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Brians Story Part 4

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Fifty Nine.

Across the double doors was written the words

The Dungeon

Abandon all hope all ye who enter here

The admin lady paused at the doors and told Brian

“Now this room is totally different from the last, the performers in here are not actors by trade, what you see happening is not an illusion or a trick it is real.”

“I’m not sure if I want to go in her love, I’m not really into the BDSM scene it doesn’t really float my boat.”

“I can understand that Brian, it doesn’t really do all that much for me either but each to their own some people really enjoy it and as James told me to take you here I think we better go in. We don’t need to stay too long but I find it’s always wise to do what James tells me to.”

Brian metaphorically patted himself on the back, all his instincts about James when he had first met him at the farm had told him he was a guy not to be messed with. He was not surprised the admin lady did what he told her to do.

“Come on follow me, let’s get this over and done with.”

The lady pushed open the double doors and Brian trailed her into an incredible space, James’s people had really gone to town on this room and had created a truly frightening torture chamber.

Brian as we know readers is a fairly tough guy and is not scared easily but he felt genuine fear when he entered the dungeon. The temperature in here was several degrees colder than it had been in the corridor outside. Brian assumed there must be hidden air conditioners producing this effect which only increased the forbidding nature of the atmosphere.

Although the lighting inside was rather dim again contributing to the threatening ambiance it was sufficient to make out many items fixed to the walls. There were chains, whips, shackles, thumb screws and various other paraphernalia that Brian was unsure as to their use but was sure they would be very unpleasant.

In one corner of the room there was seating for around two dozen people, just over half of which were currently occupied. The admin lady steered a dazed Brian over to a couple of the seats, he was still in shock at how realistic the room had been made over.

He studied some of the items on the wall and was absolutely convinced this stuff was real it wasn’t fake torture equipment.

Brian was suffering for him a very rare sensation, he could usually cope with virtually any situation he found himself in but at the current moment in time he felt completely out of his depth.

He once again looked around the room, he could recognise from the odd horror film he had watched over the years some of the equipment fixed to the floor of the chamber. There was a rack for stretching people, and a kind of horse type apparatus that he assumed people were made to sit on.

There was a big wheel similar to that found on an old stage coach but far larger, Brian assumed submissives could be attached to the wheel and then flogged.

So far the only people in the room were the audience, Brian wondered what time the action started he hoped the could watch just the first few minutes of it and then quietly slip away.

Over the next few minutes several more viewers entered via the double doors, eventually all the seats were occupied. The next thing that happened shook Brian to the core, he heard someone outside lock the double doors.

Brian had never suffered from claustrophobia in his entire life but at that precise second when he heard the doors locking he knew exactly what it must be like for people that do struggle with this ailment. He was close to getting up and trying to kick open the double doors, despite how cold it was in the chamber he was sweating like a pig. He felt if he didn’t get out of that room immediately he would faint.

The admin lady had been observing Brian closely, she quite admired his resolve and his ability to cope in difficult situations but there was also a bit of a cruel streak in her and she was enjoying the spectacle of this proud man being brought down a peg or two.

She placed a tender hand on Brians arm in order to calm him down and in a soothing tone said

“Don’t worry Brian, the double doors aren’t really locked you can get up and walk out any time you want, the sound someone made outside was to give the illusion to people that they were trapped in here.”

“Are you sure, your not just saying that in order to placate me are you?”

“Go and try them if you want, but your going to look like a right pussy if you do. Look around you no one else is shitting themselves.”

The admin lady was appealing to his sense of self, his manliness if you like, she knew Brian considered himself to be a mans man, a full alpha male, he would not want to show weakness in front of a crowd of other people both male and female.

Brian’s natural cockiness began to return so trying to show far more confidence than he really felt inside he shrugged and smiled and said to the lady.

“I’ll take your word for it, how long do we have to sit here before anything happens.”

“Be patient it won’t be long now, can you hear that.”

Brian concentrated but couldn’t hear a fucking thing, was this woman winding him up or had she got hearing like a fucking owl. Gradually he began to hear some very faint sounds, they seemed to be coming from different parts of the room, from hidden speakers he assumed.

They were so faint he was not able to make out what they were but as their volume gradually increased he came to realise it was the sounds of the various items in the room being used on people. You could her whips being used on flesh, chains rattling, and above all people screaming.

The volume kept increasing and was now at such a level it was difficult to hear oneself think let along try to communicate with another person, it was all very disconcerting and Brian again began to feel uncomfortable and was very nearly about to try and leave the chamber again. Abruptly and fortunately for Brian and several other members of the audience who were also struggling with the high volume of the sound, it came to a tremendous crescendo then ceased completely. A heavy forbidding silence engulfed the room, the small crowd waited in frightened anticipation.

A large wall panel containing several vicious instruments of torture slid to one side, Brian had no idea it was actually a secret door as he assumed the only way into the room had been the double doors that he had come through.

Via the hidden door walked in 6 individuals, 3 men and 3 women. They all wore full head masks so it was impossible to know what they looked like, even their hair was hidden.

All 6 sported typical black leather BDSM type garb, that revealed a fair amount of flesh. You couldn’t actually see the women’s nipples but large parts of their breasts were on display.

Although as described their facial features were completely hidden behind their masks Brian could tell from their bodies that all 6 individuals were not youngsters, he guessed they were probably all in their 40s.

One of the men stepped slightly in front of the other 5 and addressed the audience.

“Welcome folks you are about to witness things that you have never seen before, we are not actors and what you will soon see are not tricks. We all know what we are doing so none of us will get seriously hurt, but this is the real McCoy we don’t fuck about. We all really love this kind of thing and get off on it. It’s also how we make a living and we are very good at it. Sit back and watch how some people get their kicks from the darker side of life.”

As the man was speaking his mask partly muffled his voice, but everyone could clearly hear what he had said, Brian had detected a slight northern accent which gave him pause for thought.

Brian studied all 6 people intently trying to confirm his suspicions, readers have you twigged what Brian was suspicious about yet?

He was 90% certain he had met these people, the clues added up, there were 3 couples, all around middle age, and at least one of them had a northern accent, an accent that despite being obscured by the head mask Brian was fairly confident he had heard before.

So readers who do you think these six people are?

That’s right they are the 3 married couples who had travelled down from the north and who had stayed in the same hotel and then boarded the mini bus with Brian, K and the three young girls a few hours earlier.

Brian whispered to the admin lady

“These are the people on the bus with us earlier aren’t they?”

“Well spotted Brian, they run a very lucrative BDSM business based up north but sell items to customers all over the world. The various scary items you see situated around the floor and on the walls of this place that I noticed you had been studying intently all belong to them.”

Brian was about to ask her a question regarding the 6 people when the masked man spoke once more.

“We are going to need a volunteer to assist us in our pleasurable little games, now who would like to come forward, come on don’t be shy we are all friends here.”

Brian looked around, everyone in the audience was shrinking slightly lower in their seats and looking down at their feet or anywhere other than at the eyes of the masked man. No one wanted to volunteer and who can blame them, would anyone reading this want to be involved with this group of perverts.

“What a bunch of pussies you all are, its usually the case that no one has the guts to help us out in these kinds of situations, so I have to resort to picking someone out. I will give you all one more chance before I select someone, will anyone come forward.”

No one moved a muscle, Brian was prying someone would step up he was sure some of the audience must be into all this stuff otherwise why would they be here. He hadn’t really chosen to come to this room he had just tagged along with the admin lady, all this was not his cup of tea at all.

The masked man paused for a few seconds but unsurprisingly no one volunteered. He then told the group.

“What we will do is we are going to choose someone at random, I can see we have someone in the audience from James’s administration so she will ensure fairness, I am going to do it alphabetically.”

Brian felt a deep dread beginning to form in the pit of his stomach he was almost certain he was about to be selected, he had a feeling this was a set up. The masked man continued.

“Do we have anyone in the group whose first name begins with A?”

No one said a word, the masked man asked the admin lady sitting next to Brian.

“Is that right we don’t have an Anne an Abby, an Andrew or an Albert, any first name starting with A.”

The admin lady shock her head.

Brian knew what was coming next and he felt slightly sick, he didn’t want to be involved in this kind of thing but he knew he was about to.

The masked man asked the group.

“Does anyone have a first name beginning with B?”

Brian kept quiet hoping against hope the admin lady would feel sorry for him and spill the beans he was also trying to remember if he had given his name to any of the 6 people back in the hotel, he wasn’t sure.

There was a pregnant pause, in all fairness to the admin lady she didn’t dob him in, but Brian realised either he or perhaps K must have told the masked man his name because the guy now came right up to him and said.

“Well now ladies and gentleman I think we have a shy guy here amongst us, stand up good fellow, and tell the group what does your name begin with.”

Reluctantly Brian rose to his feet and stated in a weak voice.

“It begins with B.”

The entire crowd cheered, more from relief that they would not be chosen than any appreciation for Brian.

“Good man and what pray may I ask is the rest of your name?”

Brian now that he could not avoid the inevitable managed to regain his composure, he reasoned with himself that although BDSM was not his thing, he was a huge thrill seeker and part of thrill seeking is to do things your not used to or even like.

In a more confident voice Brian announced to everyone present.

“It’s Brian.”

“Step this way Brian my man and lets all have a bit of fun together.”

The crowd clapped and cheered, all mightily relived that some other poor mug was going to have to go through what none of them wished to experience.

In the next chapter we find out what poor old Brian gets up to in the dungeon.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *untobehad2020Man
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


An interesting turn bdsm isn’t our thing either x

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty

The masked man led Brian away from the seating area, as he so he whispered to our hero, don’t worry if you do exactly what I tell you, everything will be fine.

Far from reassured by this comment Brian nervously allowed himself to be led over to the other five leather clad sadomasochists.

The masked man who was obviously the leader of the group now told Brian in a raised voice so that everyone in the room could hear.

“Give me a hand to secure this wench to the wheel.”

Brian noted there were leather straps already in place at appropriate places on the wheel that resembled something that would be fitted to a giants stage coach. He watched how the masked man fastened the woman’s wrist and ankle securely, he did likewise. So far this wasn’t turning out to be too bad, but he was still worried what else was going to happen.

His complacency was short lived, the masked man picked up a wicked looking dagger off a tray full of all kinds of frightening looking equipment, and handed it hilt first to now an extremely worried Brian.

What the fuck do they want me to do with this he thought, he looked at the dagger in his hand he was absolutely sure this wasn’t a fake knife it looked extremely sharp.

The group leader told him

“I want you to cut off all her leather garments Brian but be careful that weapon has been worked on so that it’s razor sharp, make sure you don’t slice into the wench.”

Readers I want you all to try and picture the situation poor old Brian has found himself in and consider how you would all feel being in his place, would you do it, would you cut the leather garments off the woman.

Several comments came from the crowd, encouraging Brian to cut off the girls clothes, he approached the secured woman with extreme trepidation. He raised the dagger up his intention being to cut off one of her leather halter straps, his hand was shaking like a leaf. He knew he was well out of his depth, one slip of the knife and he could cause the woman serious harm.

He really wasn’t sure if he could go ahead with this, the crowd continued to egg him on, he was in a quandary, should he please the audience and carry out the task assigned to him or should common sense prevail and he should back out of it.

Brians dagger holding hand moved a little closer to the restrained lady, it began to shake even more, fortunately before Brian was almost certainly going to cause some damage to the woman’s skin the masked man intervened.

He pulled Brian’s hand away and again speaking in a raised voice so that everyone could hear.

“As Brian here has just learned and as the rest of you can appreciate, what we do here is not that easy, this little demonstration was to show you all that even a tough guy like Brian obviously is, will struggle in a situation like this. We are professionals with years of practise, let me show Brian and the rest of you how it should be done.”

The leader removed the blade from a stunned Brian and with a hand as steady as a rock slashed through the leather straps of the ladies top completely revealing her large breasts .

The crowd clapped and cheered, Brian realised he was in the presence of an expert, he had slashed through the leather straps so quickly it was almost impossible to see him doing it. Brian studied the ladies flesh, there wasn’t even a scratch on her, the speed and accuracy with which the guy had done the cutting must have taken hours and hours of practise.

The masked expert then performed a similar operation on the ladies lower garments and left her completely naked apart from a pair of leather boots. He then asked the restrained woman.

“What is your pleasure today madame?”

“Could I be whipped master?”

“Of course, we will see if Brian is as strong as he looks he can give you the first few lashings but we need to sort the others out first, and let’s face it your not going anywhere are you.”

There was one or two giggles from the audience at the little joke at the end.

While all this was going on the other four members of the group had stood like statues not moving a muscle or saying a word.

The leader spoke to one of the females

“Your turn, you know what to do.”

The woman removed all her leather clothes including her knee high leather boots in a matter of seconds then stood before the leader completely naked. He then told her

“Lie down on the rack.”

Then addressing Brian he said

“Give me a hand to secure her just follow what I do.”

Brian assisted the leader in fixing the lady, prone on the rack, he wasn’t enjoying this experience at all but couldn’t see any way of getting out of it without losing face and for a proud man like him that was the last thing he wanted to do.

The leader then approached on of the two male members of the troupe, and told him.

“Strip and be damn quick about it.”

Brian was amazed how quickly the man shed his leather clothes and was bollock naked in around 3 seconds flat.

Brian couldn’t help but look at the man’s groin area and was not surprised to discover the guy had an erection. What was surprising however was how small it was, Brian somehow managed to resist the temptation to smile. The guy must have been only 3 inches at the most, fuck Brian thought the poor bugger. Members of the crowd were not as kind to the guy as Brian had been and several nasty comments were thrown out about the size of the unfortunate guys appendage.

The chap strangely seemed to enjoy the humiliating comments he received from some of the more nasty audience members. Brian had encountered similar men in the past, cuckold husbands would often love hearing their wives saying how much better a fuck Brian was compared to them.

Brian then assisted the leader in securing the guys ankles to the ground while his hands were tied above his head and he was almost suspended in mid-air to a hook that dangled down from the ceiling.

That left just two a male and a female of the group still standing like statues. The leader spoke to the female first.

“Take the gloves and get him warmed up so that he is ready for Brian.” The leader meaning she was to warm up the guy who was currently suspended by his arms.

He then told the last member of the group to

“Tighten up the rack so she too is ready for Brian.”

He then told Brian.

“Let’s see how a tough guy like you can handle a whip.”

So let’s have a quick recap readers as there is a lot going on in this room.

There is a man suspended by his arms from the ceiling with his ankles fixed to the floor, he is being approached by a woman who has donned thick leather gloves with what looks like silver leather studs in them.

Another woman is secured to a rack and a man is turning a wheel which is attached to ropes and pulleys which is causing her feet and hands to be stretched apart.

The crowd are all would up and super excited, they are loving what is going on especially now they are all safe and not having to get involved in the action.

The group leader approaches Brian and hands a vicious looking whip to him and tells him.

“You know what you need to do Brian, look at that slut on the wheel she is dying for it.”

Brian glanced at the woman he had helped secure to the oversized wagon wheel. The leader was right the woman appeared extremely sexually excited, there was a tell-tale sign of moisture dribbling between her thighs.

