tiptoes in them. "they're my ballet shoes for very special nights. They'd be too much for you it took me a while before I could stand up in them nevermind walk". Ah.

She found me a pair of black strappy platform sandals. The straps were black & shiny. The platforms were clear plastic about 2 inches high & the heel looked about 4 inches. Anna had me sit in a chair in front of her & she kneeled on the floor in front of me.

She lifted my left foot & held it in both hands. "Well. just look at those pretty painted toes" she said as she started to caress the ball of my foot. She lowered her head to my toes and kissed them before giving them a lick. I shivered at this new sensation.

Anna placed the shoe on my foot & did up the ankle strap. She got the other shoe & repeated everything for my other foot. This woman seemed to be full of surprises & I liked it.

She asked me to stand & if I was ok walking in the shoes. I tested them out & almost came a cropper. "You have to lift your feet more with platforms on" she suggested. She knew what she was talking about. After I'd had a quick practice sashaying round the room she told me to sit at her dressing table with my back facing the mirror.

She brought out her makeup bags & applied a line of glue to a pair of false eyelashes. They were quite long & thick looking. She blew on the adhesive & let them sit for a minute. "Your lashes are quite long for a bloke but these will help" she told me before applying one to each of my eyelids. Her face was so close to mine & I noticed that even this close her own makeup looked absolutely flawless. Her own lashes augmented with falsies & just a hint of eyeshadow with a perfect swipe of eyeliner & mascara which made me gaze into the pools of her green eyes. I sighed & slowly breathed in. I could smell her perfume & its sweetness reminded me of the scent I detected on that first pair of tights I found in my room as a teenager.

Then Anna drew lines of concealer on my face & using a wide brush applied a heady smelling foundation over my skin. A soft fluffy brush was loaded with powder, she tapped off the excess & brushed it across my face. It all felt amazing. "I've not had anybody do this for years", I said. "I hadn't realised how much I've missed it".

"It's a nice treat isn't it?" Anna said.

Then she reached for a pallette of eyeshadow, loaded a small flat brush & got to work on my eyelids with a very dark shade. I could feel her breath on my face. My lips parted & I sorely wanted to kiss her. She pulled away & said "liner next".

She picked up a smaller brush with an angled tip, opened a small pot of gel eyeliner, put some on the brush then, with one palm on my cheek steadying her other hand drew a precise line. She thickened the line, sweeping it to the edge of my eye socket. She did the same on the other side.

Next came blusher in a daring shade of pink. Again I felt her close to my face, the brush strokes making me tingle all over.

She put the brushes away after cleaning them & brought out a wand of black mascara. She told me to look up or down according to where she was brushing it on. Then she put the wand back in its container.

Lip liner came next. She drew a slightly exaggerated outline around my open lipped mouth. "Nearly there" Anna said. She wasn't wrong. I very nearly was there. My cock was aching the way I'd tucked it down under the crotch of my tights.

The lipstick Anna chose was a very hot red very much like the one I wore for sexy times with my wife. Couture Red said the label. She drew it across my lips then applied a clear coat of gloss.

She stood up, picked up the wig she'd chosen for me & brushed it through before placing it on my head. She adjusted it & carefully brushed it again before standing back to admire her work. She reached for her phone & took two photos. She showed me the screen. Fucking hell I looked gorgeous! I turned around & saw myself properly in the mirror. I was well practised at doing my own makeup but this was something else. My cock stirred again. Anna's iPhone pinged loudly in the background. "Sarah approves" she said.

Anna took my hand & led me across the room in front of her full length mirrored wardrobe doors. We stood there face to face, holding hands in front of the mirrored wall. I was captivated. It looked as if Anna was standing with another woman & that other woman was me.

She placed my arms around her & we hugged. I could smell her perfume even stronger here & felt her breath on my neck. We held each other & her hands wandered to my arse, cupping my cheeks through the sheer nylon which she kneaded slowly. Our eyes locked, our mouths parted & our tongues touched tentatively for the first time.

She whispered in my ear. "Would you like to tie me up now?"

Can't I just cum now? I thought.. it wouldn't have taken much to make me ruin those tights by that point I was so highly charged.

Holy fucking moly.

She walked to a drawer & the some things onto the bed. 4 leather cuffs, white cotton ropes, a blindfold & a black ballgag.

