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The Cleaning Lady Pt2

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Last thread closed, got to big.

Ros retreved some tissue from the dressing table, wipe yourself clean, Denise she said as she handed me the tissue, taking it from her, I cleaned myself up. Now come here I need you to try on these special knickers I have made for you, Ros opened the waistband of the knickers, step inside she said as taking hold of my right leg, guideing it inside into the leg hole, now the other, my left leg was put inside and down the other leg opening, now help me pull them up into place Ros commanded! I grabbed hold of the waistband of the knickers with her and we pulled them up, over my kneese then into place, the leg elastic was very tight, the front of the knickers felt as if it had a box of some sort, it enclosed over my cock, this had the effect of completly hiding it from view, now turn round lets look, I twirled around, that looks better she rubbed her hands over the front, yes that is more like the feel of a smooth girls body, the inside if the knickers felt very soft, the outside felt like plain cotton. Ros then continued with a soft cotton vest, over this she put an underskirt on me, a white cotton blouse, followed by a black skirt, short ankle socks and a pair of black paintent shoes, to complete my outfit an apron, this was a full type one that fitted over the head with a boddice, then a skirt bottom. Sit on the dressing table stool and I will do your hair and face.

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By *eighbiMan
over a year ago


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By *iss Suzy SparklesTV/TS
over a year ago


Glad it's continued

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

An excellent story .

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By *parks133Man
over a year ago


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By *hil911Man
over a year ago


Great story

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros busyed herself, brushing my hair and makeing a fringe at the front, parting the top of my head into 2 sides, she went about platting each side, when accomplished the first side was tied with a red ribbon, this was then pulled through to make a bow, the other side was finished in the same manor, then Ros set about my face, a cream was applied first them useing a brush the white powder, I was asked to close my eyes as Ros brushed across each one, there I have finished, opening my eyes, the reflection I saw was a pretty girl, not me at all. Beautiful even though I say it myself Ros murmered. Now lets go down and get ready to meet the ladies from my bible class.

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

Intresting lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ptomsMan
over a year ago


Keep going. Luvin it.

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By *iona38ddTV/TS
over a year ago

north east fife

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros passed my a nice pair of white shoes, I brought them from the church jumble sale, they are your size so should fit you well, I slipped my feet inside, yes mummy a very good fit I replied, leaving the bedroom, we headded to the lounge. Both myself and Ros cleaned the room, it looked spotless when we had finished. The door knocker sounded; go open the door Denise it sounds as if our first guest has arrived, yes mummy I replied and walked off to get the door

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving the suspense .

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I opened the door to find the elderly next door neighbour standing there, please come in I asked her, as she crossed the step and entered, Auntie is in the lounge. She looked very old, jet white hair just over 5 feet tall and had the appearance of a round dumpy person. I had just closed the door and started back down the hallway when the knocker sounded again, turning back around I returned to the door, opening it I saw 4 more elderly lady's standing there, one was very tall about 6 feet, the other three were about 5 feet 3 to five feet 6 inches tall, the taller woman had slightly greying hair, a small bust, but looked as if she had made herself up to look much younger that she was, the other three were must larger in the bust department , and all of a similar shape. I again told them Auntie was in the lounge, they all knew where to go and proceeded to the lounge I followed, Mummy spoke and introduced all the ladies, after she told them the I was her niece Denise and I was stopping for a few weekends as my mother was ill, Hello Denise the ladies replied back it was like a rehearsed choir. I looked at the ladies and said Hello all, then the door knocker sounded again. I went from the room saying I will answer it, opening the door I was shocked to see 2 more people standing there, one was a lady in her early 40s, the other a fantastic looking girl, I was later to find out she was only 16 and rather shy, she looked very pale though, please come in Auntie is in the lounge, yes I know where it is silly girl the mother says in a very sharp manor, come Lucy follow me lets get inside I don't want you catching a cold again, she barked, Lucy followed her mother in and I closed the door, all 3 of us went to the lounge.

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *atexpvcTV/TS
over a year ago


Abosolutemy gorgeous...would live to part of this.xxxx

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By *ymrocruMan
over a year ago


More please, fantastic.