He approached the squirming lady, whip in hand, unsure what he should do. The crowd began chanting

“Whip the bitch, Whip the bitch, look at the slut she wants it she wants it.”

Well folks let’s leave it there, what will Brian do, will he give the woman what she undoubtedly wants. What would you all do would you use the whip on the lady?

Find out in the next chapter.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty One

Brian approached the secured lady, whip in hand, he was not enjoying this one bit he didn’t mind a bit of role play and had spanked women before but this was different. These people were into really strong stuff, far more extreme than he was comfortable with. He hoped he could get it all over with as soon as possible and leave this room without losing too much face.

The masked man told him

“Whip her anywhere you want besides her face and lower arms and legs, we don’t want any marks on here that are easily seen.”

Brian didn’t want to leave any marks on her at all, he was between two minds as to what to do, should he just walk straight out of the room with a total loss of face and also risk being kicked off the ship.

He thought maybe there was a middle way, he would whip the woman but not too hard, perhaps he would get away with that.

He got within striking distance of the lady, decided he would aim at her midriff area, drew the whip back and deal a soft blow to her belly.

It did not go down well with the small crowd, there were several boos and hisses. Somone shouted form the audience.

“Hit her man, don’t tickle her, give her what she wants you fucking big pussy.”

The secured lady told him in a kind and friendly voice.

“Don’t be scared of really hitting me Brian, I like it hard, I really enjoy the pain, I’m what is known as a pain slut in our fraternity.”

Brian had heard of people that only orgasm when receiving pain, but had never met one that is until now. What the hell he thought if this is what she wants I will give it to her.

He drew back the whip for a second time and this time struck the woman on her belly with a lot more force. The crowd seemed a lot happier and the lady thanked him and asked him to

“Whip me harder I love it really hard, give me another four strokes a bit harder than the last one and I will cum for you.”

Brian glanced at the masked man, he nodded and told him.

“She’s telling the truth, the dirty slut always cums after about half a dozen strokes of the whip, after she has cum make her kiss the whip and thank you for servicing her.”

Brian was having a hard time processing all this, how on earth someone could orgasm while being whipped was beyond his comprehension but then again who was he to judge he had enough kinks of his own. He proceeded to whip the woman four more times but only slightly harder than his second attempt, he wanted to be sure not to cause her any permanent scarring.

The whip was bringing up bright red welts on the ladies stomach, she was moaning with extremely pleasure after each stroke, Brian couldn’t help but get an erection while carrying out the thrashing.

As the final blow was delivered the woman came, she actually squirted all over the chamber floor amid claps and cheers from the audience.

Brian was pleased he had given the lady what she wanted and also satisfied the audience he wondered if he could now sneak out of the room.

He then told the lady to kiss the whip and thank him for the thrashing, she seemed more than happy to do so.

The masked man however had not finished with him yet.

“Well done Brian, I can see you have some promise in our weird little world let’s see how you perform with the lady on the rack.”

Brian allowed himself to be led over to the prone woman fixed to the rack, her bonds had all been tightened and the wheels and pulleys adjusted so that she was just starting to become stretched.

The masked leader asked the guy who had been getting her warmed up for Brian

“Is she ready for some fun?”

“Yes master.”

Then addressing Brian he said

“You come around to this side so the audience can see everything going on, I want you to turn the wheel clockwise but one click at a time its on a rachet system and you will hear it click into place as you turn it. On no account do you turn it more than one click, we want to cause her some pain but not permanent damage.”

Brian looked down at the woman lying on the rack, she looked frightened but also extremely excited, she was a good looking middle aged woman as were the other two, what on earth processed them to get off on stuff like this was beyond his imagination.

The leader told the man who had been getting the lady ready to

“Get between her legs and start to lick her pussy as Brian begins to stretch her, you know how she likes to be tongue fucked when she is getting a bit of pain.”

The man did as instructed and began lapping away at the ladies sopping wet cunt, she began moaning immediately.

Brian gripped the wheel nervously, his knuckles turning white he was holding it so hard, with a nod from the leader he began to turn the wheel ever so slowly desperate to not turn it more than one click at a time. He did not want to pull the ladies shoulders out of their sockets. This was real hard core stuff, he realised he was in the hands of experts but never the less he was worried something could go wrong and he did not want to badly hurt the woman.

Fortunately the equipment being used was of the highest quality and the group had years of experience and knew exactly what they were doing. Brian turned the wheel and heard a loud audible click, the ladies moaning increased to a new level.

The leader moved over to a table then returned with what Brian thought looked like a large pair of pliers, he explained to Brian.

“Don’t worry I wont ask you to use these on her, if you don’t know what your doing you can really cause some permanent damage to someone with these. I will give her a little more stimulation with them, she loves being stretched, licked and pinched with these all at the same time. Give her one more click, that should about do it.”

Brian turned the wheel once more at the same time the leader began pinching the ladies tits and stomach area with the pliers, all this together with the pussy licking was too much for the woman. She screamed had an enormous orgasm then began thanking them all for making her cum.

What a really strange fucked up bunch of people these were Brian thought. The leader praised Brian

“Well two down and one to go Brian, your passing these little tests with flying colours, lets see how you get on with this hanging punch bag over here.”

Brian and the leader made their way over to the guy who had been suspended from the ceiling, he was hanging by his arms and the woman with him had given him several punches to the chest and belly area with those vicious looking gloves she wore.

The leader asked her

“Is he ready?”

“Yes he is dying for it.”

“Good, hand the gloves over to Brian and get on your knees and start sucking his little weaner.”

Brian put on the leather gloves with the silver studs but was relived to realize the studs were fake and not made of metal, just as well as if they had been they could have really hurt the guy.

The leader told Brian to

“Use the guy like a punch bag, hit him any where you like on his body, but no face or head punches, he loves pain so don’t hold back. Your punches together with the blow job will cause his tiny little dick to explode in next to no time.”

Now what the leader didn’t know and neither do you readers is that Brian had done a fair bit of amateur boxing when he was a young man, and if he had obeyed the leader and not held back his punches he would have broken the guys ribs. There is a world of difference between an untrained guy punching someone and a guy who has spent many years boxing.

Brian could punch about three times harder than a man of similar size and weight. Brian knew if he really punched this guy in the stomach with his full force this guy would never want to do this kind of stuff again. In fact he might never be able to, so badly would he be hurt.

He therefore held back on his strikes and although to the untrained eye he looked like he was using all his force, he was in reality only hitting him with about a quarter to a third of the amount of power he could employ.

Brian had only hit him about four or five times when he began shaking and shot his load into the kneeling woman’s mouth. He thanked Brian for using him as a human punch bag and the leader told him.

“Well done Brian you have passed all three tests you could join our little group if you like, we would be happy to have you.”

“Well thanks for the offer but I think I will give it a miss, this has been quite an experience but its not really my kind of thing.”

“Oh that’s a shame, but thanks for being a damn good sport, most of the people I pick out on these occasions are right pussies and too scared to do anything.”

He then addressed the audience

“That’s the end of this show folks, how about a round of applause for Brain, he has been extremely brave helping us out here in front of everyone.”

The crowd showed their appreciation, clapping and cheering and even began chanting Brian’s name which caused him to redden with embarrassment. Eventually it all died down and people began to leave the chamber.

The admin lady came up to Brian and once there was no one within ear shot she said to him.

“You have had some boxing training haven’t you, you could have hit that guy a lot harder couldn’t you?”

“Yes I’ve done a bit of amateur boxing back in the day when I was a young man.”

“I thought you had, I’ve watched a lot of amateur and professional boxing at the ring side over the years and I could tell you had the right technique. We really need to be careful with you don’t we Brian there is a lot more to you than meets the eye.”

Well that’s it for this chapter readers but I think as the last few chapters have been focusing mainly on Brian I think its about time we found out what K and the other three girls have been getting up to while Brian has being going through these trials and tribulations.

Over the next few chapters its going to be the turn of the girls, were going to find out how they get on in a class room full of over grown school boys, its going to be quite a ride let me tell you. However for all the nitty gritty you will need to tune to the next episode.

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By *atsWoman
over a year ago


Already waiting for the next chapter xxx

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


Such. Tease

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Does anyone know if it’s possible to post pictures into the stories I’ve seen people do this on other sites but I don’t recall ever having seen it done on this one.

If it’s possible can you tell me how, the reason I’m asking is that Brian has sent me a couple of amazing pictures of K this morning and they are happy for me to post them to the thread.

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

Oh mmmm love to see the amazing k

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


I dont think it is possible

And not allowed to add to your profile either really.

Start a free profile just for this purpose ?

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


"I dont think it is possible

And not allowed to add to your profile either really.

Start a free profile just for this purpose ?"

I thought this was probably the case which is why I have suggested to Brian and K to create another profile with some different pics on them I haven’t herd back from them so far.

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *dressagainTV/TS
over a year ago


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By *pagedMan
over a year ago


Would love to see the sexy k

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Two

So readers let’s go back in time a few hours and return to the changing room where the four girls have just put on their old fashioned but high quality made to measure school uniforms. The gang had all been told not to wear any make up as they wanted them all to appear like demure, innocent young girls. As all four ladies were quite small in stature and looked far younger than they actually were, they made quite a spectacle.

If you recall folks back at the farm a few weeks previously there had been two admin women doing the paperwork for James. One of them was currently with Brian taking him to several different rooms that we have recently read about, the other was speaking to the girls in the changing room.

“K your in charge of the group as you’re the eldest and also the prefect, we’re about to go so a classroom. There are 14 middle aged men in there from several different countries, mainly from the UK, but we have some Dutch, French and Belgium guys in there too but they all speak English. The are going to be dressed like young school boys but for gods sake girls don’t laugh at them they had paid an absolute fortune for all this the last thing we want to do is embarrass them.”

K replied

“Don’t worry we have already been told about this, were here for us all to have a good time no one is going to feel embarrassed, it’s going to be a good crack I will make certain of it.”

“Okay I’m sure you will, we are all relying on you and the other girls to give the lads a bloody good time. They are expecting to see some shy little school girls, but it’s up to you all just how shy you want to be.”

The lady winked as she said this, then continued.

“I’m going to check on the class room to make sure they have all arrived, hang on here for a minute and I will come back and get you if they are ready.”

As soon as the lady had gone out of the door K gathered the girls around and said

“Listen girls, although I have never been in a situation exactly like this one, I have played with a room full of guys before and we need to take charge right from the start otherwise things can get out of hand very quickly.”

Remember folks the girls had been together now for several days and had become really good friends and of course knew one another quite intimately. Molly had become K’s right hand man as it were and the two youngest girls looked up to K with awe and admiration.

K told the little group.

“When we go into the classroom just follow my lead, were not going in there as some shy little school girls, I want you all to go in there as though your St. Trinian’s School girls on speed.”

The three ladies burst out laughing when they heard this expression, they loved the description and understood exactly how K expected them to behave. They all high fived each other then hugged and kissed, egging one another on in preparation of what was to lie ahead.

A few minutes later the admin woman returned, as she entered she could tell the girls were up to something.

“You lot look full of mischief, I think it’s best I don’t ask what you have planned for the boys, I will go in and introduce you to the class then K I will leave you to take over, you can do what you want with them.”

The girls trapsed out of the changing room following behind the admin person, it was only a short walk to the classroom. The admin lady introduced the girls to the class, the men were as quiet as mice, she then left K and the girls to handle things themselves. Thinking as she did so, those men aren’t going to know what hit them, the girls were far more sexually sophisticated than they looked.

K stood behind what was obviously the teachers desk, the other gang members stood a couple of paces behind her. All the boys were sat at real school desks, they were the old fashioned types the ones with ink wells in them. They looked really old not recently manufactured one, James must have got them second hand from somewhere. Most had graffiti written or scratched on their surfaces.

K and the girls scanned the room, the men looked to be between 40 and 60, all shapes and sizes, all their uniforms fitted well despite some of the guys being very over weight. It was difficult to keep a straight face seeing grown men dressed in such a fashion.

The boys all sported school caps, grey blazers, white shirts, green and grey stripped ties, grey shorts, white socks and black shoes. Several of them looked like over grown Billy Bunters.

To add to the effect a couple of the men had catapults sticking out of the top pockets of their blazers and one guy had a porn magazine that several guys were crowded around just like young lads would in real life.

K wondered what the hell she would start off with, she knew she would have to take charge quickly otherwise one of the men would take over and that might not end well. As mentioned in situations like this it’s important that the girls remain in control, or if Brian had been with them he could have been in charge. He would have made sure no harm came to any of the girls, that responsibility was now on her.

Like Brian, K was also quick at thinking on her feet and as she stood there in front of the fake school boys an idea sprang into her mind and she told the guys.

“Were going to start off with some gym practise, hands up everyone who would like to see if we girls can do a hand stand.”

Needless to say every male hand in the room went up. K told her little gang.

“Come on girls lets show them what we can do.”

K had always been good at gymnastics and Molly was no slouch either when it comes to this kind of activity. They both quickly performed hand stands up against a wall. The other two however were hopeless and kept falling over but the men enjoyed their attempts and were soon laughing and joking with the girls.

K was pleased the activity had broken the ice with the guys, and she was well aware the men were getting cheap thrills looking down their skirts while they were in the hand stand position.

K and Molly then did the crab walk technique up and down the classroom, this elicited claps and cheers from the guys. K was thinking things were going really well but she wondered what would she do next.

She needed to come up with something that the guys would have done back in their school days, another idea came to her. She often found when she needed to come up with something in the heat of the moment she almost always did.

She went back to the front of the class once more and announced to the class.

“Okay boys, that’s the gym class over with we’re now going to play a little game if your up for it, hands up everyone who fancies a game of kiss chase.”

All hands were raised again and K explained the rules.

“Whoever catches one of us gets to snog the girl he catches it’s as simple as that.”

K knew that to keep the guys attention the games would gradually have to get more and more risky, but it was important not to start off too heavy as there would be nowhere to go before long and that’s when it could get dangerous for them.

It was important to start off with things being light and fun so that everyone would be relaxed and in a good mood, then once the real action started no one would feel threatened.

Remember folks K is only 22 at this time but she is an expert at understanding the underlying psychology at play in a situation such as this and handles everything like a conductor of a famous orchestra.

Female readers would you be able to control a room full of randy guys pretending to be school boys, K had them eating out of her hand, that takes a tremendous amount of skill and quick thinking.

The kiss chase game began and as there were only 4 girls and 14 boys the girls kept getting caught all the time, before long all the boys had snogged each of the girls at least twice.

K could sense she would need to move things on shortly before the men began to get bored with the game, at one point she tried to hide in a large cupboard to get away from a man chasing her. To her surprise she discovered it was full or small bean bags, do any of your remember them from school.

For a laugh K shouted to her three compatriots to join her in the cupboard and they kept the lads at bay by throwing the bean bags at them. The lads joined in the fun and started throwing the bags back at them.

There ensued a little battle of the bean bags, once again everyone was having a bloody good laugh. All the while though K had to keep her wits about her, she had to get the timing just right, it was imperative not to let any of these activities go on too long and cause the guys to lose interest.

