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Office - caught

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


This is a story, inspi_ed by a few different stories I have read over the years.

I'm unable to c_edit those authors by name

Office - Caught

My name is Peter I'm 23 & I'm a member of the small internal IT team at a large corporation, typical office setup and our small team of 3 were kept busy with the day to day tasks, failures, PCs and printers and general support. I'm generally pretty quiet and unassuming and whilst polite and good at small talk I'm pretty shy so just keep my head down and do my job. I joined as a junior ages 21 straight from University.

The office was full of people of all ages doing the various roles you'd expect.

One of my main joys working here is seeing the girls wearing nylons and heels - as a closet cross dresser I've always loved sheer tights and stockings and both envied and admi_ed the women at work who dressed their legs in a dazzling array or nylon delight.

So much so I regularly wore sheer tights underneath my trousers, my way of trying to join in with the girls and longing to share the girl talk of "I like your tights / you've a ladder etc" that i would hear from time to time whilst passing through the office floors attending to various IT problems.

Other than my kink I'm just your average guy, I'm not really effeminate despite having longer hair than the trend, my mousey brown locks not quite shoulder length. I was in reasonable shape not muscle bound, and its fair to say I could do with losing a few pounds (who can't).

It was a typical dull Monday morning and I'd chosen to liven things by wearing some natural colou_ed 10 denier tights to work figuring that should anyone glance them if my trouser legs rose they'd assume it was just bare flesh and think nothing more.

A 10 am meeting was called for Management and IT to discuss the upcoming upgrade plans and I was there with my boss. Sat next to me was Helen, a stunning girl in her mid 20's who has already risen to junior management role within the Marketing department. I knew her purely to say hi to from having to fix her PC from time to time. We didn't really chat other than the odd hello when passing. Helen was the ultimate professional, very organised and business like in her approach & always was immaculately dressed, favouring smart skirt suits and very rarely wore trousers. Helen ALWAYS wore sheer tights (I assume they were tights) when wearing a skirt or dress in the office. I like probably all the other guys in the office admi_ed her from a distance.

I was trying hard to pay attention in the meeting, the usual comments around how the planned work will hit each departments systems, any downtime blah blah... I was just there for numbers, my boss doing all the talking and I was having a very difficult time not to look at Helens nylon clad legs. And as I'd chosen to wear tights myself today this was proving impossible, nothing could keep my mind on the meeting and away from tights, stockings, heels, and Helen! She caught me looking once or twice and I forced myself to focus on the meeting and take a few notes. When she dropped her pen, landing at her feet I had the perfect excuse to glance again at her heels as she bent to pick it up making the minimum fuss she seemed to pause and glance ay my ankles.

Shit did she just look at my ankles and see my tights? No, I'm confident my socks are covering all from view. As she sat back in her chair she caught my eye and mouthed "boring" at me and faked a yawn telling me she was as bo_ed as I was.

After another 20 minutes the meeting ended and we all returned to our desks and got on with our work. The rest of the day was none eventful apart from the odd moment of enjoying seeing a few of the office girls in tights.

The next day I had a support request come in from Helen. Any excuse to see her wonderful legs I thought & quickly responded despatching myself to her desk on the 3rd floor. Helens monitor wasn't working she told me, so she had to make room for me to crawl under her desk and check the connections. I spotted the monitor cable had come out of her the back her PC and quickly reconnected it, stealing another quick look at her heels and nylon cove_ed calves, amazed she hadnt left her desk for me to fix things as she usually did. I noted her tights appea_ed to be the same type as mine today, guessing at 10 denier, gloss and they looked a similar natural colour to my own. Wow, I wonder if we wear the same brand?

"Thanks Peter, you fixed that really quick" Helen said as I climbed up from under her desk.

"No problem, it was just a lose connection" I replied, "let me know if it happens again, see you later". I hurried back to my desk.

That two minutes with Helen turned out to be the highlight of my week, with the usual printer jams and PC crashes to deal with until late friday afternoon. I was returning to my floor and as I ente_ed the lift Helen walked in behind me. She smiled and we exchanged "Hi's". The doors closed and Helen pressed the button for her floor. As the lift moved, she turned to face me, didn't speak but a thoughtful look appea_ed on her face as if she was about to ask me something. Stopping herself she quickly reached out and pinched the back of my knee, pulling the material of my tourses away from me, with my sheer tights being pulled too followed by a small but audible "snap" as the lycra nylon sprung back into my flesh.

Without looking at me the lift stopped and Helen turned on her heels and went to her desk.

As the doors closed and the lift carried on to the basement IT dept I in a state of shock realised what had just happened, Helen had just proved I was wearing tights. My eyes widened, my head span and I hurried to my desk in a blind panic. This was huge, she could crush me. I could lose my job, my world, a female colleague had just discove_ed I was wearing tights!

Should I continue?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes pleasee

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Id love to hear more n see where it leads

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

oh yes don't stop now

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Please more xxx

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 2

I couldn't focus, my head racing with all kind of thoughts, I had no idea what this would result in.

My manager and team mate noticed something was wrong. I just told them I was coming down with something and felt ill. As there was only about an hour before closing time my boss told be to finish early and get myself home and dosed up and to recuperate over the weekend. I didn't need to be told twice, this meant I could escape before bumping into Helen and being confronted about wearing tights!

I swiftly logged of my systems, packed up my laptop and made a swift exit, driven on pure panic, fear and adrenalin. I lived alone in a small 1 bedroom flat so could lock the doors and hide for the next 2 days whilst I worked out my best way out of this mess.

I quickly got home having a head start on the rush hour traffic. Home at last. opening a beer from the fridge I couldn't stop thinking things over, how Helen had actually twanged my tights! How did she know, has was she so sure I was wearing? I'd been regularly wearing since my uni days and never been caught, I'd always been extra careful. I had just been caught! It then dawned on me that I was aroused, very aroused. Was it the fact I was still wearing my tights? Was it that I'd been thinking about Helen and her fantastic legs and choice of leg and footwear? Or was it the the fact that someone else now knew I was wearing tights that turned me on? I opened another beer and removed my trousers and relaxed back into my couch enjoying the sensation of air on my nylon cove_ed legs and began to wank focusing on the sensation and thinking of Helens luscious legs.

It didn't take long for me to climax, harder than I ever have before filling the front of my tights with cum.

Then the feeling of panic and guilt came over me. I pulled of my tights and threw them in the bin.

What was I doing? This had to stop. My nylon fetish had gone far enough, hell it's most likely going to lose me my job and I'd be having to start again, seek a new firm and start from the bottom rung.

I felt sick and more worried than ever. I drained a few more beers and started on the vodka until it was starting to get late. Taking myself off to bed I passed out and had a full nights d*unken slumber only to wake Saturday am to a hangover and the realisation that my problem hadn't gone away.

When I could face food I made myself something to eat and decided I should go out & get some fresh air. It would do me good and maybe help me clear my head. Opting to leave the car (probably shouldn't be driving yet anyway) I walked 15 minutes to the nearby train station and bought a coffee whilst waiting. Town was where to go, a bit of people watching and browsing a few of my favourite stores. I alighted then next train and started to gaze out of the window as the train pulled away. Suddenly my attention was drawn to a young couple sat at the far end of the carriage, clearly in love as they saw nobody but each other. young, good looking, and yes you've guessed the girl was wearing tights. Long slender legs encased in sheer black tights. Knee high boots with a moderate heel and a lovely A-Line mid thigh skirt. She looked amazing. Tights! I can't escape them. For a moment I daydreamed about wearing a similar outfit,I loved crossdressing and whislt having a few items of clothing other than hosiery I had never fully cross dressed but would love to, maybe a nice blonde wig and expertly applied make up.

What, no, what was I thinking?! I needed to stop this, think about what had just happened!

Over the next few hours I found myself wandering through the shops, in and out of stores, looking at the cds and dvds in hmv, considering buying a new PS4 game to take my mind off things.

I ended up following my nose into the large department store in town that I regularly visit. The had a large hosiery department with all of the expensive quality brands that I loved and had enjoyed trying over the years since I'd been earning enough for the odd treat. I just couldn't help myself.

I looked through the 1st couple of rows and was considering a purchase or two to treat myself when I noticed two young women at the tills making a purchase. As they paid for their items thy turned and faced me. One of them was Helen! We made eye contact, she gave me a faint smile asI felt my cheeks flush bright _ed, then continuing her conversation with her friend left the store.

I was back in panic mode. After everything she's now seen me stood in a hosiery department! Idiot!

I returned home and the rest of the weekend dragged, me still not really knowing what to do.

Sunday evening came and whilst lying in bed I finally came up with the vaguest plan, denial. I wasn't going to wear tights to work ever again. I'd try and brush off the "pinch" saying it was a support bandage, yes that should work. And if she asks about why I was in the hosiery department well I'd just say I'd spotted her going in and wanted to explain.

Monday am came and I was up early and made sure I got into work nice and early. I didn't want to have to face Helen, infact I wasn't going to just go and explain things unless confronted by her. No, get in to my desk around 8am, keep my head down and focus on work, that was the plan.

I was the 1st from my team to get in, so I powe_ed up my workstation and went to fetch a coffee. When I returned drink in hand the others were still to arrive. There was a large jiffy envelope placed on my keyboard with my name on it. Weird I thought, sitting down to open it. It contained a pair of Wolford Individual 10 Tights in black, expensive and very high quality. I knew the brand but rarely wore them as they were expensive. My heart started to race, then I saw the note. It simply said, "Lunch, Costa 12pm sharp, wear these. H ".

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Really enjoying this. More please.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

One of the best starts I've read ,

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago


Omg I need to read more

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By *otelroomerMan
over a year ago


Very good - carry on....

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By *acheldTV/TS
over a year ago


Really good story.

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Glad your enjoying, lots more to come!

Would love to hear any ladies views who are reading too

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Living it . Sat here in my tights myself

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By *avey997TV/TS
over a year ago

East London

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Making so horny more please

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 3

My head was spinning, I couldn't focus and didn't know what to do. I checked the time, 8.10am, I had 20 minutes before my colleagues in IT would start to arrive. Drinking the rest of my coffee I took a deep breath and re-read the note. It's clearly from Helen, but why? What does she want? OMG she's given me some luxury tights and told me to wear them!

I looked at the tights packaging, the Wolford model on the front displaying the sheer nylon wonders in all their glory. Wow, these are really nice. I suddenly started to focus on what was happening, a female colleague had caught me wearing tights, for some reason wanted me to wear this pair and meet her. Today. She's going to confront me. Is she going to blackmail me? I was clearly going to have to meet her, this wasn't going to dissapear. Why me? I had 2 clear options:

1. meet her but deny all, give her the tights back and tell her its been a misunderstanding sticking to my plan.

2. meet her wearing the tights and see where this is going.

I then realised just how aroused this was making me. She was asking to meet ME for lunch and would know I was wearing tights. Could I do it? It would be like a dream come true. But would it end badly? But it would be inc_edible meeting her, the both f us knowing I had tights on, wow, that would be a thrill.

I checked the time, 8.20am. 10 minutes before others started to arrive.

I looked at the tights, they called me. I put them back in the jiffy, grabbed my bag and hurried to the gents to change. I couldn't resist nylon and these tights were simply too good a pair to resist.

Darting into the gents I locked the cubicle door and stripped to the waist. I took out the tights package and carefully opened them removing them from the cellophane wrapper and discarded the cardboard inlay. I was shaking, these were gossamer thin and so silky to the touch. I carefully inserted my fingers into the foot and bunched them up, delecately inserting my pointed toes. Slowly pulling them to my knee I repeated with the other leg then eased them up my legs smoothing as I went. I was rock hard and loving every second admiring my legs encased in the silky nylon. I didnt have long so I put my trousers back on putting my boxers and socks away in my bag. With my shoes back on I readied to return to the office. I'd have to be careful not wearing socks but something told me that this was the right thing to do.

I returned to my desk with about a minute to spare before my boss arrived. He asked if I was ok, and that I still looked a little peaky (if only he knew why!) My other colleague arrived and the conversation soon turned to the weekends activities and the normal shop talk. I even found I was distracted enough to focus on work for short periods of time before moving in my seat and feeling the sheer nylon caress me and remind me of the situation. Was I really going to meet Helen?

