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Thought it was time I posted a new fiction story for anyone in and bored on a Saturday night

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

A helpful neighbour

Talk about a win-win situation Susan thought as her soft velvet lips worked their way down his hard shaft. His cock seemed to engulf her mouth as gradually she edged him inside. This was his reward for the helping hand he had given cutting the bushes in his garden, but she was not contended with the one way attention. She shuffled herself around on the sprawling sofa, twisted her crotch nearer and nearer to his face.

Neither of them, the hardworking wife nor the respectable family man could have ever anticipated that the day would end like this, he must have expected that his cheeky request for a beer and B.J. would just be laughed off, but whilst he didn't have the beer, he was in his element having his cock sucked with expertise.

It had been a fairly normal start to a day off, Susan had risen from her bed just a little later than usual, and after conducting her household chores had decided that due to the fantastic weather that she would finally attempt tidying the garden. There had been so many jobs to do around the house neither her nor her husband had had the time.

As she stared out onto the garden, Susan had decided that the bushes were possibly the most pressing of issues. She sipped her coffee and watched the world go by, the familiar faces passed, she recognised the people on the school run. There he went, she didn't know his name but had watched him many times, always late, running along with his kids trying to get them on time. He always looked over at her house, greeting her with a wave, and today was no different, well he was different for some reason he was not in his usual work attire but jeans and t-shirt.

Susan finished her coffee and reluctantly set about her task, she had her clippers and a set of steps, everything she required for her task.

Why am I doing this? She asked herself as she perched on the top of the steps. Even at their full height she was still stretching to reach the high sections. The steps seemed to sway under her feet as she reached with the cutter precariously swung over her.

"Do you need a hand there?" a strange voice called. It was the man she had watched on his return from the school. "You look a bit unsteady up there" he shouted. Susan hadn't even accepted his kind offer yet he was walking towards her. "Come down from there, you are going to do yourself some kind of mischief" well he wasn't wrong there thought Susan. "Come on" reaching upwards the man extended his hand to her. Gratefully she took hold of his hand and descended the steps.

"It's a bit scary up there" she said smiling at the man.

"Yes it looks it" he agreed "Jon" he introduced himself with just his name "I live just round the corner" he informed her.

"Hi Jon, I'm Susan, I have seen you around, I guessed you must be local" Oh she had now admitted to seeing him, what would he think? Like I was stalking him? She thought.

"Give me that, I'll have it done in no time" He said as he took the cutter from her and climbed the unsteady steps. He was no taller than her but his remarkable balance gave him the edge.

"How high? Do you want it?" he questioned.

"How high do you think?" she asked seeking his advice.

"Well we can come right down to about 6 foot if you like" he gestured with the cutter at his suggested height, much lower than she had imagined possible.

"That would be fantastic" she replied with enthusiasm. "What should I do Jon?" she asked.

"Just hold the steps for me and look pretty" his words flattered her a little, his beaming smile warmed her. Eagerly she held the steps firmly for him as he started the long task ahead. Susan was sure he had underestimated the work involved.

"Have you not got anywhere to be?" Susan attempted to break the conversational silence.

"Only have to pick the kids up at 3, so no rush at all"

Slowly he moved his way across the top of the bushes, Susan stood holding the steps watching him hard at work. Sweat began to form on his brow, as he fought the bushes under the increasing morning heat.

As he cut the larger branches he would hand them down to Susan, who in turn would lie them in a neat pile. Susan became aware that from his high view point he would be able to peer down her top with ease. She hadn't noticed any stares from him, but the thought now firmly lodged in her mind made her conscious. She pulled up her top as he looked on down.

"Spoil my fun why don't you" he joked. "I was enjoying that" He had noticed, after all, the thought of knowing he was looking sparked inside her.

"Cheeky" she mockingly scolded him. He winked back at her as he carried on cutting.

Susan could not clear her mind of the fact he was looking at her, it felt good to be complimented, and as disguised as on the surface it might have been, it had been intended as one. Susan tugged at the bottom of her top exposing her cleavage fully.

"Is that better?" she toyed with him.

"Perfect" he told her as he took in an eyeful of her large chest. Jon made an obvious and concerted effort to gaze at her chest with each and every opportunity.

Jon had been at the hedge for close on 2 hours as Susan walked in the house to get him a drink. She returned with a cold can of Coke and they sat chatting, in the hot sun. His shirt now darkened by large sweat patches his head awash with perspiration running down his face. No he certainly was not the Diet Coke man, but he was certainly attractive.

She may have even flirted with him had they not both been married, but they were flirting even if she had not realised quite how apparent it was.

Susan cleaned up the cuttings as he took on the easier task of cutting back the sides. He had now been out there 4 hours, finally the job was complete. Taking a couple of steps backward the two admired the finished result, it was not a ground force quality job, but it was more than just adequate.

"Well I think your husband will be pretty proud of the work you have done today Susan" he remarked.

