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The PA

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


Some people like imagined stories; some the sharp and raw tales of exploits truly experienced. This is one of the former: it didn't happen; it's a fantasy tale; just a bit of fun. Hopefully one you'll enjoy but best bring some suspension of disbelief in here with you.

The PA


This a story of how I ended up fucking a colleague. And I mean fucking: not passionate fumbling; not sensuous or sensual sex; definitely not love-making. This was full-on, pull her back by her hair while pounding her slick wet cunt style fucking. Fucking truly worthy of the word. Let's find out how, and who. It may not be who you think...

I guess it all started with the test. All things considered, this test should have been a fairly minor event in my life. It was at the end of a week long project management course. Only a week, so hardly representative of in depth knowledge or expertise. And, of course, the course didn't give me any actual experience.

But I did get 98% in the test. Apparently that was practically unheard of. So I smiled a weary, brain drained smile and went to the pub to celebrate with my similarly weary colleagues and course compatriots. They were all very friendly and congratulatory rather than jealous, although perhaps that had more to do with the fact that I bought them all a round.

No I didn't fuck any of them in the pub. I went home and tried to stop thinking about project boards and sponsors and plans and work packages. I mostly succeeded too, until Monday.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What happened on Monday

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


"Alright Davy."

Steve stood leaning against his office door, sipping a cup of morning coffee. He had a cheesy sort of smirk on his face.

"'Morning Steve", I shot back. "What's up with you this morning?"

"I heard", he said, drawing it out, "that *someone* in this office is a big fat swat." Steve produced a bacon roll with a smile and a flourish. "I think that qualifies you for an extra fortified breakfast."

I grabbed the roll with a smile of my own and tucked in: I was starving and it really did look, and smell, very good. Fueled by my justly deserved morning indulgence, I attacked the day with gusto. Soon I was in the thick of it, back to the daily rhythm and working hard to catch up with the backlog left by a week away from the desk. If I'd had time to stop and think about it, I probably would have been able to feel all that hard won knowledge leaking out of my brain - or, perhaps more accurately, being pushed out. I worked busily until about mid afternoon; that was when things changed.

"Boss wants to see you", said Steve, popping his head round the corner.

"I thought Angela was on holiday?"

"Not that boss", said Steve, gesturing up the way with his pen. "*That* boss."


That was not usually considered a good sign. I heaved myself out of my chair and through the door.

"Good luck", Steve wished, pulling his head back so that I could pass.

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago



"Come in." The voice creaked through the door - old and gravelly.

I stood there with my hand held up, just about to knock. Fuck, that was unnerving. I wondered if he did it just to put us off balance so he could tell us off properly. It was definitely working on me: I started to think of all the things I might have done wrong. Everything that might put me on the company naughty step. With some trepidation, I reached out and turned the handle.

"Ah, Mr Jackson. Sit down, please."

I pushed my way in to the room, intent on taking the proffered seat. I was pretty successful - it was, after all, only crossing a room and sitting down. The thing that threw me, that made me almost trip over my feet during that simplest of tasks, was her.

Fucking hell she was hot! Not that she quite fit any of the standard definitions of hot: she was not tanned and blonde with big boobs, nor was she a smouldering Mediterranean sex goddess. What she was was petite; a small, lithe, perfectly formed form perched on the seat next to the empty one.

It was impossible to say what it was about her that affected me so; why it was that my heart was suddenly pounding and my cock felt a brief twitch; why it was that I should stumble on an empty, smooth floor. Yes, she had the classic slim glasses perched on her nose; yes, her blouse had a few buttons open revealing the beginning of the swell of her small breasts; and yes, the skirt she wore over her pert bottom was rather tight; but it wasn't the sexy secretary look that pierced my soul and grabbed me by my cock. It was the look.

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By *ack Seat LoverTV/TS
over a year ago


Sounding Good!!

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By *omkingbillyCouple
over a year ago


Sounds interesting

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


She looked at me over the top of those glasses with the slightest of impish smiles turning the corners of her otherwise pouting mouth. She watched me with interest as I made my clumsy traverse, her blue, piercing eyes never leaving mine. All the while her body moved subtly: tiny, almost imperceptible shifts of poise that were charged with eroticism. She oozed sensuality. She was sex personified.

