By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Julia is having a get-together tomorrow night and you're invited".
Well, that was a big surprise; Clare knew that despite meeting Julia several times I hadn't really connected with her. On those occasions, all work-related as she was married to Clare's colleague Jeff, we'd never exchanged more than polite greetings. 'Ice maiden' was what I had thought on first meeting her.
Hearing my thoughts, Clare had laughed. "Yes, I know what you mean - she can seem like a cool cookie, but she calls that her self-defence mechanism. Otherwise she'd be doing nothing but fending off every randy little bugger in town. And you're proving it works."
I knew what Clare meant. Julia is a thirty-something blonde with lots of spectacular curves all in the right places (amazing legs and the sort of hips you'd love to be holding while buried up to your balls in her), exotic Eastern European looks and a KGB-agent accent to match.
"Anyway, you're invited to dinner with Julia and some folks and you're going. You'll find her a lot easier to get on with than you think. And I can't have you sitting around twiddling your thumbs while I'm away, can I? Or any of your other bits for that matter."
Clare gave a wicked grin, reached inside my pants and squeezed my cock, which was already well on the way to an erection provoked not only by thoughts of Julia but also by the sight of Clare in just her black panties and hold-ups. She had been buzzing around packing her overnight bag, and there had been some trying on activities. I had been happy to observe...
(A taxi was arriving at seven the next morning to whisk Clare off to the airport; for the first time, she was going to her company's annual conference - in her new team attendance was mandatory at this event, which she had been jokily calling 'the Nuremberg rally'. In fact they were being flown up to some swanky hotel in Scotland, and that seemed to be the only upside to the whole thing. The agenda she'd shown me was stuffed with corporate buzz-words, with a timetable running from a 7.30 working breakfast to an 8.30-til-late reception and dinner. She'd been pretty reluctant about the whole thing, but I'd pointed out that with Jeff around at least she'd have an ally; like us both, he has a healthily cynical attitude to 'management by PowerPoint'.
I had also cheekily suggested that Jeff's presence might bring other benefits... "Well, I might get desperate", Clare had replied, though I suspected it would probably take a lot less than desperation. We had speculated about the apparent mismatch between the craggy Jeff and the gorgeous Julia. Craggy he might be, thanks to the ravages of many rugby games, but he was in Clare's "fuckable colleagues" category thanks to her avowed weakness for bald men (I have a full head of hair - bitch!) and for powerfully built shoulders.}
As Clare tried out her wardrobe for the trip, I teased her about how she seemed to be packing some rather skimpy items along with more formal business-wear - maybe in case she got desperate, I suggested...
As she tried on her little black dress, I asked "Will you be wearing that with the usual ensemble?"
"Do you think I should? Maybe you should decide", she replied, slipping it over her head and grinning at my reaction; it was the sexiest garment in her collection and there had to be something wrong with any guy whose cock didn't stiffen at the mere sight, let alone the thought that there was nothing underneath - the 'usual ensemble'. Any time we were out and she was in this outfit, it was an unwritten rule that she should go commando, and this had of course resulted in many nights where a little misbehaviour had led to an almighty fucking session when we got home - often with some naughtiness before then.
"You know what the rule is", I said, "and even for thinking about breaking it you deserve punishment. Take your panties off and come here."
Clare gasped as I put her across my knee, slid three fingers inside her and told her that when she got back from Scotland she would be telling me everything that went on and all the filth she was going to get up to - even though this was very unlikely. The thought of my sexy girlfriend being filled up by Jeff's tool was a massive turn-on, though of course this was all fantasy as she was not 'that sort of girl'. Still, it wasn't long before she was leaning forward against the wall, with her legs wide open and my cock buried in her pussy, being told what a filthy slut she was...
I got to Jeff and Julia's a few minutes late, just enough to be fashionable. The door was answered not by Julia but by a willowy blue-eyed brunette with a boyish haircut. She was possibly in her late twenties and wore one of those billowing, floaty dresses, this one in a flowery print, that betray little at first sight about what is underneath. Not a lot, I hoped.
This, as it turned out, was Liz, on door duty as Julia was busy in the kitchen and it was just them for the moment. Her guy Steve was also expected and would be along from work in a while. Liz poured me a drink and we chatted, small talk about how we knew Jeff and Julia; Liz and Steve had run into them at their local, and they now often met up "socially, so to speak". We sat in the spacious lounge, me on the sofa and Liz sprawling in an armchair opposite, and as we talked she leaned backwards so that the chair tilted and her legs came up. Her dress began to slip back over her long legs, and all seemed about to be revealed, in one way or the other...
"Stop that, you naughty girl, you'll make the poor man spill his drink", Julia said with a wicked grin as she entered with a tray of nibbles. "Sorry, Dave, she's always the same. You should see her torture Jeff like that - he hates it of course, almost as much as you obviously do."
