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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Back in 1985 I was a 26 year old divorced dad of two, who had to move out of the matrimonial home. I finished up in a bedsit in Windsor Road in Doncaster. It was to say the least grotty, damp and smelly. About September 1985 my landlady, Linda asked me if I'd like to take the upper floor of her home as my accommodation, as my then bedsit had no central heating or creature comforts. I agreed and subsequently moved in. I had been there about a fortnight, regular cuppa's with Linda, some gratis meals and good times. Sundays lunchtimes Linda and hubby used to go to the local pub and return home for the traditional Sunday lunch, they had one teenage son at home and I was occasionally asked to join the family for Sunday lunch. Everything was fine and life was good. One Sunday afternoon, following a big lunch and some alcohol and a bit of a film I returned to my upstairs room to watch a bit of telly and generally chill when I heard Linda having one of the noisiest orgasms I have ever heard, so I turned my telly down and enjoyed the full listening experience. Now Linda was about 15 years older than me, and her hubby was much older than both of us, but it appeared that Linda was receiving his full attention and he seemed extremely capable because the screams continued for some time along with much headboard banging and squealing springs. When it all went quiet it was deathly quiet and remained that way for about an hour, then it all started again, first loud moans then squeals and then the screaming. What was a rampant, virile 20 something expected to do but turn the telly down futher and enjoy the show.

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By *ussgbrMan
over a year ago


Would love to hear more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good start more please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Got my interest

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

This latest session was a tad shorter than the first, but was non the less enthusiastic. All returned to normal in the house after that, their teenage son returned from his friends and all was well in Windsor Road. About 3 days later I shared a cuppa with Linda and we chatted about many things until we got onto the subject of my divorce. Linda commented on the fact I didn't bring 'girls' as she put it back to my room and how quiet I was in general as a lodger. we continued in this way for some time and I found out that she worked as a sales assistant in Rotherham a job her husband wanted her to leave so she could become his permanent company secretary, but linda said that she liked her independence her job gave her along with the friendships and change of scenery it offered. Oh and her uniform which se said turned heads. To be honest I'd only ever seen her dressed either casually or in her 'sunday best' and had no idea she wore a works uniform. I told her this and she smiled and sad I'd have to catch her on a day she was going to works but it was nothing special, just working clothes. Now to describe Linda, she was slim about five feet seven tall with a nice bosom and very slim shapely legs. She always looked well and wore gorgeous perfumes and make up wherever possible. Wednesday morning duly arrived and whilst I was making an early morning coffee in the kitchen I caught sigt of Linda in her uniform, a simple black skirt and white blouse with black vertical stripes, she had bare legs and black courts on and looked, well, quite tasty, hair and make up were to come after her brekkie, along with her stockings she told me because she always managed to ladder them in the period between putting them on and getting into her neat little Volvo car. My ears pricked up at the word stockings, but rom experience ladies often said stockings even when referring to putting on tights.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep going