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Inside the lounge the group were desussing a passage from the bible, Ros asked the new commers to find a seat and sit down, Denise will make us all a cup of tea, I went to leave the room, Ros said Lucy will you help Denise with the tea, she will show you where we keep the biscuits, be a good girl and bring them in for us. Lucy spoke yes certanly I will help Denise, she got up and followed me to the kitchen. In the kitched I proceded to make the tea, Lucy the biscuits are in the cupboard, the one by the end of the sink, Lucy got the tin from the cupboard and I gave her a plate to put some of them on. Hi Lucy, I dont think much of your mother, I said as we waited for the kettle to boil, yes Lucy replied, she is very strict, I am allways in trouble with her, she expects me to do everything she asks, I have a misrable life, I wish I could leave and get away from her, she is to busy with men to bother about me,tears appeared in her eyes, oh Lucy I said, putting my hands around her sholders I patted her on the head, please dont cry, here use my hanky to wipe your eyes. Yes I had better my mom will be angry with me for crying, wiping her eye I finished the pot of tea, come lets go back in, I placed the tea on the table, Lucy put the biscuits alongside it,why dont you girls go up to your room Denise, you can play for a while why us ladys chat, thanks aunty I replied, Lucy looked at her mother, well can I play she asked, go on then, but you better come when I call you. We both turned and left the room.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great story - love to hear more!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please . I'm. Loving it

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I held Lucy's hand as we climbed the stairs, along the landing to my play room, sit down Lucy, you have the armchair, I will get the dressing table chair, Lucy picking up my dolls sat down, these are a bit young for you Denise, yes I know I replied, forgetting I was only Ros niece, mummy likes me to play with them, it makes her happy so I just go allong with her. Denise you said mummy, Oh bloody hell I thaught, quickly I replied yes my mother sent them so when I am here with auntie Ros, I have them with me, Lucy looked at me Oh I see, then asked if I was happy with my life, yes its not bad, I do as I am told and get along fine, Lucy began to cry, I wish that I was as lucky, my mother is a horrid woman I cannot wait to get away from her, just another 2 years, then I can go, getting up from my seat, I went to her, standing in front of her I put my hands on her shoulders and lightly kissed the tears from her cheeks, Lucy pulled herself away from my lips, stood up and pulling me close to her hugged me hard, I could feel Lucys breasts pushing against my chest, they felt like tennis ball size, slightly releaseing her grip she kissed me on my lips, her lips felt so soft, the slight preasure on mine felt so fantastic my cock began to stir, I pulled away so Lucy would not feel it, I am sorry Lucy said I hope I have not ofended you in any way, no Lucy was my reply I must admit I liked your kiss.

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Oh naughty!

The mummy's aren't going to be happy with that going on in the playroom!!


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep it going

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By *ocky-boyMan
over a year ago



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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Lucy held out her hands, I moved forward and put my hands into hers, she pulled me close to her and we kissed again,this time much longer, one of Lucys hands was placed around my neck pulling me closer for a lingering embrace, I put my left hand on her waist, slowly rubbing her, Lucy broke from our kiss, Oh Denise I do like this, I have such a funny felling in my stomach, Like butterflies, its so wonderfull. Just at that moment, mummy Ros shouted up to us, are you two allright, yes auntie, I replied, Lucy sit at the dressing table please, I asked her, just in case auntie or your mother comes up to us. Lucy sat at the dresser, looking at herself in the mirror, she noticed her face was quite flushed, I picked up the hairbrush and started to brush her hair, Lucy I do like you I said as I brushed her hair, I like you as well was her reply, before we could say anything else Ros appeared at the door and told us to go back to the lounge.

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By *hyone74Man
over a year ago

uk and ireland )

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

A cheeky little twist, maybe for later?

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


We both followed Ros back downstairs to the lounge, we need some more drinks please girls, Ros asked, myself and Lucy went to the kitchen, I bused myself making tea whilst Lucy stood beside me, she kept trying to feel my chest, trying hard not to let her, I kept swaying from side to side Lucy said Denise you are a bit flat chested, mummy says thay she thinks I am just a late devoloper, but I should start sprouting soon,I replied. Lucy took hold of my right hand and placed it on her left breast, feel this Denise, bet you would like some like this, her breast felt soft but very firm at the same time, nice Lucy I replied I would most certanly like some like yours, was not expecting to hear her words, you can look at them if you want to, I just gasped, realy Lucy you are naughty there are all the ladies next door someone might come in.

