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STORY: Ghost Of Christmas Past

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By *ordweaver2018 OP   Man
over a year ago


It had been a rough year for Laura and she was glad it was nearly Christmas. She had split up with her ex after she had finally had enough of his crap, she was relaxing at home - she had just finished for her Christmas break and she was deciding what to do. She was with family in a few days but had a while to kill before then. There were a variety of places she had thought about visiting whilst off but the weather wasn't nice, it wasn't even fun - it was just wet and miserable and she really didn't want her mood to match the weather.

Her phone pinged. It was Sarah. They had been friends for a while now and shared everything- lots of naughty discussions that they often giggled about after a few glasses of wine. Sarah often joked that she was a slut and Laura secretly agreed - she was also secretly jealous. Sarah wanted to go out that night but all of her other friends had bailed on her and she wondered if Laura was interested? And if she minded Sarah crashing at hers. Laura had plenty of space and giggly night out with Sarah might be just what she needed.

She texted back an okay and asked what time she was coming round. Sarah said she wanted to come round early and get ready at Laura's.

"I will have the wine ready..." Laura texted back.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully with a few messages back and forward discussing where they might go and what they might do. Before Laura knew it five o'clock had arrived and there was a knock at the door. Sarah walked in with a smile (one that Laura thought had a naughty twinkle to it) - she kissed Laura on the cheek and hugged her before lifting what eas essentially a large suitcase!

"I have no idea what to wear so you are going to have to help me pick!"

Laura grinned as they made their way upstairs and into Laura's large bedroom. The massive four poster bed occupied the centre of the room and was Laura's pride and joy. Sarah dropped the suitcase on the bed and opened it up. Inside was a dazzling array of lingerie, dresses and shoes. Laura looked through the stuff and admired it - though they had the same finger pretty much Sarah wore stuff that was much naughtier than Laura would normally dare. Laura looked Sarah over, they were both tall, just under six foot, Sarah had short dark hair whereas Laura's dark hair was shoulder length. Sarah had bigger boobs that Laura was envious of but Laura loved how sexy her legs and ass were - Sarah had expressed jealousy about Laura's ass and legs before.

Before Laura could say a word Sarah had started stripping. Laura stood speechless as in a matter of seconds Sarah was naked and riffling through her suitcase. "Which do you thing tonight? Red or Blue?" Sarah held up a red sheer lingerie set and blue lacey one...

"Errrrmmmmm I'm not sure" said Laura, who couldn't help but stare at Sarah's naked body... She was so smooth, skin looked soft and inviting...

"Which do you like best Laura?"

Laura blushed - "On you I think the red set would look amazing..."

"Red it is then."

Laura watched entranced as Sarah slid her legs into the sheer lace panties and pulled them up. She had idled had bisexual fantasies in the past but Sarah made something pull tight deep inside her and she could feel her arousal building as her imagination began running away with her. Abruptly turning away she walked over to her wardrobe and opened the doors to look inside and try and decide what she was going to wear tonight and take her eyes off Sarah. Riffling through the clothes she struggled to decide, then she nearly jumped out of her skin as arms snaked around her waist - Sarah pressed herself against her back... "What are you going to wear tonight Sexy Legs?"

Laura was suddenly aware of the warmth of Sarah against her back and the press of those amazing tits against her back. "I'm not sure... what do you think?" Laura could feel Sarah's breath on the back of her neck and the arousal that had begun to recede came back full force leaving her pressing her legs together to try and relieve some of the tension. Sarah reached around her to pick something out of the wardrobe - it was a dark blue dress with sparkles that she had bought whilst feeling particularly horny but never worn. It was riskily short.

"This one... Definitely... Especially with your legs!"

Laura looked at Sarah's smiling face and couldn't help but agree - her smile was infectious.

Stripping (more self consciously than Sarah) she changed quickly but aware that Sarah seemed to be making sure she got a good eyeful of her shaven body and bare long legs. If she didn't know any better she would have said that Sarah seemed more than a little interested in her body.

Dressed, they both went downstairs and Laura poured them a glass of wine, they chatted about their plans for the Christmas holidays and what they were going to do for the next few days, neither Laura nor Sarah had any real plans so Sarah jokes about a dirty weekend with Laura and Laura felt that naughty twinge deep inside again. Just as she was trying to find a way to reply a beep on her phone announced that the taxi was there and waiting for them.

Jackets on and clutching purses in their hands they made their way out and fell into the taxi - Laura wasn't sure by she thought Sarah had a quick squeeze of her bum as she got in the taxi and was certain she was going to have to break out her vibrator when she got home given how horny she was feeling right now.

