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Mr Fantasy - a tale of excitement and nerves

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By *enuineGuy2024 OP   Man
52 weeks ago


Mr Fantasy


Ok, well a bit about myself..... It's always a good place to start.... I'm a 40 year old woman with security issues and a rather stuttered love life. I had been in a relationship for as long as I can remember and had the security I needed but that was pretty much it.

Yeah, we were stable, had kids together and he worked to support us all while I could pick and choose whether I worked or not, but I always tried to do what I could to play my part.

Most would say this was an ideal lifestyle. Security, Money, Family, no worries, but my life was far from ideal. My life was missing love, compassion and emotions. If I came in late from work, no-one noticed, if i was having a down day, no-one cared, if i was upset or happy about something, it went unnoticed, but if the dinner wasn't made, or the ironing not done or i didn't have €3 euro for an ice-cream when the kids asked for one, i was the worst person in the world,

Now, I guess I could say that I was content or comfortable, but the truth is, I wanted more, I wanted excitement, I wanted to feel loved and more importantly I wanted to experience different things.

I was basically your typical bored housewife.

So, when I was out at a bar and a guy showed me some attention or flirted with me, I was already hooked. It didn't take much for me to become putty in their hands, but I was by no means a slut. I had morals and had standards, but I also had fun when I could.

I never had anyone regular except 1, but that's for another story. I accepted that I was never gonna escape the life I had, I never expected to leave my Husband after 21 years and I never expected my life to change so drastically that for once I couldn't ever wish or long for more

Well to cut a long story short, I met my ideal man, he treated me right, respected me and for once in my life I had a man who noticed me, acknowledged me and understood me. The sex was great and he made me feel a million dollars. At last I had it all.....except one thing..... Experiences...

After a few brutally honest conversations he understood that I was pretty naive and inexperienced in terms of fantasies, experiences and sexual desires..... To me, a ride was a ride and that was it....

He on the other hand had been around the block, a few kids in different places, no notch left on his bedpost and an imagination as wild as the Atlantic Sea in a storm....

He kept asking me what I'd like to do or try out, he kept pushing me to open up about my fantasies, but I honestly didn't have many and wasn't imaginative enough to think of any. He made suggestions and went through scenarios but I either didn't find it appealing or was too shy or embarrassed to admit I liked the idea.

He introduced me to one of his male friends who he knew well and was up for a threesome, and to be honest, I liked him, he was funny, respectful and trustworthy. So eventually I admitted I'd be happy trying out a threesome with my fella and him. I made out I was doing it for him cos i knew he wanted to see me with someone else, i told him i’d try it and came across reluctant, but deep down we both knew that I actually wanted to and found it a huge turn on, but i was never gonna admit that to him... hee hee

I really enjoyed the experience and we did things a few more times and also with him, my fella and another guy which was an awesome night for all and a memory I will always get fanny flutters from.

Well now he has upped the ante and I know it's not for his benefit, he just wants me to have the same mind blowing experiences that he has, I know he wants me to try things and have no regrets. People only ever regret not doing the things they wanted to.... So he’s now said that I can do whatever I want, with whoever I want, whenever I want and wherever I want as long as I let him know the scenario beforehand and he knows where I am and can contact me in case of emergencies...

My mind has been racing as this is a one off opportunity to do whatever i want with no regrets or

Consequences and no risk of ruining my relationship by him finding out from someone else at a later date.... He would already know... haha

So there’s one guy I like, in fact I really like, but haven't yet brought myself to name him and admit how much id like to fuck this guy. I've thought many times about him and would love a night with him, but don’t think I could ever tell my fella about him. But here I am with a risk free opportunity. So what do I do? Don’t fuck him? Fuck him but dont tell my fella? Come clean and tell my fella all about him and that i've always wanted to? Make out I've never thought of it but I guess I could? Or just give him a false name and have my night with Mr Fantasy but pretend it was someone else. That way I'd be honest with my fella but could still keep my feelings about him as a secret.... It's a tough one.


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By *enuineGuy2024 OP   Man
52 weeks ago


There are 4 chapters to this who wants to read the rest?

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
52 weeks ago


Good start, looking forward to where this goes

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By *enuineGuy2024 OP   Man
52 weeks ago


Chapter 1

So last Friday night my fella took me out on a date as he sometimes does. A fancy Meal, a few drinks and go home.... But this time he’d taken me to Wicklow and booked a hotel room for the night, which surprised me.

We hadn't discussed the fantasy thing for some time and nothing had crossed my mind, but that all changed as we were finishing our meal in the hotel restaurant....... Mr Fantasy had just walked into the hotel bar next door. First of all I was surprised, then I got a twist in my stomach and then I got fanny flutters all within a split second....

My fella didn't know Mr Fantasy, he'd never met him, but he knew of him as he'd come up in conversations about my family and people we used to work with or hang about with, but he wasn't suspicious of him at all.