"Ha ha I just picked up the rubbish, you did the hard work" she reminded him.

"Well you can hardly tell him that, make sure you get all the credit for it, he might treat you"

"Yes he might, good idea" she laughed. "

"Right, I will leave it to you then" he informed her. Susan could not let him leave just like that, she could at least offer him another drink for his efforts.

"Do you want a drink before you go? Jon" she asked him.

"Oh go on then" he answered as he followed her into the kitchen.

"What can I get you Jon?" she asked him.

"A beer and a BJ would be nice" he quickly replied.

"What?" she innocently asked him.

"Nothing, I was just messing" he laughed.

"No, what did you say?" she pressed him to repeat himself.

"I just said I want a beer and a BJ, but I was just messing with you. He reluctantly replied.

"A BJ?" she repeated his words slowly.

"Blow job" he explained. Susan laughed at her naivety, how had she not worked that one out. Well if he likes messing me, I think I will mess back she thought as she delivered her well thought out retort.

"Well you can have one of those" she paused and moved to the fridge, opening the door she pulled out another can of and handing it to him she spoke "I'm afraid I'm all out of beer, so what was the other thing?" Jon laughed, brushing aside the question.

Jon followed Susan into the front room and sat on the sofa, Susan sat beside him.

There was a tension building in the room, this was not an uncomfortable tension just something Susan could not quite put her finger on.

"So come on, what was the other thing?" she continued to press Jon, his discomfort amused her. Only the sweat from his hard labour masked the sweat from the position he had undoubtedly got himself into.

"I was just messing" he explained with a smile.

"What did you say?" Susan would not let go.

"I said I wanted a BJ but was just messing with you" still he laughed, slightly uncomfortably.

"Well don't say things you don't mean, I could have taken you seriously" she toyed with him.

"And if I had been serious?" he took the opportunity to join in the playful banter.

"Well you will never know, seeing as you weren't serious" neither of them would give the other an inch.

"Maybe I was being serious" he replied. "What would you do then?"

"Maybe I would have done it for you" Susan didn't even know herself whether on not that was an honest reply. It was just another line in the playful conversation. Susan had not even thought were this would actually lead, had she stopped to think then maybe she would have considered her words more carefully.

"I was being serious Susan" still smiling he delivered what he believed to be the conclusion to the banter.

Susan refused to be outdone and tested his resolve, by calling his bluff "Get it out then"

"What?" Jon responded with shock to her request.

"I said get it out" she smiled as she delivered her statement. She delighted at how he was backtracking.

"Ok then" he confidently replied. Susan watched as his hands slipped into his lap. She had called his bluff, but would he actually go through with it? His hands were fumbling with his jeans, surely this was just another move in their game.

Susan watched him intently with an anticipation building within her. She wanted to see him, silently she begged that this would not be another empty gesture. Ever so slowly Jon undid his top button, he laid back on the sofa, his head now resting up against the armrest, his legs were still placed firmly on the ground.

The two maintained constant eye contact as one by one, he undid his buttons, he raised his eyebrows as each popped open as if to announce the fact. With the last button opening, Jon pulled his jeans open to reveal a pair of green boxers, a further 3 buttons kept them firmly closed.

Jon reached down and began to unbutton them. With a laugh he stopped abruptly. Why was he laughing? This wasn't funny, those boxers were going to be unbuttoned even if she had to do it herself Susan thought.

"Come on, you haven't finished yet" she reminded him.

Was that a little bit of fear she detected in his face. Even if it was he wasn't going to disappoint her now she thought. Carefully his hands moved back and opened the buttons one by one. His boxers crept open as the last button loosened, peering inside Susan could make out his flesh. Blood began to rush to her intimate areas as the excitement of the very inappropriate situation aroused her.

"Get it out" she did not mess her words and delivered them in a manner that he knew was serious. A feeling of trepidation swept over Susan's body as he slipped his hand into his boxer shorts, what would it be like? Would she even want to have it anywhere near her mouth? And most pressing was the question, could she even go through with it?

"Yes, yes" she had answered the silent questions in her head out loud as his cock flopped from his underwear. It was neither flaccid nor erect, stuck somewhere in between, but Susan admired it as an object of beauty. It wasn't imposing perhaps 3 and a half inches, but with plenty of room to grow. Susan's eyes lit up at the prospect that lain before her. As pretty as a penis could be and circumcised this would be a whole new experience.

"What do you think?" his question to her delivered with a hesitancy, she could only put down to the state it was in.

"I think it needs some help" a disappointed look filled his face at Susan's badly worded answer. "Here let me help you" her follow up dissipated his worry.

Susan leant down into his lap. Without the use of her hands she slipped his member into her eagerly awaited mouth. As her soft lips closed around his member, instantaneously it began to grow. With his entirety held within her mouth she used her tongue to probe and swirl around him, her arousal gained momentum along with his.

