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Stop! Police

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By *ralbisw OP   Man
over a year ago


The yell "STOP, POLICE!" echoed around the railway station platform closely followed by the slapping of running feet.

Driven by an overwhelming desire to get away from the policeman chasing him Alexi knew if he was caught deportation would be the least of his worries.

The illegal Polish immigrant was doing an errand for a nasty individual called Darren Brown and was carrying a consignment of cocaine. The was part of payment between Brown's gang and a rival gang which sealed a deal on the areas they were going to work in.

Alexi was starting to pull away from the policeman chasing him when he was spotted by a man waiting for a train. As Alexi turned around to check where the copper was he was sent sprawling as the bystander executed a perfect rugby tackle.

Winded and dazed the stunned Pole was soon under arrest and hauled off to the police station along with the consignment of .

Alexi's partner in crime watching from the car park he quickly pulled away and picked up his phone to ring his boss. "Daz, we have a problem."

"What problem, didn't they pay up?" his boss growled.

"They paid ok boss, but Alexi got busted by the cops."

"That useless Polish twat!" He raged "How?"

"Not really his fault boss he was getting away until some punk on the railway station rugby tackled him."

"Get back here and tell me more; someone's going to pay for this!"

Simon Worth finished his interview with the police and made for home not realising he had scuppered a big gang land deal and a whole lot of trouble was coming his way.

"So let me get this straight."

"The deal went as planned and it was only fucked up by this have a go hero." Darren snarled, lip curling back in anger.

"Yes boss," The driver replied smoothly.

"Ok you better be telling me the truth, Martin."

"Of course boss."

"I will find out who this punk is, he's going to pay for this," Darren grins coldly, looking some place behind Martin's head. Slowly Martin backs away towards the door, slightly nervous with his bosses look of revenge.

The following day Darren made a phone call. "Helen Coombs, Western News, how can I help you?"

"Ah Helen, you owe me a favour and now I need some information." Darren reminds the young lady, resting his feet on the crappy table that was the main centre piece of his tiny, ungraded house.

"...What do you need?"

"As a hot shot reporter, I need you to get something on the wannabe hero at the train station who helped arrest the drug dealer. He's going to pay." He added chillingly.

"Right, I'll get right onto it" she sighs

"Good." He clicks end, not bothering to even say thank you. If it wasn't for him she wouldn't even be alive.

It wasn't long before Helen had the information. All it took was a quick call to her friend a civilian phone operator at the local police station; his name and address were soon divulged.

"Darren I have the info you wanted."

"Who is he?"

"Simon Worth, 26, at address is 12a Watson Close."

"Great, that's just what I wanted" he smiles coldly. Now was for his revenge.

Later that week Simon answered a knock on the door "Yes can I help you?" He asked the two large men in suits.

"Mr Worth, we have something to discuss with you may we come in?"

Something in their demeanour made Simon nervous as he ushered them in. He pushed the door closed quietly, glancing out at the road. A lonely car sat out on the curve.

"What can I do for you?" he asks turning around.

"Well, it's like this Mr Worth, your little stunt at the railway station made my boss a very unhappy man." Watching the colour drain from Simon's face Martin continued, "You see the man you got arrested was carrying a large payment belonging to my boss."

"And as you have cost the boss that money; he wants you to pay up." The second man added punching his fist into his hand for effect.

Simon tried not to tell them seem him tremble, "How much money?"

"Oh let's see about ten grand," Martin replied coolly, as if the exaggerated number was normal. "The boss is a fair man, Mr Worth and will accept five if you pay quickly."

"Five grand?! I don't have that kind of money!"

"We will be back next week Mr Worth, It is in your best interests to get that cash to us." Martin moves towards the door, not even glancing at Martin as he steps aside. "Or our next meeting won't be so cordial."

That Friday afternoon Sharon got home early and heard voices in the lounge. Stepping inside she saw the two smartly dressed men "Simon, what's going on? Who are these men?"

"Mrs Worth, I assume." One man says, eying Sharon.

"Yes, what is this all about?"

