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Chat up his partner

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
51 weeks ago

travel with work

Dave (everyone knows a Dave) always liked the idea of a guy chatting up his partner whilst they were out on the town, she has massive hang ups about her figure but she’s still his favourite porn star!

Would it be a huge confidence boost for her, or would she run for the hills, perhaps it might open the door of her becoming a hot wife, who knows but with a night of the town at the weekend had Dave’s mind going into overdrive!

With a youngster at home having time to themselves had been hard, usual family stuff and day to day life meant that date nights were scarce, and whilst they still enjoyed a good sex life, there was so much more they both wanted, they had toys, whips, blindfolds, bed restraints, all manner of kinky adult play things, what they lacked was a sound proof room with a lock on the door, so they resorted to late night quickies when they weren’t falling asleep watching TV, all the will was there during the day with naughty text messages and flirting in the daytime, but parenting is hard, and exhausting!

Dave had been on the swinging scene for years before he met his partner, and hadn’t dabbled ever since their first date, but that ache to see her with another man had always been at the back of his mind, they would joke about her flirting with male colleagues, but she always got to a point and went cold at the thought of someone seeing her naked, with her mum figure and battle scars of a complicated labour, but he knew deep down there was a vixen waiting to be unleashed upon the world!

With her best interest in mind (and to be fair a chunk of his own sexual desire) he opened a private browser and typed in fabs website, surely his account wouldn’t still be active? Could he even remember the password? But sure enough, be was in!!…..

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By *ll the gear.....Couple
51 weeks ago

Town north of Notts

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
51 weeks ago

travel with work

Jess was having another crappy day at work, death by Excel was numbing her brain until her phones screen flashed into life, a WhatsApp from Phil who she knew was in the office and a few desks behind her “you look stressed, how about a massage?” It read, she typed back “would love one, but I prefer them when I’m naked” she had no real interest in Phil, but she loved flirting with the guys in the office, it was one of the few perks of a junior accountant, that and seeing young guys in suits every day.

She had always been a very chatty, bubbly person, knew everyone and would always make time to talk to people in the office, even the ones she didn’t really like, but this confident happy face masked a sadness, she hated the way she looked, she blamed the small human that had ruined her figure, and whilst she was never a size 10, she never minded being a size 14… perhaps 16 if she was honest with herself, but now she would give anything to be a size 16 again, the baby tummy would snap back in a few months she was told, her tummy clearly didn’t get the memo, so when the guys in the office flirted with her it made her feel amazing, right up to the point where the devil on her shoulder would remind her what she looked like naked and that would be that, what tingling had started deep inside her pussy with fantasies of being fucked in the stationary cupboard we’re quickly replaced by an arid desert.

She had been quite the lad magnet during her time at uni, all manner of parties, boys, even girls, even two boys, but she had left that life behind, it’s just what you do when your young right? Now with a mortgage, a baby and a man who was so perfect she often thought he must have been gay, or a serial killer, she had resided herself to normality, with a dose of flirting to break up the monotony of the working day.

Her phone flashed again, Phil clearly wasn’t giving up, but it was Dave “my mum can babysit, we’re going out on the town!! As it’s the first time in 6 months we should take full advantage, I dare you not to wear any knickers!!” She rolled her eyes and text back “you dirty bugger! But your on!”

She put the phone down just as Phil walked past, “somethings made you blush” he said, “just my fella being dirty again” she told him and got back to her Excel spreadsheets

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By *yrman57Man
51 weeks ago


Excel lent !!!

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By *cotty909Man
51 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
51 weeks ago

travel with work

Dave was in, the familiar Home Screen of fab popped up, not much had changed over the last 6 years so he quickly found the forums and was on the hunt for a social, he had no intention of arranging a meet with some random guy who would probably “be called into work” last minute so he figured the best way to make his fantasy come true was to be near or with swingers.

After scrolling for a few mins he found one in a town about 20 mins from their house, even better it was happening that weekend, he messaged the organisers explaining he wanted to introduce Jess to swinging, her body issues etc, sat back and waited for a reply, hoping that his last verification being 6 years old didn’t make the recipient hit the delete button.

He didn’t have to wait long, the reply was in his inbox within 5 mins explaining the location, the usual reminder it’s not a sexual meet and the phone number of the organisers to confirm on the day.

Dave’s cock was throbbing at the thought this might actually be happening! Until he remembered he still needed a babysitter! Thankfully a quick call to his mum and a promise of a fridge full of rosé and that was sorted.

He reached for his phone and text Jess “my mum can babysit, we’re going out on the town!! As it’s the first time in 6 months we should take full advantage, I dare you not to wear any knickers” he toyed with the idea of not including the last bit, but what the hell, he was nursing a semi and it might make her horny in work.

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By *ohnny4playMan
51 weeks ago


Very promising start, great introduction to what is in the characters heads and how they are feeling, more please

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By *uvs2snogMan
51 weeks ago


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By *ary1001xMan
51 weeks ago


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By *abrina59TV/TS
51 weeks ago

submissive land

many here will understand thats how many wifes feel about themselves even though as Husbands we tell them every day how wonderful, gorgeous & sexy they are.

They need to hear it from others.

Look forward to more

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
51 weeks ago

travel with work

"many here will understand thats how many wifes feel about themselves even though as Husbands we tell them every day how wonderful, gorgeous & sexy they are.

They need to hear it from others.

Look forward to more"

Very true!!

Thanks for the comments, not really done a story before so bare with me!

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
51 weeks ago

travel with work

Lunchtime arrived so Jess decided to take a walk to the deli just down the road, she was in a world of her own, placed her order and waiting for her coffee she jumped out of her skin when Phil tapped her on her shoulder, “shit a brick Phil! You almost made me wee!!” She blurted out in the busy shop without thinking “always had you down as a squirter” Phil quietly replied to her, little did he know! She really should have followed the pelvic floor advice she was given!

“Any plans for the weekend?” She asked, changing the subject as quickly as she could!

“Just heading into town Saturday to meet some friends, you?” Phil answered.

“We’re heading into town too, we have a rare date night” Jess answered.

“Ooooo someone’s getting lucky then!”

“Bloody hope so! But we will probably be back by 10 and fall asleep” Jess joked “perhaps we should meet up at some point” she suggested.

“I don’t think it’s your scene” he replied.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to be a D&D dungeon master and your ashamed of your geeky mates” Jess was mocking him, Phil had got all defensive once when they were talking about stranger things, turned out he used to play D&D and Jess had never let him forget it.

“Seriously? You’re still on about that!” He sarcastically replied “perhaps we should meet up, I’ll be in The Stag most of the night, you might even enjoy it”

“Well that sounds like an offer I don’t think me or Dave could pass up, a few shandy’s with you and your geeks” little did she know!

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By *akbearMan
50 weeks ago


Loving this.

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By *portbilly1976Man
50 weeks ago


Very promising

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By *j and c 2Couple
50 weeks ago


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By *cotty909Man
50 weeks ago


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By *cotty909Man
50 weeks ago


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By *2spikeMan
50 weeks ago


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By *ynamo301Man
50 weeks ago

North West

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By (user no longer on site)
50 weeks ago

More please

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By *tirlingshire matureMan
50 weeks ago


Love seeing wife get chatted up

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By *ichard7Man
50 weeks ago

Southeast Kent, Marden.

