By *ogue78 OP Man
over a year ago
Edinburgh |
Here is a story I started a few years ago and just found again after some tidying...
Hope you like it...
Well, first time meets are always nerve wracking, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise!
Do you have a drink to calm yourself, I muse, no she said bring wine. Yes, wine, now red or white? Definitely white, I'm not a fan of red, and white is better for relaxed drinking and chatting, everybody likes white anyway. I tell myself to calm down as I check my phone for the twentieth time, awaiting confirmation that the meet still going ahead. The phone vibrates (I hate the tinny beeps that usually signifies a message) and see the tiny icon showing that a message is waiting to be opened. I open the message, fuck, it's a marketing message, and no I haven't had a fucking accident recently! The phone vibrates again, it's her, and the meet is still on. Another message, " I'm ready, come whenever " it reads. I touch my already hardening cock through my trousers, fuck, stop it, I think to myself. I look in the mirror, just making sure I look good for her. I was wearing black suit trousers with a deep red shirt, perfect combination. A black jacket finishes it off. Hair looking good too, even my skin is free from blemishes. Looking good, right, taxi booked, wine in hand, let's go.
I message her from the taxi, to let her know I'm on my way. I try making small talk with the driver, trying to relax a little more. Driver asks what I'm doing, I feel my heart skip, fuck, what if he knows her, wonders if he can read my mind and know exactly what I'll be doing? Play it cool, he doesn't know, he's just chatting to pass the time. I answer that I'm having lunch with an old friend. He doesn't need to know the truth. He nods with a knowing smile, and says no more. My phone vibrates; it's her, a picture message this time, just her foot, an exquisite foot, encompassed in glorious stocking, topped off with a shoe of beauty. Black, studded with diamantes and a killer five inch heel. I wish I sat in the back now, the driver must have noticed my trousers twitch, at least seen the pic! He hasn't, or at least not acknowledged he hasn't. We arrive at your house; the large automatic gates allow us entry. We stop outside your front door; I pay the driver, and leave the vehicle. I compose myself once more then knock the door using the heavy brass knocker.
I see you, in the flesh, for the first time.
“Hello, and welcome “you announce. I stand there, just taking in what you're wearing. A long black evening dress, stopping just above the ankles, showing off those gorgeous shoes, the dress decorated with sparkling diamantes to match. I take in your almost glowing, fiery red hair, all pulled up, presenting your sexy neck, upon which sits a silvery chain, holding an emerald pendant. The pendant itself plunges downwards, nestling between two glorious globes of heaven, barely contained by the above dress.
“Well, aren't you going to come in?” I open my mouth to reply, however I just hand her the bottle and walk past her, breathing in the delicious scent of her perfume.
At this point, I'd better introduce you to my new ' friend’
Her name is Isabella, and we'd met through a mutual friend. We had communicated via email and phone messages, however this was the first time we'd actually met. I was secretly doing cartwheels in my head, but obviously I had to be seen to be cool, calm and collected on the outside. From the communications that were had been having, I knew roughly what tonight would bring.................however what happened was something quite unexpected, and this, my dear friends is my account.