The morning rolled on reasonably busy, yet every 10 minutes I'd check the time and change my mind about meeting her. I can't do it. I can do it. I can't! Suddenly it was 11.50 and I readied myself for my lunch break. There was a Costa just 5 minutes away. I had to do this, its a once in a lifetime opportunity (maybe). I asked the boss if I could leave for lunch early being as I'd started early, he agreed and I promised I'd return with team coffees.

Every step of the 5 minute walk my heart was pounding with nervous excitement. I really couldn't believe I was going to do this. I rounded the corner just before noon and approached the coffee chains familiar signage, took a deep breath, raised a shaky hand and opened the door. Looking around the already crowded coffee shop I spotted Helen at a table in the far corner near the window. I Joined the queue, orde_ed a large Mocha and quaking walked over to her table. She looked up from her paper work, saw me and smiled.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

great so far

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By *t-andyMan
over a year ago


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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 4

"Peter. Hi! I knew you'd accept my little invite. Come on, sit down" Helen gestu_ed. I nervously sat.

"Are you alright?" she asked. "Yyes, just ... nervous" my reply.

"Don't be - I'm really glad you've come. I think we've a lot to talk about and I thought it best to get better acquainted away from the office and its prying eyes and ears."

"Yes" I said, still shaking.

"Oh your shaking, relax, we're just two friends meeting for coffee" Helen said tenderly placing her hand on my arm.

"Now I have to ask, did you get my little gift?"

"Errr ...yes" I replied

"And?" she asked?

I paused and nervously looked around. The place was full of people and conversation, nobody was paying us any attention. Not knowing what to say I blushed.

"OMG you are wearing them aren't you?" Helen questioned and then openly leaned down and gently brushed up my trouser leg revealing my shiny black nylon clad calve to her. She gently stroked my leg then lowe_ed the trouser leg and sat back up grinning like the Cheshire Cat

I just blushed.

“Good, lovely! I'm really glad your here and that you like your gift. They're gorgeous aren't they?! I'm wearing the same pair" Helen said. I smiled and tried not to look at her legs.

"Turning up as you have has confirmed my suspicions, not that I really needed it, I just thought this would be a little fun, maybe a bit of a test, but fun too don't you think?"

"Yes" I replied, still nervous and unsure as to where this was going to lead me. She was seeming friendly, surely she isn't going to blackmail me? Or is she?

"Relax Peter, this is fun. Really. You look so worried"

"Helen, why are you doing this, meeting me I mean, with ... well your gift to me? I mean, I know I may have been a little obvious admiring you from time to time but I didn't think you disliked me. Are you going to tell people? Do ... do I need to start looking for another job?"

"No silly, no! ok, look yes its been obvious for a while that you’re, well you’re a leg man, yes thats how we'll put it. I've seen your glances and no I don't mind, infact I love the attention as long as its appropriate and kept professional. And you have been professional Peter, with just the right amount of perv" she smiled at me "it was in the meeting last week, the light seemed to catch my eye when I dropped my pencil, I recognised the sheen of nylon from beneath your trousers and was convinced you were wearing but that was neither the time nor the place. But I had to know and it started playing on my mind. I'm a very open minded girl Peter and well I just think we may have lots in common, but theres plenty of time for that. So I needed another chance to see if you really were a nylon wearer. I disconnected my monitor cable so you'd have to come and crawl under my desk giving me another chance to peek at your ankles. Oh by the way your socks did cover your ankles just fine, what gave it away was your shirt had come out of your trousers behind you when you crawled under my desk and I clearly see the nylon waistband of your tights."

I blushed ... again

"So I knew you wore for sure then, but didn't know how often. I also wonde_ed how to ask you, I mean I'm a discrete and professional woman and could hardly just ask you in the office. I conside_ed emailing you but didn't want to scare you, plus I know work emails are monito_ed, Peter I'm not trying to scare you and I don't want to broadcast your little secret. So please relax. But when I walked into the lift with you on Friday I just saw my chance and took it, I thought if I pinched behind your knee if you were wearing I'd be able to tell, not a bad idea as it turned out. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw you shopping on Saturday, it really was the icing on the cake and seeing you in a hosiery store browsing the isles just confirmed things. When you saw me you looked like a rabbit in the headlights! I was with my friend and didn't want to embarrass you any more, but thats when I had my little idea to give you one of the purchases I'd made and ask you to meet me wearing them. I knew you'd come but wasn't sure you'd put them on. But I also assumed that after being caught there would be no way you’d be wearing a pair to work this morning. I’m guessing I’m right! Peter, I'm really pleased yo’ve have put them on. I love it!"

"So .. you just want to be friends with me?"

"Yes Peter, I want to get to know you better."


"Well why not? after all, we seem to share a mutual interest" Helen said crossing her legs and gently caressing her nylon clad thigh.

I felt a stirring in my tights, blushing I replied "well, yes"

"So, thats that, friends!" She clicked our coffee cups together and said "Cheers"

"Cheers" I replied and took a big drink of my strong Mocha.

"So, when did you start all this Peter?"

"Wow, erm, well honestly I was quite young, about 11 I think, I er, god this is embarrassing" I blushed.

"No go on, Peter, friends…… friends are honest and open with each other, I'm not one to judge, god knows I can't!" Helen giggled

"Well I started by trying my mums. I just was drawn to them, I really don't know why but loved the softness of her tights when I found a pair drying on the radiator, I just found myself wondering what they were like to wear, and once I tried them on"

"You were hooked for life?" Helen asked.

"Well, yeah, I guess so"

"Snap! Helen said. "I tried my 1st proper sheer pair when I was about 12 and was hooked too Peter, see, we are alike. I just love the look and feel of quality hosiery. I was always looking for an excuse to wear sheer tights from that day, my mum encouraged it but wouldn’t allow me to try stockings or hold ups, not appropriate at that age, looking back I have to agree with her. But now, well I always dress my legs in the finest quality hosiery I can.

"Snap" I grinned back, finally relaxing.

We sha_ed a smile.

"OK, look I need to go, I need to get back to the office" Helen said “Here's my mobile Peter, txt me this afternoon. We'll arrange something" she said handing me her card.

"Arrange something?" I questioned

"Yeah, we can hook up, I want to know all about you, and want you to get to know me too!

Discretion is the key Peter, at work we must remain professional, its very important to me”

"Ok, wow, sorry, I'm just a little amazed by all this, the whole turn of events. Thanks, I'll txt"

Helen stood, smoothed her skirt, leant over and pecked me on the cheek. "Bye" she said walking away. “Speak later”

I watched her shiny legs walking away from me and beamed. This was amazing!

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By *eighbiMan
over a year ago


This could get very interesting

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By *ood tongue!!!Man
over a year ago


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By *iss pearsTV/TS
over a year ago


Mmm so sexy please keep it cumming xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Love this story...

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By *etra4sexTV/TS
over a year ago

ebbw vale

Cool carry on please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You have to tell more x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love my tights as well

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Just loving this.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I hope there is more of this hot story.

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Yes lots more to come X

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago


Good keep it coming

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By *yxieTV/TS
over a year ago


Looking forward to more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can't wait to read the full story.

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By *owie144TV/TS
over a year ago


Please post the next instalment. Xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story so far

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I want to read more

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 5

I returned to the office with coffees for the others. Dave my boss thanked me and noted I was looking better. If only he knew! I was on cloud 9 - I still really couldn't get my head around it but regardless I was excited and happy. I had a new friend, one who knew and accepted my secret - intact she seemed to be encouraging it. The fact she was lovely and drop dead gorgeous was the icing on the cake! I was still trying to see the hidden catch, but for now I was floating and happy to go with it.

It was a reasonably quiet afternoon work wise. At 3 pm I couldn't wait any longer and I sent Helen a txt

*Hi Helen, it’s Peter*

My heart was racing again, this was so nerve-wracking yet exciting

I wonde_ed how long the response would take. 30 seconds later my phone buzzed

*Hey you! I wonde_ed when you’d get round to texting me! Are you ok? Have you calmed since lunch, you were shaking!*

Wow, that was quick! I sent a quick reply

*Yes I have, I’m still trying to get my head around things, it’s weird knowing you know*

Helen replied …

*Weird? Good weird I hope? Peter, I really think its fab. Stop worrying!*

*Yes, its strange, and a little embarrassing but also exciting. I’ve never been this open with someone before*

We exchanged a few more txts before I needed to respond to a support call that kept me busy for the next 20 minutes. I walked by her desk so Helen could see I was busy and not ignoring her.

She looked up and me, gave me a knowing smile and said “Hi” as I passed her desk.

When I got back to my desk there was a txt waiting for me..

*Hey, how are those tights feeling gorgeous? x*

I chuckled and replied *Fabulous! I don't want to take them off! How are yours? Gorgeous x*

A few minutes past without a response. Oops, had I been too flirty back?


*They are devine Peter, I wish you could feel the air on them like I can *

*Me too*

*want to try?* her response?

*yes, but how? I can’t here!*

*no, that would raise more than a few looks. my place, tonight?*

OMG! This was getting better by the minute


*yes! 7.30?*


After a few minutes I received her address, she only live 5 minutes from me. Brilliant!

*ok, I’ll see you later* I replied.

*good, make sure you shave your legs before coming peter, nylons deserve smooth skin! x*

I busied myself until 5pm then hurried home to get ready.

Showering I removed the little body hair I had and shaved my legs silky smooth. I had never really grown much body hair so defluffing was easy.

I hand washed the tights Helen had given me and chose a fresh pair of 10 denier natural gloss tights. I loved slipping them on and being freshly shaven made it all the nicer.

Putting on jeans and a T-shirt I left the house at 7.20 and made my way to Helens.

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago


Helen sounds amazing

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *avey997TV/TS
over a year ago

East London

Very much enjoying this. Can't wait to see how it progresses

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh don't stop now..

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By *els01Woman
over a year ago


oooh I like this! xx

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago


"oooh I like this! xx "

We both seem to like the same kind of stories

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By *obbie BelleTV/TS
over a year ago

Preston, Lancaster, Blackpool

Yasmin, this is quality, thanks for sharing.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Looking forward to reading more of this one.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This is a story, inspi_ed by a few different stories I have read over the years.

I'm unable to c_edit those authors by name

Office - Caught

My name is Peter I'm 23 & I'm a member of the small internal IT team at a large corporation, typical office setup and our small team of 3 were kept busy with the day to day tasks, failures, PCs and printers and general support. I'm generally pretty quiet and unassuming and whilst polite and good at small talk I'm pretty shy so just keep my head down and do my job. I joined as a junior ages 21 straight from University.

The office was full of people of all ages doing the various roles you'd expect.

One of my main joys working here is seeing the girls wearing nylons and heels - as a closet cross dresser I've always loved sheer tights and stockings and both envied and admi_ed the women at work who dressed their legs in a dazzling array or nylon delight.

So much so I regularly wore sheer tights underneath my trousers, my way of trying to join in with the girls and longing to share the girl talk of "I like your tights / you've a ladder etc" that i would hear from time to time whilst passing through the office floors attending to various IT problems.

Other than my kink I'm just your average guy, I'm not really effeminate despite having longer hair than the trend, my mousey brown locks not quite shoulder length. I was in reasonable shape not muscle bound, and its fair to say I could do with losing a few pounds (who can't).

It was a typical dull Monday morning and I'd chosen to liven things by wearing some natural colou_ed 10 denier tights to work figuring that should anyone glance them if my trouser legs rose they'd assume it was just bare flesh and think nothing more.

A 10 am meeting was called for Management and IT to discuss the upcoming upgrade plans and I was there with my boss. Sat next to me was Helen, a stunning girl in her mid 20's who has already risen to junior management role within the Marketing department. I knew her purely to say hi to from having to fix her PC from time to time. We didn't really chat other than the odd hello when passing. Helen was the ultimate professional, very organised and business like in her approach & always was immaculately dressed, favouring smart skirt suits and very rarely wore trousers. Helen ALWAYS wore sheer tights (I assume they were tights) when wearing a skirt or dress in the office. I like probably all the other guys in the office admi_ed her from a distance.

