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Eye opening holiday the finale.

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By *weet.Palpitations OP   Man
44 weeks ago


As my eyes adjusted to the light in the room I could see a rather well toned young man standing in between my legs with his spent cock being slowly wiped clean by a very slender blonde who had a perfectly formed porcelain doll kind of skin complexion who smiled at me as she said. " That was the most erotic experience I've ever had. Thank you so very much."

The guy lifted my ankles from the stir ups as Lisa and Veronica untied my wrists.

As I sat up on the edge of the bed, she leaned in and wrapped her dainty arms around my neck as she slowly tilted her head as her lips touched mine.

Her bright blue eyes slowly closed as our tongues mingling and my hands began to roam around her lower back with one sliding up to her neck as the other slipped down to her firm, round, well toned ass

I stood up, realising I was much taller than her. I quickly scooped both hands under her ass as I puked her up to me.

She instinctively hoped up and wrapped her gorgeous slender legs around my waist as I turned her towards the bed as my cock pressed against her soft wet mound.

" ohhhhh " She exclaimed as I lowered her down gently to the bed as I placed one hand onto it to steady our decent.

Within seconds of us landing on the bed my other free hand guided my cock into her sumptuously silky wet cum filled pussy.

" ohhhh god yes fuck me!" She said as my hips gyrating my cock into her now cascading mixed cum oozed from her swollen pussy lips.

She gripped my hair tightly as her other hand dug her nails into the flesh on my back as my thrusts teased her orgasm with half length strokes that concentrated the head of my cock over her g spot.

Her legs squeezed my waist in an attempt to make me fully shove the remainder of my length into her now aching pussy.

" ohhh god please fuck my pussy hard!" She pleaded.

A few more half strokes and then a full long hard stroke that pressed my crotch up to her clit and my balls slapped her ass.

Then a few more half strokes teasing her yet again.

" ohhhh fuckkk!!!! She bellowed as I again thrust deeply into her.

Alternating between full and half.

" yessss fuckkkk yesssss! " She cried.

Now I could feel her pussy tightening as I glanced down at her abdomen to see it belly dancing below my torso.

" cum for me!" I said as I thrust my cock repeatedly deeply yet slowly into her now as her moans filled the room echoing around like sweet music.

" ohhhh fuck me yeah!" Her fella said as I fucked her.

" She's never cum like that before!"

Her face contorted as her head flails around. Her nails scratching at my flesh as she desperately tries to hang on as wave after wave of her orgasm floods the bed and my cock and balls with our mixed cum.

" ohhh yes that it!" I say as my cock begins to swell as I can feel my orgasm about to peak.

" goodddddd yessssss!" I scream as my balls send shockwaves of my cum

As I'm about to cum.i quickly pulled out of her and manhandled my cock as I spat my pearls all over her belly and as far up as her tits.

her shriek as I came was both one of ecstasy and delight as she rubbed my mess all over her chest and belly.

Lisa,Stacey, and Veronica quickly scooped in and started licking her slender torso as they licked and sucked at her causing her body to writhe beneath me.

My shoulder now was being pulled as I turned to watch the guy drop to his knees as he opens his mouth and looked up at me.

" what a glorious way to end the night!"As he slipped my cock between his lips and sucked my cock clean of the combination of our cum.

" ohhh god you have a gentle mouth" I murmured as I gently guided his head with my hands.

Stacey suddenly says.

" ohhhh fuck it's 4:30!!"

I spun round as Lisa jumped up from the bed and Veronica said.

" I'll go organise the taxi for you." As she ran off.

Stacey and Lisa both kissed our latest fuck buddies as I turned to help the young lass up from the bed." It was an absolute pleasure meeting you." I said. " it's a shame we have to run off."

The young lass smiled at me and said." It's ok Craig we added you as friends on Fab and when we get back we will definitely be getting in contact because this was awesome!"

" ohhhh right!".

Lisa smiled at me." I thought you woukd like them so I told them about our profile!"

" great well enjoy the rest of your holiday. I'll keep a look out for you guys !"

We all pretty much jogged back to the suite and looked at the clothes we had left out.

" thank god for thinking ahead eh?"

The girls both laughed. " Yeah but we really could do with a quick shower!"

I glanced at my watch.

" we have 15 minutes!."

Stacey ran into the shower with Lisa right behind.

" no fucking this time!" I said laughing with giddiness from being sleep deprived.

We quickly got showered and changed into our clothes and I went to grab our bags. Looking back as I watched the girls getting dressed ,Lisa slipped on a flowery summer dress and sandals, as Stacey pulled on a mini skirt and a tshirt and slipped on her trainers.

