By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Hey all, this is a story I wrote a few years back, has a few mistakes in it and not the best but wanted to share it again.
Bloody stupid car! I cursed to myself.
I knew I should have done something about those tyres I thought as I looked at the deflated cracked rubber.
I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, 9pm. I texted my brother to say I would be late and not to wait up. I was still over an hour’s drive from his place let alone the time it will take to get someone out to replace my tyres.
No signal! Not to mention a very low battery! I turned the phone off to save what power there was in the phone in case I really needed it.
For fuck sake I thought, can it get any worse? I rubbed my face as I thought for a few moments, I felt drained and worn out.
Taking a deep breath I looked up and down the deserted road, nothing to be seen in either direction. However, I knew Reeth was about five miles away down the B6270, if I walked for 20 minutes I’d probably come across a house or farm where I could maybe make a few calls.
Well it was better than sitting there hoping something good would happen!
I made sure I had my essentials, keys, wallet and phone, grabbed my jacket, slammed the door and pressed the lock button on my key fob. I looked around hopefully once more, but still nothing, I zipped up and headed down into the dark.
Walking was not so bad, at least I felt proactive, the thought of coming across a welcoming warm pub with a huge roaring fire kept me going at a fair pace.
It was blustery and cold, but then I’d expect nothing else from these hills in February. After about fifteen minutes it started to rain, I smiled to myself, of course it’s raining, at least it’s not snow!
After what seemed like an age and I could see a light and an outline of a house on the horizon, I picked up my speed and started to rehearse what I would say.
The last thing I needed was to be turned away or be sent packing by some old dear.
As I got closer it was obvious someone was home, thank god I thought.
Not knowing what to expect, and feeling a little nervous I took another deep breath, clasped the metal knocker and rattled it twice.
I must look like a drowned rat I thought to myself as I waited, first impressions count, so I straightened myself out, swept my hair back and tried to look as cheerful as I could I listened carefully.
After a minute or two, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a female voice speaking to someone close by ‘Do you think that’s him?’
‘I hope so’ said a male voice, ‘I did not think he would go through with it.’
I was a little confused but glad someone was in so I could ask to use their phone.
A top and bottom bolt rattled across, a key unlocking before the door opened.
Part 2
As the door opened I felt the heat wash over me, in the doorway stood a smiling man. His smile soon faded to be replaced with concern, ‘H hello’ he said a little confused.
‘Really sorry to bother you’ I said, ‘but my car has broken down a few miles back, and I was just wondering if I could use your phone.’
He paused for a second, taking in what he had just heard, still looking confused, he turned round to the lady of the house who was stood higher up on the stairs, for what I can only guess as reassurance.
He turned back to me, ‘I’m sorry but the phone has been out for a few hours now’ he told me.
‘I don’t expect it to be back up till sometime tomorrow’ he continued.
I rubbed my neck and sighed as my mind bounced around random thinking of an alternative solution.
‘Oh’ I replied softly, ‘well thanks for your time, I did not mean to intrude.’ I turned to walk away.
‘However, you look freezing and soaked to the bone, how about a hot drink by the fire?’ the man said.
‘The rain may die down, and it will give you chance to dry off too’ he continued.
I was torn, I wanted to keep going while I still had the energy, but I could feel my cold feet in wet shoes, I looked up at him and he looked the friendly sort, by this time the lady had come down the stairs to stand behind him, she was slightly taller than him and looked rather pretty.
‘That would be most generous of you I said, I am a little cold!’ I replied.
My name is ‘Dean’ I said stepping through the door.
The man said, ‘My name is Steve and this is my wife Julia’
I shook his hand as held my hand out to Julia, she looked at me and smiled and held my hand firmly.
‘Let me take your coat’ she said.
I unzipped and gently passed it over trying not to soak their hallway.
‘I’ll go and grab some towels’ Steve said, ‘Jules take him through to the living room and get him a drink’ he said as he headed up the stairs.