"Your husband here owes my boss money Mrs Worth. We are trying to arrange payment I'll let him fill you in with the details. We will be back Mr Worth, good day." And with that both men left, leaving the room tense.

"Oh, Simon, you haven't borrowed money from a loan shark have you?" Sharon asks advancing on her husband.

"No nothing like that love." He replied and explained the past events at the railway station.

"You have to go to the police. They can't hassle you like this!"

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea," Simon added "They got my details from somewhere."

"Well we aren't going to give in and pay up, that's final." Sharon declared, determination flashing through her eyes.

Martin reported back to his boss "Well Monday morning I think we will up the ante Martin." Darren sounded almost satisfied.

"Yes boss."

"Get a hold of him and break a finger or two. That should bring him to his senses." Darren laughed.

"Mr Worth do you have our money?" Martin asked before he'd even stepped foot in the house.

"No,I'm not paying you, go away." Simon replied

"That's too bad Mr Worth, My boss will want full payment now."

Again Simon asked them to leave.

"We have been most patient with you." As quick as a tiger pouncing on its prey, the two thugs grabbed Simon and bundled him to the floor, kicking the door closed.

"Right last chance, are you going to pay?" Martin snarls as Simon attempts to shove them off.

"Go to hell." Simon hissed. A snap sounded through the room, followed by a sickening scream "Oh that's just for starters we will be back and it won't just be fingers next time" Martin sneered, getting to his feet easily while Simon rolls on the floor, cradling his broken finger

Sharon was trembling when she saw her husband's broken hand "Oh love, I didn't think they would go this far. What are we going to do?" she ushers him out the door, towards the car, ignoring his hesitation.

"I have no idea." He replied gloomily and lets his wife lead him to the car. They'd need to think of something to tell the hospital.

Wednesday morning another knock on the door made Simon answered open the door, he was immediately pushed over on to his arse with a crash. A boot crashed into his nose sending blood flowing. Sharon screamed "Stop! Please, stop!." Darren held his hand up, Martin stopped his assault

"Ok let's get one thing straight, Mrs Worth all I want is to get my money back." Martin leans down, eyes hard as he stares at Simon trembling on the ground, blood leaking between his fingers. "Pay up and this all goes away."

Eying up the pretty blonde wife an idea started to form. Darren had a wide criminal enterprise, if you could make money from it he was into it. Sharon said "Can we please work something out? a payment plan perhaps?"

"What do you propose?" Martin asks, trying not to get distracted by the woman's innocent appearance. Oh how he wanted to destroy that innocence, to make her scream and beg.

"We could manage a hundred a month." She hopefully replied "No deal, Mrs Worth, It would go on forever. I'm not a bank you know."

Getting desperate she added "What about if I did some work for you?"

"Mrs Worth a waitress in my club wouldn't earn enough money to pay that back and you don't look like the sort of girl to make ten grand quickly as a prostitute." Laughing he added "Too innocent by far."

"There must be something we can sort out, please don't hurt Simon any more, he's a good man."

Darren again looked her up and down "I might be able to come to an agreement with you. I'll be in touch with the proposal later."

Despite the look of hesitation on her face Sharon just nodded. "Okay"

"Let's go." Turning back to Sharon he added "I will send a car to pick you both up later."

Darren made a call to a business contact in Africa "Omar do you still require the product?"

"Ah Mr Darren nice to hear from you I didn't think you were interested in this project."

"We'll let us say an opening has developed and if all goes to plan it will cost you a hundred grand."

"Well Mr Darren if you can arrange it the cash it's yours."

"I will be in touch, Omar." Darren ends the call, turning around to look at his worker in the corner. "Martin, go and collect the Worth's, I think we may be able to offer them a deal."

Sharon and her bruised husband arrived at his office later. Darren started by saying "I have a way out of this which will be beneficial to us both. Mr Worth when you preformed your little act you cost me more than money. I also lost the services of a valued member of my staff. So this is my proposal."

Sharon shifted nervously in her chair as Darren started his pitch "As you have no money the only way to stop you becoming a motorway bridge support is for your wife to pay."