Looking forward to hearing more

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By *igerman23Man
50 weeks ago



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By *lymouth nice guyMan
50 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
50 weeks ago

travel with work

No sooner had the clock hit 5 Jess closed her laptop and almost sprinted to the doors, the thought of a night off parenting duty and flirting with Phill had resulted in an itch that had to be scratched.

She made it home in record time, Lewis Hamilton had nothing on a girl with needs like hers, dumping her bags in the hall she dashed upstairs, opened her bedside draw and found just what she was Looking for, her black magic wand, and boy was it magic!!

She got comfy on the bed, hitched her skirt up, pulled her white knickers down to her knees, switched the wand onto low and placed the head of the wand on her already wet clit, knowing the effect her wand had on her she knew the low setting would do the trick given how wet she already was.

The powerful vibrations pulsated through her clit, up into her stomach, waves of pleasure crashed over her as she positioned the wand just at the right spot, her mind wandered to Going out for drinks with no knickers on, if people would notice, if Phill would notice.

She moved the head of her wand down to her pussy hole and pushed the tip gently inside her tight pussy, she loved how it sounded now she was really wet, the pulsations now flowing through her bum and deep inside her pussy.

Just as she was about to cum her phone rang and snapped her back to the real world, whoever that is can fuck right off, she thought and moved the head of the wand back to her clit to get back that moment, but it rang again, BUGGER! She thought, panicking slightly thinking it could be the nursery calling with some emergency, switching off the wand she grabbed her phone.

Phil’s face with an option to answer or decline greeted her, she was tempted to decline but then thought she may have forgotten something at work so she answered, “you ok? You left the office like your hair was on fire” he asked, she wanted to say, you have just ruined a perfectly good orgasm to as if I’m ok?? “yep all good, just had something to take care of” she said, her voice slightly breaking as she spoke “sounds like it was very important” shit, it was almost like he knew exactly what she was just doing, she lay back on the bed and moved her fingers to her clit, “oh it was, but I haven’t managed to finished it yet” she replied, taking a pause that was just too long between sentences “anything I could help with” he asked innocently, but with enough emphasis for her to know that he knew full well that she had to do, “no, no, it’s fine, I can manage it myself” she replied, she told him, her breathing slightly quickening as her fingers expertly massaged her clit “no problem, I’ll leave you too it then” he said, ”mmhum” was all she could manage to reply back as the orgasm crashed through her body “I’ll hopefully see you tomorrow night then” Phill said and she hung up, unable to speak as she let out a “oh fuck! I needed that!” Just as the call went dead.

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By *duk70Man
50 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
50 weeks ago

travel with work

Dave arrived home and was greeted by a very happy Jess, giddy to find out what they the plan was for Saturday, Dave tried to play it cool by saying they can just go for something to eat and then wherever the evening takes them, Jess mentioned Phil and his invite to the Stag, Daves heart stopped, that was the venue of the social!! Trying to keep his composure he just managed a “yeh I’m sure we could drop in at some point”

Shit, was Phil a swinger? Did he know what swinging was and was just there innocently, was him being there going to ruin his plans, he had met Phil once at a work night out with Jess, whilst he was a bit flirty with her he never seemed to be “that” type, but Dave had been out of the scene so long perhaps his Fab-dar was wearing off.

Jess was really horny, once the kiddo was asleep she was already hatching a plan, slipping into the bedroom she whipped off her knickers before going back downstairs where Dave had some series on Netflix ready, but Jess had other plans, no bing watching TV tonight! She asked him about his text earlier and his request for her to not wear any knickers, “fuck yes! He said, would be so horny if you didn’t wear any!” He said.

“So kinda like this?” Jess replied and spun round, bent over and lifted her dress up showing Dave she had left her knickers in the bedroom “FUCK ME!” Exclaimed Dave “oh iff you insist” replied Jess and pulling her cheeks apart as an invitation for Dave.

Dave wasted no time, kneeling down he started licking Jess’s pussy whilst she was still bent over, flicking her clit with his tongue then pushing his tongue deep inside her cunt, his nose up against her arse as she pulled her bum cheeks wider.

“Christ your wet!” Dave said, “I’ve been thinking about you all day” Jess replied, leaving out the part where she was also thinking about Phil too, and making herself cum, whilst he was on the phone, but that seemed irrelevant right now as Dave went back to licking her clit making her knees tremble…

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By *1sexypairCouple
50 weeks ago


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By *ountrygent90Man
50 weeks ago


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By *imetomingleMan
50 weeks ago


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By *ancsUpForFunMan
50 weeks ago


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By *ilbert4450Man
50 weeks ago


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By *oyntzMan
50 weeks ago

all over Ireland

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By *groot20Couple
50 weeks ago


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By *duk70Man
50 weeks ago


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By *dressagainTV/TS
50 weeks ago


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By *portbilly1976Man
50 weeks ago


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By *nthony692020Man
50 weeks ago


Cracking story

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By *usty kayWoman
50 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
50 weeks ago

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By (user no longer on site)
50 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
50 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
49 weeks ago

travel with work

Sorry for the delay, work is manic at the mo, hopefully carry on soon

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
49 weeks ago

travel with work

With Jess bent over Dave started to lick her pussy, she was practically dribbling, the horny bitch he thought as he hungrily sucked on her pussy lips and flicked his tongue over Jess’s clit, he slipped a finger into her tight cunt as Jess moaned with pleasure, using his thumb to massage her clit at the same time, her arse looked so inviting, it had always been the forbidden fruit, Jess was not into anal at all but in that moment Dave saw an opportunity, withdrawing his finger from her hole but continuing to rub her clit he tongues her cunt then slowly, ram his tongue up and lightly flicked it over her arse hole, so far so good, no reaction, he repeated the process, this time swirling his tongue around her arse, Jess pulled away slightly but moaned, a third attempt, what’s the worse she could do? Her breathing and moaning was getting quicker and louder.

Dave once again tongued her cunt, a bit longer this time, Jess was loving it, rocking back and forth now steadying herself on the fire place, he started to rub her clit faster as he knew she was close, at the same time slowly he ran his tongue back up to her arse hole, quickening his movements on her clit, he circled her arse once again and flicked her opening with his tongue, just as he did Jess pushed back, as her puckered arse hole started to twitch as she screamed out “oh fuck yes!!” Daves hand was noticeably wet and he pulled away, Jess had well and truly cum, soaking his hand as she squirted.

She knelt down, before her legs gave way, her heart beating and coming down from her second orgasm in an hour, without turning to face Dave she said, “I know what you were doing you naughty boy…… I think I liked it!!”

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

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By *ton_maleMan
49 weeks ago


This is great!

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By *ormladMan
49 weeks ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *race_cpl6665Couple
49 weeks ago


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By *andyandmickCouple
49 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

Please carry on, this is a great story x

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

Very nice

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
49 weeks ago

travel with work

Friday dragged, Dave and Jess both had Saturday on their mind, Dave was trying to think of a way to get Jess to the location of the social, Jess had spent all day Friday teasing Phil about meeting his geeky friends, and also wondering how best to suggest the Stag as a good idea.

Friday night after a few glasses of wine Jess took the plunge, “so a couple of people from work might be in town tomorrow” she made the comment as throw away as she could “You wanna meet up with them?” Asked dave, knowing Jess was a bit of a flirt with some of her work colleagues, “could do, but they are starting off at The Stag, but it’s a bit out of the way” she said, almost giving Dave an easy way to say no.

