By *oot OP Man
over a year ago
Boston |
Part eight.
Once again, Sunday proved to be a day of rest, which, to be honest, I needed!
Her husband was home all day and then started nights for the following week. This meant that we would be able to spend most of the following week together.
Monday dawned bright and sunny and the weather forecast was for much the same all week. It was cold but dry and a typical November with clear skies but frosty mornings.
The day passed in the normal fashion, lots of giggles and touching and very little real work. On Monday evening we waited until everyone had gone and then left together, a pattern that we repeated all week. We drove to a supermarket a few miles away where we were confident that no-one would know us, did some food shopping and then went back to the flat.
That night we unpacked the food, made ourselves a simple meal, opened a bottle of wine and by about eight o’clock we were sat in the lounge on the settee watching the flickering fire and just relaxing listening to some quiet music. After a while, she turned to me and asked if I was comfortable. I told her that I was as relaxed as I had been in years. She seemed happy, snuggled down into the crook of my arm and we spent the night talking a little, listening to different music for a while and then later, making love on the rug in front of the fire.
In the morning, I dropped her off at home early before her husband returned home. In fact she was leaving home for work before he returned so it was unlikely that she would see him at all that week.
The day and then the evening followed the same pattern except that there was no need to do any shopping and we ended up back on the settee listening to some music again. Once again she turned to me but this time asked me if I would like to go out. To be honest I was very comfortable but as she was obviously keen I agreed and we went and got our coats. As it was quite chilly we also wore scarves, gloves and, in her case, a lovely fur hat. To my eyes she even appeared sexy wearing that huge overcoat! The only bit of her really showing was her ankles and calves, accentuated by the quite high heels she habitually wore. Personally, I was wearing a dark blue, heavy, wax jacket over blue jeans.
Before departing, she popped into the bathroom and then we left and walked, arm in arm through the square. It was dark, of course, and the lighting in the square was not brilliant. The Victorian chapel was positioned right in the centre surrounded by lawn and there were large trees scattered about which added to the gloom. It wasn't spooky though, more romantic, and with the lack of light we could look up at the crystal clear sky and see the stars. There was a lot of ambient light from the town and the surrounding roads but it was still possible to make out the Plough and the North Star – pretty much the only constellations I recognised. The moon was just visible above the rooftops but was only a waning sliver of a crescent. There was not a breath of wind and the trees were majestic, mostly sycamore and oaks, shadowy shapes against the black sky. The chapel itself was really just a large outline with no detail visible and no lights apart from in the clock which was close to the top of the quite large and bulky steeple at one end. On occasion the place was lit up from the outside with spotlights and looked quite imposing but tonight all was quiet and dark.
We started by walking across the green close to the chapel and then, reaching the road on the other side and by mutual consent, we continued in the direction of town.
Although we were only a few hundred yards from the town centre we were in a real backwater and at this time of night there was very little activity. There were a few lights on in some of the tall, three-story Georgian town-houses in the square, and in one or two we could see in through the windows. It felt like we were spying on people a little although, as generally the front doors were several steps up from the pavement, all we could really see was the pictures on the walls and the lights hanging from the ceilings. Occasionally, someone would cross in front of the windows but it was only a small glimpse into a lifestyle. It was pretty obvious that in most cases at least, it was a pretty good standard of living. The pictures were usually large and imposing and the lights seemed to be almost exclusively chandeliers of various sizes and complexity. The rooms seemed warm and cosy in the main, although they all had high ceilings and elaborate architraves.
There weren’t many other people around in the square. We saw a man walking a ridiculously small dog, stopping every few yards while it led him from tree to tree. A woman walked past with a pram, moving very quickly. At one point a group of lads, straggled along, laughing and shoving and pushing each other. No threat, just having a bit of fun. When they got close they quietened a little and made space for us as we went past.
We reached the main road and turned down toward town and gradually we saw more people and more cars. Most of the buildings were large, Victorian, terraced houses, constructed in Yorkshire stone, set back a little from the pavement with low walls and small front gardens. Garden is a bit of euphemism as none of them had any lawns or flowers but were mostly paving or tarmac with just enough room to park a car. The majority seemed to be converted flats with multiple doorbells and occasional security speakers. As we got closer to town, the houses gave way to more utilitarian buildings including some offices and, set-back with a small car park, a government building of some kind and next door a small police station. Then we passed some shops, all closed of course, but with low lighting in most. A stationers, jewellers, a dress shop, the usual motley collection of small convenience outlets.