"How do you know we have no money?" Simon spluttered, ignoring his comment Darren continued.

"Oh a pretty young woman, like your wife will be able to pay me back with one job."

"One job, what on earth is it?" Sharon asked slowly, clearly not too enthusiastic about the idea.

"Well I lost the services of my employee for about ten months, so I will take your wife for about ten months." Continuing on he added "We will impregnate her! And when the baby is born we will return her to you, and you can put this sorry episode behind you." Sharon gasped, Darren paused then added "I will get paid for the baby, your debt is cleared and no one gets hurt."

"No we can't agree to this." Simon stammered.

Sharon looked at her husband and calmly said "We have no choice" She turns back to Darren, her shoulder slumping slightly in defeat. "I will do it."

Darren nodded and handed her some papers. "Just sign these and we will start the ball rolling."

Sharon signed the documents without reading them and handed them over.

"I'm glad we have a deal, Sharon, we will pick you up later and take you to my office."

Darren sat reclining in his office chair as the couple were ushered in a hours later. "Take a seat; I'll explain how this will work." Visibly nervous the couple sat down in front of the mobster. "Simon you will tell anyone that needs to know that you wife has a new job working as a travel rep and will be away for nearly a year."

Picking up a mobile phone "This is Sharon's new phone; you and your family can ring her at any time on this number." Pausing he added "The number is registered abroad so even though she is staying in the UK the phone will show up as being in Tunisia."

"Sharon you will stay in the care of my staff and you won't leave my clinic until the baby is handed over do you understand?" Sharon nodded. An ashen faced Simon started protesting "No we can't- I won't allow." His protest cut short by a sharp slap from Martin "Take him outside while I talk to the sensible one." Darren snapped. They waited as Martin dragged Simon off his chair and pushed him out the door.

"Right any questions?" Darren asks the woman.

"Please don't hurt him anymore." She said tearfully.

"If you do what you have agreed to do then no we won't need to hurt him." Adding in a menacing manner "Let me down however, he will be a supporting pillar of the new bridge on the motorway."

Later that day Darren picked Sharon up and drove her blindfolded to what he called the clinic. Taking the blindfold off Sharon saw she was at a large house in the middle of the woods. Stepping out of the car she followed Darren into the building.

They were greeted by a woman wearing a white coat "Nice to see you again Darren and you must be Sharon, I'll take you to your room and we can start the tests."

"Tests? What tests?"

"Oh nothing to worry about, just a blood test so we can work out your cycle, that way we get the quickest results. And the sooner you can go home."

"How are you going to plant the egg into my womb?" Sharon asked the woman taking blood "We don't its natural conception here." She stated "There, blood test done I'll see you soon."

"Wait what do you mean natural conception?" Sharon yelled after the woman disappearing out of the door with her blood.

Darren had rigged the house with high resolution cameras fully intent on making a bit more money by turning his reluctant subject into a porn star. Watching the five foot six blonde woman as she surveyed her room he said to Martin "I need to nail her myself before the studs ruin her." The two men laughed and went to Sharon's room.

Opening the door Darren walked in Martin closed the door behind him and waited outside. "Right Sharon it's time to start paying me back." He dropped his trousers "get over here and get me ready." She gasped and stood transfixed like a rabbit caught in headlights "Come on girl, get your lips around this I don't have all night." He scowls.

Realising he meant it, she nervously crossed the room and knelt in front of him. Taking his cock in her soft hands reluctantly she brought it to her mouth. "That's a good girl, get me nice and hard."

She started sucking on his cock feeling it slowly getting bigger in her mouth. Darren smiled enjoying the amateur cock sucking he was getting.

Sharon's jaw soon started to ache as the throbbing cock got to its full eight inch length. Darren stroked her blonde hair before placing his hands on the back of her head and forcing her head forwards impaling her mouth fully on his cock.

The unexpected sudden move caused her to starting choking. Pulling out of her mouth Darren laughed and pulled her up "Not much of a cocksucker are you?"