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By *iss Suzy SparklesTV/TS
over a year ago


Loving the direction this is going....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this story

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


More please

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Lucy you must stop it now, I muttered, secretly wanting her to continue, she just looked at me, putting a finger to her lip as if to shut me up, she started to unbutton her blouse, soon you could see her plain soft white cotton bra, putting her hand in the centre of the bra she pulled it up, out popped her 2 breasts, Oh Lucy, they were nice and round, , hard and firm just like tennis balls I thought this when I first saw her , she pulled my hand towards her and placed it on her right breast, feel this Denise, hopefully soon you will have some just like this that I can feel for you, I blushed, my face felt as if it were burning, Lucy they are smashing, but you must put them away before we get into trouble, Lucy laughed, pulling her bra down and putting her breasts back inside her bra, she said, Denise you do like them don't you, yes Lucy I replied I really do, but we must take the tea into Auntie and her friends, we went back to the lounge with the tea, Ros said, Denise are you all right, you look rather flustered, yes Auntie I am ok, but I think I might have a headache or something, oh poor you replied Ros, come lets go to the kitchen and I will get you something for it, I followed Ros to the kitchen, here Denise take these they will help your headache, the ladies will be going soon, then we can sort you out, you must tell me what you think of Lucy.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


The ladies sat chatting for what seamed an age, both myself and Lucy were very restless, she kept gigleing, her mother was getting very cross with her, scalding her several times, at last the meeting finished and Ros and myself said our goodbys, the next door neighbour was the last to go, goodnight, Denise she said to me as I closed the front door. I returned to the lounge, Ros was busy tidying away the tea things, helping her to clear and wash and dry up, we chatted about the evening, you passed off well as a girl Denise, you have made such progress in the short time we have been together Ros stated, now tell me what did you think about Lucy, I said she is very nice mummy, we had a lovley time talking, what else did you do in your room Ros asked? I said we just talked and I brushed her hair to try to comfort her as she was a bit upset. Why was Lucy upset asked Ros, I told her what Lucy had told me, I never knew Lucy's mother was like that Ros said, she has allways told me Lucy was a wild girl, in trouble all the time, you just dont know people do you, now its late, no bath tonight lets just get off to bed now. Following Ros we went upstairs, come Denise as a treat for being so good you will be in my room tonight.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *iceguy12345678Man
over a year ago

Near Fareham

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


More please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I went inside Ros bedroom, there laid out on the bed was a long pink nylon nightdress, go on Denise it is for you undress yourself and put it on, Rushing I stripped myself and put the nightdress on, my what a feel, it was cold and I had goosebumps, but it was like stepping into static, a slight electric shock sent shivers through my body, my cock hardened as the cold soft material, encased it, Ros came and put her hands on my bulge, rubbing it through the nylon, get on the bed and lie down Denise, I did not need any encrougement, I laid myself on the bed so Ros rubbing could continue. Her lips met mine a soft and gentle kiss, followed by Ros tougne probeing my mouth, I felt her hand lift the hem of my nightdress up, then I felt a finger on my bottom, it was cold and slightly wet, Ros pushed it inside my anus, I shuddered with the pain of her finger penertrating my body, shhhhh Denise relax, this is what being a woman is all about, the female accepting the male organ, she began to work in in and out of me, at the same time her other hand wanking my cock, her lips were now sucking on my left nipple, all these things going on at the same time were driving me wild, Ros went fast then slowed down, all of a sudden she stopped, pulling my nightdress down covering my cock she removed her clothes and she got up on the bed. Close your legs Denise I did as asked Ros lifted her right leg over my body so she straddled me, she then lowered herself onto me, I felt her weight on my groin, slowly she began to grind herself against my cock, continuing her rythem for several minutes, her breasts swayed above my face Kiss them for mummy please Denise, I took each one it turn and kissed them lightly, Ros encreased her rythem, faster she ground herself against my cock, Ros started breathing heavy, panting even, bite on my nipples she cried through her panting, I bit softly on her right nipple Oh yes I heard her cry as her body stiffened on top on me, as she did this my cock exploded several jets of hot spunk inside my nightdress soaking the material, Ros sat on me for a several minutes, then swung her leg over me and stood by the side of the bed, get cleaned up Denise, then put on a clean nightdress you can sleep in my bed tonight.

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great tail!!

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ocky-boyMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

Very nice

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm thinking I would like to be in Denice's place . Please keep it going

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *hrissy TvTV/TS
over a year ago


More please

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I went down stairs to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, Ros passed me in the hallway, I have sorted you some clean nightwear out, put it on and get into my bed I will not be long, returning to the bedroom I started to put on the things Ros had put ready for me, the first piece on nightwear I plucked from the bed was a pair of very flimsy see through yellow knickers made from nylon, slipping my legs into them I pulled them into place around my lower half, the nightie that matched it was very short, just reaching before the waist, this was elacticated under the bust pushing my chest flesh upwards forming 2 tiny tits, leaving a few inches of bare flesh before the top the knickers, I slipped between the sheets just as Ros entered the bedroom, she approached the bed and slipped in beside me, she shifted over and snuggled her body by mine, her right hand cupped my chest, kissing the nape of my neck she wispered to me, I am going to make love to you now Denise, just do everything I show you, I will tell you what your responce should be.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


