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The Shared Wives Club Part 3

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Eleven

“Blood hell Dave you would never make a detective would you, besides Charles who else did I mention when I told you about my meeting in the Costa in Chester?”

I thought really long and hard, I played over the story she had told me about her Chester encounter; besides Charles I could only recall two other characters. I dismissed the scruffy old man who had fingered Rachel in the car park because I didn’t think Charles had even noticed him.

There was Liz the café manager and there was the young lad. My pervy little mind was wondering which of the two would I most like my wife to have played with. Like most men the thought of my wife playing with another woman was extremely exciting, but the idea of her being fucked by a teen aged virgin lad probably surpassed it. I had picked up on the fact however that Rachel had said it was where the other guy lived, and not the other person. It was therefore almost certainly the young lad and not Liz the manager.

“Oh, I get it now, you mean the young lad that was working in the café the one you flashed your pussy at when he came over to collect you dirty cups.”

“Yes, that’s the one, if I had known he would have been at the hotel I would never have gone, it was so embarrassing what Charles made me do with him, I am still having a hard time understanding why I did it.”

“Christ Rach this doesn’t sound right, you just said Charles made you do stuff you didn’t want to do; I’m thinking we might need to talk to the police about all this.”

“Sorry I’m not thinking or speaking coherently, my head is a bit messed up at the moment but I want to make it clear Charles didn’t force me to do anything. He made it crystal clear that I could refuse any of his instructions at any time and I was free to leave whenever I wanted. I suppose what I am trying to explain and perhaps come to terms with is that if I had known what I would have willingly done with the young lad his name is Steve by the way. Then I don’t think I would have gone to the meeting.”

“Ok Rach, not quite sure I understand but carry on anyway can we start at the very beginning did anything happen with the chauffeur either on the way there or on the way home.”

“Fucking hell Dave what do you think I am some kind of call girl or something, the Chauffeur was not part of any of this, he works for a company that Charles uses from time to time but they have no idea what is going on. The drivers are told not to ask the passengers any personal questions or what they are up to. He didn’t say much either on the way there or on the way home we had some idle chit chat but I wasn’t really in the mood for chatting and I think he could understand that.”

“Yes, sorry about that hun not sure why I made such a stupid comment, I guess like you I am a bit wound up and nervous and tend to spout rubbish when I am in this state.”

“Charles was waiting for me at the hotel entrance when I arrived and we went to the bar for a quick drink, we were alone at that time and I was wondering who the second man would be. While we were having our drinks, I did glance around the bar in case I could recognize any of the studs we had seen in Raymond and Stephs pics and videos, but there was no one there I had seen before.”

“Was there anyone there that looked like a likely candidate?”

“No not really there weren’t many guys on their own and the ones that were looked in their late 60s or 70s, and no before you ask, that pervy old man from the café and car park wasn’t there either.”

My wife suddenly started to shiver and then tear up, this was so unlike her I was starting to get really worried what had Charles done to her that night.”

“Oh my god are you ok hun, you’re really worrying me.”

“Give me a hug Dave, I think I’m starting to come down off my sexual high, and the guilt is beginning to set in, I am also worried what you are going to think of me when I tell you all the things I did in that hotel. I had no idea I was capable of such debauchery”

I reassured her that I loved her deeply and no matter what it was she was about to tell me would lessen the love I felt for her. This was all true but I can’t deny I was extremely excited to hear just what she had got up to with the young lad Steve.

“Thanks for that Dave I am so lucky to be married to a man like you, I just hope you feel the same way after I tell you all I have done. Anyway, Charles must have guessed I was checking out the other bar patrons because he told me the other man was waiting for us in the suite he had booked.”

“Wow a suite Rach, old Charles really pushed the boat out I have seen on line the prices of suites in that hotel are eye watering.”

“I know but Charles can well afford it he is extremely wealthy, not just a millionaire but a multi-millionaire.”

“I had a feeling he was extremely rich; chauffer driven limousines don’t come cheap do they.”

Rachel failed to respond to my comment but instead continued with her narrative.

“Charles said that he was worried that if I had met the other man in the bar, I may have had cold feet and pulled out of the whole thing there and then, so he wanted to chat to me calmly at first explaining the situation and give me time to come to a decision.”

“Charly boy is a crafty bastard isn’t he hun, I think if you had seen young Steve with him in the bar straight away you would have insisted on going home straight away.”

“Exactly Dave that’s precisely what I would have done, it’s what most women in my situation would do and he knew that and yes your right he is a crafty old bastard.”

Rachel went on to say they sat at a table in a quiet corner of the bar and by keeping their voices low they could not be overheard by any of the customers.

“I asked Charles what was wrong with the other man, was he some kind of weirdo or something. That was when he told me who it was and I was about to tell him where to get off and demand he recall the car so that I could go home.”

“Don’t blame you hun, how did he manage to persuade you to stay.”

“That’s really difficult to explain Dave, thinking back I don’t really know quite how he did it. I do recall that the first thing he said was to just sit down and give him two minutes to explain the situation and if I was not happy, he would call the car for me to go home.”

“That seems fair enough, he must have been very persuasive in that two minutes.”

“He repeated the fact that young Steve was a virgin and had never even felt a girl’s tits and that he was extremely excited at the thought of his first sexual encounter being with an experienced married woman such as myself. He went on to say that this would be an experience that would stay with him for the rest of his life and would stand him in good stead for any other sexual encounters he ever has. I suppose in a way he was appealing to my sense of wanting to help others, I think he could tell I am a soft touch for lost causes.”

This is absolutely true my wife is someone that always takes the side of the underdog and is always doing lots of charity work and giving away our money to good causes, I suspect Charles had seen this side of her when they had initially met and knew he would be able to take advantage of it.

“He also went on to say that although I would be giving Steve the best night of his young life, he was certain I too would get a great deal of sexual excitement out of the encounter and that I would certainly have several mind-numbing orgasms as I helped out the young lad.”

“Can’t say it’s a very convincing argument hun, I’m surprised he won you over did he say anything else.”

I think that was totally the wrong thing to say just at that moment, Rachels facial expression darkened and she snapped.