In one quick move he ripped her blouse open the buttons cascading onto the floor. Before Sharon could react the bra had gone the same way her 34in breasts exposed to the mobster's hungry gaze.

Cupping and roughly pinching the nipples caused the frightened girl to cry out. Moving quickly Darren pushed her back against the arm of the sofa. As she fell backwards he grabbed her legs and deftly removed her shoes.

Darren sat they're for a minute; simply admiring the woman's long, smooth legs and her skirt up around her waist with her white panties on full display.

Chuckling to himself he pulled her around to the edge of the sofa pushed her legs apart and knelt between them. Again he worked quickly pushing the gusset of her panties to one side he lapped at her slit with his tongue.

Sharon gasped at the sudden touch on her intimate parts. Regaining some thought of reasoning she tried to push his head away, but he refused to move.

Darren feeling her resistance popped his head up from under her skirt looked her straight in the eyes and eerily sneered. "Any more of that and Simon will be in concrete." Panicking she laid back. "Good girl." There was no resistance as Darren removed her panties and skirt. Running his hand through her blonde curls he located her clit and pressed his mouth to the sensitive flesh.

Gasping for breath as unwanted sensations started forming in her body Sharon tensed as she felt Darren push a finger into her hole. He knew she was starting to get worked up her juices were starting to flow and his finger was now moving easier in her tight channel.

Pushing his finger fully into her he marvelled at how tight she was he was going to enjoy fucking her.

Lapping at her clit he felt her tense up again Sharon started moaning "Oh no- god-oh."

Pushing his finger quicker and quicker into her the inexperienced young wife soon started bucking and writhing in an orgasm.

Not letting her recover her senses he carried on stroking her clit with his slimy finger as he raised himself up. Taking his thick erect cock in his other hand he rubbed the tip against her clit and down her tight slit. Slowly teasing her senses he waited until she started moaning again then pushed his hips forward. Lodging the thick head into her tight hole then quickly pushed all the way in the tight pussy gripped the invading cock like a silk vice.

Sharon realised Darren was not much bigger than her husband and was not suffering any discomfort from this unwanted union. And as she relaxed she started to enjoy the sensations the strange cock was starting to give her. Trembling she looks at the man standing over her.

Darren for his part was very controlled and was only slowly pushing in and out of her, determined to last as long as possible in the delightfully tight passage clutching his cock.

Slowly as the steady thrusts into her body continued Sharon again felt an orgasm start to build deep in her core. She felt hot, and her stomach was being assaulted with a tight pressure threatening to release. Darren felt her pussy quivering around his cock and knew she was close. He picked up his pace plunging into to her with increased speed, his balls slapping against her in a steady rhythm. Her legs gripped around him as her orgasm broke locking him deep in her. Being unable to move until she calmed down had allowed him to avoid shooting his load and as she relaxed her grip he started moving in her again.

Darren realised he wouldn't last much longer so he really started giving it to her the long steady strokes getting more and more ragged, ramming into her harder an deeper, welcoming her slightly screams whenever he hit her g-spot. He could feel pressure in his balls, felt Sharon's cunt tightening around his as he fucked her hard.

It suddenly dawned on her, natural conception. Oh god, it was Darren's baby she was going to carry.

Sharon was too weak from the orgasm to try and push him off and as he sawed into her and another one was looming.

Darren grabbed her tits and pinched the nipples the new sensations sent Sharon over the edge again. Darren gave a particularly hard thrust as she again quivered around his cock and discharged deep into her, the blast of cum shot from his prick to flowed deep into her pussy. He pulled his softening cock from her well fucked hole with a plop. "What a great fuck you are Sharon, I enjoyed that." He said with a grin.

Panting hard between breaths she managed to say. "The baby you want me to carry is yours, isn't it." Laughing Darren replied. "Oh no, I can't get you pregnant I have had the snip."

"Besides our client has specific needs and I don't fit the bill."

And with that comment he got dressed and left her to clean herself up.

