By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
It was freezing , my lips blue from the cold air. I was so annoyed that Stacey had forgotten to replace the spare tyre in my car and now I was stranded in the middle of no where ! My mobile had died , it was a Sunday evening and every where was shut. Shit it must be -20 out here , I opened the passenger door and grabbed my scarf wrapping it around me trying to get a bit of warmth. I see some lights on in the distance and decide to walk toward the house, see if they have a phone I could use......
I'd been waiting at the door for a while before Jamie answered. The cold air was biting at me , the cold spreading to places I didn't know possible. Jamie came to the door in a towel, his impeccable abs still dripping with water, hair tousled and his gorgeous green eyes staring into mine. I tried my best to keep my eyes adverted from his clearly bulging equipment!
"Hi, I'm Lou, I just wondered if I could use your telephone? My car has a puncture and I don't have a spare tire " j felt like my interest in his body was obvious through my speech but he didn't notice. "Hello Lou, im really sorry but the local telephone mast has been broken for a few days now and there's no engineer available to fix it. You're welcome to come in and get warm though? Are you waiting for someone?" ...
Jamie invited me in and offered me the use of his shower, he gave me one of his shirts to throw on while he threw my clothes in the dryer to warm. Why couldn't I stop thinking about his body and how much i wanted to rip the towel from his perfect sculpted hips ?! I got out of the shower , tousled my hair dry with the towel and threw on the white shirt he had borrowed me. I noticed my reflection in the mirror. My breasts noticeable through the light fabric, my nipples pressed stiffly against the cotton in hot anticipation. My underwear moist at the thoughts of him. I tried to clear the thoughts from my mind but when I opened the bathroom door he was waiting in the doorway with a cup of lemon tea. He had changed, low rise jeans that sat perfectly on hips, his top half he had a cotton shirt , the buttons opens at the top , a perfect. V formed on his chest. I saw his gaze flick across my breasts and audibly gasped.
He heard ... "This is crazy " he said softly "but I'm going to do it anyway. " he stood in front of me , his nose nearly touching mine , and put the cup down on the sideboard behind me... My mouth following his neck as it went to the side of me.
He put his hands on the back of my neck, kissed me passionately. His tongue invading my mouth, he pushes me against the walls his hands are all over me. He pushes my legs apart with his knee, groping me. I can feel the sensations growing on me , my body tight with anticipation. Hes a master with his fingers and when he stands back up I can feel his hard cock against my waist. I have a thousand thoughts going round in my head but none of them make any sense ! He continues kissing me , my hands in his hair .
He's rough with me, picks me up and carries me up the stairs, kicks his bedroom door and throws me onto the bed. He rips the shirt off, exposing my breasts , nipples are hard and he leans forward , biting each one and then circling with his tongue. I reach down, undo the button on his jeans and Pull them down. His huge cock released and ready for me ... I take my hands on it and massage him, hearing his groans. He pulls me down the bed and buries his face in my pussy, the tongue working wonders and hitting every spot. My hands are in his hair, pushing him further. I feel his tongue flicking against my clit and I feel my clit throbbing at the touch.
I can't take anymore I beg him to stop. He looks at me with those green eyes, removes his clothes and climbs on top of me . My body feels hot against him the want clear in both our eyes .... Take me . That's what I whisper in his ear.
And take me he did ! |