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Well I saw her leave, all dressed black nylon on her legs and hair make up and lippy done. looked good and that was it for a few days. I returned home from work and Linda was doing house work, jeans, tee shirt , flats, hair tied up, and we started chatting. I sat on the stairs up to my attic floor and she stood on the landing. She started to tidy a few things away, and put items in the chest of drawers that were on the landing, one of which was a quite thin black suspender belt, she obviously picked up on my interest, because she sort of held it to her, not in a sexy or inviting way just sort of held it. Anyway, we chatted and that was it went about our business. Imagine then the following Saturday morning when I had returned from a trip into town, and as I got onto our shared landing there on the chest of drawers were three pairs of stockings brand new, in their packaging for all to see, now this was the 80's and as I recall there were a pair of very pale sage green nylons and a pair of black but I cannot recall the colour of the last pair. Imagine my delight on Sunday when I'm again invited not only to lunch, but to join Linda and Alan for a swift drink at the nearby working men's club,I was so glad I agreed, because Linda was dressed in a Safari style Suit, and what were definitely the sage coloured nylons I saw the previous day, plus full lippy, make up nails and heels which I think were a sort of grey ish colour. Alan was well dressed too, but being mid 20's with not much cash I was smart but casually dressed. When we got to said WM club, heads turned and a few comments were passed about Linda looking good and all the rest of the banter. after a while, we'd had a few drinks and when Linda went to the toilet Alan asked if we should 'Get her' meaning Linda a bit tipsy, he said a couple of brandy and babycham and she's be dancing on the tables. Although I liked this idea, inside I was in turmoil, confused basically because I didn't know what to expect. However, Alan took the lead and duly purchased a brandy and babycham, Linda to her credit asked him if he was trying to get her d*unk then downed the drink in quick time, after about another forty five minutes in the WM club it was time to leave and despite Linda having imbibed about four B&B's she was to all intents and purpose stone cold sober, and it was Alan and Me, who had been on the pints who seemed the worse for wear. Lol. anyway, we all left hand in hand - not in any romantic or sexual way, but in a friendly manner - for Windsor Road and our Sunday lunch. Alan kept on making saucy remarks to Linda who kept nudging him and telling him off for embarrassing not only himself but both of us too. He responded with I bet Paul would like to embarrass you both or some such comment, which to be honest elicited several reactions, a definite tingling in my lower regions, a quickening of the pulse and an overwhelming sense of embarrassment. Linda made light of the subject saying that I'd probably prefer someone closer to my own age and that Alan should stop trying to show us all up! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Mmmm hope there's more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Like this . . .

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Well we got home and had sunday lunch which was accompanied by more wine, for Linda and more beer for Alan and me. after lunch their teenage son went out to his mates and Linda, Alan and me settled down in front of the TV. Now the lounge had a chaise long affair which Alan and Linda sat on while I plonked myself in a nice comfy chair by the fire. We were watching some mundane TV fodder, but I could see that Alan was stroking Linda's leg and thigh running his hand slowly up and down and through the material of the skirt, and I could see Linda was starting to squirm and wriggle about on the chaise, I guess it all got a bit too much because the next thing she announced that she was going for a lie down what with all the drink and big lunch - although I didn't see Linda eat massive platefuls - and off she went, about ten minutes later Alan said he was gong tom join her but that I should enjoy the TV and they'd see me later. My curiosity was aroused when about ten minutes later Linda let out a banhee wail and screamed Oh god! over and over again. Cue much screaming and moaning accompanied by the banging of the headboard and the bedsprings squealing. I have to say that within seconds I was one very hard rampant boy. With no witnesses or chance of being caught I whipped out my very hard cock and wanked whilst Linda and Alan provided the entertainment. I was imagining her spread wide, dressed only in her lingerie, nylons and perfume taking what sounded like an artillery grade pounding. gain like the previous week it all went quiet for a while until festivities resumed and Linda got another seriously hard pounding. It was really getting too much. About an hour later, both came back down to the living room, Linda in a fluffy bathrobe and Alan in his dressing gown. Alan winked ad said something about hoping he hadn't disturbed me during the film, Linda simply repeated the same. Now, I was in two minds whether to say anything or pass a witty comment or make some banter but good manners prevailed and I kept quiet. However, when I returned to my room, on the floor in a very untidy heap outside Linda and Alan's bedroom was a pair of black lacy knickers, with matching bra and the same thin black sussie belt, along with the discarded sage green stockings. I picked up the stockings which were sheer and soft to the touch and imagined them on Linda's slim shapely legs which in turn would be wrapped around my back or over my shoulders. Little did I realise that I would in fact hit lucky in that department.