Two days later two large black men arrived at Darren's office "Ah, Nathan, Jack, sit down boys let me fill you in with the job I have for you. Right it's fairly simple I have a hot little blonde lady and it's your job to knock her up." Darren showed the lads a picture of Sharon. They both nodded approvingly "Fuck her over and over again until you get her up the duff. I'll even pay you when you accomplish the task. Are you up to it?"

Nathan said with glee "Sure thing boss we don't need asking twice."

"Good lads, oh by the way I guarantee there will be no come back on this."

"I'll let you know when we are good to start but I want a real good load saved up for her so no sex or wanking you got it?" Both men nodded "Good, I knew I could rely on you. I will set it up and call you soon."

Sharon realised the clinic as Darren called was nothing more than a prison for her. Everything she needed was on hand and the staff, were at her beck and call.

She had telephone calls from her husband and had assured him everything was fine although she hadn't mentioned her tryst with Darren.

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By *ralbisw OP   Man
over a year ago


It was into her second week when the lady in the white coat appeared "Ah Sharon I have the test results and they indicate your most fertile time starts on Thursday." Adding with a smile she said. "The donors will arrive then and we will begin the process."

Sharon mumbled "Oh alright." The lady in the white coat smiled again as she turned to leave parted with "Don't worry just relax you will be fine."

The remaining days passed too quickly for Sharon's liking and Thursday arrived much to her dismay. Fearing what Darren would do to Simon and herself if she backed out she reasoned she had no choice but to carry it through.

The day started out the same as any other breakfast followed by a shower and daytime television. Down stairs however it was a different story.

While she spent her time upstairs a room had been set aside as a conception room filled with state of the art hidden cameras and a large bed. Nathan and Jack had both arrived and were settling in and finalising details with Darren.

"Ok I think the best policy is to act singly one on one so to speak, the pair of us together might spook her out." Jack stated.

"Yea you have a point." Nathan agreed "So who gets to nail her first?"

Darren looked up. "Easy I will flip a coin winner gets first dibs, mind your both going to be banging her for about a month."

Jack won the coin toss.

"Ok, let's get the party started." Darren said with glee "Nathan we will watch from the observation room."

As they left Darren called out to the lady in the white coat "Go and get Sharon, its Showtime."

Jack waited for Sharon to enter the room his heavy balls were starting to ache and he was looking forward to relieving the pressure.

As Sharon was ushered into the room by the white coated lady she saw the large imposing black man standing there. Coming from a small town in the South West of England she had no experience of black people at all. There were only few of them in her town, she was very scared now.

"Sharon this is donor number one I'll leave you to get acquainted."

"Wait you mean there is more than one?" She yelled at the departing woman.

"Of course dear we need to get the job done quickly." She locked the door behind her.

Jack smiled at the pretty blonde "Easy girl I won't hurt you. It's not a race we will take it nice and slow. Now lose those clothes let me see that body your hiding under there."

Without saying a word Sharon slowly pulled off her top. Jack licked his lips in anticipation as her tits were exposed to his gaze. "And now remove the rest of the clothes." He whispered

Shaking like a leaf she removed her jeans and sat on the bed. Jack stood in front of her he placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back onto the bed.

Lying down beside her he started caressing her breasts, expertly flicking the nipples with his fingers. "Please can we just get this over with?" Sharon asked "Shush there is no hurry; we might as well enjoy the job we have to do. besides it will be easier on you if I work you up a bit." He replied in a low voice while still caressing her sensitive nipples.

Jack continued his assault on her tits the nipples started to harden. Lowering his mouth he gently sucked and bit them, drawing a gasp from the trembling girl.

Sharon looked down her body and saw the contrast of his dark skin against her pure white complexion.

As he switched his lapping tongue from one nipple to the other his hands slowly moved down her body. Caressing her flat stomach and moving toward her panty clad pussy.

Knowing resistance was futile Sharon gently raised her hips as Jack pulled her panties off and down her legs. The removal of the last piece of clothing complete, he again started tormenting her nipples again. The roaming hands again started their caresses: tickling her stomach and belly button.

Jacks hand brushed through the sparse blonde hair and soon located his goal. His thick fingers slowly stroked her pussy, running all the way down her slit to her tight arse hole.

