By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
and before you ask lol, yes more chapters,work in progress lol
Chapter 1
She closed the leather binder, and secured the small hasp, shaking her head as she tossed the heavy volume onto the pillow next to her. She realized her head was shaking left and right in disbelief.
How had he known? All of the years, all of the wonder, all of the fears, had been spelled out to her, as if he had written her life, her owners manual. Her feet found the coffee table, her head slumped back over the arm of the sofa, and a sigh escaped her lips, as though she was being pressed for cider.
The thought of juices being extracted from the fruit by pressure sent her mind reeling. The same dark and delightful images swept through her mind that had haunted her for as long as she could remember. The feelings of guilt that had so often menaced her consciousness seemed to have left, crushed under the weight of the words that she had been reading for last two days.
The peach like skin under her belly button felt soft and smooth, she teased the tiny hairs and arched her back, feeling the heat rise and her moisture collect.
How could he know? He was just a man! But somehow, he did know, what she thought of, what she rarely spoke of, and what she knew she must have. She glanced over at the manuscript and traced the tooled cuts, with the nails of her index finger, as her other hand slid further down her stomach.
Her legs slid slightly farther apart on table, and she found herself slumping, eventually falling to the side, her face on the book, the spine running down to her neck. The aroma intoxicated her, and the vision of this man, writing the words, that somehow, some way were going to change her life, she was sure of that now.
Her finger finds the satin of her panties and a rush of excitement incinerates her will power, her ass rises gently off the couch as she presses the satin into the damp fold of her labia. Her other hand finds a nipple and draws it tight through the fabric of her shirt and bra.
If only he was here, if only the journey could begin now, her passion might not consume her, swallow her whole as it felt it would now. Her ass begins to grind in a slow metered cadence, as her knees draw up under her. Her pants echo across the leather, and a small amount of saliva finds its way, mixing with the hide, adding to her heat.
If he was her now, surely he would take her, just as he took the women in the book. She would show him, he would know she was finally ready to be with him. Each chapter a new adventure, each moving forward, but remembering the steps, the training, the progress. She could be better, she could do things and respond to him like no other, if only he would come and get her, if only he would stop writing to her, and take her. She wanted to be taken, now, hard and unrelenting.
Even as the words passed through her mind, she knew he would not do that, he would wait, he would enjoy her anguish, and not take her to climax so quickly, so she slowed her pace. She realized it would be easier if it was him slowing the pace, because she could not, even the thought of it drove her wild. She pulls the satin to one side, and her fingers find her tortured flesh, plunging deep inside her. A moan leaves her lips, as she begins the nose dive into ecstasy, thrusting her fingers deeper and harder. The heel of her hand grinds against her clitoris, pressing it and driving her mad.
She imagines him filling her, taking her, owning her, and the contractions begin near her lower back, and like a depth charge begin their percussion through her body. Her legs straighten, and she calls out, "Yes, please Master, please Master, fuck me!". The repeated yes intone a melody that does not subside for a minutes.
Her breathing steady, but labored, she rolls over and looks at the ceiling, her fingers sliding slowly out of the hot wetness. As her hand slides out of her pants, the rush of cool air licks at her, making her aware of just how wet she is. Her fingers find her lips, and she cleans them, imagining again that it is he she tastes with her flavors on him.
Looking at the book, again her head shakes in disbelief, "What the hell are you doing to me? Better yet, what the Hell am I doing to me", she says aloud, as if someone is there to answer.
She tries to imagine his response, to the question, and hears his voice in her mind, "I am doing what I enjoy, I am doing what we both want and need my pet, be patient." Her frustration mounts, his voice, which is all she knows to this point, seems to have an effect on her, and she cant believe it.
She has never found her match, much less anyone that seems to understand her desires, her spirit, her need to feel like she has some sort of control, and yet needs just as desperately to give it up.
She begins to unfasten the hasp on the book again, and then suddenly stands up and walks over to the phone. She picks it up and dials. She hangs it up, almost slamming it. She picks it up again and stares into the receiver as if it will tell her what to do. The tones of the number beep quickly, the number she knows by heart.
Her heart pounds louder in her ears, competing with the rings of the phone. She hears a voice answer and her throat seems to constrict. "Damn" she says aloud, "That damn voice mail of his" she starts to hang up when she hears a real voice interrupt.
