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Canary Wharf weekender!

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


Northerners don’t really ‘get’ London, a personal opinion of course but given it’s reality is a collective of small ‘villages’ it doesn’t particularly mesh with cities like Manchester or Liverpool that have a central area with its nightlife and people travelling inwards to enjoy it’s opportunities.

Over the years I’ve learnt to enjoy particular areas of London and Canary Wharf has become my location of choice for a ‘weekender’; there’s something about the place, I’ve never been sure what exactly but I’ve never had a bad time, ever!

Years ago, I attended a work conference at one of the Wharfs finest five star hotels and I was hooked. You know the one with a steak restaurant on the ground floor, residences as well as floor to ceiling windowed suites on the upper floors and views of the Wharf as well as the City depending which side of the building you’re situated. Single red lettered emblem glowing in the dark, always the sign of a great weekend to come in my mind post that first conference.

I arrived at Euston, walked up that ridiculous platform ramp dragging my case and onto the drab station concourse, I’ve always thought it simply the worst advert for London but once you’re through the sea of people and into that black cab then the weekend has started.

Where’s it to be gov? he asked as I climb in, ahh he says, that has to be business as well as pleasure? I laugh and agree, he hears the northern accent and that sets the conversation; it’s easily 45 mins driving, sometimes more on a Friday afternoon and I enjoy talking as the sites slowly file past the window.

Who’s the lucky lady he asks and before I’m about to answer he quickly corrects himself, sorry governor, who’s the lucky person; I see his eyes darting in the rear view mirror; I laughed and fired a question laden reply; why, do I look gay, is London entirely politically correct now including cabbies??? We both laughed together!

Fuck that he says, then regales me with an argument he’d endured a few weeks earlier when asking a chap who the lucky lady was only to be greeted with what sounded like abuse; since then I’m trying to be more inclusive he says using two fingers in the air to make his point; hey ho I say, keep those hands on the wheel and we laugh.

I assure him my guest for the weekend is a lady and he hasn’t dropped the ball, he laughs and says, speaking of balls, it’s a football hotel you’re staying at isn’t it; I agree it is indeed.

It seems certain London hotels host English Premier League teams when they’re playing away games in the capital and, as it turned out, such a team was in town; but more of that to come …….

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


……we chat football for a few more minutes until the conversation naturally flows back to my plans whilst in town and with whom.

I’ve often thought about when you talk to a stranger about someone you know very well, they’ve obviously never met this person and likely never will; you know the person intimately yet this stranger will only ever know your description. With this in mind, I tried to paint the truest representation of Emma, or Em as she is to me!

She’s the most wonderful dark hair I explain, in such detail that he interrupts to tell me “you’re definitely a hair man governor”, I agree entirely and say that I call her ‘dark Emma’ within my close friend circle to distinguish between another Emma we all know who’s blonde. Ahh, the dark and the light he exclaims and I agree they are both opposite ends of the continuum for sure.

Dark Emma is petite, size eight from her toes to her finger nails, but with the most profound breasts you’ve ever seen on a perfectly formed women; she always laughs when I tell her she’s acquired them from somewhere else. She’s a sight to behold, not so huge they look like she’s chosen the wrong size pre surgery but big enough for them to be her stand out asset if that’s your thing; all natural and all bouncy, but it was her hair that did it for me, every time, those wonderful tits are just the icing on a wonderful cake…..

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


……you simply cannot ignore a well dressed women I state, waiting for the obvious acknowledgement to come back; I’m looking out the window as the buildings are now more modern and I know the Wharf is close.

Oh I don’t know my cabbie says, I’ve always found a well dressed man more to my taste. Well fuck me I exclaim, not looking out of the window anymore. “Well if you’re offering governor, but I don’t finish until the early hours”, he laughs loudly at his own self proclaimed and self perceived joke!

Immediately I’m impressed!!

I know we like to think we all live in an inclusive world, it’s arguably more inclusive than ever I’ll grant you that, but just underneath this veneer there’s still an undercurrent of abuse just waiting to surface in the right circumstances; just ask any gay, lesbian or bisexual individual you know and they’ll regale you I’m sure and as for the Trans community; I’d proffer “fear” as one of their top three concerns at any given time; I digress and happy to be educated otherwise if you feel strongly enough.

