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A Home Visit (Fiction)

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

This is a fantasy story, based on possibly my favourite fantasy scenario

For some reason that I couldn't really fathom I was hungry today. I hadn't skipped breakfast, and hadn't done anything over strenuous. My morning had been taken up by one keyboard replacement, one re-build and a jammed printer. Sometimes being on-site can be really tedious, and this was one of those days. When you are busy then you are exactly that, but when nothing is broken you can sit for hours and wait for a job to come in.

Well whatever job was going to happen next would have to hurry up as it was 12:30 and I was already thinking about what culinary delights there was to be found in our work restaurant. It was Wednesday so that would mean some form of half burnt roast, maybe a soup would be better?

Our call management systems alerted me to a new job, a blank screen at AF2 Desk 14. Now this was a desk location very familiar to myself, Suzy Meadow, if ever there was a user that should not have a computer then this was it. I think over the last year I must have visited her desk at least once a week, or maybe once a fortnight would be the longest period between incidents. A coffee spill, a broken keyboard, the lack of an ‘Any' key, yes she had experienced all of the stereo-typical user errors. To be fair though they were never time consuming, and her jovial nature always ensured that it never felt quite like a chore. I would get this job done, and then off to lunch.

Suzy's desk was just adjacent to the lift on the second floor. I took the lift and headed to her desk. There she was just sat looking at a completely blank screen. Suzy must have been about 40 years old, a pretty lady with long blonde hair, she perhaps a size 18 I would imagine, quite curvy, and always a bit of cleavage on show, certainly something to brighten my day.

"What have you done this time Suzy?" I questioned her.

"Well I came back from lunch and my screen is blank, I checked the power, look the little light is on" She was right unlike previous incidents the monitor did indeed have power. I nudged the mouse and keyboard, but this did not resolve the issue.

"Can I just move you a little bit please?" She moved on her chair a little to the left. "I'm going to have to check under the desk" I continued.

"Ok Honey" Suzy was very informal, and quite a character, the various soft toys adorning her cubicle gave an impression of that, photos of people on nights out and ‘Cute cats' I got down onto my knees and crawled under the desk, the problem was immediately obvious.

"Suzy, have you trodden on the monitor cable?" The cable had been removed from the back of the pc. I reconnected the plug and fixed it in place with the thumb screws.

"Yes it's on!" She exclaimed, as if I had performed some kind of biblical miracle.

"Well be more careful next time" I joked back to her raising a smile, which she reciprocated.

"Jon, my internet thingy isn't working, it just goes on this page and I can't go on anything else" I moved the mouse to the internet explorer icon.

"No, not here, on my computer at home"

"Oh bring it in and I'll have a look at it for you Suzy" I don't usually encourage people to bring in computers from home, but sometimes it is good practise, and can help pass the day when it is quiet.

"It's one of those big box things, would you come and take a look, please" she looked with this innocent little face at me.

"Suzy, I don't really do home visits, I try to keep my work here and leave it when I go home" I informed her.

"Oh come on Jon, you can have a look for me" Now I don't know what she did, but she must have had some kind of hypnotic power, I think maybe her pushing her boobs up in a way to make the cleavage even more impressive somehow swayed my decision.

"Ok I'll pop in after work, but it will be after 6 as I don't finish till then"

"I will mail you my address, thank you" she said as she beamed a smile at me.

I left her desk behind and went straight to lunch, as expected it was soup for me again today, the menu here is so poor.

After I finished my lunch I went back to my desk, there as she had said was a mail from Suzy, giving her address, and a line, she didn't expect me to do it for free. That was a nice touch, so many people seem to ask these favours, and never even offer. I wouldn't take it anyway, but it's nice to be offered. It surely was only a simple browser hijack, plus it was only 5 minutes away from my home. I called home and told my wife that I would be late.

I left work at 6 and headed to Suzy's house, as I said it was only about 5 minutes from my home, and more of a detour than a different direction. I knew the estate well, and I think I even knew the road.