I was trying hard to pay attention in the meeting, the usual comments around how the planned work will hit each departments systems, any downtime blah blah... I was just there for numbers, my boss doing all the talking and I was having a very difficult time not to look at Helens nylon clad legs. And as I'd chosen to wear tights myself today this was proving impossible, nothing could keep my mind on the meeting and away from tights, stockings, heels, and Helen! She caught me looking once or twice and I forced myself to focus on the meeting and take a few notes. When she dropped her pen, landing at her feet I had the perfect excuse to glance again at her heels as she bent to pick it up making the minimum fuss she seemed to pause and glance ay my ankles.

Shit did she just look at my ankles and see my tights? No, I'm confident my socks are covering all from view. As she sat back in her chair she caught my eye and mouthed "boring" at me and faked a yawn telling me she was as bo_ed as I was.

After another 20 minutes the meeting ended and we all returned to our desks and got on with our work. The rest of the day was none eventful apart from the odd moment of enjoying seeing a few of the office girls in tights.

The next day I had a support request come in from Helen. Any excuse to see her wonderful legs I thought & quickly responded despatching myself to her desk on the 3rd floor. Helens monitor wasn't working she told me, so she had to make room for me to crawl under her desk and check the connections. I spotted the monitor cable had come out of her the back her PC and quickly reconnected it, stealing another quick look at her heels and nylon cove_ed calves, amazed she hadnt left her desk for me to fix things as she usually did. I noted her tights appea_ed to be the same type as mine today, guessing at 10 denier, gloss and they looked a similar natural colour to my own. Wow, I wonder if we wear the same brand?

"Thanks Peter, you fixed that really quick" Helen said as I climbed up from under her desk.

"No problem, it was just a lose connection" I replied, "let me know if it happens again, see you later". I hurried back to my desk.

That two minutes with Helen turned out to be the highlight of my week, with the usual printer jams and PC crashes to deal with until late friday afternoon. I was returning to my floor and as I ente_ed the lift Helen walked in behind me. She smiled and we exchanged "Hi's". The doors closed and Helen pressed the button for her floor. As the lift moved, she turned to face me, didn't speak but a thoughtful look appea_ed on her face as if she was about to ask me something. Stopping herself she quickly reached out and pinched the back of my knee, pulling the material of my tourses away from me, with my sheer tights being pulled too followed by a small but audible "snap" as the lycra nylon sprung back into my flesh.

Without looking at me the lift stopped and Helen turned on her heels and went to her desk.

As the doors closed and the lift carried on to the basement IT dept I in a state of shock realised what had just happened, Helen had just proved I was wearing tights. My eyes widened, my head span and I hurried to my desk in a blind panic. This was huge, she could crush me. I could lose my job, my world, a female colleague had just discove_ed I was wearing tights!

Should I continue?"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep going xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Please keep going .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This could get very interesting - roll on chapter 6!

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

getting intresting

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *asmin999jmTV/TS
over a year ago


Great story xxx more please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving where this is going

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By *ammyTV/TS
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


We wait with baited breath!

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 6

I pulled up outside Helens with 5 minutes to spare. She lived in a building of 6 modern flats. I rang the buzzer for her number and the intercom sprang to life..


"Hi Helen it's Peter"

"Hiya, come on up, top floor"

The door clicked and I ente_ed heading up the stairs to be top floor. Helen opened the door before I could knock.

" welcome!" She said pecking me on the cheek and led me in. Helen was a vision, her hair and makeup immaculate, she wore a tight fitting my blouse exposing lots of cleavage , an a line mini skirt and sheer nearly black tights. Her outfit was finished off with some killer heels and her perfume smelt divine.

I was instantly turned on, she really was stunning. I just couldn't believe my luck in being here in this position.

“Hey” I sad, “ wow you look inc_edible”

“What this old thing?” Helen chuckled “aw thanks, I er, well I wanted to make an effort. You look cute too. I trust your legs are properly dressed?”

“Yes” I blushed

“Good!” said Helen. “Come on in, make yourself at home. Glass of wine?” she offe_ed.

“Er sure, thanks” I replied sitting down on her cosy looking sofa.

Helen swayed into her kitchen and fetched a bottle of Pinot and two glasses. She sat next to me and pou_ed the drinks handing me mine. I instantly started sipping welcoming the dutch courage.

“I love your shoes” I told her. They wear stunning with skyscraper pencil thin heels.

“Thanks, I do love my heels, tell me have you ever worn heels?”

“No” I paused “I’d love too though but don’t own any. I doubt I could walk in them anyway”

“They take a little practice, but if you’d like to then you should try them! What size are you, I’m a 5”

“7” I replied

“well you’ve never squeeze into mine, but maybe we’ll have to get you some? would you like that? I can help”

“I’d love it” I grinned, the wine was already going to my head and I suddenly felt completely at ease with Helens company. Like I was with an old friend.

“Well thats sorted then!” she smiled and chinked my wine glass.

The conversation flowed and we discussed more of my nylons love and how further I’d like to dress. Establishing I had a limited wardrobe Helen agreed we would be needing some shopping trips soon. She just seemed to embrace my feminine side without a second thought.

She opened a 2nd bottle of wine and kicked off her heels. “Why don't you kick back a little Peter/ You can take you shoes off if you’d be more comfy?”

I thought it sounded good and did.

“Helen, can I ask you something?”

“Anything!” she smiled

“Why am I here? I mean you've been so accepting of me yet I still don’t know much about you”

“Well I’ll be as honest with you as you have with me Peter. I like you. I love that you wear nylons, I can’t explain it but its a turn on. I love that you have a feminine side and would like to help you express it more.

I’m very openminded and well, I have more varied tastes than most girls my age I guess. I’m bi and have been single a long time. Single but not celibate. I’m drawn to you Peter and have a feeling we are similar. I sense you may just need a little guidance in finding yourself.”

Whilst talking Helen was rubbing her nylon clad feet against mine.

“That feels good doesn't it” she asked


“Why don’t take off your trousers? You did say you wanted to feel the air against your legs earlier today, don’t disappoint me”

“I’d love to Helen, but I’m not wearing anything with my tights” I replied

“No boxers or panties eh?” she said, a wicked look in her eye “A girl after my own heart, tights feel so much better without don't you think”

I blushed, again, this was turning into a habit.

“Well, come on, show me” she said

I removed my trousers and sat down next to her.

“mmm nice” she said and started caressing my nylon legs with hers. This felt inc_edible. Helen leant forward and kissed me. I nervously responded and started to enjoy the taste of her lipgloss. Helens tongue ente_ed my mouth and started to explore. Inside my tights my cock as rock hard, visible and a sheen of pre-cum was already pooling in the sheer nylon. Helen noticed and her hand found its way to my crotch and began caressing before she put her fingertip into the pool and tasted it.

“Lets move to the bedroom” she said getting to her feet and leading me by the hand to her bedroom. She stood facing me and seductively removed her blouse and bra. Her breasts were wonderful, firm, I guessed at a 38c. Her nipples were already hard. She unfastened her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

“My turn” she said and pushed me to my knees.

Instinct took over and I began to worship her legs. I was intoxicated by her perfume as I started to kiss and caress every inch of her nylon cove_ed legs. Her moans told me she was enjoying this.

I reached her nylon trapped pussy and could smell her, the nylon crotch glistening. I flicked my tongue and took my 1st taste of her. Her hands were on my head pushing me into her as I started to lick her. After a minute she pushed my head back and lay down on the bed.

“Don’t stop” she instructed so I resumed my position licking her sex whilst caressing her legs. Her breathing was getting quicker when she forced my head hard against her and began thrusting and rubbing back against me. She quickly came and I continued licking her through her tights, my own cock throbbing in its nylon prison.

“Too much” she said pushing my head away and pulling me up to meet her mouth and we kissed passionately, her hand finding my cock. I don't know how long we stayed like this, I had no sense of time, I was in heaven. She then straddled me and started to mount me, tights still on. The friction of the nylon on nylon on skin was inc_edible. She didn't speak but ripped the crotch of my tights then her own then mounted me in once slow movement. Oh my god this was inc_edible, but I new that as an inexperienced lover I wouldn’t be able to last long.

“Helen I’m..”

“Shhh” she hissed and commence riding me hard, my cock deep inside her trusting to meet her. It was primal, animal, pure lust.

I couldn’t of lasted more than a minute. I exploded deep inside her, that seemed to set her off again and she came hard on my cock before collapsing onto me.

We kissed and cuddled enjoying our nylon legs against each others - simply smiling and gazing into each others eyes.

“Well that was fun” Helen grinned. “I think this truly is the start of a beautiful friendship”

“I hope so” my reply “Helen, I thought women like you didn't exist”

“Well we do and you have found me. I think we should chat a little though, there a few things you need to know”


“ok, so, you know my kink, and its the same as yours so thats a good start. I’ve not had a boyfriend in a while Peter, and I’m not saying thats what I want from you, for now anyway. Lets keep things as `good` friends for now. I told you earlier I am bisexual. Well I cannot be in an exclusive relationship Peter, so I need you to know that. I may see others at the same time, girls or guys. I don’t expect you to be jealous or possessive. My ideal would be a boyfriend who can accept that. It wont be a secret, if I’m seeing others I’ll always tell you. And I’ll expect no different from you. I guess some would call me a swinger. I just look at it that I’ve a high sex drive and need sex from whatever gender I chose at that time. If you can accept that it could open a few doors for you too.

So… has that freaked you out?”

“Wow, well, er no, not at all. Helen, I’ve not been with many girls and I know I’ve a lot to learn. I can accept that, I think”

“Hmm, ok, well I hope so.” she said looking into my eyes.

“Lets just take it one step at a time, wherever it leads, ok?”

“OK” I smiled

We kissed deeply.

“Just promise me one thing Peter”


“That you wear nylons every day at work from now on. Its such a turn on for me”

I laughed “deal, Helen that works both ways”

“So, are you staying the night?” Helen asked me

“I’d love to, but I’ve no pyjamas” I joked

“Thats easily fixed” she said jumping up and opening a drawer. She pulled something out and threw it at me.

“Put that on”

I help up the satin chemise she had thrown at me, it was so silky and smellt of her perfume. It was beautiful.

“Really?” I asked, always wanting negligee like this.

“Really” she replied.

I slipped it on, leaving my tights on and we curled up and soon fell asleep.

I woke around 6am feeling Helens nylon legs rubbing against mine, my cock was rock hard.

She slipped under the sheets and started to kiss and lick my erection. She took me into her mouth and expertly sucked swirling her tongue around and around taking me to heaven. Helen then reached underneath me and whist still sucked slowly inserted a finger into my arse, teasing and probing. I'd never experienced this before and the sensation was inc_edible, combined with the feeling of sheer nylon on my legs and a satin chemise on my top I was in silk heaven.

Her sucking and anal probing was in sync and sped up pushing me closer and closer until I warned her I was close to cumming. She didn't stop and 30 seconds later I climaxed, filling her mouth with my hot cum. She rose and with a wicked glint in her eye leaned in and kissed me deeply, exchanging my cum back into my own mouth. She share this cummy kiss and both swallowed cleaning each other.

I looked at her " wow, that was a first, both my arse and tasting cum"

Helen grinned, "you liked it though?" She questioned.

"Yes, very much"

"Good, I plan to give you many more new experiences Peter"

We cuddled and dozed for a while before it was time for me to head home to get some clothes for work.

"Here" Helen said opening a drawer, "wear these today, it will be exciting".

She handed me some pink silky thong style panties and some sheer gloss natural holdups with a lace top.

"I've never worn hold ups at work" I commented.

"They won't be as secure at tights hun " Helen chuckled, "you'll probably need to adjust them from time to time, but it's going to be fun for me knowing what you have on"

"Your amazing, thank you" I commented kissing her.

I collected my things and headed home to shower and get ready for what would be no doubt a distracting day at work.

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago


Oh more

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By *etra4sexTV/TS
over a year ago

ebbw vale


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By *ustful desiresCouple
over a year ago


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By *els01Woman
over a year ago


This is yummy xxx

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By *riggboyMan
over a year ago


Wow fab!x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Outstanding story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow indeed. X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow next chapter please.