Eventually, we reached the town square, a fairly large open area completely pedestrianised, not really a square, but bounded on one side by a pretty impressive Victorian building with columns all across the front holding up the roof and huge steps leading up to the entrance. It was the town hall and always reminded me a little of a poor man’s version of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. Nowhere near as imposing and, typically, there weren’t even lights shining on it to give it some standing, but in its own way, a fairly impressive structure.
We wondered up the steps aimlessly and stood at the top between the centre columns, arms linked and leaning against each other, looking down at the activity moving across in front of us. There was a large fountain (switched off) in the middle and it acted like a sort of roundabout as people came from all directions and around the island and off into the night. There were a couple of restaurants on the far side which looked open but most buildings seemed to be shut for the night although the whole area was well lit. As a consequence we were in shadow and we were able to observe without being noticed. It was quite busy, no vehicles of course but lots of people, individuals, couples like us, groups of people having a laugh. Most were just going from a to b, some were wandering aimlessly and one or two were just hanging around sitting on the edge of the fountain.
After a few minutes I bent down and kissed her and she responded hungrily. We edged behind the nearest pillar and I held her as I explored her lips. Wanting a little bit more intimacy, I pushed my gloved hand between the buttons at the front of her coat and reached for her waist. As I did so I noticed through my glove that something wasn't quite right. Pulling my hand back, I removed my glove and pushed it back in again. I couldn't believe it – she had no clothes on!!
When she went into the bathroom just before we left she must have stripped. She was completely naked under the coat. As I quickly pulled my other glove off and stuffed them into my pockets she unbuttoned the front and held it open slightly, smiling. I moved in and she wrapped the coat around me as I explored her body. She reached down and unzipped me and pulled me out. It was a bit painful because I was so hard already, but she managed. I pushed her back against the pillar and her left leg came up and around me pulling me toward her. Guiding myself with my hand I slipped into her –she was so wet – and I thrust into her while pulling at her bum with my other hand. I stroked up her belly and grasped her boob, squeezing her nipple which was rock hard. Her head had gone back and she pushed her hips at me and grunted a little.
We were completely oblivious to where we were as we rutted in the shadow of the town hall. Almost before we had started I was losing my load into her and she responded with a little yelp as we both climaxed together, shuddering and banging against the pillar.
Afterwards, as we adjusted our clothing I asked her what the hell she thought she was doing. Of course, I had a big grin on my face as I said it and she responded by asking me if I had enjoyed it. We glanced around the pillar and everything seemed to be going on as before and it’s amazing how neither of us had even noticed the cold! What a buzz! I couldn't believe that she had no clothes on and I remembered back to the day she had met me, in much the same place, with only her underclothes under that coat.
After waiting a few minutes to get our breath back (and let my knees stop trembling – hence the expression) she insisted on continuing our walk through town. It was unbelievably erotic walking past people knowing that she was completely exposed underneath that coat, especially when she insisted on going into a busy pub and buying a drink. I could hardly hold my glass.
Eventually we reached home and I could hardly wait to close the door behind us as I pulled her coat off her and almost shoved her into the bedroom, stripping off my clothes as we went. As she sprawled onto her back on the bed I followed her down and without any preliminaries entered her. She opened her legs and wrapped them around me, gripping me in a vice around my waist. Grabbing my hair she pulled my face down to hers and started to devour me, tongue to tongue, lips to lips, hard and bruising. I thrust into her as hard as I could and we thrashed together on the bed, rolling from side to side and backwards and forwards.
I pulled on her backside with my hands to try and get more depth and we pushed into each other again and again. I could feel the juice building in my balls and the whole of my being focused into my groin. She was moaning and shouting at the same time telling me to go harder and deeper. Her ankles were locked together behind me and her muscles stiffened as she tried to break me in two.
Suddenly everything exploded and we came together for the second time that night in a glorious crescendo of pleasure – a shuddering, sweaty pinnacle of gratification.
The following day repeated what had now become a routine until we finished our evening meal. She then asked me what I fancied doing that night. When I wondered if she had any suggestions she replied that she certainly did and grabbed me by the hand. Once again, she stripped and put her large coat on and we left the house and walked into town. I had no idea where we were going but I was a willing supplicant.
We reached the fountain and, holding me by the hand, she took me across the mixture of cobbles and paving to a small dark alley that I had never noticed before. It was between two closed shops and presumably used to get access around the back. Looking in from the main area it was impossible to see more than a few yards but once we were inside we could clearly see people walking past the alley. It was relatively short and at the far end there were some large industrial bins but we couldn't see any real detail.