Julia led me into their front room, which was small, but wonderful and cosy, with only the fire and a side lamp giving off any light.
Warm yourself by the fire and I’ll go and get you a drink, what would you like?’ Julia asked.
‘Tea’ I eagerly replied moving to the fire.
She left the room and I was left heating my hands by the coal fire, my fingers tingling as the heat penetrated my skin.
Steve entered the room, ‘Here, dry your face and hair. I am running you a bath, we can put your cloths in the tumble dryer, they should be dry in an hour or so.’ He said.
Wow, that’s friendly! I thought, I’ve only just met them and already they are treating me like a long lost friend!
‘Er, sure that would be great, I am feeling rather uncomfortable in these wet cloths!’
‘I put a clean dressing gown on the bathroom door, head up stairs the bathroom is on the right, put your cloths outside the door and I’ll pick them up and put them in the dryer.’
‘Great!’ I headed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, it felt good to get out of the stiff wet cloths. Within seconds I was naked and folding the cloths, I opened the door a little and put the cloths on the landing, then quickly closed the door.
The bath looked wonderful, a fresh fruity aroma and it was full of bubbles. I stepped in gently and laid back slowly, getting use to the heat.
I took a deep breath and let out a sigh of happiness.
Just then the door opened and in walked Julia with my cup of tea.
I jumped a little, surprised she just walked in without knocking.
‘Don’t worry you don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.’ She giggled.
Luckily the bubbles covered my modesty so I relaxed a little.
She put the tea down on a stool next to the bath and sat down on the loo next to the bath.
‘I hope that is ok, not to hot I hope’
I smiled and replied, ‘No, it’s perfect. ‘
With that she leaned forward and put her hand in the water then ran it along the inside of my leg up to my inner thigh.
With that my cock became semi erect and I felt a jolt run right through me.
She smiled, then pulled her hand back out, stood up and went to leave. As she was about to close the door she turned and said, when you are done, come and join us down stairs…. With or without the robe…’
My jaw must have hit the water as the door closed, what on earth have I walked in to?
Part 3
For a few seconds my brain just stopped working. Did that just happen? Did she just say what I think she said?
In all my 40 years I don’t think I have ever felt this way. So many mixed emotions all happening at the same time it was hard to stay focused.
Now I have had a number of sexual partners, been married and fathered children but this is a first.
I replayed the last 20 minutes and wondered how I went from walking down a road to being naked in a stranger’s house; I suddenly became a little worried.
I thought about the couple for a few minutes, they must be about my age, the guy looked fit but not over powering, I think I could take him if I had to.
Just then the bathroom light went out which made my heart race, and I suddenly became hyper aware. B
I heard some talking downstairs, and someone coming up the stairs.
‘You OK? Power has just gone!’ the house is pitch black so take care. We have candles downstairs, but I have brought you a torch, I heard the door open and footsteps walk over to the loo. He placed the torch down and went to leave. Sorry about this, come on down when you ready, it is light and warm by the fire.
Steve left and I heard him return down stairs.
I just sat still, not really knowing what to think.
I was nervous yes, but they both seemed friendly.
I washed myself and carefully stepped out the bath wrapping the towel around my waist and picked up the torch. I switched it on and looked around the room. I saw the fluffy blue dressing gown; I reached out and slipped it on. It felt nice, dry and thick.
I tied it up, took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. All was quiet and very dark as I walked down the stairs. I could see the orange glow from the door to the front room. I looked at the front door. I could make a dash for it now I half thought to myself as I passed it, chuckling at the idea of me freezing my ass off heading into the wind and rain.
Again I took a deep breath as I paused outside the closed door to their main room. I turned the handle and walked in confidently.
The room was gloomy but had fire gave off a wonderful orange glow, you could also feel the warmth compared to the rest of the house, both Steve and Julia were wearing oversized dressing gowns sipping on large glasses of wine.