The taxi ride was only a few minutes and they arrived at the first bar they had decided on - it did good cocktails and as they entered it they found it packed already. Laura and Sarah squeezed through to the bar where Sarah ordered them a cocktail and shot each. Laura was pressed in close to Sarah and could feel Sarah wiggling her bum to the music. Almost without thinking she slid her hands down over Sarah's hips gripping the and joining in with the wiggling.

The drinks were good and went down quicker than was perhaps good for them leaving them both quite merry. Enjoying a couple more in there they both decided they were in the mood to dance and so left the bar heading deeper into the nightlife of the city. They passed a few clubs that seemed to be full of old men or teenagers and finally arrived at the one they were aiming for. It played a selection of music that they both liked. As they walked in Sarah pointed out all the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling and in her d*unken giggling state pulled Laura in for a kiss.

As their lips met Laura felt something almost explode inside her, she nearly came on the spot and she kissed Sarah back hard. Suddenly aware of where they were and what she was doing she broke the kiss and tried to laugh it off but she could see Sarah was as flushed as she was.

"I need a drink, I'll get you one."

She slipped to the bar quickly and ordered a drink for them both trying to process what was happening - she didn't want to lose her best friend but something had happened then. She heard her phone go off.

"Think I have d*unk a bit too much, sorry, probably shouldn't have done that, going to get some air - be back soon."

Laura read the text again then shrugged - perhaps a few minutes for them to cool down was a good plan. She sipped her drink and looked around the bar. A few old faces stood out that she knew in passing then she felt a tap on her elbow...


She turned and almost bumped into him... It was Chris... an old friend... Well, one of her first crushes... He had been a talented singer and she had joked around with him for years before they lost touch. She had never had the guts to ask him out.

"Chris..." She said in shock at the sight of him. He had changed, much taller now, broader shoulders and a trimmed beard. He still had the same glittering green eyes that were doing things to her lower regions just like Sarah had been doing a few minutes before.

With a smile he pointed above her head to another piece of mistletoe then stepped forwards and slid an arm round her. "Do you mind? I wanted to do this years ago but never had the guts?"

Her eyes widened and she nodded nervously. The drinks, the confusion with Sarah and the general chaos of the evening lowering her inhibitions, those old feelings from way back when came rushing to the surface and his kiss was passionate. Their lips met, tongues swirled and breathing quickened. Breaking apart Laura leaned on the bar... "Well that was some hello kiss... Lets not leave it so long next time..." She smiled and looked around trying to spot Sarah but there was no sign of her.

"Sorry - are you here with someone?" Chris looked apologetic.

"I was here with my best friend but she wasn't feeling so good and went to get some air."

As if on cue her phone pinged and she felt the vibration in her purse.

"Sorry to do this but think I have had enough for the night - I have your spare key - see you back at the house - be safe... don't do anything I wouldn't do..."

"Are you sure you're okay?? If this is about before I don't mind?" Laura texted back.

Chris was waiting patiently looking at her, "Just making sure my friend is okay - I think she is going home."

"Do you want to go find her?"

Her phone pinged again.

"Its not... I liked it but we should probably discuss it in the morning... Have fun... He's cute..."

Laura blushed furiously and looked around the room. She saw Sarah by the door and watched as she winked, waved and then walked off over to the taxi rank.

"Looks like I am all yours."

"Lucky me." Said Chris with a smile. "Let me buy you a drink so we can catch up."

Moments later, drinks in hand their slid out the back of the club into the heated, covered courtyard where it was a fraction quieter. Standing in the corner in the shadows they spent a few minutes catching up, chatting over what had happened, the past, how they had fallen out of contact and what had happened since. He had a good job but was still singing on the side for fun mainly but got a few gigs, he was single and just enjoying himself. He expressed sadness when she explained how she was single but she could tell there was a hint of happiness behind it.

They got more drinks and eventually after they were all caught up Chris asked if she wanted to dance. Eagerly Laura agreed and they made their way back inside to the dance floor. Hands on her hips in the way that reminded her of how she had held Sarah earlier that evening they danced, the movement to the pulsing beat was similar to the throbbing in her pussy as she felt that familiar ache - it had been too long. The drinks, the teasing with Sarah, the kiss from Sarah and then from Chris had made her desperate for some relief.

Feeling bolder than ever before in her life she turned in the middle of the dance floor and kissed Chris hard. "I wanted you for years... I don't want to waste time tonight... The past is catching up with me and I want to let you catch me this time. Can we go back to mine?"

