By *ecciuk OP TV/TS
over a year ago
Bristol |
I’m Richard. It was going to be another normal day, get up, kiss good morning to my fiancé, eat breakfast, have a coffee and get off to work by 7am to churn through some accountancy spreadsheets.
I wake up. I don’t know where I am. The window to my left is open, the door to my right is shut.
I have vague memories of walking to work when a van stopped by my side, four guys jumped out, grabbed me and sedated me. A dream?
I realise my arms are handcuffed to railings on the bed and my feet are tied to the end. I’m itchy all over but can hardly move.
Above me is a mirror hanging from the ceiling. I see my reflection, completely transformed into a woman, from top to bottom. My hair is long, brunette and wavy and I have full makeup. Done by a professional. I look like a model from a magazine. All body hair has been waxed, I have prosthetic breasts and I’m wearing a perfect fitting purple mini-dress ready for a party. My fingernails are manicured and French polished and I have bangles on my arms. My feet wear some size 7 high heeled pumps.
Not long after waking and before I have the chance to scream for help, the door opens and in comes a smart Japanese man.
“Don’t get up”, he says.
“Where am I?”
“We are arranging your wedding. Don’t be alarmed”
“What wedding?”
“We have prepared you for your audition. You will be observed by our clients and the highest bidder will have the pleasure of looking after such a beautiful specimen”. He replies as he caresses my cheek.
“We’ve had a team of beauticians and stylists work all morning on your image. I hope you are pleased with what you see”.
Three ladies enter the room, wearing smart medical or nurse overalls. One slips a small pill into my mouth and makes me drink a glass of water.
“What was that” I asked.
“Just to calm your nerves and help you play the part”. They un-cuff me and usher me through to a grand hallway with beautiful paintings and flowers on the wall.
The Japanese says, “You will be asked questions by our clients. Please answer appropriately. Do not mention you are actually a man. My team have done an impeccable job, so you must act the part.”
He continues, “Speak softly with a higher pitch than usual and when you move, move gracefully. Let me see how you walk in heels.”
He directs me to walk up and down the hallway. My heels fit so perfectly that it feels natural to walk in them.
“Roll your hips as you walk. Move like water. Sway like a reed in the wind”.
I spin around on the spot and walk smoothly back to the man. “Good” he remarks.
The nurses direct me into a dark room. Where I see two dimly lit couches. “Take a seat here” one of them says.
The door shuts behind me. I sit down.
Three spotlights turn on and the Japanese guy introduces me: “Next we have Rebecca”. I vaguely see rows of faces in front of us. I realise I’m on a stage in a dark theatre. Many seats are in the shadows and a camera recording us on the stage.
“Rebecca is a 24 year old, slim brunette from England. Who would like to take the first questions?”
A man stands and emerges from the auditorium. He sits on the couch next to me.
“Whats your favourite film”
“The house bunny” I say, without hesitation!
“What do you look for in a man?”
“Mediterranean looks, polite, well mannered, respects women and buys me gifts!” I say!
Questions continue. One after another, more men come and sit in front to take a good look at me and ask their questions.
“How is your housework? Cooking, cleaning, etc?”
“Oh, I would love to do anything for you!” I reply.
“When did you first have sex?”
I utter, “I’ve never had sex before”
“You’re a virgin?”
“Yes” I reply. The audience mutter.
Another man sits down on the couch opposite me. “Come here. Sit on my lap”.
Without a pause I find myself standing up and doing as the man asked.
He caresses my silky, purple dress wrapped tightly around my slim body. With his hands on my waist, he smells the sweet Victoria’s Secret perfume on my hair and kisses me on the nose.
He whispers in my ear, “Show me how good your blow job is”.
I slide my body down his knees and turn to kneel on the floor. My fingernails glide down his smart suit and I slowly unzip his trousers.
I pull out his large snake-like penis and run my fingers around the end. I look into his eyes as my lips near his head.
First, a little lick down the length. Then a small bite of his foreskin. Then I rotate my tongue around the end. Then my lips engulf his bulging cock. Its all so natural to me, I just automatically continue to perform oral sex on a man I’ve never met before, without objection.
I feel his hands softly hold my head either side. My earrings jangle by his fingers. And he gently pushes his penis further into my mouth. I gag as it enters my throat. He says “Faster” And I clench my teeth over his thickening schlong as I feel it choking me.
He groans as I suck harder and harder. He pops and I feel a jet of hot, salty cum hit the back of my throat.
I swallow and once again look up at him. He is panting and mutters “wow”.
I get up, wipe some semen from my lip and return to my couch as he walks back to his seat.
The Japanese man returns. “Bidding will commence in 5 minutes” He announces.
He directs me to stand and leave via the same door I came in with. The nurses are there to guide me into another room.
The nurses sit me at a back-stage dressing room, with bright lights around big mirrors.
There, they have an entire collection of makeup, accessories and beauty tools. My lipstick and foundation had been smudged by the customer. So they re-touch my makeup and tell me they are preparing me for the next stage.