K felt it was time to change it up a level, but this had to be done gradually, find out in the next chapter what she came up with.

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Another great installment that keeps us wanting more lol

Just wish there was a couple like them close to where I live lol

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


"I dont think it is possible

And not allowed to add to your profile either really.

Start a free profile just for this purpose ?

I thought this was probably the case which is why I have suggested to Brian and K to create another profile with some different pics on them I haven’t herd back from them so far."

Everything crossed here!!!

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


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By *pagedMan
over a year ago


Brian and k have been in touch she is so hot

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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


I’ve been lucky enough to see K now as well. So sexy even better than I thought. The camper van, the uniform and them amazing nipples all firmly deposited in the wank bank.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


"Brian and k have been in touch she is so hot "
Im glad they have been in touch she really is something special.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


"I’ve been lucky enough to see K now as well. So sexy even better than I thought. The camper van, the uniform and them amazing nipples all firmly deposited in the wank bank. "

Absolutely gorgeous isn’t she. I’m finishing off the next chapter, should be done and posted shortly.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Three

K judged it was time to change the rules of the kiss chase game, she called a halt to proceedings then told the guys.

“Okay guys, from now on when one of you catches us not only do you get a snog you can also feel up our tits but only through our school blouses.”

The lads cheered and the girls began running around the room trying to escape the clutches of the randy men. The girls did not make a huge effort to avoid being caught, they knew what they were there for and they all knew how all this was going to end. Each lady however realised it was important the men did not take liberties they only did what the girls told them they could do.

With a large group of men there will often be one or two who can be a little weird and will like to try to demean a girl that is trying to entertain them. These type of guys need to be controlled right from the get go, that’s why K had taken charge from the off.

Readers who were around in the 70s and 80s when strippers would often visit pubs and clubs, if you ever went to one of these shows you might recall the type of guys I’m talking about. Most people would be laughing and cheering the girls on and having a good time, but there would be some nasty twat that would be shouting out demeaning comments at the strippers. This is the type of guy K was watching out for and why she needed to remain in charge because if that type took control of the situation the girls could get into a lot of trouble.

Brian had warned K over the years they had been together to watch out for such men, and told her to clamp down hard on them if they started any of their nonsense with her.

K noticed several of the men were now sporting erections, understandable really, with the action currently taking place. All the girls nipples were rock hard and almost sticking through their school blouses, the men loved feeling them up. It probably brought back memories to them from many years ago when they really were in school.

With all the running about and excitement the girls looked like they needed a bit of a break and several of the men appeared ready for one too, K called a halt to the activity and told the group.

“Let’s have a short break for 10 minutes there are some refreshments over there.”

She had noticed a table at the back of the classroom that had drinks and snacks laid out on it. The girls all had a soft drink and some of the guys went to the toilet, when everyone had returned she told the lads.

“We will carry on with the game but from now on when you catch one of us you can put your hands inside our blouses to feel up our little titties.”

This announcement brought forth loud cheers from the oversized school boys. They were all having a bloody good time. Even though K was only small in stature they all realised she was a force of nature and not someone to be messed with. They also knew that eventually all these girls would be getting fucked but they were happy to go along at the pace K was setting.

The game began again and once or twice K had to rebuke some of the guys for being too rough with either her to one of the other girls. The men were now getting really excited as they plunged their hands inside the blouse of a captured girl, it was all still fairly good humoured but K was quick to clamp down on anyone that squeezed too hard.

K was beginning to consider what the next level to take the action to should be when a bell went off in the classroom. Everyone wondered what it meant, they didn’t have long to wait as the door opened and in walked a figure dressed in an old fashioned teachers outfit, the black cape, and silly hat included.

You all know the teacher, it’s Dr Stevens, K ran up to him and gave him a hug then putting on her little girl voice she said loud enough so that everyone could hear.

“I and the other girls have been very naughty today Sir.”

“Oh really, what have you little hussies been up to with my nice young men.”

“We have been playing kiss chase in the class Sir.”

“Well that doesn’t sound too bad.”

“There is a little more to it than that Sir.”

“Pray do tell.”

“When the boys caught us they didn’t just snog us.”

“What else did they do to you?”

“They started feeling up our little titties through our blouses Sir, but then they started putting their big rough hands inside our pretty blouses and squeezing our sexy little tits and it made our nipples go hard.”

K was really hamming it up at that moment, she loved role play in front of an audience and she was extremely good at it. The room full of men had all stopped chasing the other girls and were hanging on every word of K’s performance.

The doctor marvelled at K’s ability to capture a room full of horny men, he could see they were all enthralled with the young lovely before them. He was feeling extremely nervous himself and was hoping K had some ideas and would take the lead as he wasn’t sure what to do next.

K could tell the doctor wasn’t sure of himself and was desperate for her to take the lead, she meanwhile was in her element, ideas were leaping into her mind by the dozen, she really loved all this excitement. Professional actors call this type of thing improvisation and K was an absolute natural at it. The doctor on the other hand was like the rest of us, completely out of his depth.

K continued with an idea that had come to her amidst a string of other suggestions, she said to the doctor.

“I can’t blame the boys for feeling us up as it was my idea, I told them they could feel our little titties because we are sluts and we like young boys to touch our hard little nipples. Do you think we need to be punished for being so naughty Sir?”

“Yes I do.”

The doctor had no idea what kind of punishment he should deliver he was hoping K would come to his rescue and suggest a suitable chastisement.

He needn’t have worried K had already thought through a nice sequence of punishments for her and the other three young harlots. She told the doctor, but in a voice loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“As I and my friends have been teasing the boys mercilessly for over an hour, do you think we should all stand up on your desk one at a time, lift up our skirts, take off our knickers and throw them out into the class for any of the boys to catch.”

Before there was a chance for the doctor to answer K, there was a loud cheer from the randy bastards in the class room, all the men were dying to see the young girls cunts. They were also desperate to get the chance of snagging on of the girls old fashioned knickers which they assumed correctly as it happened, would smell wonderfully.

The doctor waited for the cheering to calm down then replied.

“Well I think the boys have decided for me, I certainly don’t want to let them down, so which of you is going to go first I assume as you’re the prefect it’s going to be you.”

“Yes as prefect and head girl of this illustrious establishment it is my duty to be the first one to expose myself to these horny bastards and then cast off my sweet smelling knickers.”

K jumped up onto the desk at the front of the class with no trouble, pulled up her skirt revealing the old fashioned green school knickers, as she did so the boys went wild. You could cut the sexual tension in the room with a knife.

She pranced about on top of the desk of a while turning around and wiggling her gorgeous tight arse in front of the hungry crowd, the men were lapping it up, K was putting on a terrific show for them. The money all this had cost them was worth every penny and would have been cheap at twice the price. The couldn’t believe how gorgeous all these sexy young girls were but especially K. They all hoped they might get a chance to fuck her shortly although some of the guys were nervous about having to perform in front of a crowd.

Remember folks not everyone is like Brian and can fuck a girl in front of loads of other guys, many men will be far too nervous to be able to do something like that.

K now began to slowly roll her knickers down, the boys stopped cheering and watched intently it would be no exaggeration to say some of them had their tongues hanging out like rabid dogs.

K took off her knickers completely and holding them in one hand while the other still held up her skirt giving the guys a good view or her vagina, she twirled the sexy garment around holding it high above her head.

She pretended to chuck it out into the classroom a couple of times and the guys were jostling one another trying to gain an advantage so they would be the one to catch it when it was thrown.

She teased the guys for a couple of minutes and yet again using perfect timing, she threw the knickers to the very back of the class before the lads had got bored of the activity. K knew just how much to milk out of any situation and finished it before people got tired of what was going on.

There was a massive stampede towards the back of the room as fully grown men acted like sex obsessed school boys as they tried to retrieve K’s worn knickers. Eventually someone emerged from the scrum holding the exquisite prize in his hand, a big beaming smile on his face. He held the garment up to his nose and took a big sniff. K could see this caused his erection to almost pop out of his shorts.

K told him.

“You have to stand down now and not be involved when Molly throws her knickers out into the classroom as you already have your reward.”

Molly and the other two girls then performed the same routine as K but not in quite so accomplished a fashion. None of them were natural actors like K. The doctor once again appreciating what an incredible actor K was and how sexually exciting she could be when she tried.

In the next chapter readers we take things to the next level.

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 13/02/24 11:38:14]

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


We would love to get a peek at the gorgeous K

To see if it lives up to the picture in our heads

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


We were lucky enough to be contacted by k

Slim sexy lady who knows how to dress to tease

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *randmrslookingCouple
over a year ago


"We were lucky enough to be contacted by k

Slim sexy lady who knows how to dress to tease"

We would love to see her too! X

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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


We received a message from Brian and K too. Lovely pics and K really does look young for her age x

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By *randmrslookingCouple
over a year ago


Kay has messaged us! An absolute beauty, just like she is written! Xx

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


I hope you all can see now that I have not been exaggerating when it comes to my descriptions of K, she is gorgeous.

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Brilliant again wish I'd been in the classroom to catch her undies

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By *oadsoffunMan
over a year ago


Having lived through Brian's and K chapters it would be fantastic to put a face and body to the tails please send me a picture of them both

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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Never disappoints

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


I’ve just had a message from K she wants me to thank everyone on her behalf for all the nice comments she has had from people who have seen her pics.

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By *entlemanJim28Man
over a year ago

the Shires

Would love to see the lovely K

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

yes it would be nice

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


Would love to see the pics of Brian & Kay !

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Four

Once all four girls had discarded their knickers and cast them out into the baying crowd K was ready to move things on. She instinctively understood timing when it comes to putting on a show. The trick was not to have each activity take so long that some of the participants would become bored, but at the same time not to have things happen so fast that she would run out of ideas.

K instructed four of the pretend school boys to bring four of the old fashioned desks up towards the front of the class, explaining as she did so that they should.

“Think of these desks as similar to old ducking stools from hundreds of years ago that men would use to either duck naughty women in ponds or punish them in some way. As we haven’t got a pond in here, I think you can give us all a good spanking for having teased you so much.”

She then spoke directly to the doctor.

“If you provide the class with a practical demonstration of how to spank each of us then I’m sure the boys will line up nicely and each take a turn to give us a good thrashing. I suggest each boy is allowed to smack on each of our bottoms. But as you’re the teacher you can spank each one of us twice.”

Although technically the doctor playing the part of the teacher should have been in charge but was in no doubt K called the shots in this situation and he was happy to go along with her suggestions.

Each girl now took off her skirt and so was now only clad in smart school bouse, knee high white socks and formal black leather shoes.

All four ladies bent over the recently moved desks at the front of the class, their gorgeous bottoms facing the extremely excited men.

K instructed the doctor

“Start off with me teach.”

The doctor stepped out from behind his desk and moved behind K, he couldn’t resist caressing her firm bottom before he administered the first smack. K moaned as he stroked her backside, being exposed like this in front of all these perverted men was an incredible experience she was having so much fun.

She had a quick look at her three compatriots and could tell by the looks on their faces they were enjoying the action too. The doctor delivered the first smack, it was a rather tame affair that K hardly felt, she told him in no uncertain terms.

“We wont count that one teach it was far too soft put some effort into it.”

The doctor delivered a second strike a fair bit harder than the first.

“That’s more like it teach, keep it at that level for the next one and for the rest of the girls and you boys watching don’t hit any harder than that or I will bite your balls off.”

All the men had been watching intently and were determined not to hit any harder than what the doctor had just done, none of them wanted to experience K’s wrath.

The doctor continued his class demonstration, he moved on to Molly and gave her two smacks which she thanked him for then did the same to the other two girls.

K meanwhile had marshalled the lads into a long line so that once the doctor had finished they were all ready to take their turn. The first one smacked K’s bottom twice then moved on to Molly, another lad having replaced him at K’s back side.

Several of the guys had a good feel of the girls’ bottoms in between the smacks, and a couple of the more forward men fingered the pussies of the youngest two girls, they were too scared to try this with K or Molly.

As K was receiving her punishment her mind was in overdrive wondering what activity should happen next, her over excited brain did not let her down and once all the boys had finished spanking the girls she said to doctor Stevens.

“Sir, I have a suggestion for the class would it be alright if I spoke to the group.”

“Of course, you being the head girl you have the authority to do so.”

“Thank you sir, class I think it’s about time to take it to the next level, I’m sure you can all imagine what that is going to mean, however I think it’s only fair that you boys have a little of your own punishment.”

K received a few puzzled looks from some of the men, mainly from the foreign ones, the British guys were all smiling. Probably K thought, because they had all gone to private school and were used to having their bottoms spanked.

She explained

“I want you all to drop your shorts and undies and lie over your desks, me and the girls will then come around and smack your bottoms, I can see from the expressions on some of your faces you have done this before and enjoyed it. Those of you that have never had this pleasure in the past I can assure you that you will love it.”

The guys seemed a bit shy at first and everyone was waiting for someone to make the first move, K was just about to pick on someone and order them to take down their pants but one guy started to take down his shorts. This had a triggering effect on the entire group and in no time at all they were all draped across their desks, bare bottoms on display awaiting their punishment.

The other three girls were over joyed they clapped their hands with excitement and in appreciation of K’s ingenuity, they were amazed at the ideas she came up with and at the fact that the guys just went along with whatever she suggested.

Each girl then ensured she smacked all the men twice, several of the guys moaned with excitement as they were being struck, and K thought at least one may have had an orgasm.

Once all the men had received their punishment K told them all to strip but to leave on their little school boy caps, as the lads were undressing she called the girls up to the front of the class and told them to take off their blouses. This meant the girls were now only dressed in socks and shoes.

K asked the lads

“Are you now ready for what you really came here for?”

A loud cheer echoed around the room, K asked the doctor

“Teach are you prepared to give the class another demonstration, how would you like to fuck each of us first before the rest of the boys get their big hard cocks into us?”

Now can you imagine readers if it had been Brian playing the part of the teacher, he would have been up those girls like a rat up a drain pipe, but is the doctor made of similar stuff. How about you male readers would you be able to fuck these sexy lovelies in front of over a dozen naked and horny men.

Find out in the next chapter if the doctor is up to the job.

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

As usual another interesting read, and again leaving us in anticipation for the next installment

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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Five

The doctor approached K who was bent over a desk at the front of the class, he had never been very good at performing in front of a crowd, and was extremely nervous in front of this large group. He had taken a little blue pill about 90 minutes earlier in the expectation that his cock would be getting a lot of action tonight.

K opened her legs some more and he could see juice leaking out of her wanton pussy, fuck he thought this little slut is loving all this. He could feel his cock begin to harden but was worried it might deflate once he exposed it to everyone.

He removed his black teachers gown and took off the silly hat, dropped his trousers and pants in one go and looked down at his semi erect penis. Shit he realised it was starting to soften due to his nervousness.

K being the consummate professional that she is, realised immediately what was going on, she had seen guys lose their erections many times when trying to perform in front of a crow.

She spoke quietly and soothingly to the doctor.