" ummmm were the fucks our bags?"

Lisa laughed. Veronica had them picked up,they are waiting for us in reception. "

" thank god I thought I was going insane for a second!"

We looked around as I said. "Say swingers." As I took a selfie of us standing in front of the big bed.laughing as we stepped out into the early morning light,

We walked up to reception to Veronica waiting with the taxi.

She hugs me and slips a note into my pocket as she quickly gives me a kiss goodbye.

" read it later " she says as she points to my pocket.

Lisa and Stacey both gave her a hug and kiss as we all got into the taxi.

As I got into the taxi Lisa nudged me." What did she give you?"

" I dunno but it's too dark in here to read it so I'll wait till after we get checked into the airport. "

So we soon got to the airport and we made our way over to the check-in.

Stacey leaned over and whisperes in my ear." I'm so gonna fuck you on this plane, I want to join the mile high club."

I smiled a bloody great grin." Lisa come here."

She walked over smiling." What's up?"

" Stacey recons she wants to join the mile high club." I said quietly.

She squirmed a bit as she smiled back at me." Ohhh, that's just made me wet thinking about it!" In her sweet little innocent voice.

We sat in the boarding seating area when I remembered that note that Veronica had passed me.

I opened it up.

" Craig, thank you for spending so much of your time with me during your stay with the resort.

It's been an absolute pleasure, and if you would be interested in seeing me again after I finish this season working here than please call me on my personal number.

I'd love to join you and your exceptionally fun and vibrant wife Lisa again in a setting where we could take our time and truly enjoy each others company if you know what I mean.

I handed the note to Lisa and asked." So what do you think?"

" I think you had better store that number in your phone....because that's what I'm doing!" She said as she got her phone out.

After putting the number in her phone she then texted me her number." There now you have it too!"

I leaned over and kissed her.

" ummm so can I ask you something?"

" Yeah of course you can!"

" how many new numbers do you have in your phone?"

She swayed back and forth as she clasped her hands together in front of her like a sweet and innocent little good girl as she sheepishly said." Erm....a few."

" a few? And how many is a few?"

" there's Tanya, Beverly, Pete and Steph, Mark,....." she paused for a moment. " and Carlos "

" Yeah I figured as much. Especially considering when we got into the ballroom and started eating off of the naked people you disappeared. "

" ummmm yeah....I saw his cock from across the room so I couldn't resist. "

" and what happened?" I asked as I looked innocently at her.

" oh not much we ended up fucking in that big dark room."

" ohhh I see...so you didn't get tied down to a horse blindfolded and fucked by anyone and everyone as you sucked on some rather delicious cocks.?"

" ermmmmmm maybe....wait...delicious cock??? Oh my god that first cock I sucked and then someone slapped my ass!!!"

I laughed so hard as I nodded.

" ohhhh my god I had no idea it was you!"

" Yeah well I though you had laid your pussy on my mouth when I was blindfolded and then I heard your voice and realised it wasn't you sat on my face!"

She laughed as she leaned over to me." That was the plan."

Our flight started boarding and we got on the plane.our seats were right at the back of the plane so we got on pretty much first.

To my surprise the flight was pretty empty as the closest people were at least 6 rows up.

I reached over and slid my hands up both of thier thighs as they were sat either side of me.

When my left hand reached Lisa's pussy I felt her warm and rapidly getting wetter flesh.i leaned over and kissed her gently then said." Oh you are a good naughty little minx."

My right hand slid up to a clean pair of red lacey silk g string panties that Stacey was wearing.

" oh you need to slip those off now!" I said as I turned to kiss her.

She quickly hooked her thumbs into the waistband and slipped them off and handed them to me." You can keep these as i don't have any pockets!"

I smiled and stuffed them into my back pocket as Lisa unzipped my trousers and realised I was commando. " ohhh your a very naughty boy!" She said as her nimble fingers soon had my cock in hand.

" we are taxying to the runway now.and I want to make you both cum when we take off!" I said as I started fingering both of thier now sopping wet pussies.

Lisa still wanking my cock as Stacey's hand now came over my arm to help Lisa.

" and we want you to cum too!"

Stacey said.

I looked over to her as my fingers feverishly worked on her now swelling clit.

" oh my god I'm cum well before we take off!"Stacey muttered as she gripped onto the armrest.

So I backed off my right hands actions and slowly circled her clit as Lisa started panting hard.

Her hand now barely stroking my cock so I knew she was close to orgasm.

I felt the plane turn onto the runway and stop.