I picked up a leather cuff & placed it around her willing wrist. I tightened the strap & buckled it, leaving a gap to allow for comfort for when things hotted up. I did the same with her other wrist then picked up the remaining two cuffs & sat them on the floor by her feet. I placed one on each ankle & did up the straps a little more tightly than her wrists. Then I caressed her legs, savouring the smoothness of the nylon covering them. My hands went higher, stopping on the inside of her slender thighs. She shivered & sighed. I heard her whisper "Fucking. Hell".

I had her lie on the bed on her back. I examined the ropes & separated four equal lengths. I tied each in a loop around the outside of each bedpost. I sat astride her & passed rope through the ring on each cuff in turn, tying her spread eagled to the bed. I left a little slack in the ropes. I then picked up the blindfold & fastened it around her head.

"Happy?", I asked.

"Yes" she replied.

"If you want me to stop or you want out say Red. If you want me to slow down or pause say yellow. Got it?"

"Yes. Yellow to slow down & red to stop." came her reply.

"Good. And if you're gagged & you want to stop, five grunts. Like uh uh uh uh uh. Okay? Let me hear you". She complied. "For ANY reason. I'll be taking things slowly at first but let's be careful".

I got off the bed & stared at the sight before me. Tying her legs apart had made her dress ride up to her waist. I saw her in all her feminine glory naked from the waist down except for the sheer black tights. The tights had only a seam at the crotch & I saw her pussy clearly glistening. Not completely hairless but a well defined Brazilian.

I went to the spare room & got my phone from my jeans pocket. I stood at the door of Anna's bedroom in full view of her tied to the bed & took a picture. Then I stepped closer & took another. I put the phone on the bed & snapped a pic of the view between Anna's legs. I opened messenger & sent it to my wife. I took a selfie from the same aspect & sent it too.

My phone pinged almost immediately. I opened the message & read the text. It said "I'm wet". Then a picture of her fingering herself.

I put my phone down on the bed & slid next to Anna. She was breathing deeply. I stroked her inner thigh again. She sighed & strained the ropes that made her so vulnerable.

My hands played all over her body. I licked her neck & squeezed her tits through her dress. She wasn't wearing a bra & her nipples were erect, stretching the dress into points . I tweaked them, gently at first as our tongues intertwined then harder. I twisted them between my fingers & she drew a sharp intake of breath. I paused & waited to see if she wanted to carry on. She arched her back as much as her bonds would allow, lifting her backside from the bed, as if to offer her pussy & clit to me. "Good girl", I whispered into her ear.

I moved down the bed, on all fours between her legs. I licked the nylon across her lips & clit. She moaned gently & writhed as my tongue played with her. I felt her thighs brush against my cheeks as she bucked slowly up & down then ran my finger back & forth from her backside to the soaking wet patch of nylon. She moaned louder & struggled a little more.

"There's some toys in the second drawer down if you want to…", she said..

I was intrigued. Toys indeed. I was enjoying the power she'd entrusted me with. I reached into the front of my tights & let my cock stand proud before smoothing the nylon down over it again. I rubbed myself & very nearly came. No. Save that I thought.

In the drawer I found a variety of toys as promised. Dildos, cock shaped & some with interesting looking protrusions. But what really caught my eye was a little shiny silver thing much smaller than the others. I switched it on & it buzzed violently in my hand. Perfect, I thought.

I picked up the ballgag & got on the bed with Anna again. I kissed her, stroked between her legs with one hand. I stopped suddenly & Anna lay there with her mouth wide open. I slid the ball between into it between her teeth and fastened the strap behind her head.

"Ahhhhh" she groaned. I kissed her neck, then gently bit each nipple before moving down again to her legs. I licked her feet, her calves & her thighs before advancing on her pussy again. With a twist between my fingers I switched the little silver bullet on. I played it across her clit. Louder groans came from her gag & she struggled against her bonds.. ahhhh. Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Shit. How many was that? I paused & she arched herself again, encouraging me to go on.

I put a hand inside her tights & fingered her as I played the bullet a across her clit again. Her groaning became more high pitched & louder. I looked up & saw saliva drooling from one corner of her mouth. I carried on stimulating her pussy & licked the drool from her mouth.

I stopped again. "Hrrrrrr?" She said into her gag. Ssssh, I told her.

I stretched her tights where they covered her pussy & tore a hole then smoothed them back into place. Her lips poked through just nicely. I held the bullet hard against her clit & fingered her deeply. I took another picture . This time of Anna's ballgagged mouth, then another of the hole in her tights. I clicked SEND & put my phone back down before resuming.

To be continued...

