By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
He led me to his room, touching me all the time. Once on the room, he walked up to me, kissed me and removed all my clothes, not slowly but quickly to get me naked. By this point I was so turned on, I could feel myself starting to get wet. I knew this was going to be different from anything else I had experienced before. The kissing and touching continued as he laid me on the bed. By now he was also naked and the kissing and touching had intensified. His hands were wondering all over my body, touching, teasing. My body was in overdrive, it felt like I was on fire, his touch was electric.
I couldn’t wait for him to explore me more intimately. His mouth began to work its way down my body to my breasts, his tongue started to play with my nipples, licking and biting then, gently to start then harder. My pussy was tingling, it felt like it was on fire, but I could tell that I was not going to be getting his cock inside me anytime soon. He continued down my body with his mouth, all the time his fingers playing with my clit. Then his tongue moved over my clit, boy did this man know what he was doing. His tongue dancing over my clit in all directions, then nibbling it gently. I began to feel my orgasm build, my whole body felt like it was on fire, ready to explode, and then it did. That was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced, my whole body quivered and shook for what seemed like hours.
In the end I beg him to fuck me, I couldn’t wait any longer to get his hard cock inside me. He tuned me over onto all fours to take me from behind. His cock was hard and tight inside me. He pounded into me hard and fast, I could feel another orgasm brewing. Before I could come, he pulled out of me and rolled me onto my back and pushed his hard cock inside me again. Moving in and out of me more slowly this time, then reaching down to play with my clit at the same time. Again my orgasm exploded from my body, but this time all over his long hard cock inside me. He carried on with his pounding building up speed now I wanted to feel him cum inside me, but he was not ready yet.
I don’t know how long he continued to fuck me, moving me from position to position. In the end I asked him to stop, I needed a breather. I moved down the bed between his legs and took his still hard cock into my mouth filling it. I started to lick up and down the shaft, teasing the tip with my tongue, then taking just the tip into my mouth and sucking it. Then back to teasing him some more, the way he had been teasing me. I gradually took all his cock inside my mouth, filling it completely, then I could feel his cock harden more in my mouth and I knew he was ready to cum. I continued to suck and tease till he exploded in my mouth.
We lay together on the bed, both recovering from a marathon sex session. After a while I noticed him becoming aroused again and the next marathon started. Then it was time to head home back to normality. I still talk to this man, but as of yet, I have not been lucky enough to have another meeting with him. We talk of going swinging together and he wants to share another woman with him.
While I was waiting for further replies to my new profile, I had to go away with work to Cardiff for a couple of days. Two members of my team were already there and I set off to join them. One of the team was an old friend, I had had sex with him a while ago whilst helping to write his CV for a job at the company we were now both working at and also a few times during our lunch breaks.
When I arrived in Cardiff I went straight to the office. During the course of the day flirtatious and suggestive text messages were flying backwards and forwards. I just knew that one of us was not going to be in our own hotel room that night and I was looking forward to a whole night of passion with a 23 year old man. That evening when we had all finished work, we headed back to the hotel to change for the evening. We had arranged to meet in the bar at 7.30 and we were going to head out into Cardiff to find something to eat.
Once in the room I ran the bath, then my phone buzzed with a message asking what I was doing. I replied that I was just about to jump in the bath. A reply came back asking if he could join me. I readily agreed. Within 10 minutes there was a knock on my hotel room door and there he stood, clothes in hand. He then started to kiss me and into the bathroom we moved and our clothing was discarded all over the floor. We didn’t stay in the bath very long as we wanted more room to explore each other.
Once in the bedroom area, the lovely king size bed was put into full use. He moved my body into positions I had not been moved into before, I guess that what comes of having sex with a much younger man. After an hour of some very very good sex, we dressed and headed out to dinner with the rest of the gang. I was rather hoping that he would be coming back to my room after dinner that night, but I guess that wasn’t to be.
Its now Christmas time and no time for play. I had come down with a bout of tonsillitis between Christmas and the New Year and I am bedridden, which put paid to my plans of a night out with my best mate on New Years Eve. By New Years day I was feeling loads better so when my mate called and asked if I wanted to go and do a bit of shopping for our rearranged night on the following evening, I jumped at the chance. We headed for the town centre and into the Anne Summers shop. Now what outfit to choose for my 1st ever experience at a Swingers club! We wondered around the shop for ages, looking at the matching underwear then putting it back. We left the shop and headed for La Senza to see what they had got to offer us. They had a sale on and I found the perfect basque and matching knicks. So I made my purchase.
