By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Jeeta was a fifty-year-old woman with long blonde hair and a figure of a young, twenty five year old. She always kept herself fit and wore some very revealing outfits. ‘Very sexy’ the lads all thought as they saw her around the village. She had two grown-up sons who were part of the local gang of boys, who were always getting up to some mischief or another.
She had been divorced some years ago and had moved to the village where she spent her childhood. ‘Back among my own people’ she would say.
Jeeta would often take odd jobs to make ends meet and help with the household costs; doing ironing, cleaning, shopping for the housebound etc. So she was well thought of by her neighbours and friends alike.
‘The new guy’ as they called him down at the pub, had been in the village about a month when he had been down the local and met her two sons, Frank and Steven. Frank was the older, around six feet tall, dark haired with ‘a little extra padding’ as he often called it. Steven was a short, slim fellow, almost waif like in appearance, quiet whereas his older brother was brash and confident.
The brothers chatted easily to the new guy, they found out his name was Alex and he had moved from the city for his own reasons. Not that the boys cared why, but the others in the village were all kinda nosey and they speculated what had attracted him to the small village of theirs.
While chatting over a couple of beers, Alex was saying to Frank, “I hate doing the housework and the cleaning, ironing etc. There’s not enough time on the day to do all this and everything else.” Frank said to Alex, “Well, big yin, I think I could help you there. My mum does housekeeping for people in the village. I will ask her if she can do some work for you if you like.” “Aye, Frank, that would be great,” Alex replied. “Let me know what she says, mate.”
Monday afternoon the mobile phone rang, Alex got up off the settee and picked it up, not a number he recognised. He answered, “Hello, who’s that.” “It’s Jeeta, Frank’s mum. He was telling me you were needing housework done.” “Aye, no problem, when would you be free?” replied Alex. “Well I’m free today, Wednesday and Friday, if that’s ok with you, “said Jeeta. “Aye that’s good for me” and he went into detail what would be needed. “Five o’clock be good for you?” said Jeeta. “That’ll do fine. You know where to come, then?” “Aye”-said Jeeta. “Ok, see ya then, ciao,” said Alex.
About five thirty that evening the doorbell rang. Alex put down his coffee and answered the door. There standing with a smile is a sexy looking blonde, wearing a short skirt and a low cut top. Alex hadn’t met Jeeta before and hadn’t heard about her good looks and her sexy dressing. Wow, he thought, this is a stunner. “Hi, there. What can I do for you?” he said. “I’m Jeeta” she said, “Frank’s mum.” “Oh, aye, come on in. Ye must be cold out there, it’s freezing,” he replied with a big grin.
She stepped in and he closed the door, “Just into the left, that’s the living room,” he said. “You want a coffee or tea?” “Aye” she said, “Two sugars with milk Alex, ta.”
Off he went to the kitchen, mind racing. “She’s not gonni wash my dishes and clean up with those clothes on, is she?” he thinks to himself while pouring the coffees. Ten minutes later they were both sitting yapping away as if they were old friends who had just met after not seeing one another for a while.
Alex’s phone rang. It was his brother on the other end. “You want to come pick up the dogs, bro?” his brother said. “Aye, sonny, al be over in twenty minutes. That ok?” No probs see ya in twenty then, ciao!” said his brother.
“Jeeta, I’ve got to go pick up my dogs, will you be ok just getting on with it. The ironing is in the kitchen on the board, cleaning stuff is under the sink. I’ll not be too long,” he said. “Oh, aye, al be fine, on ye go.”
He jumped in the car and drove to the city and sat for a while with his brother talking about work amongst other trivial crap. At nine o’clock that evening he drove home with the dogs and put them in the house. There was a loud screech and he remembered Jeeta was still there. Oh, fuck, he said to himself. He ran upstairs to find both dogs, who were large Japanese Akitas. There she was in the bath (which was empty) and the two dogs looking in at her, as usual they were full of mischief. She was shouting, “Get them away.” He just laughed and told her, “They’re just playing, they won’t harm you missus.” He took them outside to the dog run which was in the back garden.
She had the kettle boiling when he got back into the house. “Fancy a coffee?” “Aye, why not” he answered, “Could do with a wee cuppa, am knackered.” When the kettle was ready, they got their cups and went into the living room. He could see she had been over this room as it was spotless (cleaner than it had been for a couple of weeks). They sat and talked for a while and before he knew it he looked at his watch – it was one o’clock in the morning. She could talk, oh yes, she could talk!
He got up and went upstairs to get her some money out the room to pay her. When he’s turned around to leave the room, there she stood in the doorway, “I don’t want your money.” She had loosened her top and was showing a lot more than he would have liked. He was shocked into silence! “Jesus-H-Christ!” he exclaimed, “What do you think you are doing?” as he blushed a bright red and stuttered, “I, I, I, I, th, th, th, think you should go.” She just looked at him with a gleam in her eye and walked towards him. He put his hands out to try hold her away from him, but he was also thinking, “God, what the bloody hell. She’s lovely and she wants me! Come on, am dreaming, this just doesn’t happen in the real world!”
At that moment he wanted her so much. She moved towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, pushed him onto the bed and lay beside him. He was in a dream world as she nuzzled his neck. Then he felt a sharp pain, agony! “What the hell” she’s bitten me! He tried to push her off him and he could feel her still at his neck. He tried with all his might to get her off him. Her nails dug into his shoulders. Agony flared through his body, excruciating pain. “She’s fucking sucking my blood.” Oh, God, this isn’t real. I’m dreaming and this is the worst nightmare imaginable. “Come on this is some sort of bad joke” , he thought.
He started lashing out with his fists trying to beat her away from him. She pulled back and hit him straight on the bridge of the nose. Crack! He felt it snap as the shock nearly knocked him senseless. He was kicking and trying to shout, his neck torn open and blood gushing out over his new bed clothes. only a gurgle escaped his lips. All he could think was ‘this isn’t happening to me!’ As he caught a glimpse of her face he spotted those teeth, canines pointed and they must be an inch long and razor sharp, blood running down her chin.
His strength was waning fast. He had to do something, and now, but what? She was strong, very strong, and inhuman! “Jeeta” he croaked,blood frothing at his mouth. “What the fuck. What you doing to me!” But inside he knew , she was killing him, taking his life. As he started to black out by loss of blood, he heard her hiss in his ear, a terrifying hiss, then the words, the last words he would ever hear, “You’re so sweet, sweet enough to eat!” and he slipped into oblivion