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Amy the carer 6

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By *essiewhore OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


The drinks were flowing, as was the conversation,each time Lucy saw Alfie she smiled to herself.

Ruby was very intrigued by all the shenanigans that Ruth and Amy had been telling her,it made her feel very vanilla and boring in comparison,Ruth turned the questions back to Ruby.

“So what about you,do you and your husband still fuck?”

“Well yes,not as often as we used too,but he still satisfies me”

“And do you ever think about others”

It was as if the universe was speaking

Jimmy walked in as Ruth asked that question.

The longing look of lust on Ruby’s face gave her a better answer than she would have otherwise gotten.

“Ah i see,it is the fine young Jimmy that your loins lust for”

“No,shhh,he will hear you,don’t be silly”

Ruby giddy and giggling like a schoolgirl

“Hello there Jimmy,are you coming to join us?”

“Fraid not,i have to be getting home”

“Oh come on,one won’t hurt” Ruth almost demanded

“I,just one then” he relented

Both Amy and Lucy were pretty d*unk by now,Ruby too well on her way,Ruth never showing any signs that she was affected at all,they had moved on to spirits now,the girls on vodka,Ruby on the rum.

Jimmy finished his drink pretty quickly and got up to leave,Ruth grabbed a hold of his sleeve gently.

“Are you sure you cant stay a while,we could all have some fun”

“Oh I really wish I could “ his gaze fell upon Ruby as he said it

“But i have to get home to feed the cats,how about tomorrow night?”

“Well we are here for the weekend,what do you say Lady Rubington the 3rd?” Ruth making Ruby chuckle with her silly pronunciations

“Im sure we can sort something out,only it may be a bit busier tomorrow night,we have a booking for a handful of marine biologists coming to survey the Loch”

“The more the merrier i say”

“Well yes but also this isn’t a bloody sex club,i don’t want your shenanigans putting off my clients”

“Of course,i wouldn’t dream of it”

Jimmy looked baffled

“Aye i will catch you tomorrow then”

“See you later Jimmy,and don’t forget your tool”

He looked back slightly embarrassed,Ruby watching his pert arse walk away.

“Come on now spill,i can see the way you are looking at him,you want him don’t you?”

Ruby was a little reluctant at first.

“Come on,we haven’t been shy in disclosing our deeds,a little fantasy won’t hurt?”

They started doing shots now

“Well yes,I wouldn’t kick him out of bed,but its not worth it to destroy my family,i have children,well,adults now,but still,a lot of history between me and Marcus (her husband) and there is nothing bad in our relationship to justify me cheating on him,but i do sometimes have thoughts “

“Tell me some of these thoughts “

All 3 listened intently as Ruby began

“Well sometimes its just a smell,he can pass me and i can smell his odour when he has been working hard,or the way his shorts ride up his chunky toned thigh,i always secretly hope the end of his cock will one day poke out,i see its outline as the fabric pulls tight,i have to stop myself from ripping them off there and then”

“And what would you do if you could rip them off?”

“I would suck on his cock for as long as he wanted,he could cum as many times as he likes,then I would want him to pin me against a tree,holding me in his his strong arms as he fucks my cunt over and over,passionately kissing me until we both cum”

“Oh you have it bad dont you”

“Yes ,a little,i sometimes wish he would just take me,don’t give me a choice,i fantasise that he just grabs me and bends me over his Little buggy and has his way without asking or speaking”

“Oh my,that is very naughty indeed,have you ever discussed this with your husband?”

“No,I wouldn’t know where to start”

Lucy stood and walked outside for a vape,her legs a little wobbly,Amy followed just for the fresh air

“Sounds like old Ruthless is lining up her next conquest”

“Probably knowing her,are you ok though?”

“Yeah I’m missing my little lad but other than that yeah,my pussy feels good for the first time in a while lol”

“So did you enjoy it?”