So tempted to but myself some tights this week after reading this post

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Never worn tights before. might have to get some

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is one helluva horny story . I just love wearing my tights to work knowing that nobody else knows

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By *avey997TV/TS
over a year ago

East London

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

So aroused after reading this , eagerly awaiting the next instalment x

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Next chapter coming soon X

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago



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By *yxieTV/TS
over a year ago


Omg..I'm so aroused

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By *retty womanWoman
over a year ago

Near Bournemouth

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just read the whole story again . Cock is solid

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By *iss pearsTV/TS
over a year ago


Delicious darling xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow, a dream for me xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Holy crap that's amazing.

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By *purt5Man
over a year ago

sutton coldfield

I love tights watching playing even wearing too...add a little bush underneath and perfect. ..This is the most perfect story wish was me .. happy to try it out of anyone fancies reenactment x

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 7

Sitting at my desk at work I was loving the sensation of wearing hold ups. I felt very feminine and sexy. The silky thong fitted me in a way I had never known, delightfully teasing my rose bud, a constant reminder whenever I walked.

Helen had been teasing me by text all morning commenting on what I was wearing and how she had chosen similar underwear. Her last message was a picture she had taken in the ladies, having lifted her skirt and showing off her glossy stocking clad legs and black silk thong. This woman knew how to press all my buttons!

With 5 minutes until lunch I received a txt from her simply saying *meet me at my car at noon, I've a surprise treat planned*. I was intrigued!

Telling my boss I was out this lunchtime I swiftly left the office and scanned the carpark for Helens Mini. I found her and jumped in.

"Hey" she smiled and kissed me on the cheek

"Hiya" I grinned like an idiot. "Have you had a good morning?"

"Hmmm it's been interesting, between picturing you in your underwear and showing you mine I've been distracted!" She chuckled.

"Me too" I agreed. "So what's this treat?"

"Well, I thought we'd hit the shops" Helen said.

"OK" I replied "what are you buying?"

"Weeelllllll..." Helen said, a wicked grin on her face "remember our chat at my place the other night, about how you wanted some heels? Well I thought I'd help you find a pair!"

"Er wow, really? Great!"

So we drove into town and Helen led me to her favourite shoe shop. This was inc_edible, browsing all the inc_edible heels. They were stunning, but most of them I knew I'd never be able to walk in.

"You need a classic pair to start I think, some that will get you used to wearing heels and that will go with most outfits just to get you going. But remember, a girl can never have enough shoes!" she giggled.

Helen took her time then picked two pairs, both were black patent stilettos and looked skyscraper high. The 1st pair had a 5" heel with a very elegant pencil thin heel. The other looked the same height but the heel was slightly thicker and upon closer inspection had a hidden platform, making the heel approx 4" without the platform.

"What do you think?" Helen asked?

"They are lovely but I dont think i'll be able to walk in either, especially those" I said, pointing the the pencil thin heels.

"You will after some practice" Helen laughed, "but don't worry, those are for me. We'll start you in these" she said referring to the once with the hidden platform.

She caught the sales assistants eye and asked for a pair in the pencil heels in a 5 and the hidden platforms in a 7. "You'll look great in these" Helen told me "and once you are stutting your stuff in them there will be no stopping you, believe me" we both laughed.

The assistant returned with the shoes and asked Helen if she wanted to try them.

"Of course" Helen smiled, "the 5's are for me and the 7's for my friend"

Oh my god I couldn't believe she had just told the assistant that! I flushed bright _ed and gave a shy smile to the assistant.

"Oh, ok, there you go then" the young sales assistant said as she handed me the shoes. She clearly didn't give it a second thought.

I just looked at Helen who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat!

"So go on, lets make sure they fit" Helen said gesturing to the shoes.

Still blushing I took a shoe out and removed my own, my stocking clad feet now clearly visible to anyone who ca_ed to look. I stepped into the shoe, feeling the pointed toe slightly crush m own toes although not entirely and noticing how it made my calves tense. This was another first. I looked at Helen "try the other too" she gestu_ed so I did, removing my other show and stepping into the heel.

Wobbling I took Helens hand and savou_ed the sensation of being in a ladies shoe shop, 5 inches taller wobbling in stiletto heels!

"Perfect" said Helen, "We'll take them"

I smiled, my head reeling, and stepped out of them, giving them swiftly back to the assistant who just gave me a kind knowing smile.

Helen made more of a show trying hers on and elegantly walked up and down the store in them with as much ease as if they were flats. Telling the assistant they were perfect she put her own back then took me to the till.

"My treat" she told me, pecking me on the cheek.

"Are these his 1st pair?" the assistant asked Helen

"Yes, but I doubt they'll be his last" she chuckled

"Fab" the assistant replied "we do remember us for your next pair!" she smiled.

Helen paid then we left the store heading back to the car pair, Helen teasing me all the way.

When we sat in the car I looked at her "I'm really grateful Helen but can't believe you made my try them on in the shop! I've always wanted a pair but always thought I'd have to buy online, I'd never in a million years have dreamed about trying a pair on".

"Well I didn't do it to embarrass you, not really, but again just wanted to give you a little nugde. Peter you just embraced it, I didnt force you and I did wonder if you'd try them on or make out like I was joking and not try them. We could hve done that, but go you! I'm really proud of you. The sales assistant has seen it all before trust me. You've just taken yet another step, if you pardon the pun, into a new world. Doors are opening to you all the time!" She smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Now put them on for the drive back to work. You need to get used to wearing them. I want you to wear these every evening and get used to them. Come to mine this evening and I'll give you a few tips in walking in them"

Naturally I obliged admiring my feet in them for the next 10 minutes before changing my shoes back and returning to work.

I was really distracted all afternoon and couldn't wait to wear my new heels.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Hope you all like the latest chapter?

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By *yxieTV/TS
over a year ago


Very much....wish this would happen in my office...I have a candidate i'd like it to be

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By *owie144TV/TS
over a year ago


Extreamly erotic , just had to slip on my sheer tights and rub myself to competion. Had to wash mine out as well.

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By *etra4sexTV/TS
over a year ago

ebbw vale

love it

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

next please really good read

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hope the next chapter is close

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

love it xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can't wait for next installment

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow. We have done something a little similar. Story is horny as hell though. More please

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By *xcplukCouple
over a year ago


It's been one of the few stories I keep checking for updates. Must be soon.....

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"It's been one of the few stories I keep checking for updates. Must be soon..... "


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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 8

I arrived at Helens around 8pm having freshening up when I got home.

I'd barley stepped through the door when Helen was all over me kissing me passionately.

"I loved how you handled today Peter, it must have been embarrassing for you but you really took it in your stride."

"I was embarrassed but to be honest Helen the fact you were there just made it ok. I don't think you realise the effect you have on me Helen. With you I can do anything, you just seem to make everything feel ok"

"Good" she smiled. We went into her living room and Helen fetched a bottle of wine from the kitchen. "Now then, lets get you walking in heels like a pro"

I removed my trousers and Helen decided I should wear the chemise I'd worn the other night, with my holdups and thong it felt fantastic! She helped me step into my heels and changed into her own new shoes.

"Ok then, lets see what you've got" she laughed "walk for me ... bitch" she teased.

I took two wobbly steps then tumbled.

"Again" Helen insisted, and again I fell. These were impossible. I would never manage.

Helen laughed and took a sip of her wine. She watched me struggling to move in the shoes then said "ok, look, watch me" and elegantly glided across the room, turned and walked back.

"Your trying to walk like a man. it wont work in heels, you look like a wobbly bow-legged cowboy" she teased. "The trick to heels is its all from the hip. Men walk from the knees, you need to walk from the hip and try to glide. watch" and she gave another example walk. I tried to copy, changing the way I moved, tripped and fell.

"Better but keep thinking hips!" Helen said as I got up.

I tried again, I kind of understood what she meant, and tried so sway as I walked leaning from my hips. Hey, this was it, it felt a little strange but I suddenly understood. It was different however.

It took a while but I was improving. We sat on the sofa.

"Your getting there hun' she said, caressing my nylon legs. "Just keep practicing, lots! Every chance you get. You've got the idea, it'll click into place."

My feet were aching, I wasn't used to this much pressure on the balls of my feet.

We decided to take a break.

"So" asked Helen "how do you plan on thanking me for your 1st pair of heels?"

"Like this" I answe_ed, getting up from the sofa and dropping to my knees. Helen parted her legs slightly as I started to caress the sheer nylon holdups she was wearing. I started to explore and kiss from her ankle working up to her inner knee before finding the lace band of her stockings. I reached the smooth flesh of her inner thigh before my tongue found her smooth pussy. I teased the outer folds and noticed her breathing quicken.

I started to tease her opening with my tongue, my senses being filled with her sweet tangy aroma and taste.

“mmmmmm” she pur_ed, spreading her legs wider “thats inc_edible, don’t you stop!”. She ran her long manicu_ed fingers through my hair and pushed my face tight against her. My tongue found its way into her warm velvet folds and began exploring. She tasted inc_edible. She began rubbing herself against my face as I continued exploring her with my tongue, moving to her now enlarged clit and teasing with my tongue, building her to a peak then stopping only to slowly resume working my way inside her again. I repeated this over the next 10 minutes until Helen could take no more. She pushed my head hard and forced me away from her until I was lying on the floor.

“Thats just where I want you, now your mine you little nylon slut, and I’m going to fuck you” she said straddling me and sliding onto my cock in one slow controlled move. I was deep inside her, harder than I was sure I had ever been before, feeling my cock pulse. Her legs astride me, folding under her I began to caress the nylon and lace tops of her holdups. I was pinned beneath her and unable to move, not that I wanted to! Leaning forwards Helen kissed me deeply tasting her own juices on my lips and tongue and began to ride me, slowly at first then building up to another crescendo she raised herself up and sat on my face in time for her to cum into my mouth. She then resumed her position and again started slowly riding me until she built up a pace.

I couldn't take much more, I was in heaven. “I’m very close Helen, I ….. can’t …. last … much … longer” I panted trying to fight it, anything to prolong our love making.

“Good” she panted back “ tell me when, I want it in my mouth” she said riding me hard again, the glorious globes of her arse slapping against me with each thrust.

“Now” I said and she threw herself off me, turning and grabbing my pulsating cock before taking it into her mouth.

My climax was hard, my senses going into orbit and I pumped my hot cream into her mouth. Some spilt out but she hummed with each squirt and I also groaned. Letting my still throbbing cock escape from her lips she leant in and kissed me deeply sharing my own cum with me again we swapped it back and forth until we both had swallowed. This was so erotic, I was still hard!

“mmmmmmm what a good nylon bitch you have been” Helen said with a mischievous smirk, standing up and taking my hand, “come, lets get more comfy in bed”.

We fell into bed and embraced, nylon legs rubbing together enjoying each other. I don’t recall how many times we fucked that night but we seemed to drift from sleeping to fucking and back to sleeping again.

I reluctantly left her at 7am after showering together. I needed to get some clothes for work.

I could get used to starting the day like this.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this . I just cum at he same time as you cum in her mouth

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving it

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By *iona38ddTV/TS
over a year ago

north east fife

Wow what a great story mmmm xx

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By *etra4sexTV/TS
over a year ago

ebbw vale

Nice carry on Mmmm

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

These are experiences I want to share with another person of either gender contact me!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Excellent xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wonderful story! Xx

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 9

I was sat at my desk mid-morning trying to concentrate on work but as usual distracted by Helen & her texts. She was my addiction, my drug, she had intoxicated me and took hold of my every thought.

At around 11am a call came in from the 3rd floor, Helen had a problem with her PC.. again. I swiftly jumped at the call and told the others I’d deal with it suspecting I knew what the problem was.

Helen had a wicked look in her eye when I arrived at her desk, it was clear she was alone. Helen sha_ed one of the small office rooms with her junior team member Mandy. Their desks back to back, Helens facing the door.

“Hi Peter, my screen isn’t working again. Can you take a look please, it’s probably the same problem as lsat time” she said, coyly adding “I’m all alone today, Mandy is off ill”

“Sure, lets take a look” I said knowing that she had clearly disconnected the monitor from her PC, again.

