"Sorry this is another long one. I prefer to keep them as coherent chapters though, rather than splitting them up into smaller parts. Hence why there is sometimes a delay between postings.
Hope you enjoy...
Mel couldn't stop staring at Anthony's cock. She felt she should say something, but nothing seemed appropriate. The moment felt like it lasted an age, when in reality it was just a few seconds. And then Anthony spoke to break the uncomfortable silence.
"It's a bit hard to keep under control" he said.
"I can imagine" Mel replied, finally able to lift her eyes and now looking at Anthony again. And then she added "God, Anthony! How big is that?"
Anthony looked down at his now fully erect member. He seemed reluctant to answer, modest in his immodest state.
Mel pushed him for an answer
"Don't tell me you don't know, you haven't measured it. Jayne will tell me"
Anthony shrugged his shoulders "14 inches" then added "apparently"
Mel liked that he wasn't bragging about it. She suspected that meant that in bed he would be more than just a guy with a big cock, that he would still put some thought and effort into it. "I take it that's for me then" she said, "that's what Steve has planned for me here today"
"Only if you want it" he replied, "I mean, I'm not going to force you to let me fuck you if you don't want to"
"Well that's what he wants me to do, so it's fine, except" and suddenly the tension ebbed away and she laughed, "except I honestly don't know if I am going to be able to take that."
Anthony smiled. "Don't worry, we have that worked out. Jayne can't take me straight away, so we have to get her ready"
Mel cocked her head inquisitively.
He continued. "You've seen Jayne's other men. But we're not a normal cuckold couple. She doesn't fuck them because they have big cocks" and he looked at his own cock. "She fucks them because they are just big enough..."
Mel frowned. She wasn't getting what he was saying, so he spelled it out explicitly. "They go first. Warm her up, so to speak, and after having their cocks, she is able to take me in"
Now Mel understood. And then she realised the implications of what Anthony had just said. "So someone else is going to fuck me first? And then you?"
"Yes. We've brought one of Jayne's 'fluffers' along with us. He's waiting downstairs."
Anthony had covered himself up again whilst he was talking and he motioned Mel back towards the stairs "shall we?"
They returned to the first floor but at the bottom of the stairs turned, not back towards the lounge area, but this time down a corridor Mel had not yet seen. This was where the smaller, more private rooms were, although Mel noticed that two of them had viewing windows, allowing people in the corridor to look in. There were also a couple of more discreet, lockable rooms and, at the very end a door with a sign saying 'Relaxation Area'. It was this door that Anthony led her through.
As soon as she went through the door Mel noticed the increase in temperature. There was a smaller lounge, much more intimate than the main one, darker, and there were a few people scattered around, some talking, some playing, in groups of twos and threes. There were also some loungers, in addition to the more conventional seating. There was a couple on one of them, the woman, had fabulous, firm breasts that barely moved as she rode the man lying on the lounger. They were lost in themselves, despite the other people in the room, and Mel couldn't help staring at them. There was just something incredibly erotic about the way the woman's body moved, undulated almost, snakelike, a cobra swaying to the charmer's flute.
Anthony led Mel across the room towards a door with a sign that said 'Wet Play'. Mel remembered the pictures of the hot tub and sauna from the website and guessed what was behind the door.
As they entered the room an attractive couple, Mel guessed late twenties or early thirties, were just leaving the hot tub. As she was stepping out of the water, the woman, a blonde with tousled, shoulder length hair, gestured back towards a younger black guy, who was still seated "catch you later, yeah?" she said, before taking the other man's hand and heading into the adjacent sauna.
The black guy noticed Mel and Anthony's approach and rose to greet them. "Hey, you ready?" he was obviously the warm up guy.
He was tall and slim, with close cropped hair. He didn't have the kind of extreme muscular physique Mel was expecting to see before he rose from the water and she was about to chide herself for stereotyping, when her eyes alighted upon his penis. So that was what you called a Big Black Cock. Admittedly it wasn't as big as Anthony's, that was the whole point of him being here, but it was still way bigger than anything she had ever had.
