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Wife Proves a Point Part 3

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By *rR888 OP   Man
10 weeks ago


Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. Been a hectic few weeks.

Links to Part 1 and 2 below, please read if you haven’t already before reading Part 3.

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3

Chapter 1

I stood frozen to the spot, no idea what to say back to Steve, looking up at his grinning face.

“Right, I’m off for a dance” he said swaggering off into the living room “Cos I’m Mr Brightside!” He started singing out loudly, as it came out over the speakers. Hayley and Lauren were bouncing around, Simon was trying to roll himself a cigarette, and Steve went in the middle of the two girls.

I headed down the hallway to our bedroom. My head spinning not knowing what to say to Jess or how to react. I’d just watched Steve fuck her. I’d just watched my wife suck his cock then beg him to fuck her. I’d seen his hands all over her body, her young smooth slim body. I was angry, humiliated, upset and so turned on.

I went into the bedroom. Jess was sat on the side of the bed, her dress back on, re touching up her make up in mirror on the wall.

She looked up at me “Hey…” she said softly.

“Hey…you ok?” I asked

She nodded her head, paused and then started shaking it side to side “No…I’m so sorry..sorry…” She started to get tearful and I went and sat next to her.

“It’s ok, it’s ok..”I said reassuringly putting my arm around her.

“It’s not…I…I don’t know what happened…but,” she was struggling with the words, but I wasn’t quite ready to help her just yet. She composed herself.

“I need to tell you…I had sex with Steve…I don’t know how it happened…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to..” Jess started welling up again.

“It’s ok…it’s ok…” I said hugging her “I know…I saw.”

“You saw?!” She asked shocked pulling away, “What? How?”

“Through the window in the bathroom…” I said slightly pathetically

“You watched and did nothing?” She asked confused.

I took a deep breath…”Do you love him?”

“God no, are you mad? He’s vile.” She replied with no hesitation.

I had butterflies in my stomach “But, you like being fucked by him.”

She looked at me, slightly quizzical, not expecting me to say that “Honestly, I can’t explain it, but I guess as much I hate to admit it , yeah there’s obviously something I’m attracted to.”

I felt my cock stirring “Did it feel good as he fucked you” I said to her softly.

She gave me another sideways look, no more tears, sudden realisation dawning on her “Yeah it felt really good.” She whispered back to me, confidently.

I gulped and asked, “Is he bigger than me?”

“So much bigger than you, god it felt so good inside me, I wanted it.

She moved closer to me we began hugging and pressing our bodies against each other, between talking I would kiss her neck and she would whisper in my ear.

“Did he make you cum?” I asked

“Yes, he made me cum so hard, I’ve never cum so intently before.” She purred. Hands running up my legs, she felt my hard dick through my trousers, gently rubbing it. “I came so hard feeling his bigger cock inside me.” She went on.

We were both breathing heavily now against each other.

“Did he cum inside you?”

“Yes, I felt that dirty old bastard erupt in me, I wanted him to.”

“Is it turning you on remembering it?”

“Yes…did it turn you on watching him fuck me?” She asked back

I paused a second “Yes.” I admitted as she rubbed my dick harder through my trousers.

“Are you full of him cum now?” I asked her


“Show me?” I breathlessly asked pushing Jess back onto the bed, as I reached down to start pulling her thong off.

Her thong felt moist, the second thong I’d handled that day, likely moistened by Steve’s cum.

I kissed down her body and pushed her dress up, kissing back up her thigh. I saw her smooth slit, puffy wet and glazed looking.

“Lick me.” She demanded grabbing my hair. I needed no other invitation and started licking Jess’s clit as she lay back on the bed.

I licked up and down her slit, she tasted salty, sweaty musky and sweet. I flicked my tongue up to her clit, giving it a few flick then circling round it a couple of times, before back down and probing her hole.

“Mmm yeah.” She panted from the bed “oh I need that, yes hun.” She panted further.

I kept eating her pussy, concentrating on licking her clit.

“Tell me how he fucked you.” I asked up between licks.

“Oh god I hate him, but he fucked me so hard, god I wanted him to.”

I started fingering her hole, she was so wet loose. Creamy white smears on my fingers as I went in and sucked her clit, flicking it with my tongue as she thought about Steve fucking her.

“I feel so small against him, his body is big, he just picks me up and can toss me about how he pleases, to use me. Mmm I want him to use me.” She moaned as I picked up the pace, her thighs pressed against my face.

“I hate him though, but I wanted him to feel him cum in me, I wanted to feel that thick heavy load in me, so much deeper then I ever feel you.” She squealed a little bit.

My fingers were deep now making “come here” gesture inside her rubbing her g, as I sucked and licked harder on her clit.

“Oh that’s it yes…yeah…Oh he came so deep in me that’s it. That’s it,

lick it all out of me…oh gaawwwwddd.” Jess moaned out hips raising as she came, my face and arm suddenly soaked with a mixture of her and Steve’s juices.

I wasted no time, my own cock straining against my trousers, I stood up and undid them, standing over Jess, my cock in hand about to fuck her, but looking down at her, laying there, having just cum, it all got too much for me, and with one stroke in my hand, I came.

Fuck Steve was right, real men fuck women, others just wank.

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By *ockhopper1701Man
10 weeks ago


OMG!! At last! This is SO hot.

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By *imbob2145Man
10 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

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By *ussyeater692Man
10 weeks ago


Worth the wait, just hope there's more soon

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By *rgasm4u69Man
10 weeks ago


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By *atthew78Man
10 weeks ago


so happy to see this continuing

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By *ax_glasscotMan
10 weeks ago


Nice mate glad to see you back.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
10 weeks ago


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By *rgar27Man
10 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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By *rR888 OP   Man
10 weeks ago


Chapter 2

I collapsed on the bed next to Jess.

“Well that was unexpected…” she said staring up at the ceiling.

“Yeah…” I responded

“So…what do we do now…?” She asked.

“I guess we go back to the party and pretend none of this has happened…” I said back.

“I mean…where does it leave us?” She asked turning to face me.

“I really don’t know…I love you, I know that…and I don’t want anything really to change.” I said smiling back at her.

“Me neither…I love you too…but you seem to get very excited over the idea of someone else fucking me…”She said giggling.