I scrawled under her desk and plugged in the completely disconnected lead from the back of her PC. Helen quickly scooted her chair back in, trapping me under her desk. Her figure hugging pencil skirt high on her thighs she parted her legs a little giving me a clear view up her skirt.

“Nice choice of tights” I said, caressing her nylon legs. She was wearing sheer gloss Barely Black tights, the sheen of them I knew well suspecting them to be Pretty Polly Nylons, one of my favourites.

“Thanks” she said pulling her skirt higher “so maybe you need a closer look?” She had no panties on and I could smell her aroma. I knew what she wanted so began to caress her legs and kiss and lick her nylon cove_ed pussy. This was so exciting, I was under this goddesses office, worshipping her nylon legs and pussy! I was so turned on.

Suddenly her door opened and in walked Toby, Helens boss! I froze! Helen just pushed me back beneath her desk but kept her skirt hitched up and legs spread giving me a room with a view!

Toby was very senior, very confident and for a man in his mid 50’s was in great shape. He didn’t suffer fools gladly, you didn’t cross him or make an enemy of him.

“All alone Helen?” he asked?

Helen clea_ed her throat “yes, Mandy called in sick today”.

“Again? You need to talk to her Helen, her record is terrible. Anyway, I need to talk to you about the pitch this afternoon. I was going to visit Maguire’s myself and personally handle the pitch. I don’t need to remind you of the importance of the deal and need to know it’s in the bag. However the CEO wants me here, there’s another board meeting been called. Do you think you can handle the pitch alone? I was thinking you and Mandy could take it but I see you on your own”

“Toby, you know I can do this, really! I know the pitch inside out after all of the prep work I’ve done”

“I know, but its our biggest deal this year, I trust you Helen but ….” Toby trailed off as his eyes noticed Helens legs on show and her skirt raised. “But what can you do to convince me that you can take this?” he finished stepping by her side and placing a hand on her nylon thigh.

“Mmm how about …. this?” Helen reached out her manicu_ed hand and caressed him through his trousers. She could instantly feel his growing cock.

Toby just raised his eyebrows and looked at her

“and this” she unzipped his fly and placed her fingers inside grabbing his enlarged cock.

Pulling it out of his flies she saw his engorged head, slowing walking him she looked him in the eyes.

“Go on” Toby encouraged.

She saw a drop of pre-cum form on the head, dipping her painted fingernail in it she put it too her lips. She then bent her head and parted her glossed lips and let his head slip into her mouth.

She began to suck him knowing Peter was still under her desk. That was turning her on like crazy. With her other hand she started to rub her pussy through her tights. Peter had a front row seat but he didn't dare move. This was the most erotic thing he had ever seen!

Toby’s 8” manhood was fully erect and throbbing hard. They both knew they had to be quick, they could be caught at any moment. She continued sucking harder and swirled her tongue around his glans knowing the effect it would have, all the time walking her pussy, spreading her juices over the crotch of her tights. Peter was so turned on by the view, the smell and he whose thrill of what was happening.

Toby grabbed Helens head and with a huge groan came into her mouth. Zipping up his flies he looked at Helen “you’ll manage just fine” he smirked “be at Maguires by 1pm, the pitch is at 2pm. I want you ready to nail it”. He walked out of her office without waiting for a reply.

Helen swiftly stood and hurried to her door, closing it. She then walking on her 4” heels returned to her desk and offe_ed her hand to Peter, helping him out from beneath the desk. He stood and looking her in the eye went to speak. Helen stopped him dead by kissing him deeply…. with a mouthful of Tobys cum! Peter returned this kiss and they swallowed.

“Ohh my god Helen! That was … was”


“Well, scary, surprising, shocking and thrilling!” Peter laughed

“I’m so turned on Peter, my tights are soaked. In fact …… that gives me an idea”

Helen locked her office door and closed the blinds so they had privacy. She then opened her desk drawer and pulled out a spare pair of tights. She raised her skirt again and stepping out of her heels removed her damp tights and put them to Peters nose “smell good?” she asked

“God yes”

“Put them on! I want you to wear them for the rest of the day feeling my juices against you. I’m going to go to my meeting picturing you wearing them all afternoon”

I removed my trousers and tights (Helen putting my tights into her drawer for ‘safe keeping’) and I put on her damp tights and put back on my trousers and shoes as she slid her new tights up her long shapely legs.

She kissed me, straightened her skirt and hurried me out before somebody appea_ed.

I was never going to get any work done this afternoon!

A few hours passed but the dampness of Helens tights kept me permanently distracted and aroused. A little before 2pm my phone pinged with a text message from Helen.

**Omg! About to start pitch at clients, one hot girl here with legs to die for and sheer gloss tights on!

Too distracting!! I can't take my eyes off her legs! This is going to be difficult! X **

I replied ** welcome to my world! Now you know what it's like for me at work! Good luck! Ps. Your tights are still damp and keeping me turned on x**

So it would seem the tables had slightly turned on Helen! I chuckled at the thought knowing exactly how badly is cope in her situation!

Ping ... Another text *well my new tights are just as wet too now thanks to her X* and below was a sneaky picture she had managed to take of her client, wow, I could see why, sheer glossy black tights on legs every bit as shapely as Helens, killer heels and a short yet professional pencil skirt. I couldn't clearly see the girls face but she was surly attractive with long blonde locks.

The thought of this was too much for me, I made my way to the gents for some me time needing to relieve myself with all of the nylon goddesses running around in my mind!

Later that evening Helen called me. "Hey Peter"

"Hey, how did you get on?"

"Well, good but God was I distracted! Did you see the pic I sent?"

"Yes, stunning"

"I know! I couldn't take my eyes off her, and she knew it! The others were either older males or frumpy females, I just directed the whole pitch to Sophie. It seemed to work, they liked what u has to say, we should find out tomorrow. Sophie kept looking me in the eye and crossing her legs. At one point she was even stroking her thighs. I was so turned on Peter!

Afterwards as I was packing up she came and shook my hand, took my business card and gave me hers. She asked me to call her and said she enjoyed meeting me, and that it was nice to meet another young executive properly dressed and not cove_ed up in trousers."

"Well she has a point!" I chuckled

"Yes. I'm not sure yet, but I think she may be one of us. I'm going to tread carefully but time will tell.

By the way, today in my office was fun! Sooo exciting!"

"God I know but I nearly died when Toby walked in! Do you think he knew I was there?"

"No, but I'm glad you were! Listen, tomorrow is Friday and I'm catching up with my girlfriend Laura, you may remember her from the hosiery department last Saturday?"

"Sure I remember her"

"Well you've monopolised my time this week so I'm having a girly night with her tomorrow. Lots of catch up on. I was thinking though that maybe we could do something Saturday? Maybe meet for lunch in town and spend the whole day together?"

"That sounds great!"

"Excellent! I'll txt you Saturday am to confirm where"


"It's a date" she giggled. "Ok I need to go, I've some work to do then want an early night tonight. I see you in work tomorrow. Night Peter"

"Night Helen, and thank you"

"Thank you? What are you thanking me for?"

"For taking me to places I would have never da_ed to go alone! I'm at times out of my conformt zone but Helen I'm loving it"

"I am too Peter, but don't thank me it's my pleasure. Plus the best is yet to come! See you tomorrow.... Night my little nylon sissy"

"Night Helen"

Hearing her call me the name that fitted me so well, nylon sissy, it thrilled me.

I was the luckiest sissy alive.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Im in my office now stroking over this story.

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

Love this story keeps getting better and better xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great Story.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantastic story x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please . Great story

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By *riggboyMan
over a year ago


Love it x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story, more please ??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Absolutely loving this story. Best on here for a long time. Being a tights fan this is a dream come true.lol

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"Absolutely loving this story. Best on here for a long time. Being a tights fan this is a dream come true.lol"

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By *shtonwpMan
over a year ago


Love it

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By *awickdiscreetMan
over a year ago


very very nice, so sexy

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"very very nice, so sexy"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hope there's more to come

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"Hope there's more to come"

There sure is!

Thank you to everyone who has given feedback so far! So happy that my story seems so popular X

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By *i015Man
over a year ago

Millbrook, Southampton

Cant wait to read what happens next.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Looking forward to next chapter

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Brilliant cant wait x

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By *umpstyleMan
over a year ago


Great story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Best I have ever read x

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By *inky1963Man
over a year ago


Fantastic story yasmin xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Waiting patiently for the next installment

Mrs x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Such a great story!

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By *un24youCouple
over a year ago


Wonderful xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Are we going to get another chapter babe? x

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By *i015Man
over a year ago

Millbrook, Southampton

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 10

Friday was pretty non eventful, I was kept busy with some upgrades and fixes. I passed Helens room once but saw her door was closed and she was in deep discussion with Toby. Remembering how we had sha_ed his cum 24 hours earlier instantly made my cock erect in its nylon casing.

Helen text me mid afternoon checking I was still on for Saturday. I told her wild horses couldn’t keep me away. I couldn’t wait.

At 5pm I headed home stopping to pickup some wine. Getting home I showe_ed and orde_ed a takeaway. Drying myself I slipped into Helens tights that I’d worn on Thursday after swapping with her in her office. I’d washed them and couldn't wait to wear them again. Work was done for the week and now it was time to relax and I felt wonderful wearing sheer nylon. Rolling up the gossamer nylon and slowly pulling up my legs I knew I couldn't ever see a time where I woundlt want to wear such items of clothing. I felt fantastic.

My doorbell rang, knowing it would be my takeaway delivery I put on my dressing gown to keep the chill away.

Keeping my legs and feet hidden behind the door I opened it to see a gym fit young guy of around 18 yrs old in the local Pizza places uniform, my Pizza in his hands. I paid him and as he handed over my change dropped a few coins on the floor.

“Dam, sorry about that” he said bending to pick up my change. “It’s fine” I replied as I noticed him pausing, coins in hand but looking at my ankles and feet in sheer glossy black nylon.

He gave me my change, looked at me as I stamme_ed a thank you and quickly closed the door. I had just been caught in nylons, again! There was not way he wouldn’t have realised. My heart was racing.

I put the pizza on the coffee table and opened my wine, I needed a drink!

I kicked back on the sofa and watched some TV enjoying my pizza and wine. Around 9.30pm my phone pinged, it was a text from Helen.

*Hey hows my favourite nylon Sissy tonight?*

I blushed but smiled, this girl was inc_edible.

*Hey, I’m good, just chilling with TV, pizza and vino! U?*

*No nylon??*

*Of course nylon! I’ve washed and am fea_ed the pair of yours from work yesterday *

*Good…. show me*

I snapped a quick photo of my legs and feet on the sofa and awaited her response

*wonderful! I knew you wouldn't let me down, you even wear when I don’t tell you too! another test passed! Laura say’s hi too and says your legs are hot *

I blushed, so two people this evening had seen my nylon legs and I hadn’t left my bedsit!

*er you’ve told her about me?*

*Of course, I’ve told her all about you. She’s my girlfriend Peter, we share lots, including our love of hosiery*

*ok* my reply, I didn't really know what to say.

ping … I check my next message, Helen has sent me a selfie of her and Laura, all pouts and lipgloss. God they were a hot couple!

*looking hot* my reply

ping … another picture, this time of both of their nylon legs entwined. Wow that was hot indeed & I told them

*Glad you approve Sissy* was Helens reply. A little time passed and I finished my second glass of wine.

Ping …. *Hey Sissy, so noon tomorrow, meet at Costa in town?*

*Sure Helen, I can’t wait*

*Good, obv wear some tights and make sure your smooth all over, its going to be a big day for you.

*It’s a date, I can’t wait I’m going to have so much fun* I replied

Helens response is something I will never forget, it was a text saying “So are we right now” and a picture, both of the girls nylon legs in shot but one of them was wearing a strap-on dildo! My imagination went into overdrive and after several minutes of enjoying myself through Helens tights staring at the picture, I came hard into them. Time for bed, I literally had no idea what Helen had in store for tomorrow, and now after her last message my ideas we’re getting wilder!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Need more, we are both loving this x

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

This is dynamite. You've just introduced another possibility with the pizza guy? Can't wait for more. Thank you.

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"Need more, we are both loving this x"

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"This is dynamite. You've just introduced another possibility with the pizza guy? Can't wait for more. Thank you."


