By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I've always been a fan of mountain biking. I got my first, diamond back topango, in the 80s when mountain biking didn't have all the bike parks most people seem to visit today. Back then you went out and explored. Living in the Lake District meant I had plenty of places to explore and with a group of friends we'd often head out just seeing where it was possible to go.
On this particular day though I wasn't going exploring but instead going out for a quick 1 hour ride by a local lake just for a fitness workout.
Almost the entire round trip is fireroad. Nothing difficult, but after work it's a safe off-road place with nice scenary, perfect for pushing the heart rate to help keep fitness up.
The weather forecast wasn't great, heavy showers were expected, but when I arrived at the car park the skies were clear. I unloaded the bike and changed into my biking gear. I did have waterproofs in the car but being stupid I decided I'd probably get away without them for the quick 1 hour blast I had planned.
So I pulled on my cycle shorts, the ones with chamois to protect you, slightly, from those constants kicks up the arse you get from bikes without rear suspension, and a t-shirt. No added protection needed for elbows and knees on this track.
Chamois cycle shorts don't mix well with underwear so apart from shorts and t-shirt the only other thing I wore were socks and shoes.
In this particular car park it's always easy to get changed even when it's quite busy. It's a typical woodland area rough surface spread through trees and you can always park in such a way that you can change behind the car without offending anyone. Well, blokes can anyway. Women who try it have to be a little more careful as you can't easily hide your naked breasts behind a car.
For us blokes though, the car gives adequate protection to strip naked and just get changed.
As It wasn't the greatest weather this evening when I arrived, about 6:30pm after work, there were no other cars around tonight so I didn't even think about parking strategically and just stripped off, threw my clothes on the back seat and pulled on the shorts and t-shirt right in open view of the whole area.
Some of you might recognise the location as you read this story, even though I'm not naming names. If you do please don't put the location in the comments. I still go mountain biking, I still go to this same place and can still be found stripping off to get changed in the same car park before and after a ride. No need to advertise where it is.
If you happen to recognise it, and ever go there yourselves, and see a late forties mountain biker on a black bike with red graphics, long hair, getting changed behind his car feel free to say Hi. I'm not shy, I just try not to offend the more delicate members of public. If your reading this though i'm guessing you won't be easily offended by seeing me and being exposed to my naked body and shaved cock as we chat.
Anyway, back to this night I'm telling you about. I set off down the steep track from the car park that leads down to the lake side fireroad. Nice easy start, no peddling needed for the first quarter mile but it does mean the last quarter mile back to the car is a bitch.
I followed the road right along beside the lake staying on the track to the left all the way up to the remote youth hostel before turning around to head back. 25 minutes there. Not a bad time.
On the way back I crossed the ford across the river to the north east of the lake to follow the path back which runs on the opposite side as it's nicer than the fireroad and a little more hilly to help get the heart pounding. When I reached the lower crossing point to come back to the original side of the lake is when I got a puncture. And typically the rain started. Fuck did it rain. Heavy, wet, pissing rain.
It took me nearly 10 minutes to swap out the tube and get moving again. I was soaked through and really starting to wish I'd put my waterproofs on.
Heading back as fast as I could I finally reached the hill back to the car park and put in a super human effort to climb it in half the time it usually takes me. The rain was still coming down heavy, this had ceased to be fun and I just wanted to get back.
Turning right into the car park I coasted over to my car. In the time I'd been out a camper van was now parked opposite me. As I'd taken no care to park my car this left me with no convenient hiding place to avoid being seen getting changed.
I leaned the bike against my car and initially doubled over breathless from the effort of climbing the hill at higher than normal speed but once recovered took a strategic few paces back and forth checking out the camper van.
It had blinds down across the side windows and one of those fold out coverings you often see placed in the front windscreen to block it.
As far as I could tell it looked empty, or at least shup up tight for the night with the occupants, warm, dry and comfortably sat out of sight.
Opening the boot I pulled the front wheel off my bike and threw it in the car closing the tailgate as quickly as I could to stop the car filling up with water. The rain was so heavy I feared it would get soaking wet.
I took off my shoes and socks and put them on the roof of the car then pulled off my t-shirt. My shorts were next which I threw on the roof with everything else leaving me stood completely naked beside the car with my back facing the camper.
I had a towel and dry clothes inside the car which I was leaving inside as long as possible so they didn't end up soaking wet. By this time in my life I'd already been shaving my whole body for a couple of years. Legs, back (yeah, I need help with that), chest, arse and cock. Basically I have hair on my head and arms, the rest is perfectly smooth.
I was just about to open the rear door to grab my towel in a vain hope of getting myself partially dry before I jumped in the car naked to get dressed when I heard a door open behind me, the camper van door, and a female voice call out "you poor thing. Do you want to get dried off in my van?"
I was stark bollock naked stood in a car park and she was inviting me into her van. Anyone who's read my previous stories will probably already realise that being caught like this isn't something that bothers me.
Being invited into her camper van to dry off after she's already caught me naked is something that's only going to end one way, with me getting a hardon. Yes, I'm a slut. I admit it. I get turned on being naked around people.
You never know how people will react to that though and I don't try to offend, shock or scare people. I always try to make sure these circumstances happen only when the others are happy to take part. So it might have been pissing with rain and I wasn't going to turn down her offer, but at the same time I wasn't going to run into her van and potentially scare the life out of her either if she suddenly found herself outside her comfort zone.
I turned round to face her so she could see me completely naked. She'd already seen my arse so figured she already had a good idea what she would be letting herself in for inviting me inside.
She was no more than 20 feet away so had a good view. My shaved cock was already beginning to swell. It was unmistakable.
