By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Okay, Ally. You have one shot at this. Your a great lawyer. They should be begging to have you here. You can do this. Your Allison Tanner. You aced The Bar, you can ace this interview. You'll-"
A flush of a toilet signals that I'm in fact not as alone as I thought in huge restroom. I stop dead in my tracks. I should've known. I hear a door to one of the stalls open. I watch in the mirror with intent on finding out who had heard my little pep talk. I gasp as I recognize the person immediately as they turn the corner to the sinks. Lillian Fairbanks, the one and only. My soft brown eyes meet her fierce green ones and my eyes unconsciously move down her body. Taking in her bountiful bust in a tight silk blouse and toned arms and legs in a tight skirt. Damn. An immediate fire igniting between my legs. I swallow as my eyes move back up to meet hers as she walks to the sink next to mine. Her soft blonde hair pulled back into a bun. Still looking at me in the mirror with a calm and professional look she speaks to me as she washes her hands.
"We should be begging to have you here, should we?"
She says with a slightly icy tone. I blush and finally tear my eyes away from her hole burning gaze. When I look back up into the mirror she has turned around and walked to a paper towel dispenser. Pulling out at least 4 sheets of paper towels as I let my eyes wander down to her trim ass and legs. For a woman at the age of 37 she could pass off as 25. I notice her starting to turn around and my eyes flick up to hers, my staring doesn't go unnoticed and I blush slightly harder. She raises her eyebrows to her earlier question, swiftly shrugging off my staring thankfully. I straighten my back and take a few steps forward and put my hand out for her to shake. She doesn't even glance at my hand as I introduce myself.
"Hi. I'm Allison Tanner. I'm here to interview for the opening. It's an honor to meet you Ms. Fairbanks."
My voice slightly shaking. This woman was intimidating and she was making me more unsure of myself by the second. She surprisingly smirks at me and throws away the wet paper towels.
"I heard your name when you were talking to yourself. Introductions are kind of irrelevant at this point Ms. Tanner. Have Julia send you into my office in 5 minutes."
I blush and nod my head slightly. With that she turns and walks to the door and walks out of the restroom. I take a deep breath and let my hand drop to my side. She seems to have an affect on me that only a few people actually have. She makes me who I'm not. An intimidated woman with no courage, and I simply can't say no to her or turn my back on her. I turn back to the mirror and see the deep red painted across my cheeks from the encounter. I sigh and walk out of the restroom. I walk over to the sweet older lady and tell her that Ms. Fairbanks wants to see me in 5 minutes. She gives me a small knowing smile.
"You met her I take it?"
My fading blush comes back with a rush and my cheeks are red yet again. I look down briefly then back to the woman with a small nod. She chuckles and swivels her chair around and points down a hallway.
"If she said 5 minutes then your already late. Around here we're always 5 minutes early. Go down this hall, take a left and her office is at the end of that hall. Got it sweetheart?"
She asks. I give her a thankful smile and nod my head.
"Yes. Thank you."
She smiles back and turns back to answer the office phone with a "Lillian Fairbanks & co. This is Julia speaking, how may I help you?". I start to walk down the hall and take a left. There are multiple cubicles on my left but big executive offices on my right. I continue walking, my eyes set on the door at the end of the hall. I finally reach it and take a deep breath before I knock. I hear an answer from inside.
"Come in."
I open the door. I see Lillian sitting behind a big mahogany desk writing something down on papers. I take a quick glance around the room. It was full of all the traditional lawyer books and more. Though, no picture frames or personal items to connect anything to her social life. My eyes go back to her.
"Your late. Sit."
She says while continuing to write. I close the door behind me and move to one of the two seats in front of her desk.
"Sorry Ms.-"
She cuts me off and finally looks up at me. Her green eyes enough to make me gasp but I hold it back.
"How old are you Ms. Tanner?"
I cross my legs and I think I see her flick her eyes to my legs for a mere second. No, she was to professional for that. Get a grip, Ally.
"I am 28."
She purses her full red lips and nods her head. She scoots her chair back an inch and pulls out a drawer.
"Good. Your not to old, or too young."