“Relax, try and visualise yourself being back in that bedroom with me in the Solihull mansion, just the two of us together, close your eyes and picture the scene.”

Her kind words and the manner in which she had spoken them seemed to work wonders for the doctors erection, he could feel the blood starting to rush back into it and in next to no time he was good to go.

He rubbed his bell end up and down along the length of K’s juiced up pussy lips, he tried his best to not think about all the men watching his performance and instead tried to think back to when he was alone with K in the mansion in the midlands.

He eased his cock slowly into her, she moaned slightly, you could hear a pin drop in the room all the guys were standing like statues at their desks not moving a muscle but observing K and the doctor with full concentration.

K felt the doctors cock slowly enter her, it was a weird sensation getting fucked with all these strange men watching every move that was made, but she had to admit to herself she was a huge exhibitionist. She loved putting on this kind of show for all these randy bastards.

The doctor bottomed out in her then began to thrust away much too quickly, K knew she would have to slow him down as he was in danger of coming within a minute or two.

“Slow down teach, don’t forget you need to fuck the other three too, so give me a few more strokes then move on to Molly, and take it easy otherwise you will never get it up all of us before you shoot your load.”

The doctor had got so carried away with his visualization of fucking K back in the mansion he had almost completely forgotten where he was and that he needed to fuck the other three girls too.

Reluctantly he pulled out of K, and moved on to Molly. He wasn’t sure if he would make it to the last girl before he had an orgasm but he was going to try his best.

He found Molly’s pussy to be just as wet and receptive as K’s had been, he plunged his manhood into her and delivered half a dozen thrusts but then had to take it out. Mollys pussy had started to clamp down on his penis and very nearly caused him to blow his load inside her.

He then entered the third girl, this time he was so close to cumming he only managed three thrusts inside the young sweetie, then quickly withdrew and just about managed to get it into the final girl in the nick of time, as he shot his load deep inside her.

It wasn’t a brilliant demonstration of how a stud should perform, he hadn’t made any of the girls orgasm and he had nearly cum in each of them, only just about stopping himself doing so by the skin of his teeth. But he consoled himself with the fact he had managed to perform in front of all these guys and he had got inside all four girls. He knew he was not like Brian when it came to public performances but all in all he had done ok.

The class clapped when he shot his load into the final girl, K knew it was time for her to take back control, so while the doctor was cleaning himself up she shouted out to the group.

“Who wants to stick their cock up her well lubricated cunt?”

She pointed to the girl who the doctor had just cum inside of, there were no shortage of volunteers. The guys were so turned on they didn’t mind sticking their cocks inside a pussy that was currently full of semen.

K pointed to one of the guy in the front row of seats and said.

“You first, come and stick that big cock of yours inside her.”

She then pointed to the guy next to him and said

“You can stick yours in her mouth, I bet you two are dying to spit roast the young hottie.”

Now remember folks counting the doctor there are 15 randy men in this room and only four girls however K knew something that the rest of you may not have realised and that something is this.

In a large group of guys such as this, not all the guys will have the ware withal to be able to fuck a girl with so many people watching. Some of the men will just want to watch the action and perhaps masturbate, but they will be far too nervous to take a major role in the activity.

K also had rightly guessed that the shy men are highly unlikely to take the front seats they would more than likely be sitting towards the back of the class.

So working her way from the front towards the back of the group she assigned two guys to each of the two remaining girls. That meant six of the fourteen were now being catered for, she would soon be taking on two herself, but that still meant half a dozen would be left over. She wondered how many of these would actually want to join in and how many would be happier indulging their voyeuristic tendencies. She asked the question.

“Hands up how many of you guys towards the back would rather just watch and wank rather than join in.”

Five hands went up, K then decided she would be able to handle three at a time. She called these three up to the front. She got one of them to lie down on the teachers desk, she got on top of him and helped him put his cock in her pussy. She instructed another of the three to put his cock up her arse and the third she told him to put his cock in her mouth.

This was not the first time K had been made air tight, she quite enjoyed the experience now and again but would not want to do it too often, she much preferred one on one sex.

While she was getting so much attention from three guys all at the same time she had no chance to see how the other three girls were getting on, so let’s imagine we have a birds eye view of what’s happening in the room readers.

Towards the back of the room there are 5 guys who are either too shy or are out and out voyeurs and prefer to watch the action, 3 of these guys have hard-ons and are masturbating furiously as the action unfolds.

The other two have limp dicks either due to nerves or perhaps health reasons. Moving towards the front of the class, the two youngest beauties are being spit roasted, by four guys. Every now and again all four men are swopping positions so that their cocks get to sample each girls mouth and pussy.

Molly meanwhile is trying her best to get two cocks into her mouth at the same time as one of the men is attempting to get his entire fist inside her young cunt. Luckily for her the doctor notices she is in some pain and intervenes. He tells the guy to use three fingers on her but no more, the guy fortunately listens and does as he is told.

Like K, the doctor knows full well that the men need to be kept under control otherwise the young girls could suffer some nasty injuries.

At the very front of the class we see K, still lying on top of one of the school boys, his dick buried deep in her snatch, another guy has his cock in her mouth and a third is bum fucking her for all he is worth.

One of the men with Molly starts to cum, pulls our of her delicious mouth and shoots all over her pretty face, this in turn causes his mate to do likewise. A domino effect sweeps the room and within a few minutes, every man besides the doctor and two of the five guys at the back of the room watching the events unfold end up shooting their loads.

The two guys at the back are the ones who could not gain an erection. In the next chapter we find out if K can help out these two unfortunate men.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


I've just tried to post the next chapter to the thread and it keeps getting rejected. A message comes up saying there are parts of it that the site doesn't allow. This has happened to me before and its usually one or two words I have to change but I have read through the story and I cant see the problem. So what I'm going to do is post parts of the chapter up a bit at a time and that way I might find what the automatic software doesnt like.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Six

K manages to not loose herself in all the action taking place, she realises she has a role to play to ensure the men keep in line and none of the girls are hurt. She also wants to have all the guys achieve at least one orgasm. She notices there are two guys toward the rear of the room that have not shot their load yet. She feels it’s her duty to rectify this situation and makes her way over to them.

K asks one of them

“Would you like a bit of help with that?”

Nodding toward the guys flaccid cock she questioned him. The man nodded sheepishly, too shy to even speak.

K gently held his soft cock, realising that he was highly unlikely to gain an erection in these circumstances, however she had an ace up her sleeve. As mentioned in a previous chapter K had learned to give men a prostate massage which never failed to bring them off, even if they couldn’t get an erection.

She told the guy.

“Just try and relax and let my fingers do their magic.”

Holding the guys soft cock in her right hand she began to work a couple of digits of her left into the guys anus seeking his prostate gland. Locating just the right spot she began to work the guys gland and gently wank his penis at the same time.

The man’s dick stiffened ever so slightly but got nowhere near a full erection, but it was obvious to K, she was making progress. The man began to breath heavily and then started to moan, without much warning cum began to dribble out of his bell end. No more than a tea spoon full but that’s probably all he had in him.

He thanked K profusely saying that was his first orgasm for months. The last remaining guy in the room who had yet to cum shuffled forward, too nervous to ask K to help but indicating this is what he desperately wanted.

K performed the identical procedure on this man, he too came in short order, producing slightly more semen than the previous chap but his entire load would barely fill two tea spoons.

K felt rather pleased with herself, all the guys in the room had cum at least once, and by the looks of things some of the guys were well on their way to their second orgasm. The three girls were all currently being fucked by one of the recently recovered guys.

K made her way back to the front of the class, checking on each of the girls as she did so and offering encouraging remarks to one or two of the guys who were desperate to gain a second erection after having had a recent orgasm.

Arriving at the doctor she whispered to him.

“Everything seems to be going well, they all seem to be having a good time.”

The doctor answered quietly

“You and the girls have done a fantastic job, James is going to be so impressed when I report back to him.”

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


K felt some satisfaction at this comment, she had enjoyed the responsibility given to her on this adventure, she knew she could be wild and a bit crazy at times but she had managed to keep herself in check at least so far this evening.

K gave a couple of guys a blow job, but no one else fucked her, many of the men came for a second time and by the time the school bell sounded for a second time, all the guys seemed completely satisfied. Several of them thanking K and the girls for giving them an amazing time, lots of the guys saying it was the best sexual experience they had ever had in their lives.

These comments brought a warm glow to K’s heart, and the other three girls felt they had done an amazing job with the randy men. None of the girls had actually cum but the men wouldn’t know that as the girls had faked several orgasms in order to please the guys.

A minute or two after the bell had rang indicating the classroom session was over the admin lady returned with four dressing gowns for the girls to wear while they made their way back to the changing room. The woman collected all the girls school uniforms and placed them in a large bag.

They had only been in the changing room less than a minute when Brian came in with the second admin woman. Brian and K were impressed at how well everything was timed on board the ship, these people kept to a very tight schedule.

The admin lady with Brian, who seemed to be the senior of the two older ladies spoke to Brian and the girls.

“Clean up in the showers now girls, you have just under an hour to get yourselves ready for a big party taking place up on the top deck. Don’t mention what you have just been doing to anyone in the part as many of the guest do not know what we do on this ship.”

Brian and the girls nodded in unison, the lady continued.

“Made to measure expensive evening gowns have been laid out for you all, you are to wear these for the party, they are now yours to keep this is in addition to the money we have agreed to pay you.”

Brian was no expert on ladies evening gowns but he could tell each garment would cost over a thousand pounds in a designer shop.

The lady now directed her attention to Brian,

“And Brian we know you like to wear your customary jeans, T-shirt and Dr. Martens boots but security won’t let you in the door dressed like that so we have an evening suit and appropriate foot wear all prepared for you. They should all fit despite not having measured you but if there is a problem let me know and I can get a replacement to you within a few minutes.”

Brian was yet again impressed with the efficiency and professionalism of this organisation, they had everything timed to perfection and seemed to cover all of the bases. Despite this however he still had an uneasy feeling about the situation he found themselves in. He tried to shrug it off saying to himself it was just that he was so out of his comfort zone was the reason for his unease but never the less he couldn’t shake this feeling off.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


The last part of the story has been rejected so I will look it over to see what the problem is.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Both admin ladies left saying they would be back to take them to the party in less than an hour. The girls started showering but avoided getting their hair wet as it would take too long to dry in the short time before they had to go to the party. Brian decided to have a shower too.

Brian told K and the girls a little of what he had been up to in the time they had been apart and they explained to him what had been taking place in the class room. Brian wished he could have been with the girls it sounded to him like he would have far preferred being with them than the time he had spent in the dungeon. Having said that he did enjoy watching the models on the cat walk, and the dungeon experienced had been something he would never forget.

The gay pub adventure hadn’t really done anything for him but it was an interesting experience and although it wasn’t his cup of tea he would be willing to visit another one.

All four girls dressed up in their gowns and looked amazing, they also applied make up and now looked much older than they had recently done when dressed in their school uniforms.

Brian too looked completely different now he was so smartly dressed, he still looked like a bit of a tough guy but his outfit and shoes fitted like a glove, he wondered how the hell they had manged to get everything to fit well.

Spot on time the amin women returned and took the magnificent five to the party on the top deck. On the way up the ladies warned the group not to approach anyone they see in the party, instead they were to wait to be approached. They were also told not to stare at people they recognized as there would be several politicians and famous people who would be present that were house hold names.

In the next chapter Brian finally gets to meet the big cheese, tune in to find out how that went, and what Brian said that cause the impressive James to nearly have a heart attack.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Sorted it, it was one bloody word that I had to change, this automatic software snooper can be a right pain in the arse at times.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Brilliant again looking forward to the next installment

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By *allpaul888Man
over a year ago


What an amazing story. There are few tales in the forum, true or false that can keep your attention as well as this one. Brian and K are an amazing couple, with experiences we would all have liked to have had, thanks so much for sharing them! Would love to get to see the pictures of K to see if my imagination has done her justice

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *orsetMale34Man
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


Ooo we’ve loved catching up

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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Nice to catch up

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Seven

As they approached the entrance to the party two heavies gave our gang a good look over but one of the admin ladies had a word with them and he waved them inside a large ball room packed with well-dressed wealthy looking people. The admin women they left them to it saying they had things to organise.

Brian spotted a few people he recognised off the telly but avoided eye contact with them trying not to appear like some awe struck country bumkin. One of the two youngest girls pointed at a celebrity and was about to say something when Brian told her to be quiet.

This was all a completely different world for our magnificent five, they had never seen so many well know people in real life before. Remember though folks not all the famous people in this room were aware of what went on in the lower decks of the ship.

James rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, many of whom had no idea of the kinds of things he organised for various people.

A cocktail waitress approached them with a tray full of impressive looking drinks. Brian had to do a double take, the waitress was the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe. He had a quick glance around the room, he spotted Kylie Minogue also serving drinks and alongside her Harley Quinn.

In addition he clocked Cat Woman, Spider man, Super man and the Joker all serving beverages. Brian vaguely remembered someone telling him that James had several lookie-likies on his books, he was obviously putting them to work in the party.

The girls each grabbed a cocktail from Marilyn, Brian asked for a soft drink instead, his unease cautioned him that he should remain sober while on the ship not that he was a big drinker anyway.

All the girls had built up quite a thirst while playing with the fake school boys so the cocktails rapidly disappeared to be replaced by fresh ones in next to no time. Brian took a sip of K’s and his suspicions were confirmed. These drinks were far more powerful than the cheep watery crap the girls were used to in somewhere like Wetherspoons.

He warned K.

“For fucks sake K, these drinks are three or four times stronger than what you and the rest of the girls will be used to, go easy on them and make sure your next drinks are soft ones okay.”

K and the girls were less than impressed, to their way of thinking they had worked fucking hard entertaining the school boys and were entitled to a few drinks as a little reward.

K was just about to tell Brian were to get off when she spotted the doctor making a bee line towards them.

“Hi Brian, Hi ladies, I want to congratulate you all on your efforts here with us. James is ultra impressed with you all, and is very appreciative. You will find you all have been awarded a substantial bonus when you decide to go back to your homes. The feedback we had from the school boys was exemplary, probably the best we have ever received.”

The doctor then spoke directly to K.

“The way you handled all those randy guys in the classroom was amazing I’ve never seen a girl handle such a group of horny men so well, you had then eating out of your hand. You’re a natural at this K, you could make an absolute fortune if you want to. James has loads of contacts and could get you plenty of lucrative work that would pay many times more than you currently earn in the supermarket.”

Brian did not like the way this conversation was heading, he and K were primarily thrill seekers, they didn’t mind making a few quid on the side doing something they enjoyed but they did not want to make a living out of this type of thing. He understood once it became all about the money it could well lose its thrilling side.

The girls downed their drinks and waved a passing waiter, spider man as it happens indicating they wanted more. Brian was worried this might not end well, he didn’t want to make a scene in front of the doctor but he knew if he didn’t stop them drinking so much it would end in tears.

He was hoping the doctor would move on and leave them to themselves this would give him the opportunity to lay the law down and stop the girls from drinking so much alcohol.

