By *cott9191 OP Man
over a year ago
nottingham |
We drive away through the town, not too busy but people would definitely be able to see me, which was a turn on as I new I was naked under the cover, but no one could see me. I did feel like some people gave me a strange look as they walked pass while we waited at lights, but that was probably just my paranoia. Ann could see me cringing and giggled at me again. We drove away from town and as soon as we were properly moving she told me to expose myself and close my eyes, which I did immediately. I'm going to enjoy you, she says, you're such a well behaved little bitch. We drove in silence for what seemed like ages, I got really nervous when we slowed down or stopped but never opened my eyes. We slowed and stopped again but this time she turned off the engine. Are we here, I asked, shut up bitch, she snapped, I didn't tell you to speak. I sat in silence, she leaned over me and undid my seat belt, running her hands over me as she did. She put a hand on my throat and pushed my chin up as she squeezed. Sit on your hands, she says, then moved her hand to my balls and squeezed them. It hurt but felt really good. If you open your eyes I'll rip these off, do you understand? Yes miss, I reply, she moves my own chair back a bit. I suddenly became aware of my surroundings, I could hear cars driving past but nothing else, I guessed we'd pulled over at the side of the road, but what if someone walked past, I had to trust her, I squeezed my eyes together as she ran her hands over me, pulling at my nipples before flicking at my cock and balls, which made me twitch and her laugh, then she put her lips around my cock and began to give me a lovely blow job, my door opened, I didn't move, I didn't open my eyes, I honestly didn't care who was there by this point, I was floating with pleasure. I quickly guessed it was Dave and just relaxed as another pair of hands started touching me before an amazing feeling of two mouths working my cock . I felt my balls tightening and I was about to come when they stopped. We haven't told you to cum scott, said Dave as my assumption was confirmed and without even asking, Sir Miss can I come please I asked. Ann grabbed my balls hard and pulled on them, I didn't say you could talk she snapped, and you were doing so well, that's this over with then, open your eyes. I was gutted, was that it, had I blown it all, were they going to send me home.
Open your eyes, she says, get your seat up. I do as I'm told, as my eyes adjust to the light, I can see we're in a lay by on a dual carriageway. Not too busy but still enough cars about to make me nervous, what if they just kick me out here for all to see, I didn't know where my clothes were, I could see my car in front but where were my keys. Ann got out and walked to the back of the car, Dave shut the door and joined her, what could I do, should I get out and plead forgiveness, but that would mean talking again, would that make it worse, but if I just sit here does it look like I don't care. I didn't know what to do, so I just froze and did nothing, they walked back to my door and opened it. Ok scott, we'll be coming to our house soon and we don't really want the neighbours seeing a naked man enter our house, I was so relieved and let out a big sign, he looked at me, what's up, he said, I thought I'd upset you both and you were going to dump me here I blurted out, they both laughed at my insecurity, you really do need to relax, says Ann, and leans in to give me a lovely kiss for the first time. You are going to pay for that, she once again giggles, but we're not done with you by a long way yet. We just need to be careful so we need you to get dressed, Ann comes back to the drivers seat and Dave goes for my clothes, kiss me scott, says Ann, I like the way you kiss, I lean over and kiss her, she gently grabs my head and it turns into a full on snog only interrupted by Dave giving me my clothes, I can see you like kissing Ann then scott, he says as he gently grabs my cock which has once again gone hard. He smiles and gives me my clothes before leaving and driving off as I put my clothes on. Ann waits until I'm ready before starting the car and driving off again, relax for a bit scott, get your head together again, we'll have a little break now, are you enjoying yourself? Yes Miss, I reply, relax, she says again, you'll know when we start to play again, you don't need to call me Miss now, oh ok. Then yes I'm loving this, good, she replies, so are we. We continue to talk as we drive, I'm relaxing again, Ann made me feel really comfortable and we pulled into her drive with my car parked in front of the house with Dave waiting for us at the front door. I'm totally relaxed again as we get out and go into the house |