By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Chapter 1
The sun was dancing on the walls again. Every morning I’d awake with the same wonderful view to start my day. Warm droplets of coloured light seamed to wander carelessly in to my bedroom through the stained glass window at the foot of my bed.
I sometimes used to wonder how many people had woken with the same view of this room. How many lovers had held this moment with the same pleasure that it gives to me.
I’d bought the house a year ago with the proceeds of a very messy divorce.
I had just turned forty and found that my not so perfect husband had been screwing around with half of his staff. Believe me when I say, opening the door too your husband bent over his desk with little sweet Money Penny between his crotch is not a good way to start your sixth wedding anniversary. So after a bit of a cat fight and a seven month bitch match in court, I got my money and left him to his adulterate ways.
One year on, a couple of casual dates and a few little encounters, here I was with the sun spilling into my room and my mind wondering back too how many of the lovers had started their day watching the sunlight dance across their bedding and how many of their fingers had traced the light too passion.
And just like that the moment was gone.
What are friends for if not to spoil a moment, it was Julie my best friend. Well best friend, shoulder to cry on and all round goody two shoes. She’s one of those people that we all know who just seams to have it all in life. Good home, good boyfriend, good job, good luck. Just wish some of it would rub off on me.
She was thirty four, although she told people that she was late twenties, long dark hair and a figure that men desired day and night.
I’m more the girl next door type with a figure that men settle for at the end of a late night. Not that they’ve ever complained. What I lose out on with looks I more than make up for with enthusiasm. Well that’s what I tell myself anyway.
“Casandra. If your not down in five minutes I’m sending John up there to get you up.”
“Coming!” I replied half-heartedly.
I wouldn’t have minded if John did come up to get me out of bed. I might be brave today and ask him to join me. Put on my best come to bed eyes and watch the sunlight over his body for a change instead of mine.
But I wouldn’t, I couldn’t! Oh there are times that I want too though. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was Julies’ boyfriend I might have by now. Lucky bitch!
“Coffee’s on and I’m going for the papers and if your not up shortly I’ve told John he has my permission to get you up how he sees fit!”
That’s an extra half an hour in bed for me then, it will take her that long to get down to the shop and back. Sometimes living in the country has its advantages.
“Cassy. Are you awake?”
I opened my eyes to see John standing in my doorway. He was the only person who called me Cassy and I loved the fact that he was the only one who did. Most people just called me Cass. Julie gave me my full Sunday name everyday of the week, being such a goody, goody all the time but that’s just how she is. Goody Julie two shoes.
“I’m awake!” I purred
Oh grab me now and tell me how much you need me! Rip my bedclothes off and use me how you will. Or failing that give me that coffee that your holding and forget I’m even having these thoughts.
“I brought you a coffee.”
Coffee it is then. We spend so much of our life thinking of what we would like to do that when the moment comes, we just let it pass us by with a little wave and a tear of regret in one eye.
“Thank you. Where’s yours then?”
“It’s in the kitchen, Julie will be back in soon and I wouldn’t want her getting the wrong idea if she found us up here together. Would I?”
I wanted him to sit beside me forever while I sipped the coffee. Julie had a bit of a green streak if she thought that she wasn’t number one. I’d seen it with other boyfriends that she’d had in the past and was no different with John. She liked to control her men, dominate them to the point total control. The men never complained though, Julie was the perfect package as far as they were concerned. Until she’d used them up for her pleasure, then they’d wise up. John was worth more than that. Well I thought so anyway.
“I’ll be down after my shower. Then I’m yours for the day.” I sighed.
How I wish that was true.
Going in to the bathroom I caught a look of myself in the mirror.
“What would he see in you?” I thought.
I gave myself my most sexy look and swung my hips like they used to do in those corny fifties movies.
Sex appeal! That’s what I have and lots of it. I may have passed my prime but I still have my sex appeal.
