By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Over the last ten years my wife and I have been holidaying regularly in Charco de Palo on Lanzarote. Too be honest the village has seen better days. Each year you could tell the place was just that little more run down. We didn’t care though as the weather was warm, the bars friendly and best of all the whole village was clothes optional.
It’s not a place to visit if your a party animal. It’s quiet. Perfect when you just want a relaxing couple of weeks to top up your all over tan and do nothing more strenuous than read a few books.
The village is a mixture of privately owned Holmes as well as private rentals and holiday company rentals. The private villas on the whole are very smart and well kept. The holiday company ones are tired and in need of modernisation but if you want to stay on the front overlooking the sea then the holiday company bungalows are acceptable, and that’s where we'd chosen to stay. One or two of my profile pictures were taken there, some of you might recognise the place.
We had a bungalow in the middle of a line just along from the sea front restaurant. Less than 30 seconds walk to the bar for a drink.
The bungalows have a patio area on the front set back from the pedestrian path leading along to the bar, all of which overlooks the natural sea pool set down below. The patios get the sun all day long and are perfect for everything from your morning coffee, watching the world pass by to relaxing in the evening before putting on the lightest of clothing to go for a meal.
The world that does pass by is a naked world, and naked people are somehow far more friendly. On the first morning we arrived no fewer than 20 people must have said hello, good morning, lovely day in a multitude of languages as they strolled along the path down to the beach.
The resort mainly attracts Germans though we’ve met French, Dutch, Austrian and English holiday makers over the years so it’s a good mix from around Europe.
Before anyone get excited and rushes out to book a holiday let me make it clear this is not a swingers resort. We must have visited 15 or 20 times over the years and other than mild amorous behaviour from a few couples in public nothing like the events I’m about to describe have happened before, or since.
The weather that first morning was fantastic. The temperature even by 7:15AM was up in the high twenties so I made myself a coffee to take outside and sit in the sun as my wife slept on. I don’t know about you but I often seem to wake up with a hard-on in the morning, I don’t know why, I just do. By the time I’d boiled the kettle and poured a coffee it had settled down a little, but was still a fairly obviously semi.
Taking a quick look outside to make sure no one else was around I carried my coffee out and sat down at the table thinking my cock would soon calm down. It didn’t. The warm sun beating down on my naked body was doing nothing to help relax that part of me. Off in the distance I noticed a couple come up from the dunes north of the restaurant and make their way onto the path that would lead past the bungalow.
Not wanting to offend, or be branded a pervert, I discreetly crossed my legs as they drew closer to hide my semi erect cock.
The couple had an age gap between them of around 10 to 15 years I’d guess. She was early forties, slender in build but had very large breasts. He was late fifties knocking on sixty but it was obvious he still looked after himself. Due to their size her breasts swayed and bounced gently as she walked which again didn’t do anything to help keep my cock under control.
'Morning' he said waving a hand as they got closer.
'Good morning, beautiful day isn’t it.’ I replied recognising a perfectly clear Liverpool accent in his voice.
'Fantastic' he replied as they stopped walking and turned to face me.
'First day? Don’t think we’ve seen you before, have we love?' he asked lightly elbowing his wife who was stood beside him. The gentle nudge to her arm was enough to set her tits in motion again.
'No, I’m sure I’d remember if I’d seen you before.’ She replied smiling.
'Yeah, first morning. The wife and I just arrived late last night. She’s still in bed catching up on her sleep.’ I answered.
'John and Steph. Only been here a couple of days ourselves.’ John said.
'Dick. Nice to meet you both.’ I replied.
The patios In front of the bungalows are slightly raised from the footpath by a couple of steps which was the only reason they still weren’t aware I was sat there with my semi erect cock still not behaving.
'You been out here long enough to catch the sunrise? It was fantastic.’ John said.
'No. I’ve only just got up, still only half way through my coffee ' I replied smiling.