"Damn Voice Mail?? My you are a bit grumpy today!" his voice responds, obviously having heard her disappointment.
"You are there, well that is good, because, because I have something to tell you!" she finds herself stumbling like she is in her freshman speech class. "I am glad you are there, because, well I really need to talk to you" she blurts out.
"Settle down darling, what the heck is the matter? You know I am always here for you. Now catch your breath and talk to me." he said calmly, his voice reassuring.
I don't want to calm down, you are always so calm, and you never get mad, and you always think you know what I want", she could not believe those words, came spilling out, she found herself trying to back track, when his words found her ear again.
My, my, my, my guess is you have finished the book" he said in the an almost laughing intonation.
I have not! Yes, OK, I have, but that is not what I am calling.... See you always think you know what I am thinking!" she said almost ready to boil over.
Okay, okay, I will tell you what, I will not say a thing, I want you to tell me every little thing, every big thing, ever single thing that is on your mind, I think you need to let it out here, and I want to hear it, will you do that for me" he asked.
"Yes" she said almost pouting. Her lip was trembling a bit, and yet she felt somewhat calmer, with his warm voice, talking to her. She always seemed better when she heard his voice.
"I will speak again until you say you are done, please, go ahead" he said.
"Well it is really just that I, you know how you sent me, well when you call..., wait a second let me start over" her mind was swimming she took a deep breath and paused waiting for the sentence to form.
She always had plenty to say, always had an opinion, and was very confident, but for some reason, he seemed to leave her feeling vulnerable and exposed.
"I don't want to wait to start, I want to see you now!" suddenly the word leapt out of her mouth, and she felt a wave of heat cross her cheeks, this was not how she wanted to say what she was feeling. But somehow, it was the truth, plain and simple, she was ready.
She waited for his response, she knew he would think he had won, as he had wanted her to come see him for the longest time, and she had been resisting consistently.
"Well" she implored. "What do you think about that" she added.
Again she waited and could not believe the silence, and it hummed in her ears.
"I want to see you, I don't want to wait, I want to see you now, there I am done! will you please tell me what you think" she paced back and forth the portable phone pinched against her ear, her hands pressed against her face.
"Are you sure about this? You know that I am willing to wait until the date we discussed, and I want to know a bit more about why suddenly you want to see me, when only last night, you would not even respond to my request." he asked, again his voice was calm and reassuring yet stern.
She couldn't believe he was questioning her about this, practically since the first day they had talked on the phone, he had starting asking her to come visit him. She felt like she had handed him herself on a platter, and he had the nerve to tell her he could wait!
"Yes I am sure, you should know me well enough by now that If I say something I mean it!" she said abruptly.
"Okay, I understand that you are serious, but I would like to know what made you decide suddenly today at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, you never call me this early." he said, she could hear he was smiling.
"It is a lot of things, I was just reading the stories you sent, the adventures, the dilemmas, the predicaments, the tender moments, and it dawned on me that I need to see if you are real, if you are truly what and who you say you are, and that if we are as good of a match in person as we are now, on the phone" her voice was getting calmer, it all sounded so logical now.
"Well, then, come see me." he said simply.
"When" she said, his curt answer seemed to be incomplete or somehow insufficient. He didn't seem overly happy, or sad or excited or anything in particular.
"As soon as you can get here, of course, I will take you to dinner so we can talk about what happens next" his voice shifted, almost as if it was business, he seemed very succinct.
"Wait a second? We can talk about it? You make it sound like there is only one way this can go, when I come to see you" she said almost cautiously.
"You know what I am talking about, call me when you are at the airport, I have a bit of work to do" he said and added, "Good-bye, I will expect you within 12 hours, I am glad you have decided to meet me, this is going to be great."
"Good-bye," left her lips but she couldn't believe the conversation ended like that. Her mind was swimming, what had she done? She knew he was dominant, but she couldn't believe how calm he had stayed. What happens next? She kept repeating his words in her head. What does he think? Does he think I am going to have dinner with him and then just do everything he want me to?
Her logical mind argued with her emotions. "Of course I cant just do anything..." she said out loud to herself again. As the words left her mouth, she couldn't believe, the pangs deep in her loins, "Anything he wants.." she said it again aloud, and again she was aroused and wet, her head again shook left to right, and her eye caught the manuscript that had started all of this. "Owners manual, he wrote a damn owners manual."