Softly Susan began to caress his carefully shaved balls, gently massaging them, encouraging them to assist with his growth. Her actions quickly had the desired effect, she struggled to keep him within her oral grasp. Bit by bit his growing cock travelled further into her mouth. Fearing that she may gag, Susan let the saliva dripping cock fall from her mouth.

Tightly Susan grasped onto the base of his cock, his soaked head pointed towards her. Slowly she began to lick along the outside of his shaft, flicking his hole with her tongue tip as she reached the top, then back down she went and performed the action again, her tongue tip teasing his pre-cum. Trails formed from his tip to her tongue, sagging and breaking as she repeated her motion. His cock would twitch as her tongue explored the sensitivity of his hard member, his eyes clenched tight.

Susan leaned back, and admired her work, after reaching his full potential, Jon offered a respectable 6 inches. Susan could feel the dampness begin to seep into her knickers, she no longer wanted to suck him, but to climb onto his rigid cock and ride him hard.

She wanted to take control of him until his seed filled her inner depths.

Reluctantly however she took him back into her mouth.

Susan bobbed her head onto his stiffness, her mouth feeling every vein, every last ripple of him. Deeper she worked him into her mouth. He wanted a blowjob and so he was going to get one, she told herself.

Maybe if she tempted him, he would change his mind and ask for more she thought. She stood up in front of him and unzipped her cut-off shorts, as seductively as she could, she slipped them down her thighs and kicked them off her ankles. He watched closely, stroking himself as she removed her visibly damp panties, she bent over in front of him, and delighted in the feeling of his hand grabbing at her curvy ass.

"Get your mouth back on me Susan" he asked her. Well that hadn't had exactly the desired effect but she would happily comply with his orders.

Talk about a win-win situation Susan thought as her soft velvet lips worked their way down his hard shaft. His cock seemed to engulf her mouth as gradually she edged him inside. This was his reward for the helping hand he had given cutting the bushes in his garden, but she was not contended with the one way attention. She shuffled herself around on the sprawling sofa, twisted her crotch nearer and nearer to his face.

Susan looked down her body to see he was staring at her smooth mound. Her hairless pussy rested by his shoulder, surely he could even smell her arousal, she thought. His hand reached down and clumsily groped her large chest through her vest top. His heavy touch only increased her intimate feelings.

Susan could not wait for him to make the move, her pussy ached with desire, her clit throbbing with need. Susan lifted her leg across his chest and placed it down the other side, the two of them now assuming the 69 position. Hovering just a few centimetres above his face, Susan rocked her hips over him, like a fisherman trying to attract a bite.

Jon reached his hands through her legs, her body shook with anticipation as he ran his hand up the outside of her legs, and gently stroking her thighs his hand bedded onto each ass cheek, she winced a little as her grasped them firmly in her hands. Susan offered no resistance as he slowly lowered her onto his face.

Susan began to quiver as she felt his soft tongue part her lips, pushing just past them only a centimetre deep into her damp vagina. The parting of her lips allowed a gathered pool of her juices to flow from her into his waiting mouth. He was hungrily lapping up her taste, she could feel him gulp down her sweet secretions.

Susan slowed her sucking motions on his cock as she concentrated on his oral action. His tongue teased and prodded her, but avoided plunging into her, as if by design he was holding back. Jon ran his tongue along her wetness to her clitoral hood, his tongue poked beneath and touched her clit with sharp electrical pulses. The direct pressure was a little too much for Susan, slowly moving her groin she encouraged Jon to lick along.

As Jon's tongue ran from the top of her pussy she move her hips the opposite direction, causing his tongue to run the entire length in a second. Jon's hands firmly took control of Susan, her hip movements were welcomed by him, yet he wanted to control the pace.

She let him set the pace and slowly moved as his tongue moved along her slit.

With each movement Susan felt his tongue probe deeper into her shaven pussy. Jon was getting really into her, is hands pulled her down forcing his tongue deep into her vagina, and holding there as he flicked his tongue from side to side and swirled it inside her wetness.

Susan was being driven wild by the attention his tongue lavished on her, she reciprocated by sucking him harder and deeper, his pre-cum continued to leak into her mouth. Her sexual excitement was heightened with each and every movement, he gentle swirls on her clit, right down to his delving into her. The next long tongue stroke caught Susan slightly off guard, his down stroke, ran slowly along her as he reached the end of her slit his tongue unexpectedly continued, along her perineum, before moving back up. Deep in her thoughts Susan knew where he was heading, his next stroke moved even further along Susan clenched her ass, with an expectation, that didn't happen, his tongue stopped just before her ass.

He was teasing her, she knew that, with his next long lick his tongue passed the perineum and with a gentle flick oh his tongue tip he circled her tight clenched asshole.

It was hard for Susan to vocalise her feeling with his member in her mouth, but her muffled "mmmmmmm" spurred him on. The next time his tongue hovered for longer, and flicked her ass.