"Sit down, Mr Jackson. Sit down."

I dragged my attention back to Mr Ross by sheer force of will. Mr Ross: the old man, the boss, the big cheese, the owner. The man who could have me fired if I had done anything wrong, and had done so to others in the past.

The old man was indeed old. Not ancient but definitely beyond normal retirement age. He had a stern face framed by neatly styled grey hair. He had a reputation for being firm with the staff although, on the occasions when we ended up talking about it in the pub, we would all admit that this was probably because he only chose to interfere when something was going wrong.

I suddenly realised that I was still standing beside the chair and had made no attempt to sit. I hastily parked my bottom and tried desperately to keep my concentration focused on Mr Ross, leaning forward perhaps a bit too far so that I couldn't quite see the bundle of erotic energy to my left. That tactic was foiled almost immediately.

"This", said Mr Ross, gesturing towards the slim, sensuous lady, "is Melissa."

I had to turn round, of course, or else appear rude. I could smell her now - a light but intoxicating fragrance emanated from her and surrounded me, gently inviting me to places I knew I should not go. I was almost close enough to feel the heat of her body. I could sense her presence, even if I could not see it. So I knew I was lost: if I turned round now she would become the centre of my attention and I wouldn't be able to wrest it back; if I turned round now I would become so aroused that no amount of arbitrary problem solving or imagining naked Prime Ministers could possibly prevent my cock from hardening; and Melissa, at least, would see.

But I had to turn round.

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By *irParzival70Man
over a year ago

St Columb

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


And so I turned.

Melissa smiled radiantly as she extended her hand. For a moment that smile was enough to stop me from looking down as I clasped her hand to shake it. But only for a moment.

"Hi", she said, just as my eyes dropped.

"David", I mumbled back as our hands pumped up and down. The action alternately squashed her boobs against the supporting bra and then released them. My eyes followed the motion closely, the changing curve of her bosom highlighted by hundreds of tiny goosebumps trying to form.

"So, Mr Jackson." Mr Ross's voice was heavy with hinting.

My head turned towards him, my eyes stubbornly refusing to leave Melissa's undulating cleavage until the last moment. Belatedly I realised that I should stop shaking her hand.

Mr Ross continued.

"I hear that congratulations are in order."

"Huh?" was my insightful reply.

"Your course, Mr Jackson, your course."

"Ah. Yes. Thank you." I said, and then added weakly "Steve got me a bacon roll."

I was not doing well.

"I'm sure it was very rewarding, Mr Jackson", said Mr Ross. "We called you in here today, David, so that we can make you an offer. An offer I hope you will accept."

Now that sounded intriguing. Without really realising that I had done so, I leaned slightly forward, more focused than I had managed to be until now.

"Go on." I said, tentatively.

"We're opening another office", said Mr Ross, "and we'd like you to head it up."

I was gob-smacked. This was so out of the blue it was ultra-violet. Surely they couldn't really pick me for this job?

There was a lot of conversation after that but I won't bore you with the details. The important points were: yes they really had picked me; the branch office was on the other side of the country; and Melissa, the absolutely distracting embodiment of sex that was sitting beside me, was to be my personal assistant. I didn't think I could really do it, but Mr Ross seemed to and he spent a considerable amount of time convincing me to take the offer.

In the end I'm afraid it was the chance to work beside Melissa that swung it: my cock led while my brain was incapable of proper thought and I accepted the offer. At that point my future career seemed a worthwhile exchange for the few weeks I'd have with her before they found me out.

And so it was that I shook Mr Ross's hand and accepted the new position. A few pleasantries were exchanged that I can't remember now, and I left his office.

I was ecstatic but also scared. The last thing I heard as the door closed did nothing to allay that fear.

"Ok, he can't hear us now", said Mr Ross's voice, clearly underestimating my rather ordinary auditory powers. "What did you think?"

"I've never seen such a reaction", Melissa replied. "I want him."

They said more after that, but by then I really couldn't hear. I walked in a daze out of the building and home. I know I must have gone by my office to pick up my coat on the way out, but I don't remember it. I was both elated that such a sexy woman should want me, and worried about who, exactly, would be working for whom.