Number 17, from the outside was just your average semi, and attached garage and block paving, as normal as things could get. The driveway had room for two cars, I was guessing the car already on the driveway was hers, so I pulled alongside it.

On ringing the bell I wasn't sure quite what to expect, she had never told me about her family and the photos in her cubicle at work hadn't given too many clues. A figure came to the door.

"Hello Jon, come on in" she welcomed me in. Yes the photos of cats were certainly hers, the house had that cat person smell. Suzy was still dressed in her work clothing, one surprise to me was her glasses, and these framed her face quite nicely, and magnified what I had not previously noticed, but her very pretty eyes.

"Thank you, I hope you don't mind me parking there" I pointed to my car perhaps a little too obviously.

"Don't be silly, can I get you a drink? A tea or coffee, beer, cold drink?" I wasn't used to performing home visits but she offered the hospitality that I assumed came with the territory. She gestured me to sit down on a big leather lazy boy chair.

"Can I have a coffee please, white with 2" I decided to give the whole order as opposed to the verbal ping pong you can get caught up in over a hot drink. As she began to make my drink, as I sat in the chair, the chair I noticed the pictures hung, showed the nuclear family, Suzy, her partner or husband and two kids.

"I didn't know you had kids Suzy?" I shouted into the kitchen.

"Yes Jake and Lucy, they are not here today they are with their dad" was her response. I decided maybe was best to abandon that conversation. She walked back into the front room with my coffee. "The computer is upstairs Jon do you want to come and see?" This clearly was a rhetorical question as she immediately headed up the stairs. I followed closely and quite enjoyed watching her ample but very shapely ass walk up those stairs.

When we got to the first floor, I was expecting to be shown into an office, instead, however, she walked into her bedroom. The walls supported a terrible garish purple theme, really not to my taste, very girly if I say so myself, complete with a purple bed throw and scatter cushions. The bed was, or certainly looked like a heavy iron framed antique, and possibly the only nice thing in the room, but hey I was there to fix a computer, not conduct an episode of changing rooms, regardless of how much it may have needed it.

A door led off to an en-suite, a bay window looked out onto the driveway and hidden away in a slight recess, where the chimney stack would have once been situated was a desk and a pc. It was already turned on, Suzy walked over and showed me the internet explorer page. Yes it was most certainly, as I had expected a browser hijack. The web page showed a warning about a virus, and a link to Ilovsky anti-virus. I typed www.bbc.co.uk in the address bar, once again it re-directed to the Ilovsky page.

"Has it got a virus Jon? Can you fix it?" she asked.

"Yes Suzy, shouldn't be too much of a problem, seen this a few times before. I just need to do a few checks and run a bit of software, should only be half hour or so"

"Fantastic, can you excuse me?" I nodded to Suzy as she disappeared off into the en-suite. I ran my usb key which contained my anti-malware software. The software started on its check of the computer. This is the terribly boring part, just sat watching a progress bar, is quite possibly the computer engineers' equivalence of a painters watching paint dry. Quite surprisingly I heard the shower turn on, then a few seconds later I heard the shower door slide and close again.

When you are sat just watching a computer do very little it's amazing how your mind wanders and you try to find something to do whilst waiting. Ok so it may slightly slow things down, but clicking on desktop icons is something you will find most engineers actually do. So there I was, clicking on various icons, the my computer icon, then which must have been subconscious, clicking on the my documents folder, and then ‘SNAP' I found myself alert again. Within this folder there was another folder named ‘Private Photos' could a folder be less subtle and appealing if it tried. What would I find in that folder? Well I can't even articulate to you the inner turmoil I felt when I saw this, the devil on my shoulder just needed to see, the angel reminded me of the professionalism that I certainly prided myself on. I think I must have just sat there for a minute or two with the mouse cursor hovering above the folder.

PING the malware scan results box came to the forefront. ‘Detected 17 errors' was the result. Well as I looked into the individual errors it certainly made for interesting viewing. Each entry was blatantly malware picked up from some kind of malicious porn. ‘Busty Sluts Share Pizza Boy" was one of the descriptions.