Even though we knew that we couldn't be seen we could clearly see everybody else and when she went down on her knees and started to release me from my clothing I was looking straight over her head at these people, completely oblivious as to what was going on just a few feet from them. Even when the odd one looked into the alley, they obviously couldn't see anything as there was just no reaction, it was an incredible turn-on.
Once she had got my cock out she started to lick it and suck it and it was all I could do to stand there and take it. At one point a guy stopped at the entrance to the alley, took something out of his pocket, looked at it and then stepped in towards us. I held my breath, but he was looking at whatever it was in his hand and after one short step, turned around again. He was obviously just moving out of the way of the passing traffic, because after a short pause, he put whatever it was back in his pocket and then walked back out and out of sight.
She really worked on me, licking and sucking and using her hands to run up and down my shaft. As I started to lose control she took me in her mouth completely and I spurted my warm cum straight into her. After I was finished she released me and looked up. I couldn’t see her expression although my eyes had adjusted to the dark somewhat but I could see her wiping around her mouth and licking her fingers. She stood and while I started to adjust my clothes she turned around so that she was facing the street. As she stood there with her back to me she started to wiggle her bum in my crotch and pushing herself into me. Her hands came around and lifted the back of her coat up and my hands which moments before had been trying to stuff myself back in through my fly were touching her bare backside. In spite of what had happened a few moments before, I could feel myself stiffening again. Almost before I knew what was happening, she reached down, through her own legs and pulled me into her. She was so wet I just slipped in even though I was only partially erect – although that was changing by the instant. Shuffling over slightly, she put a hand on the wall to steady herself and bumped and ground her backside into me, at the same time using her other hand to play with her clit and hold me in to her. For my part, I reached around under her raised coat and grasped her boobs firmly with both hands while playing with her nipples with my fingers. I nuzzled her neck and kissed beneath her ear and she moaned and kept grinding into me.
She could see the people going past as I could and with our slightly enhanced night vision it was difficult to believe that no-one could observe what was going on, but people seemed to be completely oblivious, although I am sure that if they had stopped for a second to listen it might have been very much more obvious. She wasn’t the quietest of people and as things reached a peak she was making more and more noise. I covered her mouth with one hand to try and quieten things a little but she continued to strain until suddenly I felt a huge shudder ripple through her and she groaned loudly even through my makeshift muffler and then sort of collapsed a little into me.
We stayed in that position for a few moments and looked out at the world going by. I was still hard but although I hadn’t climaxed myself I was gradually diminishing and as I fell out of her we, figuratively, shook ourselves a little and then composing ourselves and adjusting our clothing, stepped back into the real world.
Later, when we got back to the flat, we discovered that both our coats were covered in dirt and cobwebs from the alley, in fact, there were two perfectly round dusty knee marks on the front of her long coat from where she had gone down on me. Whether people had noticed or not we had no idea, and quite frankly, didn't care a lot.
We were too tired that night to do anything other than collapse into bed together and cuddle as we went to sleep.
Thursday was a problem as I had a family commitment and so it was Friday before we returned to our evening meanderings. This time she suggested we took the car but when I asked her where we were going she simply told me that it wasn't far. As before she wore only her coat but as soon as we got in the car she shucked it off and laid it across herself, hiding everything from a casual passer-by but all the more arousing for me knowing that she was just a twitch away from complete exposure.
She then turned to me before I drove off and insisted that I removed my jeans and underpants. I tried to refuse at first, worried about if we were stopped or something but she was very persuasive. She allowed me to keep my top on as she pointed out that it would be difficult whilst driving to cover up if necessary. Perfect logic although, to be honest, I had no idea what we were doing!
As soon as I started driving her hand reached across and grabbed my cock causing me to miss my gear and I jammed on the brakes. I’d gone about twenty yards and we hadn’t even left the square! I explained to her that I wouldn't be able to drive anywhere if she persisted and she retorted that I needed to get used to it because she wasn’t letting go. In fact, if I stopped again, she was getting out of the car, wherever we were, without her coat and walking back to the flat. The thing was, I believed her! She then told me to drive through the centre of town and toward a large shopping mall that was on the outskirts.
I started to drive.
My car had tinted windows. Not enough to be completely opaque from the outside but sufficient, especially at night, to require someone to be very close to the glass to see any detail. This helped my nerves a bit, but as we approached the main drag through town I realised that not only, being Friday night, was it heaving, but with all the lights blazing down, it appeared to be as bright as day. To make matters worse, the traffic was moving at a snail’s pace, stopping every few yards for traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and just sheer weight of numbers. The final problem as I saw it was the car itself. Being a white Porsche (as previously mentioned), it wasn't exactly invisible and for once in my life I was cringing every time somebody glanced our way. Normally, it brought a smile to my face, now I just wanted to be invisible.