Unfortunately for Brian the doctor had come over to them for a reason, which meant Brian had no chance to prevent the girls from consuming any more drinks. He said to Brian

“I need you to come with me for a few minutes there are some people that want to speak to you, one of them is the big cheese so for Christ sake be respectful, he is very impressed with you and the girls so please don’t let us down.”

Brian had assumed that James was the big cheese, but that last statement from Doctor Stevens altered his mind, it sounded like he was about to meet someone new and someone even James answered to.

The doctor led Brian to a slightly raised area of the ball room, one that was roped off and guarded by a security guard, a bit like a VIP area in a night club. Brian wondered how import must these people be if they were roped off from an exclusive crowd such as this.

Looking ahead he spotted James in the VIP area, standing next to him was a foreign looking man, not an Arab but certainly not European or Asian either. Next to the foreign looking man was a young attractive looking woman.

As Brian got closer his body language instincts were working over-time. The foreign looking guy was the big cheese there was no doubt about it. The way James was acting around him it was obvious he deferred to this guy. James was always well dressed and groomed but next to this other man he looked like a pauper. Every instinct Brian possessed told him this guy wasn’t a multi-millionaire he was a billionaire and more than likely the owner of the ship they were on.

He had a good look at the attractive young woman alongside him, at first he though she could be his wife but now on closer inspection although she was well dressed she wasn’t dressed to the same standard as the man. This almost certainly meant she wasn’t his wife, so Brian thought she must either be his PA or similar or perhaps his mistress.

Standing a few paces behind these three were four extremely well built tough looking guys, they never stopped looking around watching everything going on. Brian did not have to be a genius to work out these were the foreign guys body guards.

Fuck Brian thought what the hell had he got himself into now, he did however know one thing, this was almost by instinct. Rich powerful men wanted respect but they would only return that respect provided you showed no fear. James, Brian could tell was scared stiff of this foreign guy, Brian had no intention of acting the same way. He had never been scared of anyone in his life and he wasn’t about to start now. He would not be rude to the guy but if he got the chance he would make some kind of remark indicating he was not intimidated by him.

The doctor, who Brian could tell was also intimidated by this individual made the introductions. The foreign guy turned out to be Mexican, who could speak virtually no English. The young woman with him was his interpreter, Brian wouldn’t be at all surprised if she doubled as his lover too, but he kept those thoughts to himself.

The doctor called the man Mateo but Brian was close to certain this was not his real name. The man spoke to Brian in Spanish that was translated by the young woman so that he could be understood. He went on for some time, Brian didn’t understand a word of it, until the young woman translated it all, this is what she said.

“I’ve heard nothing but good things about you Brian, I hear you are a man to be trusted and El Loco Infantale that you own can be trusted too. I want to thank you and your little group of angles for your enthusiastic endeavour in our little enterprise here.”

Brian was thankful K had not been alongside him, she would not have taken it lightly being told that he owned her, she probably wouldn’t having minded being known as El Loco Infantale though.

The foreign man had a slight smile on his face as he spoke to Brian, but Brian could see it never extended to his eyes, these remained cold and hard. Brian knew with complete certainty this was a very dangerous man he was looking at, and could understand why James and the doctor were scared of him.

Brian wasn’t going to say anything stupid to upset the guy, but he did want to show him he was not intimidated by him so he thanked the foreign guy then said the following to him.

“You can trust me 100% with money, 100% with secrets but only 70% with your wife.”

The translator gulped and asked Brian

“Do you really want me to translate that?”

“Yes every word.”

Brian had a quick glance at James, he had gone as white as a sheet and looked just about ready to collapse, the doctor looked even worse. Brian wondered if he had perhaps gone a bit too far, still it was said now so he would see what happened. He wondered if he would soon be getting beaten up by the four body guards. Brian thought he could probably handle one or at the most two but would have no chance against four well trained men.

Forget what you have seen in films readers where the star deals with half a dozen men at the same time, that doesn’t happen in read life. If your up against more then two men who know what they are doing you have no chance. They will not come at you one at a time they will all attack together, allowing you no chance to defend yourself.

The young lady translated Brian’s statement, the slight smile on the big man’s face disappeared immediately to be replaced but something approaching a snarl.

Fuck Brian though he had done it now, but he remained steadfast and looked into the cold dark eyes of the foreign man, time seemed to stand still for a couple of seconds as neither man moved a muscle.

James stood nearby feeling faint, Jesus Christ he though, why the hell had Brian said such a thing, this could turn ugly very quicky. He was about to say something to try and rescue the situation when Mateo began to speak.

Tune in to the next chapter to find out what he said and if Brian gets out of the ball room in one piece.

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
over a year ago


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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Eight

Brian starred into the eyes of the Mexican without blinking, the billionaire starred back with what Brian felt, seemed like slight admiration. The foreigner’s face suddenly broke out into a broad smile then he let out a loud belly laugh, and slapped Brian on the back.

He spoke to the interpreter who said to Brian

“It’s been a long time since anyone has spoken to me that way, you’re a man after my own heart Brian, but if you met my wife I think you would rapidly change your mind. She has had eight kids by me and is as big as an elephant.”

Brian laughed as did James and the doctor, one of the body guards handed a mobile phone to Mateo and he moved away from the group talking to someone in Spanish on the phone as he did so.

James spoke quietly to Brian,

“Fuck Bri I really thought you had blown it there, no one talks like that to Mateo, not only is he fabulously wealthy he is also very dangerous, I’m not sure how the hell you got away with that. He must have been in a very good mood or something.”

Brian was about to answer when James looked past him and said

“Oh fuck what does the crazy German want he’s got a face like thunder.”

Brian turned to look in the direction James was starring, he noticed a large blond haired angry looking man making his way over to the VIP area, the security guy knew him and moved the rope to allow him entry.

James greeted him with

“Hi Gunther what on earth do you look so grumpy about?”

The distraught German was in such a rage he could barely get his words out, he spoke good English but with an extremely strong German accent.

“That fucking girl, I have no words, why the fuck has she done this to me, it’s all your fault James.”

OMG Brian thought, he has to be talking about K or one of the others, what the hell have they done now, he tried to look through the throng to spot any of his angels but couldn’t see any of them. He hoped whatever had happened he would be able to smooth things over but one look at the German indicated it would be unlikely.

James enquired

“What girl are you talking about and why is it all my fault?”

Gunther began to calm himself enough so that he could speak, Brian meanwhile wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear what the crazed German was about to say and had started to edge away from the pair.

“Hours and hours of work ruined James, we cant use her anymore and it happened on your watch to I’m holding you responsible.”

Brian’s head was spinning, what the hell was the German on about, this didn’t sound like one of his girls, he moved back closer to the German, now eager to hear what he had to say. He was confident the man wasn’t talking about any of his gang, but he wanted to be certain.

“Hang on a minute Gunther, start from the beginning which girl are you talking about and what has happened to her.”

“It’s the leading lady, we have shot hours and hours of footage with her, all set in roman period costumes of 2000 years ago, and tonight was going to be the finale, the massive orgy scene on the ship here.”

“Yes I’m well aware of that Gunther most of the crew on the set are my clients, but none of the actors in your movie are on my books.”

Gunther seemed to take offence at this statement and unleashed a tirade of expletives mainly in German but with one or two English swear words thrown in for good measure.

While this was going on Doctor Stevens slid up besides Brian and whispered to him.

“Gunther produces and directs porn movies, it sounds like he has a problem with one of the actresses.”

Brian very nearly cheered out loud he was so relived the problem had nothing to do with his girls.

The German seemed to have exhausted himself when delivering that last outburst and appeared calmer than he had been since he had burst onto the scene. James asked him once more

“What exactly has the girl done that has got you so wound up Gunther?”

“She has only gone and got herself a massive tattoo that extends from her fucking sexy arse half way down her left thigh.”

Brian couldn’t see that as a big deal, lots of porn stars had tattoos, in fact come to think of it, most of the recent films had girls covered in tatts. It was only the old films that had girls with no ink on them.

By the look on Jame’s face he appeared to be thinking the same way as Brian. Gunther put them both straight.

“Don’t look like that James, as if it’s not a big deal. The film is set in roman times, she has already appeared in dozens of scenes with no ink on her, so how the fuck do we explain a 21 century tattoo suddenly appearing on a roman goddess from 2000 years ago.”

The penny dropped for both James and Brian, the latter kept his mouth closed, this was not the time for any funny remark, James however replied.

“Yes, I see that is a massive problem, I’m not sure I have the answer for you Gunther but I don’t see how any of this is my fault. The girl is yours, I’m not her agent. I have provided a film crew and a setting for you on board, but I don’t hand hold your actors they are not my responsibility.”

Gunther was about to argue when Mateo’s interpreter came over to them, everyone assumed the main man had instructed her to do so, he was still chatting on the phone.

She spoke to Gunther in what appeared to Brian to be perfect German, the blonde went as white as a sheet, turned to the Mexican nodded and walked out of the VIP area.

Brian had no idea what the guy had been told, but whatever it was had scared the German shitless. The young interpreter returned to her bosses side and James said to Brian.

“Sorry about that, Gunther is very good at his job but like a lot of people in the film industry he is highly strung, I’m sure we will be able to sort out some kind of solution. Tell you what Brian have you ever seen a porn film being made?”

“No but it’s something I wouldn’t mind seeing.”

“There is going to be a massive orgy scene taking place below decks a little later tonight, if you and the girls would like to observe your welcome to come along. You will all need to wear roman outfits just in case you get caught in one of the shoots. There will be lots of camera crews and lots of angles being filmed but if you stand where we tell you to it should be fine.”

“Wow that’s amazing James, I’m sure K and the others will be as keen as I am to watch how it all works. I will go and ask them now.”

Brian had been looking for an excuse to leave the VIP area, he didn’t feel comfortable being around Mateo, although he had stood up to him, he was sure the guy spelled trouble with a capital T. He was dying to get back to the girls and make sure they had not d*unk too much of those fucking super strong cocktails. He returned to the spot in the ball room where he had left the angels there was no sign of any of them. Fuck he thought where the hell are the little fuckers, I turn my back for a few minutes and they fuck off.

He frantically looked around the large room, pondering at one point about climbing on a table and looking across the crowd to see if he could spot any of them but thought that would be going a bit too far.

Eventually he spotted K and Molly chatting to a couple of older distinguished looking gentlemen, the dirty old bastards were probably hoping to get their ancient cocks into some fresh young pussy.

He went over to the small group and K made the introductions, the men were banking officials working for the Bank of England in senior roles, two of their colleagues had been part of the classroom fake school boy group the girls had entertained earlier and these two old gits were hoping to have a private performance with Molly and K.

Brian took the two girls to one side and told them about the invitation to the porn shoot, the girls were dead keen to attend especially when they heard it would involve dressing up in roman costumes. It was at this point Brian realised just how d*unk both girls were, they could talk but their speech was slightly slurred. Fuck he thought if these two are in this state what were the two youngest like. He asked them both were the other two girls were, they had no idea.

Brian searched frantically for the two youngsters, he felt kind of responsible for them even though they were adults and knew what they were getting into. Eventually he located the two honeys, and his concerns had been completely justified.

Find out the problem in the next chapter and if Brian can work out a solution.

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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *allpaul888Man
over a year ago


Well I have been lucky enough to receive a message and pictures from Brian and K, and I can definitely say that she exceeds the image I had in my imagination, and I’d already set the bar high!! She is stunning, and can see why she was so popular in schoolgirl role play!

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Great update

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is such a good piece of writing. Brian and K seem amazing and Molly mmmmm

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

you lucky bugger lol, got images in my head also and it sounds like I'm on the right track

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *igerman23Man
over a year ago


Love it

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixty Nine

The beauties were lying slumped in a couple of chairs blind d*unk, Brian tried speaking to them but they were completely out of it, there was no point blaming anybody he now needed to come up with a solution. He desperately wanted to watch the porn film being made but there was no way he would leave these two young girls on their own in such a state.

K and Molly had also been wobbling around the ball room in an inebriated state searching for the girls, they now spotted Brian trying to revive the angels.

K apologised to Brian

“Fuck Bri I’m sorry had no idea they would get into such a mess they were having a bloody good time just a few minutes ago.”

“I think they’re not used to such strong drink in a short period of time, anyway what is done is done, we now need to find a way to get these two back to the hotel. I think we are going to have to leave out the porn filming stuff.”

“Aw shit I was looking forward to seeing how all that works, but your right we can’t leave these two on their own.”

Brian was about to go looking for the admin woman who had brought them to the ship in the minibus, when she appeared as if out of nowhere. He suspected and was correct, that there were numerous CCTV cameras all over the ship and the admin lady had seen what had happened.

“These two look worse for wear Brian, have you had an invite to watch the porn film being made?”

“Yes we all have but there is no way we can go now, we need to get these young girls back to the hotel.”

“I have a solution that gets the girls back to their room and allows you three to watch how a porn movie is made.”

Brian didn’t doubt the woman, their organisation was extremely impressive, he did wonder though how she was going to sort it.

“I’m about to take the BDSM group back to your hotel they are done now for the night, if you Molly and K give me a hand to take these two out through that emergency exit. I can go and get the whips and chains gang and they will give me a hand to get them in the minibus and then help me take them to their room.”

Brian was a little reluctant to leave the young girls he still felt rather responsible for them, but the admin lady assured him they would be fine with her and the other folks, he also had to admit he really wanted to watch the porn film frolics.

In less than 15 minutes the young girls were on the minibus and the admin lady and the 6 members of the BDSM gang were heading back to the hotel.

The admin woman had told our three remaining heroes to head back to the changing room as there were roman outfits waiting for them there. They were told to wait in the changing room and someone would come along to take them to the film set.

The three troopers donned the roman togas, Molly and K had been given sexy sandals that laced right up their legs, Brian was sure no one in roman times wore anything like that they looked very modern to him. Both girls loved the outfits and wondered if they might be allowed to keep them.

Brian couldn’t see why not, they were only film props and so would not have cost a fortune. He would ask whoever it was that came to take them to the film set.

A few minutes later there was a polite knock at the door and in walked doctor Stevens.

“Hi gang how’s it going?”

Brian replied

“Fine doc, did you hear about what happened with the two youngsters?”

“Yes I did, don’t worry they are in capable hands but to make sure, once they have finished filming the orgy scene I will give you all a lift back to the hotel and check on the two girls just to make sure they are fine.”

All three thanked the doctor then K asked him

“When does the filming start?”

“In about 20 minutes time, if we go now we should get some good viewing positions before it gets too crowded and we wont be able to see too much.”

Brian asked

“What have they done about the leading lady, the one who has had the tattoo?”

“It’s not going to be a problem, Gunther gets carried away at times. It will be dead easy to still use her and by covering part of her body with a toga from time to time and by using the correct camera angles no will be able to see it. Fortunately although the tattoo extends from her arse down one leg the other leg is clear so they will film from that side. It’s amazing what can be hidden with a bit of thought.”

Brian asked if they could keep the sandals and togas and the doctor said that would be fine.