Realising Dave hadn’t answered she looked at him and said “The Stag…. But it’s a bit out of the way right?” Dave’s head was in overdrive, does she know where this social was taking place and this was some sort of test? Was it purely coincidence? Was any of her work colleagues swingers? We’re any of his photos on fab easily identifiable?

“Errr nah, should be fine” said Dave, realising he had paused for far too long, “wow, don’t sound too enthusiastic to meet my work friends” Jess joked, “yeh sorry, I was just thinking you better wear some knickers then” dave replied just about rescuing the conversation, “bugger that! You know what I’m like when I’ve had a few drinks!” Jess said “you never know when we might get an opportunity for a bit of naughtiness, down some dark alleyway perhaps!” Daves heart was pounding, suddenly his amazing plan was going sideways, from hopefully introducing Jess to people in the lifestyle, to meeting work friends, is that all they were? The Stag was a big pub, and the social was in the upstairs function room so surely it was just a coincidence?

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By *ton_maleMan
48 weeks ago


Please continue

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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

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By *ortheastcoupleukCouple
48 weeks ago

easington were the sun dont shine

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By *amsiMan
48 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
48 weeks ago


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By *xyBs2022Couple
48 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

Great story, loving it so far

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

Sorry folks, I’ll get back on this soon x

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By *rmbtsTV/TS
48 weeks ago


Loving this so much and bringing back some memories along the way

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By *axixxxMan
48 weeks ago


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By *un24.7Man
48 weeks ago

South Devon

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By *j and c 2Couple
48 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

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By *lymouth nice guyMan
48 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

Fantastic story!

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By *ricky09Man
48 weeks ago


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By *rowsing86Man
48 weeks ago

North west

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By *ifelover888Man
48 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

Saturday arrived, Dave couldn’t get the thought of Jess’s work friend either finding out about the lifestyle or being in it, if he was in it would Jess be more inclined to get more involved with swinging? Dave had never met Phill, all he knew was he was younger than them, but that didn’t concern him.

Jess on the other hand was wondering if she could be a good girl with a few drinks and Phill in close proximity and not in a work setting, their last work do she had ended up dancing with him and ended the night with a semi d*unken snog, would Dave find out about that? She doubted he would be concerned, he knew she was a flirt and it wasn’t as if they had had sex, her mind wandered to what Phil’s cock would be like, she vaguely remembered it being quite a bulge.

With this in mind she picked out a black dress that had a lace back, short enough but not too short to cause any embarrassment, a pair of hold ups, though she hated her body, her legs had always been her best feature, a red bra that she saved for special occasions that you could just make out through the lace on the back of the dress, she went to get the matching knickers, paused, considered not wearing any, but then a filthy though popped into her mind, what if she went out with her knickers on, but didn’t come home with them… that’s exactly what she would do…

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By *andyandmickCouple
48 weeks ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS
48 weeks ago


Waiting eager to read the next part

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

Waiting for their Uber the air was strangely tense, both Dave and Jess had only had one pre drink both trying to find things to say, neither wanting to raise suspicions unaware they both had ulterior motives this date night.

On the way Dave broke the silence in the cab by suggesting she text Phill to see what time he was getting into town, at the same time he made the excuse of texting his mum to check the little one was ok, but he logged into fab confirming with the host they were attending, reminding them this was their first time and Jess wasn’t aware it was a swingers event, but just wanted her to be with people that might make her feel good about herself again, he could always bottle it last min!

Arriving at the Stag Daves heart was pounding, it’s just the Stag he reminded himself, a pub they had been to many times before, Jess had perked herself up a bit and was determined to take it slow with the drinks tonight, keep composed, just tipsy she told herself.

They got a round in and Dave made the excuse of needing the loo, he quickly checked fab and the host had replied “no problem, it’s only a social, just friends with a similar interest meeting for a drink, we’re not going to ask you to strip so we can see your goods! I’m wearing a red hoodie, black jeans, we’re starting at 9, you won’t be able to miss me” that sounds reasonable Dave though, his nerves calming a little, it’s just normal people meeting for drinks… I just need to go talk to them with Jess… she talks to anyone right!

8:12 45 mins, time to settle the last of the nerves and get a drink! Returning to Jess Dave was scoping the pub, no red hoodie, still time, he found Jess sat near the doors as the bar was filling up a little, he settled down and swiftly drank half his pint, “thirsty are we?” Jess asked, “well it seems I’m playing catch up” he answered “who were you looking for?” What is this 20 questions? Dave thought “ just having a look to see if we might know anyone, anyhow, where’s your mate? Stood you up?” Making this very quickly not about him “he said he’s on his way, should be here in about 20 mins” “I’ll finally get to see your work husband then!” The air felt a lot more relaxed now, the drinks were definitely helping as Jess had finished hers so Dave went back to the bar for another round

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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

More please x

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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple
48 weeks ago

Co Antrim

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

With another round of drinks Dave and Jess started to relax, Dave realised he had been so preoccupied he hadn’t commented on how hot Jess was looking “you have dressed to impress tonight haven’t you!, exactly what are you wearing?” He asked, the quickly consumed alcohol giving him extra confidence “well… I didn’t take your advice” Jess replied “I’m a lady after all” she said, but two porn star martinis were quickly making her less of a lady, more a vixen on the prowl as she in crossed her legs and opened them as she adjusted her seating position towards Dave, her dress riding up just enough for Dave to catch a flash of her red knickers before she re crossed her legs, the hold ups sending tingles as her legs moved against each other.

“Very nice! But not very lady like” Dave said, as he stroked her leg, his cock throbbing in his pants, “they won’t be on by the time we get home” with his only thought of finding somewhere later that night to have his way with her “I certainly hope not” replied Jess, there it was, that spark of sexual energy that Jess had always had, but her body always then reminded her she was now a mum, and the evidence was there for the world to see, but tonight, she didn’t care, she knew Dave adored her, and her personality was enough to kick that negative voice out of her mind that night, she felt sexy, she knew her partner thought she was sexy, and Phil she was sure though she was too, that was enough for her.

Dave checked his phone, 9:34, Phil was late, no matter he was out out with his sexy wife, and she was on form so he would be having a great night either way, Jess suddenly smiled, not at Dave, “Phil’s just arrived, he’s just talking to someone at the bar, that’s him” she said pointing and waving, Dave turned round, looking for someone he didn’t know, the only person he saw in a now very busy bar was a guy mid 20’s black jeans, red hoodie, who was waving towards him… wait, he had never send a face pic, didn’t have any on his profile, how the fuck did he know who he….. oh shit!!! His heart was in his throat, Phil wasn’t waving at him, he was waving at Jess, the same Phil who was wearing black jeans and a red hoodie, surely not?

Phil finished his conversation and was now heading toward them, Jess was already out of her seat making her way to him, she hugged him, he hugged her back, a little too long perhaps, Dave was frozen to the spot, his face must have been a picture, his brain going into overdrive, it wasn’t a coincidence, Phil wasn’t just in the lifestyle, he was the host! Shit shit shit!! Bail out, call an Uber, fake a headache, do something to get away quick, but it was too late, Phil was already introducing himself, Dave stammering to speak said “errrr hi, yeh I’m Dave, Jess has told me all about you” Phil had an air of confidence about him “yeh Jess doesn’t shut up about you, your a lucky fella, don’t I know you from somewhere?” Phil asked, with enough of an emphasis on the question Dave was sure he knew exactly who he was “don’t think we have ever met” Dave replied “must be mistaken, you just remind me of someone” Phil said with a wink.

