By *est-couple OP Man
over a year ago
Southwick (near Trowbridge) |
Jeremy was now removing his own clothing, as my wife gazed upon him as a bride should. Her silver-haired lover pulled at one side of his bow tie, and it fell into a straight length of material, which he laid upon the bed carefully. His starched evening shirt was taken off and then finally he invited my wife – his wife, for this night – to unbutton his formal trousers. He wore no underwear, and a hard, magnificent cock was revealed to her sight. ‘Gently, darling’, he said, lovingly. With her hands she caressed that instrument of her coming defloration, before kissing its tip recently.
He held her hands and gazed into her eyes, and she returned the gaze. ‘To have and to hold’, he said, ‘from this day forward; for better for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health’. ‘Will you marry me, Elaine?’ ‘Yes, I will, darling Jeremy’. ‘To love, honour and obey.’ ‘Yes’. ‘To bear my children?’ ‘Oh, yes’. She was utterly seduced, and at that moment I realised that her wedding finger was bare. A glint of light at the bedside indicated where her wedding and engagement rings were discarded, the diamond I had given her sparkling a weak reminder of the same promises she had made to me and which she had just repeated to a man who, even now, was sliding another ring onto the third finger of her left hand.
Madeleine was now sucking me, her hands squeezing my balls with expert precision. In the bridal suite, Jeremy was removing his new wife’s panties. This was the point at which I received another shock, for as he peeled down that insubstantial, gauzy garment it became very clear that my wife had been depilated. In the place where her dark bush had been was a now a smooth area of pink flesh, shining from the recent application of a skilful wet razor. Jeremy gazed lovingly at his bride’s shining quim. ‘So nice to make it truly mine at last, my love’, he said, ‘so entrancing to behold it without that concealing mass of hair. You truly are my girl – my bride, my virgin to be taken for the first time.’ He bent to kiss her cleft, her maidenly petals visible to all in the yawning space between her smooth thighs. Holding her wifely labia apart, Jeremy carefully licked her with practised ease, his tongue circling her aroused pussy, penetrating deep into her depths, teasing her clitoris as she slipped into a succession of mini orgasms. ‘Time to deflower you, my darling’.
‘Yes’, she breathed in response.
‘Darling Elaine – I am your husband.’
She had even started to speak like I imagined Madeleine would speak in the bedroom – tender, submissive, loving. Jeremy covered my – his – wife, and with his back to me shielded me from the intimate moment in which his cock first made contact with the sensitive outer skin of her wifely opening. She shuddered visibly.
‘Do you want this?’
‘Yes – make me a full woman, Jeremy, I am yours, your wedded wife, the companion of your days, the joy of your nights – the mother of your children. Please’, she whispered, ‘give me a honeymoon baby, make my belly swell with your child!’
Without further ado her new husband penetrated her to the hilt, and if there was no hymen for him to break, she screamed in sheer lust as if he really had broken her in. She crossed her nylon-clad thighs around his back and spurred his rapidly pumping arse with her heels as they fucked like newlyweds. It was very easy to forget that there was an age gap of 35 years between the two. After ten solid minutes of fucking, he demanded she mount him, and there he completed his conquest of her bridal flesh as, after he had vocally inseminated her and she had followed him to a loud orgasm herself, I watched her withdraw her encircling flesh from his softening cock, and saw the white tribute of his husbandly sperm evacuate itself from her distended bridal passage.
Madeleine placed her finger on her lips and beckoned me to the bed. ‘I think you are sufficiently recovered to make love to me’, she said, genteelly, and removing her heels lay back so that I could make a leisurely conquest of her feminine body. We made love for ten more minutes, and when she came, this time with quiet satisfaction, and I had spent what was left of my essence inside her body, she assisted me in the shower and dressed me herself. Her clothes being either damaged or stained with my ejaculate, she excused herself, returning ten minutes later in an immaculate dress, flesh-coloured hosiery and flat shoes. I had peeked through the dividing doors in her absence. All was quiet in there, with no evidence of discarded clothing. It was as if nothing had happened. And, as I sat talking of social trifles with the engaging Madeleine there came a tap on the door. It was the happy couple, who had indeed come to attend on us. Elaine was bright and as flushed and provocative as any new bride should be on the morning after her wedding, and Jeremy was the perfect gentleman – as always. My wife was bedecked in the clothes she had arrived in a few hours earlier and I noticed that she was again wearing the rings I had given her. As Jeremy took his own wife by the hands and kissed her delicately on the cheek, he discreetly slipped something on to her ring finger.
A small sherry and more inconsequential talk concluded our evening, and we parted good friends. We knew that there would be a further invitation – and there was.
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