By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
It suddenly became clear to me that she had noticed the furtive glances I sent in her direction. I was interested in the article I was reading from the hotel's newspaper, but her dipping her nylon foot in and out of shiny black heel shoe prevented me from concentrating.
She was wearing a black dress where a white went from her left shoulder to the right ride shoulder and meandered its way along her right side. Her husband was sitting opposite her and were enjoying each other's company. My intention was not to interrupt them , but rather to let her know that I found her desirable.
So I stared at her discreetly, but at the same time, wanting her to notice me. I wanted to be like a child who wanted to steal jam from his neighbour but didn't mind being caught by her.
The first time our eyes met, I turned my gaze away, pretending to find inspiration by staring at the window next to her.
But soon, we began to perform a dance. While I looked, she was in deep conversation was her husband. She would indicate her turn by pretending to look for something in her handbag, or call the waiter, to signal that it was her turn to stare.
It also became obvious to me that she learned how best to torture me. She would cross her legs so as to allow herself to dangle her black leather shoes with red coated soles. She was an expert at almost removing her heel, placing it heel on top of her toes and delicately swinging it around. This, I realised, was when it was my turn to admire her.
She projected her mesmerising powers in other ways too. She expertly placed her shoe perpendiculary to me and proceeded to caress it up and down the heel. She would then squeeze the tip of her shoe with sole of her feet... and then back to running the tip of her big toe along the erect heel.
But my afternoon was going to become stranger still.
She ripped a piece of paper from her notebook and began writing on it.
She neatly folded it and, under the pretense of putting her heel shoe back on again, she put that defenceless, creamy white, paper, inside her heel shoe, compressing it between her warm nyloned sole and the curve of leather.
What a wonderful sight, I thought, but also, why did she do this?
She then waited till I looked at her again, that she stood up and went to whisper something in her husband's ear. He seemed a bit shocked and confusing. Looking left and right before he finally stared my way. He began to shake his head unconvincingly, but then she whisper something else and seemed resigned to whatever she had suggested.
She walked towards a low wooden table by the entrance. This is where guests would wait for their taxi but noone was there at the moment. She sat on one of the couches and, when nobody was looking, crossed her legs again, dangled her shoe and let the helpless squashed piece of paper fall.
She looked at me, and placed the paper inside one of the magazines lying there. She then stood up, and walked towards the staircase before I lost sight of her.
What now? Did she really suggest something? Should I dare stand up now and run the risk of everybody correlating my action and hers? But if I don't, I might lose this opportunity forever. And opportunity exactly am I imagining...?
--part 2 in a couple of days-- |