We went back to hers after out successful shopping trip to discuss the arrangements for the following day and evening. We were going to meet a friend of hers at the hotel who had been swinging on numerous occasions before. He was happy to escort both of us, but we thought it may be a good idea to find a date of my own. So onto the website again to see which of the men I chat to could escape at short notice for an evening of adventure and fun. I chatted to a few of the men on the site who I had spoken to previously and none could make the trip at such short notice apart from “Moustache Man”. He sent me a picture of himself and we arranged to meet at the hotel at 6 the next evening.
I arranged to pick my mate up the following day at 3, so we could head to the hotel which was next to the club. As we drove towards to the hotel we were both nervous and excited at the same time. We didn’t know what to expect from our evening out. We arrived at the hotel and checked in and chilled for a bit. About 5.30 we headed down to the bar for a drink and to await the arrival of out dates for the evening. Moustache man arrived 1st. As he walked into the hotel both Freda and I knew it was him immediately and realised what a huge mistake I had made by inviting him.
His moustache was huge, like Windsor Davis used to have. Apart from that small problem he seemed to start with a nice bloke. He bought us a drink and we awaited the arrival of Mark. He turned up and we all headed back to our rooms to get ready for our adventure. Back in my room, Moustache man and I sat on the bed having a chat about the evening ahead. He then kissed me, yuck it was like being eaten alive, and there was far too much hair round his mouth to make the kiss pleasurable. I couldn’t imagine him going down on me at all as I am sure he had far more hair on his face than I did on my pussy. We continued to get ready and on went my basque, stockings and knee-high boots. On went my new dress which just covered my underwear and the top of my stockings.
At 9 Freda knocked on the door to check we were ready to go to the club. On went the coat and the 4 of us walked the short distance to the club. Once in the club Mark gives us a guided tour telling us what goes on and where. We head down to the bar and order some drinks for dutch courage. The men stick to soft drinks so that their performance is not impaired. We however need the alcohol to calm the nerves.
We sit down at a table at the edge of the dance floor and watch what is going on around us. Mark and Freda head onto the dance floor, while they are dancing intimately together another couple join them on the floor. Then a curtain goes round the whole of the dance floor so you can’t see what is going on behind it. From where I was sitting all I could see is 4 pairs of feet moving together and 2 pairs of trousers round ankles. I don’t know what was going on behind that curtain as I was not party to any of the action! When the curtain comes up, the 2 couples have moved apart and they leave the dance floor together and head to a room containing sofas and beds.
When Mark and Freda eventually return, we all head out to the smoking area after getting some more drinks. Neither of them let on what happened in the previous hour. After our smoke we head back into the bar area and take a seat again. Moustache man says to me, would I like to go for a walk round the club and see if we can find a place where we can be alone and have some fun. We head upstairs to where there are private rooms and go into one of them and close the door behind us as we did not want anyone coming into watch us although we could be seen if someone came to look through the window in the door.
He turned to kiss me again and I managed to turn away so he caught my cheek instead. The though of having sex with this man was turning my stomach but as this was what we had come for, I suppose I had little choice. He started to remove my clothes, and lay me down on the bed when I was down to my underwear. There was no foreplay from him at all, but then again I was grateful for that as I did not want him or his moustache anywhere near my pussy. Within seconds his cock was in me and seconds after he came in the condom! Thank god that was over. Now I could move on and have some fun. We then head back to join the others in the bar area.
When we got the bar area I went off to the toilets with Freda to tell her about my visit to the private room with moustache man. I said that I was starting to feel a bit rough again and I was thinking of heading back to the hotel. She knows me to well and knew I was only saying this as I didn’t want to be alone with my date again. How right she was! When we got back to the bar, she went to the smoking area with Mark and she must have filled him in on what had happened as when they came back Mark came and sat astride my lap and took my boobs in his hands and said I was not going anywhere till he had had a play on them.
Mark then took my hand and led me away from the others. I looked back at Freda and she said “you will be fine, he will look after you”. This was not what I was worried about, it was more the fact that we normally have a policy of not sharing the blokes we meet. But these were different circumstances so I guess it was all ok. We walked up the stairs and headed to the dark room. This room could not have held more than about 12 people and it was pitch black, you couldn’t see a thing, only feel. I didn’t have a clue what would go on here but my imagination was running riot. My senses went into overdrive. Mark lent me against what felt like a shelf around waist height. He kissed me and lifted my dress up and removed my boobs from my basque. He started to play with my pussy. This was more like it, I felt comfortable and relaxed although I didn’t know what would happen next.