Check one. I see her pull out a file folder labeled 'RESUMES' and opens it up. She grabs the top paper and slides the folder back into the drawer and closes it again. My eyes watching every move of the toned woman's body. She scoots back into her desk and rests her elbows on the hard wood as she props her chin up with her hands.
"Do you always talk to yourself in restrooms Ms. Tanner ?"
I blush at the question. She looks up at me with her green eyes for a serious answer. I clear my throat nervously and shake my head.
"Umm, no. Not very often."
I see the corner of her mouth twitch up into a smirk until she takes on the role of professionalism again. She looks down to my resume then picks it up and sets it to the side. She looks up at me again.
"Your resume..."
She draws out. I wait for a negative comment.
"It's outstanding...I'm slightly impressed and I'm not very easily impressed Ms. Tanner."
Check two. I preen at her subtle praise and sit up straighter in my chair with a small smile. She stares at me for a while, looking me up and down. She gives a soft hum of approval and stands up. I watch her strong form walk in front of her desk. She crosses her amazing legs and leans back against the desk with her hands on the side to steady herself. Her eyes feel like they were trying to search my soul. But I don't back down from her stare, I uncross and cross my legs. She does it again. Her eyes flicker to my ivory skin and I know I've seen it this time. So the boss has a thing for the ladies, huh? Interesting. I've heard rumors but never believed them. As an active member of the lady lovers club, I didn't want to get my hopes up about my blonde, long legged, hardcore boss being a womanizing dyke. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of her possibly wanting me. Of course, I don't think she would really want me. She was professional, not the type of woman who sleeps with her employees...wouldn't hurt to see if she might though. She finally speaks again.
"I believe that I've found the right candidate for the job but you must consider what this job entails Ms. Tanner."
I try to hide my excitement the best I can and shoot her a small smile.
"I'm up for any task that you give me Ms. Fairbanks."
She gives me a hard stare and my smile fades.
"You will be working ungodly hours with me and the other associates. You will have less and less of a social life until your first year is up. Your friends? You won't see them. The people here are your friends now. You will most likely become sleep deprived in the first week, maybe the second if your lucky. You'll be eating take-out for most likely the rest of your time at the firm. We work hard, we work dirty and we have rules. If I think you are not working hard, your gone. If I think you can't get the dirt we need, your gone. If you break a rule, your gone. If I say jump, you ask how high. I don't like to be disappointed by the people I hire. Do you understand this, Ms. Tanner?"
I look at her and think, I like a challenge. This woman will definitely give me a challenge. I nod my head firmly.
"I understand clearly Ms. Fairbanks. I'm ready."
She finally cracks a small smile and stands up straight. I stand up with her and she finally shakes my hand. Her grip is firm yet soft.
"Welcome to Lillian Fairbanks & co. Ms. Tanner."
I smile back. She lets go of my hand and moves to the door. She opens it and calls out to I assume her Secretary.
A small woman with a thin frame and red hair moves her roller chair out of her cubicle enough to see her boss.
"Can you give Allison here the usual run down? Maybe a tour also. She'll be in Jeremy's old office."
The woman named Kelly smiles at her boss.
"Sure thing, boss."
The powerful woman turns back to me.
"Kelly is my personal assistant. She will show you your office and give you a quick tour. You have half an hour to be done with that. I have to be in court in 40 minutes, I expect you to be in the front lobby ready to go. This is your first day Ms. Tanner. Don't make me regret my decision."
I smile excitedly and nod my head.
"I promise you won't Ms. Fairbanks."
She nods her head back and I walk out the door to Kelly. She stands up and smiles at me. She holds out her hand and I shake it firmly.
"Kelly Hanson. As Lillian told you, I'm her PA."
She takes the lead and turns right down another hallway and continues to talk. I follow behind her and take out a pad and pen just in case if something important is spoken.
"I get her coffee and anything else she needs. I am the only one here she lets call her Lillian. Calling her Lillian is against rule one."
I write down rule one as we take a left.
"Rule number two. She is always right. Always. If you think she is not, she wants to hear about it but only when you and her are alone. If you turn out wrong, your off the case."
I write down the second rule as we reach my new office. We don't walk in though. We stop at the closed door.
