I can remember time my ex swallowed my load when I asked her to the feeling was great, but she would only do it once in a blue moon.
I tried reverse physcology on her by not asking for over a year, don't get me wrong Bjs werent a problem. I tried the pestering, no go there either.
So resigned myself to once in a blue moon.
Anyway we broke up a couple month later I met this woman, a good 8-9 yrs older than me. I did have to court her, we went out for meals, pictures, drinks etc. Any we did the deed 3-4 weeks later. Then one night kids were at their dads and we were on the settee getting frisky, I slid my hand down her jeans, when she stopped me. "I'm not well there" she said. I was gutted but hid it well "no problem" gave her a hug and cuddled in. Didn't think anything of it.
Latter on I went to kitchen to get a drink & just as I was coming back she was coming down stairs & she gave me a kiss, a kiss turned into a snog, a snog turned into a grope.
Before I know it she's undone my jeans and got my cock out, kissing while smiling at me, the she opens her mouth and starts wanking me off into her mouth, bringing her.head up & down over me, bring the other hand round under my sack & playing with my balls.
My ex never did that, "wow". She kept one hand on my cock and pulled herself up on the other then snogged me before going back down. Now at 7" I don't consider myself big, but the ex had a bad gag reflex. This lady didn't, she just smiled at me licked the tip of my cock before ramming her head down over it, both hands grabbed my arse and she pulled herself right on to me so her nose was pressed hard against me, then released with a gasp for air. Saliva running down her chin and my cock.
She looked up at me, "thank you" she said. I'm thinking "hey anytime".
"No I mean it, you didn't put any pressure on me, when I said no"
I just smiled, leant down and kissed her forehead. In a second she was on it again but with more vigor. Wanking and gagging furiously. I felt it, that moment, when you know you're going to come so I tapped her on the head and told her I'm cumming.
She didn't stop wanking & gagging, then I felt it rise from my tightening balls, she must of felt it too as she started sucking it from me, I could feel her swallowing my load as she had my cock in her mouth.
Seriously my knees went week, (glad I was at bottom of the stairs so had the banister to hold on too). That was the first time a woman had swallowed my load voluntarily.
Yes she did continue to do so for several yrs after that till we broke up. There have been a couple since who have done it too.
Anyone else want to inform of there first time?