I tell him I’m impressed and ask his name, I’m Martin he says and you? I tell him to call me Jay, explain why very briefly and he responds by saying it’s great to meet me, but why am I impressed?

I tell him straight out (forgive the pun) that I’m a bisexual dude that took almost forty years to be able to say the words out loud and it wasn’t too many years ago that I did so. I’m always in awe of those who can clearly state who and what they are and even more so if they articulate their story because in my experience, everyone has a story!

Well he’s away at this point, nonchalantly regaling he’s always been gay, knew it from day one, so did his mum, so did his sister; he’s married to a wonderful guy who’s a professional landscaper and onwards and onwards; I was truly mesmerised I don’t mind admitting!

At this point I should mention, the cabbie is not a part of the story, but he was such a profound individual and his input to the start of this weekend so profound that it would have been remiss of me not to mention him in detail!

Our conversation then turns to being gay “in the real world”, Martin’s words, take these premier league dudes he says, I’m sure you’ll have a squad of them staying at your fancy hotel this weekend and he regales at least three teams in town off the top of his head; clearly a football man. Not a one of them openly gay, or bisexual and here’s us two in the cab chatting away. We live in the real world mate, but these lads can’t; can you imagine how many of them are one of us he proclaims?

With that we swing in front of the hotel and one of foot men is there in an instant, he yanks the door open and kills our conversation stone dead with his loud good afternoon sir!!

Here I am paying Martin for his driving and great company, someone I’ll probably never meet again post a discussion about weekenders, dark Em, footballers and sexuality…….thus starts the story and I’m about to check in at reception……..

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


…..I reach the top of the stairs and I’m greeted by a sea of people, my second today and it’s only just gone two in the afternoon, fuck me I say loudly not realising the concierge is standing in front of me smiling. I’m sorry sir he begins to explain, the system has been down but it’s up and running slowly. Do you have a reservation?

I explain and he jots down the details, grabs my case and offers to take my bag as well. He gestures to a rather tall but young looking bell boy and waves at my case and bag; look after these he bellows and turns, if you’ll follow me sir, leading me into the bar.

The bar is just behind reception and so well screened that the noise drops immediately, there’s a calmness about this space which is welcome. There’s a few people scattered about, nobody that I know or whom catches my attention; the concierge is gesturing over a waiter, tells me he’ll leave me in his fine hands and with that he’s gone instantly. The waiter smiles and gestures me to sit at one of the comfy sofas, there’s several dotted around but this one is a set of two separated by a large table; large enough space for eight easily but I sit anyway.

Anything in particular the waiter enquires and I ask for a glass of champagne to start my weekend just right; he’s off in an instant and literally back within seconds with a chilled glass of Moët……I drink at least half, sit back and slowly look around the room…….

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


……my sofa seat is against the wall so my view is of the entire bar area, it’s lit well, not too light and the furnishings are expensive; not ridiculously opulent, but well appointed given they’re literally sat upon all day and most of the night. I scan my horizon, nothing particularly interesting, I notice a guy hunched over a laptop, very well dressed in a striking suit but nobody else catches my eye; I drain my champagne and without me knowing, the waiter is on his way back.

Another sir, he asks and proffers the bottle in his hand, I gesture to my glass which he fills and walks off towards the well dressed suit who also takes another glass of the Moët; I continue to watch and he raises his glass towards me instinctively, I respond, smile and as I raise my glass, my phone on the table vibrates.

It’s Em, she’s just off the train and Wharf bound in a cab. I reply, hoping she has as interesting a journey as me earlier; she replies immediately with a question mark and I send the laughing emoji. I hate phones in general, I’m never off the thing with work and whenever I’m on ‘me time’ I’ll use it as little as possible. It vibrates again and it’s a selfie from her, I stare at it and my cock twinges in my jeans.

She’s in a cab, casually dressed in black jeans and sandals, a stark white tight fitting zipped front top which is unzipped about half way; her striking cleavage on show and that cheeky ‘I’m going to fuck you’ grin on her face, hair tied back but some thick single stands sitting gentle on the side of her face. I could feel my cock hardening just at the picture, we’d not seen each other in a couple of months and my mind began to wander.

