By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Mark had been away at his uncles for 4yr since leavin school. A job he couldnt turn down, was the first time in his own town, and it felt strange.
after a week catching up, his sister insisted they go play badminton at the local sports centre.
After an hour he was shattered and they hit the shower, meanwhile two couples left at same time, mark was sure he knew one of the women in the group..
Upstairs in the bar, he kept looking at the four who was playing when they was, the lady he thought he knew gave him the odd look n smile.
She was mid 40 short ginger hair, small in height with the brighest red lipstick.
He asked his sister where he knew the woman from, she said" you dont remember miss stone from school". She used to have long hair, short suited her and he never looked at her in a sexual way before.
the four in the group were giggling, one of the blokes said, "you see the lad over their with the girl", he meant mark,"i saw him in the shower n i would be happy with half of the cock hes got, he is blessed".
miss stone, or kate she was called, knew who he meant, said nothing about teaching him.
She couldnt believe it, he was quiet at school, not very popular but a good lad.
The four got up to leave and as they did, kate turned and gave a long stare at mark.
In the car park kates male badminton partner asked if they was goin for a drive, she been having an affair with him for a year, he was ten yr older, she said "not tonight, take me home..
She was in all honesty getting bored of him, he just wanted to empty his sack once a week and she was stuck un a rutt..
Week after mark was waiting for his sis in sports centre and got a txt to say she couldnt make it, so he set off home, a car pulled up at side of him, woman wound window down, "mark isnt it, saw you last week, its miss stone, kate"." Can i give you a lift. "But you goin badminton arnt you" she was dressed for a game. "To be honest im not in the mood, get in".
she asked if he wanted to go for a drink, n he said"why not, my friday night spoilt cos his sis let him down".
They drove to a pub, both dressed in sports gear, he kept staring at her legsas her short skirt rode op her leg and she kept having a glance at his shorts, wondering if his cock was as big as her lover said it was..
they sat n chatted in pub n got on really well, he seemed a bit tipsy after a few pints,
She suggested should they book a room at the pub, as she wanted a drink n they was a few mile from town. Mark being the guy he is suggested he do it and went to see landlord. After few mins he returned with a vodka n  |