Brian was looking forward to see how the process all worked, he had often thought to himself he would easily be able to act in a porno, he had no difficulty fucking in front of a crowd so he was sure he could manage it.

K too felt she could become a porn star she loved showing off and liked people watching her being fucked, she wondered if she might make some useful contacts at the film set. She wished now she hadn’t had so much to drink, as she would not want to come across as some d*unken unprofessional desperate for work.

Molly on the other hand was quite keen on watching the film being made but from an artistic point of view, she had no desire to become a porn star but she wouldn’t mind working on films as a designer or something of that nature.

The doctor had a toga with him and quickly put it on, he was going to watch the film making with our gang.

A few minutes later they were on the film set, they were told exactly where to stand and not to move from that spot once filming starts, they could talk quietly but would have to remain silent when told filming was about to start.

Brian surveyed the scene in great detail, there were no actors about at the moment but lots of film crew were scurrying around moving cameras about, checking lighting and sound levels. Gunther was barking orders at everyone and it all looked a bit like organised chaos.

An enormous circular bed had been created, Brian assumed by James’s people, he thought it could comfortably accomodate over a dozen people. At one end of the bed was a metal throne, it looked like it was made of solid gold but Brian guessed it had to be fake.

Brian whispered to the doctor

“Have you ever seen one of these being made before?”

“Yes a couple, it’s probably not going to be what you expected.”

“In what way?”

“I don’t want to spoil it for you, so I will let you see for yourself, but lots of men and women who have seen a porn film being made have a lot more respect for the actors afterwards and also lose the ambition to be porn stars themselves.”

Brian was about to question the doctor further when one of the crew shouted everyone to be quiet as filming was about to commence.

Onto the set walked a rather fat guy dressed as a roman emperor, Brian assumed he would be someone like Nero or Caligula, he was flanked by two extremely attractive young black women. The fat guy sat on the throne and the two black girls knelt on either side of it.

The filming then stopped for a minute and they played back the footage to make sure everything was ok. This happened all the way through the shoot and Brian and the girls found it very frustrating all the stopping and starting.

The filming began once more and the emperor told the two black girls to stand up and strip naked.

That’s more like it Brian thought, K and Molly thought the same thing, all three were keen to see these two gorgeous looking girls totally naked.

When the girls stripped off our three heroes had one hell of a shock and very nearly made a noise which would not have gone down well.

To find out what had so shocked our gang tune in to the next chapter.

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Another great installment, got a feeling the two girls have an extra surprise, anyway I'm sure we will find out soon enough lol

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Seventy

The two gorgeous black beauties stripped off facing the emperor but away from our heroes, so they could only see them from behind. Brian and the doctor admired the figures of both girls, they had slim hips, gorgeous arses and legs that seemed to go on for ever. Brian, K and Molly were dying for the women to turn around so they could see everything they had to offer, the doctor though was not so keen.

A few seconds later they did and that’s when Brian and the two girls had the shock of their lives, the doctor didn’t as he knew what to expect. The reason for what caused our gang to be astonished was not the fine pair of tits on both ladies, both women sported high well shaped breasts in direct proportion to the rest of their bodies. The reason dear readers for our groups amazement was the erect cock that hung from each girl. Brian had no idea these two were transexuals, they were both fantastic looking and yet each had around a 9 inch penis sticking out before them.

The emperor reached down and began to wank each girl, he then instructed one of the black girls to start sucking the cock of the other. As this was happening he lifted up his toga and revealed another 9 to 10 inch penis. He began to masturbate it while the black girls got on to the large circular bed adopted a sixty nine position and began sucking each other off.

Brian was surprised to find he had an erection, he wasn’t sure why as he had never found guys attractive before, but then again these two black guys weren’t really guys were they, he was very confused.

Although she wasn’t meant to say anything K couldn’t help whispering in Brians ear.

“I wouldn’t mind getting fucked by either or both of those two.”

Before he had a chance to think about what he was saying Brian whispered back.

“I wouldn’t mind watching them fuck you either.”

K was a little surprised at this comment but decided not to say anything more, one of the film crew had given her a dirty look when she spoke to Brian.

Once again the action was stopped, and footage checked to make sure everything was ok. Turned out it wasn’t, Gunther wasn’t happy with the lighting when the two black girls got onto the bed so the entire sequence had to be re done.

Brian and K were starting to realise what hard work being a porn star is. There is constant interruptions and stops and starts, scenes have to be shot and reshot then things moved or lighting altered then everything done yet again.

Eventually both black girls ended up giving each other a facial, then the emperor shot his load over the faces of the pair of them. Brian was amazed how all three could cum when ordered to, he was to discover all the porn stars had this ability. They could remain hard for ages, do all kinds of sex acts but only orgasm when the director told them to.

Brian realised there was no way in hell he could make it as a porn star he certainly didn’t have that kind of control. After all three had cum there was yet another pause in the action, the emperor resumed sitting on his throne and the two black girls kneeled either side of him again.

Cameras and lights were again moved around then a bunch of actors all came in at once. Our gang correctly assumed this would now be the orgy scene. There were over a dozen actors, slightly more men than women.

They were all extremely good looking, the guys athletically built and the women had gorgeous figures. A good 15 minutes was spent getting them all into the positions on the bed Gunther wanted.

Our gang were getting a little bored hoping the action would start soon. Finaly when the German had everyone just how he wanted them he shouted action and the orgy began.

It was difficult to know just where to look as there was so much going on at the same time. One girl had a guy up her arse while another was in her mouth, two guys were having a sixty nine. One girl had two cocks in her pussy at the same time, one man was being fucked by another guy. You name it readers is was happening on the large bed, every now and again the emperor would clap his hands and shout bravo bravo.

Again though readers there was lots of pauses while the footage was checked, lighting would be altered different camera angles would be used. Brian’s cock had long gone soft due to the continual interruptions he was amazed how the porn stars all seemed to be able to maintain their erections.

Over the following hour or so, all the men came to command from Gunther, all the cum shots had to be done outside of someone’s orifice so the camera could catch it. So guys were cuming onto people’s faces or pussies or arseholes.

Molly and K had a bit of a kiss and cuddle at one point during the action but they felt rather awkward while the filming kept stopping and starting so eventually gave up on it.

Brian and K both thought this was a really tough way to earn a living and not something either would want to do. Both now had much more respect for porn actors, it’s a very difficult job that only a few people could manage.

Brian didn’t think he had seen a single cock under 9 inches long, and how the hell they could hold back from cumming until told to he couldn’t understand. K too had been extremely impressed with the female actors, they too only came when told they could. She now didn’t think she would ever want to appear in a porno movie. It was much more like hard work that sexual enjoyment.

Finaly the shoot was over and the crews began to pack things away, the doctor asked our gang

“The actors will probably have a couple of drinks back stage to wind down do you want to join them, perhaps have a bit of a chat and get a bit more insight into this profession.”

All three agreed it would be nice to hear about it all from the horses mouth as it were.

Rather than describe all the conversations K, Molly and Brian had back stage I will instead provide a quick summary of what they learned.

The pay although still good is not what it once was, the internet being mostly to blame for the decline. For guys to get into the industry they have to be good looking, good physic and have a cock at least nine inches long. They also must be able to achieve and maintain erections for long periods of time and to have extreme control over their orgasms.

Women need similar qualities to the men, but in addition unless they are incredibly attractive they usually have to start out in the industry as fluffers.

Some of the girls told Molly and K that they were starting to make good money doing web cam work for paid subscribers. Remember readers this was quite a few years ago when the web cam stuff was just starting to become a thing.

A camera man told Brian that the way things were going on line with all the free porn starting to become available he doubted expensive productions like the ones he worked on would probably become a thing of the past.

They were also told that relationships with people outside the industry were extremely difficult, so most of them had partners that were either other porn actors or worked in the porn industry.

After a while the doctor asked our three amigos if they had seen and talked enough they said they had and he took them back to the changing room so they could all change back into their street clothes.

Four bags were waiting for our gang in the changing room, one for Brian and K and one for each of the three girls. K opened their bag, Molly did likewise, inside K found the expensive designer evening gown she had worn earlier and Brians evening suit. There was also a large envelop which she quickly opened. This contained a large amount of cash which Brian counted, it came to several thousand pounds and included a substantial bonus. Molly confirmed she had a great bonus in hers too.

They did not open the bags of the two young girls but the doctor said their envelopes had a large bonus as well. There was also a hand written note from James in with the cash, in it he thanked the gang for all their fine work and he hoped to work with them again in the future.

He explained that the ship would be sailing down to the Mediterranean for a months’ long cruise in a few days’ time, but he and his people would not be involved in that, Mateo would now be running the show.

He went on to say that the Mexican would be contacting them tomorrow and offering them a very lucrative deal but he did not know any of the details as this would be strictly between him and them.

Doctor Stevens then took them to his car. Brian and K had both been rather disappointed with the entire porn filming enterprise. They were glad they had now seen what was involved but almost felt sorry for the actors taking part, it was nothing like as glamorous or as sexually exciting as they had anticipated. As for Molly, one thing she had learned was she would not be looking to get into the production side of porn films she doubted they had much of a long term future.

All four were fairly quite on the short drive back to the hotel, the doctor was rather tired after a hectic day and it was now the early hours of the morning. The other three were also shattered after a long hard day but also rather deflated after learning a lot more about what the porn business was all about.

The doctor said he would come in with them to check on the two young girls and also asked could he stay the night rather than drive to his hotel, our gang had no problem with him doing that.

Brian was wondering just how they were going to get into the young girls room as presumably their door would be looked, he guessed the doctor who was known at the hotel would probably be able to gain them entry. As it happened they didn’t need to worry about that, to find out why tune in to the next chapter.

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Hot as hope the 2 TS girls make another appearance

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
over a year ago



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By *hrisukbishareCouple
over a year ago


This is the most wonderful writing. Brian and K seem like an amazing duo and let's hope they continue amazing adventures. Thank you to you both for bring thrill seekers and thrill sharers. We are explorers too but wow you are the best.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Seventy One

When they got to the hotel Doctor Stevens went to the reception while Brian, K and Molly headed up to their room Molly knew the doctor was besotted with K and so asked her.

“I don’t mind if you have my room tonight and I will sleep with Brian, what do you think?”

“Sounds good to me, and I’m sure Brian won’t mind will you Bri.”

“Nope I don’t mind at all.”

Even though Brian was desperately tired after such an incredible day, he hadn’t got his end away even once and his dick was just about ready to explode. The thought of pounding young Molly within the next few minutes caused his cock to spring to attention.

They all entered K and Brians room to begin with and that’s when they had quite a shock. Lying on the large bed were the two young girls both fast asleep, and in an easy chair slightly dozing was one of the women from the BDSM group.

Once she had fully woken up she provided an explanation.

“We had to stop twice on the short journey back to the hotel so that the girls could be sick at the side of the road, they were in quite a state. I didn’t want to leave them alone in their room so the admin woman got a master key to let us in here and I sat up with them just in case one or both got sick again. The admin lady said you would be coming back to your room after you had watched the porn shoot that’s why I put the girls in here”

Brian thought fair play to the lady, she didn’t really know these girls from Adam and yet she had put herself out for them, he K and Molly all thanked the woman for being so considerate.

Brian now felt there was no way he could leave these two young girls alone after virtually a total stranger had shown such care for them so the following was decided.

Molly would sleep on the bed with the two young girls, Brian would sit in an easy chair and make sure no one was ill during the night and the doctor and K would sleep in Mollys room.

The doctor meanwhile had taken a while to get to their room as he had bumped into the BDSM lady on his way up from reception and she had filled him in on what had happened. When he did arrive he gave both young girls a fairly rudimentary examination explaining that he couldn’t really do anything for them. They just needed to sleep it off, they weren’t bad enough to need hospital treatment, they needed time to rest and recover. He said he would give them a better check up in the morning.

The doctor and K went off to Mollys room and Brian settled down to a night in the chair. He was determined to stay awake as long as possible in case one of the young lovelies got into trouble.

He imagined he was awake for hours on end watching over the angels like some glorious protector, unfortunately he was dreaming as in reality he had fallen fast asleep within 5 minutes of sitting down in the easy chair.

Molly too was hoping she could keep a watchful eye on the girls but she had slipped into sleep quicker than Brian had. So looking around the room readers we have three partly clad gorgeous young girls fast asleep in a double bed. In an easy chair we have an older man also completely out of it, ostensibly watching over his charges but completely in the land of nod.

Let’s pass through the wall between the rooms and see what’s going on with K and the doctor.

“Christ it’s so nice to be alone with you once more K, but after all the action in the class room I’m not sure I will be able to perform tonight.”

“Don’t worry if you can’t manage it doctor, I’m extremely tired and rather sore down below so perhaps if we just kiss and cuddle now and you can give me a good fucking in the morning.”

This was not completely true, K would not have minded a good seeing to and if she had been with Brian she would have welcomed a good fucking, but she knew the doctor was no Brian and she wanted to spare him any embarrassment and so pretended she wasn’t up for some sex either.

Having this kind of empathy in someone so young is quite remarkable and once again readers demonstrates what an amazing woman K undoubtedly is.

The morning dawns and we’re back in Brian and K’s room. The sentinel is not doing a very good job as he is still fast asleep and having rather an erotic dream.

He is imagining someone is rubbing at his crotch and he is gaining an erection, that someone is now undoing his zip and releasing his cock. He feels a hot wet mouth engulf his manhood, he feels a wet tongue licking his bell end, this feels so good, he thinks it’s absolutely real.

The thing is readers it is!

He wakes up with a start and looks down between his legs and sees a shock of red hair, he can’t quite make out where he is or what’s happening then his brain wakes up and he realises what is going on.

Let’s go back a few minutes in time folks and delve into the mind of young Molly. She has just woken up and once she has come to her senses she sees Brian fast asleep in the chair. She thinks it’s been awfully heroic of him to have watched over them all night, completely unaware that Brian had been sleeping like a baby just a couple of minutes after she had dropped off.

She decides she wants to reward him for being their protector all night so she gets out of bed kneels before him and starts to massage his cock and balls through his jeans.

Now back in the present she is taking Brians rock hard cock right down her throat and stroking his balls just the way she knows men like.

Brian doesn’t want to cum he is enjoying this so much but after all the excitement of yesterday and not getting a chance to shag anyone he has very little control and in next to no time he is releasing rope after rope of cum down the young hotties throat.

After finishing he checks on the two young girls who appear fine then says to Molly.

“I’m going for a quick shower then we can go down for breakfast I’m starving.”

“Should we call on K and the doctor?”

“No, you know what K’s like she’s not an early morning person she will probably still be fast asleep.”

“Would you like some company in the shower?”

“Is the Pope Catholic?”

They both ran into the bathroom stripped naked and were snogging one another as the water began to splash down on them. Brian had no difficulty gaining a second erection, he was so wound up sexually from yesterday he thought he could fuck Molly all day if he had a chance.

Brian’s hands reached around the young girls waist and worked their way down to her pert little bum, as he squeezed her cheeks she began to run her soap covered tits all over his chest.