Anthony introduced him. "Mel, this is Jay"
Jay smiled and said "hi" then he asked if they were coming into the water. Anthony said they didn't have time and besides, it would be a shame to waste Mel's lovely outfit.
Jay grabbed his towel and said "okay, where are we going? Is there a room free?"
Anthony turned to Mel. "Tell me, how do you feel about being watched?"
To her surprise, Mel had been greatly turned on by being watched by the other guests in Jayne and Anthony's house. She had been quite proud of herself and so now she replied that she was fine with it.
"Good, good" said Anthony. "Room 1 is free then Jay?"
"Fine by me" said Jay. "Lead on"
As they walked back towards the corridor where the private rooms were, Mel wondered if Jay was one of the guys she had picked out on Jayne's phone. She suspected he was. That reminded her, and she wondered what Jayne and Steve were up to in the club's dungeon.
They reached room 1 and Anthony went in first. He motioned Mel towards the "bed" of play mats. She sat down on the edge and Jay and Anthony sat either side of her.
"So, you ready to do this?" asked Anthony "you want to do this?"
"I do" was Mel's reply.
"OK, great. Jay, I think it's time to lose these" and he stood up and removed his towel. Jay did the same and Mel sat there looking at both the cocks she was about to have. Although Anthony was bigger, Mel guessed Jay would be close to 10 inches when he was erect. He was supposed to prepare her for Anthony. She wondered who was going to prepare her for Jay.
The two men sat back down and Anthony told her she was gorgeous and looked stunning in her outfit. He said that he had wanted her the first time he had seen her and that it had been very hard just letting Jayne and her girlfriends have her that night. He'd hoped he would get to go with her sometime and had jumped at the chance when Steve asked him.
Mel, still new to such compliments from men and still finding it hard to accept them, to believe them, blushed bashfully. "Thank you" she said, and then Anthony kissed her.
It was a tender kiss, followed immediately by a deeper, more passionate one, as Mel just allowed herself to let go. Then Jay reached for her and turned her face to him. He also kissed her passionately.
They broke and Mel looked from side to side at her putative lovers and smiled. Then she looked down at their crotches and said "Well boys, looks like I'm going to get a good seeing to" and laughed.
She reached down and cupped a hand under each cock. They were both still semi-flaccid and flopped in her hands as she weighed them both up. The weight of them felt like she had a bag of sugar in each hand. A surge of pure, carnal lust ran through her body, spreading outwards from her vagina. As nervous as she was about how she was going to handle this and what these monster cocks were going to do to her pussy, she suddenly knew that she really wanted to feel them inside her.
She began to stroke both cocks. Anthony kissed her again and now reached for her right breast. Squeezing and kneading it through the lace cup of her mini dress. Jay leaned in and began kissing and nuzzling her neck on the other side, and then took her left breast for himself.
Both men were getting hard now. Anthony reached behind Mel's neck and undid the straps of her dress with one movement. He pulled the straps down, over her tits, releasing them.
Both men moved down at the same time, taking a nipple each into their mouths and sucking them as they stiffened. Mel threw her head back, enjoying the sensation of two men at her breasts and the feeling of the two, now hard, cocks in her hands.
Jay moved away for a minute, leaving Anthony to play with both Mel's tits. He returned with a condom on and knelt in front of her. Anthony, knowing what was coming, laid Mel back on the bed and did the same himself, continuing to kiss and play with her.
Meanwhile Jay, having opened Mel's legs and slowly kissed up the inside of her right thigh, was now licking her pussy, alternating between broad sweeps up and down her slit and slipping it in and out of her. His thumb rubbed her clit as he tongued her and her pelvis bucked in ecstasy beneath him. Mel soon felt her first orgasm gathering and she let it wash over her. It surged through her, intensified by a thought she had as she came, that having brought her to a climax with his tongue, Jay was now going to ease himself into her and she was going to take her first BBC.