Please more

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *hrissy TvTV/TS
over a year ago


Please don't stop

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros moved as close to me as she could, her hand started rubbing my cock through the nylon nightdress, respinding to her touch I became hard and aroused. Ros told me to put the bedside light on, she turned onto her back as I did the light, pull the sheets down Denise, I pushed them down to the bottom of the bed, Ros pulled her nightdress up to her waist, I looked down at her pussy, this was the first time I had seen it in all its glory, she was neatly trimmed her pubic hair looked as if it had been permed, Ros pushed both her hands down to her pussy, she slowly pulled her sex apart, their appeared to be 2 flaps 1 on each side, these seamed to be slightly wet, Denise, I want you to come down the bed and place your face just inside my legs faceing my pussy, I slid down and did as asked, now Denise I want you to lick over where my fingers are, first 1 side then the other, I pushed out my tongue and did as asked, it tasted slighly wet and sweet, lick faster, Ros siad, I licked faster and pushed my head closer to her so my togune applied more preasure on her now swollen flaps, Oh yess thats much better Denise, you are doing realy well, I rolled my tongue from side to side, Denise look at the middle of my pussy, you should see a small round bit of flesh, find this and lick me there, 1 of Ros fingers showed my the thing to lick, I flicked my togune on it, then started to lick it. Ros pushed her body against my face, she removed her hands from her pussy lips and placed 1 on each side of my head drawing my tongue closer to her clitty buttom, harder, faster, Ros muttered, her breathing now shorter and more quicker, I flicked my tongue across her in a circular motion, better she said now panting very fast, all of a sudden my face was pulled hard against her clitty, she shouted out as her body arched, and I was covered in her cum, it was slighty salty, I was covered in it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Such a good horny story to read . Keep it going

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


Love it more please

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *asmin999jmTV/TS
over a year ago


I am addicted to this story.. Xxx

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Thats a good girl Denise you have done extreamly well, now come lie down on your back mummy will teach you how to be a girl now. I lifted myself up the bed and placed my head on the pillow, the bottom of my nightdress was slightly wet from Ros cum, she moved so she was at my side, open your legs my little sweetie I parted my legs just a bit, Ros said you need to open up Denise, you dont want this to be an unplesent experance do you, just relax, and open up wider, she moved her hand down my body and placed it under my balls, she pulled the nylon and gusset of my knickers to 1 side, reaching over me with her other hand to the bedside table, she grabbed the jar of vaseline and placed it on my stomach, opening it she placed a large ammount on her fingers, she then roughly forced them between my legs as she held my knickers to the side, she rubbed on my anus till it was all slipery, she then pushed a finger right up inside me, I had had her fingers before but this felt so strange and diferent. She started to withdraw the finger then roughly pushed it back in, after several more thrusts she inserted another finger, again after a few more thrusts she slipped in a third finger, again I shouted Ros your hurting me, Ros realised her grip on my knickers, she pushed her face up towards mine and kissed me. I realaxed as she did this, strangly her fingers working inside of me began to be pleasureable, I let out a loud moan, Ros seamed to be encrouged at this and worked her fingers faster, she built up a steady rythem, my body in turn responded and as she pushed her fingers inside me I pushed my anus onto them, thats a good girl Denise, thats it enjoy it. I was well gone now lost in the sensation of her fingers inside of me, my body pulsating with every thrust, Ros turned her free hand and placed it on my hard cock, this was reacting to every thrust of her fingers, as they went in my cock leaked out a small amount of spunk, Ros started to rub my cock, I stiffened, bloody hell Ros I shouted as my spunk shot out of my cock like a bullet from a gun, splashing all over Ros face and chest.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Oh that Ros is one experienced naughty minx!!

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


More please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


You naughty girl Denise, thats all over my face, get up here and clean me off now, I moved up the bed, removing my knickers I went to clean Ros face. Oh no your not useing your knickers to clean me Denise a proper woman uses her mouth and tongue. She pulled the knickers from my hand and told me to lick, I want it all cleaned off my face, then I want you to swallow everything you lick into your mouth. Please mommy please dont make me do this, suddenly her hand hit my face with such force I could feel myself going red, she grabed hold of my hair and pulled me to her face.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Lovely to see a sissy being moulded and manipulated. Well written x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I would love to meet Denise and Ros

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By *ymrocruMan
over a year ago


Keeps getting better. Mmmm

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


More please xx

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 31/08/17 20:23:30]