“You weren’t there Dave so don’t start fucking judging me or I will stop telling you what happened.”

“Sorry hun, nerves and I think shock got the better of me and I should not have said that please continue.”

“He once again reiterated that I could put a halt to proceedings whenever I wanted and I could leave at any time. He went on to suggest that we go up to the room and just chat to Steve for a few minutes to see how I felt about things. He explained that he had told Steve that there were no guarantees anything would happen, and that I might not agree to come up to the room or even if I did, I might not want to do anything.

I nodded for her to continue.

“It’s very difficult to explain this but Charles has a kind of magnetism, you feel attracted to it and you want to please him, you don’t want to let him down so after a few more reassurances from him I agreed to go to the room but just for a chat.”

“When you agreed, deep down did you really believe all you would be doing with the young lad was chatting?”

“To tell you the honest truth Dave I really wasn’t sure, I felt safe and that I would not be made to do anything I wasn’t happy with but at the same time I was worried I might not be able to control myself.”

“Fucking hell Rach I’m astounded I’ve never realized you were attracted to young lads, is this Steve guy really good looking or something?”

“No, I’m not usually attracted to young men and no he is not very good looking quite the opposite in fact, there is nothing special about him at all. I think it was more about pleasing Charles and would I be willing to do what he tells me to do with someone that is nothing like the type of stud we had seen in the pics and videos we had watched together.”

“This all sounds a bit weird Rach, but exciting never the less please carry on.”

“We had a couple of drinks; I think mine could well have been a double but that seemed to help and I felt a lot more relaxed when we got in the lift to take us to the suite. On the way up Charles told me Steve will be so excited to see me again. He had confessed to Liz his boss in Costa that he hadn’t stopped playing with himself every chance he got after seeing my cunt on display in the coffee shop.”

My wife is from an upper middle-class home, is extremely well educated, has a posh sounding voice and does not use rude words very often. This means when she uses terms like cunt it has a strange effect on me, my heart beats faster and I get extremely excited. She of course knows this and so her use of these types of words are deliberately designed to heighten my excitement. If I had married a rough common girl that effed and blinded like a trooper then hearing someone like that use the word cunt would not have the same effect.

I made no comment so she proceeded.

“When we entered the suite Steve was sat down clutching a glass of wine, it was really comical because he got up so quickly from his chair, he dropped the wine glass and the contents spilled all over the table. Fortunately, the glass did not break, Charles quickly went to the bathroom got a couple of towels and mopped it all up in next to no time.”

“Oh my God Rach the poor bugger I can just imagine myself at that age he must have been a nervous wreck.”

“He was hun he went as red as a beet root and began to apologies profusely. I told him not to worry and went over to him and gave him a light kiss on his cheek.”

“Wow how did that feel, was it awkward did you feel sorry for him or were you excited?”

“I think I mainly felt sorry for him, he was a bag of nerves and I was attempting to calm him down. After Charles had cleaned up the spilt wine, he poured us all another glass and we sat down and had some idle chatter for 10 minutes or so. I sat down next to Charles on a couch and Steve sat directly opposite me with a low table between us where we could place our drinks. Steve no longer looked like he would have a heart attack any minute and I too felt a lot more relaxed than I had done.”

“I’m guessing this state of affairs didn’t last.”

“Correct, after we had all chilled out and relaxed a fair bit Charles then asked me to do something which totally floored me.”

“Fuck Rach I think I’m the one about to have a heart attack, what the hell did he ask you to do?”

Find out what he requested my wife to do in the next chapter which will hopefully be posted on Monday morning.

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By *rgasm4u69Man
over a year ago


Brilliant so far have a good weekend

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


What an amazing story, I can't wait for Monday

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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Would love to be the husband of a wife like this

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By *ike231251Man
over a year ago


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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm

Stop asking stupud questions and we will get the story ha ha joking great writing op

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By *yceloonMan
over a year ago


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By *att damonMan
over a year ago

Bishops Waltham

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *D123Man
over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Can't Wait!!

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By *_new_memberMan
over a year ago


Can't wait, have a good weekend

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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *rdiscreet327Man
over a year ago


Can’t wait to hear the next chapters. Brilliant writing. The way you set the scene is great.

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By *xeterman1Man
over a year ago

weston super mare

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By *oxtrotOscar654Man
over a year ago

Framlingham, Woodbridge Suffolk

Amazing reading I am completely hooked. Can't wait for the next chapter. Excellent writing op keep up the amazing work and thank you

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By *UFSWoman
over a year ago


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By *rnoldZiffelMan
over a year ago


Like dveryone else, I can't wsit for the next instalment.

Meanwhile,I hope Bluegreen(OP) won't mind posting this link is the first chapter of one of his other very enjoyable stories to keep you going:


If you want the others , simply use the Forum Search function above.

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago


Wow this is so well written. We can’t keep away. Monday so so far away haha

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By *cubasexMan
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *lare_thomas38TV/TS
over a year ago

my town

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *wakers14Man
over a year ago

burgess hill

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *orkiepud_69Couple
over a year ago


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By *ednesday 2023TV/TS
over a year ago


Back for more x

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By *ack again100Man
over a year ago


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By *stwo80Couple
over a year ago


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By *addy and the TrampCouple
over a year ago


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By *DB007Man
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *ilbert4450Man
over a year ago


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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *palgMan
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Is it Monday yet?

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By *rangemondayMan
over a year ago


Sexy story enough to get me wet. Helen x

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By *erseybeefMan
over a year ago

st helier

Do like a hot one

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ccasional75Man
over a year ago


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By *on81282Man
over a year ago


Ooooo I’m ready for the next chapter

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *oobyLewCouple
over a year ago

South Cheshire

Roll on Monday

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By *andshappyCouple
over a year ago


What a fantastic story.

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By *he fab twoCouple
over a year ago


Morning lol

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Twelve

“He told me to do the exact same thing that I had done in Costa café the first time I met him.”

“Bloody hell the cheek of him, he wanted you to go to the bathroom remove your knickers come back into the room and place them on the table. I hope you told him to fuck off the dirty old pervert.”

