By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
This story is the sixth part of the Josh series. The first part is published here as Strictly Cum Fucking, the second part as Chance Encounters, third is Josh Part 3, fourth is Surrounded by Cocks and Pussy, fifth is Josh and Beth Go Swinging
Josh Part 6 – Josh Fucks
Josh is home one Saturday morning. He checks his phone, a couple of messages on FabGuys. One he ignores, the other is from Ben.
‘Hey Josh u fancy meeting up again? Had a good time with u last time we met.’
Josh considers. Sexy young lad, he thinks, great body, seems eager to learn. Probably just a mutual wank again, but so what. He decides to say yes.
They arrange to meet a Josh’s place at two.
Ben arrives, nowhere as nervous looking as last time.
“Nice to see you again,” Josh says greeting Ben, “you look more relaxed than last time you came here.”
“Yeah, I now know you’re a really nice guy and we can have some fun together.”
“Great, you looking for the same sort of thing again, mutual wanking?”
“Guess so, loved just feeling another hard cock. Might have another taste of my spunk too – if you help me again.”
“You not tried it since? I thought you might have.”
“I have a bit, but once I’ve cum and see it all thick and globby looking in my hand I can’t seem to get past that bit.”
Josh laughs and says he understands, he will help him again.
“Shall we go in the bedroom and get undressed then, I can see you’ve a nice looking bulge between your legs already.”
“Yeah, was even hard on the bus coming over.”
Josh leads the way.
Josh pushes the door too and pulls his tee shirt over his head, then he pauses and takes a good look at Ben as he unbuttons his shirt, revealing his lean belly, flat but broad chest with little muscle and his small but dark nipples again.
Josh takes a step towards Ben and reaches for both his nipples, squeezing to begin with but then more pinching the tips and pulling outwards.
“Ooohhh, that’s different, hurts but good.”
“Do it to mine.” Josh says.
Ben moved close and reached out to touch Josh, he took Josh by his nipples and squeezed and pulled.
“Squeeze harder,” Josh asked as he looked Bben in the eyes, his own fingers still attached to Ben’s chest, but now twisting the pinched nipples, “that’s it, pull as well, more, go on. Ooohhh, that’s good.”
They stood together, pulling, twisting for a few more minutes. Josh then released Ben, Ben followed suite.
“Well?” Josh asked, “How did that feel?”
Ben reached with his own right hand for his left nipple and felt it.
“It’s sensitive, much more than normal, but that was good,” he laughs and add “I could feel it in my cock too, like they are connected somehow.”
“Yep, they must be. Works with girls and their pussies too. Have you got a new girlfriend yet?”
“Been out with a couple, but not a regular one where we have sex, got a blowjob off one though, liked that, otherwise it’s just being wanked off and feeling her up.”
Josh came to Ben again, this time he unfastened his jeans, pulled his zip down and reached into his pants. He was obviously hard in the cramped confines of his jeans, his skin damp, almost sweaty, sticky enough to make it tricky for Josh to extract his penis and testicles.
“Let’s get you out of these,” Josh said tugging at the sides of Ben’s hips to lower his jeans and pants.
Ben joined in and very soon a teenager’s hard cock sprung upright and two oval shaped balls hung in their smooth sac. Ben’s small area of neatly trimmed pubes looked as they had before. Josh took the initiative and reached for his shaft and pulled down on it to reveal shiny but moist glans. After a half dozen up and down strokes he then reached for and felt Ben’s bollocks, rolling them round and round, a light tug here, a modest squeeze there.
It clearly had the desired effect. Ben smiled and let out a soft moan of delight.
“You now.” he said to Josh.
Josh moved himself to Ben, wanting him to get his cock out.
Ben did just as expected, reaching out and unbuckling Josh’s belt, pulling his fly open and reaching for his hips too.
Josh too sprung up as both briefs and jeans passed his bell end, bending his shaft down.
Both young men were now naked. Hands went to each other’s cocks, working them up and down in a sort of backwards wank, not the easiest things to do well, but a good start to a mutual masturbation session.
Josh decided to chat to Ben, he seemed to like that as the two pleasured each other’s bodies and relaxed him more.
“You must be missing getting sex right now,” he said “plenty of wanking.”
“Sure, I get along as long as wank off at least twice a day, though it’s usually three or more times with no sex with a girlfriend.”
“So what’s your favourite sex position with a girl?”
Ben thought briefly, the two continued to cross wank and play with testicles. “I like the girl on top facing me, love to see them riding me, tits bouncing and I love to see my cock going into their pussy, they soon start slamming hard down on me so they get it deep.”
“Yeah, like that too, always like to see where my cock goes up their pussy.”
“I do like a wet pussy, bury my face in it, her, you think girls taste good?”
“Yes, just love how a girl tastes, girls seem to as well. You lick them out then kiss her mouth?” Josh asked, wanting to find out how experienced Ben was.
“Most are OK, I’ve had a couple who turn away or just refuse.”
“Yes, had that too, but my present girlfriend loves her own taste and has even gone down on other girls.”
“Wow, you’re lucky, you seen her having another pussy?”
“Yeah, we had sex with another couple, I went with the guy as well as the other woman.”
“I would love to do it with another couple. Maybe just the two girls but OK with the guys wanking each other.”
The two guys had now settled onto Josh’s bed, legs intertwined and balls close to touching, hands on each other’s penises.
“So, Ben, what’s your number one sex fantasy?”
“I would love to just be watched fucking a girl. At least one other person there as we fuck, not hiding but watching fairly close up, so I can see them watching me, my cock going up the girl.”
“Nice one. I like being watched too. Had that a few times so know exactly how you mean.”
“Some mate of mine has an older brother and he’s watched him fuck whilst the brother wanks.”
Josh moved really close to Ben and now both hard cocks are touching, he gestures to Ben to wank both together. Ben does and Josh leans back watching both their cocks gripped together. It gives him a moment to think.
“I really like wanking both cocks, it feels so good.” Ben says.
“How long you got right now?” Josh asks.
“Plenty, nothing on. Why?”
“I could ask my girlfriend to come over, she might agree to fucking with you whilst I watched.”
“You’re joking, eh?”
“Would you do it? Shall I phone her and ask? She’s due to come here anyway later.”
“Wow, yes, sure.”
Josh senses Ben’s cock soften slightly as his mind flies off elsewhere.
Josh untangles himself from Ben and goes into the lounge to call Beth. He knows she’s at home.
Josh returns, Ben is on the bed still, sitting cross legged, he is erect, his right hand moves slowly on his penis, his hole weeps pre cum.