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


With tears filling my eyes, I moved up the bed, lick me clean now, Ros shouted as another smack rained down on the side on my face, I pushed out my tongue from my mouth and started to lick my spunk from her face, some of it was quite thick and gloopy, Ros was stareing at me, swallow it you bitch she barked at me, pulling me by the hair away from her face, she watched as I tried to swallow my spunk. Get it down she cried as I started to regurgatate, my system, revulised by trying to swallow my spunk was rejecting it, she let go of my hair and forced my lips shut, as she pinched my nostrils, this made me gasp for breath and I swallowed my cum, now dosent that taste nice Denise, a good woman loves drinking spunk all down, now get back to licking me clean, I went back to my task and finished ckeaning Ros up, when finished she patted my head as she said, good girl Denise.

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I deffo want to be Denise

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


Mmm sexy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Exausted I dropped off, not sure how long I was asleep, but I awoken, when I felt hands rubbing my cock, I was rock hard again, I could feel myself pulsating, Ros kissing the back of my neck wispered get on your back Denise I want you again. Not wishing to anger Ros in any way I rolled onto my back, my cock sticking up proudly from the hemline of my nightie, Ros swung her leg over me she posisioned herself on top of me, grabbing my cock she guided me to the enterance to her moist pussy, she lowered herself so that she was just touching my cock, then proceded to rub my cock against her pussy lips, with her left arm taking her weight she ground her boby against my hard cock and her right hand. Ros continued for several miniutes, I could tell she was on the verge of cumming as her breath became more shallow, she started to pant like a bitch on heat, Oh my god she shouted as she thrust down that hard on my cock that it penitrated deep inside her pussy, she must have been lost in the moment as she continued grinding herself against me until she screaned out in an orgasm, soaking me in the process.

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *asmin999jmTV/TS
over a year ago


More more more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Soooooooo good xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros rolled off my still hard cock, lying at my side she grabbed hold of my cock, I think you have been a naughty girl Denise, pushing your cock inside my pussy, but mommy I replied, I did, I stoped answering as Ros dug her nails into my shaft, I just cried in the pain just inflicted on my member. Dont you dare contradict me again Denise, Its your fault, now you must take you punishment! But that will be defered, as I did like the feeling of your throbbing cock inside my pussy, its reminded me of how much I loved being fucked by my husband, he always was in control, but I like the enjoyment of being in control, so I intened to be the dominante person in this relasonship. Ros started to wank my cock, so get a bit of sleep now Denise my daughter, because you are going to need it, get your strength back, I want you with some stamina, for what I plan to do to you later, Ros got off the bed and said I will be back for you soon. I was petrified, I wished that I had never got myself in this situation.

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By *enn 53Man
over a year ago


Dont stop , loving this

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I was to nervious to go to sleep, all I could think of was what Ros planed to do to me. I thaught back to when Ros first invited me to her house, of only I had not took that big cast iron door knocker into my hand, I should have just ran off, that was my first reaction, but no I had to knock. I must have been mad, I agreed to her terms, I wanted to wear girls clothes I wanted to be dressed in her nightdresses. Now here I am all stressed out and petrified of what will happen to me. I cried myself to sleep, I do not know how long I slept, the next thing I remembered was Ros entering the bedroom, she came to the side of the bed and took my hand, Denise I have thaught long and hard about my original plans, I have decided that I need more from you than just being my daughter, I need you to do more, I have sexual needs and I mean to take my satisfaction as and when I require it. She held my hand as she produced the syringe from her side, she pushed the needlepoint into my arm and emptied its contents into my body, the room started to spin, the last thing I can remember was her smileing face as I lost concesness.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *hil911Man
over a year ago


Ooo. More.

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


Gets better

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Twists and turns - great story!

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I can remember wakeing up, all you men will know the feeling a good hard morning glory, I tried to move my hands down to feel its hardness, but they seamed stuck to my side, on another ocassion, I thaught that I saw Lucy smiling at me, bending over she softly kissed my lips, then again I was asleep, I do not know what was happening to me or how long I had been out with the faries.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *ean and lyndaCouple
over a year ago


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By *ymrocruMan
over a year ago


More please.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

More, great story!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I was woken by the sound of slurping, my eyes slowly focusing, noticed a head going up and down on what I assumed was my hard cock. Yes it was my cock, straining my eyes I made out the shape and hair, it was Ros, she was busy sucking on my cock, I started to get some feeling in my lower body, my cock was indeed hard and I could feel it throbbing and pulsesating, I tried to put my hands down to carress her head, but they would not move, turning my head so that I could look upward, I noticed that each hand had been tied to each side of the bedpost, I tried to move my legs, but upon looking they had been restrained in a simuilar fashion.I opened my mouth to speak, I was increadably dry, all that came out was a slight squeeking sound, Ros removed her head from my cock, Denise, its about time you woke up just let me finish myself off and we will try to make you more comfortable. With that she climed on top on me and pushed her full weight downwards and impaled herself down on my cock. She rode on me for several minutes, then screamed Im cumming, her body shuddered, she arched her back and sat still on me until her orgasam had finished.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *atexpvcTV/TS
over a year ago


God what a great story.its one of my many tick requirements to be out to sleep against my will.placed in bondage collared and restrained when I awake....