A voice breaks my concentration and I look up to see striking suit stood over me with his empty champagne glass in hand; sorry to disturb he smiles but are you slowing down already? I look at my glass and it’s hardly touched, I grab and drain the glass, no I exclaim in petty defence, my mind was elsewhere! I can see that he smirks, fancy another?

The waiter is back, this time without a bottle. He explains that we’ve drained the opened bottles and he’s ordered another crate from the cellar; it’ll be a few mins. No problem John, who’s apparently the waiter, just bring us the bottle; I assume it’ll be chilled? My guest speaks softly, which is in contrast to the suit he’s wearing which screams look at me, he helps himself to the sofa opposite; without asking he sits down facing me! I’ll wait here with you!

Do you know him, I pointed at the waiter who’s now attending another table, I noticed the room has suddenly got a little louder and there’s dudes everywhere in tracksuits. Oh yes my uninvited guest proclaims, I know most of the staff and he’s a great lad. Ahh, you’re a regular then? Yes, I get dragged all over the country with that lot, he gestures towards the tracksuits and John reappears with an ice bucket, it’s stand and the unopened bottle of Moët……..

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


…..over the next half an hour or so, striking suit introduces himself as Craig and he’s a rather important member of the tracksuits, seems he’s in operations which is basically all of the behind the scenes activities that get footballers to the right place, at the right time to play, well, football!

He’s such a striking soft voice that’s so out of character with his suit that in the end that’s my opening line; we’ve drained an entire bottle of Champagne and I’ve barely spoken. He laughs and with that he’s on his feet, oh my suits are legendary he scoffs and waves John back over. Before I go, can I see that picture again, what picture I ask confused, the hottie in the white top!

You’re a cheeky bastard I laugh and with that John is standing by, another bottle for my northern friend please John and make sure the drinks so far are on my tab please; John the waiter was off and with that Craig smiled and said please!?!

I stood up, I needed to hit the head with all that champagne in me, I grabbed my phone and showed him the picture; wow he said, wonderful tits on her! Maybe see you later and off he trots back to his laptop which is now surrounded by tracksuits.

Finding the toilet, I mused over the half an hour, he’s a cocky prick I thought, arrogant even but he’s bought drinks and I do like the suit I laugh to myself. Cheeky bastard with the picture request though! My mind reverted back to the pic and grabbed my phone out, cock still in my hand as I looked at the picture again, I could feel myself getting hard and I casually wanked myself slowly before the door opening brought me back to the ‘real world’

Hands clean and phone in pocket, I headed back to my table There she was, stood next to John the waiter, ahh Miss Emma, here he is now, he gestured towards me and began to pour two glasses.

She grabbed behind my neck with both hands, you look amazing babe and smell great she said; not as good as you look and smell I replied! You both look great said John replacing the bottle in the ice before leaving. I gestured to Em that she sit down and with that she grabbed my cock, how long do I have to wait for this she proclaimed……

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By *aughty Nas xxxMan
50 weeks ago


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By *SB1971Man
50 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
50 weeks ago


What a great start to this story

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By *j47Man
50 weeks ago


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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


…..the second she grabbed my cock it instantly hardened, which (as all men know) is slightly uncomfortable in jeans. At this point I should mention a couple of things, firstly I’m not small, nothing about me is small; almost everything I wear is tailored to fit ridiculously large shoulders with a narrow waste and my 9” bulge wasn’t enjoying the jeans. Secondly, champagne makes me horny, it always has, although a drop too much and all nine are reduced to a three inch useless annoyance!

She felt my entire length straining, stepping back she glowered, how much champagne have you had already? I laughed as we sat down but she wasn’t smiling, seriously Jay, you need to stop drinking because if you can’t perform I’m going to be annoyed.

Harsh you might think but her statement was fair and born from experience, it’s not my fault I exclaimed and she burst of laughing; nothing ever is darling, as she drained her first glass. I swapped my full glass for her empty one and turned to see if Craig was still there. The laptop was gone, he was still sat on the sofa but surrounded by other suits now, a few of the tracksuits were still around but most of them had gone. The bar was filing up as people started to arrive for their weekends.

See him with the suit, I gestured towards Craig, we’re at least two bottles in on his account. Oh yes she says, learning back into the sofa and crossing her legs; I see he’s with……….