“Well sitting here now with you and not being influenced by Charles’s charisma that’s certainly what I should have done but at the time I didn’t want to let him down and I also wanted to give Steve a bit of a thrill so after probably less than 30 seconds hesitation I nipped off to the bathroom and took off my knickers.”

“Wow Rach I’m absolutely gob smacked, I really don’t understand the influence this Charles guy appears to have over you, he seems to be able to get you to do anything he wants.”

“Yes, it seems that way hun, and that was just the start of it, things got a lot worse as the night wore on.”

“I’m going to have to get myself a stiff drink Rach, I’m shaking like a leaf and I wasn’t even there, would you like one too?”

Although I had put some whiskey in our coffees earlier, I now needed it neat.

Rachel replied in the affirmative and I got up and shortly returned with a couple of large single malt whiskeys, which we each took a large gulp of.

So, a quick summary readers to enable you to picture in your mind’s eye the situation.

My wife is in the bathroom having just removed her knickers, she is about to enter the main room once again, sit down opposite the young lad Steve, and place her worn knickers on the table between them.

Charles will still be sitting alongside her and is almost certainly about to give her more instructions, the first of which I am sure will be to raise up her dress so that the young lad can have a bird’s eye view of her freshly shaved cunt.

I asked Rachel to continue.

“I came back into the main room, sat on the couch next to Charles, placed my knickers on the table right in front of Steve and waited to see what would happen next?”

“How did you feel, was it the same as the first time you did it in the café?”

“It was similar but not quite the same, I think I was more nervous because in the café I knew things wouldn’t be able to go too far even if I wanted them to whereas in the hotel room anything might happen and I wasn’t sure if I would be able or even want to stop things from happening.”

“What did young Steve do when you sat back down?”

“Once again he was blushing profusely and shaking like a leaf but wisely, he didn’t reach for his drink otherwise I am fairly sure we would have had a repeat performance and Charles would have been on mop up duty once again.”

“What about Charles what was he up to I bet he wasn’t too perturbed was he?”

“No, he wasn’t he remained as cool as a cucumber throughout and always in control. He stayed silent for a minute or so after I had sat down, I avoided eye contact with him by staring at my drink. Steve stared at my knickers laying on the table. Charles suggested he could pick them up if he wanted and smell them if he liked.”

“Wow Rach what a weird but extremely erotic situation to find yourself in, I assume the lad went for you knickers didn’t he.”

“Of course he did, I also think if he had been alone, he would have been licking the gusset of them and masturbating for all he was worth.”

“Yep, I can see that, most young lads would do similar in that situation, so what happened next?”

“Charles suggested I offer my knickers to Steve as a memento, something for him to keep and to remind him of this night.”

“Jesus this is bloody exciting Rach, I keep thinking I’m dreaming and will wake up any minute and realize all this was in my pervy imagination. Did you offer your knickers to Steve?”

“Yes, I told him he could keep them if he wanted to as something to remember me by, I had hardly got the sentence out than he had scrunched them up and stuffed them into a pocket. I suspect they will get a lot of use over the coming weeks and months don’t you think”

“Yes, within a week they will be totally covered in his cum the lucky bugger, wish something like that had happened to me at his age.”

“Charles then asked Steve if he would like to see what had produced that amazing smell he was experiencing on my knickers, but didn’t wait for an answer, instead told me to raise up my dress like I had in the café.”

I gulped down some more of my whiskey, but decided to go easy on the remainder as my head was starting to spin.

“Did you think you could refuse if you had wanted to Rach, or did you feel threatened by being alone in a room with two men?”

“No, I never felt physically threatened although Charles is huge and immensely strong, he doesn’t use that kind of behavior to get what he wants he doesn’t need to. I knew I could put a stop to proceedings at any time and there would be no come back on me but for some reason I wanted to carry on. Although I was extremely nervous and suspected this could all end up with Steve losing his virginity in my cunt, I was a willing participant and I think I wanted to see how far I would be prepared to go.”

“So, another way of putting it Rach would be you were testing your limits, or perhaps seeing if you had any limits.”

“Yes, that’s a good way of putting things that sums up nicely how I felt at that time, it might not make much sense now but back then it seemed like the right thing to do.”

“From what you have said several times up till now I guess you did as Charles requested and pulled up the dress to put your pretty pussy on display for the young lad to ogle.”

“Well yes and no, yes I started to pull up my dress but then Charles stopped me.”


I nearly said Oh fuck, but then thought the better of it, I was extremely turned on and actually wanted my wife to display herself to the young lad but then realized my wife might not want to know that.

“Don’t look so disappointed Dave, seems like you want me to show off my hairless cunt to the young guy.”

I decided it was best not to answer for fear of betraying myself and instead took a very small sip of my drink having learned the lesson from the last large gulp I had taken.

Fortunately for me Rachel did not push it and carried on with the tale.

“Charles said as we were now in private and didn’t have to worry about upsetting any coffee customers I may as well dispense with the dress completely.”

“Jesus that would leave you in just a bra, suspenders, stockings and heels?”

“Smart boy Dave, ever considered entering for brain of Britain?”

I have to admit I do have a penchant for stating the bleeding obvious at times.

“This was the only moment during the entire episode when I began to have second thoughts, I considered it to be the moment of no return. If I agreed to take off my dress and appear almost totally naked before the two guys then chances were either one or both would end up fucking me that night.”

Find out in the next chapter what Rachel decided to do.

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By *orkiepud_69Couple
over a year ago


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By *UFSWoman
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *cubasexMan
over a year ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Worth the wait, but still need more please

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By *_new_memberMan
over a year ago


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By *ccasional75Man
over a year ago


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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm

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By *rgasm4u69Man
over a year ago


Brilliant as usual

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By *D123Man
over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Can't wait!

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By *untobehad2020Man
over a year ago


Brilliant story OP and such a tease!

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By *pagedMan
over a year ago


Love this story so hot x

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


The best I have ever read on here!

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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

Great story and I think writing the interaction talk between Rachel and Dave gives it that extra boost - Really looking forward to how this pans out

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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Eagerly awaiting the next chapter

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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *ednesday 2023TV/TS
over a year ago


Stop interrupting her!

great story, please continue

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Love the way this story is written building up the tension and excitement just as in a real meet.