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By (user no longer on site)
48 weeks ago

Mmm. Love this

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By *ancelot1633Man
48 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
48 weeks ago



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By *axixxxMan
48 weeks ago


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By *M1712Man
48 weeks ago


Good this. Cant wait for more

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

Jess headed to the bar for another round of drinks suggesting the boys should get to know each other, sensing Dave was feeling rather awkward Phil broke the silence, “fab pub this isn’t it, you going anywhere else tonight” It was a loaded question, with enough info to make it obvious, without saying so your Dave the swinger, with Jess out of earshot Dave replied “well this is a bit embarrassing, please don’t say anything to Jess” Phil looked straight at Dave and reassured him “mate, don’t worry, it’s a social, and your already sat with about 6 other couples, they are no different to us, we’re just normal people who enjoy sex” he finished the sentence just as Jess arrived back with drinks, two pints and a tactile lemonade she claimed had vodka in to.

“So… where are your geeky mates? I haven’t seen anyone in costume yet” Jess asked Phil, “you only get to see the costumes on a second date” Phil quickly replied, “we have some tables reserved down the bottom end, your welcome to join us, we don’t bite, well not unless you ask” he continued making pretend vampire fangs with his teeth, Jess looked at Dave “should we join them? Or are we heading anywhere else?” By this point Dave was all in, Phil seemed cool, Jess obviously felt comfortable with him, aside from them working together it couldn’t have gone better, “we can stay here for a few with them if you want, we don’t really have plans”

Phil lead the way, Jess followed and Dave was close behind, giving Jess’s arse a good squeeze as they walked through the bar towards a quiet area that had been roped off with a sign saying “private event” Jess spotted it and asked event? “If this is some sort of nerd cult I won’t be happy Phil” Phil stopped, turned round, placed his hand on her arm which sent tingles through her as he looked straight at her and with a tone that made her feel like she was being told off said, “I told you, you might actually like my friends, in fact, I’m sure you will, take a seat they will be here soon” Jess had never seen Phil like that, but she liked it, as he took his arm away and guided her to the seats those tingles had all been diverted straight to her pussy, perhaps he was a magician, it certainly felt he had put a spell on her right then.

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By *axixxxMan
48 weeks ago


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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple
48 weeks ago

Co Antrim

Great story so far. Hope Dave had dressed well for the occasion. Being put off Phil attending a swinging event he has arranged dressed in a hoodie lol.

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

"Great story so far. Hope Dave had dressed well for the occasion. Being put off Phil attending a swinging event he has arranged dressed in a hoodie lol. "
yeh thought that was a bit off topic, I’ll fix it!

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

It was now 9:15, another 2 couples had arrived, Phill greeted the first as if he knew them well, laughing and embracing both husband and wife, the second couple more formally, with a warm smile, a handshake for him, and a one armed hug for her, they sat as far away from everyone as they could, looking slightly worried, they must also be new? As Dave looked back at Phill he was now taking of his red hoodie, under it he had a very close fitting white shirt, and he could clearly see Phil must have worked out, board shoulders, thin waist, strong arms, the sort of body Dave had in his late teens, the hoodie must have been for him and the other new couple as the rest that followed received the same warm reception as the first.

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By *otonfoxMan
48 weeks ago


Please continue

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
48 weeks ago

travel with work

Phil made his way over to Jess and Dave, another couple were with him, “guys, let me introduce you to Sarah and Steve, good friends of mine, and no they have never played D&D” Sarah and Steve both looked at Phil for an explanation but he simply said he would catch up with them later, “what’s D&D?” The couple said almost in unison, Jess started to explain how she teased Phil about his old hobby and that she had though tonight was some sort of geek meet up “oh there’s no one who plays D&D here tonight hun, DP and S&M perhaps” Sarah laughed and gently placed a hand on Jess’s leg, Jess was slightly stunned, did she just hear that correctly? Steve suggested him and Dave should go get the ladies some drinks.

“Did you say DP and S&M?” Jess asked, “well not tonight, this is just a social gathering, but what happens after is whatever happens” Sarah said, “did you not know Phil organised swinging events?” Jess’s face clearly answered this “oh hun, Phil said he knew you well, you’re just his type, and trust me, I know his type! I assumed you had played together?” “Errr no, nothing like that, I flirt with him but, wait, swingers? So you’re…..” Sarah answered for her, “yes hun, we’re all swingers, I’m so sorry, I thought you knew, don’t worry, your in safe hands, nothing happens here unless both parties are happy, some couples will always head into town after and what have you but we’re just here to catch up with friends” Sarah took Jess’s hands in her own, “you look stunning by the way, I’m surprised you haven’t been tempted by Phil, he’s very popular with us mums, he’s always had a thing for as he likes to put it, curvy women” Jess’s mind was in overdrive, Phil’s a swinger, all those times she had been so close to taking things too far, this rooms full of swingers, but they look normal, she had been looking at everyone in the room, all sorts of ages, shapes, nothing like the porn she had watched, with size 8 women and ripped fellas, and she had been talking to this stranger who hadn’t tried to rip her clothes off, is this what swingers were really like?

Steve and Dave made it to the bar and ordered another round of drinks, “so Phil has told me your not a total newbie, but Jess didn’t know this was a social, but ballsy there mate!” Steve said, “yeh I just wanted her to be around people who won’t judge her, she has a few hang ups and I was hoping it would help, but thinking about it, the fact it was Phil has kinda made it easier as she wanted to meet up with him, but if a shock though” they returned t Sarah and Jess who were now discussing who had the best tits, who looked the smartest and with some past experiences from Sarah who Jess thought had the biggest dick, it was like a grown up guess who!

“Enjoying yourselves?” Steve asked, “Dave can I borrow you a min?” Jess asked, not waiting for an answer but dragging him back towards the bar, once in the safety of the main bar, Jess whispered into Daves ear “they are all swingers!! Phil’s like the Don one of the local swingers club, what the fuck!!” She blurted out, not sure what Daves reaction would be “yeh Steve told me, but they seem like a nice bunch, what they going to do, all get naked in view of the rest of the pub? Anyway your the one who wanted to meet him and his friends” dave laughed and as he did Jess’s panic seemed to all be a bit silly, Sarah and Steve did seem nice, and they were out out, it was very clear no one had any intentions to be having an orgy in the middle of the pub, what’s the worse that could happen? More to the point what’s the best that could happen? Dave saw the change in her face, he slipped his arm round her, cupped her arse, kissed her and said “come on, we look rude, let’s go back and talk about D&P or whatever Sarah had said” winking at her, that was the green light Jess had been waiting for, let’s go talk to these swingers!!

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By *ntman83Man
48 weeks ago


Great story!

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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple
48 weeks ago

Co Antrim

"It was now 9:15, another 2 couples had arrived, Phill greeted the first as if he knew them well, laughing and embracing both husband and wife, the second couple more formally, with a warm smile, a handshake for him, and a one armed hug for her, they sat as far away from everyone as they could, looking slightly worried, they must also be new? As Dave looked back at Phill he was now taking of his red hoodie, under it he had a very close fitting white shirt, and he could clearly see Phil must have worked out, board shoulders, thin waist, strong arms, the sort of body Dave had in his late teens, the hoodie must have been for him and the other new couple as the rest that followed received the same warm reception as the first."