I felt another pair of hands start to play with my breasts and then I realised that they did not belong to a man. I freaked a little and moved out of the way. I was not ready for that kind of experience just yet. Mark then pushed me down onto my knees so that I could take him in my mouth. When he had had enough of me sucking his cock, he stood me up and turned me round so I could lean on the shelf and he fucked me from behind. When he had had his fill, he stood me up and rolled me over so I was leaning on my back again, but in the process of this happening it moved me onto another man in the room.
The same process happened again and again. I am not really sure how long I was in that room for, or how many cocks I sucked or how many men fucked me. All I know was I had a fantastic time in there. We headed back downstairs to join Freda and Moustache man. When we got there I could tell that she had not exactly had the greatest time whilst I was gone. I cant say as I blame her. About half an hour after returning from the dark room, Moustache Man suggested that we go to the dark room together, so he could experience it for himself. I declined and said I wanted to go back to the hotel as I was beginning to fade. I did say to him that I was happy to go alone, but he said that he would come with me.
Back at the hotel, I got myself ready for bed. I could tell that Moustache Man wanted some more action, but he had got no chance as I was not putting myself through that again. We both climbed into bed and he moved towards me. I turned my back on him in the hope that this would hint that I was not interested, but no, he just snuggled in behind me. I could feel his cock harden against my back, it wasn’t going to be as simple as I thought to brush him off. What to do, I thought to myself. Do I have sex with him again, so I can be left alone, or give him a blow job, so he is satisfied and I can go to sleep without him touching me again.
I decided a blow job was the better option and moved down the bed and took his cock into my mouth. As I went to mouth my mouth backwards he pulled back from me and said “I don’t actually like having my cock sucked, can you wank me off instead”. I was gob smacked. I had never had a bloke tell me he didn’t like a blow job and still haven’t to this day. So I did what he asked and used my hand to sort him out. Within minutes it was all over. Now I could sleep at last, knowing he would leave me alone.
When I awoke the next morning, Moustache Man was already up and getting dressed. He said he was going to go down for some breakfast and did I want to come. I declined and said I was going to stay in bed for a bit longer. About thirty minutes later he appeared back in the room again. He walked over to the bed and kissed me and said he had to make tracks. He began to pack up his things. When he was ready to go he said goodbye and that he had had a nice time and would love to do it again with me sometime soon. And off he went. I lay back down on the bed and had a little more sleep.
Around 9am my phone rang and it was Freda asking if I was up and did I want to go down for a cigarette. She knocked on my door 5 minutes later and Mark, Freda and I all headed outside for a smoke. Once we were outside they asked where Moustache Man was. I told them that he had already had breakfast and had headed back home about an hour previously. We began to discuss the previous night and what I thought of the experience. I said that I would go again, but I think next time it would either be alone or with a man I had previously had sex with, so that I was not disappointed.
We headed back up to our rooms and arranged to be ready to go in 30 minutes, enough time to grab a quick shower and pack up out bags. Once I was ready to go, I knocked on Freda’s door. All I could hear from outside was giggling. I just shouted, give me a knock when you are ready as I thought that they were having sex and I had interrupted them. This was not the case, as I turned to go back to my room Mark opened the door with his trousers round his ankles. I could see Freda sitting on the bed laughing and I said to both of them, I will come back in a bit.
But with that, Mark grabbed me by the hand and said, Freda is going into your room and you are stopping here with me, as I need this sorting out and presented me with his hard on. Freda left the room and Mark undressed me and threw me on the bed. There was no need for any foreplay, I was so turned on at the thought of having some decent sex for the 1st time that weekend. 1st he took me from behind, then missionary, then me on top. About 30 minutes later we dressed and knocked for Freda. We picked up our bags and off to the car to head for home.
In the car on the way home, Freda and I talked about the events of the night before. She did not give anything away about what happened behind the curtain or in the room, but we did discuss what fun we had both had in the dark room. As I was driving along a song came on the radio and Freda just burst out laughing. It was Katie Perry “I kissed a girl and I liked it”. Freda was just laughing at me and all she would say was “Don’t knock it, till you’ve tried it!”