By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I really loved getting information from my ex on guys she had been with before me, she knew it turned me on so was happy to answer my questions and give me details on her past conquests! My favourite story was of when she was on her J1 nd ended up going out with an American Guy called Dan and as her time was coming to an end she nd him had a blazing row nd split up. She had rearranged her flight home till a week after her friends so she had to stay in the house with him nd his mates as she had nowhere else to go, she got on really well with his buddy, a Mexican dude called Luis. Few days before she was to fly home they were having a. BBQ and Luis was texting her from across the deck oblivious to her now ex nd his mate Dan. The texts got flirty nd he was saying how good she looked today nd then he got naughty nd asked was she wearing panties to which she replied no. He text back saying that he didn't believe her so she uncrossed her legs nd gave him a glimpse up her tiny skirt of her pantieless bald pussy. He text her saying go to the toilet now, so she got up nd went to the toilet, seconds later Luis made an excuse to go inside the house, rushing to the toilet nd barging in he grabbed her nd kissed her hard up against the wall! His hands going all over her body! She got a rush of guilt nd pushed him off and went back out to the decking. Her pussy was wet but she felt bad for Dan. About an hour later Dan and another mate decided to go to the store for more beer and this left Elaine nd Luis alone in the house. She went inside clearing up from the bbq nd Luis followed in, grabbing her hand nd leading her to the nearby couch nd pulling her onto him so she was sat on him legs either side, her skirt risen up nd grinding against the bulge in his shorts as they kissed hard. Pulling up her tank top he sucked on her big 34dd tits nd squeezing her ass. Again she got the rush of guilt and also the fear of Dan coming back nd walking in on them she got off him nd told him she couldn't do it nd recomposed herself nd went back to the sink clearing plates. After a couple of minutes Luis walked up behind her pressing himself against her kissing the back of her neck nd shoulder as one hand went inside her top nd the other up her skirt where he found her wet pussy nd swollen clit, rubbing it slow nd firm he heard her moaning nd with this decided it was time to take it further, pulling her skirt up fully now nd pulling out his cock he pressed it against her wet pussy lips nd slipped inside her. Knowing he only had a short period of time he got straight into a hard nd fast rhythm and fucked her hard as she moaned nd screamed with pleasure until he shot his load of hot cum inside her, her not having orgasmed was not happy to be left hanging nd told him to keep going so he fucked as hard as he could until his cock went limp nd was now of no use to her. Pulling down her skirt nd cleaning the drips of cum from her pussy with a dissatisfied look on her face just moments before Dan walked in the door |