Nice touch xx

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By *axixxxMan
47 weeks ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS
47 weeks ago


Loving this

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By *lymouth nice guyMan
47 weeks ago


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By *mthbigcockMan
47 weeks ago


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By *adbod1972Man
47 weeks ago


Fantastic set up, can’t wait to hear the next instalment

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47 weeks ago


Looking forward to more

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By *M1712Man
47 weeks ago


Loving the pretence that this build up has created. Looking forward to the next installment

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By *rmbtsTV/TS
47 weeks ago


Looking forward to more

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By (user no longer on site)
47 weeks ago

Great story, got me horny at 9am!!


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By *entleman jim 2000Man
47 weeks ago


Excellent... keep going.

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By *ew_username_timeMan
47 weeks ago


"many here will understand thats how many wifes feel about themselves even though as Husbands we tell them every day how wonderful, gorgeous & sexy they are.

They need to hear it from others.

Look forward to more"

That's exactly how my wife felt however after a guy chatted her up on a night out she felt better. Even better when I said that she could fuck him.

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
47 weeks ago

travel with work

They made their way back to the strange gathering of seemingly normal swingers, Sarah smiled as they headed back to the table, “thought we had scared you off!” She said, “I would have been very upset if we had, especially when I caught a view of that red bra through the back of your dress, aren’t we a little minx” Jess blushed, forgetting she had unknowingly dressed for this unknown situation, “well, if I’d known I was going to be meeting a load of swingers perhaps I’d have worn less” she joked.

The evening progressed well, Dave was loving the attention they were both getting as they were introduced to more couples by Sarah and Steve, all very welcoming and particularly complementary about Jess’s dress, she even gave a little twirl at one stage, they bumped into Phill as they made a 5th trip to the bar, Jess now breaking her own “just tipsy” rule, “you seem to be enjoying yourselves, I thought you would have run for the hills” Phil said “actually, we are, they are lovely people, especially Sarah and Steve” Jess replied, “oh they are, they are even more lovely naked” Phill said, with an emphasis on naked “well, perhaps we will have to find out wound we!” Jess said looking at Dave with more than just a cheeky grin.

It was now getting on for 11, some couples had already left, Jess and Dave had been talking to Sarah and Steve most of the evening, talking about all sorts, weather, holidays, kids, all very unswingerish in Jess’s mind, she had felt a fire start inside her, she was intrigued, more than intrigued, curious, excited but nervous all at the same time, Sarah was a very touchy person, hugging, holding Jess’s hand, placing her hand on her leg, with every touch sending tingles through Jess’s body, tingles that resonated to one place every time, her pussy, she knew she was wet, she was so turned on by the whole situation and Sarah’s touches only amplified the feeling, she excused herself to go to the toilet, partly through genuine need due to the pornstar martinis, but partly for another reason!

Closing the cubicle door behind her, she pulled up her dress, took her knickers off completely, well the evidence is there all right, she had been wet quite some time, finishing her wee she couldn’t resist, her fingers slipped inside her pussy with ease, it felt so good, she started to play with herself, he fingers going in and out with ease, rubbing her clit and trying to remain quiet whilst her brain ran wild, Phil was a swinger, she was sure Sarah had fucked him, she knew he would be a good fuck, she wondered what his cock was like, that young cock would feel so good where her fingers were now, deep inside her, with his balls banging against her clit, she wanted to be a porn star for Dave, she wanted to suck his cock as Phil fucked her, or perhaps Steve’s cock too, hell she would even go down on Sarah right now, her fingers now rubbing her g spot and her other hand rubbing her clit, she wanted it all, everything this strange lifestyle might give her, she wanted it all and she was sure Dave did too, her mind was in overdrive as she orgasmed, as quietly as she could!

Composing herself she slipped her red knickers into her handbag, opened the door, was about to wash her hands when she suddenly realised Sarah was washing her hands at the sink, “I thought us ladies always went to the toilet in twos?” She joked, Jess was startled, embarrassed, how long had she been there? She had been quiet right? Sarah made her way towards Jess, took hold of her hand, slowly moving it toward her mouth, Jess had frozen, this was unknown territory, surely she wasn’t going to… before her mind could answer the question Sarah did, she opened her mouth and sucked Jess’s fingers, maintaining eye contact as she did, “mmmm I thought so” said Sarah breaking the silence “you really are a minx aren’t you, we would love to see you both again, are you free next weekend? You can come to ours for dinner” “errr sure, that would be lovely” replied Jess in a slightly squeaky tone, still in shock that Sarah had caught her masturbating in the toilets, even more so that this stunning lady had just sucked her pussy juices from her fingers “perfect, well you better wash your hands and we can go tell the boys”

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By *axixxxMan
47 weeks ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS
47 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
47 weeks ago

travel with work

Making their way back to their partners, Jess saw an opportunity she had been waiting for all night, she excused herself to Sarah and made a be line for Phil who was for once by himself, slipping her hand into hat bag on route, he saw her coming over, “going well is it?” He asked, she said nothing, put her arms round his waist, slipped her still wet knickers into his back pocket, hugged him and said “that’s my way of thanking you” turned away and made her way back to Dave.

As she approached Sarah made room and patted the seat next to her, “why don’t you tell the boys what we arranged?” She said, “well what we arranged was for us to go and have dinner next weekend, if that’s still ok?” Sarah smiled at Dave “and judging by the starter I’ve just sampled I think we will have a fantastic evening, we have to dash now I’m afraid, but here’s my number, text me later and I’ll send you our address” with that Sarah and Steve got up, gave them a parting hug and left the pub, “what starter??” Dave asked, Jess was now very much the wrong side of tipsy and proceeded to tell Dave what she had done in the toilets, how Sarah must have been listening to her and that she had sucked her fingers, Dave’s cock sprang to attention! “Oh, and you will be pleased to know that I’m not wearing any knickers, Phil has them!” she added.

Dave couldn’t believe what a transformation he had seen in Jess, he knew she had it in her, she just needed a spark, but this evening it wasn’t just a spark, it was a full blown explosion! “It’s getting late, you want to find a club or head home?” He asked, “home sounds good, but can we take a little walk first? Think I need some fresh air” Jess replied, with that they went to find Phill to thank him, Dave shook him firmly by the hand with a manly one armed hug and Jess hugged him again and even gave him a quick peck on the lips, thanking him for introducing them to his “nerdy friends” and asking when they were having another get together, and with a final “enjoy my present!” They headed outside.

The Stag was one of those pubs that was on the outskirts of the town, most people would start there then head into the town centre after a few cheaper drinks, as a result by 11:50 it was fairly quiet as they left, turning right and heading down to the main road so the Uber didn’t have to go round a one way system they passed over a canal bridge, but rather than continuing down the road Jess said “follow me, we’re not going home just yet” and went down the steps to the towpath, soon as Dave had reached the last step Jess stopped him, unbuckled his jeans and took his already hard cock in her mouth, being one step up was he perfect it turned out as she cupped his balls and licked his shaft paying extra attention to his bellend, then taking it all the way into her mouth, slipping his foreskin back as she did, Dave was moaning with pleasure, holding her hair back and watching his wife expertly suck his cock, he was now rock hard, Jess’s pussy was aching for cock, she told him to sit, turned round, lifted her dress up and lowered her pussy onto Daves throbbing cock, she was so wet there was hardly any resistance, she lifted up, feeling Daves cock pull almost out then slowly back down, feeling it stretch her pussy, then faster, squeezing her boob with one hand and rubbing het clit with the other, she rode Dave faster, feeling his cock deep inside her, “fuck me Dave, fuck me hard she demanded” Dave was matching her thrusts as best he could , tensing his arse every time she drove her pussy down on his cock, despite the booze he could feel the inevitable tingle in his balls, “fuck I’m going to cum” he said, with that, Jess spun round, took his cock in her mouth and sucked, Dave erupted into her mouth, holding her head until every last shot had been killed from his balls, “fuck Jess, you have never done that before!!” He said, slightly breathless, “I know, but I’ve never been to a swingers event, or given my knickers to a work colleague, I hope your ready for this new version of me!” She replied! “Oh I absolutely am!!” Was all Dave could manage, as he came down from his orgasm, “come on, let’s get that Uber, I’m not finished with you yet” Jess said, as she skipped up the steps