" oh here it comes, get ready ladies!"

As the engines roared to life the whole cabin started to shake slightly as the captain pushed his throttle to full power.

At the same time both my hands went into overdrive as my fingers now buried 2 fingers in each of my ladies pussies as my palms rubbed on thier clits with a fair amount of pressure.

Lisa had to bite her arm so she didn't scream out as her pussy gushed as she came just as the plane started to thrust down the runway.

Stacey leaned over and bit my shoulder to do the same as she too gushed from the sudden g forces her body experienced.

My fingers fluttered thier pussies hardcase fast as the nose of the plane pointed upwards and we took flight.

" ohhhh my god!!!!" Lisa blurted out as Stacey moaned loudly into my shoulder.

I pulled my fingers dripping from thier pussies and gave them each a gentle wet slap as I removed my hand from their crotch's.

I looked both ways at them watching them enjoying the g forces as we climbed into the sky.

" ohhh fuck I need a towel!" Stacey said as she realised how wet her seat was.

" its fine once we are at cruising altitude we can all move up a row." I said cheekily.

Lisa started laughing.

" I feel sorry for whoever has to sit in my seat after we get off this plane!"

At that we all burst out laughing.

Other passengers started looking back at us as we were all in fits of giggles and outright laughter.

Lisa now more in control of herself started to stroke my cock properly.

" ohhh damn it...you didn't cum!" She suddenly realised.

" believe me it's fine.i got almost as much pleasure from making you both cum on take off..besides I thought you wanted to join the mile high club?"

" ohhh I do..."

" it was my idea so I get to fuck him first!" Stacey said abruptly but with a smile.

Lisa looked at her." And he is MY husband so I'll take him first if I want!"

" wooooh girls settle down.its gonna be a while yet until we are able to take off our seat belts!" I said.

" right the closest one to guess what number I'm thinking of between 1 and 100 wins."

Lisa said." 69"

Stacey looked at me." For fucks sake I was gonna say that."

" OK then plan b.

As your both sat in already soaked seats.the first one to make themselves squirt wins."

Lisa looked at me for a second. I then looked over to Stacey who had already started fingering her pussy like a woman on a mission..

I looked back to Lisa. She gazed at Stacey's hand as her fingers furiously fucked herself. I watched as my wife who didn't normally wank herself off got down to business with her pussy.

I noticed that Stacey had her head back and eyes closed but Lisa was transfixed on watching Stacey's hand actions as she brought herself off rather quickly.

Her lip was being nibbled as her eyes had that oh god please fuck me look to them as she started tweaking her nipple now too.

I couldn't help but to watch as my wife started cumming hard from watching Stacey's masterbacion .

Her abdomen fluttering hard now as I could start to hear the tell tale signs as her pussy began to squelch. " ohhhh yeah babe that's it" I said as I could now see her squirting onto her palm.

Stacey started to moan as she too started to squirt into her palm.

" ohhh that's incredible you both came nearly at the same time!"

Lisa looked at me,still panting from her orgasm." Did I do it?"

" yes babe you came 1st."

Stacey reached over and took Lisa's hand and pulled it up to her lips.

Her tongue lapped at her fingers as she smiled." Oh yeah Lisa, I think you won that round!"

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By *aidbackcpleCouple
44 weeks ago

nr stockton

wow. this has been awesome

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By *weet.Palpitations OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"wow. this has been awesome


Thank you very much.

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By *untooMan
44 weeks ago


This is such a brilliant story. I hope there’s more

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By *olarMan
44 weeks ago


Really great have thoroughly enjoyed this

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By *D123Man
44 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *xeterman1Man
44 weeks ago

weston super mare

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By *rgar27Man
44 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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By *unningtongueMan
44 weeks ago


Fabulous, well written story. Thanks for posting.

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By *af105Man
44 weeks ago


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By *reland8Man
44 weeks ago


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By *D123Man
43 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
43 weeks ago


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By *ifunKA2022Couple
43 weeks ago


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By *ree diverMan
43 weeks ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
43 weeks ago


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By *ndecidedjMan
43 weeks ago

barton le clay/Harrow

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By *ersey GentMan
43 weeks ago

St Peter

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By *rogalCouple
43 weeks ago


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By *oyntzMan
43 weeks ago

all over Ireland

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By *cubasexMan
43 weeks ago


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By *atesey68Man
43 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
43 weeks ago


What an absolutely amazing story from start to finish. Thanks for sharing your story

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By *rgasmdonorMan
43 weeks ago


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By *xxxdMan
43 weeks ago


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By *weet.Palpitations OP   Man
43 weeks ago


I could tell they were both itching to be able to not only get thier seat belts off so they could move around a bit but also to swap seats in another row as thier seats were saturated.