“Yeah,it felt so naughty,yet natural to let a strange guy fuck me”

“Oh it’s the best,wait till you have more than one,I would never have dreamed about doing more than one guy at the same time,now its all i think about,that woman has unlocked something dormant in me”

“I think i get what you mean,i would never normally just fuck anyone,and that bar guy wasn’t my type at all,but it felt even more horny because I’m not attracted,does that make sense?”

“Yes totally chick,i get it”

“Give me a toot on that thing i have always wanted to try one,it smells so fruity”

Lucy handed it over and Amy took a big inhale,she coughed profusely,not being a smoker,she wasn’t used to it at all,she handed it back pretty sharply.

“Come on lets get back inside”

“Ruth and Ruby were deep in conversation as they returned,Ruby’s eyes looked heavy,her words slurred,Alfie declared that he was going now,and that the place should have closed over an hour ago.

“I’ll sort it Alfie,do ne worry lad,off you pop,I’ll lock up “

They stayed for another hour or so,it was very late now,Ruby would normally drive back to the estate house,she wasn’t in a fit state to do so today,she could barely keep her eyes open.

“Im gonna ring my hubby,i can never drive like this,who’s got my phone?”

“You have Ruby its next to you”

She laughed,and then proceeded to fumble around her phone for a spell,eventually finding the number she was looking for,she hit dial and it rang out ,Ruby collapsed her head on to her arms across the table and tried again,it rang out again,Ruby began to doze,after a minute or so she was gone,fully asleep,the girls looked at her and each other,all feeling very d*unk themselves.

Ring ring.

The phone startled them,it didn’t even register with Ruby,Ruth took it from her hand,the name displayed was Marcus,he was returning the call

“Hello this is Rubys phone “

“Oh,hello,erm,to who i am speaking to please, this is her husband ?”

“Apologies,my name is Ruth,i am currently sat with your wife,who is,a little d*unk and currently napping on the table”

“Oh jolly good,should be fun,could i possibly ask,could you bring her home?”

“Im afraid we have no vehicle and i too have had a few”

“Ok then,i can be there in about 20 minutes,do you mind waiting with her”

“Of course not”

“Great,i will be there soon,and thank you “

They sat and continued the chat and drink,after around 25 minutes they heard a vehicle pulling up outside,then shortly after,in walked a a man in casual clothing,you could still tell it was expensive,his hair greying,but still had a full head swept back,his skin looked well maintained,his frame was slender/athletic.

He was a man used to dominating a room,but something about approaching a table of d*unk women put him on guard,he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Amy was,like a delicate rose,the other two were both very attractive but Amy caught the Lairds eyes instantly.

“Erm hello ladies,I’m Marcus,I’m here for,oh dear”.

His words trailing off as he caught sight of his past wife

“She’s not been like for may a year,about bloody time i say,she works far to hard you know”

“Yes,well it is a beautiful place you have made here,and I apologise,i have to admit that i insisted she join us,so you can blame me”

“Honestly it’s fine,its about time she let her hair down,she has basically done all this herself,it was her brainchild,and she bloody saw it through,its a roaring success,so much so we are looking to open another further North”

“Lovely,i am currently in the process of acquiring some farmland in Lincolnshire,nothing like what you have up here,but i have some plans for it” (little did she know that Clive was not ready to give up the fight yet)

“Oh jolly good,Lincolnshire is a bit far,how come you came all……”

“MARCUSSSSSSSSSS,you lovely man you,come here”

Ruby startled everyone as she suddenly awoke,seeing her husband.

“Oh hello you,have we had a little drinky”

“Yes,with my new friends here,this is Ruth,Amy,and Lucy”

“Yes we have met,shall we be getting you home now”

“Yeah yeah”

He helped her to her feet,she was very wobbly

“Im going to ride you like a national winner when we get home your lordship “

“Easy now girl,these are your guests remember”

“Oh i promise they won’t mind,they are way naughty fuckers”

“Indeed,now hop in and i will lock up”

He left her and headed back inside,the girls were standing to leave.