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By *cfc1965Man
47 weeks ago


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By *axixxxMan
47 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
47 weeks ago




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By *igerman23Man
47 weeks ago


More please.love it

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By *rmbtsTV/TS
47 weeks ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS
47 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
47 weeks ago

travel with work

Soon as they arrived home Jess lifted off her dress, just dressed in her red bra and now slightly worse for wear holdups, she sat on the sofa, spread her legs wide and said “now it’s my turn, you need to make me cum” as she started to play with her clit, Dave didn’t need asking twice, he knelt down in front of her and began to lick her pussy, she was dripping wet, she shuffled down in the seat a little so her bum was at the edge of the sofa, giving dave better access, he flicked over her clit, sucked it, then ran his tongue between her pussy lips, then down to her rose bud, teasing his tongue gently against her arse, then back up to her clit, he slipped two fingers inside her cunt and massaged her g spot, Jess was moaning, the fire inside her making her say how much she wanted to be fucked by Steve, and Phill, that she wanted to taste Sarah’s pussy and see Dave fuck her, perhaps it was the booze talking but dave didn’t care, his fantasy was coming true, his favourite porn star was about to become the vixen he knew she was, his plan had worked! His thoughts were interrupted by Jess pulling he’s head closer to her as she shuddered, and with a final “oh fuck yesssss” squirted over Dave’s face, that warm nectar that was a sign of a job well done.

They both sat motionless, all Jess could manage was “I think I’m going to like this swinging stuff, you sure you’re happy about it all?” Dave simply replied “oh god yea!” Totally shagged out they fell asleep on the sofa, for once not at 10pm, and certainly not watching some drama on Netflix.

Part 2..

A few days had past and normal life had returned to Dave and Jess’s daily routine, kiddo, work, kiddo, food, bed, Saturdays antics seemed like a lifetime away, but Tuesday night whilst watching TV as usual Jess said “so…. I’ve been thinking about what happened at weekend a lot”…. Here goes, though Dave, the last few days had clearly given Jess time to get cold feet, the booze was about to be blamed and her fire had gone out…. “Are you really sure about all this stuff? I’m really at odds about it, we need to talk about it properly, without me being a wee bit tipsy!”

The rest of the evening they discussed their new found hobby, how it might affect them, what they should say to each other if one of them wasn’t comfortable about something, swotting up on some of the lingo they had heard during Saturday, full swap, soft swap, cooking, which turned out to Jess’s amazement wasn’t making food, and spelt totally differently! Until it got to about 1am and they finally decided what was the worst that could happen, they had agreed soft and full swap was ok, that Jess’s bi side needed to be explored, Dave was comfortable with his sexuality but had confessed in the heat of the moment he wouldn’t rule anything out, and finally if they were going to play with a single male, Phil would be first, possibly the only one, but again, nothing was off the table.

Dave had also been of fab, making sure to hide his original account and set up a couple account, this was more to look at the social events and to Jess’s shock, the clubs in their area, “it’s like a whole world of swingers living amongst us!” But after being bombarded with cock picks within minutes of men seeing fresh meat, they quickly blocked single guys, slowly, slowly, thought Dave.

The final thing they needed to do was to text Sarah, “sorry for not being in touch sooner, but if your still interested we would love to come for dinner Saturday” send…..

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By *axixxxMan
47 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 10/08/23 19:58:13]

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By *axixxxMan
47 weeks ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS
47 weeks ago


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By *usty kayWoman
47 weeks ago


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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
47 weeks ago

travel with work

The rest of the week slipped back to reality, with the occasional reassurance about the weekends meeting, as Saturday arrived the “normal” couple dropped off the little one at nannas, and spent a few hours getting ready, Dave trimming his body hair, if his member did come out to play he wanted it looking it’s best, and it always looks a bit bigger trimmed, how big was Steve? Was he going to have a massive cock? Would he be able to last hours? Was this such a good idea now it was happening?…. Jess showered and shaved everywhere, she loved her pussy smooth, and her legs always felt good freshly shaved, occasionally the water from the shower head hit her pussy, she was already tingling, what might happen tonight, how bi was she, and Sarah for that matter? Was it just going to be them? We’re the boys going to just watch? How would she really feel about being fucked by Steve? How would Dave react? Perhaps this fantasy might end up being a nightmare!

As they were both getting dressed there was little conversation, until Dave addressed the elephant in the room, “you still sure about tonight?” Jess was just fastening her bra, she had picked white tonight, and a nice pair of lace Brazilian knickers to match, “I am, but if you don’t want to that’s fine, Sarah did say nothing will happen unless we want it and we have the go or no go phrase don’t we, let’s see how we feel once we are there” her reply sounded confident but it really wasn’t, she was nervous, but excited at the same time, they had agreed to fake a text message from Dave’s mum at any point in the evening, if it was “the little one had a bit of a temperature” either of them wasn’t happy to go ahead, they thought that sounded less obvious than oh we suddenly have to go, they finished getting dressed, Dave in a nice shirt and shorts as it was quite warm, and going commando, Jess in a flowing sun we dress that was easy to get out of in a rush, Uber booked, 20 mins and they would be on their way.

The journey was only 15 mins, which Dave was very happy about, the Uber drivers well rehearsed “off anywhere nice” “weather has been good” “what doh you think about xyz on the news” it didn’t allow for any awkward silence, but Jess had firm hold of Dave’s hand the whole way, she was sure the driver was psychic and knew they were going to meet a couple of swingers to have loads of dirty sex, pulling into the driveway of Steve and Sarah’s nice detached house the driver said “here you are, have a fab night” Sarah squeezed Dave’s hand looked at him as he just laughed and said “thanks mate” as they got out Jess stopped and said “a FAB night, you think he knows?? Shit Dave is it that obvious!” Dave looked at her “you need a drink! There isn’t a sign saying I’m a swinger on your head, it’s just a phrase!” As he finished Sarah had already opened the door and was on her way over to meet them “you made it! Sorry but I was stalking the Ring doorbell, so glad your here, you both look lovely, come in, let’s get some drinks, dinner will be ready in about half an hour” and with that they followed Sarah into the house.

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By (user no longer on site)
47 weeks ago

Great so far, loving it

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
47 weeks ago

travel with work

Thanks for the feedback all, not used to doing stories and I’m conscious it may lack the dirty talk, but I’ll work on that, it’s a fantasy of mine so I’m indulging in the build up lol!

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By *axixxxMan
47 weeks ago


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By *olarMan
47 weeks ago


Really good OP.

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By *akbearMan
47 weeks ago


Its really good, keep going.

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By *alpsterMan
47 weeks ago


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By *ave Smith1982Man
47 weeks ago


This is a great story. Cannot wait for more. Well done OP.

