By *Pebble- OP Woman
over a year ago
Nottingham |
this story is a fantasy but i have others that are 100% true
PEBBLE is on a train again, she has been traveling for several hours. it seems she will often travel many miles for a taste of what she craves and she hopes today will be as wonderfull as she has imagined.
as is now becoming typical of her, this journey has been preceeded by carefull thought and persistant communication. she leaves the train station, confidently gives the driver directions to a house shes never seen befor and tries to relax.
this will not be the first time she and GUY have spent a night together, and it will not be the last time his fist becomes buried past the wrist in her hungry wet pussy, but tonight WILL be different! over much time they have built on shared trust to the point where she has challenge him to surprise her and she is certain he will.
she arrives and again smiles confidently as she pays the driver and steps out into the cool night air. as she approaches the house and befor she can knock, the door silently opens. as she enters he whispers in a voice tinged with lust, that she should stand still with her back to him which she willing does. he eases her bag from shoulder to floor, slips off her coat and gently nibbles at her neck. now Guy starts to tie a soft silk scalf arround her eyes, but still she feels no fear. they have played so many games together now, that safety word ready in a single breath should they need it.
he holds her hand and leads her slowly. he knows how tactile she is and allows her time to trail her fingers along the surfaces of her new surroundings. he tells her to kick off her shoes befor carfully taking her up the stairs.
time blurs now, she is lost in his kisses, she is delightfully helpless as he slowly peels off her clothes, as his hands and lips explore her slowly exposing flesh. dispite his slow pace there is the unspoken truth that they never get enough time together, that his fist already craves again its warm wet santuary, but he remains slow in his movements. despite his screaming mind he knows he cannot say she is his slut his whore, he cannot tell her how he'd like to ruin her pussy. he knows that she is only his again for a few precious hours and for a single moment he regrets what he has planed for this evening.
GUY knows the things she does not yet know, sees that which she cannot see, he surveys the room and feels pride.
he has glanced at the silk rope many times since they entered the room but decides he wants to be sure tonights events happen because she allows them to not because she cannot resist.
slowly oh so slowly his hand slides up her quivering thigh, she opens her legs a little and shivers in antisiption as a finger grazes her throbbing clit. finger replaced by a thumb she immediately recognises the firey tingle and smiles, knowing he will rub his hands on that ginger root many times this night.
he is sitting cross legged in front of her now, enjoying the sight savouring the smell, delighting in the way her building frustration causes her to squirm.
with ease he dips 1 then 2 then 3 fingers into her juicier than ever pussy, he is often facinated by how easily he fists her now but still savours every moment. four fingers buried deep now and without warning she builds to a powerfull first orgasm of the night. GUY ever the oppertunist takes this unexspected oppertunity to signal the watching shadow to approach. whilst PEBBLE registers the movement again she is not fearfull, she is high on still rising lust and curious.
as a new hand slides up her thigh, PEBBLE immediately knows this hand is not male and her excitement triples. as soon as the slightly smaller softer hand reaches her outer lips she is like an addict hungry for another fix.
ANGEL is also on new terratory having only ever previously fisted her boyfriend. she knows PEBBLE by reputation and the brief online chats they have shared, but never imagined they would ever meet. GUY had warned PEBBLE long ago to be carefull what she wished for and here was another wish coming true for all involved it seemed.
PEBBLE quickly discovers that ANGEL is not as slow or as gentle as GUY, and the quick intack of breath by GUY shows that he acknowledges this. they all know that PEBBLE can stop this at any time, they also instinctively know she will not.
there is movement on the bed and PEBBLE quickly relaxes her shoulders against GUYs strong chest, his arms wraped arround her now she feels a little safer. even though he strokes her breasts teases her nipples nibbles her neck and kisses her deeply he cannot totally distract her from the slight discomfort between her legs.
ANGEL has watched Guys earlier exploration and quickly sinks 4 fingers into PEBBLEs pulsating pussy....
there is movement on the bed and PEBBLE quickly relaxes her shoulders against GUYs strong chest, his arms wraped arround her now she feels a little safer. even though he strokes her breasts teases her nipples nibbles her neck and kisses her deeply he cannot totally distract her from the slight discomfort between her legs.
ANGEL has watched Guys earlier exploration and quickly sinks 4 fingers into PEBBLEs pulsating pussy disreguarding GUYs almost frantic staring at the lube still on the bedside table. inside her head ANGEL is wrestling with her own emotions and desires her blazing eyes almost betraying her as she looks up and fully sees the tenderness between PEBBLE and GUY, part of her wants to shatter this moment into brutal pieces, to shove, force ram her her whole fist quickly and hard up inside PEBBLE, knowing that GUY would not resist unless PEBBLE did, but ANGEL is also mindfull that payback might NOT be a bitch she wishes to meet this night.
reluctantly ANGEL reaches for the lube, compromises between what might be enough and how little she would secretly like to use. all this passes in a few brief moments for ANGEL whilst GUY holds his breath and hopes he has not made a bad charactor judgement of ANGEL and as PEBBLE continues to tremble in anticipation.
steadier now, a little sanier and a lot more confident, ANGEL gets herself more comfortable on to the bed that groans slightly at the shifting weight, and again almost without warning plunges a now slightly lubed hand deeper into PEBBLE. ANGEL almost gasps with surprise, PEBBLE quickly bucks forward in delight as GUY seperates himself from the vision befor him, enough that he becomes so fully aware of the moment he created unfolding befor his eyes. GUY knows PEBBLE so well, understands the kisses she craves, knows her movements and reactions now so well that he knows just when to move in and hold her close, when the brace PEBBLES body against him.
ANGEL is knuckle deep in PEBBLE almost too easily, there will be no further delay as ANGELs whole hand is suddenly engulfed by PEBBLEs hungry pussy, up to the wrist they all pause again, all look from one to the other, all smile.
PEBBLE rests a little more into GUYs chest, drawn closer by GUYs insistant fingers pinching and gently tugging at her nipples, as ANGEL starts to explore. a slight twist and dip to the right gets a definate moan, a dip or twist to the left gets frustrated wriggling, soon ANGEL is pulling right out to the knuckles and back deep inside PEBBLE, every stroke getting a little deeper every time pulling back with a new angel a new twist, so intence that PEBBLE is almost beyond being able to orgasm.... |