“Yeah…and you seem to get very excited on Steve’s cock.” I teased back

“Oh god.” She said cringing “Why him, why couldn’t it have been anyone else, if we were going to start playing with others, why couldn’t it have been with anyone else on the planet?!” She said laughing.

“Is that we do now? Play with others?” I asked her

“I don’t know…maybe if you want to.” She said back holding my hand.

“Maybe, we can chat properly about it when we’re home tomorrow.”

“And what about Steve tonight?” She asked

“Well let’s just see what happens. I doubt at his age and weight his heart could cope with another session with you.” We both laughed.

“Right you head back to the party, I’ll clean up and fix my make up again tonight.”

Jess said to me giving me another kiss.

I headed back into the cottage to still hear the music blaring out. There was no one in the living room, so I wandered into the kitchen. I started making myself a drink and then heard splashing. I looked out the window and saw Steve lowering himself into the hot tub with just his boxers on, carrying a bottle of champagne.

Lauren was stood next to the hot tub. I watched as she looked around, then take her dress off. She was stood in just a pair of blue lacey French knickers, her bum cheeks filling them nicely as she climbed into the hot tub next to Steve both of them giggling. I thought of Rob upstairs, what would he say if he’d just seen his mrs climbing into the hot tub in just her underwear next to Steve. They were sat opposite each other, Steve’s arms outspread dominating one whole side.

“Bloody hell, Lauren best be careful” I heard Simon say as he came into the kitchen.

“What’s going on?”I asked.

“Hayley and I are calling it a night, I’m just grabbing her a glass of water, and looks like those two are drinking out in the hot tub, as I said she best be careful.” He said.

“Why do you say that?” I asked a little naively.

“Oh come off it, you know what Steve’s like, his behaviour this weekend with that barmaid speaks for itself…and with Rob still unwell upstairs, I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t try something on with Lauren, the absolute animal.”

“Well maybe, but I mean Lauren wouldn’t do anything with him, she’s hardly a fan of his, and she’s married with Rob upstairs.” I responded, knowing full well that meant nothing.

“Who knows, but to avoid any trouble, maybe just keep an eye on them, alcohol, a hot tub…we don’t want any trouble kicking off if something happens. And being married or in a relationship, well counts for nothing when alcohol is involved does it?” Simon said

“What do you mean by that?” I asked slightly defensively…did he know about Steve and Jess?

“Nothing, it’s just…” he paused and quickly looked around, “I can trust you right, it’s not something I want people knowing about.”

“Of course.” I said, keen to know what he had to say.

He looked around again “Years ago, while Hayley and I were dating, she had a d*unken one night stand with Steve.”

“What?!” I said genuinely shocked and surprised.

“Yeah…” Simon said a little sheepishly “My own fault really, we kinda knew Steve as a local at the pub. We were down there one night, this was years ago before we knew you and Jess. Anyway we’d been drinking, Hayley found some messages on my phone, from my ex, nothing bad like, but with the drink she kinda got the wrong idea and went off on one about it. We had an argument, I walked away she went back into the pub where Steve was.” He paused a second again and looked round. “I got home, cooled down a little bit and thought this is bloody stupid, so walked back to the pub, and yeah…you know that little alley alongside it before the houses, well I caught Hayley and Steve down there, he had her up against the wall, his jeans were round his ankles and her skirt was hitched up going at it.”

“Oh shit mate I’m sorry.” My mind racing hearing about how Simon had caught Steve fucking Hayley. It was like history repeating itself.

“I stopped them of course, I didn’t just stand there like some muppet. We had a bit of an argument, it was all a bit spicy for a while after. Hayley blamed the drink saying she’d only done it because she thought I’d been seeing my ex behind her back. Steve made some excuse about Hayley telling him we’d broken up. Eventually Hayley and I made up and stayed together happily married. We liked the pub so weren’t going to stop going. I spoke to Steve and warned him away from her. But over time, he joined our group and yeah guess forgiven him, he weren’t to know I suppose, but yeah he’ll try it on with anyone given half a chance you mark my words. Appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about him and Hayley.”

“God no of course, mate I’m really sorry”

“No it’s ok, like I said I warned him, and times passed Hayley and me are happily married, and it’s not like I’ve always been an angel. But yeah watch Steve, especially with Rob out of the picture. He’ll try something with Lauren, and watch he doesn’t sniff around your Jess as well, especially after her oral demo earlier” he said sly smile on his face.

“Oh yeah of course, no we’re sound, but yeah I’ll remember that.” I said back…wishing I’d heard that from him several months ago maybe.

“Anyway I’m off up, have a good night, and turn the music down in a bit.” And with that Simon headed up to bed, just as Jess came into the kitchen.

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By *ax_glasscotMan
10 weeks ago


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By *ersey GentMan
10 weeks ago

St Peter

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By *atthew78Man
10 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

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By *ornybeardedguyMan
10 weeks ago


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By *tan-2323Man
10 weeks ago


This is 1 hot thread

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By *ussyeater692Man
10 weeks ago


More please, this is awesome

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
10 weeks ago


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By *lirtypairCouple
10 weeks ago


Really pleased this story is back

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By *rgasm4u69Man
10 weeks ago


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By *rgar27Man
10 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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By *illie B. HardaganMan
10 weeks ago


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By *adyinred696969Couple
10 weeks ago


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By *uncouplerk40Couple
10 weeks ago


Wow glad we’ve found this.

Super hot story and we love hot tubs

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By *adyCassandraClonmelTV/TS
10 weeks ago

woodford h

Great story

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By *asexxMan
10 weeks ago

near you

oh yes the naughty bugger xxx

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By *M1712Man
10 weeks ago


Look forward to more. Glad this is back

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By *D123Man
10 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Great Story!

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By *kpiercedCouple
10 weeks ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
10 weeks ago


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By *j and c 2Couple
10 weeks ago


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By *ischiefManaged69Couple
10 weeks ago


Great story, glad part 3 has arrived!

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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago


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By *igerman23Man
10 weeks ago


So good.more please

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By *imbob2145Man
10 weeks ago


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By *atch2334Man
10 weeks ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
10 weeks ago


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By *ornybeardedguyMan
10 weeks ago


Soo good having this back

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By *ax_glasscotMan
10 weeks ago


Loving it too.