When the captain finally announced we could move about the cabin Lisa almost jumped up from her seat.

" I'm going to the loo. You had better follow me quickly "

She said as she got off here seat looked back down and giggled as she pointed to the mess she or should I say we left on it.

I watched as she walked slowly down the Isle to the toilet.

Stacey looked at me.

" please save me some of that cock because I'm sooo wet for you right now."

" I just hope no one else needs the toilet for the next 30 mins...


Stacey looked at me.

" only 3o mins?"

" well you know I'm just guessing as to how long your both going to need to cum up here."

" ohhh god not long at all...you had better go and get stuck into Lisa. I'll wait for her to come out.then I'll knock on the door."

" OK. I'll unlock it but wait for you to open the door, at least that way I won't be inviting some random person into the loo."

" oh that could be fun!"

" Yeah but we aren't at the resort anymore are we?"

" oh yeah...I forgot about that...back to reality again eh."

" yup" I said as I got up and headed to the toilet.

I knocked on the door and Lisa opened it.

Standing there with her dress on the floor.

As soon as I stepped into the cubicle she started to unzip my trousers and released my cock.

I unbuttoned my trousers as they dropped to my ankles.

I locked the door as she turned with her sexy pert little ass poised for me as she bent over the sink.

I lifted one of her legs up and she resting her foot on the toilet.

As I guided my cocks head up to her sweet wet entrance we hit some turbulence and she gasped as she landed on my cock with a thud.

Luckily her pussy was already very well lubricated from our take off cum fest.

Her low moans slowly built as my hips pumped my oaken shaft deeply into her voluptuously naughty hungry pussy as she clenched on my cock with sporadic tension as her orgasm built higher.

" you gotta be quiet babe!" I said as I fucked her harder from behind as my hands gripped her hip and steadying myself on the bulkhead because of the turbulence.

Her whimpers now just whispers as she bit down on her forearm as we both had our feet leave the floor during one of the judders from the turbulence.

" ohhh fuckkkk that's good." I said as she gasped and moaned loudly from the zero g feeling plus my cock being buried deep inside of her.

As our feet hit the floor her legs gave out a little which properly shoved my cock further into her achingly pulsating pussy as she gushed so hard the floor became slippery.

Our feet both spread apart as her hips sank yet again onto my cock as I hung onto her to try and keep us both standing.

" ohhh my god!!! She murmured as she came again and again.

She slowly pulled off my cock.turned around and we kissed.

" I've got to go sit down...that was amazing!!!"

I quickly bent down and picked up her dress as she quickly slipped it over her head and we swapped places as she unlocked the door and stepped into the Isle.

While she was walking back to her seat I quickly tried to mop up her cum from the floor with the hand towels and flushed them away.

I then sat on the toilet and waited for the knock.

I didn't wait long until I heard the knock and I unlocked it.

There was a pause and then the door opened. The stewardess standing there in the open doorway looking at my hard cock pointing up between my thighs as I starred back mortified smiled and said.

" ohhh joining the mile high club are we?"

Before I could utter a single word she looked me in the eyes and said.

"I'm afraid your going to have to wait because the captain has turned on the seat belt sign because of the turbulence. "

And as she said that last word the plane rocked and she fell into the toilet with me.

Her face laying on my bare thigh with my cock literally pressed against her face.

I reached down to help her up as she put her hands up on my thighs as she lifted her head up from my lap.

" oh shit are you alright?"

I asked as she started to get up.

Another jolt had her up on her feet with ease as I lifted off the toilet seat from the turbulence. The toilet door slammed shut as she quickly spun round and suddenly sat on my lap.

" well it looks like today is your lucky day!"

She quickly pulled her panties down and as the turbulence caused us to once again catch air in the toilet cubicle she braced herself against me with the handrails.

" it's safer for us if we just ride this out in here for now so we might as well enjoy ourselves. "

She lifted her ass up as she quickly guided my cock into her pussy as we again went into zero g for a few seconds.

" hold onto my waist as I brace against the wall with my feet and hang onto the handrails.

I wrapped my arms around her fairly slender waistline as her body braced us against the sudden down draughts of the turbulence.

" ohhh god yeah your definitely joining the mile high club today!"

As the first down draught lifted her up my cock and then she slammed hard down onto it.

" ohhh god I love turbulence!!!" She moaned loudly. Her breasts bouncing around as we both moved with the actions of the plane.

