By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I was raised in the typical Southern environment. I grew up pretty sheltered from life. Until I decided to sneak out of the house, run away or just lie to get what I wanted. My father left when I was young, so my mother supported us on her own. But unfortunately my mother had her own ideas about what men I should or should not be dating. And most of those men did not include black men, or men from any other race for that matter. She’d try to get me to date the nerdy white boys from our church. How did you tell your mother…”His dick isn’t big enough to please me?” I could imagine the look on her face. But I never told her anything, I just went out and did what I chose to do behind her back. Now, most of my boyfriends growing up and going into high school were Latin. But there was one exception. One night a group of girls were going to a nearby town to party with some guys they knew. They’d asked me to come along. Of course, I was happy to have an excuse to get out of the house. My mother on the other hand, saw who picked me up and did not want me to leave. Most of my girlfriends in junior high and high school, weren’t the good girls she’d hoped I’d cling to. And of course they were not the color she’d wanted them to be. Whether it was rebelling against her, or just being more mature concerning racial issues, I wasn’t going to limit my friendships based on what color they were.So, that night we went out to a local club that I’d never even heard of. Of course it was a totally new experience for me. And this club is where I learned to stop dancing like a little chicken on a stick and “Shake That Thang!” So, they taught me how to dance, they taught me how to be open to my sexuality and in return caused me to lust for black cock. Later that night, I met my first and only black boyfriend. I was fairly young, at the time, but my experience with sex was not the best. As I lay in bed with this man I hardly knew, he whispered things in my ears that I could only dream of. He turned me on in ways that I could never imagine. But when he laid my hand on his cock, I had to struggle not to scream. The size of his monster was more than I was prepared to handle. And he understood that. Instead of getting angry or kicking me out of his bed, he lowered his head and ate my pussy like no one ever had. I wanted so bad to give him what he wanted afterwards, but I was just too scared to do so. I saw him a couple of times after this night, but it never escalated past that point. Oh, how I wish it would have!Now let me introduce myself. I am a married 28-year-old woman. I stand at 5’9” tall without heels; I have long legs and red hair down the middle of back. I’ve never considered myself to be extremely pretty but I’ve always thought that I have a nice set of tits and a nice ass to go along with it. My ass is what gets me the most compliments and now I can see why after having it photographed so many times. I have freckles over most of my creamy white body, which stays that way until I decide to tan. I am pretty thick and weigh about 175lbs. In the past couple of years since coming into the swinging lifestyle and discovering the sexual aspects of the Internet, I have grown much more confident than I used to be. I am now the type of woman whom you will see in the grocery store parking lot bending over to put my groceries in the trunk. What’s so sexy about that? Well, it’s the short skirt that I am wearing MINUS the underwear.I am highly sexual and love most aspects of sex. Sex is something I’ve been addicted to for years. (As if you did not already figure that one out.) I’ve never been diagnosed as a nymphomaniac, but I wouldn’t doubt it if I could be. Sex is an amazing thing. In recent years I have come to realize the power of sex. Just because I am thicker or have a few stretch marks does not mean that I do not qualify as “hot”. In coming to realize this, I’ve established some wonderful friends on and off the Internet. Ok, so you know I am a married swinger. My husband and I have been in this lifestyle for about 3 years now. We have certainly enjoyed swinging with other couples and single females. It’s been a joyous ride, but there comes a time when you just want more. You begin seeking out different forms of pleasure to turn both of you on. The first thought I would imagine would be a single man. Now, most swingers will tell you how incredibly happy they are in their relationships. They will speak of how their sex lives are so much spicier. And they would be correct. In my personal opinion the swinging lifestyle is a way for you and your partner to mutually fulfill one another’s most secret sensual desires. And that is where this particular story begins.I’ve always wondered about the rumors of black men. If you ever surf for interracial porn you’ll see there are some very well hung black men who participate in these photo/video shoots. At swingers parties that I have went to, I’ve often watched some sexy wife being