John reappeared to fill my glass, oh they’re here whenever they play a London team he explained, their entire squad and management all stay the Friday before the game then get coached to the ground post breakfast and meetings on the conference level upstairs. They’re always good fun, he leaned into us both whilst replacing the bottle; but fuck me do they spend he said quietly, it’s easily six figures every visit!

John smiled and left us alone, how do you who they are I ask Em, forgetting she’s from a huge family of Chelsea supporters; they’re playing our team tomorrow, remember I told you, I’ve forgone my tickets to spend the weekend with you, so you’d best make it worth my while. Leaning back in her sofa, she slowly uncrossed and recrossed her legs.

I stared intently at her sandal dangling on red pained toe nails, I knew in an instant that she’d be wearing red underwear and my bulge was back. I followed the line of her calf and thigh within those close fitting black jeans, fuck me I thought, what a body! I glimpsed up at her face and she leaned forward to show me that magnificent cleavage, her white gold necklace hanging like an inviting signpost from around her neck; fill me up darling!

Her empty glass waving brought me back to the room, fill it yourself I laughed, I need another pee. With that I stood up, bulge straining to be free, her eyes danced and I stayed still for a second longer than needed, ensuring she could see my rock hard cock, I stared intently at those green eyes and headed off……

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


……reaching the gents, I felt a hand on my waist and heard Em saying, get in here. I turned and she was pointing towards one of the disabled cubicles on the other side of the corridor; she dragged the door open with one hand and pulled me inside with the other. Door locked, she grabbed my belt and whispered, I want that cock in my mouth. I grabbed both her arms and held them above her head tightly.

Now remember, I’m not small and she’s not big which is a key to our dynamic.

She gasped, not expecting one of my signature moves, I pushed my knee between her things and I could tell from the heat radiating outwards that she was soaking wet; already I enquired? I’ve been dripping since I felt your hard cock earlier she replied. I buried my tongue in her mouth and drank in her scent and the taste of Moët. She squirmed and I could tell her hands in the air really weren’t part of her plan that second. I let her go and she immediately dropped to her knees.

In seconds my cock was out, I felt huge, I fucking was huge and I looked down to see her green eyes staring up at me as she dragged my foreskin back and rolled her tongue around my swollen end. I groaned and felt her hot mouth all around me, she was wanking me immediately into her mouth. Instantly I could feel myself quickening to an orgasm, I tried to pull my hips backwards but she instinctively reacted and put one hand on my arse. I had nowhere to go, she then pulled my hips forward with the hand on my cheeks and inch of me was in her throat.

My hips rocking, she pulled me further into her mouth and I was done, unloading loudly into her wide open mouth; my head spinning as I came and came again. Swallowing every drop, she was quickly on her feet and handed me a tissue, clean up she said, I want more champagne. With that she was gone leaving me speechless………

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By *j47Man
50 weeks ago


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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


……I spent a good few minutes cleaning up and calming down before walking back to the bar, I’d calmed down sufficiently and the tall bell hop who’d taken my case and bag made a beeline for me; sir, can you come and check in please. I headed past the bar back to reception and was finishing up when I heard that familiar soft voice behind me.

Sarah, darling, can you make sure the gentlemen’s drinks this afternoon and evening are on our corporate tab; he’s a special guest with us today. I turned and Craig was standing behind me still sporting the suit, I smiled and thanked him; that really is a great suit I complimented again. I have to compliment you he said, Emma is absolutely stunning, the picture does her little justice, she’s a beauty.

Emma? I said enquiringly, oh yes he said, she’s absolutely charming and she’s one of us clearly!

One of us? Indeed he scoffs, she’s devouring the champagne, come back and join us!

Us?, us? I thought turning back towards the bar, this cocky bastard is just starting to annoy me a little bit.

Heading back to my seat I’m greeted by Emma surrounded by five tracksuits, two of them perched on the arms of sofa, one sat in my spot, another standing surveying the scene and sat next to her; Craig snorts, keeping our girl company lads? They all look up at him as he stands aside and introduces me; beware gents, this is the main man and her bodyguard I believe.

To be fair, they are all amazingly courteous, metaphorically tipping their hats to me and I smile, I’m sorry I proffer, football isn’t my game so as famous as you all are; I’ve no idea who anybody is. Craig laughs loudly as everyone cracks up, this breaks the ice and fifteen mins of chat ensues back and forth. I’d sat down by this stage, retaking my seat across from Em and for the first time I noticed the tracksuit sat next to her. He’d barely spoken and he’d not moved a muscle since my arrival.