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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


Cracking, love it ,


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By *race_cpl6665Couple
over a year ago


Loving the tension! Git me hard and stroking

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By *oppy12Man
over a year ago


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By *ike231251Man
over a year ago


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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *wistedsaintMan
over a year ago

Hotel Near You

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By *att damonMan
over a year ago

Bishops Waltham

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By *un24.7Man
over a year ago

South Devon

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Thirteen

I sat there with bated breath so excited and full of anticipation at the thought of the next revelation, time seemed to freeze perhaps it was the effects of the extremely strong alcohol I had consumed but it felt like I was having an out of body experience. I could see myself floating above the pair of us looking down on the scene watching my wife about to tell me what happened next.

When Rachel began to speak again, I seemed to return back to my body, I think it was mainly due to the drink, but it was a really weird feeling all the same. I don’t recall ever having had a similar experience. Having said that I had never been told this kind of story by my wife so who knows if it was real or all in my imagination.

“I looked over at Charles, he gave me a slight smile and an almost imperceptible nod of the head. As I have mentioned I felt compelled to obey him, not because I felt threated by him, but because I wanted to please him. It made me feel good inside to carry out his instructions and to follow what he told me to do.”

This was so unlike my wife, she usually hates people, in particular men telling her what to do. I wondered not for the first time how the hell Charles had such control over her, must be great to have that kind of ability, I wish I had it.

“I thought to myself, what the hell I have come this far, both men have already seen my pussy twice so I might as well show them all I have got, so I stood up removed my dress and stood there almost completely naked.”

“Fuck wish I had been in there with you all hun, it must have been amazing.”

“I wouldn’t have done it if you had been love, I would have been too nervous.”

“I bet young Steve was excited, seeing this gorgeous older woman stripping off right in front of him what was he doing?”

“The same as before, blushing uncontrollably and shaking so much I thought at one point he was having a fit.”

Although readers may think it would be impossible for me to be shocked any more you would be wrong as my wife astounded me with her next sentence.

“If you close the curtains hun I will give you a demonstration of what young Steve got to see.”

On unsteady legs due to the whiskey, I wobbled over to the window and shut the curtains, although it was now well after midnight anyone walking along the road outside would be able to see right into our lounge.

I returned to my seat, Rachel now stood and took off her dress, I knew she would not be wearing any knickers but what I didn’t know and was about to find out damn near gave me a heart attack.

After removing her dress, she did a slow pirouette and thus revealed all the love bites she had received that night. I didn’t really have time to count them all, but it must have been over 20. Although she still wore her bra, I could see several bites emerging from the cups she also had them on her stomach and pelvic area and all over her arse cheeks. Fortunately, she had none on her neck or anywhere that would be reveal when she was dressed.

“Fuck did they both give you those bites Rachel?”

“No only Steve, Charles was busy doing something else while this was going on.”

“What was he doing hun?”

“All will be revealed just be patient and let me carry on ok.”

“Sorry babe go on.”

“I stood before the two guys for a minute or two, no one said a word, Steve was drinking it all in, looking over every inch of my body, Charles meanwhile was studying my face intently. I think he was working out how I felt about things and probably how far he could push me.”

“And just how exactly did you feel Rach, did it feel good to be exposing yourself to the guys like this or did it feel awkward and embarrassing.”

“Yes, I did feel a bit awkward and embarrassed but I have to be honest and admit it also felt extremely exciting, you could cut the sexual tension in the room with a knife. I felt more alive at that moment than I think I had ever felt before.”

Rachel sat back down but spread her legs wide apart giving me a great view right up her snatch. She closed her eyes and began to rub her already wet pussy, she gave a slight moan then quickly opened her eyes and apologized.

“Sorry hun I was just thinking back to what happened next in the room with the guys.”

Even though I was fairly d*unk by now I still managed to sport a throbbing erection.

“Would you mind if I got the old man out and had a bit of a play Rach this story is so fucking horny.”

“Go ahead hun, I don’t mind.”

She paused in her story telling for a couple of minutes I think to reflect on the night’s experiences, she closed her eyes and gently rubbed between her legs. Her fingers quickly became encased in her sticky love juices. I meanwhile was scarcely touching my penis as I knew if I paid it slightly more attention, I would be shooting spunk all across the room and I didn’t want to orgasm until the end of the narrative and only then into my wife’s receipting cunt hole and not over our coffee table.

After several moments of revere, she continued

“Charles asked me did I think Steve would like to see my tits, I replied I thought he would, he then told me to ask him but in the most slutty and perverted manner I could manage.”

I removed my hands completely away from my groin area, this story was so erotic I was in danger of cumming just from what my wife was telling me. Married readers imagine your wife in this situation.

There she is, the love of your life, clad in only bra, stockings, suspenders and high heels, standing before an 18-year-old virgin lad about to ask him if he would like to see her bare tits does it get any better than that?

Find out in the next chapter.

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By *rgasm4u69Man
over a year ago


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By *orkiepud_69Couple
over a year ago


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By *_new_memberMan
over a year ago


You're not the only one she has standing to attention!

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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm

Amazing keep going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Standing upright an throbbing

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By *wanepipeMan
over a year ago


Fantastic op, you have a real gift for writing. Im enjoying this very much.

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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Another amazing chapter, ready for the next one

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago


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By *on81282Man
over a year ago



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By *ilbert4450Man
over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Your teasing us now

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *oppy12Man
over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


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By *UFSWoman
over a year ago


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By *wakers14Man
over a year ago

burgess hill

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By *ike231251Man
over a year ago


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By *D123Man
over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *xeterman1Man
over a year ago

weston super mare

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Fourteen

“Fucking hell Rach how did it feel when Charles asked you to act like a slut in front of young Steve?”

“Well, I should tell you that it felt awfully demeaning and degrading, and that’s I’m sure how most women would have felt but if I told you that I would be lying. It felt wonderful, I can’t really explain why but I was on such a sexual high displaying myself to the guys. Would you like me to act out exactly what I said, you can play the part of Steve.”

