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Tinder date with a 42 year old Indian MILF.. part 1.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Hey all, not sure what the response will be so I’ll write some of the stuff that happened, and if you lot want to know more, then I shall continue it in parts W

2 and 3(I’m using my phone, and I’m not much of a writer, so I’ll have to break it down!)

Also be aware, it’s a bit of a long one!

One other thing you should know, is that ever since coming to London, I have had a major thing for bengali and Arab women. around where I live, some of them are intoxicatingly beautiful, and they wear hijabs. This is such a turn on for me (I know, I know, wtf right? Why hijabs??) well..I like the under stated nature of hijabs.. to be seeing or touching something so expressly forbidden is a huge turn for me. I have wanted to be with an Asian woman for a long time now and FINALLY! I am on my way to realising it haha!

This happened on Friday night, with a

Woman I had met through tinder.. got her WhatsApp and had a few interesting conversations over a couple of weeks, timing was bad for both, so we couldn’t meet until last Friday. Parts of the conversation I will paraphrase as my memory is pretty poor!

She was looking for something long term as she had a young child. I was looking for something very much not a relationship, but fortunately I was very open about this, and she turns out, appreciated it! I thought that would be the end of it, but she liked me enough to test the waters so to speak and invite me round for a cup of tea.

On Friday, out of the blue, I decided to try and see if she could meet... and luckily, she could.

So I make my way over to her place.. I got there for nine, but she wasn’t ready, and she asked me if I could wait (ahh how often have we guys been there eh??), of course, I told her that I shall impatiently wait upon her (in a joking, teasing manner)..

Anyways after waiting for about a half hour, she’s finally ready.



I knock on her door, and she opens it, she’s behind the door so I couldn’t fully see her, but I go in and introduce myself..

Freddy “ so good to finally see you! It’s been far too long since we started speaking”

HindiMILF “I know, how was the journey? Was it very difficult to get up here”

Freddy “no not at all! You look wonderful HindyMILF!”

And let me tell you guys.. did she ever.. she wasn’t wearing anything revealing, just a bit f a low cut tshirt, and some tracksuit bottoms..

She was a good Head shorter than me. So like around 5’3 or 5’4, wonderfully thick black hair, light brown, smooth skin complexion, extremely pretty face, with wonderful eyes and somewhat thin lips..

Her bust was perfectly proportioned too, she was wearing a top which showed off a bit of cleavage, but she was wearing a small cardigan over it.. she had a bit of a belly, but for me this has never been an issue, she wa stunning!

Moving on down the body, we come to the pièce de résistance.. her Incredible booty.. now, I don’t know if many men and women on here have noticed the grandeur of Arab/Indian booties or not, but I say she had one of the most perfectly shaped bums I have ever seen (or felt). She had wide flaring hips, and a backoff that was mwaad!.. finally her legs tapered off down, towards her tiny feet.

We go in the living room to sit down and chat, and she offers me a cup of tea (this was what we had agreed to right at the start, so I was game)

I’m in the living room now while she’s making the tea in the kitchen. She’s playing some old school Bollywood songs (very important for later)

When she comes bck, I ask her about it, and strike up a conversation about how waaaaay back in my childhood, when I was in my country(3rd world) I used to watch Bollywood a lot.

I told her all about the classics I used to watch, back home with 30 other people from my village, all huddled around one tv (this was back in about 1997-1998?) I told her about the classics and how my favourite of all time was Sangam and Sholay.. (epic films btw if you know it)..

She was so surprised that I knew Bollywood films/songs, and that I actually liked them cos they reminded me so much of back home(I’m not from India btw) that it immediately broke the ice, and the tension that was there just melted away..

She came back with the tea and started talking at a hundred miles an hour about all the different songs she liked and the films!

HindiMILF “Had I seen this?? Had I seen that?!? Do I remember that song!!?”

Anyways, this was great in my view, because almost all the Hindu and Bollywood songs were all about love and dreams coming true, and generally very romantic songs.. (more on this later)

Anyways, we start listening and chatting about not much in particular, when she asks me, had I met anyone on tinder, and what my experience had been.. I told her truthfully what kind of dates/conversations I’d had, and that I’m not seeing anyone from there at the moment..

The I asked her the same thing about her experience.. MY GOD! MENKIND! I urge you! Don’t be the people she described! Seriously it’s damaging our sexs’ image!

She told me about 3 guys she’s met through tinder.. good god..why dudes! Why?!??? I had no idea that guys could be such fking creepers

Guy one: - young white boy - constantly texts good morning, without anything else behind it. After the first couple of days, she just started to reply good morning only, to him.. he never says anything beyond that, and to this day he just sends “good morning” *im just criiiiinging*

Guy 2: Somali bro - This dude. God it’s so bad.. she told me, he came round for a cup of tea and a chat, he comes in, doesn’t even say hello at the door, goes I’m, and just straight walks past her into the living room.. and wait for it... DOESNT TAKE HIS SHOES OFF!!.. oh Shheeeeeeiiet.. critical mistake guy! She told me when he did that, she though to herself, “well! that one won’t be staying for more than 15 minutes”..