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By *orthen soul manMan
10 weeks ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS
10 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
10 weeks ago


Ready for more of this incredible story

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By *rR888 OP   Man
10 weeks ago


Chapter 3

I was still reeling from Simon’s news, Steve had not just fucked my wife, but he had previously fucked Simon’s mrs.

Jess was back in her dress, heels and make up touched up, “What have I missed?” She asked

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me “shhh.” I said “I’ve Steve’s outside with Lauren in the hot tub, Simon thinks he might try it on with her.” I whispered so as not to be heard by those outside, although the music drowned out most noise.

“Oh might he indeed?” Jess said.

“Yeah, and it’s not just you he’s had his way with, but Simon told me that he fucked Hayley years ago, some d*unken thing, he just uses anyone to have his way with” I said to her

Jess looked a little taken back, but not surprised, she was still processing it when I heard Steve loudly shout from outside,

“Oh, looks like we need a refill!” I saw him shaking the empty champagne bottle, Lauren still sat opposite.

“You stay comfy, let me go grab another, and see where all those boring fucks have gone.” He stood up, his big bald head raising up, then hairy chest and belly over the top of his boxers, now soaked, clinging around the long fat bulge hanging between his legs.

I could tell Lauren was looking up at it, and then she quickly looked away as he made his way out of the hot tub.

Jess and I stood watching as he swaggered into the kitchen where we were.

“Oh hello lovebirds.” He said sarcastically chuckling to himself as he dropped the empty bottle in the bin and headed over for the fridge.

“Where the fuck have the other two got to?” He called over the music to us

“Gone to bed.” I said

“Usually pricks.” He muttered back “You two fancy joining me and Lauren in the hot tub then?” He asked

“Err…I don’t think so.” I sort of said back

“And Lauren wouldn’t be up for anything like that.” Jess said interrupting me

“Why not?” Steve asked, looking over his shoulder at us, “You certainly enjoyed it.” His mouth turning to smirk glaring at Jess.

“Look don’t mess with another marriage.” I said pleadingly to him

“I’m not doing anything.” He said faux protesting innocence putting his hands up, “the women make a choice…and I think Lauren might need it more than your mrs did, she’s so wound up and I doubt Rob pays her much attention. I have already got her down to just those little frenchies mind, not a bad view is it Alex? Although not as tidy as Jess of course.” He said nodding to my mrs, “Noticed a bit of bush through the lace, but I’ll work with it.”

“Urgh, you are vile.” Jess said to him.

“You weren’t saying that earlier darling”. He retorted

“She may be a bit tipsy, but Lauren isnt as stupid as to do anything with you.” Jess went on.

“Careful…your not doing yourself any favours there.” He said turning to look at Lauren in the hot tub, “But you are right, she won’t be as easy as you, we know you secretly love a bit of filth…” Jess glared at him then looked to me, sheepishly darting her eyes away again, “…and I doubt she’d do anything if she thought people were likely to interrupt us…I tell you what, let’s have a bet.” He turned to face us,

“Oh Christ no, not again.” I said, butterflies in stomach and cock twitching at thought of what might happen.

“Turn the music down, dim the lights, and keep quiet, I’ll go and tell her everyone’s gone to bed and work my magic,” he said reaching down giving his cock and grotesque grab, Jess following his hand watching it, a slight shift of her weight from one leg to the other, Steve carried on “If she rejects me and heads up to Rob like a good wife, then you would have proven me wrong, I’ll sleep on the sofa, and never mention or make any remarks on the things the people in this room have done.”

“And if she doesn’t reject you?” Jess asked.

“Then once I’ve finished seeing to her I’ll be joining you and Alex in your room, and I’ll have you screaming louder then that barmaid, and Alex can be a good boy and sit and watch in the corner.”

“You fucker.” Jess said, “You think I’m going to fall for that again, and bet on whether you can corrupt my friend and maybe ruin her marriage?”

I stood there saying nothing as the two of them sparred, knowing how this had previously ended up, both nervous and excited.

“Well if you think your friend is that pure maybe you’ll prove me wrong for once…could be a win win for you.” He said with a wink at her.

Jess shook her head “You cheeky fucker…no I’m not having it, I may make mistakes, but Lauren won’t go near you, trust me you’re not irresistible.”

“Are we on then?” He said to her.

Jess looked at me, I said nothing,

“Fine, but we’re waiting here to see so you don’t give us any bullshit.”

“Haha good girl, Alex stop standing looking gormless, go and dim the music, turn off the lights and try not give yourselves away, now see how a man does it.” He turned and started heading back outside, but stopped just by the door, turned back to face Jess, “Oh and babe, I’ll try and make sure I’ve got some left in the tank for ya, haha” and with that he turned and headed back out to join Lauren in the hot tub.

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By *ussyeater692Man
10 weeks ago


OMG this story just gets better and better

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By *atthew78Man
10 weeks ago


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By *oobalicious99Woman
10 weeks ago


He’s filthy but I love this story

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By *erby dazzlersCouple
10 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

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By *edalways300Man
10 weeks ago


5 star story

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By *D123Man
10 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

He is a scumbag.. ..


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By *kpiercedCouple
10 weeks ago


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By *M1712Man
10 weeks ago


Can see a 4some on the cards.

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
10 weeks ago


Loving it

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By *imetomingleMan
10 weeks ago


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By *igerman23Man
10 weeks ago


More i hope

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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

Just keeps getting better and better

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By *ax_glasscotMan
10 weeks ago


Love it

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By *ountydurham69Man
10 weeks ago


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By *uriouscpl4954Couple
10 weeks ago


Loving this.