I ran the shower till the room was full of steam. Thick, warm, moist, hot steam. It always helps me relax into the day when it’s like that and I needed something to take my mind off that glint that I thought I saw in Johns eyes. Or wished that I’d seen, oh who was I kidding.
I slowly untied my silk robe and stepped out of it into the shower. The warm water caught my breath as it flowed over my face and down towards my feet. It was blissful heaven it’s self.
There she goes again, spoiling the moment!
“Yes Julie?” I shouted with annoyance.
“How long you going to be?”
I’m in the shower, how long does she’ll think I’ll be? Going to tell her I’ll be ages, see how she likes that!
“About an hour!” That will teach her I thought!
“Ok then! See you when your ready”
Ok then? Bloody Ok then! I had a good mind to take the full hour to get ready. Normally Julie’s on my case to get ready as quick as posibal, if she didn’t care how long I’d be why in the hell did she ask?
“Julie?” I shouted. “JULIE!!”
Cheeky bitch has gone out with John, I thought, and left me behind. Bet she’ll be gone for more than an hour too. Well if the cat’s away as they say.
I started to wash my hair and thoughts of John in the shower with me entered my mind. The mixture of warm water and thousands of tiny soft bubbles tracing down my body was all that I needed to help me to relax into my daydream. It felt almost real. I imagined his strong hands running over my naked flesh, his lips kissing every inch of my pale skin.
I could almost hear his moans of pleasure filling the room. My fingers glided towards my moist thighs as I gently rubbed them thinking of Johns’ tongue probing deep between them. His hands reaching round to my back pulling me towards his face. I couldn’t take much more of this. My thoughts were about to turn into a very real orgasm.
I fumbled for the shower controls and managed to turn it off but not before a quick blast of freezing cold water hit my breasts making my nipples stand up hard. They gave a little cutting edge to my slowly subsiding orgasm. I was still hearing Johns’ soft moans in my head.
This wasn’t helping me concentrate on getting myself sorted at all. The last thing that I wanted was to get caught leaving the bathroom looking like I had just been dragged through a hedge backwards.
I managed, after a bit of time and self-convincing that I didn’t look too flushed so I got my thoughts together and putting my robe on I opened the bathroom door.
I could hear voices downstairs and realised that Julie and John must have come back early.
“Push it in now! Deep and hard and fast! Fuck me! John, Please fuck me NOW!”
I could hardly believe my ears. It was Julies’ voice clear and very concise in what she wanted. Then I realised that the moans that I heard in the shower were not in my mind, they were REAL.
My body was still shaking after my orgasms a few moments ago and in my heightened state my pussy started to pulse alive again. So, with a deep breath I decided there and then I wanted to see what was going on be it good or be it bad. I took the first quiet step down the stairs.
It creaked loudly and I froze.
“Bloody step!” I cursed under my breath.
With each step my heart raced faster and harder, I could almost taste the blood pumping through my veins. I could physically feel my moist clitoris growing with every naughty voyeuristic desire.
I approached the lounge door and gently pushed it open a couple of inches. The mirror above the fireplace was positioned in such a way that I could now see why John was making such a wonderful noise. Julie was bent over the sofa with her skirt hitched up. Her firm thighs tense in her stockings. John was standing behind her naked, his firm body glistening in the morning sunlight as it shone through the window.
“Who’s the best fuck?” Julie hissed
“You are!” John gasped.
“And who you going to cum deep into?”
“My naughty lady!” John harshly answered.
I was shocked to see two of my best friends fucking like dogs in heat in my house but I was turned on to the point that I didn’t care. Johns’ body was like a magnet to my eyes, I couldn’t take them off him. My hand had somehow managed to find away into my, now very open, robe and was caressing my breasts.
Heightening my lust with their every stroke, I watched, like a deer caught in headlights. His hard cock slid deep in and out of her. She was gasping for air with every thrust, trying to get out her next sentence.
“Did you fuck Casandra like I told you too when I was gone then?”