“Hop in with Ruby,i will take you to your cabin,not really the right sort of footwear and it’s jolly late”

“Oh thank you ,that would be wonderful”

They made their way outside,a beautiful Land Rover was sat waiting,they hopped in the rear,the leather felt incredible,Ruby was out again,they giggled like children as they waited,after a few minutes Marcus returned.

“Now,which one is yours,i have to admit i don’t know it as well as Ruby”

“Its by the lock,number 4 i believe “

“Ah yes i know the one “

They headed off,for a moment in an awkward silence

“So how long are you girls staying?”

“We leave on Monday morning “

“How did you get up here,don’t you drive?”

“Yes,but we took the train,i used to drive to much for work”

The pulled onto the smaller drive that led to their cabin

“Here we go”

“Thank you again,I doubt we would have made it otherwise “

“You’ll be ok getting in?”

His concern genuine.

“Yes yes,thank you,besides,you have your hands full with that one “

“Yes quite,anyhow,lovely to meet you,hopefully see you around”

The girls stumbled out and clumsily made there way into the cabin,eventually gaining entry,both Amy and Lucy crashed onto the sofa,where they would remain until morning morning,Ruth simply got herself ready for bed and went this sleep,she was awake again by 7,the girls still sound asleep curled up together on the couch.

By 8:30 there was a gentle knock on the door,Ruth opened it to find Marcus standing there.

“Hello,so sorry to trouble you,I wasn’t sure you would be up,i hope you don’t mind ? “

“Not at all,the early bird and all that,come in,please “

He followed her in,immediately clocking the girls curled up ,Amy’s pert little bum slightly exposed

“Oh sorry I didn’t realise “

“Oh it’s fine,would you like some coffee”

“Yes please,just black thanks “

Ruth poured him a fresh one from the pot

“Now what can i do for you,its not every day royalty comes knocking”

“Ha,id hardly say royalty,its just a bloody inherited title,doesn’t mean much nowadays,but anyway,i wanted to have a chat”

He gestured for them to go outside on the patio

Ruth understood and out they went,taking a seat in the fresh morning air,wildlife around the Loch fluttering in the hazy mist

“So what is it a humble peasant can do for you”

She said it in a jovial way meaning no offence

“Well its a little awkward,but i am led to believe you are fairly liberal”

“In what regard?”

“Well Ruby woke again as i was carrying her in,after which she turned into a woman possessed,we had,shall i say,the best sex of our life,and apparently it was mainly down to you”

“Really,how so?”

Ruth knew exactly how

“Well,afterwards,we got to talking,and she told me about you and Amy and all the raunchy things you get up to,which led us to discussing spicing up our own sex life,it is a subject i have myself wanted to approach for sometime but didn’t want to hurt Ruby,anyway,we talked about possibly involving others,like maybe,she fucks someone else,and same for me”

“Oh jolly good,and how is it that i may help?”

“Well,i eventually admitted that I would love to play with young Amy there,she is delightful,and was wondering if you would like to come up to the house this evening “

“Yes of course,we would love to,but may i ask,if you end up fucking Amy,then what about Ruby?”

“We were hoping you could help with that too,maybe meet at the bar around 7,it should be busy,plus we have plenty of staff around the estate,we could throw an impromptu party”

“Oh I’m sure i can find the right man for Ruby”

“Honestly,she was like a different woman last night,its as if you have awoken something in her”

“Funny,young Amy said the same thing not long back”

“I guess you just have a knack for it”

“What for releasing inner sluts?”

Marcus laughed as he rose.

“See you this evening then,around seven”

“Seven it is,i will see you out “

She led him through and out,he couldn’t help but steel a glance at Amy as he passed,internally hopeful that he would be inside her later.

Ruth closed the door,she had another commitment this day,the ulterior motive for bringing her here.