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By *ussyeater692Man
10 weeks ago


I can't wait to find out what happens next

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By *unInTheSun80sCouple
10 weeks ago

Costa Del Sol

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By *lymouth nice guyMan
10 weeks ago



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By *ushin boundariesCouple
10 weeks ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *j and c 2Couple
10 weeks ago


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By *y AmoreMan
10 weeks ago


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By *rgasm4u69Man
10 weeks ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
10 weeks ago


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By *anny122bMan
10 weeks ago

St Neots

Best story for ages

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By *aconteur69111Man
10 weeks ago


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By *ersey GentMan
10 weeks ago

St Peter

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By *ornybeardedguyMan
10 weeks ago


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By *ohnny4playMan
10 weeks ago


. Following along again

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By *ilfLover007Man
10 weeks ago


These are by far the best I’ve read on here

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By *olflordMan
10 weeks ago


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By *alm_one4Man
10 weeks ago



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By *onnoisseur100Man
10 weeks ago


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By *attboy107Man
10 weeks ago

Near Bedford

I think they are going to need a protein skimmer for that hot tub

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By *iscreet-hotMan
10 weeks ago


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By *rgar27Man
10 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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By *angtidy42Couple
10 weeks ago


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By *ameulMan
10 weeks ago

Nr Norwich

Very well written

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By *lim and louiseCouple
10 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
9 weeks ago


Eagerly awaiting the next chapter

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By *addy4funAndFrolicsMan
9 weeks ago



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By *asexxMan
9 weeks ago

near you

damm love the bet

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By *ilfLover007Man
9 weeks ago


I keep checking to see if the part is ready to read. So horny

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By *.A.W 72Man
9 weeks ago

St austell

Sensational need more lol

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By *imetomingleMan
9 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
9 weeks ago

More …. please …! (Just love this one -entitled uptight blonde getting her mind blown-through her own arrogance (and horn) love it….!


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By *oobyLewCouple
9 weeks ago

South Cheshire

Don't keep us in suspense

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By *oolguyhiMan
9 weeks ago

North East

Loving this

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By *cottish guy 555Man
9 weeks ago


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By *D123Man
9 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *ove2pleaseseukMan
9 weeks ago


Need part 4 so good

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By *j47Man
9 weeks ago


Delighted this is back

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By *lowesMan
9 weeks ago


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By *ilfLover007Man
9 weeks ago


I’m in need of part 4 so badly

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By *ay69910Man
9 weeks ago

This is great!

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By *uzzus2Couple
9 weeks ago


Can't wait for part 4 5 and 6 lol

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By *nemore_88Man
9 weeks ago


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By *omlinson86Man
9 weeks ago


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By *nowman40040123Man
9 weeks ago


Anymore on this story

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By *anxmike21Man
9 weeks ago


This story is horny as

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By *ussyeater692Man
9 weeks ago


In need of more of this incredible story

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By *.jellyMan
9 weeks ago


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By *orkishJimMan
8 weeks ago


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By *randmrssexyneCouple
8 weeks ago

north east

This is so good.

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By *asexxMan
8 weeks ago

near you

Lets hope the bet proves a good one. ...

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By *ussyeater692Man
8 weeks ago


Hope there's more to come soon

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By *ilfLover007Man
8 weeks ago


I’ve waited a week……please post the next bit to this

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By * for fun400Couple
8 weeks ago


Can’t wait for next one

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By *ornybeardedguyMan
8 weeks ago


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By *ordonguy1986Man
8 weeks ago


Tribute my wife

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By *rR888 OP   Man
8 weeks ago


Sorry all again for the delay, but we are back!

Chapter 4

Steve swaggered back outside, his wet boxers clinging to his fat arse, slipping down showing a hairy builders crack.

I obediently went and turned the music down, and all the lights off.

The only lights on now were the couple outside around the hot tub.

I went back into the kitchen next to Jess, she was stood by the sink looking out the kitchen window at the hot tub. Lauren still had back to the main house, as I saw Steve climb in.

“I should probably head back up soon, Rob will be missing me, and feeling a bit naughty and exposed now sat here with not much on.” I heard Lauren say as Steve sat down in the water opposite her.

“Oh don’t be boring!” Steve protested, “I got us another bottle of bubbles, and can’t drink it on me own.” He said popping the cork.

“Plus no one’s looking, everyone else has gone to bed, Alex and Jess have just gone to bed” he said giving a subtle nod to us both hiding in the dark. “And I’d didn’t hear a peep from upstairs, Rob must be away with the fairies I reckon.” He said handing her a glass of champagne. “Anyway you deserve a bit of you time and chance to relax.”

“Do you think something will happen,” I whispered turning to Jess next to me in the kitchen.

She didn’t look at me, her eyes remaining transfixed on Steve and Lauren in the hot tub outside. “Shhh” she quietly said to me, as Steve and Lauren continued chatting.

“Yeah I guess, I need it I think, been so busy at work of late…” Lauren started droning about the pace of work being a lawyer, how many deals they had to complete. Steve did well pretending to be interested giving the right nod of the head, agreeing with each of her points. He was letting her guard drop as relaxed in his company.

“Hope you don’t mind me saying love, but think you need it, always seem uptight, guess it goes with the job and all the stress…and then you do all that hard work, and come home to find your hubby is always out on one of his 10mile bike rides or off water rafting with his mates again…doesn’t seem much chance for you two to have some time together, least he could do is something with you.” Steve said, turning the conversation back to her home life.

“Well Rob has all his hobbies, it’s ok I don’t mind time being at home, he likes to keep fit.” She meekly said in her husbands defence

“Ha, for all the good it bloody does him, fitness fanatic and he’s been sick all weekend, couldn’t be with you.”

“Well I guess…” she sort of said

“So when do you get to enjoy yourself?” He asked “Your stressed at work leaving you uptight, hubby always out having his fun, when have you got time to enjoy yourself?” Steve asked topping up her glass.

“Well…I like…I like a trip to the spa, and getting my spa treatments, they relax me, I enjoy a massage.” Lauren said having another swig of Champagne.

“And when was the last time you did that for yourself?” Steve asked interrupting her.

“Oh gosh, I guess must be…oh well I guess last year.” She responded amazed herself at how long it had been.

“Come here then.” Steve said to her

“What?” Lauren asked slightly confused.

“Your due a chance to relax, turn around come here I’ll give you a massage, your always seem so tense, no wonder not having one since last year, I think your owed one” Steve said grinning “Don’t worry I know what I’m doing, I used to know a sport’s masseuse, she taught me a few things.” He said over to her

“Ermm I don’t know,” Lauren said a little hesitantly looking around it

“Oh relax no one will see, and it’s not like doing anything wrong. I think you owe it to yourself a chance to relax, unless of course your one of those that can’t let herself relax, always pent up.” Steve said

“Oh gosh no I’m not like that…it’s just…” you could tell she thought it might be crossing the line to let him massage her in the hot tub, but she couldn’t think of a way to say no.