Anyway, we finished our meal and paid up and went into the bar. I couldn't see him initially so i got a table in a corner and my fella ordered the drinks. He came back to the table and we sat chatting, discussing the house, kids, holiday, work etc as couples do.

Then I saw Mr F walk in from the bathroom and sit at the bar alone. The bar was only 10-12ft from us so I could hear him order a heineken and tell the barman that he was here on business for 2 nights then back to dublin. My heart skipped a beat. Here he was, Mr Fantasy, staying in the same hotel as me and my fella for the night. My mind started racing.... Could I sneak off with him to his room without my fella knowing, could I make out he was a stranger and we just got chatting while my fella was in the bathroom? Could I tell my fella he was an old school friend and invite him to join us at the table?

Well in the end, it wasn't my choice..... It all just happened in a flash....

He looked round and saw me looking at him and immediately smiled and came over and said “oh my god, how are you? What are you doing here? Jesus you look great” I couldn't get my words out and was visibly embarrassed, so my fella said we were just here for the night as it was date night and we thought we’d try somewhere away from dublin.

Mr F didnt get the hint and just pulled up a chair and started telling my fella how much he fancied me years ago when we used to hang out, and that he was a lucky man to have me as his partner.

Mr F had obviously had a few drinks already cos he then went on to say that he'd love to just have one night with me and that if he was happy to let him borrow me for an hour, he'd buy the next round.... This annoyed my fella who told him to not be so disrespectful of me and that it wasn't up to him, it was my choice, and i was worth far more than a few drinks.... This also shocked me as he didnt say no....

My fella looked at me and saw that I was bright red and giggling but also very embarrassed. He knew me too well and knew straight away that I must have had a thing for him. It was time for me to go to the bathroom. I took my phone and found an empty cubicle... I didn't even need the bathroom, I just needed to escape and weigh up the options... I mean, here was the ideal opportunity, it may never happen again, it must have been fate, but it was also date night, and meant to just be me and my fella.

I decided to sit down and pull out my phone. I sent Mr F a message first, I don't know why, but I just did.

Me: Hey good to see you, but it's really awkward as i'm on a date. Any other time and I'd have sat and had banter with you.

Mr F: You still can, Im sure your fella is ok with 2 old friends catching up after 20 years Me: ye maybe, but i may not be ok with it

Mr F: Why not? Have I upset you at all?

Me: No, quite the opposite in fact

Mr F: ??? you lost me

Me: I don't know how to say this......

Mr F: Say what?

Me: I'm not sure

Mr F: about what?

Me: ahhh fuck it, Ive always thought about you and the things we could have got up to and now here you are at my hotel

Mr F: Really? Thats mad, but i'm game if you are

Me: I'd love to but my fella is here... goddammit

Mr F: leave him to me, i'll either get his permission or come up with a plan where he dont find out....

Me: ???? WTF!!!!

Mr F: Go to the bar and get drinks then come back to the table in 3 minutes.

Me: Errrr ok !!??!!??

Wow.... OK, next text:

Me: Sorry babe, stomach was at me, you wanna drink?

Fella: Oh, are you ok babe? Anything I can do for you?

Me: No I’m ok,. I'm going to the bar, what do you want?

Fella: Just a JD and and get your man another heineken.

Me: Really, I thought he was in the way?

Fella: no hes sound enough and you clearly like him

Me: WHAT????

Fella: I saw how embarrassed you were when he came over, it was written all over your face. Me: Oh Really? That obvious?

Fella: yeah so spill the beans babe

Me: Well I used to fancy the pants off him but haven't seen him for years and years.

Fella: Well do you still fancy him?

Me: I don't know, i only seen him for 2 minutes

Fella: well see how things go and see what pans out.

Me: you mean that?

Fella: yeah of course babe, whatever makes you happy.

Me: well let him know then

Fella: No, he's your friend, you work your magic, just keep me posted. If you wanna sneak off or arrange for him to follow you up, then let me know, if you wanna wait and invite him up when we both go up then that's an option too, work it out between you both.

HOLY FUCK!!!! So here I am with my fella, and the guy ive dreamt of fucking right in front of me. He wants to fuck me, I wanna fuck him and my fella has given the go-ahead.... Lol

“A heineken, JD and and Im gonna need a double vodka and white with a sambuca chaser”

Standing at the bar, I could see them both chatting, they seemed to be getting on like a house on fire. Were they discussing the rest of the night? Were they chatting about what could happen? I couldn't tell, but they were laughing, smiling and getting on well. It was weird knowing what they'd both said to me, I wonder if they'd said anything to each other..... Well here goes....