"Rule number three. If you are late without an explanation, you get a punishment. Don't worry, the punishment is paper work. It's not fun. It's not easy. So don't be late."
She turns the knob of the door and pushes open the door. My head snaps up after I finish writing. I smile as I see a smaller but similar mahogany desk in the middle of the room. The two walls on the right and left are full of book cases. You can't even see the wall behind them they take up the whole wall. I large window behind the desk with a view of the other part of the building we just walked from and the city below. Kelly leans against the doorway as I take in my office. After a few more seconds I turn around as she tells me rule number four.
"Rule number four. Respect everyone who works here. Janitors up to Lillian. If you don't, we don't have respect for you and you are out of the firm."
I quickly write it down and she smiles and jerks her head the other way.
"Come on. We got 15 minutes to give you the tour."
We walk out of my office and close the door behind us. She starts to walk back the way we came.
"You'll meet the other associates tonight when we have our New Comer meeting."
I fast walk to keep up with her. For such a small woman she was fast.
"New Comer meeting?"
She smiles and turns left.
"A meeting all about you sweetheart. Trust me, it's not as scary as it sounds. This is..."
I space out and think for a second. A New Comer meeting...all about me...what was there to talk about?
Fingers snapping in my face brings me back to earth. I see an annoyed Kelly staring back at me.
"Stay with me dreamer girl. This room is called 'The Closet'. It has every record of every case we've ever won, lost or got a neutral verdict on. You'll be spending multiple nights in here on your first year. Now, let's go to the break room."
I follow her down another long hallway. Our tour continues to the break room, associates hallway, helping hands and ends at the lobby. Once we get there I have two pages of my notepad full and Ms. Fairbanks is talking to the woman I met earlier, Julia. Ms. Fairbanks sees me and Kelly and says a goodbye to Julia. She starts to walk to the elevator.
"Do you like your office Ms. Tanner?"
She calls over her shoulder as she reaches the elevator. I walk up next to her and smile.
"Very much Ms. Fairbanks. It has a beautiful view."
She smiles and let's out a small chuckle as the doors open and she steps into the elevator. I follow right behind her.
"I often get more comments about the desks then the view. Kelly, I would like my usual coffee when I get back from court."
Kelly smiles and I bite my lip. Should I not like the view?
"You got it boss."
The doors close and I finally realize I'm in an elevator with The Lillian Fairbanks. I become nervous and shift on my feet. What was wrong with me? I'm never like this! She sees this and clears her throat.
"Ms. Tanner?"
I turn my head to her.
She lets amusement cross her eyes as she turns her head and looks at me.
"If I wanted a nervous lawyer to come with me to court I would've brought someone else. Understood?"
I blush and nod my head yes. She chuckles and turns her eyes back ahead as the doors open.
"And if I wanted a blushing school girl I would brought my 'head over heels for the idea of love' little sister with me."
She walks out of the elevator and leaves me dumbfounded and blushing harder then before. I quickly walk after her. She told me she has a sister. Grant it it was because she was making fun of me but maybe, just maybe she was starting to warm up to me.
I watch her stride across the marble floor. Interrogating the suspect on the stand. She calculates every move she makes, every word, every fact. Within an hour she finally closes the one week long trial with a win. I smile and along with multiple others stand up and clap for her and her client. Ms. Fairbanks smiles and looks back at me. She shoots me a smile and a heart throbbing wink. I sit back down as she starts talking to her client. A few minutes pass and a new case starts to trickle into the court. She walks back to me with a smile on her face and I stand up and smile back.
"Congratulations Ms. Fairbanks. You were absolutely amazing."
She smiles brighter and we start to walk out of the court building.
"What made you so interested in becoming a lawyer Ms. Tanner?"
I smile and we slide into her red Chevy. She starts the car and drives in the direction of her law firm.
"You did."
She gives me a confused and curious look, a small smile spreading across her lips. She was beautiful when she smiled and wasn't just scowling the whole time.
"Okay, I'm intrigued. What do you mean 'I did'?"
I smile and turn towards her a little more, my skirt riding up my legs just a tiny bit. It doesn't go unnoticed by her and her eyes flick to my legs, which doesn't go unnoticed by me. I smirk a little but decide to let her by with it.