Moving his mouth down, he licked a trail all the way down her body, kissing her belly button and continuing on until he reached her golden pubic hair.

Before Sharon had realised what had happened Jack had grabbed her legs pulled her to the edge of the bed. He then knelt on the floor pulled them apart and clamped his hot mouth slap bang on her pussy.

His tongue was busy lapping and probing her tight hole and clit. The pleasure signals speeding to her brain told her an orgasm was not going to be long in hitting her.

Out of her sight Jack used his spare hand to undo his belt and unfasten his trousers. Expertly he removed his shoes and clothes without her noticing. Her juices were flowing freely now it would soon be time to deposit the first potent load into her womb.

Jack carried on with his oral assault as he slowly stroked his cock to full erection. At eleven inches long she was going to need all the lubrication he could coax out of her.

Sharon started to shake as the orgasm sped through her body. Jack raised himself up and pushed her legs up onto his shoulders.

As Sharon came to her senses she could feel the tip of his cock running up and down her pussy as Jack coated the bulbous tip in her juices.

Pushing forwards with his hips he lodged the tip of his cock into her tight channel stretching her pussy lips tight around his cock. Sharon squealed as the massive shaft pushed deeper into to her.

"Oh stop please, it's hurting me." Sharon desperately pleaded to deaf ears. Jack taking no notice flexed more of his cock into her enjoying the tightness.

Pulling back and pushing ever so slightly more of his shaft into her each time he worked his way further in. Sharon's face grimacing as every new inch pushed her pussy apart.

Jack felt more resistance against the tip of his cock and was sure he was about to hit virgin territory. Staying at that depth he slowly increased the speed of his thrusts letting her get used to his girth.

As the pain receded pleasure started to take over and Sharon grabbed the sheets of the bed in a tight fist and the cries of pain were replaced by her pleasured gasps.

With amazing control Jack built up the speed of his strokes still resisting the urge to bury the final three inches of his cock into her.

Pounding her relentlessly he grasped her ankles and pushed her legs sideways into a v shape opening her up a bit more. It was then he lunged fully in. Sharon's eyes bulged out and her mouth emitted a high pitched scream as the long cock fully lodged in her.

Not pausing at all Jack pulled all of his cock out of her and right back in again to the hilt. Repeating the process over and over again Sharon was soon reduced to a quivering wreck. As her pussy pulsed around his cock Jack knew his churning balls would soon erupt. Pulling out quickly as the sensations started he gripped his shaft tightly close to the base of his cock.

Watching from the observation room Darren stated "What the hell is he doing? He is supposed to shoot it in her."

"Wait he knows what he's doing, he has a technique to make him cum stronger just watch." Nathan replied.

Jack's prick twitched a small amount of cum shot from the end of his prick landing on Sharon's belly. Sharon for her part was amazed and relieved he hadn't shot it into her, however her relief was short lived.

Once the twitching had stopped Jacks cock was still as hard as ever. He rubbed the spilt cum into her skin with his hand. He grabbed her legs; he spread her wide open and inserted his cock fully into her again. Bending her in two her ankles on his shoulders he reared in and out relentlessly driving her into the mattress with alarming speed.

His golf ball sized balls now slapped her arse on every thrust. Sharon just mewed and panted as the vigorous fucking she was receiving over whelmed her senses. She came again in an orgasm that was so strong she passed out.

Jack slowed his pumping while she came to and when he felt her respond again picked up the pace. Finally he could hold out no more with a final lunge he buried his full length into her and emptied his load deep into her churning pussy.

Sharon felt the cock deep in her twitch and a hot pulsing as cum flowed out of jack's organ flooding into her unprotected fertile cunt.

Jack had deposited a massive load so big it seeped back down his shaft as it overfilled Sharon's pussy. As his cock softened he withdrew and admired the sight of her open cum filled cunt "Round one complete, I'll be back, you're a great fuck." He said as he got himself together and left her lying limp on the bed.

The following morning after a fitful sleep the dreaded sight of the white coated woman entered her room "Time for donor two Sharon come along please."