Now John had a camera hanging round his neck and as I replied he lifted it up and switched it on. 'Ive got some great pictures. Come and have a look.’ He said indicating I should walk down the two steps onto the path to join them.
I didn’t want to appear rude by refusing, but standing up to join them could also be rude if I started pointing a semi hard cock at them. Fuck. After thinking it over for no more than a few seconds I decided just to come clean. Ok, they might think me a perv, bit it would be less of a perv than if I stood up and just flashed them my cock.
'Id love to, but, err, I sort of woke up a bit, err how can I put this, err, bits of me aren’t really fit to be out in public yet.’ I said glancing down at my concealed from their view crotch.
Steph understood what I meant straight away and started laughing while John looked back and forth between Steph and I slightly puzzled. I just shrugged my shoulders. 'Sorry. Can’t help it some mornings.’ Was all I could think to say to Steph as I sat unmoving, my leg crossed so as to preserve their modesty.
'What?' John asked as his head still moved back and forth.
Steph leaned in close to his ear and whispered, but not quiet enough that I couldn’t hear, 'Morning glory love. You know. Bit of a hard-on.’ I heard her saying.
'Oohh' John said joining her laughing.
'I'd best bring the camera to you then.’ He said unexpectedly.
Grabbing Steph’s hand he pulled her along behind him climbing the two steps so they were both now on the same level as me. No hiding my cock now, they were looking down on it.
Steph giggled again as she got a full view.
'Sorry. I’m not laughing. Well, I am laughing, obviously, but not at you. Shit, sorry' she said.
'Its ok, it’s me that should be apologising, sitting out here like this but I didn’t think anyone would see me as long as I kept my leg crossed. I’m sure it’ll go down soon.’ I said.
Anyone who’s read my previous stories will know I’ve not exactly had a sheltered background and being caught like this isn't embarrassing to me but I do try to behave myself, when I’m somewhere it’s not appropriate to misbehave anyway.
John was fiddling with his camera again no doubt looking for the perfect sunrise picture to show me and paying no attention to the fact I was sat there with a hard-on. Steph was the opposite. She was paying no attention to the camera but was watching my cock, watching it grow not get softer.
'Looks to me like it might be a while, I think it’s getting bigger.’ She said laughing again.
What could I say? I just shrugged 'Sorry'
'Its ok. We don’t mind Dick’ then she laughed again 'appropriate name really' she went on laughing even more.
The more she laughed the more her tits swayed and they were gorgeous big tits. And to make it worse now she was stood just a few feet from me I noticed for the first time her shaved pussy. I couldn’t fail to notice really as it was basically at head height for me.
'Found it, here Dick. Come and look at this.’ John said still holding the camera in front of him with the strap still around his neck.
Steph was looking at me and smiling. Her eyes darted towards her husband and at the same time she flicked her neck in his direction, clearly indicating I should stand up and go and take a look.
I spread my hands turning them palm upwards holding them above each thigh making it equally clear I was asking 'are you sure? I have got a hard-on.’. John never took his eyes off the camera and missed our little exchange.
'Come on Dick, come and see' Steph said.
I quickly looked along the path in either direction to make sure no one else was around and as John and Steph clearly were not bothered by my erection I stood up and went to stand beside John looking over his shoulder at the camera.
Steph just watched me, well one bit of me anyway. Her eyes were around waist height.
It was a nice sunrise picture but I wasn’t really concentrating and kept glancing over at Steph who was just staring at my cock.
Each time I glanced over, well my cock jerked. By now it was fully erect, and throbbing.
John was talking but too be honest I wasn’t really taking in much that he said. Something about great colours, light changing as the sun rose. He was going through the pictures on the camera changing every few seconds telling me 'this was 5 minutes later, 6 minutes...' as he flicked through.
My eyes were going between the camera and watching Steph. Her tongue was lightly brushing her lips as she watched my cock throbbing openly.
Then the camera caught my attention. After the 7th or 8th sunrise picture the next shot was a close up of Steph’s tits with the rising sun directly behind her nipple. Erect, stiff and perfectly silhouetted by the light.