“Just what…come on it’s only a little massage, let’s work some of that stress out for ya.” He said with a grin on his face.

“Ok” she gave in to him slowly turning around and back in to him, now facing the kitchen window where we were, but with the light on her face, so from outside she couldn’t see us in the dark behind. As she sat between Steve’s legs, I saw him wink and smile over to us at the kitchen window.

“Oh god it’s going to happen.” I whispered to Jess, the pair of us intently watching this fat bastard start to try to have his way with our friend’s wife, just like he already had done with Jess.

I could see the top of Lauren’s wet tits out of the water, as Steve’s hands started to rub her shoulders slowly, her breasts were bigger then Jess’s but were no where near as pert.

“Mmm it probably is.” Jess purred back to me, not taking her eyes off the scene outside.

Steve continued working her shoulders as Lauren closed her eyes leaning back against Steve. He continued working down her shoulders and then her back and arms.

I saw his hands come up around her sides and rub up around the side of her breasts then back to her shoulders.

He continued like this occasionally whispering the odd thing to her, “is that ok,” “let me work on that knot” “Is that better”

Lauren just softly muttering “yes” back as she relaxed back against him, her breasts fully above the water now, showing her large round pink areolas and hardening nipples.

Steve kept rubbing her back. Her eyes then suddenly opened widely darting side to side as she slowly shifted slightly.

“Haha sorry, he’s woken up, is it starting to poke into you” Steve said to her.

“Oh…that isn’t your…” she started to mutter back to him

“It sure is, here let me move him for ya” He said, wrapping his arm around her waist and lifting her slightly, lowering himself a little further under her so she was now sat fully on his lap.

“That’s it just let it rest there”. He whispered to her, going back to massaging her

“I can…I can…feel it between my legs.” Lauren awkwardly said. She took a large gulp of champagne as she laid back against Steve, now feeling his erection throbbing up between her legs. She put the glass back down and I could see Steve smiling behind her. He kept massaging her shoulders and began to thrust slowly up, I could see the top of his bulge through his wet boxers bobbing out the water as it rubbed against the front of her knix.

“Relax, have some you time…” he whispered to her again.

I watched while Lauren stared wide eyed at Steve’s fat helmet now protruding between her legs. Normal sensible prudish Lauren, now tipsy, topless, just in her knix in a hot tub with the brutish Steve, letting him grind his cock against her.

“Oh this is wrong…” she whispered

“Does that feel nice?” He asked thrusting up a little while pushing his thumbs into her back.

“Yes…” she sighed “God it is like a tube of Pringles” she said staring down at it.

Lauren looked like she was wrestling with a dilemma, she wasn’t stopping him, but not encouraging him.

“You can touch it if you want.” Steve said to her. Lauren froze slightly.

“Don’t worry no one will know.” He whispered in her ear.

I could feel the tension in the kitchen between Jess and I as we watched the scene unfolding outside, both of us holding our breath.

“I can’t, I shouldn’t” Lauren said, almost trying to dissuade herself. He kept slowly and gently thrusting, and we watched as Lauren’s curiosity got the better of her.

She reached down between her legs, tentatively putting her hand around Steve’s cock, squeezing its girth through his wet boxers.

While she focused on that, Steve continued to rub her back with his left hand, while his right arm reached around her and up, and began to rub her breast and play with her nipple while she slowly stroked his cock.

“This is bad…my heart is racing” she whispered back to him. “It feels so thick.”

“Get a proper look at it” he whispered in her ear, starting to nibble on it then kiss down her neck.

She shivered a little as he did, and let out a little breathless sigh.

Lauren looked down again, and sat forward slightly. Using both hands she sprung Steve’s fat cock out of his boxers. There it was in her hands starting to slowly wank him between her legs. I watched her pull his foreskin down past over his fat throbbing purple bell and past the ridge.

Jess shifted her weight from one foot to the other as we kept looking through the window.

Steve’s left hand came round her other side now, and in one movement he slipped straight down the front of her wet french kickers.

“Oooh” she moaned out as he began to rub and finger her while she wanked him.

“I can’t…I can’t…” she whispered back while continuing to rub his cock up and down and letting Steve’s fingers rub her slit and penetrate inside her.

“You need this.” He said to her sternly, while rubbing her tits with one hand, and fingering her with the other.

“No I can’t…” she started to say looking down at his cock “ok…ok…do it quick” she panted.

Before Lauren had finished her sentence, Steve was roughly tugging her knickers down her thighs.

I saw Lauren’s trimmed hairy pussy. I was used to seeing Jess’s smooth slit, but enjoyed the look of Lauren’s trim black triangle of hair above her large pussy lips.

The knickers disappeared under the water and she kicked them off the rest of the way.

I saw Steve take his cock in hand and lift Lauren slightly above his cock, then lower her down on to his hard throbbing shaft.

Lauren was looking directly at the window where Jess and I were watching from. We watched her eyes widen and mouth open as she sat back letting Steve’s cock penetrate and stretch her.

“Ahhhh” she moaned out as she slowly slid down him. Steve’s hands went up and over her body grabbing her tits, as he started to thrust up and bury his fat cock in her hairy pussy.

“Mmmph yeah, you need this!” He snarled into her ear, dropping one arm around her front and reaching to rub her clit at the same time as he thrust up into her.

Lauren’s hand went to her face, a mix of shock and surprise, amazed bewilderment as she let Steve bounce her up and down on his cock.

“Ooo oh, oh, oh” she panted under her breath trying to cover her mouth with her hand.

I looked over at Jess as she stared intently at Steve’s cock disappearing in and out of her friend’s pussy. I could see she was biting her bottom lip, while standing slightly crossed leg, gripping the counter.

“Bend the fuck over the side.” He growled at Lauren, keeping her impaled on his cock, arm wrapped round her, and taking a step forward with her, bending her over the side.

“Ahh” Lauren let a little yelp as she fell forward gripping the side of the hot tub.

Steve leered down at Lauren, rubbing his hand over her bum cheek then giving it a hard slap causing it to ripple slightly.