taken back to have sex with some hot attractive black man. Walking by the door you will hear screams of extreme pleasure escaping her lips. But I never quite had the courage to peek around the door and confirm my curiosities. So for years, I have wondered if the myths are really true. I began searching the web for interracial porn about 2 or 3 years ago. I’d been curious before, but my curiosity escalated to a point that I just had to find out if all black men were as hung as the long ago boyfriend of mine. So I visited even more web-sites and saw things that made me want to scream or run. But yet, strangely enough I would find myself in a high state of arousal with panties so wet that I could wring cum from them.When I began to explore even further, I finally took the plunge and began talking with some local well-known black men. At first, I didn’t ask for pictures or anything. Just knowing that I was talking to a sexy black man was all that mattered at the time. It was a huge tease. Most that I talked with were fakes and cared less about me, the person, only wanted what was between my legs. Which is fine, don’t get me wrong after all, sex was the most important aspect of these relationships, but I wanted to be seduced. Seduction is a very powerful thing and can lead people to do things that they would never “normally” do. I’d only had one experience with black cock up until this time, as you know. And I could not base the rumors on just this one experience. I had to find out more.From the beginning, I knew what I wanted, a gentleman. I wanted someone who would treat me with respect and not treat me like a slut. (Boy, did I get a run for my money on that one!!) From the get go most of the men that I met online were just complete jackasses. They could have cared less about what I wanted. And after all this was MY fantasy, I wasn’t settling for the first big dick that I talked with. One in particular listened to my fantasies. And even told me several of his own. On several occasions we’d tried to meet with him, but either our schedules did not coordinate or I chickened out. Usually, it was me that chickened out and could not go through with it. He is a very busy man though and several times I assumed he’d given up on my fantasies and me. To my surprise, his patience never faltered. Off and on through the past couple of years we talked. He always mentioned meeting but never forced the issue. I hung out in the background watching interracial porn and reading all the stories of all these great adventures. I listened time and time again to several men tell me that I should just give into my craving. They would tell me, “You got a body made for the brothas.”, “Your ass is so thick, you could take my fat cock and I’d have you screaming in ecstasy.” , “You have a beautiful PHAT AZZ!” I just thought this was all talk. Most of these men are single and just want pussy. But once I really started checking into these guys, let me tell you I’ve never been so turned on in my life. Not only are they not your typical “run of the mill” guys, these motherfuckers are HOT! Most of them had built bodies with some very large cocks. ‘Tis when I realized that these guys don’t just go around begging for pussy, it comes knocking on their door! And yet, several of them asked me repeatedly to give in. Kind of makes a girl feel good, doesn’t it?My husband has known about my fantasies for some time. And knew that I spoke with black men online. It never phased him or made him jealous when I would talk about the size of their cocks. Made me feel much more secure in reaching out to tell him my deepest and darkest secrets. We are not what I would call a cuckold couple, but he certainly didn’t mind the black cock slamming into my pussy the other night. But, I’m not there yet! I’m trying to jump ahead of myself. In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten into the porn industry. It really exploded last year when I meet another swinger couple who agreed to get my web-site up and going. It’s been nothing but a thing for me. Lots of hard work, but fun none the less. So, the last year or so I’ve been hard at work building content for this site of mine. Several times the thought of interracial content has crossed my mind. But I’ve never actively pursued it.Well recently my husband and I took a break from porn and swinging. Mostly due to the fact that we just needed to establish the closeness between us once again. When we decided to begin again we went to a shoot for a well-known men’s magazine. At this party were several very sexy black men. My lust for black cock became renewed again, quickly. I was outside smoking a cigarette and walked past a table of some sexy men engaged in conversation. When I walked past them again, one of them called out to me, “Hey, Ain’t you Wicked Angel?” I laughed and walked over to him, “Yeah, who’s asking?” He introduced himself to me and introduced the other men sitting there as well. He told me that he wanted to verify that I was really