'Oh shit. Sorry love’ John said.
Steph stopped staring as she heard John and asked 'Why?'
'The pictures after the sun came up' he said smiling at her.
Steph laughed again, 'Its Ok John, show Dick if you like.’ She said and at the same time pointed at my cock.
John hadn’t even noticed my cock had grown from semi hard to fully throbbing while I’d been stood beside him.
'You'll like these mate’ he said after noticing my cock for the first time and lifted the camera back up.
Ok, I was now fully focused on the camera.
After the close up breast shot there were a couple of Steph stood with her back to the camera, arms raised and spread open. She had a really nice arse as well I noticed. Her legs were slightly parted so the sun shone all around her naked body framing it to perfection. The next shot Steph was sat on a rock with her knees pulled tightly to her chest. The camera screen wasn’t that large but I’m sure there was just a hint of her smooth slit showing. My cock jerked.
Then when John moved the picture on Steph had released her knees, spread them open and had her hands resting on her knees. No mistaking her smooth slit in that shot. My cock jerked with appreciation again.
John paused on that one a little longer and looked up at Steph 'You sure about this love?' he asked.
'Show him all of them' she said not looking up from my cock.
John didn’t seem to mind her looking, he made no comment and just pressed forward to move on to the next picture.
Now my cock really jerked. Close up of Steph spreading her pussy lips open. Moisture clearly visible glistening in the early sun.
I looked across to Steph 'Nice'.
She smiled 'Like what you see?' she asked.
I looked down 'I think you already know the answer to that.’
John moved on to the next picture. Steph was rubbing her clit, perfect close up, and the next picture Steph had two fingers inside her pussy while the other hand spread her pink lips open.
'Looks like someone enjoyed their early morning wank, err, I mean walk.’ I said grinning while my cock throbbed madly.
'I did, so did John, watching.’ She replied laughing.
Naturist are friendly people, but this was a first for me at a naturist resort. One I wish would happen more often.
'That’s them all.’ John said turning off the camera and letting it hang round his neck again.
We all heard a sound and looked around together and saw people approaching from along the path. 'Time to sit down, with my legs crossed.’ I said laughing as I sat down again assuming my previous position to hide my cock.
'We'd best be getting back to the villa for breakfast as well love. It was nice meeting you Dick, hope you enjoyed the pictures.’ Steph said.
She leaned forward to kiss my cheek resting her hands on my thighs inches from my hard cock before leaving. As she stood her tits lightly brushed my face and she smiled before following John down the steps.
'Oh Dick. We'll be going again tomorrow morning, passing here at 6:30, if you’d like to join us to watch the sunrise.’ Steph said looking over her shoulder.
'If you don’t mind me tagging along, but don’t tell my wife.’ I replied winking.
'Don’t worry, it can be our secret.’ She said as she took Johns hand and they walked off along the path together, her sexy arse wiggling until they vanished from sight.
Once the group of early beach goers had passed I headed into the bungalow and straight to the bedroom where I woke the wife and fucked her, all the while thinking about Steph.
Afterwards we showered and had breakfast on the patio enjoying chopped fruit and yoghurt from the local supermarket before settling into sun beds, covered in oil for a hard day’s sunbathing.
Neither of us were very energetic that day and only ventured from the patio around 7:30 that evening for a meal and a few drinks in Reiner’s pub.
John and Steph came into the pub soon after and other than saying polite hello's to each other nobody let on to my wife that we'd met earlier in the day.
To be up for 6:30 without an alarm, well I couldn’t really set an alarm could I( ? ) meant tonight would have to be an early night so we left Reiner’s bar early and headed back to the bungalow where we fucked again then showered and had an early night. A shower was another thing I couldn’t really have in the morning without disturbing my wife.
As I lay in bed nodding off I couldn’t help wondering what might happen in the morning. I had no idea, but I had some hopes and suspicions to think about as I finally dropped off.