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros lifted herself from my body, Im glad you have woken Denise, its about time, now let my untie your hands, but dont you dare move them till I tell you, you understand dont you Denise, again I tried to speak but being that I was so dry hardly a word came from my lips, Ros untied my right hand from its restraint, she guided it to a glass of water from the bedside table, just sips now Denise, your system has to get used to fluids. I sipped at my drink, Ros released my left hand, she placed it by my side. Now Denise there has been changes around here since you were last with us, taking the glass from my hand she took hold of it and placed it on my chest, she squezed my fingers,I felt different, soft flesh was beneath my fingers, now Denise, I do hope you like your new breasts, I have made them for you. Breasts, I felt the nipple harden under my touch, Mommy what have you done to me

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Why Denise, I have done what you realy wanted, I have made you into a nice young woman, I did tell you that I had thaught about our situation, I desided that this is the direction we are going in now. You are no longer my daughter, I have allready filled that posistion, you are now my pretty little girlyboy maid, in future you are to address me as Mistress,you will be my sex slave as and when needed in that department, the rest of the time you will serve me, my new daughter, she will also have direct command over you, you will call her little mistress, do you understand, I wont ever repeat these instructions, if you forget or get disobedent, you will be punished very severly, DO YOU UNDRSTAND, I meaky murmered Yes Mistress. Ros undid the restraints on my legs, now Denise get out of bed, I will dress you, it will be Christmas Day in a few hours, then it will be time to meet my new daughter.

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros helped me from the bed, I looked down at my chest, there in front of me sticking out were 2 nice pert tits, the nipples sticking out from the large red part of the breast. Ros picked up a bra, just plain white but with wire in the cups, she slipped my arms through the elastic of the shoulder straps, then pulled it over my tits, fastening the 2 hook and eye fasteners behind my back, them she handed me the knickers, these were extreamly extravant,black nylon with rows of lacy white frills all over them,I took them from her and slipped first one leg, then the other, inside the geourgous things, pulling them tight so they hugged my groin. Turn round let me look at you, nice Denise, I have done a good job on your breasts, they look good enough to eat, but that will be later, now slip this dress on, it was a maids dress made from black satin, with a neat white lace collar and cuffs, a white frilly cotton apron finished off the outfit. I did as asked and stepped into the dress, Ros zipped me up, it was very short, just about covering my knickers, every time I moved it rode up showing my knickers. Thats just the effect I was after she giggled as she spoke, now get downstairs you have work to do.

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By *asmin999jmTV/TS
over a year ago


so pleased that this story continues .....

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


I walked behind Ros to the kitchen, it was in a state, dirty pots, pans, dining plates, cups, cutlery, all over the place, clean this up, you had better make a good job of it I want it spotless when I get back in, Oh and dont think you could run off, where would you go dressed as a sissy maid, Ros sneered as she disapeared from view, I looked at the mess, tears filled my eyes, just what had my life become! I sat at the kitcken table, looking down I could see my new tits, moveing up and down with my breathing, I must admit they did look good, I pulled my hands up over them and started to gently squeeze them, it did feel good my nipples became erect, along with my cock. I removed one hand from my tit and started to rub my cock, it felt devine, the satin on the knickers inhansing the sensation, I rubbed my cock and kneeded my tits simultanisouly, I felt as if I wanted to spunk inside the knickers, but I stopped, I thaught about Ros words as she left about punishment, I reluctantly stopped and started my task of cleaning. It seamed that I was working away for hours, soon I had the kitchen all clean, I heard footsteps approaching, I hope for your sake Denise you have done what I told you to do, it was Ros, she was opening the kitchen door, I stood by the sink, my hands by my side awaiting her approval.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Well that's certainly changed the dynamics - love the twists and turns!!