I had to decide if it was to be a pizza guy or girl! X

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By *he Master JMan
over a year ago


"This is dynamite. You've just introduced another possibility with the pizza guy? Can't wait for more. Thank you.


I had to decide if it was to be a pizza guy or girl! X"


Pizza boy might come back after his shift

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By *K CocksuckerMan
over a year ago


"This is dynamite. You've just introduced another possibility with the pizza guy? Can't wait for more. Thank you.


I had to decide if it was to be a pizza guy or girl! X.

Pizza boy might come back after his shift "

That's what I was hoping for! Loving this story

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By *avey997TV/TS
over a year ago

East London

Really glad there's more to this

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By *iona38ddTV/TS
over a year ago

north east fife

Really great story can't wait for more mmm

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 11

I woke around 8.30 and took my time over a leisurely breakfast before making my way to the shower. In the shower I shaved my legs then decided to completely remove the little remaining body hair I had. I don’t know why but it just felt like the right thing to do. Washing I enjoyed the sensation of being completely smooth all over thinking to myself that this may have to become a regular routine.

I dried myself off and took my time deciding what to wear, settling on a new pair of Pretty Polly Nylons tights in a natural flesh tone. I then ironed my best jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I dressed and put on my shoes, a smart but casual pair of leather bowling style shoes and prepa_ed to leave the house.

I took the bus into town and headed for Costa Coffee. I was due to meet Helen at noon so had 10 minutes to spare. I orde_ed a Mocha and found a table. This was great, I had a time to relax and people watch. At around 12.05 I saw Helen walk in with Laura. I wasn't sure if I felt jealous as I’d thought it was just going to be the two of us, but then I was just happy to be spending the day with Helen, and if it meant I got to spend my day with two beautiful women then what the hell, this would be good! Seeing them in the queue I text Helen telling her I was here and had a table near the back of the store. It took a minute for her to see the message then she spotted me smiled and waved. A few minutes later they had been served and joined me at the table. Standing to greet them both I kissed Helen on the cheek.

“Hi Peter, you’ve not formally met Laura! Laura, Peter!”

“Hi” I said

“Hey” Laura beamed and lent in offering her cheek for me to kiss.

The girls both sat down.

“So Peter, are you ready for our day together?”

“Sure am” I smiled “What’s the plan?”

“Well we thought a little shopping, a bite to eat then back to mine to prepare for the evening”

“Sounds good to me” I responded. “So what are you girls shopping for?”

“You should know a girl never needs a reason to shop” Helen quipped before adding “but we thought it would be fun with you, being as you need to expand your wardrobe, today you’ve got your very own personal shoppers and stylists, if you want to that is? What do you think?”

“wow, really, er well yeah of course, I’d love more nice things to wear. I’m just surprised, I hadn’t expected that”

“We don’t have to” Helen said “but I thought it would be nice and we could have some fun too. We want to get you a complete outfit and look and then glam you up this evening. Are you game?”

I looked at the two girls infant of me, so beautiful, exciting and clearly willing to do this and open to some fun. This was a dream come true.

“Of course I’m game, I’ll have to watch what I spend though, us lowly IT geeks don’t earn the executive salary you know, not at my level anyway”

“Don’t worry Peter, I’m sure you can afford a few items and well, us girls can help you out of needed. Its going to be fun” said Laura

“Exactly” added Helen “you’re being welcomed into an exclusive club Peter, your a very lucky Sissy!” she laughed and winked at me.

I blushed as the girls giggled. We drained our coffees and headed to the shops.

We spent the next hour meandering through several boutiques and dress shops, the girls deciding it best to start with a dress for me. I had no idea on the style or look I should go for and began to get a little dizzy with all of the suggestions the girls were making. I eventually agreed with them on a classic little black dress being old it was a wardrobe staple and a must have. It seemed like a good starting point. They guessed my size telling me I could always return it if it didn't fit. That relieved me as I didn’t much fancy trying it on so publicly. Helen insisted on buying me the dress. She wanted to be able to say she’d put me in my 1st dress!

We spent the next hour finding both girls new dresses and then looking for bags and heels. I wasn't sure about a bag having never had or needing one, the girls reminded me that dresses and skirts rarely contained pockets, I’d need somewhere to keep my money, keys and lipstick! I agreed and bought an elegant black bag, not too large just large enough with a slim elegant strap to wear over my shoulder.

For shoes we headed back to the store we had bought my heels in earlier in the week. Helen swiftly spotted the assistant who had served us that day and made straight for her. They spoke for a few seconds then turned to face me smiled and came overt where Laura and I were stood.

“Hi Peter, I’m Jenny, remember from the other day?”

“Sure, Hi” I blushed

“Well Helen tells me we need to sort you with some sexy heels! Lets see what we can do” She grinned “now your a 7 if I recall?”

“Yes” I answe_ed, still blushing.

“good, ok, well come with me” Jenny said taking my arm and leading me to several displays of shoes. She stood between Helen and Laura and pointed out a few pairs to which they agreed then Jenny said she’d be right back with my size to try on.

I wan’t sure of I could go through with this, trying heels on mid week when the shop wasn't so busy was one thing but this was a busy saturday afternoon! I confessed to the girls. They reassu_ed me and said it wan’t a problem, nobody would pay us any attention and we really needed to ensure they fitted properly.

“I know girls but I’m really not sure about this” I said

“Pleeeeease” they both said, fluttering their long eyelashes at me “for us?” and they both leant in and each kissed my cheek. My heart soa_ed. How could I deny them?!

“Oh ok” I said and waited for Jenny to return feeling my heart rate fasten.

“Here we go” said Jenny, ushering me to sit on the bench. “Lets give these a try, pop your shoes off then”

I obeyed and removed each shoe, now sitting in my stocking feet.

“Oh good you’re wearing tights, good, they’ll be better for trying these on, they’ll slip on better!” Jenny said winking at the girls who just smiled back.

I tried on four pairs, all were fantastic. I couldn't decided which I should get.

“I’m torn between these two” I told the three of them, pointing to a pair of 4” black stilettos with a _ed sole and a similar pair in beige.

“Good choice” Laura said, “both will work with your dress”

“Yes” said Helen “its up to you Peter”

“I’ll take the back ones I think please Jenny” I decided.

“No problem, I’ll put them behind the till for you” Jenny smiled. “Now, how about you girls? What can we help you with?

The girls then tried several pairs, Laura taking a pair of brown 4” knee high boots and Helen a pair of heels similar to mine only with a higher heel. Jenny served us all, I paid for mine then the girls theirs. Then Jenny handed me another bag “you’ve forgotten these lovely” she said. I looked inside and realised they were the 2nd pair of shoes I’d ponde_ed over. “My treat” Laura said and pecked me on the cheek. Today was becoming the best day ever!

Next Helen led us to a specialist lingerie boutique. It looked expensive.

We ente_ed and the middle aged assistant greeted us and told us to ask if we needed any help.

We spent a few minutes looking at lots of different items, basques, bodies, teddies, chemises to name a few. Helen turned to me “Peter, we need to pick a size for you, your going to need some breast forms to fill these bras” she smiled. I was in completely new territory having never set foot in a store like this.

“ok, whatever you think” I told her.

We approached the assistant (who turned out to be the owner). We were the only customers in the store. Helen explained we were shopping for me, and first needed some ‘enhancement’ asking what she had in stock. I was then examined, and measu_ed and the girls discussed what size I should be. They agreed on a 38c cup and the lady pulled from some drawers beneath the desk several boxed containing silicone breast forms.

We went into a private dressing room and the girls then helped me try them with a few different bras. We selected my new boobs and Helen picked a black satin bra, panty and suspender set, a pink one in a similar style and a black satin chemise. She also picked a very sexy _ed and black corset with suspenders, several pairs of panties and several pairs of tights and stockings.

The girls also chose several items and we went to pay. When the assistant ran up the bill I almost had a heart attack. I couldn’t afford all this. I took Helen to one side “Helen, I don’t know how to say this but I simply cannot afford all of this, we are going to have to put things back”

“Ok, look Peter, I’m buying this. I’d planned to anyway so please stop panicking”

“I can’t let you do that, really its too much”

“Did you see me in that meeting with Toby when you passed my office yesterday? I know you did as you linge_ed and walked very slowly” she grinned “well he was telling me that my efforts at Maguire’s impressed Sophie and the whole board, I’ve won us the deal. It’s huge. Work are VERY pleased with me. I’ve been given a raise and a very nice bonus …. maybe our fun with Toby may have helped that too be regardless I’ve been rewarded, and I’m sharing this with you” she smiled and gave me a big kiss one the lips.

“I … well … thank you Helen. I don’t know how to thank you properly”

“hmmm, well I know how, I’ll explain later” she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

She paid and suggested we took a break in a nearby coffee shop.

I told the girls to take a seat and would get the coffees, hell it was the least I could do! Returning with our drinks we sat down and reflected on our day so far and the purchases we had made.

It was agreed we were nearly done for the afternoon, but they both wanted to go into the large department store and get new makeup from the cosmetics counter. I was having the time of my life, it was like I was one of the girls yet also a boyfriend to them, it was surreal. We drank our coffees and headed to the department store.

The girls made a bee-line to the MAC counter and chatted to the assistants sampling various eye shadows and lipsticks. Laura then started looking at the foundations and asked Helen to help her, I then realised they were trying to find one to match my own skin tone! “Listen Peter, you’ll thank me for this honestly! You cannot imagine the difference a good foundation makes for you.” They found my tone and along with a few other items made their purchases. We left via the perfume department and Helen bought some Gautier Classique.

“Food?” suggested Helen “I’m starving”

“Sounds good” Laura replied

“OK” I said “but my treat, you girls have spent a fortune on me today already”

“Deal” laughed Helen. We headed to the food quarter and the girls ponde_ed where to eat before agreeing on a lovely european style restaurant. I was only 5pm so the place wasn't busy and we got a table without a reservation with ease.

We spent the next few hours satisfying our hunger and had a few bottles of wine. The time just flew. “So, whats the plan after here?” I asked?

“Well, we head home get cleaned up changed and then ready to party!” Helen said

“Hell yeah” agreed Laura “you can’t have your new clothes and not go out to show them off!”

“What? you mean go out dressed as a girl?!” I asked “I couldn’t”

“Sure you can, come on it’ll be fine, your with us”

“I don’t know Helen, what if..”

“What if nothing, seriously have we not looked after you? You were born for this, all you need is a little guidance and tuition. I say girly night, tonight!

“This is all happening so fast” I said, panicking a little.

“Well you do have to thank me properly still Peter” said Helen “and this is how I want you to do it”.

In for a penny I thought, whats the worst thats going to happen, I’ve always wanted to do this and I may never get this opportunity again. Go for it. “OK, but you’ve gotta look after me”

“I wouldn't have it any other way” Helen said raising her glass. The three of us chinked glasses and drained our drinks. We stumbled outside with our shopping bangs and jumped into a taxi for Helens.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good to read another chapter,Great stuff.xxx

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By *obbie BelleTV/TS
over a year ago

Preston, Lancaster, Blackpool

Night times the best time! Shame he went trannie black. I thought the girls might of stee_ed to the more adventurous.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yasmin you are a very talented writer. I hope you publish to some of the ebook sites So more people can read your work. I Am s big fan of erotic literature myself and do write myself.

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By *es for funMan
over a year ago

port talbot

This gets better all the time loving it x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

loving this story

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By *ames WhyteMan
over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Brilliant. Don't keep us in suspense for too long!

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"loving this story "

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By *riggboyMan
over a year ago


Love it xx

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By *ornynhappy23Man
over a year ago


Great story loving it. Just keep reading it over and over

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By *irParzival70Man
over a year ago

St Columb

Fascinating read

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this story

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By *edMan
over a year ago


Awesome stuff

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is great love it

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By *ammyTV/TS
over a year ago


More plzzzzz

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Nearly finished next chapter...

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By *i015Man
over a year ago

Millbrook, Southampton

"Nearly finished next chapter..."

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By *unrigMan
over a year ago


Great story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Totally amazing story.

Such a talented writer too. Thank you for taking the time to make us horny. X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantastic story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just tuned in, fantastic story.