Susan felt a hard prod in her mouth, n the excitement she had completely forgotten about the hard cock penetrating her mouth, Susan snapped out of it and continued her sensual action. Experience told her that he was heading fast towards his orgasm, he took control of his actions and led his tongue to her swollen clit.

Her proximity to climax increased with every motion of his tongue of her most sensitive of areas, his tongue working her into a frenzy. She felt her pussy open as he extended a finger deep into her, pressing against the front wall. He was trying to discover her G-spot and he was doing it well.

"There" she bobbed off his cock to help direct his efforts, "Yes just there" she confirmed, before returning his cock to her waiting mouth.

Susan could not contain herself any longer, the feelings, the thoughts of this forbidden encounter swelled inside her. A powerful orgasm swept over her body, waves of tremendous please flowed through her, only his penis, firmly planted in her mouth prevented her from screaming.

Susan struggled to hold herself above him as her orgasm began to subside, she fought the urge to collapse upon his face. With his well-used mouth at rest Jon shouted "Don't stop, I'm going to cum"

There was no fear of that, he had truly earned his reward. Susan began to slightly increase pressure, pace and depth. Underneath her Jon bucked and jolted as if trying to escape from her, but she was not about to let him go.

"Oh fuck" he shouted, a split second later, Susan felt a firm blast, his hot salty cum shot into her mouth. Pulse after pulse of his heavy load filled her mouth, Susan was struggling to swallow it in its entirety. It wasn't that Susan was unfamiliar with swallowing, but she could not remember when, or even if she had been forced with so much. She felt relief as she felt as the last few small spurts hit her tongue.

Exhausted, yet satisfied she turned her body and collapsed next to him.

"That was amazing" Jon broke the silence.

"Well I think you earned it" Susan replied. "But you need to get going if you are going to get to the school for 3" she warned him. Jon looked up at the clock to see it had turned 2:40.

"Fuck where did the time go?" Jon turned to Susan as she clambered from the sofa, reaching over to her he planted a kiss on her open lips.

"You had better wash your face, you smell of me" Susan informed him.

"You had better do the same, you taste of me" he cheekily retorted.

Susan watched as he rearranged his trousers placing his cock back in his boxers. He look dishevelled, but then again he did before the fun started, he still looked good in his sweat soaked shirt,

Susan followed him to the sink. She offered him a towel to dry his face as he carefully scrubbed every scent of her front his face.

"You know the lawn needs cutting?" Susan pointed out, she laughed as if to portray it as a joke, but deep down she hoped he would show an interest.

"Same time tomorrow?" He asked

"I'm working tomorrow" she disappointingly revealed "but I can come back for lunch at about 1?"

"Well it's not a huge garden Susan, might only take me 20 minutes" His winked in one of those knowing ways. He wasn't wrong, Susan fully intended on rewarding him once again.

"Only if I get to decide how I pay you" she added.

"Deal" with a little tap on her still bare ass he left the house.

Chapter ii

Susan took time to peruse her underwear drawer. She had come home from lunch early, it was only 12:30 but she needed a little time to prepare herself. She had been caught out yesterday with the unexpected events that had unfolded, but today she was ready for whatever may transpire.

Should she go for the black lacy set? That one should get his pulse racing she thought, or even the red lace or is that just a little bit too tarty? Maybe he likes tarty? Susan began to inspect the sets available. That's it, Susan had the perfect set a pink silk set, she loved the look, she loved its soft feel against her skin and she knew that he would be able to feel every bump, every crease through them.

Today Susan felt different, she could not quite explain what, but she had found an inner confidence that had been lacking. Sometimes she had felt slightly innocent, perhaps shy and lacked in body confident, but yesterday she felt his desire for her and that instilled a real confidence within her, from his actions he loved her body, it drove him wild, and made him very, very hard.

Susan glanced up at the clock 12:57 read, butterflies filled her stomach at his imminent arrival. She slipped into her underwear and checked herself in her full length mirror. He had not been able to resist her yesterday is her most casual of clothes, so there would be no way he could resist her like this.

13:02, still nothing, had he been caught up somewhere? Had he been caught out? Or maybe he had second thoughts? All manner of thoughts rushed through her head. 13:07 he was supposed to be here 7 minutes ago yet still he was not here, he had known that she would only have an hour to spare.

Outside the window a noise filled the air, the lawnmower had started. Susan walked over to the window, she moved cautiously to avoid being seen, she didn't want to ruin his surprise. There he was, mowing the lawn in her garden, just as he said he would be. Like her today he had taken the time to prepare himself, he wore a crisp white t-shirt, smart jeans and had styled his hair.

Considering the lack of time they would have Susan had taken steps to ensure that there would be no hold ups. The first thing she had done as she pulled up to the house was to leave the lawnmower ready for use, a note on the door simply read 'Knock once you are done'.

Her husband would have taken no more than 10 minutes to mow the lawn, yet here he was doing a thorough job, she felt frustration at his attention to detail. It was now nearly half past and he had still not completed his task.