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By *lutandhubbyCouple
over a year ago

west midlands

more!. xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Mmm more please

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


Great writing

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Well Monday came round and I was at work for 6am and so didn't see anyone that morning. I returned from work about 3 pm and when I got to my room found that someone had placed three contact mags on my bedside table. I was intrigued. At around 6pm the house came alive with people returning from work and I went down stairs to make some tea and have a chat. Linda was there in her work uniform, black nylons which I took to be stockings black courts and full make up lippy and nails. While she busied herself I mentioned to Alan the magazines in my room, he smirked and asked me my feelings on contact mags. Not having had any contact with that side of life, and coming through a messy divorce where my wife had slept around I gave an answer that I thought reflected my situation. Alan countered this with a full explanation of the swapping scene and how a lot of people refused to be bound by the traditional conventions of marriage and sought out fun and experiences in other ways. He then said, I thought that yesterday afternoon was going to be the one, Linda really likes you and I thought that it was going to happen for us with you. God was I hard and very very interested. Alan went on to say that Linda had in fact suggested it and he'd jumped at the opportunity with enthusiasm. He then told me that business was going to take him away to France for a few days at the end of that week, that Linda was very fond of me and that if the situation arose we should explore the possibilities. The bonus was both of their sons Melvyn and Kieran were going to France with Alan and their daughter Lynn was away at Uni. I couldn't believe my luck. In fact it was all too good to be true. I was a bit flustered, very randy and hard as iron so, bravery up I asked: Is Linda wearing Stockings today, Alan smirked and said that it was for them to know and me to find out. Fuck I was so rampant that I couldn't eat my tea. I needed pussy and I needed it there and then like any rampant, sex starved 26 year old would!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Like it warming up nicely keep it going please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh please continue

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

keep posting

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please loving this

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Well Monday evening passed without event, as did the rest of the week. I started a weekend of night shifts on the Friday, and so was up and about mid morning when Alan and the lads said their goodbyes. Then it all went quiet and Linda offered me a cuppa, we sat in the garden room and chatted about this and that, this particular morning she had a black top on and a black woollen skirt, black nylons and heels and very 'gothy' make up, all in all she looked hot. She told me she had to go shopping and we made small talk, all the while she crossed and uncrossed her legs whereby I'd get a flash of stocking top or more often than not a lot of leg, more than would have been ordinarily necessary. I had Levi jeans on which were reasonably well fitted and I didn't think she could see me swelling down below but it felt as though it'd burst!! Well truth be told I asked her, although I knew the answer, are you wearing stockings? and she replied yes why? It was all too much I just

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You just......

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Moved across the room and sat beside her on the sofa. It didn't take long before we were kissing. She didn't kiss like my ex- wife, or some others I had kissed but she was very good! I was absolutely rampant and decided to make a move, so I let my hand drop to her leg and started to stroke it through the material of her skirt, which was lined. The lining swished against her nylons, and the skirt rose up her legs a little giving me a better view of her slim shapely legs. They weren't long like my current Mrs's but they were very nice to the touch. After a while I decided to move up a gear and slid my hand up Linda's skirt, her sheer nylons felt good on her legs, soft and silky to the touch, we kissed in that breathless way that you do and small gasps were escaping her lips, not on the same scale as when she and Alan were together, but they spurred me on. My hand stroked and caressed her leg and when I reached the top, I lingered on her bare high, and played with the bobble on her suspender fastener. As I slid my hand right up to the top, her lacy black knickers were revealed, and a dark patch of pubic hair was visible though the lace. Crikey, I was hard and so bloody rampant. I hadn't been anywhere near a female for months! As I moved toward her pussy Linda parted her legs, well just dropped them apart, slowly and effortlessly, it was so bloody horny, I moved to stroke her clitty through her lacy knickers and felt her warmth, I stroked and toyed like I never had before, and she squirmed and made soft sighing noises as we kissed. I finally slid one questing finger onto her clitty and stroked and teased, easing the end of one finger in and out of the entrance to her pussy, she was so wet, and as I teased more, she started to lift her bum off of the sofa and squirmed, wriggled and arched her back, the moans became louder, and hen I slid one finger in, then a second and slowly, teasingly fingered her not to cum, but the naughty side of me thought to tease her and keep her on the edge until It became unbearable for us both, then I'd do my best to make her cum big time. All this time I was planning to pull her to the edge of the sofa, remove her knickers and play some more!