He was bigger than the other tracksuits, more muscular and strikingly large hands, he noticed me and proffered a huge smile, learning forward to introduce himself with one of his shovel hands. He was also softly spoken but confident, we chatted for a minute before they all began to excuse themselves, leaving one by one. Craig was nowhere to be seen and Em and I were all at once alone together again.

The bar area was busy now and the lighting had changed, I realised it was getting dark outside, but I was jet lagged so really had no idea of the time. They all seemed nice guys I said, taking a small drink from my glass, yes she replied, especially…….. the bell hop was back, apologies for the interruption, explains our room is ready and would we like the champagne moved to our room with us?

We agreed and headed to the elevator, which tracksuit was he I asked and I noticed that tell tale glint in her eye which needed no explanation; the guy sat next to me, he’s their goalkeeper…….

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By *SB1971Man
50 weeks ago


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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


…..our suite is on the upper floors, amazing views over the Wharf, across towards central London and Shard, it was the first time we’d been alone together for months and I wasted no time.

Pinning Em against the nearest corner I held her hands tightly above her head and spread her thighs by tapping her feet with mine; trapping her in the corner with my weight; I could feel her breath quickening as I held her hands together with one hand whilst using my free hand to unzip her tight white top.

Immediately those fantastic tits cloaked in a perfectly fitting red basque sprung forward, my cock stiffened instantly. Stroking along the trimmed outlines of the fabric, I circled both with long and slow motions, brushing each nipple as gently as possible. Each nipple touch was paired with a change in her breath, I could see as well as feel them hardening to each touch.

Then a knock at the door, fuck me I exclaimed loudly, the moment ruined. Em shot for the bathroom and I opened the door to be greeted by the tall bell boy and another of his colleagues; I motioned them inside and they quickly deposited our cases and bags, the second chap setting up the champagne. To be fair, they could sense they’d interrupted so were quick about their business and as I fumbled for cash in my wallet, the tall handed me a note; from the gentleman at the bar sir, thank you and have a great night; with that they were gone.

Em appeared from the bathroom, her white top and black jeans gone and just the red basque remaining between me and her wonderfully naked body. I moved towards her, but her head shook as she pointed to the floor; you know what I want she growled.

Knowing my place, I sat on the floor at the end of the bed, slipped my outstretched legs underneath the bed frame to balance myself upright and dragged her in front of me; I spread her thighs each side of my legs and started to gently nuzzle the inside of each; she immediately groaned in acceptance but this was only the start. Sliding my tongue around the material, I circled her outer lips, periodically pushing inwards on the hunt for her clit. Feeling her lips swell, her hips started to rock gently and from experience I stroked her calf muscles with my nails.

Her outer pussy lips swelled further until both were straining against her basque akin to my uncomfortable cock in the jeans earlier; I was rock hard again but had no interest in me. Releasing the press studs, her swollen and shaved pussy was a magnificent sight, I immediately buried my face between her thighs to taste her for the first time today………

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By *SB1971Man
50 weeks ago


Great story

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By *ennisBergkampMan
50 weeks ago


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By *hil1975Man
50 weeks ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
50 weeks ago


Wow so horny

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By *orthernJay OP   Man
50 weeks ago


……her juices tasted sweet, dripping onto my face as I drank in as much as my tongue could gather. I continued to run my nails on the backs of her calves as she instinctively rose onto the tips of her toes; I knew she was about to orgasm.

Like she’d done so to me earlier, I moved one hand to her arse cheeks, dragged her towards me and used my other hand to finger her dripping pussy; she groaned loudly and told me she was coming but I already knew, her juices drenched my hand and arm as she shuddered, I continued to finger her and she came again almost immediately.

Em collapsed onto my legs, drenching my already drenched jeans. Well that’s the end of those for the weekend I laughed and she scowled, that’s 2-1 to you darling, but the weekend has only just begun…….

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By *cotty909Man
50 weeks ago


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By *SB1971Man
50 weeks ago


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By *j and c 2Couple
50 weeks ago


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By *1sexypairCouple
50 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
50 weeks ago


Absolutely brilliant story and very well written

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
50 weeks ago


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