Wicked Angel and asked me to bend over. I have a tattoo of a rose and a bunny on my ass, which seems to have become my “symbol” the porn community. So, I showed him my tattoos and he told me he had a seat for me. He patted his lap. Now, this bitch isn’t crazy; I sat right down on his crotch and made sure I constantly changed positions. If it was not already growing before I sat down, it certainly did not stay soft for long afterwards. I was getting really excited and they actually ended up passing me around between laps. It was really exciting. They wanted to take me to the back and I told them that I would have to have permission. After talking to the hubby, he wasn’t ready for me to sleep with other men quite yet. SO I refused them politely. I didn’t regret it, but it certainly left me craving more. Well about a month later, we decided to attend a party at a local on premises upscale swingers club. We went for a shoot with a few other hot amateur porn stars. The night started out with a bang! It got really hot and heated. Lots of action and lots of hot bodies all over the place. We actually went early for a photo shoot with Fifi and Friends. Sex was erupting all around me. Unfortunately for me, it was not the best time of the month for me to be at a swinger’s party. But I thoroughly enjoyed what was going on regardless. I got to eat lots of pussy and play with some wonderful breasts and admire some beautiful cocks as well. When we finished the shoot, we went back to the dance club part of the building. The husband left to go and get some alcohol. I sat at the bar talking with one of my girlfriends whose husband had also stepped out of the building. So we sat and watched all the hot action going on around us. Couples out on the main dance floor swaying to the music. Hands under skirts flashing their beautiful wives asses to other men and women who were watching. You often find people who are either exhibitionist or voyeurs who participate in the swinger’s lifestyle. It’s just entirely too exciting to watch and be watched by other people while you are exchanging intimate moments with your mate. It became very obvious that there was something else going on here this night as well. I noticed several really hot black men walking around the room, dancing with several women/couples, and straying off the “play room” with several attractive females. . They were all dressed in solid black and very GQ looking. I assumed they were part of a club of some sort. And then it dawned on me that they might be a part of the local gang bang group, THE Florida Mandingos, where my lust had originated for the last two years. In scanning the room, I first saw the man that had renewed my lust two years before, Art. He was the man whom I’d talked with on the Internet for more than two years. And in recent years he’d established a group for well hung, attractive black men who liked to have sex. These men participate in gangbangs, one-on-ones, threesomes and almost any other black cock fantasy a sexy lady or couple wants to fulfill. I kind of put two and two together and realized it was what I thought. I was finally going to get to meet them.Before, I worked up the courage to introduce myself to the creator of the group; a very fine looking man approached me, we will call him “S”. For the first time in quite some time, I felt like a stuttering teenage girl. I could literally feel drool gathering. My reality sat right before my eyes; there was no way that I was not going to fuck this man. Although I could not fuck him THAT night, I was going to fuck him soon. We talked about all kinds of things. His voice, his clothes, his body and that bulge had me squirming and practically creaming in my panties. Eventually he ventured off to pursue other hot pieces of ass, but he never left my sights. I could just not believe something so hot had come up to me. My lust for black cock seemed to intensify greatly and I knew that this was the time to make a move and get me some of that!!!! After talking with this man, I finally worked up the nerve to stop the originator of my black cock fantasies, Art. . At first I was a bundle of quivering nerves talking with him. He made me feel so comfortable just being around him. He made me laugh and put me at ease. Had I been able to, they would have had me that night at their commands. I talked to Art off and on all night. He met my husband. My husband left us alone several times, which meant to me that he was comfortable enough with Art to do so. I was beyond excited when they begin talking about an interracial party going on the following weekend. My birthday was the Monday after this party, so I thought what a wonderful present it would be to FINALLY have some black cock filling this pussy. My fantasies were finally coming true. And it was all I could do to contain myself. Art sat with me several times through out the night and introduced me to the members of his A-Team. WOW! Most of these men were what quivering wet dreams were made of. I couldn’t