I was busy clearing the entries when a voice behind me startled me asking,

"How are you getting on? Fixed it yet?" I turned to see Suzy just wrapped in a towel, and I'm not talking a beach towel. The towel wrapped round her from just above her boobs to well above the knee, if it were a skirt it would be far too short to be acceptable, you wouldn't even find teenagers on a night out wearing skirts that short. Her long blonde hair, now collected into a slightly offset pony tail. The funny thing was though, she did not seem even slightly concerned that I was looking at her. She sat down on the edge of the bed right behind me and watched the screen as I worked. I tried to minimise any windows I could as to not reveal the full extent of what had caused the issue.

"So what's wrong with it? What have you found?"

"Well Suzy, I'm not exactly sure who has been on this, but I think the problem is" I paused for a second "Adult related material". I tried to phrase this as sensitively as possible.

"Porn?" she asked in a shocked tone.

"Well yes, but I can't say who was looking at it, or even if no-one did and a virus caused it, it's certainly possible, and not all that unusual" Well ok that last bit was an absolute lie, never in my life had I heard of a virus infecting a computer with lots of porn related malware, but my sensitivity training, whilst not tailored for this situation, was certainly intended to minimise the bollocking that her husband would get, after all, being a husband that himself looks at porn, we are comrades, brothers in arms.

"Oh no, it was probably me" came her astonishingly honest reply. "I use this to watch it the whole time, it didn't know it could mess up the computer" I think half the astonishment came from the fact that it was so matter of fact, no-one admits to a relative stranger these facts, do they? I think I may have turned a slight red, but I kept on deleting the entries, until the last box was closed down.

As the last box closed, the my documents window was exposed to full view, complete with the private photos folder. It was ok though there were other folders in there, it wasn't too obvious.

"Did you look Jon?" oh great well I hadn't, but now the accusation was laid.

"What for?" I tried a completely separate answer in an attempt to confuse.

"At my private photos"

"No Suzy, I wouldn't do that, I didn't even see that folder" I tried to remain calm, even though I hadn't even looked, I think my palms were sweating so much that I would have likely failed a lie detector test.

I felt fingers dig quite sharply in my ribs "Bet you did, I bet you copied them to your usb thingy to take them home to look at, didn't you Jon" she digged in my ribs again. I turned round with an unjustified look of guilt to see her beaming a smile at me.

"You wanted to see my naughty pictures didn't you?"

What is the right answer in this situation? Ok you don't know either, I certainly didn't know. Does no completely offend, and does yes just mean I'm an unprofessional perv?

By this point I had completely turned to face her on the swivel chair. I was trying desperately to find the answer when her words, absolved me of any need to reply.

"Why look at my pictures Jon? Why not just look at me?" whilst her words rung in my head as possibly the most clichéd line I have had spoken to me. This faded into insignificance as she stood just inches from me and dropped the towel.

Before I even had the chance ti fully admire the view in front of me I mustered the single word "Wow" I don't think that I could have expected what I saw, she looked years younger than the attractive yet slightly frumpy user from work. Here she was in perfect proportions, yes she was a little chubby but all in the right places. Her breasts were immense, much larger than I could ever have imagined, her curvy hips and chunky thighs, everything was in amazing proportion. Only a bra and knickers hid a complete view of her loveliness. An attractive pale yellow set, complete with tiny stitched on daisies, not what you would call overtly sexy but as part of the full package, very nice.

She ran her hands over her breast and cupped them as if to offer me a better view "Do you like?" she continued to push them upwards, all the time maintaining eye to eye contact with me.

"Very cute" I replied, whilst adding a slightly theatrical wink. She look slightly puzzled.

"No cute is good, I like cute "came my reassurances. She turned her back to me and walked back into the en-suite. Sometimes you say the wrong thing without realising how someone would take it and this was that. I turned back to the computer and continued to remove the issues. I heard her walk back into the room and knew she was standing behind me. This was awkward one of us would have to say something.

I felt her arm on the back of the chair, as she swivelled it round with me on it, so I was facing her once more, her hands now over my shoulders and holding the seat back. She had put her hair into pigtails, the glasses were gone, and she was biting her lip.