Susan walked away from the window and slipped on a long black cotton dress, outside the noise stopped. He had finished, Susan slipped downstairs to await his appearance.

It was now 13:35 and she knew that she had barely 20 minutes until she must head back to work.

'Knock' Susan wanted to run to the door, to greet him, but calmly she walked. She opened the door to see him standing there smiling at her.

"Hi" he said calmly. "The lawns all done for you Susan" he continued.

"Well you had better come in and get your reward then Jon" she told him as she motioned him in from the door. "Sit down" she told him. Jon turned as if to sit and looking at Susan straight on he grabbed her waist. The two just looked into each other's eyes, neither knew what the other was thinking, or what the next move should be.

Lunging forwards Jon grabbed hold of her face and pulled it to his and their mouths met.

Yesterday had been fraught with sexual tension and lust, but kisses were avoided, today neither could resist as their mouths locked together. Jon had her firmly by the head stroking her neck and hair as his tongue explored her mouth with the clumsy passion of a teenager.

Susan reached down and unbuttoned his jeans with haste, she tugged them open and pulled them down. His boxers were treated the same, and he was left naked from the waist down.

Susan was still locked in a passionate embrace, she had not had the opportunity to gaze upon his cock, but her hands would be her eyes. As she reached down Susan's hands found him, his cock already hard as rock stood proudly. She immediately set about a heavy wanking motion.

Their kissing reached fever pitch, ever had she felt such a raw passion. Jon slipped his hand up her thigh and under her dress. Just as she planned he felt her silk knickers. His middle finger pushed the fabric up against her clit. Susan felt so bad, but it was so good the thrill of his touch set her juices flowing.

Susan pushed him back down on the sofa, Jon looked up at her as she moved towards him. Slowly she slipped the straps off her shoulders and let her dress slide from her body. His eyes widened as he gazed upon her curvaceous form, covered only by her pink silk underwear set.

"You like?" she asked him.

"Fuck me, I love it "he replied. Susan was unsure of the intention of his words but she would interpret them as she pleased.

"Ok" she said. Susan placed her hands on his shoulders and climbed up onto his lap. Pulling her knickers to one side, she grabbed his hard cock and moved it into position at the entrance to her pussy. She looked deep into his eyes as slowly she lowered herself onto him.

Jon inhaled a deep breath and briefly closed his eyes as her pussy swallowed his cock whole. At first she moved slowly, his cock began to distribute her juices around her soft vagina. His well lubricated cock slipped easily inside her. She threw her head back as she began riding him with a steady pace.

"How does that feel?" she questioned?

"Fucking amazing" came his honest reply. Jon reached forwards and began rubbing and caressing her heavy breasts. The pink silk struggles to give them support but seductively covered them. Susan's nipples hardened with her arousal poked firmly into the fabric.

Jon lightly pinched at them, squeezing them gently between his fingers as she bounced upon him.

Susan reached behind herself and undid the silk bra, her enormous tits fell from the bra as Susan tossed the un-needed garment to one side. Grabbing his head she pulled his head into her chest. His head rested between her bouncing boobs as she rode him harder and harder. Jon broke from her grasp and took a nipple into his mouth, he sucked on it, flicked it with his tongue and nibbled it gently.

Whilst today he was submissive, Jon was not content in merely lying back and enjoying the ride. His left hand reached behind her and caressed her bouncing ass, his right hand slipped into her groin.

Susan felt the pressure of his thumb against her clit as he rubbed it gently. She was no longer in control of her orgasm, he was taking charge.

"Get up" he demanded. Shocked Susan stopped riding him and climbed off his wet cock. Jon stood up with her as she turned to face him.

"Why did you stop me?" she asked disappointed.

"Bend over Susan" he told her with a wink. Jon carefully moved her into position by the arm of the sofa. Susan found herself bent over the arm of the sofa, her heavy chest pressed up against the armrest, her ass presented upwards.

Susan felt helpless, but not in a bad way, she liked being the object of his attention, and if this is how he wanted it then she would obey. Jon slipped his cock back into her wet pussy, and grabbed hold of her waist.

After sliding in and out 3 or 4 times, Jon began to plunge into her hard. Her tits squashed up against the sofa as his long hard strokes pushed deep into her. Susan loved being taken from behind, and he was not disappointing. He seemed to gain in force with each thrust, his cock pressed deeper into her. She felt as his balls slapped against her, her pussy squelched with the juices filling her.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum, where do you want it?" he asked. What kind of question was that thought Susan.

"Cum in me babe" she told him, her term of endearment slipping out by accident.

Jon did not slow down his pace, it actually increased as his hot cum surged out of his balls, Susan felt every last hot squirt filling her hot pussy. Jon groaned as his body expelled his huge load.

"Fuck that was good" he exclaimed as he withdrew his spent cum covered cock from her.

Susan, satisfied by the huge load she had received, still needed to achieve orgasm but Jon had failed in providing it to her. Susan need not have worried, Jon was adamant that he should finish her off.