The sound of the door caused Amy to wake,she felt like crap,her movement waking Lucy,who,instantly sprang to life,full of beans,Amy wanted to crawl back into bed,but Lucy soon had sausages and bacon on the go which helped no end with her hangover,Ruth explained that she was popping out.

“Have a relaxing day,you deserve it,Lucy,as you are not accustomed to our ways your punishment will be light,you failed to thank me,you must spend the day naked,even if there is a knock at the door,finish cooking first,and later we will be meeting up with the lord and lady and possibly going back to the Manor House,so,freshen up and don’t get wasted”

Lucy finished up the frying,as she bit into her bun Ruth demanded she strip,which,feeling giddy she did gladly,her inhibitions gone,she stood,her large milky breasts standing proud,her puffy pussy mound looked so inviting,it made Amy’s kitten twitch.

“Where are you going?”

Amy enquired

“I have some business to attend,i will explain another time,cheerio “

“Ok then,see you soon”

Ruth left,leaving a very hungover Amy,and very naked Lucy

“Wonder what she’s up to?”

“So do i,dread to think”

“Im off in that hot tub,its been on all night”

“Oh,yeah,give me a moment,I’m gonna make a large coffee and I’ll join you,do you want one?”

“Yes please”

The convenience of being naked meant that Lucy could just simply remove the cover and step in.

“Oh its so nice”

As she lowered beneath the surface,fully submerging herself,she stayed under for a few seconds before springing up to standing and flicking her hair like a shampoo commercial,Amy watched and laughed as Lucy burst out with

“L'Oréal, because I’m worth it”

Swooshing her head once more before lowering again

“You’re fucking mad girl”

“Come on hop in,it’s lovely”

Amy approached with the brews and placed them on the side,then she stripped until she too was naked,stepping in,Lucy got a full view of her sexy little kitten,she was struggling to reconcile her new formed attraction to girls,and a friend at that,she felt very confused by it,her and Amy talked about it at length while peacefully sitting in the warm bubbling water enjoying the glorious views.

The water helping Amy to feel slightly better.


Ruth was standing by the check in cabin,which was unmanned,Ruby probably nursing a sore head,she had been there nearly ten minutes when a grey Mercedes Benz slowly pulled into view,the vehicle turned in the entrance way and pulled alongside Ruth,after a moment the drivers door opened and out stepped a man,early 50’s,shaved head,with a hint of ginger showing,his chest broad,he looked in good shape,strong facial features,and the deepest gruff Scottish accent you’ve ever heard

“Finally we meet face to face,how are you Ruth”

“Yes it’s about time id say,i am very well,did it take you long to get here?”

“Na,bout an hour,hop in,i know a place we can grab a coffee and discuss this girl of yours”.


It was at around the same time that Amy was watching the video of the lady with the ball gag,that Ruth too was browsing the porn videos online,looking for ideas to act out on Amy,and having recently split from Clive,she was a little bored,she searched for a while and skip watched a few,eventually finding one which peeked her interest,it started with a very pretty blond girl sitting on a stool been interviewed about what was going to happen,a gangbang apparently,she was asked her likes and dislikes,anything she wouldn’t do,her experience etc…after a few minutes of that the film began,it was presented as a girl going through airport security and having her bag searched,finding something that shouldn’t be there,they take her through the back,and then six guys end up going through her so she could earn her freedom,the fucking was brutal,but it was organised brutality,Ruth loved it,she watched several more,and,while searching for another she noticed a tab,who had uploaded the video,she hadn’t realised you can join porn sites and upload,chat etc,and so she created an account and ended up sending a message to a uk porn producer,who had made several of the videos she had just seen,she had asked what it takes to get a girl involved in one of those films,it took a few hours for her to receive a response,it was blunt to say the least

“We get a lot of dreamers and let downs on here,if you are serious call this number to discuss 0**********”

Ruth was no dreamer and had called the next day, a man with a deep Scottish accent answered the phone,Ruth explained the situation with Amy and that she was looking to get her fucked properly,his request was that they meet first,so he could make sure it was genuine,and that the girl would be camera friendly,hence the trip to Scotland,he had offered to meet halfway,but Ruth insisted,and Ruth usually gets what she wants.