Like she was in a trance she found herself following on like a lost sheep.

Entering the same bedroom as yesterday she was dismayed to find another huge black guy standing there in just his underpants.

Nathan stood looking at her with a lust in his eye. Nowhere near as patient as Jack he was fully intent on getting the job done as quickly as possible. Dropping his underwear to the floor his semi erect tool waved like a wand in front of him.

"Get them clothes off and get on that bed." He snarled. Afraid of disobeying Sharon complied.

"Suck it, get me hard." He ordered. Shaking she reached for his long cock it was then she noticed the strange shaped small head on the long shaft. The rest of his cock was very fat but the cockhead was like an arrowhead.

Gently sucking the small sensitive head soon had the blood rushing, and Nathan's cock grew to its full twelve and a half inches.

Pushing her off and onto her back on the bed he quickly took hold of her legs.

Spreading them wide he jumped in-between them lined his cock up against her opening and rammed straight in.

With no thought for her comfort he reared on and on, forcing more of his thick shaft into her tight passage. As she squealed in pain he rammed on grunting. "Take it, take it." Fucking her with ever increasing stokes the long cock sinking deeper and deeper.

He felt the tip crash against her cervix, an act that brought a sharp pain deep in her tortured body.

Nathan started nailing her with lightning speed all the way in and out each in stroke hitting her cervix wall. The pain in side her slowly turned to pleasure as the thick shaft was driven in and out harshly. He felt her relax slightly and knew it was nearly time.

Pulling out of her he flipped her over, dragged her down to the edge of the bed and impaled her from behind.

His long cock was soon impaled into her again the change in angle caused the small tip to press on a different spot on her cervix. He flexed his long cock into her in a small stirring motion until he felt what he was looking for.

The arrow head of his cock prodded the entrance to her womb increasing the pressure on every in stroke he felt the resistance start to give as the cockhead forced its way in.

Squealing and screaming Sharon pinned on the bed could do nothing as he rutted on and on. Smiling broadly he gave an extra hard shove the tip pushed through the tight cervical opening. Finally fully in his balls tingling he unleashed a torrent of pent up cum directly into her womb.

Sharon screamed a loud shriek as the cock burst through then felt the volleys of cum spraying like a shotgun burst deep in her body.

Nathan slowly pulled his shaft from her battered pussy, wiped the excess cum onto her blonde curls.

She reached down to sooth her burning tortured cunt it was then she realised there was hardly any excess cum pouring out of her. Trapped directly in her womb nearly all of it was where it was destined to go.

Taking it in turns the two lads screwed her every day for about a month. Until a bout of sickness confirmed they had achieved the task they had been set. The white coated woman took another blood test which confirmed the result.

Darren pleased as punch paid the two studs and sent them on their way.

Eight and a half months later Sharon gave birth to a healthy half cast baby boy. Which Darren quickly made sure was smuggled out of the country in a small yacht.

The elaborate operation he had set up had ensured that no trace of the baby would ever be found. Darren had pocketed a lot of money from this set up. Getting Sharon to sign documents blind including a model release from allowing him to sell the videos of her getting fucked had topped up the cash from the deal considerably.

After a period of recuperation Darren came to see Sharon "Time to take you home." He said as he placed the blindfold on her for the journey home.

About an hour in to the journey he told her to take it off. Her eyes adjusted to the light and saw a bouquet of flowers on the seat next to her along with a white box.

"Go on, open it." Darren urged, Sharon gasped as she removed the lid it was stuffed with cash. Darren said "I'm not completely heartless, that's your earnings to compensate you for paying on your husband's mistake."

"Thank you." She mumbled as she counted the bundles of cash. On the bottom of the pile she spotted a DVD as she held it up Darren laughed "A little memento of your time working for me. Mind you I wouldn't show it to Simon."

Realising what it contained, she quickly hid it in her coat.

Darren watched her reunite with her husband and quickly drove away.

Sharon cuddled her husband tightly "Don't ever put me through anything like that again." She declared as they went into their flat to rebuild their lives.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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