"Oh hi. Sorry, I bet this isn't something you see everyday. Bloody rain caught me out and I'm wet through so didn't want to get the inside of the car wet"
I would guess she was in her late twenties to early thirties. She was mostly hidden inside her van still so i didn't really see much other than her face at this point.
She laughed, "you'd be surprised. I'm a biker too. Was hoping to get out for a ride myself until this rain started. Have you got a towel? If you don't I've got some in here if you want to use one." She offered.
By this point my cock was almost fully erect, and I could see by her eyes she was checking me out. She obviously wasn't bothered by the situation so I took her up on the offer.
"If your sure you don't mind, that would be great thanks" I replied. I left all my things in, or on top off, my car and just walked over towards her van door completely naked not actually taking any clothes with me.
When I reached the door she stood aside to let me stand just inside and I pulled the door closed behind me. The floor just inside was lino and I stood there dripping as she brought me a towel from towards the back of the van and handed it to me.
"Did you have a good ride?" She asked glancing down her eyes shifting between my face and cock.
"Until the rain started, yeah. You been here before?" I asked
"No, I'm on holiday touring round. Met some guys yesterday while I was at Whinlatter that told me there is a good ride up to a youth hostel, nice scenary, so thought I'd do it tonight and then stay over"
"That's where I've just been. It's a nice run, not too long but yeah there are some great views"
She kind of giggled "the views not bad from here either" she said "sorry. Ignore me." She continued smiling.
I wasnt making any effort to cover up as I was drying my body and laughed when she said that. "Sorry, that thing" I indicated my cock "has a mind of its own. Just ignore it"
It was her turn to laugh now "Most men are the same, don't worry about it. I'm Jenny by the way" she said holding out her hand.
"Dick" I said taking her hand and shaking it.
"Yeah, it is. I can see that" she said laughing louder "sorry. Ignore me. I'm in a funny mood"
Jenny offered me a cup of tea, to warm me up, and we chatted getting to know each other. She didn't seem the slightest bit bothered about me standing there rubbing a towel over my naked body with my hardon standing stiff at attention.
I learned she was divorced and had bought the camper van after they'd sold their house and was planning on touring Europe, but starting off in the UK, after quitting her job. This was her 3rd week after being up in Scotland to begin and working her way south.
She was a mountain bike early starter as well and the whole adventure she was starting off on was all about biking.
When the tea was ready I wrapped the towel around my waist and was about to sit down to drink it when Jenny said "hey, no. Give me that towel. Your not getting my chairs wet mister"
Jenny stood holding out her hand waiting for the towel.
"All my clothes are in my car. I'll just nip over and get some" I replied smiling at her.
"You don't need to do that, just give me the towel" she smirked.
Shrugging I peeled the towel off and held it out "your the boss" I said as she took it away and hung it up to dry.
"Now you can sit down" she said.
My cock was throbbing so much by now. Jenny was attractive. It was obvious she done a lot of cycling. She had small pert boobs, toned arms and legs and stood about 5 foot 8.
As we drank the tea we just talked about cycling but I couldn't help noticing her glancing down at my cock continually. After 30 minute's we had potted histories of each others lives as well as swapping stories on great areas to cycle.
"How long you been shaving your cock? It looks good by the way" Jenny then said.
"Few years. Long story, but to be honest I like it"
Jenny made me tell her the long story so I told her about modelling at the spa and how Trish had shaved me and covered me in oil for my first session. It was unlikely I would ever see Jenny after today so didn't see any reason not to be honest with her.
"Sounds like a great job. I wouldn't call it work though" she laughed after I'd told her.
"No, I don't." I agreed "it's a great excuse to get out on the bike though to keep fit so I don't lose it"
"Well, your doing a great job. Keep it up. Though it doesn't look like you have trouble on that front either" she laughed indicating my still hard, throbbing cock.
"Just lucky I guess" I winked.
"You know. I'm glad it rained so much today and you got soaked, we might never have met otherwise. Dick, do you have anyplace else to be tonight?" She asked.
"No, Why?"
"Why don't you stay here with me tonight" she came straight out and asked.
Well, she was divorced, she was travelling around. I guess women have needs just as much as men do.
"I'd like that Jenny" I said smiling at her.
Jenny moved close to me and kissed me. My hands were soon groping her breasts over her top and and as soon as I touched her there her hand took hold of my cock.
"Mmmmm that feels wonderful. So smooth" she said between kisses.
I pulled her top over her head and quickly unfastened her bra freeing her tits and started sucking her nipples. "Mmmmm, oh god"
Next came her shorts and knickers pulled off together so now she was just as naked as me.
I pushed her down onto the bed and dropped my head between her legs licking her pussy until she was nice and wet ready to accept my hard cock.
Climbing on top of her I sank my full 8 inches inside her cunt and we fucked, slowly, gently, savouring this unexpected moment of pleasure as the rain continued to fall on the roof drumming a fast incessant beat to our slow love making.
During the course of the night we fucked several times before falling asleep in each others arms.
I had work the next day at 11am but we woke early, around 7am, and made love again before having some breakfast.
Afterwards we put on our biking gear, mine still soaked through from lying on the roof of my car all night, and I took her up to the youth hostel and back following the same route I'd done the night before.
By the time we returned the car park was full of day visitors enjoying the fresh air. We put away our bikes then went inside her van to change and fucked one last time before saying goodbye, both heading off our seperate ways. Jenny to continue her adventures round Europe, and me, well back to work.
We didn't swap details or ever see each other again. I know it's a long shot, but, Jenny, if your reading this. Get in touch. It would be great to hear how your adventure went and catch up with you again.
If you've still got a camper van let me know. I'd love a cup of tea after getting wet biking |