She goes into the living too after him and let’s him know sorry but she had to sleep soon so they couldn’t speak too long!

Anyways they start chatting a bit he asks for her to keep the tv on... Conversation is dead, he’s sitting on one side of the couch, and she’s putting a pillow of “protection” between her and him.. they drink their tea.. finally, she gets up to take the cups back to the kitchen, and when she comes back.. he sorta “beckons” her over to “sit right here next to me”.. she’s just like.. “umm no thanks”

he says “I thought we were gonna have fun?!?” ... she says no, I’m gonna go to bed. “Maybe we can meet another time”

He gets butthurts, so starts getting rude to her and insulting her... “what a weeeeak Guy” I say to her.. she then shows me the texts he sends her (to this day he texts her) swearing putting her down, then asking her to meet him! Jesus so bad!

Guy 3: - Muslim Bredda -older, profile made him seem really sweet and kind, wasn’t all that to look at, and was overweight, but he seemed nice..

Anyways they met literally 2 times! after which he wanted to to meet her parents! (For those that don’t know why, it’s so he can cut her out and agree a marriage with Behr father hahaha, she was not having any of it :D!) he starts talking about marriage.. she’s all like whaaaa??? When tf did that happen?! .. he’s like well yea, I want to marry you yada yada yada.. i will look after you, I buy you things, holidays etc talking like. Look at me I have all his stuff, while you don’t, but if you marry me I will give you some of those things .. just one condition, I will be allowed to see other women, and you have to be fine wth that.. he actually said this... , like she was gonna go along With it!!! Anyways, after this she digs a bit into him for info, turns out that he’s already married, “but it’s fine, cos my religion allows it” (he says) - myloooord what a peak guy for real! ( also for those that don’t know, multiple wives is not allowed in certain circumstances ( for example if my brother is married, and has kinds and a while who are dependent on him, but he passes away, it is the duty and obligation of a brother to marry the widow, and look after his brothers sons and daughters.)

Anyways, after she told me about her experiences.. I was so shocked! I literally had no idea guys can be so incompetent when it comes to speaki with members of the opposite sex..

Anyways, after this we went back onto the Bollywood songs and stuff, and I decide to put on, one I knew and loved... if anyone’s interested in what I played search “har dil jo pyar karega” on YouTube, and watch the one uploaded by shemaroo, 4.3 mill views.. anyways, she LOOOOVES this song. Her father (passed away) used to listen to this song loads, so it was a bit emotional for her, I’m sittin right next to her, so I up my arm around her and rest it on her right leg. We start speaking about this song, and she’s translating for me what it means.. we start to sway together to the music, if you can picture this, I’m leaning backwards on the couch, while she’s upright.. so I rest my chin on her shoulder, while we listen to the song.. I start to trace small circles on her right hip, with my fingers, very slowly, as if I’m time with the music..

as if purely uncouciously..

although it's anythin but.. She knows this but plays along. She keeps translating, and I keep sloooowly caressing her on the thigh.

We continue like this for a while, putting on song after song, chatting, listening.. all the time, my movements with my right hand start to change in rhythm and force.. every time she would sway towards me, I would let me hand slip a fe millimetres down, under her thigh.. every sway. Close and closer, I I move my hand towards her bum.. she keeps stealing the occasional glance at me.. I can tell she’s nervous, but starting to become more aroused.. once In a while she would sigh in the most erotic way.. almost subconsciously, and very quietly.. the kinds of sighs that escape you before you can do anything about them... anyways, I adjust my seat as I’m also rocking a semi, and my trousers are fking strangling me.. during the adjustment, I move my hand from her thigh, and place it on her bum, and then I put my chin on her shoulder again, and simply look at how beautiful she is.. she notices but keeps watching the screen, her breathing I notice starts to get more irregular.. the naughty hand, resting on her bum, starts to tap along to the song, as if it is S till being done unconsciously.

All the while, my touches get more assertive, I started to move my hand back and forward occasionally, not just my fingers. I start to use my hand to help her sway with me, all the while I’m pressing harder and harder against her bum..

god I felt like I was in heaving.. I was literally enjoying the slow and gradual buildup so much, I was in absolutely no rush, and was perfectly content to go as slowly as necessary to build up her arousal, so that I could eventually shatter her mind hahah

By this point i had been there a couple of hours and it’s already 11 something, she still hasn’t acknowledged openly my touch on her, nor is she being resistant to it, physically verbally or emotionally..