“Well here she is, the woman of my dreams.... Such beauty and a great little ride too” announced my fella, with a cheeky wink, as i approached the table

Mr F was quick to reply “She's definitely beautiful, but unfortunately, I never got the opportunity to comment on the other statement and I guess I'll never get to find out now.... You sure are one lucky man... “

“Never say Never, no one knows what's just around the corner” replied my fella, As he finished that last line, he got up, winked at me and headed to the bathroom


Fella: Work your magic babe, let him know the situation and take the reins....

Me: OK, I'll try but I'm nervous...

Fella: Make the most of every minute, we could be dead tomorrow...

Me: Gee thanks.... Don't rush back... I may have a plan::

Wow, here goes... I neck the sambuca in one go, shake my head as it goes down my throat and realise it's now or never.....

I ask him what brought him here to this hotel on this night.... He tells me that he works for Porsche and trains sales managers and although he spends most of his days on the road, he gets paid a small fortune and gets a brand new Porsche every 3 months as a company car.

Wow.... he's loaded and has a nice car....

We chatted about boring stuff and then he said something out of the blue which stunned me to silence... He said he gets lonely on the road and would love a woman like me to keep him company for the couple of nights he's here. I eventually just giggled and said “That sounds like fun but what about my fella?” .... A slight pause, a cheeky , well actually it was a naughty, mischievous grin, and a wink... “If he asks nicely, he can watch”.... Lol

Well that made my whole body shudder with excitement.... I told him I needed to go get changed soon and he could follow me up to my room if he was feeling brave.... But not to say anything to my hubby.... He just smiled and asked for the room number...

My Fella came back and sat down and made some smart comment about hoping we didn't get up too much while he was away...

“ahhh we would have, but ye didnt leave us enough time.... “ Joked Mr F

With a nuaghty hint of sarcasm, my fella replied with “Oh sorry, i'll go for a number 2 next time... and give you 20 minutes... ye bollox”

With that I picked up the glass of vodka to knock it back and as I did so, I let the glass slip, spilling half a glass of vodka and lemonade all over my maxi dress.

“Ahhh fuck, shit, damn, bollocks” I cursed, giving off the sign that it was a devastating accident

As they both handed me napkins from the table next to us, I quickly got up, grabbed my bag and phone and told them I'm gonna get changed..... And left them both there....

Little did i know, Mr F went to the bar to get the next round but his card didn't work (He kept entering the wrong pin on purpose) so made an excuse to go to his room to get some cash leaving my Fella alone in the bar....

I got to my room, slipped off my boots, maxi dress, knickers and bra and slipped into the shower to wash off the smell of alcohol.... Within 5 minutes of me getting into the shower, there was a double tap on the room door. I slipped into the hotel robe and I could see it was Mr F through the peephole... I let him in and put the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the outside of the door.... More for my fellas benefit than any nosey hotel maid or room service....

Mr F saw me in the robe, smiled and went into the bathroom. He removed his shoes and socks and asked me if he’d interrupted my shower, cos if so, he'll make it up to me and jump in and

wash my back.... I dropped the robe, stepped into the shower and cheekily replied “You'd have to do more than wash my back to make it up to me”.... He dropped his jeans and as he unbuttoned his shirt, I could see the bulge in his Calvin Kleins pushing tightly against them... it looked huge and was already waiting to start work...

I got a huge flutter and he dropped his shirt to the floor, looking in anticipation as he was about to remove his final piece of clothing. It was pushing hard and was starting to poke from the top before he'd even started to remove them. I looked away for a split second to rinse the suds from my eyes that had started dripping from my hair, and when I turned round, I saw the biggest, thickest, longest cock I had ever seen. It was just huge, and strangely pretty. No nasty wrinkles, no veins or weird markings.... He was circumcised and had a perfectly shaped head too.

I quickly rinsed the rest of my hair and he stepped in behind me and started caressing my waist and boobs from behind me. It felt natural and I suddenly realised that I was no longer nervous.

We spent about 10 minutes in the shower and he had caressed every inch of me with his hands, but that was it. We got dried and then he dropped his towel and asked me to pick it up for him, as I did, I found his cock right in front of me. He wasn't forceful, or disrespectful or even suggestive, but it was there, I saw it, looked up at him and smiled. I spent a good few minutes licking and sucking his cock, there was no way I could fit it all in my mouth and a few times I found myself gagging, but did not wanna stop. I caressed his balls and was determined to make him cum and I knew he was very close at one point, and instead of squirting his hot sticky load all over my face and tits as I'd hoped for, he stepped back, grabbed his jocks and started to get dressed. I was left there on my knees just looking up at him disappointed like a child that had just had her bag of sweets taken away. I said “What the fuck.... You got somewhere to be?” he replied “there’ll be plenty of time for that later, i'm here for 2 nights and i promised your fella a drink.... Meet you in the bar.

With that he left....

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
52 weeks ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
52 weeks ago


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