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By *ootfancierMan
over a year ago


keep going best story on here for a long time!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

One of my all time favourite sex acts is giving oral, and I just had to get my head between Linda's legs, I just wanted to be there, all the while I was working with my fingers and kissing lips and moving to her neck. I just had to give oral sex to this lady, but the pleasure at this moment was just so intense. Then I did it, my voice hoarse I asked her to slide her bum to the edge of the sofa. Strange now but as I recall it was a bobbly orange material similar in texture to that of her skirt, which by now was pushed up around her waist in a quite unladylike fashion. So here I was, my older landlady, spread out like the finest feast a man could wish for, laid before me, and I was the gourmet. as she slid that pert little bum onto the edge of the sofa cushion, her legs only slightly spread now and the weight of her legs supported by the heels of her court shoes I knew I had to pleasure Linda in every way possible, and of course enjoy the experience. I put both hands on the waistline of her knickers and pulled them down her legs, enjoying the swishing sound the movement made as they slid along her black nylons. She lifted each foot almost daintily as I pulled them clear and let them drop to the floor beside us, her pussy was now open to me and my tongue and fingers and ultimately my extremely hard and rampant 26 year old cock. Then slowly I started to kiss her along her legs, first one then the other, licking her inner thigh and enjoying the little gasps and sighs that accompanied her squirms and arched back, so back to work, firstly with my fingers while all the time kissing and flicking my tongue against her legs, thighs and around the outside of her gorgeous pussy. Mmmmm

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this keep going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

so horny don't stop there

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I moved my tongue further down and teased and lapped at her clitty very slowly, and then started to lick her in various ways, Linda reached down and parted her pussy lips, the first woman ever to do that for me, and I really went to town, she started to moan very loudly, and her back arched, her legs were writhing about and wound up over my shoulders her bottom was going up and down on the sofa and when I looked up she was gripping the back of the sofa with both arms, and then I just slipped a finger into the entrance of her pussy and stroked slowly whilst all the time my tongue was working overtime at her clitty, I slid another finger inside her pussy and felt the pressure of one of her hands on the top of my head pushing my face deeper into her pussy. He bucking got worse he whimpers louder until I muscles tighten around my fingers, and she screamed the place down. I pressed on with my tongue and fingers, here was this sexy lady orgasming on my fingers and tongue and I carried on, no one had let me before, but Linda rode every wave and spurred me on, swearing and talking dirty between screams and loud gasps. I worked my tongue and fingers faster and faster and still she came, one court shoe flew off her foot closely followed by the other, her legs clamped around my head, and still she rode the orgasm. Fuck this lady was a gift and could she orgasm. I loved it, she was so wet and so receptive and down below inside my Levi's I was so incredibly hard I thought I'd explode!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Mmmmm don't stop

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ohn-sheenaCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *ikeC2012Man
over a year ago


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By *retty womanWoman
over a year ago

Near Bournemouth

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

thumbs up from me

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By *lutandhubbyCouple
over a year ago

west midlands

and us

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Love it please carry on

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By *ivilizedkinkCouple
over a year ago


More more , hell thats turning me on

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By *ood tongue!!!Man
over a year ago


very good cant wait to read more

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great story - love to hear more!

Sounds like she's a 'lively one'

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Next part please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More loving this

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By *iceguy12345678Man
over a year ago

Fareham ish


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *cubaman3Man
over a year ago


continue plzzzzzz

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By *aidbacklookingMan
over a year ago


Getting good, keep going pls

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By *andG4moreCouple
over a year ago


" "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well horny

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By *opman1111Man
over a year ago


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By *obby19275Man
over a year ago


Fantastic..more please

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By *ime for me21Man
over a year ago


Nice. Shame no more as op has left

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By *mooth tongue 4uMan
over a year ago


Great story , keep it going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good story keep going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *im69000Man
over a year ago


Keep it going don't stop now

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Very horny and sexy mmmmm xa

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