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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


My you have been busy Denise, everything looks all spotless, your learning to think like a good sissy maid should. Ros came over to me, she lightly kissed me on the cheek, come into the lounge Denise, Its Christmas day, time for celebrating, your new little mistress will be back soon I told her not to be to late. I followed Ros into the lounge, the Christmas tree looked very grand, tinsel, bubals, decorations and light made it stand out from the dimly light room, come Denise, stand here by the side on me Ros said as she sat in the armchair, I approached the chair and stood by it as I was instructed, Ros placed hand on my stocking and started to rub it, she reached higher, just under the hem of my short maids dress, I do like the fell of nylon stockings, do you Denise, Yes mistress I murmured, good girl, now sit on my lap, I sat on Ros lap, her hand went under the skirt of my dress and started to rub my satin knickers, my cock hardened as soon as her hand rubbed me. Good sissy Denise I want that soon, I am feeling rather randy tonight, I need a good hard fucking, this language shocked me as I had never heard Ros say such things. Ros removed her hand from my hard cock and started to unzip my maids dress, stand up I stood, the dress slipped from my shoulders to the floor, step out of your dress Denise and fold it up neatly you don't want to crease it do you, no mistress I replied, I stood there in my underwear before her. I like the look of your tits Denise I am going to like playing with them, at this I heard the front door opening, mistress there is someone coming in, I can not be seen like this, Ros stood, she slapped me on the stomach, its only your little mistress coming in, and yes she can see you like this as she has helped me to get you to this stage and it will be her job to continue your maids training, so be polite and very courteous to her or I will instruct her to punish you hard in front of me! I had butterflies in my stomach as her footsteps got louder walking down the hallway, I felt my cheeks redden as the handle of the lounge door turned.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Suspense - fantastic!!

Keep it up

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By *hil911Man
over a year ago


It's Lucy.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's Lucy. "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


The door creaked as it opened, I stood there frozen to the spot, I was glowing red with fear, trembling, I wanted to burst out crying, closing my eyes. The footsteps stoped by my side, Denise looks quite sexy in her underwear, I knew that voice, opening my eyes, yes it was its Lucy, she looked fantastic, short dress with black tights, her brests stood out proudly from her chest. Ros spoke this is my new daughter, you know Lucy dont you Denise, yes mistress, I replied, well she is your new little mistress, she will be your trainer, she must be obeyed at all times, yes mistress, I will obey Lucy. Lucy came and stood be me her right hand was placed on my cock and balls, I was not prepared, not expecting this, she squezed my bollocks that hard I cried out in pain Its little mistress to you slave and dont you dare forget it, Ros interevined, not to hard my daughter Lucy. Now take her upstairs, get her ready I need a bloody good fucking, Lucy roared with laughter, yes mother I will, she grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me towards the door.

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hmmm loving this story

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Lucy tugged hard on my hand, my body jolted as I was dragged from the lounge, Lucy closing the door behind her released the preasure on my hand, a finger went to her lip, shhhh, Denise dont talk just follow me upstairs, I just nodded and followed her upstairs to Ros bedroom, once inside I noticed that the whole layout of the room had changed, Denise strip off now, I slowly started to remove all of my underwear, Lucy pulled a baby doll nightdress with matching knickers from the wardrobe, get into this quick and get on the bed, lying on your back, once on the bed, Lucy began to rub my cock, it soon became very hard, good girl Denise, mother will be pleased, now open your mouth, Lucy placed a pill on my tongue, swallow it Lucy commanded, I swallowed, open your mouth lets see that you have swallowed it. On checking that I had indeed swallowed the pill, Lucy returned to my cock, she pulled on it then lowered her mouth and took hold of it in her lips, her tongue licked around the end, then she took my whole length inside her mouth, she then rested a second then withdrew back to the top again. Lucy then went to the side of the bed as she heard Ros footsteps approaching. Shes ready for you mother, Ros stripped naked in front of me, her tits swayed as she aporoached the bed, have you given her the pill? Yes mother, and I have checked she has swallowed it, good girl Lucy, Ros beamed as she got on the bed, in the same movement she straddled my body, Lucy held my cock at the base as Ros impailed herself down on it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


More soon please

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By *hil911Man
over a year ago


Getting really good.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving it . Definitely need more of this story

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros was franticly grindind herself up and down on my rigid cock, for several miniutes she lifted her body from mine then impailed herself back down, each time it seamed as if she had slammed harder down on me. Ros suddenly stopped removed herself from me, turned around then shouted to Lucy, hold her cock upright whilst I get her back in me, Lucy come into my view, she was now totaly naked as well. Her tits were bigger than I remembered, her thin waist, led down to her wider hips, then I vieved her sex, she was tight around her vaginal enterance, no flaps or messy bits, some light golden pubic hair surounded it, she grabbed hold of my cock and guided it inside Ros fanny. Ros again started to ride on me doing a reverce cowgirl her hands placed around my thighs, can I now mother I herd Lucy ask, yes daughter now you can. Lucy looked hot as she got on the bed by the side of me, the thing I remember the most was the sight of her fantastic arse lowering herself onto my face.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *ymrocruMan
over a year ago


Waw this gets me so hard and so wanting more.

