By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
You answered the door just as I was about to give up, having spent five minutes ringing the bell and knocking loudly so I suppose my irritated look perhaps scared you a little. You certainly looked frightened as you peered past the security chain.
"Hello?" You asked with a tremor in your voice.
I saw the towel wrapped around your hair, the white fluffy bathrobe, the flushed complexion of your face and I understood why it had taken so long for you to answer.
"Sorry to disturb your shower, is your husband home?"
Of course he wasn't home. What kind of man would make his wife get out of the shower to answer the door? Then again, what kind of man runs up the kind of debts that ends up with someone like me being sent to collect?
"No, no, he's gone out. But he won't be long, would you like to come in?"
I wasn't expecting that. Usually I get all kinds of excuses or the door just slammed in my face so I was a little taken aback. You unchained the door, stepping behind it as I stepped through, no doubt to avoid letting the neighbours see you in your short bathrobe. As I passed you, my suit jacket brushed against it and I got a fleeting glimpse of your thigh. That, together with the warm scent of your still wet body caused my cock to twitch unexpectedly.
"Just go through to the living room. Would you like a coffee?"
"Yes, that would be nice. Milk and sugar please"
The living room was neat and tidy. A large flat screen telly dominated the room, a high end sound system in the corner ... mentally I was totting up what could be sold to pay off the debt owed to my company. I glanced at the pictures scattered around, family pics, children's school photos, group shots on holiday, that kind of thing. One photo caught my eye. Clearly it was you, but dressed up for a night out with a dress that you must have been poured into. I couldn't resist and picked it up, admiring your figure and the way the dress emphasised all the good bits.
"Oh that was a few years ago, a friend's birthday night out", you said as you brought through the coffee.
"Very nice, lovely dress. It suits you". I looked from the picture to you and back before our eyes caught for a second. Just for a moment you saw what I was thinking. You blushed and dropped your eyes demurely. I took a seat in the expensive leather armchair whilst you perched yourself on the edge of the couch, the light coming in the window behind sillhouetting you and making it difficult for me to see your face.
"Is it about the job?" you asked
"No, no, it's not a job. Look, I should have said before I came in. You caught me by surprise but I should have said, I'm from the finance company."
You froze, I could see right away you knew what I was talking about.
"Your husband took out a large loan some time ago and unfortunately hasn't kept up with the payments."
You interrupt me, "No, no he didn't"
"I'm afraid he did, £9000 and he's barely repaid half of that"
"No, it wasn't my husband who borrowed the money, it was me. I filled out the forms, I took out the loan using his details, he doesn't know"
"Ah" I said. "That's actually an offence"
You folded as I watched, the tears came and the story came out about a husband neglecting you, never enough money for the kids, for the nice things, for you. All you wanted was to have some nice things. As you sobbed on the couch I could feel the raw emotion and, before I knew it, I was beside you and putting my arm around you, pulling you to me and holding you close. The warm scent of you filled my nostrils, especially when the towel around your hair fell away and I buried my face in the damp strands. You were holding me too, the deep sobs wracking your body and reverberating through me.
You looked up at me with tearful eyes, "Please, he can't know, you can't tell him"
"Look, I'm sorry, I really sympathise but this is just business. I can't really...."
"Oh please, he'll kill me. He'll be furious. Please don't tell him. There must be something we can do, what can I do to stop this? What can I do?"
My eyes couldn't help it. As you looked up at me and I looked down, I could see that your robe had opened to reveal a beautiful pair of tits, your nipples hard as the cool air touched them. I tore my gaze away to look you in the eye but you had seen where I was looking. Worse, the arm that you had instinctively put around me when I had comforted you now rested in my lap and you certainly didn't miss the huge twitch my cock gave at the sight of your luscious cleavage.
"Oh" you said, moving to cover up. You got up from the couch as I stammered my apologies. You moved over to the fireplace and I shut up, worried that I'd just dropped myself in it, half expecting you to cry "rape" and call the police or my boss. As you stood with your back to me, deep in thought I desperately tried to think of a way out of this. I stood up, "Look, I'm sorry, there's been a misunders...."
The look on your face as you turned, stopped me dead. Gone was the tearful, scared wife to be replaced by a more confident, lustful woman.
"I could always be nice to you, do nice things for you to make this whole thing go away couldn't I?"
" I well, I, I ,I can always make rec..recommendations of course" I stammered.
You smiled and as my heart lurched and my cock throbbed, you took control.
"Shut the curtains"
I hurriedly pulled the curtains shut. The light still came through, but it was diffused and it meant no one could see in. I turned back and my jaw dropped. There you stood, the bathrobe at your feet, your long damp hair draped over your magnificent bare breasts, your hands on your hips, legs slightly spread, your neatly trimmed pussy on display.
"Come here" you breathed