Christ Brian thought does life get any better than this, he was about to fuck a drop dead gorgeous hottie in a posh hotel that he hasn’t paid for and what’s more he has several thousand pounds in cash in an envelope in the next room.

Molly grabs hold of his penis and teases him a little but rubbing it along the length of her vagina, Brian allows the girl to have her fun knowing damn well it won’t be long before he is deep inside her.

He’s right and although Molly had intended to tease Brian for a while, she had got herself so worked up it was her that need to get his dick banging away inside her stimulated pussy.

They bang away under the water spray for a good ten minutes before they both reach a tremendous climax. Twenty minutes later they are tucking into a hearty breakfast, the young girls are still fast asleep so they did not try to arouse them.

In Mollys room, the doctor and K have just awoken, K asks the doctor.

“How you feeling this morning, ready for some action?”

“Too bloody right I am come here.”

To be continued!

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Another great read again

And as usual stops just as some more action is going to start lol

Roll on the next chapter

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Folks several couples guessing correctly that we are nearly at the end of Brian and K’s amazing adventures have asked me if I would be iqnterested in telling their story.

I’ve had to turn them all down I may write someone else’s story in the future but not for some time. As mentioned at the start of this endeavour I find writing someone else’s story far more difficult than producing my own material.

Anyway keep tuning in readers as there are still a few chapters yet to be written and in the last one Brian has promised a round up of what has happened to many of the characters that have appeared in the narrative.

I intend to take a break from writing for a while then return with some of my own stuff. I have a few ideas but nothing certain as of yet.

I will probably bring back some of the old characters such as Rachel Dave and Charles or maybe some completely new ones I’m not sure at the moment.

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By *hrisukbishareCouple
over a year ago


Have a great eventual rest from your magnum opus, and then hopefully you will pick up the pen and share stories with us again.

I hope Brian and K continue to have amazing adventures and that, one day, we may even encounter them in the flesh.

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Will be sad to get to the end.

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Seventy Two

K and the doctor began kissing passionately, they had both slept in the nude and so there was no need to remove any sleeping garments. The doctor loved K’s pert little breasts and began feasting upon them, K’s nipples became rock hard due to the attention they were receiving. K really enjoyed a good fuck first thing in the morning, she hoped the doctor had recovered after a good night’s sleep and would be able to give her one.

Aware how fragile the male ego could be though she was careful not to move things on too quickly and allowed the doctor to take the lead. He worked his way down K’s beautifully proportioned torso, kissing and licking as he did so, traversing to the promised land.

K’s excitement was steadily building up, when the doctor began to kiss her vagina she had to resist the temptation to grab his head and grind her crotch into his face.

K had to concede he was bloody good at cunnilingus, in less than 5 minutes she had her first orgasm. K offered to return the favour but he declined saying.

“I’m so worked up I think I would come within seconds of it went into that sexy little mouth of yours. Can we kiss and cuddle for a few minutes so I can calm down a bit then I will put it in your pussy and try and last a bit longer inside you.”

The couple began gentle kissing and caressing, then when the doctor was sure he could last more than a couple of minutes inside K’s vagina he eased his iron hard dick into her wanton pussy. K was so turned on her cunt all but sucked the doctors cock inside.

Doctor Stevens very nearly came as he went in, it felt so hot and juicy inside there it felt amazing, K was the best lover he had ever been with. It would be no exaggeration to say he had fallen completely head over heels in love with this girl, he was obsessed with her.

K could tell the doctor had developed strong feelings for her and knew this could be dangerous for her relationship with Brian. She really liked the doctor but did not feel the same way as he did, she loved Brian but she did enjoy spending time with the doctor too. She worried that if she kept seeing the doctor it could cause problems between her and Brian in the future.

Completely unknown to our pair of lovers this would be the last time they ever slept together!

The doctor started to fuck K gently to begin with, steadily building up both speed and force of his stokes, K was loving it hoping the doctor would not cum too quickly.

No one fucked her as well as Brian did, but in all fairness to doctor Stevens he came a close second to him, they both orgasmed together then cuddled in one another’s arms.

They fell asleep for a short time then showered and went to check on the young girls, Brian and Molly had just returned from Breakfast. This time the doctor gave the girls a much more thorough examination than he had done previously and concluded they would be fine once they had a bit of food in them.

After the doctor had checked out the young girls he pulled Brian to one side and asked him to come down stairs with him for a coffee as he wanted to discuss something with him in private.

Intrigued but also a little suspicious Brian went off with the doctor leaving all the girls chatting about their adventures on board the ship.

Once the two men had been served their coffees and the waitress had departed Brian asked

“What’s all this about then doc?”

“As you know the ship will shortly be leaving for the Med, I think the plan is to sail the early hours of Tuesday morning. Initially James and his people were going to be involved in the operation, with Mateo and his people taking very much a back seat.”

“Yes I know all this, why did you need to bring me down here to tell me stuff I already know.”

“Mateo was very taken with you and the girls, and is quite likely to make you an unbelievable offer to accompany him on the ship.”

“Okey, I’m not sure what you mean by unbelievable but again why tell me this here and not upstairs when we were with the girls.”

The doctor wanted to be as straight as he possibly could be with Brian, he considered Brian a decent honourable man, but also one not to be messed around.

“Look Brian it’s like this, the fact that James and his organisation will no longer be involved in the cruse has changed things completely. I had not expected that to happen, James must have got wind of something dodgy going on and pulled out of the deal. I have not been altogether straight with you and K.”

Brian’s mood darkened.

“I fucking knew it I said to K there was something about you that didn’t sit right with me.”

The doctor knew he needed to placate Brian quickly or he would be leaving the coffee lounge minus some teeth at the very least.

“Hang on you have nothing to worry about you have not broken any laws and you wont be in trouble with the authorities, what I’m about to tell you I would rather you did not tell the girls, even James doesn’t know.”

Only slightly consoled Brian told the doctor

“Carry on.”

“You know that I sell medicines to some of the people in the Solihull group.”

“Yes I do.”

“I sell to other swinging groups around the country and it’s a nice little earner however I got a little greedy a couple of years ago. Most of my medications come in from Belgium and the Netherlands, and I got in with the wrong crowd.”

“In what way.”

“Someone approached me when I was in Amsterdam, they seemed to know a great deal about me and asked me to bring in some medicines for them along with my own shipments.”

“I take it these medicines as you put it were actually illegal substances?”

“Yes and don’t get me wrong I was not naïve, I knew by the kind of money I was offered that the stuff had to be illegal.”

“You agreed to it I assume.”

“Yes I did the money was incredible, I made more in a month than I had in several years of selling my own stuff.”

“And James doesn’t know anything about any of this.”

“I don’t think so, at least he had never mentioned it to me and I’m sure he would if he had heard anything.”

“Right I think I can see why you wouldn’t want the girls to know what you have been up to, it kind of goes against your image of the fine upstanding and caring doctor but what I’m not sure about is why you are telling me all this.”

“I will be honest with you Brian although I like you and think you’re a great guy, it’s mainly because of K I am being so open with you. I have fallen for her in a big way, and I would hate anything nasty to happen to her.”

“Nothing nasty will happen to her I will fucking well see to that.”

“Calm down a minute Brian, I haven’t yet told you who approached me in Amsterdam with the offer that was too good to refuse.”

“Let me guess was it Mateo?”

“Yes, well not in person, he is not stupid enough to be involved at that level, but it was someone from his organisation. He is the head of a very large cartel in Mexico, they are fabulously wealthy and influential. They have politicians and judges in their pockets they can get away with pretty much anything they want over there. They are trying to gain political influence in Europe.”

“That doesn’t surprise me I knew he was trouble with a capital T the first time I saw him. I guess I should thank you for giving me the low down on him I will politely refuse what ever offer he makes to me and the girls.”

“I’m afraid it may not be quite so easy, Mateo hasn’t risen to the top of his organisation by letting people do what they want, he makes people do what he wants. The other reason for not telling you all this in front of the girls is he expects me to be able to persuade you all to accompany him and if I fail he is going to provide the authorities with cast iron proof of what I have been up to and I will be facing a long jail sentence.”

“Well I’m sorry about that doc but we reap what we sow in this life, so I think were going to get out of dodge, I don’t mind taking all the girls back home.”

“I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“Why not doc?”

Brian asked the question with a very menacing tone to his voice, although he liked the doctor he wasn’t going to let the guy order him around.

“I’ve promised to take you to a meeting with him or more likely one of his henchmen this evening, my guess would be he has someone watching the hotel making sure neither you or I do a runner.”

“You’ve got to be fucking joking me.”

“No I’m not, have you any idea how much four gorgeous young looking white girls could be worth to someone like Mateo, he can make hundreds of thousands of pounds out of them before they end up on a scrap heap.”

“Does he think I would stand for that?”

“I’m sure he does, he thinks you run the four girls?”

“What do you mean run them, do you mean act as their pimp?”

“Yes, he assumed that right from the start and I’m ashamed to admit it but I never put him right on it, I very much doubt he would even comprehend the fact that you and K are pure thrill seekers. Where he comes from thrill seeking hardly exists its very much dog eat dog in that part of the world.”

“Jesus Christ doc your some piece of work aren’t you. So let me get this right, you and me are going to see him this evening, we can’t slip away because were being watched, and if we go to the police you are shafted is that about right.”

“Yes in a nutshell, he also wants me to accompany you all on the ship at least for a while, he is picking more people up in several ports on the way down to the Med and he wants me to carry out health checks on them all. I’m afraid to say but were all in a bit of a pickle.”

“No shit Sherlock, but listen you got us all into this mess it’s down to you to get us out of it.”

“I know it’s all my fault and I do have a plan that provided your willing to go along with it, then we should all be ok.”

“Let’s hear it and then I will decide if I will as you say go along with it.”

The doctor began to outline his plan, for the full details tune in to the next chapter.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *usie pTV/TS
over a year ago



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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago



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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

Can see why this is nearly the end of the story. Hope Brian and the girls get out of this unscathed.

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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Just brilliant writing

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Will be a great shame when these stories come to an end, I've really loved their exploits .

Hopefully there are a few left to tantalise our taste buds

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Seventy Three

“When we go and see Mateo or one of his lieutenants this evening, just go along with him, pretend you and the girls will board the ship and sail down to the Med with them. On no account accept any money up front from them though.”

“I guess that’s because if I don’t take the money I am less likely to do a runner and far more likely to turn up with the girls.”

“Precisely, remember they think you’re a pimp for the girls, only interested in what you can make out of them. If you tell them you will accept the money once you bring the girls on board they are far more likely to trust you and far less likely to keep an eye on this hotel.”

“Seems like a reasonable plan, I think its probably best not to tell the girls anything about any of this as its likely to really frighten them.”

“Yes for the time being its better for all of us if we keep them in the dark. You can explain it all later to them when you make your escape. Once I bring you back from the boat I suggest you tell the girls everything, get them all packed and into your camper van and head up north.”

“Wont they come looking for us?”

“It’s unlikely, remember you wont have taken any money from them up front so its unlikely they will have anyone watching the hotel. What I suggest you do though is don’t go out the guests exit, drive around to the back of the hotel and there is a deliveries road you can use to make your getaway.”

“Aren’t they likely to come to our homes looking for us?”

“Again that’s very unlikely, it’s Sunday today and they are sailing early hours Tuesday morning so what I suggest you do is get say a hundred miles or so from here tonight and either camp in the van or book into another hotel. Then Monday don’t get back to your place until the evening, if anyone had shown up they would not still be there as they would need to be down here to catch the boat.”

The doctor then took out a large envelope and handed it to Brian, he opened it and stared in on what looked like several thousand pounds in £20 notes.

“What’s this for?”

“It’s for any hotel expenses you and the girls have tonight and also the extra fuel you will use running the girls home, and its also a little thank you for helping me out of a tight spot. It’s down to you if you want to share any of this with the 3 young girls. I wont mention I have given you this cash.”

“That’s not my style doctor you should know me by now, I will make sure to share this equally around us all.”

“I’m not surprised Brian, you’re a far more decent and honest man than I am but you will never be a millionaire.”

“I don’t think I want to be doc if I have to lie and cheat my way to it like you have done.”

“Fair point and one I am not going to argue with. Let me show you something.”

The doctor took out another envelope, Brian wondered was he going to give him even more cash. The doctor fished inside of it and took out what looked like a British passport and handed it to Brian.

Brian looked inside it was the doctors passport, the doc then took out another, this one was a Belgum passport, it had the doctors photo in it but a completely different name. Finally he took out a third passport and again it had the doctors picture in it but this time he was listed as a Portuguese with yet another name.

“For fucks sake who actually are you.”

“My real name is not Stevens, nor is it any of the names I have just shown you, I am however a fully qualified doctor. I have been preparing for this day for some time I knew sooner or later I would have to leave this country and have everything in place to depart at very short notice. I didn’t like the fact that Mateo had me over a barrel and could drop me in it with the authorities whenever he felt like it.”

“Where will you go?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Now that I thing about it, probably not.”

The doctor laughed good naturedly.

It was funny despite the trouble the doctor had got them into, Brian still found he liked the guy and hoped he would make a successful getaway.

The doctor glanced at his watch then told Brian.

“I have booked a lunch table here for us all at 1 pm my treat, and I have someone special joining us that I know you will be pleased to see.”

Brian wondered who he meant, so he asked.

“Who’s that then?”

“Let’s go out to the entrance their taxi should be dropping them off in the next few minutes.”

Can any of you readers guess who it might be?

Well folks if you guessed Rhanie you would be correct.

When Brian saw who was in the back of the taxi he was over joyed, the doctor told him.

“I thought she would be put a smile on your face, how about after lunch you get to spend a bit of one on one time with her and I do the same with K?”

“Sounds good to me doc.”

But readers haven’t we been told that the doc never gets to sleep with K again and Brian never gets to sleep with Rhanie again either so what is going on. I guess you will have to read on to find out what happens to disrupt things.

After hugs and kisses they all go up to the room and Rhanie is introduced to the three young girls and everyone gets on just fine. The doctor tells everyone he is treating them all to lunch and so once all the girls are dressed and sorted they head down to the dining room.

K notices there is a slightly worried look on Brians face, and asks him quietly.

“What’s up Bri, I thought you would be pleased to see that hottie turning up, I bet your dick is twitching at the thought of burying it in her once more.”

“The doc gave me some bad news, I cant tell you now but I promise you I will once we can talk freely. Lets just say for now, we are going to have to get out of here pretty damn quickly this evening. No questions asked I will explain once we get underway.”

K wanted to ask him some more but the doctor interrupted them with some trivial conversation. Over lunch it was decided the doctor and K would go back to Brian and K’s room, Rhanie and Brian would go to Mollys room and the three girls would hang out in the remaining bedroom.

But folks the best laid plans etc.

Our gang were finishing off the after lunch coffees when one of the waiters brought over a phone and handed it to the doctor. Puzzled the doctor picked it up and said hello. That was the only part of the conversation the others could follow. The rest of it was all conducted in Spanish.

Brian had no idea the doctor was fluent in Spanish, he was also fluent in several other languages. To operate as a successful international con man, being good at languages was a useful skill to possess.