"Lie down Susan" he told her.

"You don't have to Jon" she advised him.

"No I don't have to, just lie down." he said, with that Susan reclined on the sofa. Jon climbed on next to her, and gently parted her legs. He placed soft kisses on her neck as his finger travelled to her pussy. Jon slipped a finger deep into her cum filled pussy, then a second joined it, and finally a 3rd.

The three fingers pushed inside her ell used pussy, they moved with ease with the juices he had just seconds before filled her with. Jon curled his fingers and scooped a load of pussy juice and cum mixture from her. Jon smeared the sticky fluid all over her clitoral area.

Furiously Jon rubbed on Susan's engorged clit. Susan bucked with a mixture of pleasure and pain. His rough touch was beautifully offset by his sensual kisses, she did not know whether to scream in pleasure or pain.

Susan's body tensed as her climax took hold, her back arched upwards as the strong overpowering feelings filled her mind. Heavy contractions pulsated through her pussy radiating into her stomach. If he had still been inside of her his cock would surely have been crushed by her strong pelvic muscles. Slowly her intense pleasure subsided and her breathing began to return to normal.

"Stop" she shouted, as she pulled his hand from her. "I can't take anymore" she pleaded with him. Jon smiled in knowing he had provided her a perfect release.

"You had better get back to work" he informed her, it was just a few minutes to 2. Reluctantly she lifted her body from the sofa.

Jon pulled back on his clothing as Susan ran upstairs grabbing her silk bra as she went.

Upstairs she quickly changed into a new set of cotton underwear and put back on her work clothing. She made no attempt to clean her pussy, the thought of his sperm swimming inside her for the rest of the day made her smile with the very thought of it.

Susan ran down the stairs to Jon.

"So are you any good at planting bulbs?" she asked him.

"Never done that before Susan" he replied

"It will be worth your while" she winked at him.

"I will give it a go then" he agreed.

"I will leave some instructions for you then, and see you the same time tomorrow?"

"Well it's my last day off so I will make the most of it" Susan placed a kiss on Jon's cheek as the two of them left the house. She got into her car and watched in her rear view mirror as he disappeared down the driveway.

It was going to be a long 24 hours, but plenty of time to think of the final reward.

Chapter iii

Susan sat anxiously in the car, she didn't understand the holdup but she had now been stuck for 20 minutes. She was less than a mile from home but at this rate she could be an hour away. Back at her house Jon would shortly be arriving, her frustration stemmed from what she may miss out on.

It had been a strange few days for Susan, just three days ago she had been the loyal, faithful wife, now she even viewed herself as both a mistress and temptress and it excited her. She hadn't started this, his cheeky request was all his doing, but she was glad he had asked. Yes he had helped in the garden but that was of no real importance, it was just a handy ruse, which facilitated situations they could explore and enjoy.

She felt alive and ever so sexy, she knew the way his hands caressed her he loved her curves. She could tell he was into the situation just as much as she was, it was an escape from the humdrum, a fusion of passion and desire. Yet here she was with a line of cars preventing her from getting to him.

Finally the traffic was moving, Susan sped past the point if the stoppage, just a broken down bus, nothing more had caused the hold up. She didn't have a number even to quickly call him to let him know she was running late.

There he was again, in the garden on his hands and knees. Dirty and sweaty in the flower bed, exactly where she had requested the bulbs to be. A sweat v marked the back of his neck, it had been a very hot day but you don't get that sweaty without hard work.

Susan jumped out of her car and headed towards the front door, she did not stop to get embroiled in conversation with Jon, but stooped a little to whisper in his ear "When you're done, don't bother knocking just come in and find me" Jon nodded his acknowledgment as she walked into her house. For all intents and purposes he was just the gardener, people round here talk, but avoiding any non-gardening related tasks outside the house was a must for Susan.

She raced up the stairs, the clock would be against them again, but she was determined to carry out her plan, today she needed no sexy underwear, she would wait for him naked, sprawled out with her vibe pushed inside her, she wanted to be caught by him and discover his reaction. It had been a fantasy of hers for so long, and now with a new felt confidence she wanted to do it for real.

Susan opened her special drawer and pulled out her vibrator and a tube of lube and placed them carefully onto the end of the bed. Susan slipped out of her clothes and climbed into the shower, she needed to freshen up, whilst she liked him hot and sweaty she did not know if the feeling would be mutual.

Susan began to relax as the warm water cascaded over her body. She washed every last inch of her body, paying extra special attention to her intimate areas. She washed her blonde hair.

"I'm all done" Susan let out a startled cry as she nearly jumped out of her skin. Jon stood in the doorway watching her through the misty glass.

"Shit you scared me Jon" she felt relief it was only him, yes he had caught her out but not as she had planned. Susan stared as he lifted his shirt revealing his smooth tanned chest. He was not especially toned but still fairly in shape. He unbuttoned his jeans and kicked his way out of them, losing his socks in the progress. Lastly he pulled his boxers down, revealing his full naked glory to Susan for the very 1st time.