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By *lmostDeviantCouple
47 weeks ago


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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple
47 weeks ago

Co Antrim

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By *uskysoundsCouple
47 weeks ago


Great story

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By *ilson84500Man
47 weeks ago



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By *rmbtsTV/TS
46 weeks ago


Enjoying the read

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
46 weeks ago

travel with work

Will carry on tomorrow

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46 weeks ago


"Will carry on tomorrow "

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By *ceman619Man
46 weeks ago


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46 weeks ago


Great story please continue when you can

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By (user no longer on site)
46 weeks ago

Absolutely fucking red hot

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By *andshappyCouple
46 weeks ago



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By *lymouth nice guyMan
46 weeks ago


Brilliant story

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
46 weeks ago

travel with work

Sorry folks, been manic busy….

The house was a late 70’s build, spacious and decorated beautifully, they followed Sarah through the hallway past 2 sitting rooms either side towards the large kitchen diner that ran across the back of the whole house, Steve was busy at the stove cooking something that smelled amazing, on the large island was a plethora of Mexican snacks which looked enough to feed 10 people! “Look who I found loitering in the driveway” Sarah announced “I didn’t hear the doorbell” Steve replied, making his way to greet Dave and Jess, “stalking the camera we’re we?” He mocked as he gave Jess and Dave a hug “so pleased you made it, as you can tell Sarah is a bit of a feeder, I’d be having Mexican all week if you didn’t make it! Now who’s for drinks, is it too early for tequila?”

Dave went to help Steve with the drinks, opting for some beers for them and Prosecco for the girls, “you have a lovely home!” Jess said to Sarah “it’s taken a few years to get it like this, it was trapped in the 70’s when we moved in, let me show you round?” They collected their drinks and left the boys to finish the cooking, Sarah gave Jess the grand tour as she called it, the sitting rooms they had passed, upstairs to the first floor where there were 2 home offices, one with a small gym, a guest bedroom and large bathroom, all decorated impeccably, Sarah gestured Jess up the next flight of stairs to what was obviously a loft conversion, as they made their way up Sarah couldn’t help herself, a quick smack on Jess’s bum made Jess jump, “come on chop chop” Sarah said, Jess’s heart fluttered as she hurried up the rest of the stairs.

The loft conversation was the jewel of the crown, spanning most of the house there was a bathroom straight out of a 5 star hotel, mirrored wardrobes both sides of the large cast iron bed, velux windows on the rear of the house which overlooked a local woods but all Jess could see was nothing but darkness, after admiring the lack of any sort of view she turned to Sarah to compliment her on her fantastic home but before she could say anything Sarah was already kissing her, for the second time in the last 5 minutes Jess almost jumped out of her skin, feeling her tense Sarah pulled away, “sorry but I couldn’t re..” she couldn’t finish her sentence, “Jess had pulled her back towards her and was kissing her, her lips were so soft, and she could feet Sarah’s pert breasts against hers, she hadn’t kissed another woman since her uni days, and that was more a peck during a spin the bottle, this was diffident, this was sensual, this felt so right, she closed her eyes and let herself go, Sarah was kissing her back, slipping her tongue inside her mouth, biting her gently on the lip, her hands moving down towards her bum, squeezing, then up towards her breasts, brushing over her nipples that were already hard, despite still being fully clothed the feeling was amazing, as she followed what Sarah was doing to her, nervously feeling Sarah’s bum, then up towards her breasts, pausing before gently squeezing and moving back round her back and running her hands through her soft long hair.

Sarah pulled away and ushered Jess towards the bed, Jess did as she was commanded, totally under the spell of this sexy woman, she sat next to Sarah about to go in for another kiss when Sarah stood up, told Jess to lay down, and slipped her dress up in a well rehearsed movement, now kneeling between Jess’s legs Sarah moved her white knickers to one side and began to lick Jess’s pussy, flicking her clit with her tongue, then deep inside her cunt, Jess was in another place, a wave of feelings mixed with nerves, but a fantasy coming true made her almost like it wasn’t really happening, but it was, she pulled Sarah’s head closer, her pussy now dripping wet, Sarah had clearly done this before, she was hitting the right spot every time, her clit was throbbing with excitement, her orgasm building with every lick, any moment now she was about to cum… but suddenly it all stopped, “oh we can’t have you cumming just yet, not without the boys” Sarah knew exactly what she had just done, taken her right to the edge and stopped, just before Jess reached orgasm, Jess could barely speak, she all she managed was “you clit tease!!” “Come on” Sarah said, “food will be ready” as she made her way towards the stairs, Jess just about regaining the feeling in her legs followed her down, dinner smelled amazing, Steve was clearly a man of many talents, they were greeted back down by Steve, “just in time, like the house?” He asked, “oh it’s lovely, you have such an amazing home” Sarah made her way over to Steve and kissed him, Steve knew that taste, he also knew it didn’t take that long to look round a house, he had a pretty good idea of what had just happened, “starters then?” He asked, winking at Jess

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By *axixxxMan
46 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
46 weeks ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS
46 weeks ago


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By *un24.7Man
46 weeks ago

South Devon

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By *rmbtsTV/TS
45 weeks ago


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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple
45 weeks ago

Co Antrim

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By *untimes6969Man
45 weeks ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great story - very arousing!!


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By *D123Man
45 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Judt found this! Excellent story. Can't wait for the continuation xx

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By *lutaxiMan
45 weeks ago


Excellent read

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By *onnoisseur100Man
45 weeks ago


Great story, can't wait for the next installment. AND well written as well.

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By *ortheastcoupleukCouple
45 weeks ago

easington were the sun dont shine

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
45 weeks ago

travel with work

Sorry folks, school holidays are a pain! Should we continue…

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
45 weeks ago

travel with work

Jess made a be-line straight to Dave, who seemed to be the only person in the room oblivious to what had just happened, “the little one..” she stared to whisper in his ear, Dave’s heart momentarily sank, that was the safe phrase, something must be off, oh well at least she tried “has absolutely not got a temperature” Jess continued “she is fit and well, no need to check on her, the only person with a temperature in this room is me, Sarah just seduced me in the bedroom!! She licked my clit so well I almost gushed in about 10 seconds!!” Dave looked at Jess who’s face was flushed but had a look of a child who had just been given their Christmas and birthday present at the same time, “well me and Phil were just talking about going to play golf next week, looks like you had the better deal” they were both laughing at the situation they now found themselves in, all in, no going back now as Phil announced food was ready.

They all sat round the dinner table to eat, all very normal conversation, holidays, hobbies etc, the food and wine flowed but Jess couldn’t stop thinking about Sarah seducing her, it felt so good, and just the thought of it was keeping her wet, the two of them had been exchanging glances and touching hands and feet throughout dinner, Jess needed something to happen, her pussy was throbbing with excitement, but how do you just casually throw “will someone please just fuck me!” Into the conversation? So she made her move, just as Phil was telling Dave about his new golf bats or whatever they were called she asked, rather loudly so everyone heard, “so Sarah, what do you do whilst Phil’s off playing with his balls?” Unsurprisingly the boys conversation stopped, Jess was expecting a bit of a laugh, it was funny in her head, but Sarah looked straight at her and replied “oh sweetie, I entertain myself watching porn and playing with a selection of toys making sure I’m nice and wet for when he gets home, then we fuck on that sofa in the sitting room, but if I’ve been naughty and made myself cum then he will lead me naked through the garden to the play room, tie me up and spank me, I didn’t show you that room on our little tour did I? Only Phil can show you that room if you have been naughty, have you been a naughty girl since you got here?”

