By *im Gumby OP Man 20 weeks ago
London & Europe |
Elaine called the boys into the kitchen. She showed us the food platters, quite large and heavy, plus where the drinks were. A lot of fizz, prosecco was obviously order of the day.
We were given aprons to wear, although they were hardly that. A waist belt to tie around, with a small square of lightweight material that barely covered my modesty. So light, that our cocks pushed them out, and they kinda flapped out in a rather provocative way. Of course, that was all we wore.
The platters needed 2 hands, and we were defenceless. As we circulated, letting the ladies take food, we were groped from every side. My foreskin got a lot of attention, and it seemed that every lady wanted to pull it back hard like Elaine had. However, they had not realised how tight that made it, and how tricky it was to put it back. The most I remember from that part of the party was a random girl calling,
'Elaine, please come here quickly, I have broken his cock. I need you to fix it'
Elaine struggled at first, but then developed the knack, and could flick it back with ease. At one point I suggested that she was trying to give me a sneaky wank, and she fixed me with those piercing eyes,
'Oh no James, your time might come, but not here and not now. If you get added to my list then you will dream of it being this gentle.....'
I took the chance to check out the ladies, and it was the expected selection, but they all had their merits and were a friendly enough bunch. A few were shy, a few were a bit grabby, but most just wanted a gentle fumble and as I normally responded by getting harder then it was well received.
Elaine banged her glass with a spoon, got attention, did a few notices regarding the blushing bride to be, and then said it was time for games.
First, though, it was bath time. Those dirty boys needed a bit of attention, and Elaine led us into the next room where 5 old fashioned metal bath tubs sat on the floor. They were filled with warm(ish) water and each boy was assigned to 2 ladies.
So we got in the tubs and got washed, very well, the ladies found it so funny to soap us up, and rinse us down. My cock was almost rubb3d away, and the foreskin was even given a taste test at the end to check it was clean enough. But, I was glad to get out and have a warm towel because the water was tepid at best and some of the guys were showing signs of considerable shrinkage.
Back in the main room, and all had changed. The first game was twister, naked guys vs the ladies. It was hilarious and the ladies ended up with cocks against their arms, legs, faces, hair etc. They did not seem to care and I do recall that it had some funny moments. I liked the girl who stretched so far that her tits popped out of her dress, she had no option but to continue and it was a delightful sight. Of course, there was some cheating; I had my cock bitten and sucked in attempts to make me move off a coloured circle. It was up to this though, and it ended up as a pretty sweaty draw, with the ladies looking far less prim than before.
Game 2 was cock hoopla, every boy had a lady 'fluffer' and he lay on the sofa, was made to offer a suitable pole and the ladies threw rings over them. This was pretty tame and Elaine soon realised that the attention was drifting.
Elaine called the room to order and said,
'This next game is rather specialised and requires me to assist. On the table there are 5 pencils, but with a difference. I do not know if you ladies are familiar with the science of sounding, where a metal rod is inserted into a penis. Here, the pencil is attached to a sounding rod and we are going to try some penis art. I will assist with inserting the rod, as that is a special skill. We will put paper on the floor, and the male artist can kneel, crouch, or try a little downwards dog. Whatever, we want original art and we will judge the result. Pics will be judged, rated, and the order of merit recorded'
The girls looked either shocked or knowing, and were absolutely fixated when Elaine inserted the sounding rods. They were thin ones, but ribbed, and it gave me a warm and very pleasant sensation. Elaine watched my face as she tapped it in and said quietly, 'oh yes James, I can see you are taking to sounding, I could make you orgasm now if I wanted to, and I love that power'
The art was best described as impressionist. I was trying to do a house, but it was really hard and my cock kept twitching. No hands allowed, obv, and I could see that the girls were more curious about 5 guys with metal rods in their cocks than the pics. However, I was judged third, what a result! The others were also rubbish, so how the bride picked the order is anybody's guess.
The final game had been chosen by the bride's mum. She announced that she had once missed a game of soggy biscuit at uni, and had always wanted to watch it. So, that was it, easy.
Now the art marks came in, the guys stood in merit order and Elaine explained,
'Ladies, this is the traditional game of soggy biscuit. Our wankers are going to summon up their creamy, salty, nutty, spunk and ejaculate all over this little cracker. The art marks count for a 20 second delay, so the art winner will start first, the second starts 20m seconds later etc. I suggest that those at the end of the line should wank harder to catch up. After all, that biscuit is soon getting covered in your filthy sperm, and somebody has to eat it! Traditionally it is the last to cum, so hurry up lads'
Elaine's attempts to manage the start were soon drowned out by the hooting and roaring from the room of d*unken ladies. It seemed that each of us had a fan club, my chief bath lady was encouraging me by standing opposite me and peeking her nipples over the top of her dress. But the others were getting similar, and we were also getting abuse and jeers from the 'enemy' fans. Honestly, it was hilarious and I was a bit disappointed to finish. But I did, a slightly scary 4th, but not 5th. Number 5 looked resigned to his fate though. Elaine then said,
'Guys, you are to stand back, as the bride's mother has decided that her and the bride will share the biscuit.'
The bride was giggling, and her mum said,
'This has been my favourite hen night, you guys are so sexy, and it was amazing fun. I wish that I could take you all home with me, but hubby might say something, but the next best thing is to taste your sperm and I will use this to power my own masturbation for months.'
After watching them eat the biscuit, with rather more dignity than I have ever managed, the party came to an end and the guys drifted away.
It was a shame that the girls needed to go home in the minibus, because a few would clearly have stayed for an after party. But I got some phone numbers, including the bride, so it was not a waste! |