“Is the Pope a Catholic hun?”

My wife then stood up once again, as described she had already removed her dress and her knickers were still somewhere in Chester with young Steve.

“You don’t need to say anything playing the part of Steve love, he was so excited at the time I don’t think he was capable of speech just nod your head when you think he would have done. It won’t be rocket science you will easily work out when he did that.”

I nodded my head vigorously getting into the role, I should have been a Hollywood star lol.

“Do you want to see my sexy little titties Steve; would you like to see how hard my nipples are. I am desperate to get my bra off and put them on display for your eyes, I want you to look all over them see just how big you have made my nipples I don’t think they have ever been this hard.”

While my wife was giving me this performance, I was bobbing my head up and down like some demented nodding dog that used to be popular in the back of cars years ago.

She slowly undid her bra strap, but swiftly grabbed the cups so her breasts would not be on show, she then did a slow sultry dance before me then slipped one of the cups down so that just a small part of her areolae was revealed. I had to admit she was bloody good at this; the young lad must have been in ecstasy watching a gorgeous married woman putting on this display for his benefit. What an amazing experience for him to start his sexual journey.

“Would you like to see one of my rock-hard nipples Steve so that you can see how hard you have made it?”

Every reader would I am sure know that by now my head was almost coming off my shoulders I was nodding it so much. She continued with her teasing and the slow reveal of her beautiful breasts.

She slipped off her right cup completely exposing the breast it had concealed, her nipple was enormous I don’t think I had ever seen it expanded to that degree. It was taking all my self-control to remain seated and not rush over to her and devour that massive nipple.

Rachel then covered her right boob back up and then put her left on display, she then alternated between the two, it was a fantastic show. I wished not for the first time that night that I had been a fly on the wall of that hotel room watching all the action in real time.

The display went on for several minutes, I thought on a couple of occasions I would orgasm but somehow managed to keep in control, not sure how. Eventually she removed her bra completely then started to massage her tits and tweak her nipples.

“Oh god Steve I love showing you my married woman’s tits, do you like the look of them can you see how hard you have made my nipples, I love putting them on display for you.”

I could completely understand why Steve could only nod, I was having a hard time speaking myself and I’m more than twice his age. With a supreme effort I managed to get out the following question

“What was Charles doing while all this was going on, was he watching and perhaps wanking that massive cock of his?”

“I’ve deliberately not mentioned what he was up to at that time as I did not want to upset you and have you lose the plot as it were.”

“That sounds ominous Rach what the hell was he doing that you think would wind me up so much?”

“Ok I will tell you but don’t fly off the handle give me time to explain. Charles had his phone out and was taking pics and videos of everything I was doing.”

For a couple of seconds, I was speechless, you could have knocked me down with a feather, how on earth would my wife have let him do something like that. If the pics and videos ever got out into the wild her career would be over her family would disown her, what on earth was she thinking.

Finally, I managed to exclaim

“Fucking hell Rach that is a massive risk I don’t need to tell you what will happen if those pics get out onto the web.”

“I’m not stupid I realize that and on reflection it problem was too big a risk to take but as previously mentioned I was so caught up in the thrill of it all I seemed to be willing to do anything Charles suggested. He said he would take some action shots for our private room on the Cuckold fart web site. I gave him our password and he said he would upload the material as soon as he gets an opportunity.”

I mumbled something incoherently; I wasn’t really placated but I was excited at the thought of seeing pics and vids of the action. It would not be as good as being there in person but it would be the next best thing. I thought she was taking a massive risk trusting Charles not to let the images out into the wild but I sort of could understand why one might agree to this in the heat of the moment.

Rachel now sat down in front of me clad only in stocking suspenders and high heels. I was so desperate to hear about the rest of the action I decided to stop berating her about agreeing to the films and photos.

“I think I can understand why you would agree to it Rach I think I might do the same thing in the heat of the action, what happened next?”

“Thanks for that Dave, Charles told me to go and sit on Steves knee and to ask him to feel up my tits and to be as slutty as I possibly could for him.”

I was rather hoping we would carry on with the acting and she would come across and sit on my knee and act the slut for me but it seemed as though the role-playing session was over for now anyway as she made no move towards me instead, she continued with the narrative.

“I went over to him and sat down on his knee, I could feel his rock-hard erection sticking into my bottom, I then began to talk really dirty to him.”

Once again, I was finding it extremely difficult to speak, somehow I managed to regain some composure and managed to utter

“Can you remember what kind of things you said to him as you sat in his lap?”

“Not word for word but it was stuff like, feel up my sexy tits Steve, pinch my slutty nipples, see how hard they are for you, and similar comments to that. I have to admit I really enjoyed acting the slut. Charles said he thought I was a natural the first time we met.”

I really wasn’t sure how I felt about Charles, I admired him in a lot of ways and wish I had some of his abilities but I also though he was a bit of a scheming calculating old bastard at the same time. Truth be told I suppose I was extremely jealous of him having such abilities, how many guys reading this would not like to have some of his gifts.

“Charles then moved right up to me so that he could get some close-up shots and told me to beg Steve to suck my nasty nipples, so that’s what I did. Young Steve didn’t need to be asked twice because almost before the words were out of my mouth, he was suckling at my teats like a starving new born baby.”

I couldn’t wait to see the pics and videos of this, I want all you married men to imagine seeing a video of your wives in this position. You’re watching a film of your wife stripped off to just stockings and suspenders perched on the knee of some spotty 18-year-old virgin lad, begging him to feast upon her rock-hard nipples. Although the image is depraved it’s also extremely exciting due to its perversity.

Tune in for the next chapter when the action steps up a notch further.

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By *_new_memberMan
over a year ago


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By *wakers14Man
over a year ago

burgess hill

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago



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By *erseybeefMan
over a year ago

st helier


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By *UFSWoman
over a year ago


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By *rgasm4u69Man
over a year ago


Brilliantly writem

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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm


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By *on81282Man
over a year ago


Keep it coming…..

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By *otsexystud69Man
over a year ago


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By *xxx73Man
over a year ago


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By *lim_jim1964Man
over a year ago


Wow great thread ?? ??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lippy02Man
over a year ago


Developing nicely.