I spent most of that evening making sure my CV was in order.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

. More more

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


The next few weeks passed in a blur. Most of the time I was too busy to be scared: at work there was much to do to hand over my old job, and much to do to prepare for the new one; at home I had decided to move with the job rather than commute huge distances and so had all the rigmarole of house hunting and then moving.

But eventually that all came to and end. I had my send off at the old office even though it didn't feel old yet and everyone wished me well: most genuine; some not so much. One worried and interrupted sleep in my new, unfamiliar house was all I had before turning up at the new office the next day.

"New", though, was overselling it. The place was leased at a substantial discount as a fixer upper. My first job was to get it all fixed up.

I pushed on the door. It was already unlocked and swung stiffly open. A faint, musty smell of disuse surrounded me as I walked in, underpinned by the barely detectable tinny acridness of heating switched on for the first time in God knew how long. It was all a bit depressing really.

Depressing but for two things: one, I had a budget and excitement and I was looking around with eyes that saw only potential; and two, the reason the door was open was because Melissa was already here.

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

This is really good stuff.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is definitely holding my attention.

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

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By *blecoolerMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Please keep going!

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


The entrance to our new old building had a sort of atrium, with a reception desk to one side and an open stairway straight ahead. I think the original architect had intended it to look grand, but there wasn't enough space for that.

Melissa stood on the first landing, clad in the same tight-fitting business attire as before and carrying a file. I think she had just been on her way down the stairs.

Of course my cock lurched when I saw her: she still had that way of carrying herself - that way of looking at you - that made you forget the real world and step into the sexual. Or perhaps change your idea of which *was* the real one. But I'd met her a few times during the last few weeks of preparation and at the very least I was able to stop myself from being a bumbling idiot in her presence. Almost.

"Good morning David", she announced. "Welcome to the new office."

I smiled and approached the stair.

"Good morning. It's..." I paused and Melissa seemed to wait for my reaction. "...it's fantastic!" I finished. "I can't wait to get started.

It was true: weeks of intensive planning had turned fear and dread into excitement and anticipation. There were still a great many details to be pinned down lest they escape and entangle our endeavour, but I was eager to get started.

"Let me give you the tour", said Melissa, turning on her heel and wiggling her way back up the stairs. "And I'll introduce you to Janine."

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By *irParzival70Man
over a year ago

St Columb

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

Excited to hear more

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


"Excited to hear more "


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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


Janine, it turned out, was upstairs cleaning out one of the offices. Melissa and I walked in just as she was clearing the remaining detritus of the previous tenants from one of the high shelves. She was standing on her tiptoes and stretching and her curves pressed through otherwise conservative clothing. Of course I couldn't help admiring her body as she stretched. What I could see of it anyway.

The overall picture of Janine was grey: grey cardigan, thick grey woollen skirt, even a streak of grey in her hair. Her tights, at least, were blue, but they were a kind of grey-ish blue and thick enough to be less than sexy.

But underneath all that Janine clearly had a nice body. Her boobs pushed against her blouse and the grey cardigan on top making very interesting shapes despite the lack of flesh on show. The garments rode up slightly as she stretched to reveal a rather appealing midriff. And even through the heavy skirt it was possible to see that she had a very shapely bottom.

I'm terrible, I know, checking women out that way. But it's usually instinctual and brief - over as soon as my rational mind kicks in and makes me get on with the business at hand. But what happened next would ensure that I was thinking about Janine in entirely inappropriate ways for some time to come.

"Hello Janine", said Melissa, pausing to indicate me, "this is David."

Janine turned and, in doing so, leaned what turned out to be a little too hard on the end of the shelf. It's old fixing came unstuck and the shelf, the remaining contents, and Janine all tumbled to the floor.

"Yeow!" yelped Janine.

"Oh my word!" Melissa's hand went to her mouth.

I instinctively leaped across the room to try to - I don't know - do something. I was, of course, way too slow to actually help but the move put me above Janine as she collected herself ready to stand. Then she looked up.

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Please keep going.

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By *outheasthornyguyMan
over a year ago


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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


Janine's brown hair framed her face, the single streak of grey in it dangling in front. She looked... she looked sexy as fuck. Her eyes looking up at mine, lips slightly parted, breathing a little harder than usual.