My hand froze. I couldn’t believe what my friend had just said. She wanted him to take me. She wanted him to come upstairs and fuck her best friend like a cheep sex toy. My legs gave way as an orgasm flashed through my body. The last couple of hours had just changed for me and I now checked my thoughts for those little tell tale signs that people give out when they want you. How could I have been so stupid? I had my chance to take what I had wanted for so long and I damn well missed it!
Johns’ thrusts got harder and deeper after she said that. He was fucking her like the devil had taken over his soul. I wished it was me there instead of Julie, I wish I had….. God damn it!
“I’ll take her when I want too, not when you say I can!” he grunted at her.
“You know if you’re a good girl that I’ll fuck you when and where you want and you can play with who you please but I decide who and when I fuck not you!”
My body froze. In one blinding flash of pure desire my body collapsed with the biggest orgasm of my life. Millions of tiny electro shocks raced through my skin, my mind was more alive at that moment than it had ever been before. I knew what I wanted and that was John inside me and I wanted him now.
I pushed open the door and stood before them both naked looking like a woman possessed.
“Julie, tell him to take me now! And if he dares to say no then he’ll never get the chance ever again!”
They didn’t miss a stroke when I walked in. John just fucked Julie harder than before. Each thrust was lifting her further off the ground till she uncontrollably orgasmed.
“You heard the lady John. It’s now or never!”
I lay down on the floor and spread my legs as far as they would go and thrust two fingers deep inside my burning pussy. John pulled out of Julies’ engorged cunt and strode towards me leaving her there like a dogs ragging toy.
With out a kind word or pleasantries he pushed his face into my hot inviting crotch. The scream that I let out should have been heard in the next village. I wanted this, I was taking this, I was having what I wanted for a change.
“Fuck me you dirty little bastard!” I commanded him.
“Fuck me like you were told to by your mistress!”
Julies eyes lit up when I said that but it wasn’t for her sake I said it.
I knew that his male ego wouldn’t let me talk to him like that and in his present state definitely not without a bit of punishment on my behalf.
“I’ll take you how I want and you’ll like it Cassy!”
That was all I needed to hear. He thrust his purple cock hard in one clean stroke into my inviting hole. Wave after wave of pleasure flowed through me. I couldn’t believe what I had done. Quiet little Casandra had become what she had only ever dreamt of. A woman who would take what she wanted, a woman who knew what she wanted and most of all a woman who now knew how to get it all.
John’s cock was now in full use of me now and he wasn’t about to let up on his new found pleasure. Julie knelt behind him and I could hear kissing sounds rising from below.
“Suck it! John begged
He pulled out of me and Julies’ mouth replaced where my pussy had just been. She sucked him like an old hand. I had heard stories of Julie and her blow jobs from some of her ex’s but I had never seen her do one before and boy did she know how to do it. I found myself wishing I had a cock just so I would know what she was like.
I slowly raised myself onto the sofa and watched mesmerised as she expertly teased John. Her hair was flowing over his legs as I saw her lips surround his cock. John was thrashing around on the floor his head tossing and turning, his hips bucking into her mouth.
I was sitting with my legs wide stroking myself watching them both. It felt so natural to me. My friends were lost in their own world and I was looking in as an invited guest. They had no care for what I was doing and I had a desire for more.
I stood up and walked over to them. John looked up and his eyes met mine. Kneeling down I placed my thighs so his tongue could reach what he’d just been fucking. He mumbled something but I was too filled with lust to care what he said.
Julie raised her head for a moment and smiled at me.
“He told me that he wanted us both the last night when he was d*unk. So what the hell. I know you’ve always had a thing for him so it’s both your lucky days!”
I was shocked but pleased that Julie goody two shoes had been put back in to retirement, even if it was for a moment or two.
Julies head vanished back onto Johns cock and his tongue started to work on my gushing lips again. The three of us where lost in our own worlds and all involved were glad we where there. It seemed like hours but it must have just been a few minutes, then we all started to have our own climaxes.