Once the phone call was over and the waiter had taken it away, the doctor spoke directly to Brian.

“That was one of Mateo’s right hand men on the phone, he wants to see us both right now, I am to take you to the ship straight away.”

Fuck, Brian thought, does he suspect something, why have they brought the meeting forward.

Just before they left the doctor spoke to Rhanie telling her he had something for her that he would give her once he returned from the ship.

Once they were underway in the doctors car making for the docks Brian asked

“Why has he called us in early do you think he suspects something.”

“I doubt it, if he did it would not have been a phone call, he would have sent people around to pick us all up. I think he just likes to keep people on their toes it’s just part of the way he does business.”

“Well I hope your right.”

Brian looked behind him several times on the half hour trip to the boat but he never once spotted anyone who seemed to be following them.

At one point the doctor told him.

“Your wasting your time Brian, if there is someone behind us they would be far too smart to be spotted by you.”

Back at the hotel Rhanie and K were rather disappointed they were not going to have a bit of fun that afternoon. Molly meanwhile had other ideas, to find out what they are be sure to tune into the next chapter.

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Seventy Four

The five girls headed up to Brian and K’s room, Molly was about to make a suggestion but K started to speak.

“Listen girls something isn’t right, Brian looked worried and told me earlier that when he and the doctor went to the boat this evening we should all get packed and ready to leave at a moments’ notice. The fact that they have been summoned to the ship earlier than expected suggests to me we should all get packed right now, because I think we might need to leave here as soon as the guys return.”

K was bombarded with questions from the girls, none of which she could answer as Brian hadn’t given her any details, finally getting fed up with not being able to tell the girls any more she put her hands up to silence everyone.

“Girls I don’t know any more other than what I have told you, what I do know however is Brian isn’t scared of anybody but he looked really worried to me when he told me to be ready to leave at short notice. Now what I suggest is you all go and pack your stuff and then perhaps have a little rest, you two still look bloody awful (K pointed to the two youngest girls) so try and get a bit more sleep. We have at least an hour and half before the guys get back probably more, Rhanie you can help me pack mine and Brians stuff if you like.”

The two youngest went off to their room, packed their bags and were soon snoozing peacefully on the bed. K and Rhanie packed up quickly then K put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea.

Molly quickly got her stuff sorted then decided to put her little plan into place. As soon as she set eyes on the magnificent Rhanie she was desperate to see her naked and have a little fun with her.

She had deliberately not put away her sketching pad and pens, she would use them to help have some fun. Clutching these items nervously she nipped next door to Brian and K’s room and knocked quietly on the door.

K opened it and said.

“Hi Molly we’re just having a cuppa do you fancy one, oh I see you have come prepared I don’t need to ask what you want to do with that do I.” K pointed to the sketch pad as she said this.

K poured Molly a cup of tea then explained to Rhanie what was going on as she had a puzzled look on her face.

“Molly is an amazing artist let me show you how good she is.”

K opened one of their cases and found some sketches Molly had produced.

Rhanie was extremely impressed.

“Bloody hell Molly these are incredible you are extremely talented.”

“Thanks Rhanie, I’m hoping the money I have made on this trip will help towards me doing something like a fine arts degree.”

K asked.

“Would you like to sketch Rhanie and I together in a sexy pose?”

“Absolutely, provided your both willing of course.”

K looked at Rhanie and raised her eye brows, Rhanie immediately understood what K meant by the gesture and answered.

“I would love to pose with K for you, I’ve never had anyone make a sketch of me before.”

K asked

“Do you want us to strip naked or keep some clothes on?”

“Let’s start off with you both stripped down to just your bra and knickers.”

Both girls quickly shed their clothes and stood before Molly clad only in their underwear.

Molly then told the pair how she wanted them to pose.

“Right ladies, if you can get on the bed and kneel facing each other. Pretend now as though you are about to kiss one another.”

Both girls felt a bit awkward at first, but began to relax. Molly quickly began sketching away, and produced a very fine drawing in next to no time.

Once she had finished she asked the girls

“What do you think ladies, do you like it.”

“Wow that’s fantastic Molly, I absolutely love it.”

“Me too Molly your fabulously talented, do you want to do another drawing?”

“Yes I would love to, would you two fancy taking off your bras.”

Both girls nodded they were willing, and so removed their brassieres. Molly told K.

“If you start to suckle on one of Rhanie’s nipples I will try to capture that if I can.”

K was more than willing to get her mouth around one of Rhanie’s gorgeous nipples, and Rhanie was also excited to have K’s sexy mouth suckling on her teat.

Once in position Molly again sketched furiously, her hand flying across the sketch pad, she hoped the two men would not be back too soon as she was fairly sure it would not be long before she would be getting her tongue right up the young Asians juicy cunt.

The two men Molly was thinking about were at that very moment walking on board the ship, all trace of James’s people had gone, and Brian was sure most if not all the crew had changed. He didn’t recognise any of the ships company they all appeared to have been replaced. From what he could gather most of the crew were Russian at least that’s what their accent sounded like.

There was also far more security people around, these all seemed to be Mexican and most were armed. There seemed to be a totally different atmosphere on board, yesterday everyone seemed to be light hearted and having a good time and most people were smiling when you passed them in a corridor.

Today things were totally different, the security staff all seemed menacing and the Russian crew looked sullen and miserable. The atmosphere of he entire place had in just a few hours gone from one of joy and excitement to one of fear and forboding. As they were being led by two security guards to a part of the ship Brian had not seen before he whispered to the doctor

“Are they allowed to carry guns like that?”

“I think so just as long as they stay on board ship, they would not legally be able to go on shore with them, not that staying within the bounds of the law will worry these people too much.”

They came to a halt before a large door, both men were thoroughly searched by one of the guards then one of the burley men knocked on the door. A well-dressed man with a Mexican appearance answered it, he said something in Spanish to the guards who took up position in the corridor on either side of the door. The man then in perfect English told our guys

“Come in gentlemen and have a seat, can I get you something to drink, tea, coffee or something stronger?”

The doctor was about to refuse he seemed very nervous and in a hurry to get off the ship as soon as possible, Brian thought this was a mistake he instinctively felt they needed to play it cool and act as relaxed as possible.

Therefore before the doctor had a chance to say anything Brian said

“I would love a cup of coffee please if that’s not too much trouble how about you doc?”

The doctor understood what Brian was up to and realised it was the right way to play this situation, and so said he would have a coffee too.

The Mexican spoke briefly on the phone and then told the men.

“Coffees will be here shortly while we wait, let me explain who I am and what I have called you here for. I’m one of Mateo’s legal representatives, he is unable to see you today as he is in Belgum sorting some business out. We will be picking him up in Antwerp Tuesday morning.”

“Oh that’s a shame I thought me and him got on quite well together when we briefly met.”

“Yes Brian, he likes you and thought you were a guy he would like to do a lot of business with.”

“That’s nice to hear, I’m sure we can form a beneficial relationship.”

There was a light knock on the door, it was a waitress bringing in the coffees, once she had left the Mexican continued.

“I have two envelopes here stuffed with cash, one for you Brian and one for you doctor Stevens. I have been authorised to give you both this money now as a token of our good will.”

He was about to hand over the money to the two men when Brian stopped him.

“Hang on, don’t give us the money now, keep it for us and we will have it when we return with the girls. When do you want us to bring them on board.”

“That’s very honourable of you Brian, doctor are you in agreement with this?”

“Yes I am, we will accept the money when we return what time would you like us back?”

“Can you come back here not later than 10 pm Monday evening, that will give us plenty of time to get you all settled before we sail around 2 am Tuesday morning.”

Our two chaps nodded, Brian keeping eye contact with the Mexican, hoping the guy wouldn’t realise they had no intention of ever boarding this vessel again.

Brian then said something that absolutely stunned the doctor, to find out what it was look out for the next chapter.

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By *lymouth nice guyMan
over a year ago


Amazing story..


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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *woformorefunCouple
over a year ago


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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *hrisukbishareCouple
over a year ago


I hope this eventually gets print published.

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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago



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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Seventy Five

“Tell you what.” Brian said.

“We can go and get the girls right now and be back here in just over an hour, or if you prefer you could send someone to get them and we can stay here.”

Luckily for the doctor he did not have his coffee cup in his hand at that moment as if he had he was sure to have dropped it due to shock. What the hell was Brian playing at, if this honcho accepted Brian’s offer and sent someone for the girls they were all well and truly fucked.

The Mexican stared at Brian for several seconds then gave a slight smile and told him.

“No that won’t be necessary, we will see you tomorrow evening, just make sure you’re here by 10 pm.”

“Don’t worry we will be.”

The Mexican then changed topic completely and began telling the guys some of the exciting places the ship would be visiting over the next few weeks. He was actually a very interesting guy to listen to and it was quite easy to forget what kind of organisation he worked for.

Brian wondered how such a well-educated and engaging guy ended up working for someone like Mateo, money was probably the answer or maybe he had something on him. Guys like Mateo always looked for peoples weaknesses and Brian knew only too well we all have plenty of them.

The Mexican ordered some more fresh coffee and by the time the guys left the office and were taken off the ship by the two security guards, they had spent over an hour on board the vessel.

As soon as they were off the ship and away from the security guards the doctor asked Brian.

“Jesus Christ Brian what the fuck was that all about why did you suggest to him the girls could board straight away?”

“Bloody hell doc for such a successful con man your not that smart are you, don’t you think if they were ready for the girls we would have been told to bring them with us this afternoon. The fact that they didn’t suggested to me that for whatever reason they didn’t want us until tomorrow evening.”

“Yes I suppose that makes sense, still it was quite a risk don’t you think?”

“I thought it was worth it, the chances of anyone watching the hotel now after I have made that offer is fairly close to zero. Combine that with the fact we refused to take any money up front from them means I think we can make a clean getaway. I will still use the deliveries road to make a get-away though just on the tiny chance someone is still there.”

“Gotta admit Brian you are pretty good at this kind of stuff, would you and K like to join me on the continent somewhere, I can easily arrange fake passports for you both. With someone like you as my right hand man we could make a fortune, I have a few schemes running here and there that you could help me with.”

“Your forgetting something doc, K and I aren’t really into all this for the money, were purely and simply thrill seekers, nothing more nothing less. Don’t get me wrong the money we have had on this trip will come in handy but the experiences we have collected will last in our memories far longer than a few thousand pounds will.”

“You’re a diamond Brian, a rough one at that but an absolute diamond, damn shame your not more motivated by moola you could be a millionaire in less than 12 months working with me.”

“I’m sure your right doc, but as you say money is not that big a deal for K and I, could we use a bit more well of course we could, couldn’t most people, but we have a pretty good life here in the UK and wouldn’t want to change it. Besides doc, no offence but you sail a bit too close to the wind for my liking.”

The guys were now getting into the doctors car, he asked Brian.

“When we get back to the hotel do you think we have time for some fun, you with Rhanie and me with K?”

“As much as I would like to say yes to you doc, I think we both realise we would be pushing our luck staying in that hotel for any longer than we need to. I mentioned to K earlier that I was worried about what might happen on the ship, and I told her when you and me came here this evening she was to get all our stuff packed for a quick get-away and tell the girls the same thing.”

“That was very sensible planning, so do you think she will have sorted that out now as the meeting was brought forward by several hours.”

“Almost certainly she has, I reckon we won’t need to spend more than a few minutes at the hotel and we will be on our way. What are you going to do with Rhanie?”

“I have a little cash gift for her, well more than a little, it’s 10 grand but she has helped me make multiple times that by acting as my girl-friend over the past few years. I will run her to a hotel not too far from her home and she can stay there the night. She too can then go back home once it’s safe to do so. I doubt anyone will be watching her place but its best to be safe, once the ship sails then she will be in the clear.”

“You think they could use her to get to you?”

“Yes it’s the kind of thing those type of people do.”

“Have you considered taking her abroad with you, she plays the part of your wife or girlfriend really well and she is absolutely gorgeous.”

“I have thought about it and did mention it to her some time back, she thanked me for the offer but said she wanted to stay in the UK at least for the next few years. As you say she is very attractive at least to most guys but she is not my type at all. I like slim, young looking white girls, women like Molly and especially K are the type I really go for in a big way.”

“Yes I can tell your rather smitten with K, I think she likes you too doc but you need to understand something.”

“Go ahead.”

“K and I have had numerous sex partners over the last few years and we try to not get too emotionally involved with them, we try and keep it purely to the sex and not the emotions.”

“Yes I understand all that.”

“Now I admit I have developed stronger feelings about Rhanie than I have done about other girls since I have met K, and I think K has feelings about you that she doesn’t have about other guys we play with.”

“That’s good to hear but I suspect there is a but about to come along isn’t there.”

“Yes, I would never leave K for Rhanie and if it came to a choice between the two of them, I would take K everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.”

“And does K feel the same way about you and me.”

“I’m 100% sure she does, we really love one another doc, we always will, we are soul mates despite our age difference we were meant to be together and will be until I being that much older than her pop my clogs.”

“Fuck me Brian you almost brought a tear to my eye then, despite your gruff, tough hard man appearance your quite the big softy aren’t you. I’m really glad to have made your acquaintance. You and K are special people I’m really sad that I will probably never see either of you again.”

Brian didn’t know how to reply to the doctors last statement, he really liked the guy and could see why K also liked him so much. Although he was undoubtedly something of a rouge and could not be trusted he hoped he would not get caught by Mateo’s people or by the authorities.

Let’s now leave the two men having a bit of a heart to heat in the doctors car parked in Southampton docks, and return to where we left off with the girls an hour or so back in time.

Molly asked the girls.

“How would you two fancy doing a really full on erotic pose together, this would be extremely hard core”

Find out Rhanie and K’s reply in the next chapter.

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Bugger pmsl

As usual finish when it's just getting good lol

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


"Bugger pmsl

As usual finish when it's just getting good lol "

I know, sorry about that, I do have a tendency to do that but it does make you check in the next day to see what’s happened

I’m hoping to speak to Brian on the phone tomorrow, this may well be the last time as I think he is going to give information to enable me to write an epilogue for the story. He is going to tell me what has happened to some of the characters that have appeared in the nearly 80 chapters of his and K’s incredible adventures.

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

Lol mate

Looking forward to reading the next chapter

Shame that's its coming to a climax, really enjoyed all of the exploits

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By *atsWoman
over a year ago


Really enjoyed this, it will be sad to see it come to an end.

But that's the way of life...

Brian and K seem to be amazing people.

Something you don't see much of nowadays, straight,honest and with their own set of scruples.

Genuinely nice people.

And you have done a great job in putting their story on paper.

Xx _ats

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By *evonFbsCouple
over a year ago


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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *enbobjimMan
over a year ago


Sad it’s coming to an end but loved every chapter

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By *rgar27Man
over a year ago

Bognor Regis

Still love to see K before this all ends great read

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By *ouldlove2tryMan
over a year ago

Here and there

You and me both mate lol

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


We are nearly out of posts on this thread so I have started a new one.

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By *oventry4biTV/TS
48 weeks ago


Absolutely brilliant

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