Anthony asked her to move fully onto the bed and Jay climbed on and positioned himself between her legs. He held his cock to the entrance of her vagina. She had to see it. She had to see the magnificent black cock, ebony against her own pale skin, as it entered her.
She watched in rapt fascination as it briefly met resistance, but then her cunt yielded and the head of the cock pushed through. She gasped as it stretched first the entrance to her vagina and then the vagina itself as Jay continued to slide his length into her. She squeezed both men's arms tight against the pain. New pain, different pain, to add to the catalogue of others that she so enjoyed.
As it reached the full extent of its penetration she had to cry out. But it felt so good. The first few times, Jay slid in slowly, each time needing to remake his passage into her, but soon she loosened enough that he could freely thrust and he increased the tempo.
She continued to cry out for the duration of every inward stroke and continued to watch as the cock parted her pussy, sliding in and out like a piston. She loved how it looked and loved that it was herself she was looking at, that she, Mel, was taking a huge black cock. The pain was intense but beautiful and she could see the bulge in her abdomen where it was filling her. She put her hand on it and felt it beneath her. It was too much and she came again, at speed this time, amplifying all the sensations, causing her to let out a stream of expletives.
Her climax, and her reaction to it, brought Jay to his and when he was done he collapsed on top of her for a few seconds.
As Mel came down she said "oh god, that was incredible. I can't believe how that felt"
Jay smiled at her "that was a virgin cunt for big black cock, it felt so good, so tight" and he looked at Anthony and said "you're going to enjoy her"
Mel had almost forgotten about Anthony. Oh christ! What was this going to feel like?
She was about to find out. Anthony didn't want to waste what Jay had done to stretch her for him. He wanted to get into her as soon as possible. He already had a condom on and was climbing onto her.
As Mel looked at him, she noticed a small crowd at the window behind him, no doubt fascinated and turned on by the sight of this woman taking these monster cocks. The idea of it thrilled her.
By now Anthony had his cock in position. "OK?" he asked. "Ready?"
She was, well as much as she ever would be. She nodded. Despite Jay's efforts, it still took Anthony a few goes to break through. As Jay had said, Mel's pussy was new to this. Jane's pussy was used to taking giant cocks and no doubt the likes of Jay and the others in her "stud farm" fucking her first was enough to let Anthony enter her easily now. That wasn't the case with Mel.
She almost screamed as Anthony finally entered her, and thought she would have to tell him to stop. But she wanted it. She craved pain and this was exquisitely intense. She watched again as she was taken, the penis creating a bow wave in her abdomen, like a submarine running on the surface.
She couldn't keep watching, she had to lie back, had to be flat to let it all it in. She closed her eyes tight and gripped Jay's hand, squeezing it as hard as she could. There was no cry on the in stroke this time. Now it was constant. Tears ran down the side of her face and she wondered, in a state of near delirium, whether she would be able to walk afterwards and how much her pussy was going to hurt tomorrow.
Anthony's cock seemed to fill all of her, not just her vagina. It was as if she could feel it in every part of her body. It filled her mind, all other thought processes shut down. It filled her senses, everything else was superfluous. She knew she was cumming quickly and cumming hard and she braced herself for the added intensity
The orgasm wracked her body with fire and with ice. It was like she was being electrocuted. It screamed on and on and she lost all sense of where she was or what she was doing, or even who she was. Finally it released her and she drifted back to reality.
Anthony and Jay lay down either side of her. "How was that?" asked Anthony
It took a few seconds before she could answer. "That was amazing" she said. "I have never come like that and my poor pussy is destroyed". She looked down at it, her vulva was swollen and red and her vagina throbbed and tingled like one them was still in her.
She had done it. Steve had set it up for her and she had done it. She wanted to tell him. She wanted him to see how she had let her pussy be destroyed at his command. What she needed now was his confirmation that she had done well, his validation, his praise. And she wanted him to reclaim her.
Where was he? She needed to find him... "  |