John was the first to go. He started to lick and suck my cunt so hard I thought it was me who was going to explode first. Julies sucking got faster as if they were acting as one person and his whole body went tense. Julie pulled her head back and gush after gush of creamy white spunk shot from Johns cock. The three of us were covered in his cum. Warm rivers of John where running over my hard nipples and Julie saw her moment. She lent over to me and greedily sucked her lovers’ spunk from me. Now it was my turn.
I started to buck on Johns face and he knew I was close to cumming on him. Julie sucked, John licked and sucked and I came. Wave after wave of orgasm flowed through my veins, my body lost control. I gushed over Johns’ face almost drowning him with desire. I heard him moan and watched as the last drip of spunk ran from the tip of his cock. I cheekily took my finger and swept it off him. Julies’ mouth opened and I knew she wanted the last taste of him. Who was I to say no. After all she had just given her boyfriend to me.
“My turn now!” Julie said.
She stood up and walked to the sofa. Turning round towards us she sat down legs spread wide and softly placed a finger on her clit.
“Stand up!” She barked
“I want to watch you both watch me!”
Both of us out of breath and legs still shaking did as we were ordered. Julie had full command of us and who where we to argue. After all at the moment we were just couple of cum junkies. Me covered in Johns sweet, sweet spunk and him in my juices.
Julies’ fingers started to flick over her clit and I could see the redness of her cunt starting to show through her finger tips. Her breath started to quicken and her body was rising to meet her hand as it pushed against her.
John slipped behind me as we watched her and his hands reached around my waist. Both of our eyes where watching Julies’ pleasure but our bodies were lost in our own world yet again. His hand reached down to my thighs and parted them to please me again. He was teasing me with the same strokes that Julie was doing to herself. It was a strange yet intensely erotic moment. It seemed like Julie was pleasing me through Johns fingers.
“You know what I want you to do now John” Julie commanded
She had a glint of pure lust in her eyes which I’d never seen before. And before I knew what was going on I was swept from my feet on to the floor.
John somehow had managed to pin me to the floor from behind me. He sort of laid me on top of him, held my arms back, and wrapped his legs around mine so my dripping pussy was on full show and within easy reach of Julie!
I knew what was comming, Julie wanted to taste me and was going to get me by any means at her disposal. Not that I would have stopped her but I played along with her little game.
She stood above me with a dark desire in her.
“I’m going to fuck you now Cassandra!”
I played along.
“With what?” I hissed back.
She calmly walked over to her overnight bag and pulled out a large dildo.
“With this”
For the first time since we started I felt a little nervous. Julie walked over to me and standing above John and myself she slowly slid half of the dildo in to her.
“One question for you.....Yes or No?” she purred
“YES!” was my answer
Julie looked at John and he released his grip from me. I knew what was coming now. My first time!
John smiled and cleared the floor for us both to enjoy each-other.
Like the good man that he was he sat down on the sofa and started to take in our little show.
Julies’ and my lips touched for the first time as lovers that morning and my world exploded. She knew more than just how to please a man. Our bodies explored every part, every desire, every-thing that I’ve ever wanted to do with another woman. Who knew that it would have been with my best friend!
John just sat and watched us both, it must have been a good hour that he sat with a hard cock in hand waiting for one of us to invite him to join us but we were lost to him at that moment it time. We just wanted woman.
Then as quick as we started, we stopped.
Julie just stood up put her clothes back on and walked to the kitchen.
“Coffee anyone?”
I looked at John puzzled.
“It’s just what she does Cassy. Lust, desire, coffee. You have to admire her for it. She knows what she wants and she gets it. Were just here for her pleasure as far as she sees it.”
John was right of course. She started today’s adventure. Only fair that she decided when it stopped.
Julie came back in with three coffees for us. John and myself were still naked, although relaxed and Julie was sitting as if nothing had happened all morning.
I smiled to myself. I been fucked, licked, spunked over, pleased with my friends dildo and her boyfriend and was now drinking coffee with them both. What could possibly make the day any better?
“Right you two....” John said “I’m cooking dinner, no arguments!”