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Lucy lowered herself until the soft skin of her body touched the tip on my nose. She then pushed one hand to her vagina lips and pulled it apart,until she knew it was open, then continued to lower herself onto my face. My nose felt her clitty button rest on it, I opened my mouth just enough to poke me tongue inside the moist inner lips of her pussy, she smelt musky, then her jucies started to flow, her bottom came to rest on my tits, she didnot feel that heavy but she caused me to start to gasp for my breath. Ros meanwhile continued to ride my cock, her thrusting became heaver, she started to pant, Yes Yes I am cumming she shouted above her panting, Lucy meanwhile had her hands around my head trying to get more of my mouth and tongue inside her, my chest felt tight from both womens weight. Lucy pulled at my hair, get that fucking togune up further inside of me my bitch I pushed my head upwards as far as it would go. At this Lucy ground her pussy hard against me then squirted all over me, her jucies filled my mouth and ran down my face towards the bedclothes. Ros dismounted me and started to play with Lucys tits, her other hand wanking my still hard cock. A few minutes later my body convulshed, a hot thick stream of sticky spunk shot from the opening of my cock and spurted all over Lucys back.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Looks like you've demanding ladies to please now - great tale!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ree guyMan
over a year ago


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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros, told Lucy to get off me carefully, lie down on your front Lucy, I have to get our little maid to clean up the mess she has made in your back. Lucy bent forward, lifting one leg in air, dismounted me, Ros told me to slide myself off the bed,Lucy dropped to the bed on her front so that I could see my thick spunk on her back. Ros said as she grabbed the back of my neck, get cleaning your mess from my daughters back, I looked at her, she pushed my head forcefully down so it touched Lucys back, I knew what was coming as Ros barked get licking Denise our maid I want all that spunk cleaned, useing your tongue. I pushed my tongue from my mouth and started lapping my cream from Lucys body. I didnot take long, Lucys flesh tasted nice and salty, her sweat and my cum mixed together. After I had finished I stood by the bed for my mistress to inspect my cleaning duties.

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What a twist love it

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Ros approached the bed, she stood by my side and put her right hand on my hard cock, it was sticking through the knickers of my babydoll. Denise you are still hard I see you like my daughter, Yes mistress, I love you as well, good girl, Ros replied. Lucy push your bottom up in the air, Lucy did as she was told, Ros ran her hand over Lucys soft white flesh, nice and clean, she then used both her hands to part Lucys bottom, as it opened a trickle of spunk started to run down from the bottom of her back into the crack of her arse, not clean here you naughty maid, get down and lick it clean. I look at the vision that was Lucys arse, peachy and inviting, I got on the bed and pushed my face inside the open cheeks, pushing my tongue in I proceded to lick, I licked, I was enjoying this until I felt the crack something smash over my arse, it hit the bottom of my ball sack as well, screaming out in pain, I pushed forward and burried my tongue right inside Lucys arse.

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *owie144 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


The pain was severe, tears were streaming down my face, CRACK, agian searing pain, have you completed your task lazy maid, CRACK another blow on my backside, I think so I cried through my sobs, again CRACK, bloody check you bitch. With trembling hands I opened up Lucys arse cheeks, CRACK, another blow struck me, WELL IS SHE CLEAN, yes I shouted she is clean now. Ros pulled me by the hair, YES, yes what she turned her hand making my hair feel as if it was being pulled out from the roots, she pulled me from the bed, get yourself bent over the dressing table chair now, I will teach you to remember just who I am, I screamed please mommy, please, she pulled me to the chair. Lucy help me get her over this chair, Lucy held my arms as I was dragged to the chair, useing force and pain the women got me over the chair. THIS IS YOUR FIRST AND I HOPE YOUR LAST LESSION IN OBEDIANCE Ros barked. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. Who am I, who am I, mistress, mistress, mistress, I uttered through my screams, WHACK, WHACK, my arse was on fire, I was in extreame pian, thats better, Denise you know now not to disobey me, or for that matter your little mistress, OR ELSE! Lucy see to that disobedent bitch, I need the toilet Ros disapeared through the bedroom door

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

It's all coming out now!!

Bet that ass is red raw -

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