As having cuckold experience I do appreciate this scene

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


So loving this

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Can't wait

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By *orkiepud_69Couple
over a year ago


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By *eterinpantiesukMan
over a year ago


Can't wait l

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By *oobyLewCouple
over a year ago

South Cheshire

Looking forward ??

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By *ylon_cMan
over a year ago


I'm a little late to this one, but absolutely loving it.

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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *uncouplerk40Couple
over a year ago



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By *he fab twoCouple
over a year ago


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By *xeterman1Man
over a year ago

weston super mare

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Fifteen

“Christ this is exciting Rach what happened next?”

“Charles told Steve to give me a love bite on my right boob.”

“Looks like he gave you more than one hun and not just on your boob.”

“You won’t believe this babe but he didn’t know what to do, he started to literally bite my right breast and I had to stop him and teach him how to give a love bite. After that there was no stopping him, he wanted to give me them everywhere and Charles told me to let him, hence why I am covered in them.”

“Fuck hun, if Charles told you to put your hand in a fire would you do that too?”


“Jesus wept he really has some control over you doesn’t he.”

“Certainly seems so.”

“Wish I had that kind of control over women.”

“I bet you do but don’t get any ideas above your station, some guys have it but most do not and Dave although I love you dearly you certainly don’t have it, whatever it exactly is.”

I nodded my head solemnly agreeing with my wife, she was completely correct, whatever it was I most definitely didn’t have it. If I ordered my wife to do something sexual, she would either laugh in my face or kick me in the balls. As Rachel said some guys have it but the majority do not.

“Please continue.”

“Are you sure you want to hear the rest of it, things have been fairly tame up until now, they are about to get worse a whole lot worse.”

I didn’t think being bare arse naked on the lap of an 18-year-old lad and covered in his love bites could in any rational person’s opinion be described as tame but I considered it wise not to point this undeniable fact out to my mrs instead I encouraged her to carry on.

“Yes, I’m all ears this is an amazing story I can’t wait to hear the rest of it.”

“Charles asked me if I would like to have a young virgin lad finger fuck my married cunt so he could see how wet even an inexperienced lad like him can make a slutty whore like me become.”

“Fuck Rach he has a way with words doesn’t he hun, seems like he enjoys humiliating you, didn’t you realize what he was doing?”

“Of course I did, but I was enjoying the humiliation and he knew it, don’t ask me to explain it because I can’t but the nasty things he was saying was heightening my sexual enjoyment.”

Rachel then asked if I wanted to indulge in a little more role play, she invited me over to sit by her on the couch and she sat on my knee I was once again playing the part of young Steve. Charles had instructed her to ask Steve to finger her pussy.

So once again guys picture the scene it’s now the early hours of the morning, my wife and I are still in our lounge. My wife is almost completely naked sitting on my lap, she is about to tell me what she said to the young lad whose part I am now acting out. How many of you guys would love this to happen to you, imagine your wives sitting on your knees telling you to act the part of a young lad who is about to finger fuck her adulteress wet and slutty cunt hole.

“Would you like to feel how wet you have made me Steve; would you like to feel how excited I am at the thought of your lovely slim fingers sliding right up my slutty wet cunt. Finger fuck me babe ram your fingers right up me make me cum all over your hand. Please babe ram your fingers up my steaming twat hurt me make me squeal for you make me your dirty fucking whore”

Oh my God guys Oh my fucking God, readers you would not believe how exciting it was to hear Rachel in her posh extremely expensive private school educated accent saying these filthy words to me knowing that she had said something similar a few hours previously to some skinny spotty faced teenager.

I swiftly pushed a finger into her oven hot vagina, it slid in easily, she was so wet and also wider than I had ever felt her. I wondered just what Rachel had received up her that night, I assumed Charles must have ended up fucking her but I also wondered if young Steve may be very well endowed too.

One finger was quickly joined by two but this was still not enough for her.

“Put another finger in me Steve give me three a slut like me can easily take it.”

No sooner said than done I was now thrusting quite vigorously, three fingers deep into her sopping wet vagina, she was moaning and groaning like some demented whore. I don’t recall ever seeing her so turned on, not by me anyway.

“Give me four Steve please give me four, make me gape, stretch me I want you to really open me up.”

I was trying to remember had I ever managed to get four fingers up my wife in the past I was fairly sure I had not. Two is usually her limit and on the odd occasion I have managed three but had ensured I was very gentle with her and she had told me to take out a finger before too long as it was starting to hurt her.

This time however I had four fingers plunging in and out of her with extreme force I had never finger banged her in this fashion, it was almost scary how turned on and demanding she was.

I like many of you had seen porn videos of slutty starlets having four fingers rammed up their hungry twats and wishing I could do something similar to my wife and for the first time ever I was doing the same.

“Try your fist Steve, I think I can take it, shove your entire hand up my hungry cunt, I want you to really stretch me out for the first time in my life. I want to experience what it’s like to be fist fucked by a young teenage virgin.”

My god had my wife really said this to the young lad or was she role playing with me now in the heat of the moment and making stuff up for effect knowing this would really turn me on. Either way I didn’t really mind, I had never in my wildest dreams thought Rachel would ever let me ram my fist up her dripping wet pussy. I have quite large hands and I would imagine they would be bigger than those of young Steve’s so I didn’t think I would get my entire fist up her but somehow or other I did, she seemed to accommodate my entire hand with very little difficulty.

“Punch my pussy Steve, punch my slutty adulteress cunt punish me for being such an unfaithful slut to my loving husband. Make me cum on your big fist let me show you what a filthy fucking whore I am.”

My wife now lost complete control and began screaming

“Oh my god I’m cumming I’m cumming all over your fist, I’m such a slut I can’t help it.”

Rachel collapsed in my arms, her pussy clamping and spasming on my hand, I had never seen her in such a state I though at one point she was having some sort of seizure, fortunately she soon recovered and I removed my fist which was now totally soaked in her love juices. What an experience I wasn’t sure if my wife had honestly relived her experiences from earlier that night of if she had exaggerated some of it but either way it had all been absolutely amazing. Rachel looked absolutely shattered after her mind-blowing orgasm and I felt knackered too so we went off to bed and were both fast asleep within moments of our heads hitting the pillows.