And so……..


Ruth hopped in the luxury Mercedes,she had spoken on the phone with Mack several times the past few weeks so it felt instantly natural,They had hit it off in a big way,one night they were on the phone for over two hours,both divorced,he owns a very successful construction company,which his son runs for him,so he can concentrate on his other passion,making porn films,his production company also very profitable,Mack had never met a woman quite like Ruth,she intrigued him no end.

“So Roofy,let’s talk about this wee lassie getting stuffed shall we”…..tbc

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By *iddylad87Man
over a year ago


Fuck yess

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *xxx73Man
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

[Removed by poster at 12/03/24 23:51:51]

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

As usual this is getting better and better with every chapter

Waiting with anticipation for the next encounter

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By *etoo8083Man
over a year ago

up north

mmmmm so good...

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By *69meMan
over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *b9012Man
over a year ago


Just gets better and better

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *hil911Man
over a year ago


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By *oppy12Man
over a year ago


Oh brilliant!

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By *ocktoplaywithMan
over a year ago



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By *iglenMan
over a year ago


Another brilliant chapter. Cant wait for the next one x

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By *orgotten22Woman
over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By *uzzer32Couple
over a year ago


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By *oventry4biTV/TS
over a year ago


Going to be a brilliant night, can't wait

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By *rinceCorwinMan
over a year ago


Wasn't expecting this interesting plot twist.

Bring on the filth!

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *cecold1980Man
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago



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By *arried-bi-guyMan
over a year ago


Woohoo here we go again

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By *elbyfuntimesMan
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *essiewhore OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Amy was beginning to feel slightly better now,the greasy sausage and bacon bun helping to soak up the booze,the warm relaxing water caressing every inch of her skin.

“So whats the plan for the day,old Ruthless is god knows,so what we going to do?”

Amy thought for a moment

“Im not really sure,Ruth said there was a spa here but god knows where,and I’m not sure i can be doing with something like that”

“So lets go for a walk,see what we can see”

Amy noticed movement but the edge of the loch,about 200 meters away,there was three guys pulling a small boat along the grass,a rib type one,a woman and a man was following behind,carrying various equipment,both the girls watched curiously as they pulled the boat down to the waters edge,it all looked a little calamitous,one guy slipped on the embankment,a bag fell into the water,the woman quickest to react,grabbing it before it floated away,they definitely weren’t the special boat service,the Somalian pirates can rest easy.

Eventually the small water craft was sitting in the water,one guy climbed in then another,the other 3 remaining on the embankment,they passed over some equipment,and after securing it they began to paddle away from the edge.

“Yeah we could go for a walk,or we could have some fun”

Amy replied with a sly grin on her face

“What do you mean”

“Wanna play dares?”

“Ohhhh,you are a naughty one,me thinks old Ruthless has been rubbing off on you”

“In a manner,yes id say she has”

“So what you got in mind”

“Easy,i dare you,you do it,then you dare me,if neither one of us does what the other says,then we have to take a shot”

“It’s only like one in the afternoon,fuck it,ill get the voddy and glasses”

Lucy dived out and scuttled off,she was back pretty quickly,she placed them down and hopped back in the tub.

“So who’s going first” Lucy asked

“Rock paper scissors?”

“Ok go”

After 3 they both threw down,Amy a rock,Lucy paper.

“Ok then,what am I doing ?” Lucy rolled her eyes in mock annoyance

“Hmmmmm,let me think,how about,you stand up,give those men a whistle and a wave”

“Fucking hell Amy,there’s a woman down there too”

“So shall I pour you a shot?”