Once I’m ready, they take me through to the next room, a giant wardrobe, with hundreds of wedding dresses all lined up on stands and hangers.
They ask me to undress and remove my shoes.
I oblige and for the first time, I see myself in the mirror with nothing but my underwear. Silky white panties and a beautiful shiny silver and white bra. I stroke my hands over my smooth body. Never before have I felt it like that. I feel so sexy.
One nurse comes up behind me and wraps a corset around my waist to check how it fits. “This dress will do perfectly” She says.
She stands me on a small pedestal, puts on some new, glossy white heels and begins a rather lengthy process of attaching the various petticoat, silk skirt and corset to my body.
“You have such a beautiful figure” She tells me.
Once I’m fitted, I look at myself in the mirror again. An amazing sight, I am so turned on by what I can see. I can’t believe I could be so dramatically transformed into such a gorgeous image.
In come three beautiful young ladies in green silk dresses and flowers in their hands. “These are your bridesmaids” Says a nurse.
They set my veil and we leave the building to go to a nearby hall. I try to recognise where I am as we walk, but nothing is familiar.
Once in the hall I am greeted by the Japanese man again. He takes my hand and says “We have found a wonderful suitor for you”.
The doors open and we walk down the aisle of a large church-like hall. Smartly dressed people fill the seats and watch as I walk towards the front.
A priest welcomes us to the stage. He’s not a christian priest but there are candles behind the altar. In fact, I don’t recognise any religion associated with him. The Japanese leaves me there and sits down.
“We are here-by gathered to witness the marriage of Rebecca and Robert”. I look to my side. A handsome man stands there, smiling at me. I hadn’t seen him before. I smile back, nervously.
“If anybody should object to the marriage of these two people, then they should speak now”. I didn’t dare say a word!
Speaking to Robert, the priest states: “It is compulsory by law, that I make first use of your bride to test that she is capable of your needs in the binding of the institution of marriage”. Robert acknowledges and steps aside.
I look at him, confused, then back to the priest. Who invites me to sit up onto the altar. My white flowing dress fluffs out over the stage. I support myself leaning backwards with my hands. My back is facing Robert, the Japanese man and the rest of the seated audience.
Before I know it, the priest’s hand slides up my silk skirt. fumbles under the petticoats and lifts them all up to reveal my underwear. My legs part and wrap around his body. His finger meets my groin. My penis begins to erect. He slides his fingers down my smooth skin towards my anus and massages it gently.
He pulls some lubrication from his pocket, squirts it on to my ring and opens me up further. “Oh” I groan, breathing heavily.
My head rolls back and I sigh as his fingers go deeper.
He walks two fingers in and up my prostate, making me harder still and sighing with anticipation of whats to come next.
He picks up one of the candles from behind the altar. Blows it out, checks its cool enough and enters it into my rectum. I groan again. He rotates it around inside me slowly, before pulling it out and licking it.
He smiles at me and says “Very good”. Then, lifts up his gown to reveal his hard cock ready to penetrate my small hole. He knocks it against my anus three times and adds more lube.
In it goes, and I murmur. I’m not sure if its pain or enjoyment as he expands my sphincter.
He thrusts it in. And out, and in again.
My heart beats faster as he fucks me hard on the altar.
He speeds up and groans an almighty cry. He comes inside me and his body relaxes into me. He withdraws his penis and stands up to face the audience.
“Rebecca and Robert, I now declare you man and wife. Robert, you may fuck the bride”.
The priest leaves the stage to lay down and Robert comes over to me. He stands me up, raises my veil and kisses me. The audience clap.
He turns me around, thrusts me back onto the altar, front first, lifts my skirt and pushes his own fat penis into my ass.
I scream as he fucks me even harder than the priest did. My heart racing, sweat pouring. My makeup smudging in the heat.
He pounds me again and again and I can’t help but cum in my dress. I scream louder at such a high pitch, higher than I ever had before. He continues, regardless and fucks my man-pussy, still wet with the priest’s juices. People from the audience come and take photos and videos with their iPhones, all around me.
He groans and groans as he thrusts more and more, but I’m already done and feel numb and almost sick, but loving it at the same time.
Finally he gasps as I feel my rectum fill with hot sauce. He removes it and I can rest.
Robert leaves without saying a word. The Japanese man says “Rebecca, you were a fantastic bride. You are now free to go. But don’t forget, Robert may need your assistance again in future, and as you are now his wife, you are obliged to obey his orders”.
The bridesmaids take me back to the main house where the nurses return me to my natural state as a man. They blindfold me and a car escorts me to my home.
I get home late in the evening, shocked by what I saw. The pill the nurse gave me is wearing off and I think over all the memories of the day, still so vivid and clear in my mind. My fiancé awaits me at home. “How was your day darling?”
I didn’t know what to say. “You wouldn’t believe me”.
On the table there is a letter with a bill and a DVD. “Invoice for fantasy service”. My fiancé had paid for the whole experience.
“You told me last week you’d love to have sex like a girl” she smiles! “Shall we put on the DVD?!”