Steve was sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, Julia was in the arm chair, she had one leg tucked under her bum with the other stretched out in front, her gown falling off the top of her thigh, I tried my hardest not to stare and smiled at them both.
‘Thanks again for all you have done for me.’ I said breaking the silence.
‘No problem at all. Here have a glass of wine, not sure how long the electrics going to be off.’ Steve said as he poured me a glass of white wine.
‘Lovely’, I said taking the glass and sitting down trying not to flash myself in the process.
‘So where were you headed’ Julia asked.
I filled them in about my journey and gave details of who what why where etc. More wine flowed as we chatted, we laughed about stories we shared and past relationships and places we had lived, also found we had both lived in Manchester at the same time in the early 90s.
It was as if we were old friends, all fearful thoughts had left my head, replaced by a warm fuzzy feeling which I think was me being a little tipsy.
Julia broke the conversation and informed us she needed the little girls room, as she got up her gown started to fall open, she made no attempt to prevent it and carried on out the room, I tried not to look like I noticed, but the stirring between told a different story.
Steve topped up my glass and noticed the bottle was empty.
‘Arse, I think we are all out of wine now!’ He got up and walked over to the curtains and peered between them, still raining too!’ he said.
‘I’ll go and see what else we got’ and with that he left the room by the other door which I presumed was the kitchen.
As he left the room, I turned to notice Julia walking back in the room.
What I saw almost begged belief.
Her face was half covered by a mask, she was wearing lacy black bra and knickers, elbow length gloves and sheer black nylon hold ups. In one hand she had what looked like a red silk scarf and in the other a small whip.
I just stared open mouthed, it took me a few seconds to also notice she was wearing a rather large red strap on dildo!
‘So…’ she purred, ‘Are you ready for what you came for?’
My brain could not take in what I was looking at while replaying what Julia had just said to me.
‘I, I, I’m not sure I know...wh…’ I tried to say, but my mouth was all of a sudden very dry, however I was aware of the butterflies in my tummy and the tingling sensation in my groin.
Julia just smiled, walked over to where I was sat, leaned towards me and put her finger on my lips
She then lowered herself to my face and kissed me.
I responded and kissed back, it just seemed the natural thing to do. The right or wrong of what was happening seemed irrelevant.
My eyes were closed and I was taken in by her soft lips, her scent and power.
She pulled back and waited for my eyes to open. She half smiled at me, but quick as a flash she slapped me hard across the right cheek.
I was shocked and confused, what was happening?
‘From now on I am in charge, you will address me as Miss, and you will do as I say…..Understand?’
I must have still looked dumbstruck because she slapped me again hard.
She stepped back from me so she was back lit by the glow of the fire and all I could really make out was her silhouette.
Did I want this? I was rock hard and excited but confused. It was an incredible situation to be in and one that may never come again.
‘Ye…Yess Miss’ I heard come from my mouth, but without really knowing where it came from.
‘Say it again’ Julia instructed, ‘However, this time say it like you mean it.’
While still intoxicated I suddenly felt a wave of calm and was more than curious by this very strange turn of events.
I looked directly at her ‘Yes Miss, I understand.’ I replied. That seals it I thought… in for a penny, in for a pound.
‘Good!’ she said firmly, then slapped her left leg with her whip.
‘Removed your gown, get on your hands and knees then crawl over to me’
I did as instructed, this was all very new to me, and I felt a little silly.
As I got close to her, she spoke again.
‘Sit back on your heels, put your arms behind your back and keep still’
Again I did as I was told.
She then blindfolded me with the silk scarf she had been holding. It was tied tight behind my head and I suddenly felt very vulnerable.
‘Tell me your safe word, once you say that word this will end and you will get dressed and leave’
Safe word? I’ve never needed a safe word before, but I understood what she was saying, I thought quick… I knew it should be something unusual
‘Raindrops’ I replied.
‘Good boy’ she said.
I heard her walk behind me, paused for a second then I felt her hold my left wrist wrap something around it, then the right. I did not attempt to test how tight I was bound.
