By *renz OP Man 4 days ago
Between Chichester and Havant |
I first met Jess when I was invited over to join a group at the local. I knew one couple, acquaintance's rather than friends and being on my own, recently divorced I joined them. There were six couples in all and one single female. Over the weeks I felt more accepted into the group and I looked forward to a Friday evening.
The conversation just about covered everything from politics to, yes you've guessed it, sex! Nothing too out there, just what could be described as 'teenage' talk. Because both Maureen and I were both single, we were invariably sat together. She was a nice girl and we got on but there was never anything between us. Not like that anyway. The groups age was between 32 and me being the eldest at 60. Maureen was also divorced and in her 40's, so we did at least have that in common. There was one person in the group I couldn't quite connect with, James. I'm not sure why, he was a GP but I didn't hold that against him! There was just something that seemed we both rubbed each other up the wrong way. By the end of the evening, after a few drinks the group could become quite raucous to say the least! This particular evening we were all sat outside, a typical warm British June evening, a few mosquitoes but otherwise very pleasant. That evening I had Maureen, inevitably sat on one side of me and Jess on the other. I can't remember the exact conversation but I do remember everything that I said, Jess had some comeback or comical quip. Jess was one of the younger women, slim, tall and always well dressed. In many ways she had to be, being the wife of a GP!
After one quip too many from Jess and maybe one drink too many from me, I said.
'Continue being cheeky, young lady and I'll have to put you over my knee and spank you!'
This was greeted by cheers and laughter by the rest of the group. Jess just said, 'You wouldn't dare!'
'Try me!' I said!
As the evening continued and the light began to fade, again Jess back chatted me. I stood up and said, rather loudly, 'Right, I told you what would happen if you continued!'
The rest of the group laughing, roared encouragement. Even James. I asked Jess, if she was ready to accept her punishment, to which she once again replied, 'You wouldn't dare!'
'Oh, wouldn't I! Stand up!' I said in an authoritarian voice. The others stopped the conversation and sat watching. With a wry smile on her face, Jess stood. I sat back down, took her hand and pulled her down across my lap. As she lay down her summer dress flounced up, uncovering her buttocks, sparsely covered by blue fabric. I may have taken a second or two too long gazing down before pulling her dress down to cover that fine looking arse. I looked up at the group around the table trying to judge what they were thinking, when Jess said, 'All mouth and no trousers, I knew it!'
I looked at James, who just sat there, didn't say anything unlike the others who were laughing and calling out encouragement!
I lifted my hand and bought it down, cupped to follow the contour of her cheek. Jess wriggled, the others cheered and roared with laughter! James? I don't know, I was too busy with the job in hand!
'Six of the best for you, young lady. I'll teach you to backchat!'
Jess would wriggle but I held onto her hands so she couldn't escape. After the sixth one I let her up. She rubbed her backside, looking very red in the face but to give her credit she sat back down and was soon laughing with the rest of them. Even James was laughing but the laughter didn't quite reach his eyes.
I hoped Jess hadn't been able to feel me stiffening as I administered her punishment, I couldn't help it, having a girl half my age writhing on my lap was something that I task any man to ignore!
As the evening came to it's conclusion we all went home. I began to worry I had gone too far. I went to sleep and although I don't remember dreaming, I think I would know what it was about if I had!
The following morning I sat having breakfast when my phone pinged, I had a text. It was from Jess!