The mood was sharply broken by the ring of my mobile phone. I looked at the screen and just knew I would have to answer it. I accepted the call and gestured to Suzy I was sorry. My wife was asking how long I was going to be? In reality this job would take me no more than 10 minutes.

"Well it's not going bad, probably be about an hour" Suzy looked me in the eyes, gently shook her head, and waved her hands in a slight gentle upwards motion. "Maybe an hour and a half?" As she continued to chat on the other end of the phone, Suzy unclasped her bra, and in striptease style she shrugged the bra off her shoulder, and teased it off her arms to expose her beautifully large tits, her reddish puffy nipples were a sight to admire. At this point I was looking down whilst the phone conversation continued. I immediately felt her hand on my chin moving my head up to watch her fondle her globes, and rub her nipples.

I really couldn't take any more, thinking straight when this is being played out in front of you is hard enough anyway, but when you are trying to concentrate on a phone call is near impossible. I waved her away with my hand and walked around the room to the door. I stood out in the darkness on the landing, trying to hurry up the call.

I could hear the door behind me open ever so softly, if this was Suzy's ploy at sneaking up on me it really wouldn't work, If I hadn't heard her then the streak of light against the wall was a dead giveaway. I readied myself for what she would do next, then I felt it, she leaned round me and unzipped my flies. Her hand fumbled inside my jeans and then expertly, she undid my boxer flies. She wasn't exactly gentle as she grabbed my cock and pulled it clean through. My tone changed during the conversation, but I managed to cough to cover my tracks.

The grip Suzy had on my cock was very strange, it was a full hand grip at the bottom of my shaft, and her straight arm mirrored the direction of my hard on, which was growing in intensity by the second. Her tight grip did slow it down, but I could feel her grip of loosening the harder I got.

Then she began to tug me, and I'm not using this as a metaphor, she actually grabbed hold of me and pulled me by my cock. To be fair this is a first for me, I shuffled along as quickly as I could. On the phone, my side of the conversation was now consisting of yes and no's but still she continued to talk.

Suzy, pulled me to the edge of the bed, released the grip on my member, and pushed me backwards, onto the bed. I righted myself and sat bolt upright on the edge of the bed. She kneeled down in front of me, and looked up at me wide eyed. She lowered her head, and without any assistance from her hands, took me into her mouth. I was fighting to keep my composure here, surely my voice was trembling? She closed her lips tightly around me and drew more into her mouth, as if she was inhaling me. So slowly she moved down me taking more of me inside her soft mouth. The induction of my cock stopped as my jeans prevented her from going down further on me, but she did not come back up she held 4 inches of me in her mouth.

"Babe, if I don't get this finished, I'm not going to be home for hours" I hurriedly spoke in the phone. On the other end a short sharp "Ok, be back soon" ended the conversation.

I terminated the call, ensured it was ended and dropped the phone to the floor.

I hurriedly opened my top button and slid my jeans from me, shaking them off my feet. Suzy still had me deep in her mouth with no movement, tugged at my socks, discarding them along with my other garments. I tried to hold Suzy's face to remove her from my swollen member, as to remove my boxers, but she was determined to display her deep throat skills. I attempted the only way I could think of, of removing her, I grabbed onto her pig tails, and pulled her off my cock. Dribble dropped from her mouth and as she looked up at me her eyes were streaming. With her help my boxers were stripped from my body, the obstacle of my rigid cock, an interesting challenge. Between us both me had to bend it through the opening in the boxers, quite a painful experience with my cock as hard as it was. I lifted my top over my head and whilst nearly swinging round my head lasso style, it landed in the pile of my discarded clothing.

No words were spoken between Suzy and me as I held the back of her head and guided it back onto my cock. Oh she had, had lots of practise previously, she took my entire length into her mouth, my balls providing a backstop for her greedy mouth. It's not often you find a cock sucker as complete as this. The practise of deep throat, whilst being rather impressive, in my opinion is not as good as a good traditional sucking. I needed to control this. I pulled her once again from my penis.