“Ah” she yelped again, and I saw Jess out of the corner of my eye flinch a little as he’d slapped her.

A cruel grin spread across his face, as he grabbed Lauren’s hips and proceeded to fuck her bent over the hot tub.

You could see the look of satisfaction and delight in his face, as he looked up to the window where Jess and I were watching from, giving us both a wink. He took delight in knowing that he had finally fucked all of the three wives in our friendship group. Haley all those years ago, my wife Jess some months before and now again this weekend, and now there he was ploughing his cock into sweet Lauren.

He was fucking her roughly, from being tender and charming while massaging her, to now being sexually aggressive towards her since she had given into him.

“Mmmph fucking take it.” He moaned down at her, fucking her hard from behind. He reached under her and gave her tit a grab as it swayed under her. He then slapped it hard.

“Ah” she yelped again trying to bury her moans in her arm.

He reached forward and grabbed a fist of her hair, pulling her head up so we could see her face. Lauren had no idea still that we could see her taking Steve’s big cock while her hubby slept upstairs.

“Ohh….my…” she stumbled over her words, hand going to her face and over her mouth, unsure of how to respond and react to the fucking she was taking.

“Mmm what’s the matter? Never taken a proper fucking before?!” He called down to her. “Hubby never had it in him eh?! Mmm” he moaned out slapping her arse again continuing to smash her pussy from behind. The full force of his weight into each thrust, his slab of meat filling her completely.

I was rock hard as I watched, but also felt nervous and sick in my stomach. Watching Steve ruin Rob and Lauren’s marriage as he mercilessly fucked her while he lay asleep sick upstairs. I was also wondering what was still now to come for Jess and myself.

I started to hear Jess’s breathing as she watched next to me. I reached over and put my hand on hers as it gripped the counter. She quickly took it and guided it straight to under her dress and between her legs. She hadn’t put any knickers back on, and I felt her soaking smooth pussy, and with no further word between us, I began to rub her clit as we watched Steve fuck Lauren in the hot tub.

“Oh…oh…oh” Lauren panted with each thrust. We could hear the water slapping against the side and over from them fucking in the tub.

Lauren’s tits were swaying wildly under her and Steve reached under her again getting a good hold of them “Mmm think I prefer a bigger tit slut” he said directing the comment to Jess and myself in the kitchen.

Lauren oblivious to what he meant, her face flushed, still a mix of shock and confusion at how much enjoyment she was taking from his cock.

He grabbed her hair again and pulled her head up

“Oh god, oh god oh god yes” she started to squeal.

Steve picked up the pace, the sound of his balls and belly loudly slapping into her from behind.

“Oooh” she started to bite onto her fist holding her breath “ahhh” she squealed out trying to hold it in as her eyes closed and her body shuddered her legs trembled under her and she had to drop her hands on to the side of the tub. “Oh goooodddd” she moaned out as she went limp in Steve’s arms cumming hard on his fat cock.

“Mmm oh fuck yes” Steve shouted out, taking hold of her hips, and pumping hard into her as she collapsed on the side of the tub, in a wave of ecstasy. “Mmm yeah…” he moaned out unloading himself into Rob’s wife.

“Mmm that ought to have sorted you out you uptight fuck” he snarled down at her.

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By *rgasm4u69Man
8 weeks ago


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By *usie pTV/TS
8 weeks ago


Oh bloody hell this story is so good it has got to be true no one could have an imagination this wild to invent it .

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By *ax_glasscotMan
8 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
8 weeks ago


Well worth the wait, I can't wait for more

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
8 weeks ago


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By *atthew78Man
8 weeks ago


really enjoying this story one of the best

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
8 weeks ago


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By *rR888 OP   Man
8 weeks ago


Chapter 5

I was frantically rubbing Jess still, I’d never felt her so wet, but she then pushed my hand away as they stopped outside.

The sounds of their moaning, and the water splashing over the side had subsided, just them slowly regaining their breaths.

Steve stayed standing, slowly pulling out of her, giving her arse one last triumphant slap as he did. He stood unashamedly in the hot tub, red faced, wet and sweaty, reaching for the bottle of champagne and swigging straight from it. His cock hung down between his legs semi flaccid, still bigger than mine, streaked with both his and Lauren’s juices.

Lauren was still bent over the side of the hot tub, trying to compose herself, still trying to catch her breath. She pushed her hair back over her flushed face.

“Oh god…what have I done?” She whispered to herself.

“Don’t do that to yourself, you know you wanted and needed it, and the way you gushed over my cock and balls you fuck fucking loved it. Don’t beat yourself up for enjoying yourself while your limp dick hubby decided to stay up in bed.”

“I should go…” Lauren said, sudden realisation of her husband just upstairs.

“Then go on, fuck off back upstairs, to your boring hubby and boring little life…or you could come over here, suck my cock clean and I’ll make your legs tremble again.”

Lauren looked wide eyed with shock and fear at the way he had spoken to her. But then she stared down at the slab of meat hanging between his legs, before looking back at the cottage.

“I can’t…I’ve got to go…I’m sorry” she meekly said.

“Well fuck off then.” Steve said to her, standing over her swigging from the champagne bottle.

Lauren climbed out of the hot tub, naked, her black pussy hair wet and matted, hair a mess, a red mark on the side of her breast. She grabbed her dress off the floor, and scuttled off round the back of the house to come in through the living room door. I watched her ass jiggle as she ran past the window, Steve’s hand print still on one of her hand cheeks.

She snook in through the living room, and crept upstairs back to her hubby, bypassing Jess and I in the kitchen.

Jess and I stood looking at each other, then back out the window. Steve was still stood in the hot tub, staring at the window we were stood behind. He gave one last gulp from the champagne bottle then let it drop empty in the hot tub. He belched loudly and wiped his mouth and chin with the back of his hand. He climbed out of tub, and swaggered into the kitchen.

I gulped and took a step back as he victoriously strode towards Jess and I in the dark.

“Enjoy the show?” He asked boldly standing there in front of us naked.

“You absolute pig.” Jess said to him.

Steve took one step forward and reached under her dress, grabbing her pussy.

“Ahhh” Jess let out a little moan as he did.