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By *ozzMan
over a year ago


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By *oanne38TV/TS
over a year ago


Brilliant story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is getting good

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I got up & searched through Anna's other drawers. I found a pair of stockings & took them back to the bed with me. I slipped the bullet vibrator into the leg of one all the way down to the toe section. Then I dangled the bullet end over her, just at her gleaming wet entrance. I tied the rest of the stocking around her waist to stop it falling out & carefully switched the vibrator on again. Anna squealed into her gag.

"I'll be back soon" I said, as I pressed record on my phone's video camera app.

Anna writhed & protested. I vaguely made out her asking me not to leave her but she didn't use her safety. I walked to the door & closed it loudly. More gagged protests came from the bed. Then moaning. I moved back to the bed trying not to make a sound, watching her on my phone's screen as she lay there utterly helpless wrestling against the ropes holding her spread wide on the bed.

I stopped recording & quickly sent the clip to Sarah. Shit my phone wasn't on silent! I set it to DO NOT DISTURB so my illusion wouldn't be spoilt if Sarah replied.

I watched Anna writhing & moaning some more. "Hmmmmmphhgggg!" She said. Help? No. No help is coming for you Anna. "Hhhhmmmphhhh" she whined as she thrust her torso around as much as her bonds allowed.

I pulled the bullet away from her & switched it off. "Mppphh?" She questioned as I noticed more saliva dripping from her mouth past the rubber ball.

I untied one of the lengths of rope securing an ankle cuff to the bed & firmly bent her leg so her heel almost touched her thigh. I tied the rope around it to keep it in place & did the same with her other leg.

I placed myself right in front of her & rubbed my cock against her.

Mmmmmm! She whined. I was rock hard still & desperate to cum.

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By *ichaelG76Man
over a year ago

Nr Andover

Has me fucking hard! excuse the expletive..

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By *imale38Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I started making a hole in my tights to poke my cock through then I remembered. Protection. Fuck. Where are the condoms? Damnit!

I looked around but couldn't see them. I was so frustrated having been so hard & so on edge for this long. A wicked thought flashed into my mind. I manoevred my cock through the hole in my sheer nylons & sent a picture to Sarah.

Then I replaced the bullet, still buzzing frantically away & pressed it just inside Anna. She emitted a loud gagged squeal again & started wriggling again. I removed her blindfold & kneeled on the bed to her side. Her eyes wide open, staring at my cock inches from her face. I cupped my left hand under her chin & collected some of her saliva. Apart from how they look, it's this aspect of ballgags I really like. With my hand now thoroughly wet by Anna I placed it around my cock & started stroking it.

The vibrations were driving her to distraction & she tossed her head from side to side, still moaning & groaning into the gag. I held my phone with my free hand & carried on wanking. She shook & moaned even more heavily. With each stroke & every gagged moan she brought me closer until....

I came hard & covered her face. It was laced across the rubber ball in her mouth, across her cheeks and down her chin. I moved towards her & kissed her gagged lips. I stopped recording & removed Anna's gag.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"wow. Just fucking wow" Anna said. "How come you didn't...."

"Fuck you? Didn't know where the condoms had got to. I could've asked but.. might've changed the mood. Anyway didn't it get naughty enough for a first time?" I said.

"True. Hmmmmm. I didn't expect you to go for the little bullet though".

"I figured it'd be more of a teaser" I told her.

I untied her & she sat up on the bed. "Look over there. In the mirror" said Anna.

I looked. There we were again. Anna with slightly spoiled mascara & cum still on her face. And me. I hugged her & we lay down in front of each other, arms around the other. Our legs met & rubbed against each other. She wrapped her legs around mine & stroked mine with her feet. Smooth nylon against nylon. We kissed open mouthed & very sloppily. I caught her watching in the mirror & I joined her. My God what a sight.

"What am I going to do when it's your turn I wonder", she whispered.

I said I didn't care so long as it was as hot & as horny as this.

Both our phones pinged. Sarah said she was on her way but not to stop whatever we were doing.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Sarah was on her way? Weren't things already interesting enough we mused.

More lingering kisses & wandering hands & feet playing against sheer nylon. I got hard again & Anna reached for the ballgag. She kissed me again & I closed my eyes. As I'd done with her she stopped mid snog leaving my mouth open, wanting her tongue back on mine. She pushed the black rubber ball deep into mouth & fastened the strap behind my wig.

Her tongue played on my lips around the gag & I shivered & moaned. With a gentle shove she pushed me onto the bed lying face down. She grabbed a piece of rope and tied my hands together, cinching between them & pulling the rope tight before tying knots above my hands.

I humped the bed briefly. "No!", Anna barked as she smacked my nylon covered arse. "Stop that right now!"