"On the bed Suzy, get on the bed" I was leaving no room for confusion I stated my demand. She climbed up onto the bed and sat up, I pushed her back down on the bed.

I was going to take control of the situation. I straddled her face, as she moved her mouth up towards my cock, I pushed her back down on the bed, she tried again, and I pushed her back again. I turned into the 69 position, me above her, my face now just a few inches from her covered pussy.

I applied the slightest outwards pressure on her inner thighs, she understood my intentions clearly and parted her legs wide for me. Small wisps of light brown hair poked from the sides of her knickers. Whilst the panties covered my view I knew I was in for a hairy treat. I say treat as for me that's what it is, I'm sure in the 70's a shaved pussy was the treat, nowadays with the porn star pressure, nearly every girl feels the need to be shaved, I could tell this would be different.

I ran my finger tip along the underside edge of the panties, my finger brushing along her fine pubic hairs. As I got down to the crotch I could feel the dampness in the fabric, I could smell her aroma, that musky, distinctive smell of women's sex. I pulled her knickers further to one side, exposing her lager than usual labia. As if instinctively I placed a kiss on these. A kiss turned into a suck, a suck into a lick.

I parted her lips with the tip of my tongue, the taste was strong and alluring, I gently flicked my tongue over her clit applying no pressure at all, she gave obvious approval, with a soft murmur. Ever so slowly I ran my tongue down her slit, parting her and carried on downwards to her opening. The juice was concentrated in this area, this girl was wet, very wet and I was lapping it up in a literal sense. Soft murmurs indicated that she was enjoying my targeted attention, and she was enjoying this, my cock was hanging just an inch from her face, but she wanted the attention focussed on her.

My tongue continued down her to her vaginal opening, as my tongue parted I could swear juice actually dripped from her, only to be collected by my hungry mouth. As I explored around her opening, I probed my tongue a little farther inside, collecting her sweet moisture. I pushed up as deep into her as I could push my tongue, she clenched my tongue with her interior muscles. I retracted and moved upwards towards her enlarged clit.

I dropped onto my shoulder out of position and with a hand firmly on her ass I turned her on her side, in what would be a sideways 69 position I guess, I needed to free a hand up. Using my index and middle fingers I parted her lips, revealing her clit hood to me.

I applied instant pressure to it in a slow but strong circular motion. She began to grind her hips, her murmuring became louder still.

I continued licking and changing pattern, the more I changed the greater the reaction, and the louder she sounded. I ran my finger down to her opening, the gathered juice lubricated it so that as I pushed it up inside her, it slipped in with ease. I reached in as deep as I could and pushed up against the front inside wall. I knew I had done something right as she took my cock back into her mouth again.

As I licked and finger fucked her wet pussy, her action on my cock increased. Really sucking me in a more traditional blow job sense. This in turn sent me into a licking frenzy. I pushed at her clit, I flicked with my tongue, and I sucked on it. I slipped a second finger into her obliging pussy. Could I try a third finger? The simple answer was yes, it was as if her pussy was just opening up for me. Whilst she seemed relatively tight with 2 fingers in her a third seemed to expand her with ease. This was hot, very hot, my mind was lost in a situation that the more she sucked, the more I wanted to do to her. In went my little finger, I now had all 4 fingers deep in her and she took it all.

I got so caught up in the moment, I'm not sure if it was subconscious but I withdrew my wet, pussy juice covered little finger and as I felt below her pussy, I pushed my little finger into her tight asshole.

"Fuck" was her cock muffled response to my action, and it was not a statement of dislike. She threw her leg around my neck and clasped me deep into her. I began to increase my licking and finger fucking pace, and her pace on my throbbing veiny cock subsided a little.

As my pace increased I was treating this as a race, I was trying my hardest not to cum 1st, as inevitably my action would lose its intensity as my climax would bring me back down.