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By *he Master JMan
over a year ago


Nice story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow stunning story x

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By *tacey_CD1TV/TS
over a year ago



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By *vanabeusedTV/TS
over a year ago


This story is the holy grail that we all dreamed of in our 20's !!!

If only we had the Internet back then ,,, keep it coming

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story can't wait to read more, so well written keep up the fantastic work

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Please please can we have some more? The anticipation is killing me!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can't wait for the next instalment

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By *i015Man
over a year ago

Millbrook, Southampton

"Can't wait for the next instalment "

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By *ar_1975Man
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 29/04/16 14:30:12]

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By *ar_1975Man
over a year ago


"Nearly finished next chapter..."

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By *nickers40TV/TS
over a year ago


Y cant this happen to me

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this

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By *vanabeusedTV/TS
over a year ago


Next chapter please xxxxxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This story is the holy grail that we all dreamed of in our 20's !!!

If only we had the Internet back then ,,, keep it coming "

We did have it since 1995 and you were only 18 then! What have you been doing!

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By *asmintv OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Chapter 12

We arrived at Helens and the girls sent me straight to the shower. Despite having telling them I had shaved all over that morning I was told to again, Helen giving me some lovely scented shower gel. I shaved, washed then stepped out and dried myself. I returned to Helens room and was told to moisturise all over. The girls left me alone to do this whilst the two of them showe_ed. The thought of the two of them showering together was too much. I began to massage in Helens body lotion all over, my skin felt so silky, softer, even cleaner. This was something else I would have to add to my daily routine.

The girls returned after a short while, the two of them in towels.

“Ok Peter, time to get girly!” said Helen, as Laura giggled.

The two of them busied themselves with the various shopping bags we had purchased and some items were laid out on the bed for me.

“Undies first!” Laura grinned. They had laid out the black bra, panty and suspender set for me. I stepped into the knickers. The girls chuckled at my unladylike budge and I was told to tuck. My expression gave away my confusion.

“Peter, girls are smooth at the front silly, you need to push and tuck everything underneath, make it look like you are a girl!” Helen giggled. After a few attempts I managed to get things looking better, it felt strange, not uncomfortable but would take a little getting used to.

Laura suggested to wear tights over them, they would help smooth things out so I slipped into a sheer glossy pair of flesh tone tights that made my legs look like they had been oiled. They felt inc_edible.

Next the girls helped me put on my bra and breast forms, showing me how to adjust the straps to fit and making me practice with the clasp. I had boobs! This would take a little getting used to too but it actually felt great!

Helen then slipped her satin robe around me and told me to sit. i paced myself at her dressing table whilst the two of them dried and put on their underwear and robes similar to the one I was wearing.

Next came the makeup bags. Helen opened the foundation I had purchased earlier and the two of them showed me how to apply it, giving my face a smooth even base. They explained this was they key to a flawless look and once happy with my own they started to apply their own makeup.

“You’re going to need lots of makeup of your own, but for now we’ll sort you out” Helen told me.

I was then given a masterclass in eye shadow, blending and contouring. I was shown the basics and told not to worry, it would take lots of time and practice to master it myself. Laura then produced a pair of false eyelashes and told me to close my eyes. She then applied the glue and fixed them in place.

Whilst letting the glue set, I watched the two of them expertly apply their own eyeshadows, contemplating colours and blending to perfection. It was inc_edible to watch seeing how they transformed their appearance instantly and seeing their understanding of colours. I had a lot to learn. Next they framed my eyes with eyeliner and applied mascara. They had styled my eyebrows into a neater arrangement and with a pencil changed them all together. Next came the lipgloss. I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognise myself, the image looking back resembling a mix of make and female.

Helen then applied some long false nails to my fingers. These looked inc_edible but felt very strange indeed. “You’ll need to get used to these, they will make things more difficult” Laura told me “and be careful - if you catch something and pull the nail back expect a little pain! Just make sure you don’t snag your tights with them”

The girls finished their own makeup then helped me into my new black dress. It wasn't too close fitting, flaring out at the waist and ending above the knee. The top revealed lots of cleavage but was cove_ed with sheer black fabric similar to nylon tights, Helen thought it would make it impossible to tell my false cleavage from real behind it.

“Now for the crowning glory and to complete the whole transformation” said Laura, pulling out a long wig, full in volume, laye_ed with blonde locks of several tones.

They slipped in onto my head and took a few minutes restyling and fixing with spray. I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped. I simply couldn't believe the transformation, a stunning woman was staring back at me.

“You look inc_edible” smiled Helen. Lost for words I simply managed a “thanks” and continued to stare at my reflection.

Laura handed me the shoes I had purchased earlier today and I stepped into them. Taller, and feeling inc_edible they shaped my calves and I immediately knew I didn't want to ever take them off. I told the girls this. Laughing Helens reply came “wait till you’ve had them on a few hours then tell me that. A few hours in heel is both heaven and hell”. They both laughed and hugged me.

“Well we can’t be calling you Peter looking like that can we? Do you have a girls name you would like to use for yourself?” asked Helen.

I thought for a moment then replied “Yasmin”

“Perfect” said Laura, “Hello Yasmin!”

Laura then sprayed me with my JPG perfume and I started to get used to moving, walking and standing in my new shoes and outfit whilst the girls finished getting ready. I had a whole new stance, posture and walk. Helen looked impressed.

“Ok then Yas, are we good to go?” asked Helen handing me my new bag to I could put some money & lipstick in.

“Well, no, but lets do it” my reply, adding “I take it we are going to a gay bar?”

The girls looked at each other then Helen answe_ed “Yas, looking that good, no, we are not. I’d question anyone who didn’t think you were a girl, you seriously look amazing, and you certainly don't look like a guy, a cross dresser or transvestite. Lets put it to the test, we are hitting town”

“I agree” added Laura “don’t look so sca_ed, we’ve got you. Just follow our lead tonight and you will be fine. You can so do this and totally pass as a girl”

Unsure but a little d*unk on perfume and adrenaline I couldn't go against them, they had been so wonderful to me. I coyly agreed with a “ok, lets do it”

“Girly night out here we come!” said Helen who called a taxi.

10 minutes later I took my first steps outside in high heels and dressed as a girl. It was another new experience, feeling the air on my nylon clad legs and the breeze up my dress. It was inc_edible. We got into the taxi and Helen told the driver where we were heading.

The taxi ride was a blur, my heart was racing with excitement yet I was paranoid the taxi driver knew I was a guy. If he did he didn’t let on. We go out of the cab near the pedestrianised part of town. We’d have a short walk to the bars the girls wanted to take me to.

My heart still racing, I must have looked panic struck and hadn’t spoken a word. Noticing the girls linked arms with me, one on each side. “Relax” said Helen “your going to be fine, trust me!”

Town was already getting busy and we simple blended into the various people meandering their way to party. We started to get attention from a few groups of males. Beneath my makeup I was blushing. “Get used to that Yas” Laura giggled, “you’re in for a night of it, this is what its like to be a girl on town, getting hit on by d*unken guys”. I looked at her and the two of them burst into laughter.

“Yasmin, your going to be just fine, I keep telling you” said Helen “nobody can tell, seriously, didn’t you hear those lads as they passed us? You look knock out. Enjoy it, tonight is going to be lots of fun”

We arrived at the 1st wine bar, the doorman greeting us as we walked in, already crowded me made our way to the bar. Despite being busy the barman headed straight to us and asked Helen what he could get us. “Being a girl has its perks in places like this” Laura said to me “we never wait at the bar for starters, and don’t expect to buy many of your own drinks either” she grinned.

I heard a loud pop and turned to see the barman opening and pouring a bottle of Champagne. Looking at us Helen exclaimed “what else for an occasion like tonight?!” We each took a glass and raised them “To Yasmin, to firsts and to girls nights” Helen toasted, we chinked and supped the delicious bubbles. “Come on, lets find a seat” said Laura and we managed to get a table at the side of the place. It was a stylish bar, loud music but no dance floor and had a varied crowd.

We’d not been sat down a minute when two guys appea_ed at our table.

“Hi” the 1st guy said “can we buy your girls a drink?”

Quick as a flash Laura responded “thank you, we’re drinking Champagne! We’d love another bottle of Crystal” Helen and I looked at each other thing not to laugh.

“Er … sure, ok” said the guy, and disappea_ed with his friend into the crowd.

“They’ll not be back” Helen said “Look at them, think they are players but don;t know where to begin”

“What if they do come back?” I asked slightly worried.

“Then they better have an expensive bottle of bubbles with them!” said Helen laughing “drink up Yas, you need to relax!”

I drained my glass and we pou_ed the rest of the bottle between our glasses. The bubbles were quickly going to my head and I actually was starting to relax, and enjoy myself.

“I think your right, nobody has given me a second look so far”

“Actually your wrong Yas, they have, but only to check you out, your a hot girl and even I can’t stop admiring your legs” said Helen, giving my thigh a gentle caress. That felt lovely.

We giggled and I listened to the girls discussing other people in the places, what girl was wearing what, who shouldn’t be wearing what, and what guys were checking us out. This was fun!

“Right” said Laura, “lets move on, this place is ok but we can do better. Let’s go to the new club thats opened. I know one of the doormen and I recon we can get in VIP. It’s 11 now, come on!”

We drained our glasses and headed to the door, spotting the guys who failed to buy us drinks chatting to two more girls near the bar.

The club was at the other end of the street and as we clicked down the pavement in our heels I felt a million dollars. I’d more than found my strut in heels and loved it.

Approaching the club there was already a queue outside. The three of us still linked walked past it to the door, the doormen looking at us and tone of them recognised Laura and simply said “Hi Laura, come on in ladies” and held open the door for us. In we walked ignoring the comments and complaints for the others in the queue.

We made for the bar and were quickly served, Laura ordering more Champagne. Once pou_ed the barman informed us it has been paid for by a guy at the other end of the bar. We smiled and turned to see a very handsome well groomed guy in his mid 30s raise his glass to us.

“What do we do now?” I asked Helen. “We go over and thank him of course, he may have friends!” she smiled and grabbing my arm led the way.

After some small talk and outrageous flirting from Helen, we learnt that the guy who had bought us our Champagne was called David. He was here with friends and invited us to join them.

Unsure of myself I nervously followed Helen and Laura’s lead and David led us to their table in the roped off VIP.

Davids’ friends stood as we were introduced and made room for as at their table. This club was stunning, very plushly fitted out and as it was the 1st time I’d ever been into any form of VIP area whatsoever I felt a bit like a celebrity. We sat down and began to chat and after a few minutes (me trying hard to follow Helen & Laura’s lead) I began to relax and enjoy myself. These guys whilst clearly wealthy seems very down to earth and treated us with respect.

Before long the drinks had run dry and David gestu_ed a waitress over and orde_ed more Champagne. I had completely found myself and was more than happy to be in the situation I was in. After a little time Laura announced she wanted to dance and standing her and Helen took my hands and lead me onto the dance floor. I shouted into Helens ear that I doubted I’d be able to dance in my 4” heels. “Nonsense Yas, your a natural! I’ve been watching you all night and your better on those heels than many a woman who has spent a lifetime wearing them” she shouted back.

The dance floor was packed and the DJ was 1st rate spinning all of the current and classic floor fillers. Slightly self consciously I started to dance closely trying to mimic the actions of Helen & Laura. As a guy I was never much of a dancer, this was a 1st and I got into the rhythm and found new ways of gyrating my hips and strutting my stuff. This was fun!

We were then joined by David, Carl & Ryan (Davids friends) and spent the next 20 minutes dancing and laughing. Several times I thought I felt Davids hand on my hip, waist and bum, nothing bad all acceptable and appropriate given our Dancing. Helen kept flashing her eyes at my and was trying to tell me something. After a minute she pointed to the toilets and the three of us girls left the dance floor. I suddenly panicked and grabbed Helen, this hadn’t occur_ed to me before now “Helen, I can’t go into the ladies!” I exclaimed. “Well looking like that you sure as hell can’t use the gents, your fine, come on!” and she lead the way.

This was another 1st, a small queue to enter the ladies toilets but wait, wow! what toilets!! No gents I had ever been in were this plush or clean smelling! As a cubicle became free Helen and Laura ente_ed it and pulled me in with them. This was another world, lots of conversations going on all around me. The ladies room was a world away from the gents that was clear!

