By *im Gumby OP Man 24 weeks ago
London & Europe |
This is the last episode for a while. I am genuinely grateful to those that have provided DM feedback, or have liked the story, but it feels like the numbers are in decline. I will give it a while, then perhaps do some more. Anyway, until then, I really want to finish this training session at Elaine's.
The time was moving on, and it was getting late. Elaine and Lisa continued to enjoy their wine, and I had been given some beer. The discussions had become quite philosophical. Lisa in particular was getting quite deep,
'Elaine, I know that I asked you to teach me how to control men better, but I am finding you a curious mix. You seem to genuinely like these boy toys, and yet you love to unsettle them and add a genuine element of fear.'
'Oh Lisa, I only do this because I find men lack imagination and some of that is due to their inhibitions. Let me give you an example, male masturbation. They find some pictures on the internet, unzip, make a fist around their cock, and pump the little stalk until it erupts. They feel good for a moment, have awful guilt pangs, then zip it away until it is next expected to perform. Honestly, same every time, no build up, what a dull life. Whereas, at my house, I teach them new techniques. Sure, some are scary at first, but the results speak for themselves
'Take James as an example, before coming here the most exciting thing for him was to get caught masturbating by a good friend of mine. With anybody else, that would have led to years of recriminations and worry, but he is now one of my boy toys and his horizons are being expanded wonderfully'.
The ladies had now sat down beside me and Elaine said,
'James, we have left you alone, and given your young body a chance to recover. Lisa and I are truly sorry at the mean trick that we played on you earlier, and would like to make it up to you. Lisa has asked if she can wank you off, so I am going to let her. Better still, she is not going to stop, and we want you to have a full orgasm. So, just ask her to wank you off, and Lisa will do it until you cum. There, what a lucky boy toy you are. Hold out for as long as you can, it feels better that way'
What could I say, this was amazing, a sexy young mother, smiling sweetly and discussing my rock hard cock as she gently wanked it. I started to plead for her to wank it more, faster, harder, and I was getting so close,
Elaine said,
'Try not to cum James, holding back is important for a guy, and it adds to your pleasure. Ladies like restraint, and early cummers are really rather rude. Try twisting it as you stroke Lisa, that double motion really does seem to get through their defences'.
I tried to warn them, but they seemed far too deep in discussion and, suddenly, I blew out a stream of cum.
'Oh', said Elaine, 'and after all our warnings too. What a rude boy toy, just thinking of himself. Well, we have not finished yet, so don't go anywhere. Lisa, please continue as before. He might be sensitive now, but he should have thought of that before his selfish orgasm'.
I swear that Lisa had increased her grip and her movements became faster. Damn, that hurt, my foreskin was still over my cock tip, but it was too sensitive and there was a pain there now.
Elaine said,
'This is post orgasm stimulation, there are other terms, which indicate the nature of it for the guy. James here is still semi hard, it matters not, so let us play some games as a lesson to him',
'I have here one of those boards that I use to sand off my nails, emery boards I call them, so let us slide it under his foreskin and against his cock head. Ooooh, listen to that sharp intake of breath, it does not hurt intensely, but the feeling is very alien to him. If we saw it up and down a bit, sanding away at his cock head, then we can get his pulse up nicely. Then slip it to under his cock, that frenulum area is the most sensitive. There, keep going, I think we are making his eyes water. That will teach him not to cum too fast. Keep doing it and I am off to get the next little lesson ready.
'OK Lisa, we can stop that, and put on these latex gloves. Non slip, so grip his foreskin, and move your hand sharply towards the base of his cock. Oh, lovely, he actually squealed like a pig, and look, that tight foreskin is now fully retracted. Poor James, I do think that hurt a bit, shall we rub his poor, sore, cock head better. Now, it is a little slippery, but I have some special lube that will help. So, put some in the palm of your hand, and just wank that mushroom head. Ah, not too bad is it James?'
I started to relax, and then it hit me, fuck, what was happening to my cock.
'I knew James would quickly realise that I have a solution of KY and muscle rub ointment, keep rubbing Lisa he is going to go through several stages of pain, perhaps even agony. His nerves are so sensitive, that it all happens a bit fast. See how he is starting to buck in his bonds, he is getting desperate now. And then, see, he relaxes as his nerves shutdown. His cock is totally senseless now'
Elaine slapped my cock, nothing, no feeling at all. Lisa took an ice cube and rubbed it around the tip, nothing.
The ladies were laughing, and Elaine said,
'I will now connect him to the milking machine, and we can watch him cum back to life'
My cock was placed in the tube, and that rhythmic sucking started. My cock was semi hard, I felt nothing, but could hear it pumping. After a few minutes, I could see that my cock was stretching down the tube, Elaine was pleased,
'Oh yes, most cocks stretch in this, and he will start feeling it again soon. Be brave James, nearly there'.
Agony, utter agony, the feelings slowly returned, and it was like a misfiring car. Nothing felt right, but I could feel the pumping and it was so intense. I realised that I was moaning in time with the pump action, and the ladies were watching my cock.
'James, you are almost big enough to be worth fucking', laughed Lisa.
'We never fuck the boy toys, Lisa, their purpose is to remain beta males, and they should be honoured that we let them in on our games', explained Elaine.
'Make it stop' said a shattered voice, like mine except a lot higher.
Elaine laughed,
'Not until we have the final milk from you, cow boy'.
And she was right, against all my wishes, I was loading up again. As the pain moderated and a warm satisfaction swept over me, I came. The tube bubbled and frothed, and a few drips landed in a dish on Elaine's lap.
'Now Lisa, this is what you came for, this is the best. Almost no semen, just pure fluid, here taste it. I always drink it neat, our reward for a hard night of work with a boy toy'
'So let us clean up, give James a few minutes to recover because it is a 20 minute walk home for him and I doubt that he can manage that right now. A bit of food, and some beer, and we will let him go. Well done James, your training is certainly going well. I was almost impressed, almost....' |