Sensations of lust coursed through her veins as he presented himself before her, his penis stood proud in a fully aroused state. The feelings increased as she realised that just thoughts and the sight of her had him ready. Jon's cock swayed as he walked towards the shower. He climbed in behind her and she turned to see him up close.

"What are you doing?" she asked in a breathless tone.

"This" Jon replied as he caressed her face softly. Susan gasped slightly at his soft sensual touches, her slightly open mouth enticed him to kiss her lower lip. Jon placed gentle kisses over her lips, lingering and holding her lip within his.

Water flowed over then both and the lingering kisses turned into deep tongue twisting deep kissing. Jon reached over for the shower gel and dispensed it into his hands. He ran his hands over her body soaping up every last inch. His hands smeared the liquid into her chest, her stomach her ass and her soft thighs.

With a strength that Susan had not seen from him before, Jon turned her and pushed her face up against the shower glass, her palms raised to hold her firm, her breasts squashed up against the glass, her nipples hardened at the feel of the cold glass.

Jon's hands slipped around her waist and slid up and down her body, Susan breathed deeply as excitement encapsulated her. He was in control and she would be a willing participant. Susan felt his hard cock pressed up against the small of her back. Thoughts of his next move drove her wild, she was at his mercy, she just begged he would not waste the opportunity placed before him. His hands slipped onto her soapy breasts holding them firmly as he pushed his cock further into her back.

Susan felt him part her legs, was he going to take her from behind under the heavy water flow? Her pussy tingled at the thought. His hand travelled underneath her as his fingers arched for her hard clit. With efficient expertise his fingertips rubbed her clitoris, Susan murmured with the direct pleasure he was inflicting on her. His soapy thumb circled her vaginal opening as his fingertips rubbed her in an intensely pleasurable manner.

Susan knew her climax was imminent, her hands reached back in the hope of finding his cock, but Jon batted away her advances, this was to be all about her. Rapidly his movements sent her past the point of no return, she would cum in a matter of seconds, her control holding it back would determine the force of it.

Susan clenched her pelvic floor muscles hard, her stomach filled with the warm orgasmic pleasures, sensing this Jon plunged his thumb into her pussy. Acting as a distraction from her concentration Susan's orgasm filled her body.

"Oh Yessssss" she growled as her body spasmed. Her legs shook beneath her as she struggled to stand. Pleasure washed over her body, tingling sensations raced down her spine. She panted in the humid air with short shallow breaths, a feeling of light-headedness made her legs buckle, Jon caught her under her arms and helped her down onto her knees.

Jon turned off the flow of water and backed off to allow her to re-gather her composure. Her heavy breathing once again slowed, as she came down from her orgasmic high. She rested her head against the glass as slowly she regained her senses.

"Turn round babe" he gently asked her. Susan shuffled round on her knees to face him. She looked up at him stood before her, to see him gripping his cock and wanking it in her direction. "Help me out here" Jon used his free hand to pick up the shower gel once more. Squeezing the container gently he let the gel run over her wet breasts, a line ran slowly down the middle.

Susan's eyes focussed on his glistening glans as he moved it closer towards her. He stooped ever so slightly to coat the tips with the soapy gel. He held his shaft firmly as he ran the tip around her nipples gently circling them with his wet tip.

"Push them together" he requested, and Susan complied pushing her breasts hard together producing an amazing soapy cleavage. Jon moved into position and pushed him hard cock in the valley between her ample assets. Susan leaned backwards to help accommodate his deep thrusting. Her heavy chest shook with each purposeful motion. With some thrusts he would stay engulfed between her, with others his exposed tip briefly poked from the top

The physical act of his actions did little for Susan, but the visual stimulus and the enjoyment on his face, provided its own arousal. So shortly after her last orgasm Susan was left wanting more, and there was still time. She had not had the chance to be caught in the act, but she wanted to see his reaction to her pleasing herself.

Susan wanted to play for him, but how could she stop him in his obvious element, sensually fucking her boobs. Susan decided to take a gamble, if he wanted to finish on her chest after watching her then she would be more than happy.

"No Jon, stop" he asked him, he immediately stopped his thrusts.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" he enquired.

"Oh I'm fine, I just need to do something for you" Susan stood up and grabbed a towel as she left the bathroom. "Wait there, dry yourself off, I will call you in one minute" she informed him. Susan quickly rubbed off the excess water from her body and made a feeble attempt to dry her hair. Oh it will have to do, she thought as she swept her hair behind her ears.

Picking up a towel and her vibe and lube she headed down the stairs.

Susan carefully laid the towel out over the sofa, and sat on the very edge, as she leaned back her pussy overhung the sofa, she spread her legs as wide as she possibly could.

She didn't need it as her pussy still flowed with her intimate secretions, but Susan took care and attention to liberally lube up her 5 inch vibrator.