Her hips raised up and down on my cock as we had moments of stillness .

" ohhh fuck yeah I needed this!" She exclaimed as she rode my cock reverse cowgirl style.

" ohhh god I need you to fuck me hard!!!"

She said as she suddenly stood up.

She loked at me with such desire that it was obvious she wanted me to bend her over.

I stood up as she shifted around me and assumed the position.

I fed my cock into her as she fingered her clit hard.

" now fuck me hard!!!!" She nearly shouted as my hips pumped my cock deeply into her soft and now very wet pussy.

I grabbed ahold of her skirt and pulled it up exposing the full round ass of hers as my groin was slapping against it.

I watched as the ripples cascaded up her ass from every push as my balls slapped her fingers as she furiously fingered her clit.

" ohhh yessss." she cried as her orgasm started.

My own orgasm started to flow from my cock as I watched this pretty little stewardess cumming from my cock mid flight.

" ohh god!!!" I exclaimed as my cock sent waves of my hit wet mess into her.

She could feel my cock pulsating inside her which made her cum even harder." Ohhh fuck yes....cum in my cunt!"

A few more thrusts for good measure and I started to pull my cock from between her lips.

" ohhhh god thank you I so needed a good fuck!" She said as she quickly pulled her panties back up and sorting out her skirt and uniform.

" I'll leave then you wait a few minutes and then you can head back to your seat if you don't mind."

" ummm thanks and yeah sure!"

She unlocked the door and left.

After I got myself sorted and dressed again I left the toilet and headed back to my seat.

" where the hell have you been?" Lisa asked smiling.

" ummm I thought Stacey had knocked so I unlocked the door and it was the stewardess!"

" ohhh fuck so what happened?"

The turbulence knocked her into the toilet and shut the door with her face laying on my cock!"

" ohhh you didn't did you?!!!"

" She asked if I was wanting to join the mile high club and then she just turned slipped her panties down and sat on my cock for the duration of the turbulence!"

Stacey laughed. " your a fucking jammy bastard!!! "

" so is her cum still on your cock now?"

" ermmm yeah I think so!"

Lisa quickly laid over and unzipped my flies and started sucking my cock.

" ohhh fuck you did fuck her!"

Stacey looked over and said.

" I do hope there's time for us to fuck!"

I smiled at her as that stewardess walked to us sitting at the back of the plane.

She leaned on and whisperes in my ear." If you want to fuck your friend in the rear galley I'll keep watch!"

She stood up and started walking to the rear galley.

I grabbed Stacey's hand." Cmon I'm gonna fuck you in the rear galley. "

We both got up and headed to the back of the plane and as soon as we were behind the curtains she closed them.

" be quick but have fun!" She said as I pulled up her mini skirt and bent her over.

She spread her legs to give her a stable base as I eased my cock into her from behind. She clung onto the handrails as my hips pounding her from behind.

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By *untooMan
43 weeks ago


Fantastic. What a trip home

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By *cubasexMan
43 weeks ago


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By *igharryMan
43 weeks ago


Bookmark. Very well written

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By *oyntzMan
43 weeks ago

all over Ireland

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By *duk70Man
43 weeks ago


love it

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By *rgar27Man
43 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

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By *ushin boundariesCouple
43 weeks ago


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By *af105Man
43 weeks ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
43 weeks ago



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By *otscottishMan
43 weeks ago

north east

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By *lderWiserNowMan
43 weeks ago



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By *eeker of pleasureMan
43 weeks ago


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By *rgasm4u69Man
43 weeks ago


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By *ersey GentMan
43 weeks ago

St Peter

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By *onesy261985Man
43 weeks ago


Absolutely amazing read can’t wait for more from this couple +1 and see where the adventures take them next

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By *he-ProfessorMan
43 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
43 weeks ago

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By *xeterman1Man
43 weeks ago

weston super mare

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By *pagedMan
43 weeks ago


carn't wait for more

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By *attboy107Man
43 weeks ago

Near Bedford

It's good to make new friends

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By *atesey68Man
43 weeks ago


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By *af105Man
43 weeks ago


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By *ean6047Man
43 weeks ago


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By *rgasmdonorMan
42 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
42 weeks ago

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By *olarMan
40 weeks ago


Dam this is a long flight

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By *D123Man
40 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *oth0712Man
40 weeks ago


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By *liss and ShotmasterCouple
36 weeks ago


One of the best I've read. Just waiting for the finale...

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By *tio_oyMan
36 weeks ago

Amsterdam Holland

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By *rManyhandsMan
8 weeks ago


Loved this story

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