As if without warning Suzy's leg locked onto my neck and she let my cock fall from her mouth. I could feel her body shake, I could feel the tangible waves of her orgasm on my fingers as I began to struggle to keep the pace with my three fingers in her. Her audible moans were very stifled, not a porn star orgasm in volume, but inside her it continued for seconds, maybe a minute. As the murmurs ended I withdrew my hand, thoroughly drenched in her sweet juices.

Suzy pushed me over on my back, and closed her mouth around my shaft, she bobbed on me whilst she slipped her hand underneath me and began to caress and massage my constricted testicles. Whilst it was a little way off, I knew I was building a huge load for her mouth.

Slam, the noise drew me out of my nirvana like state, I wasn't imagining it that was the front door. I pulled Suzy from my cock.

"What was that" I whispered to her in a hushed tone.

"It's just Steve" her reply could not have been any more blasé.

"You said he was with the kids?"

"No the kids are with my husband we split ages ago, Steve is my boyfriend. Don't worry its fine" The reassuring words had absolutely no reassuring properties. My near climatic cock had shrunk to a shadow of its former self. I jumped off the bed and grabbed my clothes. As I did the bed room door opened and 'Steve" a guy of about 6'2 walked in.

A shaved headed man, pretty well built, and not someone who I'd really like to bump into on a dark night, least of all be caught in a rather compromising situation with his girlfriend.

"I thought Jon was here to fix the computer?" He asked Suzy.

"Yes, so did he" she joked her response. He walked round the bed towards me, his height dwarfing the 5'6" of me. He offered his hand to me, which I instinctively shook.

"Nice firm hand shake Jon, I'm Steve. Give me 2 mins" He walked off into the en-suite. I just looked at Suzy with a slightly confused look, maybe slightly scared also.

She gestured me back onto the bed. Now I wasn't totally comfortable with this, but as she took my flaccid member back into her mouth I felt far more accepting of the situation.

Steve walked back into the room, naked, now I certainly have not ever experienced penis envy, but Steve, well his cock in its relaxed state was about the same size as me hard. I tried hard not to feel inadequate after all I feel I'm quite in proportion and this guy was taller than me. I don't think I noticed Suzy stopping sucking me as I was too, can I say intrigued by Steve's cock. I'm certainly not gay and don't think I have Bi tendencies, but I was looking and impressed by his size.

Suzy straddled me, and impaled herself right on my hot saliva dripping cock. I just had to lie there watching her sexy swinging tits in front of my face. She was really driving down on me, grinding me and taking me deep. The fabric of her knickers rubbed against my shaft, but it was so wet that it was a pleasurable experience and not the chaffing that could have been experienced

Suzy took Steve's cock into her mouth directly above me. I watched as she fucked me, his cock growing inch by inch, her taking him the whole way in each time. It was as if it wouldn't stop growing. By the time she had him totally hard, it was probably, and I'm not joking 9 inches or more. His girth appeared no more than mine but the length was impressive.

What happened next would change my mind about so many things. Steve got on the bed behind her, I'd never experienced a cock so close to my own and now we were going to be, roommates? I felt a tinge of jealousy that he was going to get in that ass.

The swinging tits were down firmly pressed up against my chest as Suzy leant forwards. Our faces now separated by a couple of inches. Suzy leaned down and ran her tongue around my lips. I opened my mouth to kiss her, but she retreated.

"I can taste, me" she said in a cheeky manner.

Her movement on my cock was far less pronounced in this position, but whilst subdued my cock was thoroughly enjoying it. I felt a strange sensation, an indescribable sensation, as Steve's cock brushed my own, like a sexual jolt of electricity, not a hint of repulsion, and then forgetting the jolt Steve pushed his cock past her pussy lips and into her hot occupied cunt. Tiny jolts hit me as Steves cock pushed its way along my shaft, into her. My well lubricated cock provided a guide into her inner depths. Then I had to clench at the point where Steve's glans met mine, the soft feeling of his tip sliding along mine with the added lubrication of my pre-cum. On his cock went deeper inside her, his cock literally drilling her, with every thrust his cock went deeper, sometimes our tips would brush, sometimes not. But every touch electrified me in pure delight.

