By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Two weeks later, Mr. G informed me that dad in law is on a three week residential course from Sunday to Friday, and that he had arranged a meeting with Stan, to chat and so that Stan could check whether I was to be trusted with his and mum in laws secret.
I duly met them in a local pub, in the small market town where my in laws, G and Stan lived, it was nerve wracking, a bit like te feeling you get on your first swinging meet. It went well, just three blokes having a few pints and chatting about all sorts as you do, it cost me a few rounds of beer and about sixty fags but it went well, then Stan said all three of us needed to chat somewhere more private, so we decamped to the green at the side of the pub wall and that's where the serious talk begun.
Basically boundaries and the question of mutual trust, and of course the consequences should any of us let the cat out of the bag.
we decided that Stan would phone me at home, and let me know when and where the meeting was to take place, I should then make my way there.
we chose a lovers spot which was on part of an old disused railway cutting, easily accessed and a convenient embankment to watch from, under no circumstances was I to approach the car, or make myself known. If I was seen the consequences could be dire.
I told Stan that I'd need a lift to the spot, and Mr. G agreed to take me, and drop me off but that was as far as he would go. This was fine by me.
One thing, a request? I knew that mum in law had bought some new black lingerie, a gossard basque to be exact, I knew this because my wife had bought a similar one weeks earlier and having told mum in law about an outfit she was going to wear for a weekend away, mum in law thought it a good choice and a few days later, while wifey and me basked in the afterglow she told me her mum was a saucy woman, because she'd copied her choice of lingerie to surprise dad in law with when he returned from his residential course.
Stan was as interested in the basque idea, plus I also knew that mum in law had bought a new black dress for a union function that was taking place in the near future, plus a pair of patent leather heels also bought for the occasion.
Stan got a bit ratty and asked who was going to fuck her him or me.
Youthful enthusiasm can sometimes be a burden!
A fortnight passed and then at about teatime I received Mr. G's phone call, the meeting was on, but no black basque, dress or heels, mum in law had declined to wear them saying they were for her husbands special do, where he was to receive an award for his services to the union movement.
However, she had surprised Stan massively, and Mr. G said I'd find out soon enough.
My wife asked who the call was from and I made up some story about having to go out and elp pick up some motorbike spares with a mate, I couldn't eatmy tea, I became restless and the butterflies were unbearable.
soon the appointed time arrived and I left home to pick up my lift, I'd brought along the polaroid that G had given me, of mum in law and kept sneaking looks at it, my butterflies got worse as we turned down a discreet metalled lane and turned through a breach in the railway embankment and into an area a bit like a layby.
Ok said G , Stan says expect him around 8:30 and stay out of site, he'll park down there where the embankment isn't too high and there's some broom growing. Have fun. and as an afterthought said I'll take that now and snatched the polaroid from my hand. I'm off wouldn't do to let your mum i law see me down here, she'd wonder why I was here without Rose.
I made my way to the area where G had told me to wait, i a daze, my head was a shed, my tummy rumbled, the butterflies were unbearable and I had the hardest most painful erection I could remember.
I found the broom bushes, took off my parka, and laid it on the foor, then lay down to wait.
It wasn't long before I saw Stans Ford Granada approaching edging slowly down the land, avoiding pot holes and debris, it purred to a halt in front of where I was laying, I been ten feet away from the passenger door, and could see my mum in law as clear as day, it wasn't a dark night but in about an hours time it woukd be pitch black.
Mum in law looked superb, I could see the top half of a dark red dress she had worn on a few family do's, and I saw stan reach down and unfasten her seat belt, which was followed by an action that I thought was pushing her dress up over her legs, but at this stage I couldn't see whether her legs were exposed because they were obscured by the door panel.
I could see Stans arm moving, it seemed he was stroking mum in laws legs, she seemed to be wriggling, and I could see and hear her gigging, Stan leaned into her and they started kissing, I remembered to breathe again, my heart was in my mouth and I slid one hand down to the frot of my jeans and stroked my boner through the material of my jeans.
Almost imediately I heard a scream from the car, and I coud see my mum in law bucking on the seat, thrashing about, I saw her put a leg up on the dashboard, the horny lady was wearing a pair of grey T bar heels and what looked like grey stockings, and she continued to squirm and scream.
Stan was looking directly at my lay up ,he looked like the cat that had got the cream. |