As soon as we got into the stream of traffic, she leaned across and went down on me. If we hadn't been stopped at that point I would probably have swerved off the road, as it was, the traffic started to move and I had to try and disassociate myself from what was happening in my nether regions. As we moved forward, stopping and starting, getting closer to the centre of town, she was working hard on my cock, moving her hand up and down as she took the head in her mouth, licking around the top and the edge of the helmet. It was almost impossible to drive.
Her hair was hiding most of what she was doing from my sight but I was acutely aware of all the people on the pavement looking across at the car, in some cases actually pointing at it as though they knew exactly what was going on. I have no real idea what could be seen and, in actual fact, it was literally all I could do to keep the car in a straight line. Somehow, I made it through and managed to get to the shopping mall. It was one of those huge places that is made up of a massive car park built around the outside of a football stadium, with the shops in a series of buildings around two sides of the car park.
Although when we arrived there was plenty of activity in front of the shops, a lot of which were still open, the car park was only about a quarter full and I managed to find a place at the furthest point from everything at the very corner of the tarmac. Most of the activity was centred around a multi-screen cinema and fast-food outlets positioned in the corner of the shopping area. Although there were plenty of arc lights, the point where I parked was actually slightly in the shadows and I felt a little safer from observation.
Not having stopped in her attentions on me at all the whole time I was driving I was a little shocked when she sat up as soon as I drew to a halt. She looked around and then got out! I couldn't believe it! She left her coat on the seat and was standing by the side of the car with nothing on. I shouted through the open door but she said that she had told me not to stop. I looked around wildly but could see that we were far enough away, maybe 200 yards, for no-one to be particularly interested or even see very much if they did happen to turn around – still!
I told her to stop being stupid and get back in but she refused saying that I would have to come and get her. She was obviously serious so, again looking around, I switched off the interior light in the car (a bit late mind you), opened my door and squatting a little, got out and went around the back of the car, keeping as much of it as possible between me and everyone else.
She, approaching from the other side, met me and I saw with relief that she had grabbed her coat, obviously intending to put it back on. Not a bit of it. The car, as I said was parked at the edge of the tarmac and there was a short strip of grass running along just inside a large wire fence. Beyond the fence was essentially waste ground, maybe a couple of hundred yards, culminating in the back of large industrial units. Swirling her coat like a cloak, she spread it on the grass and grabbing the back of my head pulled my mouth onto hers, sinking down with me onto the coat. I got the idea fairly quickly and joined in with a certain amount of trepidation. She spun me around so that she was on top and sat there, leaning back slightly, head thrown back while she humped me. My hands naturally went up to those fantastic breasts and I felt her nipples hardened already. As we went at it, I began to notice that every few moments she was being lit up as cars drove around the car park. It was a fascinating and erotic picture as every detail became visible and then went into shadow again. Not quite strobe-like, it almost gave the impression of a black and white movie flickering on the screen. Although we were around the back of the car it wasn't actually between us and the main area of population so we were actually almost completely exposed should anyone care to investigate and it felt like we were being highlighted with spotlights for the world to see.
Although it was presumably too far away for people to actually make out what was happening as nobody even approached us, it was unsettling and hugely erotic imagining that at any moment someone might drive over and expose us in their headlights. There would have been, literally, nowhere to hide. Unlike the alley where we could have just stood up and been relatively decent, here we were naked, the only piece of clothing between us being my pullover which by now had been pushed up to the top of my chest and over my head. I had no idea where it had gone. The freezing temperatures seemed to have no effect except to cause a plume effect on our breath as the highlights scanned across us.
Being out in the open and apparently so far away from everything, she had no inhibitions and this time she yelled at the top of her lungs as she orgasmed, threw her arms up and lent back as she felt me respond in kind, not so verbal but every bit as climatic.
After a moment or two, chest heaving, I looked across at the other side of the car park and I suddenly noticed a group of people seemingly looking in our direction. As I watched for a second one of them pointed at us and it dawned upon me that they may have heard something that had attracted their attention. Immediately, I shoved her off unceremoniously and told her to get in the car quickly. I found my pullover and she grabbed the coat and we jumped in the car and sped off, fortunately, not too close to the observers although they turned and watched us as we left. Not for the first time we were reduced to hysterical laughter as we left the scene.
To be continued....