There had been a growing stiffness in my pants ever since I had set eyes on Liz, and she had noticed: "Yummy, nice bulge". I was going to return a compliment or two when a phone chirped from the hall and with Julia's hands full, Liz leapt up to answer it.
"She is such a bad, bad girl", Julia said, "Just amazingly bad. I am so glad you could come over. We always have a great time. Why should it just be those naughty people in Scotland who have their fun while we miss out, tell me." Any illusions that this was 'just dinner' were receding.
"Out of sight, out of mind, maybe?", I ventured.
Julia threw back her head and laughed her sexy Eastern European laugh. "I like that, but in fact it's not quite true. Jeff likes me to have a little soiree now and then, whether he is around or not, and get up to mischief. But there's a little more than that..."
Liz interrupted her as she returned. "Bit of a bugger - Steve's got really stuck at work and he'll be along when he can. Not likely to be anytime soon though. So the really bad news for you, Dave", she said with a sly wink, "is that you've got us both to yourself, and Steve said he wants you to make sure I have a, ummm, fulfilling time."
My heart went out to Steve but I also made a mental note to buy him several beers sometime; maybe several hundred, in fact. Julia was hot, no doubt, but Liz was not far behind, a melange of cut-glass Englishness and outrageous sexiness.
There were a few moments of silence as I surveyed them both, Liz now back in her armchair with a hand thrown carelessly in her lap, her fingers playing absent-mindlessly there, and Julia arranging the nibbles. She too was wearing a summer dress, a plain-coloured blue one, but in her case a tighter fit and with stockings - I could tell by the outline of the suspenders against the dress as she bent over. It had been a warm day, and some might have said stockings were over-dressing, especially black ones, but I enjoyed musing on how she would look without that dress. I imagined the sexy Y of her pussy and thighs framed by the suspenders and belt, and my cock hardened a little more.
I gulped some more of my wine.
"Have you heard anything from Scotland?" I asked. Clare's text - "arrived safely" - was all I was expecting since we don't usually communicate much when apart.
"Nothing yet, but Jeff will tell me later what he has been up to", Julia grinned, "and meanwhile, you can help yourself to the snacks". With that she walked purposefully over to Liz's chair and sat on the arm. Liz's hand moved from her own lap to Julia's thigh, and Julia in turn reached down to the top of Liz's dress. Liz sighed and shuddered.
As Julia bent down to kiss Liz full on the lips the girls were too involved in snogging each other to take much notice of my interest - and to be truthful they had my full attention, so I just sat back and drank in the scene; my hard-on would get all the attention it needed soon enough, it seemed to me. It did need releasing, however...
Almost as quickly as they had started kissing, the girls stopped and Julia laughed wickedly: "Oh, you naughty boy, you are so predictable!"
"That bulge suggests he has a nice cock though", Liz said. "How do you think he'd compare with Jeff?"
"Or to Steve?", Julia countered. "We do need to find a way to compare", she added thoughtfully.
My mind had begun to race at the thought of what they might be intending, so I was a little surprised when Julia then told me to behave and tidy myself up. We went into the kitchen to refill our glasses.
"Stay there a moment, I have to get something", Julia ordered, and I obeyed, not least because Liz had by now lifted herself onto the worktop, fixing me with her big blue eyes and grinning lasciviously, and beckoning me towards her. She brought her legs up so that her feet were now on the worktop too, and her dress slid down her thighs, giving me a glimpse of tiny white panties. Pulling me towards her she whispered, "I want that nice thick cock inside me.".
Julia laughed as she came back, and she must have overheard: "Put him down, you little slut, there will be plenty of time for that. Anyway, Dave will want to taste your pussy first, won't he?"
I was highly intrigued, as I do indeed love to lick a girl almost as much as I love to fuck. Julia gave my bulge a squeeze, and taking hold of me by my belt, led me back into the living room.
"We have something for you; you'd better sit down", Liz said, "if you can, of course. Let's make it easier, shall we?"
She undid my belt and the top button of my jeans, and almost finished me off there and then by running her hand along my zip the whole length of my cock.
I sat on the sofa, and Julia knelt between my legs. I looked into her eyes and waited for her to unzip me but instead she produced an envelope and handed it to me. There was a faint but undeniable hint of a familiar perfume but no name on the front. As I turned it over I saw that the sender had not only licked to seal it but had left the imprint of her lips as well.
"Such lovely lips, but....", Julia sighed. "Well, you will see. Open it and enjoy." My heart raced at the thought of what I might find, and it seemed like an age before I was able to open the envelope.
It was a plain greetings card with writing, Clare's writing, on the front:
Greetings from Scotland x
I hope you are having a nice time. I said I didn't want you to be alone, and J and S will make sure you get up to lots of mischief - you've found out they are bad girls already. They want me to be bad with them but I told them they have to wait - well, at least until you've done some catching up. [That explained Julia's sigh then!]
Open this card and have a look at what your dirty little Clare has been up to.
And have lots and lots of fun, darling x