Her breathing got heavy, she was looking at me directly in the eyes smiling. Sometimes just mouthing unheard words at me. Each time I attempted to kiss her she just moved her mouth out of my reach. Little gestures to me indicated that she wanted it, but wasn't giving in.

Her riding me was gentle, Steve's shafting of her was immense. He was far noisier than the both of us, and I could tell he was near orgasm. All of a sudden Suzy closed her eyes and began to moan, the grip from her pussy just pulled our cocks together acting as a brake. Then as our tips brushed I felt the gush of Steve's cum, the shaft pulsed as my cock was engulfed in his hot cum. He carried on pumping her until his load had expired. He withdrew and slumped on the bed. No the pussy was all mine, and slightly disappointed in all honest. I had wished all 3 of us had cum at the same time, as it was I was just seconds away.

"I'm going to cum" I exclaimed, I'm not usually vocal at all, but this wasn't my cunt to unload into without permission I felt.

"Cum on my face" now there is an offer that you do not get all that often. I quickly withdrew my cock from her vaginal tract, I could feel my cock drawing all of Steve's cum out of her. She rolled off me to the opposite side of the bed to Steve, and not knowing exactly how I was going to do this I stood up on the bed over Suzy. She looked right up at me as I wanked my cum covered cock furiously. My legs began to shake as I spilled my sticky load, shot after shot of my streams of hot ejaculation fluid. It splashed her face her chest and her belly. As I was slowly milking the very last of my cum she began to scoop some of my massive load into her mouth. She then proceeded to rub the rest into her body as if it were an expensive lotion with special properties.

I could take no more and collapsed on my knees, spent. Suzy leaned over and whilst I began to wince with pain, she sucked the remnants from my cock.

We all laid down together, me in the middle of the two of them, all thoroughly content.

It must have been 10 minutes just laid there, before any of us moved. Suzy got up first. She lied the opposite way to us both and began to touch herself, Steve and I just watched intently. She opened the drawer next to herself and pulled out a silver vibe.

She pushed it into her, the noises of the vibe were drowned out by the squelching of her wet used pussy.

Simultaneously Steve and I began to stroke our soft cocks. Just watching her began to excite her both. Even when Steve moved next to me I didn't feel uncomfortable. Usually after a session like this my cock takes time to recover, but in this situation, within a minute or so my cock was ready for action again. Steve however was taking a bit longer, then again he had much more to get hard.

I took the initiative and went over to Suzy she parted her legs, I reached down and slipped her now drenched knickers from her. The smell from them was an amazing mix of body fluids. I threw them in the general direction of the still wanking Steve, he held them to his face, and took a long sniff.

I rubbed the tip of my cock against Suzy's clit, her reaction to this was grabbing it and placing it at the entrance to her hairy hole. I obliged by pushing myself into her, my cock went so deep, squelching in the previously deposited liquids.

I began a nice slow rhythmic action, a gentle fucking enjoying every last bit of her pussy. Then her question almost made me cum on the spot "Do you fancy some anal Jon?" I think I actually answered her yes before she finished speaking.

I pulled myself out of her as she reached into the draw once again, this time pulling out a bottle of lube.

She picked up a large pillow and placed it under her, her asshole seemed to just offer itself to me.

"Just be careful, be gentle with me" was her soft reply

"If you can take Steve's then you will be fine" I responded.

"I can't take that in me, I never have" I was quite surprised by her answer.

She ran a line of lube down her ass and ran a line, very similar to ketchup on a hot dog down my cock. I moved my cock to her asshole and gently applied pressure to it. After a slight increase it opened up, and seemed to swallow my length. She was so tight, it was true this ass had not been used much at all. The tightness even with the lube was amazing.

I felt a squirt of lube running down my ass crack, and then I felt something I loved, but so rarely experienced, she gently pushed a finger into my ass. It really messed up the rhythm I was in but it's such a naughty feeling, so dirty but good. She really started fingering my ass, I could feel a second finger in me, and it felt good.

"Come here" she beckoned me towards her mouth. As I moved nearer, it became impossible for her to finger my ass, slightly disappointed I still continued moving towards her.