“Mmm feels like you enjoyed it…” he leered over her rubbing her pussy staring down at her, and then he quietly said to Jess “You lost, don’t forget, this is now mine for the night.” He caused Jess to moan out again as he said it, then leant down forcing his mouth on hers giving Jess a quick wet kiss.

Jess turned her head away when they broke away, a slight look of disgust on her face, but she didn’t stop him rubbing her smooth slit.

“What about you Alex? You enjoy the show?” He said turning to me, “I bet it got your little pecker rock hard didn’t it?”

The kitchen was filled with the squelching sounds of Steve now using his two fingers to finger my wife’s pussy in front of me, little moans of “ah…ah…ah” escaping her as she tried to bury her face in his chest.

“I can’t believe you did that, she’s going to feel so guilty about what happened.” I weakly said to him.

“Oh behave, she’ll be fine…in fact between you and me, a bit like you Mrs, I think she’ll be coming back wanting more.” He whispered over to me.

“You…fucker…” Jess panted between breaths. Her leg twitching slightly.

“Not as sweet and innocent as you thought is she your friend…” Jess started to grip hold of him to steady herself, and then Steve quickly pulled his fingers out of her, denying her orgasm.

“No no, not yet, you can wait” he teased her,

“Right time to pay out on your bet, go on off into the bedroom” he cheerily said to Jess, turning her around and sending her on away with a smack on her bum.

“Come along Alex, let’s see if you enjoy the next show as much.” He said to me, as I obediently followed him and my wife into the bedroom.

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By *rgasm4u69Man
8 weeks ago


Absolutely brilliant story thus has got to be true ?

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By *ax_glasscotMan
8 weeks ago


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By *rgar27Man
8 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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By *atthew78Man
8 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
8 weeks ago

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By *oss25Man
8 weeks ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By *ilfLover007Man
8 weeks ago


I love these stories

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By *tocking LoversCouple
8 weeks ago


Glad this is back , it’s so horny and well written x

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By *ing_John69Man
8 weeks ago

Near You

Amazing story

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By *ersey GentMan
8 weeks ago

St Peter

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By *asexxMan
8 weeks ago

near you

Oh fuck yes. What a bet. And now pay time

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By *orkiebar51Man
8 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
8 weeks ago


Time to pay up on the bet. I can't wait

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By *bzbiguy777Man
8 weeks ago



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By *ushin boundariesCouple
8 weeks ago


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By *cscuckMan
8 weeks ago


Loving this.

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By *ton_maleMan
8 weeks ago


So good!

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By *ardnreddyMan
8 weeks ago



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By (user no longer on site)
8 weeks ago

God this is good

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By *lirtypairCouple
8 weeks ago


Fantastic story

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
8 weeks ago


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By *ottimes777Man
8 weeks ago


Brilliant come fuck.my.girlfriend steve

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By *ornybeardedguyMan
8 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
8 weeks ago



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By *D123Man
8 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona


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By *hamrocker23Man
8 weeks ago


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By *oolguyhiMan
8 weeks ago

North East

Great story. What a sexual manipulator Steve is.

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By *kpiercedCouple
8 weeks ago


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By *lecom1Couple
8 weeks ago


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By *uncouplerk40Couple
8 weeks ago



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By *hilledguy2020Man
8 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
8 weeks ago


I can't wait for the next chapter

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By *nowman40040123Man
8 weeks ago


Can't wait for more of this

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By *rR888 OP   Man
7 weeks ago


Chapter 6

The light was on in the bedroom, Jess was stood at the end of bed still in her dress. Steve loomed over her, naked in front of her.

“Sit over there.” Steve said to me, not turning his head to look at me, but pointing to the chair in corner of the room opposite the bed.

“Get a good view of how your wife needs to be satisfied.” He said looking down at Jess.

“Not sure it’s going to be that good,” Jess said looking up at him “He’s still soft.” She said gesturing down to his still impressive dong hanging down between his legs. “What’s the matter can’t manage more than twice in one night at your age?” She teased him.

“Haha cheeky bitch.” Steve laughed “No you just don’t excite me as much as your big titted friend did.”

Jess shot him a look of anger.

“Think I definitely prefer a bigger set of tits, don’t you Alex?” He called over his shoulder

“Err..” I started to say,

“Yeah Alex was giving Lauren and Kelly’s big bouncy tits a good perv I noticed.” He went on taunting her.

“Please,” she responded sarcastically “We both know you prefer me to either of them, and I gave you a far better blowjob than either of them could.” She proudly said up to him, then looked a little sheepishly over at me.

“Haha I’ll give you that.” Steve chuckled, “Thats the first time you’ve been right about all weekend haha.” He laughed to himself.

“Now shut up, you lost the bet, get down there and use your mouth for the only thing it’s good for.” Putting his hand on her shoulder.

Jess looked up at him, as she sat on the edge of the bed, then her eyes darted nervously over to me.

“Don’t worry about him, he prefers to watch and have a wank in a pair of knickers, he doesn’t have the balls to fuck a woman.” He said.

“Here you can use these if your little pecker gets excited.” He mockingly said, kicking over Jess’s thong that was still on the floor from earlier.

I felt so humiliated but to intimidated and turned on to do anything but obey and pick up Jess’s damp thong off the floor. I sat back holding it, not wanting to get my dick out and start wanking, that felt too much like an acceptance of my position.

Jess sat on the edge of the bed a curious look on her face from Steve’s comments.

He turned back to Jess,

“Now suck your innocent friend’s juices off my cock.” He demanded.

“You are vile.” Jess whispered up to him.

“And doesn’t that make you wet.” He sneered down at her, taking his cock in hand and guiding it to her mouth.

Jess obediently parted her lips, and while still looking up at him, let Steve push his big flaccid knob into her mouth.

I watched as Steve had his hand on the side of my wife’s smooth soft face, his fingers pushing through her blonde hair, holding her head, guiding her, using her mouth for his cock.

She took it in her hand and started dictating the pace, closing her eyes and slowly sensually sucking on his shaft.

“Mmm good girl that’s it.” He moaned down at her.

My stomach was in knots, watching my smart beautiful primary school teacher wife’s mouth, now slobbering over this fat old bastards cock. The lips I kiss, the mouth that said I do at our wedding, being used by Steve’s dirty hardening cock. And my own dick was now getting hard.