The conversation flowed so easily, and by this point I knew she really did like me, we make another round of tea, and go back to our seat. This time, I put my hand right on her bum from the off.. she starts putting on another track, and I’m thinking that by this time I can be more direct with my touch.. se was still extremely nervous, but she wanted it to continue.. So, i started to move my hand over her back, tracing the outline of her bra with my fingers, letting her know wordlessly that I was thinking about the kind of bra she was wearing, I would rub all the way down her spine, groping her left butt cheek too. By this point it was extremely obvious what I was doing, but it was also obvious she liked it.. anyways, I’m thinking now is the perfect time to go in for a kiss, so I rest my chin on her left shoulder again.. I start to purposefully inhale her scent, breathing into her neck.. I noticed some goosebumps rising up on her neck.. I trace the outline of her T shirt along the back of her neck and down toward her bosom(though not too far down, in case she gets scared)

Anyways, after a bit of this, I turn her face towards my, and go in for a kiss! ...

..REJECTED!.. I get the cheek instead! Hahah! I thought to myself “whoops! Too soon!” So I went back to putting my chin on her shoulder, and my hand on Her butt..

I asked her “so! What’s the next track?!” And she starts to put it on.. I didn’t see the shoot down as a bad thing, just that the timing was waaay too soon. There fore I go back to groping and massaging her butt, her back, her arms.. now with both hands..

Anyways, I diffused the awkwardness of the non kiss rather expertly, so there was pretty much no tension after it.. one thing to note is that all this time, se has been sitting upright on the couch, and I was reclining behind her.. so after the diffusion, she leans backward and I move my arm around her neck so it’s hanging above her breast.. though I’m technically rubbing her arm..

With my left hand, I slowly move it down her left arm, And I entwine my fingers in hers. From here I start to plant small kisses, occasional, brief, fast, of no consequence, on her shoulder, all the while squeezing and twining/untwining our hands..

She was really enjoying being close like this, and those small sighs became more and more frequent.. eventually we start to sway again, and my right hand, starts to move closer and close towards her right Breast...

God my dick was rock hard right then to her, I didn’t try to hide it, but at the same time I didn’t flaunt it, she could see full well on her own..

the thought that my fingers, with each sway of our bodies, was getting closer and closer to her. She could feel it, and I could feel it. But. I did not rush... my first touch, was the briefest, glancing, scrape, with my middle finger.. When my finger connected, a sort of very small spasm/jolt went through her body from her crotch.. it was very distinctive, but not overly strong.. I was so turned on, and I could see over her shoulder, that’s her nipples had started to perk up.. occasionally when my chin was on her shoulder, I would look down into her top, intently and long enough that she notices me looking at her breasts.. I started to slowly get more deliberate in my touches, my hand gets closer and Closer, the touches get longer.. more fingers get involved.. after about 10 minutes of slowly edging towards her breasts.. I decide the time is right to find her nipple.. I had mapped out through touch, the top of her breasts, so I knew roughly where the nipple was..

I braces myself, and dragged the back of my thumb, along her breast And over her nipple.. Her body was locked in place while my finger moved towards the nipple.., when I made contact.. she gave a stronger shudder/jolt ..

After this, I focused most of my attention on the nipple, I decided that now was the perfect time to make it clear I was touching her sexually, so with my thumb and pointer both starting at the top of her breas, I started to move them (locked in a pinch position) towards her nipple.. I had a feeling she knew what I was about to do, because she shot me a quick nervous look as my fingers got closer..

I kept going until the nipple was between my two fingers, I then started very gently, teasing my fingers around and around her nipple.. I didn’t rush.. my touch was almost non existent, but ever so slowly I would outline her nipple, gradually increasing pressure, until eventually I took the nipple between my fingers and simply lifted it away from her body... the gasp and shudder that escaped from her was amazing!

Suddenly, (I think that she couldn’t stand it any more) she shot her right hand up! Almost as if stretching it.. but I knew. It was an invitation. Without hesitating, I push her down onto the couch, and just stare into her eyes.. my fingers are on her nipples,pulling very gently.. I keep starting into her eyes. I tell her how incredibly beautiful she is, she looks away in embarrassment and closes her eyes, spreading her arms for me, but closing her legs!.. the sign was clear to me, do what you want with my breasts....


Well guys and girls, I hope you enjoyed readin part one. I’m sorry if you were expecting a 50 shades type of story or with ”all the sex”, but if you want to hear what happens for the rest of the night let me know! ( we ended up sleeping at 6 am!).. it was one of most fun first tinder dates I’ve ever been on!

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By *UN-ALMan
over a year ago

near Fenwick

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago


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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


More please!

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By *ustful desiresCouple
over a year ago


Good start

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great erotic build up.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great start - slow burner!! More

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Love it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Brilliant can’t wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *eicestermale1Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"More please!"

Writing now

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Brilliant can’t wait for more "

Part 3 is up bro.. hope you enjoy..

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By *onJazzyMan
over a year ago


What a way to arouse a man wow

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"What a way to arouse a man wow


Glad you enjoyed it.. I tell you, it was so fucking hot. I love extended foreplay anyway, but this shit was at another level for me..

Every little move I made during the night, when i was physical with her, I tried to make very deliberately, so she knew what I was doing, but she had enough room to play with it as if she didn’t know...

Can’t wait to see her again, as we made plans for next week Monday or Tuesday.. (part 3 is up now)

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