Next morning, I plucked up the courage to ask her

“Rach, was all that you told me last night true or did you make some of it up, perhaps to excite me and make it more amazing?”

“Nope, I didn’t make any of it up, it all happened as I said, perhaps not word for word as I couldn’t remember everything that was said, but I think I recounted most of the important aspects. Would you like to know what happened after I came all over young Steve’s hand?

I had been too tired and knew Rachel was completely exhausted to question her further last night but after a sound night’s sleep I was desperate to hear the rest of her encounter and told her so.

“Not a lot happened after that Dave, I bet you would like to hear that Steve fucked me and then Charles had too but that didn’t take place, I never got to see young Steves cock but Charles did take his out and waved it in my face but wouldn’t let me touch it.”

“That’s weird hun I would have thought he would be dying to plunge it into your gapping pussy you must have been wide open down there after getting a good fisting from Steve.”

“I certainly was gapping as you so crudely put it, and I have to admit when he got his massive cock out, I begged him to ram it up me but he refused.”

“Fucking hell Rach why on earth would he do that, surely most guys seeing a hottie like you with her cunt stretched open and begging for it would bang the hell out of you.”

“I think most men would but Charles is not like most guys he has incredible control he also loves to play mind games; he told me if I wanted the privilege of his big cock up me, I would have to earn it.”

“Blood hell babe he has some neck on him doesn’t he, I hope you told him to fuck off.”

“Well not exactly no, perhaps that’s what I should have done but I vowed to do whatever he wanted so that I could have him inside me.”

“Wow Rach, I won’t criticize because as you have pointed out on several occasions I wasn’t there and Charles does sound like someone who possesses incredible powers of persuasion. I would love to know though what have you agreed to in order to get that monster of his inside your creamy wet pussy”?

Find out in the next Chapter what next Charles has planned for my wife.

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By *_new_memberMan
over a year ago


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By *UFSWoman
over a year ago


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By *att damonMan
over a year ago

Bishops Waltham

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By *ccasional75Man
over a year ago


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By *oveprettyfeetMan
over a year ago

Banbury & Beverley

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By *xxx73Man
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm

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By *rgasm4u69Man
over a year ago


Brilliant story can't wait for more

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By *ednesday 2023TV/TS
over a year ago


I think more friends are on there way

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By *orkiepud_69Couple
over a year ago


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By *oppy12Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eterinpantiesukMan
over a year ago


charles is a total bastard but rachel is needing him more and more

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By *on81282Man
over a year ago


I think she’s loving his control….

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By *ton_maleMan
over a year ago


Love this

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By *lim_jim1964Man
over a year ago


It only gets better ?? ??

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Wow!! Bloody brilliant

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *he fab twoCouple
over a year ago


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By *D123Man
over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *ike231251Man
over a year ago


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By *oni and lingamCouple
over a year ago


I can relate to Charles, once your under a Dom's spell you just become putty in their hands, my Dom as me doing all-sorts, usually just me and him though not even FB there, x

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By *luegreen OP   Man
over a year ago


Chapter Sixteen

“Your fucking joking Rach no way would you agree to that?”

“No, I’m not joking Dave, I’m telling you the absolute truth, that was what Charles asked me to do and I have agreed to it.”

Let me back up a little here readers and fill you in on the amazing details my wife Rachel has just given me. I can’t quite believe she has agreed to all this, I don’t know how Charles has got her to do it, this guy is almost god like in his powers of persuasion. It’s actually rather scary what he can get people to agree to do for him.

To summarize my loving wife has agreed to visit Charles’s home next Friday night, in addition to Charles the following people will be present.

Steve, the young virgin lad from Chester, Steph and Carol my wife’s two best friends, Stephs cuck hubby Ray and finally Carol’s husband who I have not yet mentioned in this story Anthony, who I am very friendly with and who has told me several times in the past he really fancies my wife.

There might also be an additional person present, Rachel didn’t know who they were or if it was a male or female. Charles had told her he would try and arrange for this extra person to be present as an extra treat for my wife but he wasn’t sure if he could sort it for next Friday.

The plan for the evening is as follows, they are all going to consume lots of food and drink, Charles has arranged for outside caterers to bring in top quality produce then once they have left and all present have had their fill the fun will begin.

My wife is to do a strip tease in front of everyone present all of whom will remain clothed at the time. The purpose of her strip tease is to humiliate Rachel and also to turn on young Steve who she will then attempt to stimulate and excite.

Her task is to turn on Steve so much that he will conquer his shyness and be willing to fuck her in front of all those present. Rachel must be willing to offer him the use of any of her holes and let him use them in front of her close friends.

If young Steve succeeds in coming into any of her three holes, then she will have succeeded and will then be fucked by Charles, once again in front of all those assembled. After that there will be a free for all orgy with lots of fucking, sucking licking and god knows what else.

I am sure Anthony, Carols husband will be dying to get his cock into my wife, and I bet Steph might want to sample Rachels delights too. I wish I could be present but I have not done any kind of initiation test and so have not been invited. Rachel has promised to have a word with Charles to see if he would consider me as a candidate to join the Shared wives club. Steph has told her however that the initiation for men is a lot more difficult than the one for women, that information filled me with trepidation and so I’m not sure I want to go through something like that even though the rewards once a member sound amazing.

The knowledge that Anthony, Carols husband must have recently passed the initiation test gave me some hope that I too would be able to get through it when and if I get the opportunity.

Well, it’s Friday evening folks, my wife has just been picked up by Steph and Ray, they are taking her to Charles’s home. Rachel had spent hours getting ready for the event and she looked a million dollars. Young Steve and the rest of the gang were going to be in for a treat, once again and for the umpteenth time over the preceding week I wished I was going to the meeting too.

Rachel promised me that if she had a chance she would send me some updates via text, and perhaps a picture or two if that was possible.