I obeyed. She reached for another piece of rope & tied my ankles the same way, cinched tightly & knotted several times. Then she drew another rope around my legs above my knees & again cinched it tightly.

Then came the blindfold. I moaned into my gag as she teased her fingernails around my legs. She rolled me over onto my back. I could feel my cock straining as it stood erect & exposed.

I heard her phone camera click from different angles. Her phone pinged & Anna giggled. Good idea Sarah, she said.

I waited, testing my bonds. The ropes were tight. Anna kissed my gagged mouth again but this time I felt nylon being rubbed against my cock. I twitched as it swished against the head of my cock.

The movement stopped & I became aware of nylon being wrapped around my cock. Nylon with something hard inside it. The bullet? She switched it on & let its evil buzzing frustrate me. I tried to thrust again & Anna again yelled "no!” and slapped my thighs.

She removed the blindfold & positioned herself so she was sitting across me facing my feet. She lowered herself onto my face. Hmpphhhhhhhhh I groaned. She licked my cock & took a little of it in her mouth. All I could see were the curves of her arse encased in that smooth black nylon. She moved & my view changed. I saw the hole I'd made in her tights, then her pussy & clit. She moved back & forth rubbing herself on my gag. I could almost taste her. She lifted up a little & I glimpsed her phone take another picture.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Anna's doorbell went just as her phone pinged again.

"I've got to go let her in", Anna said. She put the blindfold back on me.

No! I tried to yell but all that came out was a gagged grunt.

"Back soon pet just sit tight", I was told. Like I had any choice in the matter. "And stay there. No getting on your front!".

"Mmm mmmm" I moaned.

I heard the door close behind her. A short time later the door opened. I heard the clink of glasses & Anna talking with Sarah. "Has she been good?" Sarah asked. "Almost", said Anna. "She needed to be stopped from getting herself off on the bed though"

"She can be a naughty lass this one" Sarah replied.

I felt them climb into each side of the bed beside me. Hands groped me all over & one of the women kissed my gagged mouth. The blindfold came off again & I saw Sarah staring into my eyes. "Are we having fun yet?" She asked. I groaned a response.

She got up off the bed & I watched as Anna & Sarah hugged & kissed. The sight of both of them together drove me wild. I went to turn onto my front again.

"How. Many. Times? NO!", Anna told me.

She pulled a chair over beside the bed & they hauled me off the bed onto it. Anna used a length of rope to link the rope around my wrists to the rope around my ankles. I resisted & Sarah pushed my feet under the chair while Anna pulled the rope tight & tied it above my wrists behind the chair.

Sarah pushed Anna onto the bed & their bodies entwined, snogging deeply as they started to pull each other's clothes off. I watched them from my chair & my cock ached again. Very soon they were both naked. Except for their tights. My wife's sheer glossy flesh coloured ones & Anna's shiny black ones.

Sarah started to finger Anna as they kissed each other's neck, mouth & tits. Her fingers shone with Anna's wetness. Anna guided Sarah's head down to her cunt & held it there. I heard her licking & eagerly slurping at Anna & saw Sarah rubbing her nylon covered clit.

Anna moaned deeply then shook & gushed all over Sarah's face. Oh. My. God.

Sarah whispered something to Anna. They both got up. Sarah pulled the stocking from my cock, tore a hole in her tights and lowered herself onto my cock. I was hurting hard again. Anna stood next to Sarah & they kissed as Sarah fucked my cock. I felt Anna's fingers flicking Sarah's clit as she pumped me. I strained against the ropes trying to thrust my hips forward. The rope gave a little & got deeper inside. Oh God yes.

Waves of pressure built inside me as Sarah rode me then my entire body tightened and I released myself inside her. Sarah carried on, still being fingered & snogged by her friend until she gushed all over me, spilling both our cum onto Anna's hand. She produced it for Sarah to lick. Mmmmmmmm. Fucking. Hell.

They untied me & we all flopped onto the bed. We looked in the mirror at ourselves. We were ruined. Me especially. Sarah licked the cum I'd sprayed on Anna's face. They both beamed at me.

"Now do you see what good comes out of girls nights out?" Sarah asked.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

more please

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"more please"

More? After all that?! Lol it was a marathon effort typing it out on my phone!! Glad people like my scrawlings though & thanks for all the nice feedback.

There'll doubtless be more adventures with Sarah or Anna or both in future.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" There'll doubtless be more adventures with Sarah or Anna or both in future."

I cant wait. I do have a question for you but cant message you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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