She walked back around to my front.
I felt her rubber cock rest on my lips.
‘Open your mouth.’ Julia instructed.
As I did I felt her slowly push her cock between my lips.
She slowly pulled back and pushed forward again, but I felt the tip hit the roof of my mouth, her third stroke made me gag.
She pulled back and I heard her chuckle.
I felt something being wrapped around my neck.
‘Stand up’ I was told.
‘By the time we are through with you will take our cocks to the hilt’
As the words rang in my head I heard a door open and close, we were now not alone.
Part 4
Disbelief and excitement were my over riding thoughts, I was lead across the room, but was brought to a stand after only a few steps, I had assumed I would be lead to the bedroom.
I could hear what I thought was the sofa or arm chair being moved behind me As I felt something being wrapped around my balls and cock, It felt like a rubber band but I could not be sure. However once done I knew it was wrapped up tight.
I felt a tug on my neck as I was lead back across the room. 'Lead forward' Julia commanded.
I was not sure what was in front of me but did as I was told. As I bent forward I could feel the sofa material touching my tummy, I guess I was now bent over the back of the sofa.
As I came to rest I felt my wrists being untied, however my release was short lived as both my arms were then stretched out either side of me. I heard a click on one side followed by the other side.
I pulled ever so slightly to gauge my movement, there was very little and i was held tight.
Just as I did that I felt the whip thrash against my bare bum. I jumped more out of shock than pain, though it did sting.
'I saw that!' Julia said coldly. 'Part your feet till I tell you to stop'
With the sting on my back side still raw I did what she asked before I got a second thrash.
'Stop.' Julia said as I must have been spread about a metre or more. I felt my ankles being tied and clipped just as my wrists were, I did not test how tight I was bound.
'We are going to take photos of you for our own self pleasure, speak now if you do not consent.' Julia said.
I thought for a second but said nothing.
'Good boy' She replied.
I heard a sound of 2 photos being taken, aware that all I had left was my hearing which had become very heightened.
I could only hear Julia walking around, Steve I sensed was close but I was unsure where. Just as silence fell, I heard a whoosh followed by the pain across my arse, I cried out as it really did sting.
'Thank you are the words you are looking for!' Julia scolded me.
Again the whoosh followed by the sting across my cheeks, however this time, I winced but remained silent.
'Thank you.' I breathed out.
'You're welcome.' Julia replied.
I breathed a little deeper composing myself for whatever else may come, expecting the worse.
However, what came next was a surprise, a cold cream like substance was being slowly rubbed across my bum, a wonderful sensation after the pain of the whip.
Her strokes were slow but firm, her hands rounded and slipped between my cheeks brushing across my anus sending a shot of electricity through me. Slowly she would do the same again in the other direction, not being able to move or see made this an intense few minutes that had me erection straining.
Time was now becoming a strange concept but after a what I guessed was a few minutes I felt a finger push a little harder against my anus. I clenched which was just a natural reaction, I was not surprised by the attention she was paying me there but my guard was still up.
'Relax' Julia instructed me. 'Unless you want it the hard way!'
God knows what that meant so I relaxed as best I could feeling her finger slip past my entrance. I did my best to just go with it as she pushed deeper.
I opened my mouth to let out a grown as I felt a wonderful wave of pleasure shoot through me, as my mouth was open I felt something press against my lips, it quickly dawned on me this was Steve's cock.
Part 5
Taking Steve's cock into my mouth was a watershed moment.
Steve's hands held my head firmly as he slowly rocked forward and backwards. It seemed like he was getting pleasure out of feeling my lips run back and forth over his swollen head. I could taste his pre cum on my tongue as he slowly milked himself inside me.
As the very same time Julia was working her finger back and forth. I felt more cream being applied to my rear as she slowly added a second finger inside me.
No words were spoken by any of us as I felt the sexual energy from them both.