"God Yes..." Chris murmured into her mouth and taking his hand she led him from the dance floor out onto the street and into the taxi. She could barely keep her hands off him in the taxi and he was the same. The taxi driver must have been enjoying the show as Chris slid his hand up the inside of her thigh and under her dress feeling the wetness of her panties. She moaned at his firm touch through the thin material and could barely wait to get inside as they arrived at her house.

Chris paid the driver as she slid out the car on unsteady legs - unsure if it was the alcohol or the arousal making her legs unsteady - and unlocked the front door. As soon as the door was shut behind them Chris had Laura pressed up against the wall, kissing her hard as his hand slid back under her skirt, gripped her panties and practically ripped them down her legs.

His fingers rubbed over her clit making her moan loudly - Sarah totally forgotten now in her need for Chris to fuck her - She grabbed him and kissed him hard then practically dragged him up to her room. Shoving the door wide open she pushed him on his back on the bed, straddling him and leaning down to kiss him. She ground her wet pussy down onto the lump his cock was making in the front of his pants hearing him moan. She loved this control over him she had and was feeling hornier than she ever had in her life.

She reached and grabbed the hem of her dress pulling it up and over her head she threw it across the room, her bra followed seconds later and Chris' hands rose instantly to tease and pull on her pert breasts. Maybe not as big as Sarah's but he seemed to like them. She rose up on her knees and reached down between her legs, fumbling with his belt and buttons for a second before loosening them and sliding his pants and boxers down. Chris' cock was hard and the head already slick with precum as she grabbed in and guided it to her waiting pussy. She was in charge, she was in control and she needed that cock inside her now.

She slowly slid down the length of his cock letting out a deeply satisfied groan as it filled her. Just the right length and thickness satisfaction she needed. She looked down at Chris who seemed to have just had his mind blown and she slowly started to grind up and down on his shaft. He moaned softly under her, his hands reaching to cup her hips. She didn't move much but just adjusted the angle slightly to make sure that the head of his shaft was rubbing that perfect spot inside her. It didn't take long given her horny state to push her over the edge into her first whimpering orgasm.

It was at that point she decided to shift position and quickly, not allowing Chris time to move or complain she slid off him and spun round. Within seconds she had positioned herself in a sixty-nine position with her soaked cunt above his face he started eating her like a starving man.

Just as she lowered her lips to Chris’ thick hard cock she caught movement out of her eye. She looked up, one hand wrapped around his cock, tongue extended to lick the glistening head and she saw her. Sarah was stood in the doorway, naked as the day she was born, her eyes locked with Laura’s. One of Sarah’s hands was gripping the doorway so tightly Laura could make out the whitening of her knuckles from the bed, her other hand was furiously working her clit and bare pussy as she watched.

Without breaking eye contact and not know what was coming over her Laura lowered her head and took Chris’ cock deep into her mouth, she forced her own head so far down on it she choked, looking up under her own eyelips to keep eye contact with Sarah. Laura came hard over Chris face. At the same time she watched as Sarah dropped to her knees, she shoved her free hand into her mouth to muffle what was obviously her own orgasm.

Laura wanked Chris’ cock slowly now, putting on a show for Sarah who was furiously finger her clit, Laura watched as she plunged two fingers in and out of her pussy, could see the glisten of the juices that soaked the inside of Sarah’s thighs as she finger fucked herself.

Raising herself up Laura slid down on Chris’ cock again… squeezing it with her internal muscles as she bounced up and down on that throbbing meat. She felt it driving up into her, felt his hands squeezing her ass as she rode him facing the door, looking into her best friends eyes as they both came again.

Sarah was breathing hard now and only the sounds of Chris and Laura’s hard fucking was covering the sounds that Laura could make out… Sarah was working her clit again now, rubbing it desperately trying to get relief, her face a picture of lust and need as she reached the edge - Laura shook her head and mouthed not yet and almost came at the look of pain that crossed Sarah’s face as she obeyed and held off.

Riding Chris harder she could feel him beginning to tense up, beginning to get close…

“I’m gonna cum.” He warned her, aware that he wasn’t wearing a condom…

“Do it… Now!” She ordered him and nodded to Sarah… As Chris exploded inside her and her best friend sagged down in front of her, face on the floor Laura experienced the most mind blowing orgasm of her life. Her body wracked with spasms that seemed to fill her world, colours swam in front of her eyes and she slid off Chris to collapse onto the bed next to him. Once she and Chris had recovered their breath she nervously looked to doorway but Sarah was gone.

She lay in the bed panting as Chris trailed his fingers over her flushed skin and wondered how the past could catch up to become the present… And what tomorrow would bring.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story

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By *ldmaleMan
over a year ago


brilliant story please continue

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By *ordweaver2018 OP   Man
over a year ago


I have continued - this is part one and part two is on the forums

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