Lucy paused and held her gaze,she was determined not to have a drink at this time of day

“Fuck it”

She stood,proud and poised,the water cascading down her mountainous peaks,a sharp whistle escaped her lips,the sound reaching them almost instantly,covering about 343 m/s,the guys in the boat were the first to be greeted by the sight of a buxom woman waving at them,the other 3 turning,the woman looked disgusted and turned away,the gents not so much,she stood only for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity before sitting down again.

Both giggling wildly

“Right your turn”

“Ok,go on then”

“Right,get out of the tub,on the ground,and do the yoga pose downward dog,with your arse facing them”

Amy’s little puss puss twitched,butterflies in her belly,she thrived off that nervous feeling

She hopped out and as requested,knelt on the patio,her face towards Lucy who was leaning on the edge of the tub watching intently,she leant forward and pressed her face into the slab,her arse high,water dripping all around her,the cool breeze ticking her sex hole,she felt so exposed.

The guys in the boat were transfixed,was they really seeing this,a totally naked girl doing yoga,surely she knew they could see her they thought.

After about 30 seconds Amy hopped back into the tub,Lucy slapping her bare buttock as she climbed over

“Now what?”

Lucy asked,thinking Amy was going to up the auntie,her request surprised her a little

“Kiss me for 30 seconds”

For only a stitch,but it felt a lifetime longer,their eyes locked,Amy wondered if it was a little to much,Lucy leant in and took hold of her face,they began to kiss passionately,both of them becoming moister than the water that surrounded them,Lucy squeezed Amy’s bum cheek which caused them to move closer,Lucy’s large breasts pressing into Amy’s,Amy couldn’t resist her magnificent tits,she lowered a little and began to suck and nibble on each nipple in turn,Lucy biting her lip,both standing now,Amy lowered,kissing her round belly as she ventured south,fully submerging herself beneath the surface,she wrapped her mouth around her juicy cunt,the suction incredible,but she couldn’t hold her breath for long,she came up for air and asked Lucy to lean over the side,Lucy understood,with her elbows on the side she could push slightly,raising her voluptuous booty above the water line,Amy placed a hand on each cheek and spread her pussy and ass wide,immediately pushing her tongue as far in as she could,her cunt warm and pungent,in a good way,the force of Amy tongue fucking her made her tits,which we’re dangling over the edge sway and bounce wildly,the men in the boat were having a hard time concentrating on what they should be doing,Amy,remembering what Lucy had said about not having a dick in her arse for a long time,slowly began to insert a finger into her tight little pucker,Lucy squirmed and pushed back a little,she couldn’t believe how good this felt,having her cunt sucked and ass fingered by a female friend was like nothing she had felt before,in her head it was so wrong,her pussy begged to differ,Amy’s finger strokes became rapid,her tongue still punching into velvety warm vagina,Lucy was starting to build,Amy could tell as she was pushing back hard to match her finger,she slipped a second in and gave it everything she could,Lucy yelped and came so hard,she bucked for so long,as Amy withdrew her fingers she began to suck and tongue her arsehole,the musky taste was Devine,Lucy,breathless,enjoyed the feeling for a moment.

“My turn,sit on the edge,I’ve never tasted pussy”

Amy rose and sat facing into the tub,back towards the loch,and the disappointed spectators,Lucy crouched between Amy’s legs and was face to face with her glorious bald little slit,she leaned forward,tongue out,it made contact with the centre,she went a little lower,finding her hole,the taste was unusual but nice,and moreish,she didn’t really know what she was doing,so she did what she liked having done to her,she slowly tongue fucked her hole and then moved up to her clit and began to kiss and suck her little nub,Amy held her by the head ,locking her in position,Lucy took this as a sign that she liked it,so she sucked harder and more frantically,Amy was rocking and rubbing herself against her,Lucy took her middle finger and sank it deep into Amy’s eager pussy and began to slide it fully in and out,Amy held her even tighter,Lucy tongued her hole as she wildly finger fucked her,swapping from clit to hole with impressive speed,Amy began to moan and shudder as she came and covered Lucy in squirts of pussy juice,it took Lucy by surprise,it was so warm,watery,and tasty,she swallowed some as Amy dropped into the tub,they kissed again passionately,Amy tasting her own cunt on Lucy’s lips,after a minute they stopped kissing,Amy rested her head on Lucy’s shoulder and they both giggled.