Again time was hard to keep track of as I was feeling a pushing and pulling sensations back and front.
I could feel my own precum dripping down my leg, but my erection was restricted by whatever was wrapped around my cock.
Steve pulled back from mouth, I then I felt a glass offered to me to drink from, I sipped and tasted more wine, I then drank a mouth full before the glass was taken away.
Julia had also removed her fingers from inside me and it was silent for a few moments.
I felt my cock tie/cage being un done, the freedom felt wonderful as my cock slapped against my navel.
'We are going to fuck you now, remember your safe word?' Julia asked.
'Yes' I replied.
Again a pause that felt like ages.
Julia and Steve simultaneously started to push their cocks inside me. Steve pushed further than before, his cock felt large inside my mouth, Julia's cock stretched me much more than her fingers. I had no idea how this would feel but tried to stay with them.
Julia grabbed my waste and slowly moved back and forth, Steve followed suit.
As one of them pulled out the other would push forward, Steve's cock was hitting the back of my throat which made me gag a little each time it did it. His hands held me firm as did Julia's.
Deeper each stroke went, Julia's dildo was reaching deep inside me making me feel sensations I had not felt before, I now felt her thighs pressing against mine so knew she was as deep as she could go.
However, what I was not prepared for was her actions. She sped up and started to fuck me. Her rhythm was much faster now, she grabbed my cock and started to stroke me which felt amazing after so long restrained. Steve I sensed was on the edge as he slowed and went back to milking his head between my lips, pausing every few moments, I could feel he was ready to cum.
Julia released my cock and slapped my ass a few times as she carried on the fucking, reaching round to wank me again, this cycle she kept up till I could feel her starting to shake and moan.
My legs were weak but I was unable to move or recover, I felt Steve and Julia bend over to kiss each other and the sexual energy was now at fever pitch.
Julia held tight and started long and slow strokes as she groaned, she pushed in deep and reached round to grab my balls in one hand and cock in the other, her hands and fingers were pulling and pushing, Steve had also picked up the pace.
'Swallow Steve's cum' I heard Julia instruct as I felt Steve push deep and hold my head close to him. I was impaled on his cock and unable to do anything about it, I felt him tense up and feel a warm liquid hit my throat, I gagged again but had to swallow, three times he filled my mouth, and each time I swallowed.
Julia squealed at the sight of this and held me close as she quivered against my back.
My body was so very sensitive now.
Julia pulled back from me taking a deep breath.
'Well done slut!' I felt my arms and legs un clipped and I was turned around, Julia held my cock in her hand.
I am now kneeling in front of you, wank yourself over my face' Julia commanded.
I did not need to be told again, I grabbed my cock and wanked my cock hard, seconds later I was shooting high in the air, unable to see where it had gone.
I had never had an orgasm like that before nor I suspect has my cum shot so far.
I leaned against the sofa to catch my breath, Julia come close and whispered to me, 'open your mouth and do not swallow!'
I did as she asked and I felt a trickle of cum run back between my lips and fill my mouth.
I then felt Julia grab my cheeks and kiss me. We both swallowed the remainder of the cum. While doing this I wondered how Julia could speak with so much cum in her mouth... but then realised that it was not Julia who took my cum!
I heard a door close and Julia back away from me.
'We are leaving to shower, all your cloths are now dry and next to you.
Please dress and leave.' she said, 'We will be in touch tomorrow.'
I heard the door close again and I removed my blind fold to find myself alone in the room which was almost dark now. As I came down from my high I felt a little dirty about what had just took place. I quickly got dressed and took a last mouth full of wine and left the room and house, closing the front door behind me.
I turned to walk down the path and was met by a man who was soaking due to the heavy rain, I also noted he held a striking resemblance to me.
'Hello' he said, 'Is Steve home?'
'I think so, I had not seen him for an hour.'
'Thanks' he said as he moved past me to knock on the door.
I carried on walking and did not look back as I heard the front door open.