wait to get my hands all over them. Art asked me several times what I wanted, I finally suggested a gangbang. Boy, I don’t think I knew what I was getting myself into. It’s one thing to take on one nine and half inch cock for your first time, but more than one; I’d have to be crazy! But my lust overtook me and that was all I cared about. Get as much as you can girl. So the week tarried on. It was so slow I thought Saturday night would never get here. I talked with Art online several times throughout the week. Some of the comments he made had me stirring in my seat, others made me wonder if I should even go through with it. But all of it left my panties soaking wet and dying for a taste of some chocolate. “A girl’s just gotta have her chocolate sometimes!” So, I prepared for it all week, mentally as well as psychically. But nothing could have prepared me for that night. NOTHING!!!! It was the most exhilarating experience I’ve had with other men in quite sometime. In fact, I have not slept with another man in over a year. And I have never experienced what a gangbang was all about. So, no matter what I did, it was not gonna be good enough to get me ready for this. I looked constantly at interracial porn and masturbated all the time. I was like a little nympho slut concealed behind the doors of my quiet suburban neighborhood home. If they only knew what I was up to behind these doors! I’m just your typical soccer mom, not quite old enough to be the technical version of a MILF, but close enough. I’m a real Mom during the day and a crazed slut at night. It certainly makes for an interesting combination, if I do say so myself. So anyhow, I prepared all last week. I got my nails done and made sure my pussy was completely shaved. I decided the night of the party that I should just wear my hair straight down instead of trying to fix it. There was no way I was going to great efforts to fix it when it would just be pulled on and messed up. I guess I am just crazy like that. So I wore my hair straight down. I decided that a slut should look her part. I chose to wear a short black slinky glittered dress that fell just below my ass but rode up when I walked. My heels were four inches high which made me almost taller than several of the men there. I met my friend Art in the parking lot of the hotel. I decided to have a few more drinks while I met several of the other ladies and men that were in attendance that night. A few more drinks later and I was ready to get it going on. When I walked into the hotel room, I looked around first to see if there was a single man there that I would not let fuck me. These men were sexy, built and unbelievable. I knew that this was exactly what I wanted. My nerves of course were going crazy and my heart was pounding out of my chest, but had you been able to reach down between my legs you’d have discovered a lake forming there. And that was just from my looking and talking with these men.Art took me towards the bedroom. His hands explored my body. His mouth wrapped around my breasts. He inhaled my tit into his mouth like a pro. My pussy was soaking wet and dripping down my thighs by this time. He reached between my legs while we were standing in the doorway. He said something like, “Damn girl, you are ready for this.” And I really was. Another object of my obsession kept coming in and out of the room. It really made it exciting knowing that I was there to be used as a slut. Before I even knew what was happening, I was getting my first taste of BBBC (big, black, beautiful cock). Art shoved his cock down my throat, instantly making me gag and come. From the back end I could feel several hands fondling my pussy and my spanking my ass. The thoughts were flying through my mind. Holy Shit. I’m exposed! I’ve just given a group of men with the biggest cocks I have ever seen permission to fuck me in almost every position imaginable. When I would try and move my head to see what was going on behind me, Art would shove my face back down onto his cock and choke me with it. Even as big as he was I sucked his cock until my mouth was aching. Even now just thinking about the size of his wonderful cock my pussy tremors in orgasm. I have to admit that I was a little embarrassed about the fact that I was so wet my pussy was farting. I’ve always considered that to be disgusting. But honestly, these guys are used to having experiences like that. I did not know that I was going soak the fucking bed though! From the first cock to the last, I hardly ever stopped cumming. They fucked me relentlessly. It was hard, it was fat and it was hardcore. There was no breaks and absolutely no coming up for air. I was constantly filled with hot chocolate cock in almost every hole. Once the guys realized I was the “real deal” the action really got started. Then the biggest cock I’ve ever seen was right in front of my face. Even completely soft this guy’s cock dangled down his inner thigh. I thought, “Oh My fucking god. There is no way!”
More to come . . . . . . . |