Susan penetrated her soft feminine folds with her toy, it slid in with amazing ease. Susan turned it on and called out "I'm on the sofa" she slowly slid the vibe in and out with anticipation of Jon seeing her.

Susan heard the stairs creak as he made his way downstairs.

"Oh fuck that's hot" he declared. Susan just looked up at him and bit down gently on her lower lip. His cock had softened a little and hung in a semi-erect state.

"Do you like seeing me play with myself Jon?" she teased. "It feels so good in my pussy" she continued. Susan watched as in less than a count of 10 his cock sprung up.

"Yes you do like, don't you" she commented on his hard erection. "What do you want to do to me Jon?" she asked him.

"You really don't want to know what you want me to do to you Susan" he replied.

"Do you want to cum on my big tits?" she rubbed her nipples as she offered her options. "Do you want to cum in my mouth?" she offered a second option. "Maybe you want to cum over my body? or maybe you want to pull the vibe out and fuck me hard?" Susan could see his agitation as he tried to make his mind up. His hand stroked his shaft as he watched the vibe appear then disappear back inside her.

"You had better make up your mind quick before I cum all over my vibe." She wasn't joking either, the feeling of the vibe probing her depths and the thrill of being watched was building up inside her. "Come on Jon, last chance, you can do what you like to me, what are you going to do?" she issued her ultimatum, if she would cum by using the vibe she would still enjoy it.

"Lie on the floor for me, on your side Susan." Susan held her vibe in place as she slipped off the sofa onto the floor. Her legs still spread she continued to work the vibrator in and out of her wetness. She felt Jon's body pressed against hers as he joined her. Jon placed his hands on her and positioned her in a way that would allow him to penetrate from behind.

Susan slowly removed the toy from herself as she prepared for his cock.

"No, leave it there" he said as her placed his hand on top of hers pressing the vibe back into her. Susan waited for his next move with baited breath, however he was planning to unload he wasn't revealing quite yet.

Susan felt the wet fleshy tip of his cock pressed slightly against her ass, her eyes rolled as she imagined what was about to happen.

"Is that ok?" he whispered into her ear.

"If that's what you want" she replied

"It's not about what I want" he reminded her. The respectful nature of him asking, the care and attention he had lavished on here had led to a big ending and this would be just that. He had put her at ease and her body was relaxed, she wanted to experience this.

Susan took a deep breath and closed her eyes, with a forceful push backwards she pushed her ass onto his cock. He had lubed his cock perfectly and Susan knew as her ass swallowed his cock with ease. She felt his cock pushing her already stretched inside walls, her vibe in her pussy and his cock in her ass separated by just a millimetre of flesh.

Just the thought of the act of double penetration almost threw Susan over the edge. Slowly he rocked against her, long deep anal strokes, yet slow soft and gentle. His hands carefully caressed her outer thigh as he moved inside her.

She felt that feeling in her tummy build, and his soft sensual touches but brought them on stronger than before. His hand reached up and stroked her neck and ear as her breathing became louder and louder drowning the buzz from the vibrator. Jon reached over and whispered tenderly in her ear. "Cum for me baby"

Susan let go and allowed her orgasm to consume her. She held the vibe deep in place as the waves swept through her.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming" she shouted as her entire body seemed to cramp in a powerful orgasm, the strength of which she could not remember previously. She thrashed on the ground in an orgasmic fit, expelling the vibrator from her pulsating pussy. Jon held onto her tightly his cock still buried deep inside her ass.

Her orgasm began to die down as exhausted her body slumped.

"Cum in my ass" she snapped in demand at Jon. That was all it took.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming babe" he shouted as his thick seed spewed into her hot ass. He carried on pumping for what seemed like forever, the warm sensation filled her extra special place. Jon slumped behind her, his cock still plugging her tight ass.

Both exhausted they lied together, until minutes later his retracting cock dropped from inside her. In unison they pulled themselves to their feet and began to dress.

"So I guess that's it" Susan asked Jon as they prepared to depart the house.

"Just for now" he told her.

"Thank you Jon, for everything" she said with a sadness to her voice.

"Thank you Susan, thank you" They lifted each other's gloom just longer enough to raise a smile. Jon walked out the door and away out of view. Susan locked the door and drove away.

Susan did not see him walking the next day, or the day after that. A couple of weeks passed and still she did not see him again. Then one morning as she walked out the door her eyes met his, there he was hurrying the kids along to school, he raised his hand and a smile. He wasn't ignoring me she thought.

"Your grass is getting a bit long Susan" he shouted.

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By *ewis1111Man
over a year ago


what a great read love to hear more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Thanks for the story really enjoyed it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My lawn mower is actually broken.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Very enjoyable read - thanks!!

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By *acksmith22Man
over a year ago


Amazing story

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Thank you for the kind comments

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By *ve58Woman
over a year ago


Great read

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story, looking forward to hearing about her bush being cut back or trimmed!

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By *hell and jWoman
over a year ago


Ohhhg wow

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