Helen sat on the loo and started about her business. “Yas, I do believe you have an admirer” she teased.

“I do? Who?” my reply

“Err David!! don’t tell me you haven't noticed, he can’t keep his eyes or his hands off you!” Laura teased as she swapped places with Helen on the loo.


“Hell yes” Helen exclaimed. “What are you going to do then?” she said, nudging me in the ribs.

“I ..I’ve no idea, I mean he’s very attractive but I’ve never really conside_ed this!”

“Yas” Laura added “just go with the flow, do whatever feels right for you, we’ve got your back and won’t let anything bad happen” she added standing and readjusting her tights and dress.

“Your turn” said Helen, “and be sure to sit” she said winking and chuckling! The girls then continued to discus Carl & Ryan and if they liked them. We left the cubicle and at the wash basins freshened our makeup.

We returned to the dance floor and after a few more minutes dancing and flirting I needed to rest my now aching feet. I told the girls and David took this as his excuse to leave with me returning to our table. We sat very closely and he began making small talk asking what I did, where I was from and telling me he ran his own technology firm. He gently placed his hand on my nylon thigh, it was electric! “You know your a very beautiful woman Yas” he told me leaning closer, “would you mind if I kissed you?” he asked.

“Sure” I replied, Laura has said to do what felt right and this did. We kissed, it felt so different to kissing girls, rougher but not unpleasant. His aftershave invaded my senses and I was overcome. It may have been all of the champagne, his aftershave but I was intoxicated. The kiss may have lasted minutes or seconds I really couldn't tell, all I knew was that I was very turned on and wanted him. Our lips parted, I looked at him and spoke. “I don’t know what has come over me and this isn’t something I would normally do” I told him as I unzipped his fly and started to caress his rapidly erecting cock. David just smiled and kissed me again. After another unknown most of time we parted again, I was so aroused. I again looked at him “would you think bad of me if I did something else?” I asked looking into his deep blue eyes.

“That all depends on what you do, but no, I don’t just anyone” his reply.

I slipped to my knees and ducked under the table. I wanted to be as discreet as possible. His hard cock throbbing in my hands looked amazing between my manicu_ed fingers. I could smell his aroma as I put the tip of my tongue into the pool of his pre-cum that was forming. Another 1st for me. I then began to run the tip of my tongue over the underside of his member and circling his head. Without even thinking I parted my lips and took his head into my mouth, gently sucking and exploring with my tongue before taking it deep into my mouth and sucking. Another first! I was so turned on my own cock was straining for release, being tucked and in its nylon prison it was only semi erect. I’d have given anything to get it out there and then. I continued sucking, exploring this smooth, hard velvet pole. This felt like nothing I had ever imagined possible, I was on my knees under a table in a club fully dressed in female clothes, full makeup, a wig, with a mans erect cock deep in my mouth. Whats more this felt inc_edible. Caressed Davids balls as I continued to suck his manhood. “Don’t stop” David groaned and placed his hands either side of my face. He was starting to meet my sucking with thrusts. I sucked hard on his head and he forced his cock keeping into my mouth. I suddenly felt his cock and balls twitch before he exploded in my mouth, filling it with hot salty semen. This wasn’t my 1st taste having experience my own and Toby’s via Helens kiss in the office, this was different, a taste of its own, so warm and it seemed to fill my head and senses. I instinctively swallowed to ensure I didn't choke, it just seemed to keep on coming. After 5 or 6 thrusts he had stopped squirting, I slowed my pace yet continued sucking him dry, then removed his cock and licked him clean. I slid myself back up from beneath the table and noticed Helen looking at me smiling, she must have seen me climb back up. She spoke to Laura then they made their ay over to me. David quickly zipped his flys and tried to make small talk with the hope to throw the girls off the scent of what we ha just been up to.

“Hey you two, what are you up to?” Laura asked with a cheeky grin.

“Oh, just getting better acquainted” grinned David.

“Yas, we’re going to the loo, are you coming?” Helen asked

“Sure” I said standing and following them glancing back at David whose eyes were following my legs as I walked.

We ente_ed a cubicle “and what have you been doing young lady?” Helen teased.

“Wel, I, erm, we well… “

“You’ve been sucking his cock haven't you?” Helen said with a wicked grin

“Yes” I coyly grinned, embarrassed to actually admit it

“Go girl!” Laura said, hugging me

“Yes” smiled Helen “and do you know how proud I am of you?”

I looked at her and she smiled “and do you know how turned on I am by it?” Helen said “well let me show you” she lifted her skirt showing her sopping pussy through her sheer tights, slipping a finger inside she removed it and put it between my lips “seeing as you’ve become accustomed to sucking things, suck this my little Sissy girl” she orde_ed. She tasted devine. She removed her finger and straightened her dress.

“It seems we may have created a monster Laura, what do you say we get out of here before our Sissy girl sucks and fucks every guy in the place?” she smirked.

“Yes, the guys are a little keen, and I think given how this sissy has turned slut, we should get back to yours and continue her day of firsts with a few more!” and with that Laura pulled me in and kissed me deeply.

We used the facilities and touched up our lippy before returning to the table. The boys we’re all back with David and stopped talking as we arrived.

“Sorry to break up the party guys but its been a long day and we need to get Yasmin home” Helen explained. They looked disappointed but didn’t protest too much. We grabbed our bags and said our goodbyes. David spoke in my ear.

“Yasmin, I’d love to see you again. Look, take my number, its up to you then, the balls in your court so to speak” he said with a cheeky smile.

“Sure, ok” I answe_ed “I’m not promising anything though” wondering what the hell I was doing! David handed me his business card and kissed me on the lips. The girls pulled me away and we made out way outside.

“Oh my god Yasmin, I don’t believe it, 3 hrs as a woman and your the one pulling” Laura teased as I put Davids card in my bag. The three of us laughed and linked arms as we make our way to the taxi rank. We climbed into a Black Cab & Helen told the driver where we were heading.

The chat soon turned to the antics of the evening, both girls telling me that whilst they were slightly surprised at how I had apparently taken to things like a duck to water, they weren't surprised at how well I had taken to my new role. There was lots of caressing and hands on nylon clad legs.

Before long we had pulled up outside Helens and we climbed out. I couldn't wait to get out of my heels and told the girls. “Knew it” Helen said “but bet your hooked, are you up for more nights in heels?”

“God yes please” I replied.

Once inside Helen pou_ed us all some vodka shots and we drank to our girls day.

Laura downed hers and then another and had a devilish look about her.

“Time for another first Yas” she said.

“ok, and what is it? I questioned.

“your first night of being fucked as a woman” she replied and kissed me. Pulling back she told Helen to take me to the bedroom and for the two of us to remove our dresses and heels. She disappea_ed into the bathroom.

We ente_ed the bedroom and Helen held me close, looked deeply into my eyes and kissed me passionately. When she finally broke our kiss she helped me out of my dress and told me to remove my tights and panties, then to put my tights back on without the panties. She removed her own dress, heels and stripped so she was just in her sheer tights.

Laura ente_ed the bedroom wearing simply her sheer tights and killer heels. Swaying towards me she too kissed me passionately then broke the kiss, pushed me to the chair in the corner and simply said "watch". She kissed Helen deeply and they moved to the bed. Still kissing the began caressing each other exploring one another's bodies. Laura then slid down Helen and began to caress and kiss her nylon cove_ed legs before reaching her damp nylon cove_ed crotch. She kissed, licked and rubbed Helens pussy, Helens body in return heaving and moving with Laura's attentive touches. She then rearranged herself so they were in between each other's legs, pussys together touching. They began to grind, gyrate and hump each other, both clearly enjoying the sensation of each other and nylon. Their sighs and groans were growing stronger as their passion rose. This was the most sensual and erotic thing I had ever witnessed. They continued like this for some time pleasuring each other until Laura clearly reaching a climax, stopped, climbed off and told me to take her place.

I didn't need telling twice!

Kissing Helen deeply I positioned myself between her nylon legs and started to repeat the moves I'd watched Laura perform moments earlier. We were humping each other and the friction of the sheer nylon was heavenly - this was a new sensation but if felt fantastic, my now fully effect cock held in its nylon prison rubbing Helens pussy through its own nylon confinement.

I have no idea how long we stayed doing this by my own pre cum had mixed with Helens juices in our tights. From behind me I heard Laura speak "so then Yasmin, is our little Sissy ready to be fucked?"

Looking over my shoulder I saw Laura stood still in her tights but wearing a strapon dildo.

I simply looked at her and nodded.

"Move back towards me, get on all fours and get that ass in the air then!" She orde_ed. I moved quickly into position. Rubbing my nylon cove_ed arse she grabbed my tights and ripped a hole exposing my arse. She gently began teasing my rosebud with a finger until I felt her gently ease it in me. This felt wonderful!

"Eat Helens pussy and just relax, I'm going to take your cherry and take you to places you didn't know existed" Laura pur_ed. My lips found Helens pussy and my senses were overcome with her aroma as I lapped, feeling Laura slipping a second lubed finger inside me and gently start exploring. She found my prostate and my cock instantly twinged growing harder than I thought possible. She began gently testing me, my resistance easing by each passing moment until she was knuckle deep and gently probing and finger fucking me.

"I think your ready" Laura told me removing her fingers and generously applying lube to the dildo.

I felt the tip of the dildo touch my rosebud as she applied some gentle pressure. The head stretched my bud just enough to enter and she held it there. I groaned, this was a feeling of more pain than pleasure.

"Just relax, you'll get used to it shortly" Laura said, caressing my nylon cove_ed arse cheeks. Helen grabbed the back of my head and pushed me into her sopping pussy. "Take her cock sissy girl" she signed. The pain seemed to ease as I relaxed a little and Laura slowly thrust into me. “Oh my god I can’t take it, Laura please use a small one” I panted. She stopped moving and I could feel the dildo deep inside me, it felt like it was splitting me in two.

“Yas, this is the small one, and you can take it, infact that it fully in. Keep still, you’ll get used to it” she laughed and slapped me hard on the arse cheek making me jump. She then held onto my hips and slowly withdrew until it was removed fully, I almost instantly missed the sensation of having it inside me and she re-ente_ed in a smooth motion and slowly began fucking me. My arse was giving no resistance and suddenly I realised the pain had kinda of turned to pleasure. I was feeling sensations from deep within that I didn’t know existed. I began to meet her thrusts and her pace sped up.

“Mmmmm good girl!” encouraged Laura. “We’ve created a monster Helen, she loves this!” Laura laughed, now increasing her pace and starting to fuck me with vigor. All the time I was trying to continue licking Helen whose own breathing had quickened and was thrusting hard at my mouth.

The dildo was filling me and stimulating me in a whole new way. This was inc_edible. I lifted my mouth from Helens pussy and groaned “Please …… fuck me hard Laura, FUCK ME!” She needed no encouragement and holding on started ramming me as hard as she could, each thrust forcing my mouth to meet Helens pussy. The goals from the two of us growing and growing. The dildo stimulating my prostate and nearly taking my breath away. Suddenly the pleasure grew from nowhere and I let out a huge guttural groan as I felt my cock spasm and twice as I came hard inside my tights. Sensing this Helen clearly turned on seemed to reach her climax too as I felt her cum gush covering her nylon crotch and covering my lips, tongue and nose in her nectar.

Laura withdrew and removed the strap-on. She climbed in bed between us both and we kissed and cuddled before the three of us passed out into a deep sleep, a tangle of nylon cove_ed legs.

Sunday was spent with us repeating the fun from the previous night several times and Helen also taking me with the strap-on. They both used my mouth several times and I also fucked Helen but not Laura.

By late afternoon both Laura and I needed to head home. I gathe_ed my new clothes, dressed in my boy clothes and kissed them both goodbye. We all had to prepare for the new week ahead.

This weekend was one that I would never forget, and one that would change my life forever.

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By *iona38ddTV/TS
over a year ago

north east fife

Wow what a story I was so turned on reading that mmm

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By *i015Man
over a year ago

Millbrook, Southampton

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Such a great story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hot story. Hope there is more x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I hope there's more to come . This is so horny

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow, what would I give for a day and night like this! xx

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