By (user no longer on site) OP 19 weeks ago
As I moved to get into the back I hear 'Sorry love she said, got parcels in the back, can you get in the front?'. I note, even just through the window being opened, in that brief moment, her smell was the polar opposite from Brenda's, I also noted, in the dark interior, her tanned leather skirt contrasted against the black of everything else, even her other clothes she wore. I step into the car, having to lower myself down considerably. Do you need a hand? I burst out laughing. No no, I'm fine. I blame the kilt. She laughs. Yeah yeah. I get in. 'Not the usual uber I'm used to' I say with a smile on my face as i settle in. She was by far the hottest uber driver I had ever seen, blonde hair up in a ponytail, brown eyes (I think), and with her sexy smile she tells me she likes to use this car at the weekends as it makes the passenger feel more special. I smile. Feeling cheeky I add, 'you assume I was referring to your car'. It's met with a little silence. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cross the line and make you feel uncomfortable. I am happy to sit in the back. She bursts out laughing. You need thick skin to do this job, if you think that's the worst or cheekiest thing I get you are so wrong. Plus, I saw this hotel come up and I drove past earlier. Lots of kilts. I had to accept the job. You like my kilt I ask? Oh absolutely, what's the tartan? She asks. I smile, knowing she has given me the opportunity to use the oldest best man joke known to man, well..... a tanned leather skirt. She looks at me puzzled. A few moments later, after playing the conversation over in her head, oh for fuck sake, how have I not heard that before..... I laugh. Smiling straight ahead. Sorry Gail. Her head darts towards me, it dawns on her quickly. Ah yeah, my confirmation 'alert'. I am still trying to get used to people knowing my name. I look over. Hands at ten to two on the steering wheel. No wedding or engagement ring but the imprint of previously worn remain. My eyes quickly take in as mulch as possible as she checks her blind spot and mirrors. Black knee high boots, thick black tights, tanned leather skirt, black roll neck jumper. Very autumnal into winter I thought to myself. I look ahead and out to the people enjoying their nights. For a moment I was having fun, a laugh, I had to keep up the cheekiness without making her feel uncomfortable. My intention is to be funny, not creepy. The chat dries up with the bog standard questions going back and forth. It got hot and stuffy in the car, I ask to open a window but I'm told it makes the interiors even more stuffy and the windows mist up. How can you wear that I say? Pointing at her roll neck. She laughs, well if I wasn't I'd be sitting here in a black lace balcony bra and I'd get arrested for that. I laugh but those 4 words trigger so many thoughts. |