Jess and Dave were stunned into silence, “errr no, you stopped just in time” was all Jess could manage, the words coming out of her mouth without thinking, “well why don’t we ask the boys if I’m allowed to make you cum then?” Sarah asked, looking towards Phil and Dave, Phil was sitting back in his chair, with an air of authority, “well I would be a terrible host to decline such a request, what do you think Dave, should we let the ladies play?” Dave already knew the answer, “oh I think that would be a great idea” and without another word Sarah lead Jess to the sitting room, “come on boys, you won’t want to miss this”

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By *rmbtsTV/TS
45 weeks ago


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By *axixxxMan
44 weeks ago


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By *D123Man
44 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *lymouth nice guyMan
44 weeks ago


None of us want to miss this

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By *onnoisseur100Man
44 weeks ago


I love it 'golf bats' great stuff.

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
44 weeks ago

travel with work

Well let’s be honest, that’s exactly what they are lol!

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By *un24.7Man
44 weeks ago

South Devon

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
44 weeks ago

travel with work

Sarah lead Jess into the sitting room, the boys followed, Jess’s heard was pounding, Daves cock was already growing at the thought of what was about to unfold.

Sarah turned to Jess and said “I’ve been looking forward to this since we first met” Jess was about to give some sort of reply but her lips were already smothered by Sarah’s lips, kissing her passionately, Sarah had expertly fond the zip on the back of Jess’s dress and had already started to slowly unzip it, Jess’s mind was in overload, Sarah’s lips were so soft, she could feel her breasts against hers, she nervously moved her hands from what felt like an unnatural position on Sarah’s hips slowly up, her heart beating faster every inch she got closer to Sarah’s breasts, as she cupped them Sarah let out a little moan, her breasts were a little smaller than Jess’s, b cup perhaps, and she could feel her nipples through the blouse she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra, but just as she was enjoying feeling Sarah’s breasts she had to pull away, Sarah was pulling her dress down past her arms and it fell to the floor, Sarah suddenly felt very aware that she was just in her white bra and knickers, kissing a woman she had only met once… in full view of her and this almost stranger’s husband, Sarah almost sensed this unease in Jess, she backed off slightly, maintaining eye contact and started to unbutton her blouse, exposing her beautiful pert breasts, Sarah was right, no bra in sight, how were her boobs so perfect even after kids, but before Jess could continue this train of thought Sarah was already removing her jeans, revealing a very sexy red thong, long legs and as she turned to throw her jeans out of the way, a gorgeous arse! Jess was right back in the mood, and as Sarah turned back round she embraced her without hesitation and kissed her, her hands exploring her naked body.

“Wow!” Was pretty much all Dave could say as he watched his wife snogging another gorgeous woman naked right in front of him, live porn right before his eyes, his cock rock hard, “that’s quite a sight isn’t it” Phil replied, Dave had been so mesmerised by what was happening he hadn’t even noticed that Phil had already taken his trousers off and was stroking his cock! And what a cock it was, easily 9” and with a good girth too, the fact he was shaven just adding to the display in front of him, “feel free to join in, looks like you need to release that bulge” he didn’t need asking twice, swiftly taking his trousers off, he was glad he went commando now, one less thing to have to remove, Daves cock sprang up, not as big as Phil’s but still a good 7” and girthy too, he sat back down and slowly started to stroke his cock, “very nice!” Phil said, “do you mind?” He asked as he reached towards Daves cock, “not at all mate!” Phil took Daves cock in his hand and slowly pulled his foreskin down, and back up over his bulging glands, he repeat his a few times as Daves cock got harder and harder, then Phil took it into his mouth, slowly taking his whole length “FUUUUCK!!!!” Dave growled, Jess glanced over wondering what was happening, to see two half naked guys, a stranger with a stonkingly big cock and her husband being sucked by him, she was in heaven!!

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By *onnoisseur100Man
44 weeks ago


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By *axixxxMan
44 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
44 weeks ago



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By *attboy107Man
44 weeks ago

Near Bedford

Fantastic story, is Steve a cuck cleaning the kitchen? Was it Phil that organised it all? More more more please OP

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
44 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

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By *hil1975Man
44 weeks ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS
44 weeks ago


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By *otWifeCoupleNWCouple
44 weeks ago


Great read

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
44 weeks ago

travel with work

“Let’s get you a bit more comfortable shall we” Sarah said moving towards the large sofa where Phil was still sucking Daves cock, “and I don’t think this needs to be on does it” as she unclamped Jess’s bra, cupping her breasts as it fell to the floor, then sucking her nipples, Jess sat back enjoying the view of Phil’s head bobbing up and down on Dave’s cock, Dave was looking straight at her with lust filled eyes.

Sarah then slowly worked her way down towards Jess’s pussy, pulling her knickers to one side and stated to lick her clit, Jess was so wet, the pussy throbbing with every lick expertly given, she placed her hands on Sarah’s head, smiled at Dave and then closed her eyes and relaxed into the moment.

Phil came up from Dave’s cock, and kissed him, Dave could taste the salty pre cum on his tongue, “that’s a gorgeous cock you have, can’t wait to taste it once it’s been inside Sarah” Dave could hardly speak, but he didn’t need to, “want to taste Sarah?” He asked, “oh yes!” Dave replied, “she loves her pussy being eaten, and it looks pretty tempting right now” Phil wasn’t wrong, as Dave looked over Sarah had positioned Jess lengthways on the sofa, but obstructing his view was Sarah’s arse, he could just make out the red thong between her lovely firm bum cheeks, Sarah had clearly heard Phil as she slightly spread her legs and wiggled her bum in their direction, that was all the invite Dave needed, as he moved towards them, peeling the thong down to reveal her arse hole and pussy, he spread her cheeks wider as he did her pussy lips parted, he could see she was already wet, then proceeded to lick her clit, up over her pussy, and up further to her arse, she tasted amazing, he repeated the process before putting his tongue as deep as he could into Sarah’s pussy, “don’t hold back mate, she loves to be rimmed too, all you can eat right there” Daves cock twitched at the though, Jess wasn’t into anal play at all, but here was a hot woman right in front of him and her partner was telling him to rim her, he didn’t need asking twice, as he moved his tongue slowly up towards that forbidden rose bud and applied a little pressure, that pushing the tip of his tongue into Sarah’s hole.

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By *orthwestsam OP   Man
44 weeks ago

travel with work

Phil admired the view for a moment before going to the head of the sofa, right where Jess’s he’d was, still eyes closed, moaning softly as Sarah was managing to bring her to the edge of orgasm then stop, her own hands pinching her nipples, Phil placed his cock on Jess’s lips, she didn’t open her eyes, she knew Dave was still eating Sarah as she could her her moaning, she knew exactly who’s cock this was as she opened her mouth and ran her tongue round the head before taking as much as she was able to, her bed tilted to the side meant she couldn’t take all of it, she knew for sure it was Phil’s cock she was sucking, the monster she had seen earlier was now in her mouth and his partner was performing oral on her, she shifted position slightly so she could take more of his length in but she couldn’t manage it all, she didn’t care, and judging by Phil’s moan she didn’t thing he did either, she knew she wanted that cock inside her as soon as possible!

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By *axixxxMan
44 weeks ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan
44 weeks ago


Hot as fuck

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By *attboy107Man
44 weeks ago

Near Bedford

Hotwife in the making, more please OP

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By *rmbtsTV/TS
44 weeks ago


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By *iffo271Man
44 weeks ago


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