It had been a couple of hours since she had departed when I received my first text from her it was rather brief but oh so exciting. It said

Rachel – Lots of food and drink consumed the real fun is about to start. Young Steve is sitting on a chair in the middle of the room and I am to play the part of a lap dancer and try to turn him on in front of everybody watching.

I didn’t know what to send in reply, and my hands were shaking so much with excitement I nearly dropped my phone but managed to send the following.

Dave – Good luck, hope you have a great time try and get someone to send me some pics using your phone if you can.

Rachel – Will do.

A few minutes later my phone pinged and, in my haste, I dropped the bloody thing, luckily it was onto a carpeted floor and no damage was done. Picking up the phone I was super excited to see a picture had come through from Rachel.

The image showed my wife clad only in a recently purchased matching bra, suspenders and thong of bright purple along with dark stockings, and high heeled expensive shoes. She was sitting astride young Steve on a chair in the middle of Charles lounge. I could clearly make out Carol, Anthony, Charles, Steph and Ray in the background. I can be a bit slow on the uptake sometimes but even I wondered was there someone else there taking the pic or had they used the in-built timer on the phone to take it.

I was praying some more pictures would come through, but nothing happened and after half an hour I lost patience and fired off a text.

Dave – Hi hun, how’s it going any chance of some more pictures.

There was no reply for several minutes then a small video clip came through. This showed my wife in a similar situation to the picture I had received around 30 minutes ago, this time however it focused on all the people present in turn and it left no question that there was an additional person present operating the camera, I wondered who it was.

Charles had obviously managed to arrange the presence of this other person that he had described as a treat for Rachel, perhaps it was one of the black guys I had seen in pictures fucking Steph. I have to admit I hoped it was and I also hoped I would see some photographs or videos of this myself.

I received no more pics or videos and after sending off several messages over the next couple of hours my anxiety kept on increasing. I couldn’t decide if not hearing from her was a good thing or a bad thing. I knew her friends would ensure nothing really bad would happen to her but I did find it rather disconcerting that she hadn’t taken the time to let me know what was happening. I imagine she was having such a good time she was too busy to consider letting me know what was occurring, but I found this very frustrating and also increased my jealousy.

I had consumed several stiff drinks during the evening otherwise I would have been tempted to drive over to Charles home to find out what had happened to my wife. I was seriously thinking of calling a taxi to take me there but fortunately I heard a car pull up outside and was extremely relived to see it was Steph and Ray bringing Rachel back home.

Steph waved and blew a kiss at me as I stood looking through the lounge window, when Rachel emerged, she looked rather disheveled and Ray had to help her to the front door. I rushed out into the hall and let them both in. Ray said

“Sorry it’s so late Dave, Rachel has had a bit too much to drink but I think she had a bloody good time.”

I held up my wife and he turned away and promptly left me to it. Although my wife was extremely inebriated she could still walk and I managed to get her upstairs and helped her get undressed. She could barely speak she was in such a state and what she did manage to say was incoherent nonsense.

I stripped her down to just her thong, and noticed that although her old love bites from a week ago had almost completely faded, she now had several new ones. I assumed young Steve had been busy on her once again.

She also reeked of seamen the stench on her was overpowering, I contemplating getting her into the shower but to tell you the truth folks, the smell was a huge turn on for me. It looked like there was dried spunk all over her neck and breasts, and her thong looked sopping wet.

I was worried the wet thong might cause a rash and so decided to remove it. Ok folks that’s not the real reason I took it off, I wanted to smell the odor of male seamen on the fabric.

Upon its removal I could see traces of male seed still oozing out of my wife’s stretched cunt and arse holes. Both her orifices looked like they had been well used as they were now gaping open. I wondered how many times she had been fucked up them that night.

A shiver ran through my body at the imagine in my mind eye of all the guys at the party taking turns to fuck my slutty wife. All of a sudden and I have no idea why, a very strong urge took over me. I had this massive desire to lick out the spunk that was slowly tricking out of Rachels gaping holes. I know it’s a disgusting thing to do, to go down on one’s wife and lick out other men’s spunk from her fuck holes but at that time I couldn’t stop myself. As she lay on the bed completely naked and in a d*unken stupor, I opened her legs wide and put my face right down until it was just a couple of inches away from her wide-open pussy and breathed in deeply.

The smell was intoxicating and my head swam, I stuck my tongue out and delicately took a small lick of the fluid tricking out of her cunt. I rolled the liquid around my mouth and decided it didn’t taste too bad so lent in and took up a larger amount. As I was doing this, I realized I had a painfully throbbing erection.

I took out my penis and began to masturbate as I went down for more nectar, and began to suck up the spent seed from both my wife’s used holes with gusto. In less than sixty seconds I had an enormous orgasm which I shot into one of my hands and I ate that too. Fuck me I was turning into a total perv, but all this was so exciting. I then got ready for bed and was fast asleep in no time.

Next morning Rachel surprised and embarrassed me with what she said.

Find out what it was in the next chapter which will be posted on Monday.

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By *wakers14Man
over a year ago

burgess hill

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By *_new_memberMan
over a year ago


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By *omcat2014rMan
over a year ago


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By *xeterman1Man
over a year ago

weston super mare

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *on81282Man
over a year ago


Absolutely loving this!

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By *rgasm4u69Man
over a year ago


Absolutely brilliant story can't wait for Monday

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By *xxx73Man
over a year ago


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By *pagedMan
over a year ago


It's going to be a long weekend

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ednesday 2023TV/TS
over a year ago


"I can relate to Charles, once your under a Dom's spell you just become putty in their hands, my Dom as me doing all-sorts, usually just me and him though not even FB there, x"

Amazing Pics, especially the flashing pics which fit this story perfectly x

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By *ccasional75Man
over a year ago


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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man
over a year ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


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By *orkiepud_69Couple
over a year ago


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By *he fab twoCouple
over a year ago


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By *eterinpantiesukMan
over a year ago


great stuff

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By *cubasexMan
over a year ago


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By *oppy12Man
over a year ago


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By *amesy8519Man
over a year ago


Just so good!! Is it Monday yet?

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Can’t wait

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By *D123Man
over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fabulous best story ever OP, got me rock hard

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