I don't know what came over me but I had the strongest urge to take this drab woman, tear those grey clothes off her and fuck her - right here, right now, in front of Melissa. It was overpowering and soon I found my own breath had deepened and my quickening pulse was pumping blood directly to my now straining cock.

As for Janine, the poor innocent object of my sudden lust, it was clear that she felt something too. She stared up at me transfixed and I saw the emotions fight for control of her face. I saw my own lust reflected in her shining, dilated pupils; then confusion and perhaps guilt vied for control; then lust again.

Lustful thoughts came to me in flashes and waves; some almost unnoticeable in their brevity; some taking hold. I imagined Janine on a hot day: grey, frumpy cardigan abandoned and blouse open a few buttons so that I was now looking down at cleavage I knew would be incredible.

Janine squirmed almost imperceptibly and I fancied that she was thrusting out her breasts - no, make that her tits - for me to view.

I imagined her taking my achingly hard cock into her mouth, her lips parting to slide over the head and then slowly down my shaft.

Janine leaned forward, a glazed look in her eye as her hand hesitantly inched it's way through the air towards... towards my groin! Fuck!

"Fuck her." Melissa's voice was insistent and eager. Almost hungry.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I blurted as I turned towards Melissa.

Janine's hand retreated, the moment broken.

"What?" Janine said weakly, and then began to stutter out an apology without really seeming to know what she was apologising for.

"Her husband was a trucker." Melissa stated, looking more than a little flustered.

I stared at Melissa, trying to figure out if I had heard what I thought I had heard or if my clearly over-horny brain was distorting things. Her face was was inscrutable.

"Yes, that's right, George." Janine's voice drifted up from below, sounding confused. "Bless his soul."

I was still looking at Melissa when I extended my hand to help Janine. She stood with one knee slightly bent and her hip cocked to one side. As usual she was not quite still and every tiny movement she made looked intensely sexual. I turned back to Janine before I embarrassed myself again and, at last, helped her up.

"Thank you", Janine said as she took my hand and pulled herself up. Her eyes flicked everywhere but mine as she dusted herself off. "I um... goodness me, look at this dust... I think I need to visit the ladies room."

And, with that, she bustled out.

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By *irParzival70Man
over a year ago

St Columb

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By *illclimberMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please!!

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


mmmm cant wait to see where this is going !

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

More more more!

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


More ....please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Cannot wait to read what happens next!

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


Definitely working on it . The writing is slower just now because we're fully in to easter DIY week, but I am still writing.

And thank you, everyone, for showing support.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *illclimberMan
over a year ago


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By *blecoolerMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great read so far, more like reading a sexy novel than our usual good horny stories of encounters and fantasies.

Thanks for taking the time, looking forward to more.

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

Less windows - more erotica, please

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Bugger the DIY; what about your rampant readers left on tenterhooks?

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By *itofamouthfullMan
over a year ago

near worcester

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Bugger the DIY; what about your rampant readers left on tenterhooks?"

What this guy said lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

He may be off having kinky fun this afternoon but perhaps I can help him write more... sucking cock helps the creative process - right?

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By *atdancer OP   Couple
over a year ago


An update...

Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days - I had to go in to hospital . Nothing major as it turns out, but very painful and distracting. I'll have a wee op soon, and hopefully do lots of writing during the recovery time .

I should probably go back to sleep now .


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I bet all your stag book stories are good is this taken from Fiesta or Escort. Did you find my stash in the bushes, sorry some of the pages were stuck together lol ????

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By *outheasthornyguyMan
over a year ago


"An update...

Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days - I had to go in to hospital . Nothing major as it turns out, but very painful and distracting. I'll have a wee op soon, and hopefully do lots of writing during the recovery time .

I should probably go back to sleep now .

God Luck in your recovery


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"An update...

Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days - I had to go in to hospital . Nothing major as it turns out, but very painful and distracting. I'll have a wee op soon, and hopefully do lots of writing during the recovery time .

I should probably go back to sleep now .

Speedy recovery pal


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By *ittle DancerWoman
over a year ago

Leslie, Glenrothes

A little birdy tells me that Hat is going to try and add more to this. Fingers crossed!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

When's the rest coming? Been waiting ages lol

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By *ood tongue!!!Man
over a year ago


very good & interesting will be waiting to read plenty more

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