“That was longer than 30 seconds “.

Lucy chuffed

Amy sank and sat catching her breath looking out at the loch,the spectators still half working half glancing over.

“Oh that was fucking amazing”

“Yeah it was,i could have a nap,but I’m gonna jump in the shower,freshen up”

“I’ll jump in after you,as Ruth said,we need to be fresh for his lord and lady this evening”……tbc

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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *rouble 50Man
over a year ago


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By *im66123Man
over a year ago


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By *ony2269Man
over a year ago


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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


It's just keeps getting better and better!

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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago


bloody marvellous

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *ersey GentMan
over a year ago

St Peter

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *unseeker100Man
over a year ago


That has given me a rampant hard on

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By *mfao88Man
over a year ago

north yorkshire

This is brilliant

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By *olflordMan
over a year ago


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By *oppy12Man
over a year ago



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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


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By *rinceCorwinMan
over a year ago


Erotic perfection

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By *lare_thomas38TV/TS
over a year ago

my town

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By *hil911Man
over a year ago


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By *im66123Man
over a year ago


Please continue

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By *hanebrandonMan
over a year ago

Beck row

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By *antToTryNewThingsWoman
over a year ago


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By *oventry4biTV/TS
over a year ago



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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *69meMan
over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *ooster7Man
over a year ago

west yorks

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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *ritter1Man
over a year ago


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By *xxx73Man
over a year ago


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By *orgotten22Woman
over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By *ove2pleaseseukMan
over a year ago


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By *oveprettyfeetMan
over a year ago


Love it

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By *iffo271Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago



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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago


more soon I hope

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *on BurgundieMan
over a year ago


Brilliant read.

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By *elbyfuntimesMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *heswingerMan
over a year ago

the steel city sheffield

What a cracking read

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By *ree diverMan
over a year ago


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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

Please don’t stop - Such a good story and so well written

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By *essiewhore OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"Please don’t stop - Such a good story and so well written "

It’s coming hun,life takes over sometimes. But I promise that i will see this tale through to the end,however long it takes x

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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

"Please don’t stop - Such a good story and so well written

It’s coming hun,life takes over sometimes. But I promise that i will see this tale through to the end,however long it takes x


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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


Life does. Looking forward to when you have time and thank you for the story so far!

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By *elbyfuntimesMan
over a year ago


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By *antToTryNewThingsWoman
52 weeks ago


"Please don’t stop - Such a good story and so well written

It’s coming hun,life takes over sometimes. But I promise that i will see this tale through to the end,however long it takes x


Can't wait xx

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By *ussD1Man
52 weeks ago


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By *ellaLissimaWoman
52 weeks ago


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By *azinga71Man
52 weeks ago


Can’t wait for the next instalment

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By (user no longer on site)
52 weeks ago

Been a great read so far

Looking forward to the next installment

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By *essiewhore OP   TV/TS
51 weeks ago


Nearly there guys,had a crap few weeks,hopefully get back to regular updates,,this next bits a long one x

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By *ussD1Man
51 weeks ago


Mmm looking forward to it.

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
51 weeks ago

Here and there

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By *addy and the TrampCouple
51 weeks ago


Just gets better and better

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By *sCupcakeWoman
51 weeks ago

Colwyn bay

Loving every part of this

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By *ub444Woman
51 weeks ago


Can’t wait for the next bit!xx

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By *essiewhore OP   TV/TS
51 weeks ago


Thanks guys for being patient,I'm going to post the next bit in a new thread as its so long

Amy the carer 7 going up now x x

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By *itboyslim2Man
51 weeks ago


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