By *im Gumby OP Man 25 weeks ago
London & Europe |
I spent most of that summer working, trying to get enough money to afford the nights out at the student bars, plus food that did not come from the bargain tins at the supermarket. I had a number of people that sympathised, and work was steady and generously paid. Linda was one of many that called me in for little jobs, although with her, it was not always work. I never felt that she had a special thing for me, but I was young, virile, and more than capable of giving her a 'full service' as she called it.
It was near the end of the holidays, and I was at Linda's doing a few random jobs. To be honest, I sometimes think that she was just finding excuses for me to be there, hot and sweaty, when she got home. She had taken to showering with me, saves water, I guess, and the teasing started there. But, on this day, she took a phone call on the house phone and seemed distracted. At one point, I heard her say my name, and that I was there doing some work. I was curious as to why I was mentioned, but not for long as Linda came into the utility room,
'Sorry James, plans have changed, Elaine has had a guy drop out of her party tonight and we were discussing whether you could replace him. Tricky one, really, it is a quite different style of party to the last one, and we discussed if you could handle it. Elaine is going to watch over you though, and it will be good for your experience. So, sorry, no time for a shower here, you need to be at hers for 7 o'clock.'
Well, I was a bit deflated, but also curious. Why would they have to judge my capabilities? Had I somehow performed badly at the last parties?
I was getting used to arriving at Elaine's, and was soon serving drinks to her lady guests. As a variation, we all wore leather masks, and gags. It was all a bit BDSM, to me, and a little uncomfortable at first, but I lived with it. I also noticed that the other men there were all older, but it was a mixed group.
The ladies were cooler than normal, the drink requests were barked at us, and each lady had a glass of iced water. It we were slow or somehow upset them, they reached for the glass and held it so our cocks were in the icy water. Ow, a bit shocking the first time, and very tingly the longer it went on. Then, a dull ache started to set in, but the ladies seemed totally unaware or disinterested.
Elaine called the room to order,
'Ladies, tonight we have having a little experiment with our boy toys. Each of the 5 represents a decade, starting with Boy A who is early 20s, and up to Boy E, who is mid 60s. As the night goes on, you will discover their relative strengths and weaknesses, which are life skills that every lady needs. First, I hope that you have managed to cool off their appendages, because we need to measure them.'
I could have sworn that my cock had shrivelled to a tiny maggot, and the ladies were laughing, especially at D, who had a number of folds of skin and whose ladies were laughing about needing a map to find it.
I was 4 inches, and highly embarassed. I am never huge, and always a grower, but it was well below what I expected. The ladies, laughing and joking, seemed unfazed, but I was glad when the warmth started to come back.
Elaine again,
'Thank you ladies, record the result and compare it to later. Now, into the next room where I have set up some tables for the next task'
We wandered in and I was not sure what I was looking at, but Elaine explained, and I think that she was really telling me as the others all seemed to know it already,
'These are milking tables, the boy toy lies on top with his pathetic equipment through the holes. Now, we have to take it in turns, as I only have one milking device this time, so squirt this disinfectant (I use it on my horses ) on their cock, and put it in the tube, making sure that the rubber seals against their body. Switch it on here, and you can then stand back and enjoy the show. It is automatic, and afterwards, just switch off here.'
Holy moly, this was crazy. The first guy was C, and he was installed on the table, with this tube over his cock, and as they turned on the machine I could hear the 'slurp, slurp, slurp....' as it pulsed and sucked his cock further up the tube. He started relaxed, but then I could see him tense, and his cock was getting enormous. His breathing got faster and faster, and the ladies went quiet and watched the tubes as suddenly a huge load of cum flew out of him and into the collection jar. I was impressed, but not the ladies, they had wooden paddles and were slapping his arse telling him to give them the rest, but the poor guy was empty, and they gave up. Wow, that was harsh, and he was done. One of the ladies had marked the furthest point of his cock in the tube, and they laughed that he had been stretched nicely.
My turn next, and of course I could not see anything, but after watching C, then I made sense of the sensations. The machine started off as weird, then it became very sensual and I was enjoying it, but the relentless pumping soon over stimulated my young cock and at one point I feared that I could not cum. However, a couple of hefty thwacks across my ass helped to break the trance, and I blew a load of spunk into their contraption.
Well, after all of the guys had been machine milked, and the cum level and cock size measured and compared, we were released to recover, get a drink, and prepare for the next examination. Elaine walked past me during the break and whispered 'doing good'.
The next game was in a separate room, and the boys went in one by one. I was third in, and the first boy was away for about 15 minutes and came back looking pretty shaky, as was the second. I was nervous as anything when I went in.
There was a wooden seat, with a back rest, and I was made to sit and my hands and feet secured to 'stop me hurting myself', although I was not at all sure that this was the real reason. All of the ladies near me had rubber gloves, and Elaine brought in a bucket. Oh fuck, those are stinging nettles, and I am really bad with them.
Elaine explained,
'It is said that nettles are able to stimulate a man, but this is not the only use for them. As we saw with E, his tolerance was exceptional, and his erection was notable. With A, we can expect a very different reaction.'
Don't try this at home, oh shit, I was in agony. Sharp, searing pain, then numb and then nothing. It took a couple of minutes, and they stopped applying nettles to my poor cock, and wiped away the tears, and seemed to be waiting. I was there for 10 minutes, and then I felt the weirdest thing. My whole cock zone was kicking back into life in a random fashion, and it felt good. It felt really good, and I was getting hard. This was unreal, and the ladies just watched. Elaine looked at her watch, and muttered '45 minutes since milking, might be ok'. This was more than feeling weird, it was amazing, and then, in front of everybody, I had a hands free ejaculation. There were a few claps, a few laughs, and a soft 'good boy' from Elaine.
I went back outside and tried to understand what had happened, but it was beyond me. All I knew was that I had cum twice already, and the ladies did not seem ready to stop.
Elaine said,
'This is the last of the night, and is your turn to have fun with the boy toys. They have all cum at least once, been frozen, milked, stung, and now you have to be gentle and just rub them better.'
If anybody ever says that to you, then run. It goes like this, after orgasm, your cock is ultra sensitive. Even a genie blowing on it is too much, and here were a selection of ladies with various creams and potions, giving me a hand job. It hurt, really hurt, and they were laughing and joking with each other, while I was trying to hold back the tears, and failing.
Elaine walked around 'now ladies, post orgasm fun is intense and the boy toy will have a limited tolerance. This is the time when you tell him that you want new clothes, a new car, anything really because he just wants you to stop and will say anything now. I have made my point, so stop, and we must let these toys go now.
'I hope that you have learnt something,
'A was the youngest and had the fastest reload time, C had the biggest cum load on the milking table, E was almost immune to the stingers, and B grew the most under milking. So, that really was educational and useful research'
I did not wank for the rest of that week, or the one after, and even avoided the gf for a while.....