“Mmm yeah get a good taste of your friend.” Steve said down to Jess as she started licking around his bell and then down his shaft.

“I liked fucking a hairy snatch for a change, kinda retro.” Steve seemed to be saying to me.

“Smooth is better.” Jess said between slurps on his cock.

“Hmm is it now…why don’t you remind me.” Steve said down to Jess encouraging her.

Jess had his cock in her hand, as she looked up at Steve, a mix of vitriol and arousal on her face. She swirled her tongue around his engorged throbbing purple bell end, then jumped back on the bed. I watched as my wife knelt up and undid her dress for a man we apparently both despised. She lifted her dress up, and over her head, discarding it, letting Steve take in her naked body. Jess pushed her blonde hair back over her shoulders and laid on her back on the bed. She raised her knees and spread her legs for Steve, one hand rubbing her smooth wet slit, circling her pink clit, exposing her sex.

“You see, smooth is better…” she whispered up to him, “don’t you prefer this view?”

Steve climbed on to the bed kneeling between her legs, he looked massive compared to her. His broad shoulders occupying most of the view and his beer belly protruding over her. I watched as he pulled her down the bed, dropping her legs over his and stroked his cock slowly above her. He then leant forward and rubbed his bell end along her soaked smooth pink slit. She moaned encouragingly as he did, and smiled invitingly looking up at it him.

He paused a second, looked right down at her and said “I’ve seen better.” Before thrusting his fat cock inside my wife.

“Ahhh.” Jess moaned out as she felt Steve’s helmet penetrate and stretch her pussy. Her hips lifted slightly, back arched, and she gasped as he kept penetrating her with his length.

Steve’s shovel like old hands, held my wife’s smooth tight young body as he pushed his cock up into her. Each thrust, Jess adjusting to get used to more of his length and girth inside her.

“Aaaahhhh” She sighed with arousal as Steve fully sunk his cock inside her. Looking up at him as she lifted and rubbed her pelvis against him, “I fucking hate you.” Her voice trembling with pleasure as she said it.

“Haha I know you do.” Steve said back down to her.

His hands held her by the side as he slowly got a rhythm going, fucking my wife in front of me.

“Now Alex pay attention, watch how young Jess here really likes to be fucked.” He mockingly called over to me.

Steve stayed kneeling up, his rhythm was slow and deep to begin with, grinding their pelvis’s together with each long penetrating thrust. His hands explored further up my wife’s body, rubbing her breasts then pinching her nipples.

“Ah…..ah…..ah…..” came Jess’s pants after each thrust.

He was enjoying her body, enjoying the view, the control he had and her responses to his touch and thrusts.

“Ah…..ah…..ah” she kept moaning lifting her hips to meet each of his thrusts.

It was so surreal. Seeing them both frantically fucking in the bathroom earlier had been one thing, but this up close, them both almost sensually making love in front of me was something else. The room felt hot and stuffy, filled with there sex.

“Were you jealous earlier? Watching me fuck your friend.” Steve asked down to her

“Ah…no..” she cheekily smiled back up at him.

“Liar!” He said slapping her across her breast.

“Ahh” she moaned out biting her lip after

“Were you craving my cock while you watched?”

“Ah…yes…ah” she panted back up at him

“Is this how you wanted to feel.” He said pushing deep and reaching his hand up to her neck, dominating her.

“Ah…yes…yes I wanted to feel like this…I wanted you in me…I want you to fuck me.” She pleaded up at him.

Steve started picking up the pace. His thrusts getting quicker. He’d been building Jess up slowly and was now to starting to release.

“Oh yes…ah…ah…ah” she panted.

Steve leant forward on both hands, his massive lumbering old frame over my slim young wife.

Jess lifted her legs up either side of him as he kept fucking her harder. The bed springs were now squeaking, and I could hear the legs of the bed dragging along the floor as they kept going.

I watched Steve’s fat hairy arse falling and rising, spreading my wife’s smooth slender legs either side of him, while he pounded his fat old cock into her young body. She was getting wetter, you could hear how wet she was.

“Ah yes, oh god harder.” She moaned out hands on his back, her legs wrapped round him holding this animal in her.

She was feeling him deeper than she had ever felt me, stretching her more, craving him more. He was lasting longer, making her moan louder than I ever could.

“Ah.ah.ah.aaahhh…oh fuck keep going.” She screamed up to him.

My dick was straining in my shorts, watching them fuck, I couldn’t take it anymore. I unzipped, my little pecker sprang out and I wanked into my wife’s thong as this beast fucked her in front of me.

“Oohhh goddd,” I heard Jess squeal as her legs shook and she held Steve close against her, their sweaty bodies pressed together as she climaxed hard on his cock.

It was all I could take, and I spurted into her thong while she came on another man’s cock.

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By *atthew78Man
7 weeks ago


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By *vbiker2TV/TS
7 weeks ago


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By *oolguyhiMan
7 weeks ago

North East

Fabulous read. Good cuck husband

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By *ornybeardedguyMan
7 weeks ago


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By *uncouplerk40Couple
7 weeks ago


Ooo yes

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By *duk70Man
7 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
7 weeks ago


Loving this story, so good

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By *rgasm4u69Man
7 weeks ago


Absolutely brilliant please keep this going

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By *hilledguy2020Man
7 weeks ago


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By *unInTheSun80sCouple
7 weeks ago

Costa Del Sol

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By (user no longer on site)
7 weeks ago

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By *usie pTV/TS
7 weeks ago


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By *hil1975Man
7 weeks ago


Wow. Truly amazing story!

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By *aleangelCouple
7 weeks ago

To heaven and back

Keep it going as I know exactly how you feel as I love watching J getting fucked hard while I sit in the corner and watch, there is no better feeling.

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By *randmrs 1st timeCouple
7 weeks ago


Only ever watched my wife the 1st time she played with another guy in a hotel room but she couldn't relax and now all our meets are in a hotel bar then leave me caged till he's gone , it works for us both she gets the big cock and I get to hear all about afterwards

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By *angtidy42Couple
7 weeks ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS
7 weeks ago


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By *aul888Man
7 weeks ago


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By *rgar27Man
7 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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