I didn't even get that close when she jolted up grabbed my neck and thrust her tongue into my mouth. I reciprocated with equal passion and gusto.

I think I knew what was happening as I felt pressure once again at my asshole, I didn't stop, I just closed my eyes and continued to kiss. The ass fingering had prepared me quite well for this. I felt my ass open wide, and felt something pushing inside, this was not finger, and this was no toy, the soft feel to the outside had meant it could only be Steve's cock. It pushed in further and further there were no feelings of pain, and none of pleasure just a strange feeling in my ass, as he plunged deeper the sensation travelled up my body, until the tip felt as if it were touching my belly, but from the inside.

The three of us were moving in unison, my gentle fucking of Suzy's ass and Steve's much harder fucking of mine. Then the timing began to mess up, I could feel my orgasm building, so I slowed, Steve sped up. I won't go as far to say that it was really enjoyable but I did begin to quite like the cock in me, Steve was really fucking this straight boy's ass.

The first indication I had of Steve's impending cumshot was a loud groan from him, then again, and closely followed by the strangest sensation I have felt, I could feel the cum hit my inside walls. Whilst no physical pleasure was derived from this, the mental pleasure nearly tipped me over the edge. My muffled pleasure was drowned by the kiss I was still locked in with Suzy. Steve withdrew from my ass, and I could feel a dribble of cum.

I broke from our kiss, and moved back into a position where I could begin to fuck Suzy's ass deeper. She leaned over and picked up her vibe. Placing it directly on her clit, I knew she would not last long. I upped the pace sliding in and out of her loosened ass.

I could hold back no longer, I didn't even tell her I was cumming, I let out a large groan as my load emptied into her ass, I continued until my much smaller load than before was drained. The feeling of me cumming sent her off, she dropped the vibe as her body squirmed and she let out slight squeals unlike before. I kept my cock deep inside her throughout, holding onto her legs so she could not squirm off me. I collapsed on top of her and stayed there in an embrace.

"Right you two, in the shower" I had always been quite uncomfortable with showering in front of other guys before even in the open showers, what did it matter after what had just happened.

All 3 of us went into the shower and Suzy dedicated all her attention to washing every last inch of us both. I think under other circumstances I would have been very hard at this but I was just too sexually exhausted. She dried us both off, and I dressed myself.

Whilst the other two were dressing I went back to the computer and finished off the repair. The last thing I did was copy the private pictures folder to my usb key, unseen by them both.

I left the house in a semi formal tone, Suzy kissed me on the cheek, and Steve gave me a big man handshake. Quite a surreal ending to the night. I drove the short distance to my home smiling at the events that had transpired, ok so I don't ask for payment for private jobs, but I had enjoyed the pot of gold there.

And that was that, or so I thought, the next morning as I got to my desk, there was a new mail from Suzy.

Hi Jon,

Do you really think that my computer fails that often by accident? Maybe it's because I know you will always come see me

Anyway I think I might spill a cup of coffee at home, maybe you can come fix me, when Steve is out?

Suzy X X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This was very well written, erotic and I shall be following your stories with much interest!

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Thanks for the reads and comments. Let me know if you want me to post more fiction. I am open to write requests if anyone has any exciting ideas.

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By *D123Man
over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

That was an excellent story.

I'll keep a look out for more!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story, well written and damn horny to boot

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What an enjoyable and erotic read, well done

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *parklesueTV/TS
over a year ago


Great story

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Thanks for the comments / Likes I'll try and get a new story posted in next few days

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Anyone interested in a new story tonight?

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By *cubasexMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Would love this to happen to me..anyone in the Gloucester area?

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By *ylvia_slutTV/TS
over a year ago

Austin, Texas

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ust 58Man
over a year ago


Truly erotic story , yes , love to hear some more ??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story. Really well written.

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By *ust OralMan
over a year ago


Most enjoyable, well written and a sexy little twist at the end. A nice fantasy

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By *us man1957Man
over a year ago


Great story thanks for sharing it

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